April 6, 2024

"Do you know — okay, a bit of a history lesson...."

Kamala Harris is all cutesy coyness as she purports to enlighten us and is so wrong it's hard even to figure out what she thought she was trying to say:

"Do you know — OK, a bit of a history lesson — do you know that the women’s teams were not allowed to have brackets until 2022? Think about that, and... talk about progress, you know, better late than never but progress. And what that has done, because of course — you know, I had a bracket, it's not broken completely, but I won't talk about my bracket. But you know what? How we love — we love March Madness, even just now allowing the women to have brackets and what that does to encourage people to talk more about the women’s teams, to watch them, now they’re being covered. You know, this is the reality. People used to say, 'Oh, women’s sports, who’s interested?' Well if you can’t see it, you won’t be. But when you see it, you realize, Oh...."

I thought maybe she was trying to say something about about how individuals pick brackets, as in the phrase she uses "I had a bracket." But that doesn't fit with the idea of the tournament being "allowed to have brackets." And there's an old tweet of Harris displaying her brackets in 2021.

I see in the NY Post that a source said that Harris was trying to talk about "how the Women’s Tournament only received March Madness branding in 2022." And that would be correct. I'd say the problem is that Harris was given a talking point that she didn't understand. She didn't even understand her lack of understanding well enough to realize she needed to memorize the precise talking point and not reword it with embellishments.

Getting basketball wrong is embarrassing but harmless, but this display of the Vice Presidents mental capacity and self-awareness is a warning that extends beyond basketball.

It's deeply disturbing, so wouldn't you like to see a comedian copying her vocal mannerisms and gestures and doing a routine making a catchphrase out of "Do you know — okay, a bit of a history lesson..."?


rhhardin said...

David Ricardo showed that trade with peoples no matter how backward benefited everybody, without people necessarily doing what they're best at - they free up people to do something that they're even better at. In Kamala's case, she frees up a mistress with other talents to do something else more important.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

SNL should do that routine, yes. Sports fans, any bets on how likely that is? I think I'm taking the under no matter what.

gspencer said...

"as in the phrase she uses 'I had a bracket.'"

She screws everything up. She was trying to get out the Democrat Party's latest slogan, "I belong to a racket."

JAORE said...

Sweet baby geebuzz. A senile POTUS and that dimwit Ms. Harris as VP are blinding examples of how insane the left has become.

The fact that media protects them so vigilantly.... sigh.

(Sure, Ann, sure. Comedians will be all over this. Pull the other one.)

michaele said...

Living here in the Knoxville TN area during the heyday of Pat Summit coaching University of TN ladies' basketball, trust me, there have been brackets that fans of ladies' basketball have paid intense attention to. Sigh, is there any topic in which Kamala Harris doesn't sound vacuous?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

She is the most unimpressive hack ever. so vapid, so fake, so dumb.

Remember when everyone on the left mocked Dan Quayle?

and yet - we hear nothing from the loyal chi com D's at NBC-SNL.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day."
-Kamala Harris

Roadkill711 said...

She consistently and convincingly demonstrates that she just isn't very bright.

It's terrifying to think that she is only a heartbeat/fall/stroke away from the Presidency.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“And there's an old tweet of Harris displaying her brackets in 2021.”

If you examine the two tweets, you will see that Harris retweeted her husband’s brackets, not her own. That’s the sort of thing you would expect a blogger to get right, when using it as a basis for a snarky political attack. Is this display of Althouse’s mental capacity and self-awareness a warning that extends beyond the harmless subject at hand?

I will note that the 2021 men’s bracket that was filled in by SGOTUS is labelled, “Official Bracket Presented by Reese’s” and has the March Madness logo, where as the women’s bracket does not.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden & Kamala and their hack chi-com press are very disturbing.

Biden & Kamala are a treasure trove of gifts and dim-witted gaffs to comedians on staff at NBC and other hack mainstream single party chi-com-type networks.

That the chi-com networks do not mock Biden & Kamala AT ALL (or if so -it's very gentle) is very telling.

Tom T. said...

Competent staff still ought to be able to compensate for her limitations and prep her.

tcrosse said...

The next President of the United States.

Kate said...

There's a great scene in the underrated movie "Speechless" where one campaign speech writer hacks the teleprompter of the other campaign. The candidate is onstage, reading, and says, "Rise up! Early in the morn. Can't you hear the captain shouting . . . Dinah, blow your horn?" Then he tries to spin, "Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah. Someone's in the kitchen . . . I know."

Don't ever be the candidate riffing on "I've been working on the railroad."

Breezy said...

I’m curious about the bracket line-up that determined that she would win the VP slot.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


I am afraid you are right.

Idiocracy is real. (with a healthy dose of authoritarian Chi-Com mob rule)

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

I'd say the problem is that Harris was given a talking point that she didn't understand.

You're making a bold assumption that the talking point was coherent to begin with.

Yancey Ward said...

Who owns the copyright on "March Madness"? My memory of the history of term goes back to the days CBS owned the broadcast rights to the tournament, and they lost those rights sometime in the early 2000s, didn't they (I honestly don't know- when I was still working, I basically never watched sports at all, and only reconnected with college basketball after I retired for good in 2011).

I have no idea what Harris is trying to say in that clip- the women's NCAA tourney of course has always had brackets, so I suppose she is trying to say that no one ran a contest where you could win cash prizes for being picking one. However, if that is what she is trying to say, then she idiotically fucked it up it isn't a question of being allowed or not, it is just that there isn't any real interest in such a contest because almost no one gives a shit about women's basketball in the same way no one gives a shit about picking a bracket for men's lacrosse or volleyball tournaments. Harris is so fucking stupid it boggles belief.

k said...

... "given a talking point that she didn't understand." That's it, Althouse! I've been trying to figure out what all these Harris screwups are, and that is it. That's what has happened every time. Someone feeds her a talking point. She hears the words and absorbs them, but not their meaning. Then, when she tries to cough up the talking point, all her misunderstanding tumbles out in the word salad.

robother said...

"It can't be someone smarter than Joe." Well, they chose well.

Curious George said...

"It's deeply disturbing, so wouldn't you like to see a comedian copying her vocal mannerisms and gestures and doing a routine making a catchphrase out of "Do you know — okay, a bit of a history lesson..."?"

She does just that.


There's another woman that's as good or maybe better but ccouldn't find her in a search.

Yancey Ward said...

Left Bank,

It doesn't matter that it was her husband's bracket- that also proves Harris was wrong about it only "being allowed" in 2022 for the first time. That’s the sort of thing you would expect a commenter like you to get right.

Prof. M. Drout said...

We now have a video clip to illustrate the idiom "deeply stupid," which, Harris demonstrates, means the combination of a low IQ with no education and enormous self-righteousness.

And this woman supposedly had an LSAT high enough to go to law school, and she passed the bar? Yes, those aren't world-beating accomplishments, but they imply more intelligence than she has EVER demonstrated.

Perhaps she was suffering from some kind of rare meningeal virus when her face was all weird and puffy around the time of the 2020 riots.

Maybe someday Deep Stupidity will be recognized as "Kamala Harris' Disease."

D.D. Driver said...

I remember when me and Obama used to watch the Sox play at Kaminski Field.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Why waste one's time trying to figure out what she was trying to say? Kamala's fundamental problem is her lack of humility. She's arrogant enough to believe she can BS her way through anything regardless of her actual knowledge.

MayBee said...

It’s funny to me that she is so vapid that the whole Democrat party has to pretend Biden is lucid enough to be president

gilbar said...

i THINK that she's talking about HOW GREAT IT IS,
that sports betting now pays HER to promote sports bettering.. Isn't THAT what happened in 2022?
Legalized sports betting on women's sports?
That's what she meant by "brackets" isn't it? She's promoting sports betting? Because she's being paid to?

Kirk Parker said...

"...is so wrong it's hard even to figure out what she thought she was trying to say ..."

Yawn; just another day ending in 'Y'.

gilbar said...

remember! Sex Work IS WORK!
Cum Sucking Whores can become The President of The UNITED STATES!

You Don't NEED Brains, you Just Need Suction

WK said...

Kamala has “think about” or “think about it” embedded in a lot of her quotes/statements. May be that is to get your mind wandering and away from listening to the rest of her convoluted messages.

Charlie said...

From the Washington Examiner-

"Instead, what likely most happened, is some junior staffer was preparing talking points for Harris, saw that sentence on Wikipedia that the women’s tournament didn’t have “the same format and selection process as its men’s counterpart” until 2022, and then ignorantly translated that into “women’s teams were not allowed to have brackets until 2022” which is completely false.”

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Also - her saying women's brackets came to be in 2022 - is consumption for the left's brain dead "earthquakes are due to climate change" moron loyalists. It's the stupid leading the stupid.
Any lie or BS will do. NBC-ABC-CBS watchers will believe!

Ever listen to Kamala's fake "freedom" story? She stole it from the MLK family.

Lilly, a dog said...

Left Bank comes in hot with the most officious post of 2024, with bonus points for its use of "SGOTUS."

hombre said...

A bit off topic, but why do we still have womens' sports if we allow men to participate. I would say "compete", but that's not really what happens is it?

RCOCEAN II said...

Wow, its the sequel to "Then came bronson" Then came brackets.

Anyway, my backet is doing pretty well, after a poor start. Its walking around, shaking hands, and waiting for the final 4. Hopefully at the end my Bracket and Perdue will be the only ones left.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When handling off the cuff, unprepared on camera questions, especially in an adversarial context, you have to have something extra, that my guess is most people don’t have.

Ted Cruz has it.

I’m willing to bet a couple bucks there is no "one on one" real interview with Kamala Harris… ever.

How is this possible? I’ll probably never find out the full answer.

Butkus51 said...

Men competing in women sports has also become the norm under this administration.

You go girl.

Big Mike said...

@RCOCEAN, please learn how to spell “Purdue.”

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“And there's an old tweet of Harris displaying her brackets in 2021.”

If you examine the two tweets, you will see that Harris retweeted her husband’s brackets, not her own. That’s the sort of thing you would expect a blogger to get right, when using it as a basis for a snarky political attack. Is this display of Althouse’s mental capacity and self-awareness a warning that extends beyond the harmless subject at hand?

I will note that the 2021 men’s bracket that was filled in by SGOTUS is labelled, “Official Bracket Presented by Reese’s” and has the March Madness logo, where as the women’s bracket does not.

Kamala Harris is obviously stupid.

So how stupid does Left Bank have to be to follow her and defend her?

This is why Democrats have to resort to censorship and banning. They can only hang out with themselves and they are just dumb people.

Big Mike said...

Just as somewhere down in Hell James Buchanan is smiling because thanks to Joe Biden he is no longer the worst President in US history, in another flaming pit in Hell Spiro T. Agnew is rejoicing that he is no longer the dumbest VP in the history of the US. BTW, Joe Biden is a “two-fer,” having previously displaced Schuyler Colfax as the crookedest VP.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Can you imagine how bad she would be as president in an actual 2 a.m. crisis situation, say the Chinese start moving warships toward Taiwan at the same time Iran or Russia start something that appears similarly destabilizing? This is the problem with the dems' short-term thinking on just about everything. Biden drains the SPR to get a short-term drop in gas prices, and now he can't replenish it. His built-in assumption was that there wouldn't be a crisis requiring strategic oil reserves. By the same token, when he picked Kamala as VP for short-term political gain, he assumed that there would never come a moment during his administration when the country would need a competent, experienced leader to step into his shoes. They let in millions of millions of unvetted foreign nationals without any serious consideration of the economic and social costs these people will impose on America for decades to come. Everything they do is so fucking reckless and irresponsible.

PM said...

Did she mention the racist ending to the Iowa/UConn game? She will at some point when she's briefed.

Yancey Ward said...

"Anyway, my backet is doing pretty well, after a poor start. Its walking around, shaking hands, and waiting for the final 4. Hopefully at the end my Bracket and Perdue will be the only ones left."

In the big national bracket contest- in 2012- I got 7 of the final 8 right, got all final four picked correctly, picked the final two correctly, and got the overall winner correct.

I finished around 10,000th place nationally.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Yancey Ward said...

Who owns the copyright on "March Madness"? My memory of the history of term goes back to the days CBS owned the broadcast rights to the tournament...

I don't know who (if anyone) owns the actual copyright, but I grew up in ACC territory during the 1970's and I remember it being nothing more than the nickname for the NCAA/regional conference tournament season.

The Drill SGT said...

A's pick A's

B's Pick C's


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

When I was full board on Twitter, I used to have a hashtag called #StuffRhSays just for copy/pasting the first comment up above.

Now I only use Twitter to find out what's eating the deplorables.

Smilin' Jack said...

“Kamala Harris is all cutesy coyness as she purports to enlighten us and is so wrong it's hard even to figure out what she thought she was trying to say”

It’s known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Big Mike said...

Back to men’s college basketball, I am hoping to see Purdue’s Zach Edey vs UConn’s Donovan Clingan in the championship game. But having seen the latter play, are you sure his name shouldn’t be spelled “Klingon”?

Drago said...

Left Bank helpfully demonstrates why he is such a solid foot soldier for the New Soviet Democraticals...particularly the dumbest ones.

AlbertAnonymous said...

God, this woman is insufferable.

Sometimes I wonder if people like her think (in their own heads) “I’m so full of shit” Or if they actually think they’re all that and a bag o chips?

Big Mike said...

Competent staff still ought to be able to compensate for her limitations and prep her.

@Tom T., Harris is notoriously hard on her staff, and infamous for not reading her briefing materials and then taking it out her staff by verbally abusing them when she consequently screws up. There have been plenty of articles written about the high turnover among her staff. The ones left seem to be there not because of their skills, but because of their ability to endure abuse.

Leland said...

That is interesting. In 1994, when I traveled as a band member with the Lady Aggies to California where they eventually reached the Sweet 16 before losing to Stanford; we recognized it as March Madness. Nothing like having your University pay for your spring break vacation.

Narr said...

If I had a bracket
I'd bracket in the morning
I'd bracket in the evening,
All over this land!

Lee Moore said...

I wonder if Joe - or his minders - have had the thought of swapping Kamala out for a tree as the VP pick this time round. A redwood or a Douglas Fir, or maybe a fine old oak. Everyone likes trees, they make you feel good. And many of them are a lot brighter than Kamala. And all of them are less embarrassing.

Vote Tree !

Skeptical Voter said...

Ah Kamala. I'm not advising her to remain mute for the rest of her life. But she is someone who people suspect might not be all that bright. And then she opens her mouth and removes all doubt.

Rocco said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
"If you examine the two tweets, you will see that Harris retweeted her husband’s brackets, not her own."

Wait, she put up her husband's brackets and not her own. But she's a Democrat!!!

Hilary Clinton told me that only Republican women put up their brackets the way that their men tell them to.

Joe Smith said...

And what's with the T-Rex arms?

The woman is a certifiable moron and democrats still love her.

Only mediocre people would be impressed by such a non-entity...

Achilles said...

Democrats think Climate change causes earthquakes.

Democrats also believed the Russian Collusion hoax for years. There are stupid people in this space that think Trump colluded with Russia.

Democrats are just really stupid people.

Joe Smith said...

But that other guy Barrack was some impressive baller.

He could dunk on a Fisher-Price hoop but couldn't hit an open 10-footer on a real court to save his life.

I guess he took after his white mother when it came to athletic ability...

Achilles said...

If you see someone walking around with a cloth mask to stop COVID you are looking at a stupid person.

And 99.99% chance it is a democrat.

Joe Smith said...

'Harris is notoriously hard on her staff, and infamous for not reading her briefing materials and then taking it out her staff by verbally abusing them when she consequently screws up.'

Who with any self-respect would put up with getting dressed down by an 85IQ harridan?

The smart ones got the hell out...

Ann Althouse said...

I get the impression that it's not that she's *especially* unintelligent, but it's that she lacks awareness of her deficiencies.

Many people who are quite dumb understand their limitations and have adapted and function well by not trying to say or do things that are beyond their capacity.

Big Mike said...

A's pick A's

B's Pick C's

@Drill SGT (10:13) and C’s (like Joe Biden) pick F’s (like Kamala Harris).

Ann Althouse said...

"... she lacks awareness of her deficiencies..."

Or she just has an attitude of going right ahead, despite the dangers.

Some people will talk about a topic — science, history, music, etc. — that they don't really know but they don't mind just winging it. That's their style. It might work well with your close friends, if you are funny or super cute, but you might not be as funny/cute as you think you are, and the whole world is not your friend.

Some people have delusions about themselves, and in the case of Kamala Harris, she has had help getting into that delusion.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“Many people who are quite dumb understand their limitations and have adapted and function well by not trying to say or do things that are beyond their capacity.“



Reminds me of Inspector Callahan’s line; “A man’s got to know his limitations”

narciso said...

She doesnt know anything that matters ans d what she thinks she knows is wrong

Big Mike said...

gilbar said...

remember! Sex Work IS WORK!

And that’s why they call it a blow job.

Thanks for the setup.

Big Mike said...

Some people have delusions about themselves, and in the case of Kamala Harris, she has had help getting into that delusion.

@Althouse, that is an amazingly spot-on analysis.

It is sobering to realize that all that separates her from sitting behind the Resolute Desk is the heartbeat of one very old man.

Captain BillieBob said...

"Democrats are just really stupid people."

We are ruled by stupid, corrupt, incompetent morons.

Wilbur said...

She has binders full of brackets.

Narayanan said...

All this angst about mental competence of P and VP!

is that because y'all consider the positions consequential?

I don't

Temujin said...

There's a sick part of me that wants to live through a month of her as President. It would require Biden getting elected, then stepping down shortly after. And of course our media would be all goosey for about 30 days with The First Female President in the History of the Universe. Or something like that. But then she'd have to start doing things and speaking with more eyes on her (because let's face it, who pays any attention to her now other than to mock her word salads?). She'd have important decisions to make, press conferences (cannot wait), important world leader meetings.

When she's President, it'd be like living through the greatest comedy show in history. Of course, we'd be doomed by her in that seat, but...we'd go out laughing!

mezzrow said...

Shhhhh!!! Noticing these things is double plus ungood.

There is a much greater than trivial chance that this is who gets to spend six minutes with the fate of the world in her hands. She will decide the prospective nuclear targets from a list like a Waffle House menu. Joe Biden is now that person, and before him it was Donald J. Trump.

Sleep well.

Eva Marie said...

Maybe she really is that dumb and I just don’t want to acknowledge reality. But to me she comes off as scared. I interpret that inappropriate laughter as a nervous giggle to cover her constant sense of anxiety.
Scott Adams used to say she acted as someone with a drinking problem. He has stopped saying that.
She doesn’t come across that way to me. She just comes across as someone who is constantly trying to mask her fear. And that fear and anxiety disrupts her thinking. I don’t think she has a confidant she can trust - apparently not even her husband. She comes across to me as someone completely isolated in constant fear.

lonejustice said...

Harris should heed the words of Socrates sometimes:

"All I know is that I know nothing."

Mr. O. Possum said...

She always looks and sounds like she's on something.

Achilles said...

Ann Althouse said...

I get the impression that it's not that she's *especially* unintelligent, but it's that she lacks awareness of her deficiencies.

Many people who are quite dumb understand their limitations and have adapted and function well by not trying to say or do things that are beyond their capacity.

Part of the effort to destroy our merit based society has been to find a variety of ways to promote people for reasons other than merit. Politicians want to destroy anything merit based for obvious reasons.

Our political parties are based on this concept. For decades Republicans picked some Harvard/Yale Grad mediocrity who was groomed for the first 20 years of their life to be the Next One Up. Democrat men are chosen because they are sexual predators and women are chosen because they service sexual predators. Kamala Harris was chosen because she serviced powerful Democrat men well. Hillary Clinton was a complete nothing without her rapist husband. Congress has a slush fund to pay off "harassed" interns that move on to be "harassed" staffers.

Politics has always been a place where people with ambition go to escape their lack of talent. It is just that lately most Republican voters are smart enough to realize that career politicians are in general worthless.

Just look at the reaction they all had to someone like Perot with a lifetime of achievement. There are still dumb fools here who think Bush was a better choice in 1992. 2012 was enough to teach the teachable. This latest primary we had a choice between Trump with a lifetime of achievements and results and a talentless loser in Desantis who has accomplished all of jack and shit in his career.

And the Nevertrumps are still baffled how those classless dumb hick Deplorables wouldn't support such a nice well prepped Harvard Grad who has produced nothing of value for anyone ever. They still can't figure out why Trump got 15 million more votes than any of their retreads.

Maynard said...

Many people who are quite dumb understand their limitations and have adapted and function well by not trying to say or do things that are beyond their capacity."

I agree with that statement, but it is difficult to find examples here on this blog. Of course, I am referring to the usual suspects (i.e., mindless leftists).

Mary Beth said...

Left Bank of the Charles strains at gnats while swallowing a camel.

The point isn't whether she had a bracket or it was her husband's, it's that she said they didn't exist for women's teams before 2022.

mccullough said...

The 1983 NCAA Women’s Hoops Final had 12 million viewers. Cheryl Miller was very popular. She was born the same year Kamala was.

The WNBA ratings are about the same as 20 years ago.

Until more women watch, women’s sports aren’t going to be near as popular as men’s.

Women’s tennis players make a shit load of money. Women watch tennis

Narr said...

Eva Marie thinks Kamalalala is more scared than stupid.

I think she's scared that she will reveal her stupidity when she speaks, and with good reason.

Whatever happens, she will never be my president.

Indigo Red said...

Elsa Kurt (Blonde Kamala) already parodies Kamala Harris. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/GMKjnlZ2w6M

Tim said...

Very possibly the stupidest Pres/VP combo in history.

Unknown said...

Kamala is a mean, stupid, corrupt, venal whore.
Biden is a mean, stupid, corrupt, venal pedophile.

Tim said...

Very possibly the stupidest Pres/VP combo in history.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Blogger Eva Marie said...
"To me she comes off as scared. I interpret that inappropriate laughter as a nervous giggle to cover her constant sense of anxiety.... She just comes across as someone who is constantly trying to mask her fear. And that fear and anxiety disrupts her thinking."

I was told by someone who may or may not have insider knowledge (kind of a b.s.-ing person, but occasionally really does know something) that she developed pretty severe stage fright after seeing herself on TV with the crazy puffy face (from plastic surgery? Skin treatment?) and her staff gave her THC gummies to calm her down, but they can't seem to find a sweet spot between suppressing the anxiety and turning her into the word-salad gibbering fool she so regularly presents as.

My source didn't have an answer for why she doesn't just take conventional anxiety meds, or a beta blocker for stage fright.

Whatever it is, she has sounded like a complete idiot since day one, and I honestly don't remember her sounding like such a moron when she did her "that little girl was me" completely invented bullshit attack on Biden. Now that was probably 100% scripted, but still... if she's not stupid or drugged, what the hell is wrong with her?

Jim at said...

If the women didn't have brackets until 2022, why was I force-fed eight years of St. Barack the Precious announcing his?

Jim at said...

“Official Bracket Presented by Reese’s” and has the March Madness logo, where as the women’s bracket does not.

Yes. That's the difference. The use of the trademarked March Madness.

If she'd said that, no problem. But she didn't, did she?

She said no brackets.

Defending the stupid bint makes you no smarter than she is.

RMc said...

I get the impression that it's not that she's *especially* unintelligent, but it's that she lacks awareness of her deficiencies.

The Dunning-Kruger effect and The Peter Principle writ large.

The Godfather said...

Why did the Biden campaign pick KH as Biden's VP? Because of her record of accomplishment? Because of her rhetorical skills?

Come on, give me a break! They picked her because she was a woman and "of color".

I'm neither a woman nor of color, so pardon me if those characteristics don't float my boat.

But what I am is OLD -- I'm even slightly older than Biden is now, but younger than he would be at the end of a second term. Even from what the public is allowed to see, Biden is less competent to hold down a demanding full-time executive job than I am. If Biden is re-elected, Harris WILL BECOME PRESIDENT.

hawkeyedjb said...

Temujin said...
"She'd have important decisions to make, press conferences (cannot wait), important world leader meetings."

No. Decisions would be made by cabinet and staff, just as they are today. There might be one press conference, then staff would put an end to that. She would be ignored or treated like a child at any 'important world leader meeting.'

Howard said...

She's just a lying piece of shit with zero charisma and even fewer communication skills who will say anything that sounds good to her default mode Network in the moment when she starts feeling like a deer in the headlights. So yeah, I think fear is mostly likely involved. Most fucked up ideas and statements and actions come from people who act out of fear. Her fear is that people will see that she is just a Machiavellian phony.

Shoeless Joe said...

If Kamala Harris were a Republican SNL would be doing so many skits mocking her that NBC would have created a spinoff for just that purpose. But to quote Andy Cramed from Deadwood "God is not mocked, you son of a bitch".

The Democrats have their Gods, and as silly as they are they will not be mocked.

Rocco said...

Big Mike said...
“It is sobering to realize that all that separates [Kamala Harris] from sitting behind the Resolute Desk is the heartbeat of one very old man.”

If she does get to sit behind the Resolute Desk, hopefully she spends all her time trying to figure out how to open the secret compartment that stores the wooden planks that point to the Book of Secrets.

TaeJohnDo said...

"I get the impression that it's not that she's *especially* unintelligent, but it's that she lacks awareness of her deficiencies.

Many people who are quite dumb understand their limitations and have adapted and function well by not trying to say or do things that are beyond their capacity."

Lacks awareness. That mean's she's dumb about her deficiencies.

Understand their limitation and adapt... That mean's they don't lack awareness of their deficiencies, and therefor, are not dumb.

there is more to life than IQ. Hard work and awareness of what you can and can't do can lead to a very successful and happy life.

I understand she was good at giving blow jobs - she should have swallowed her ambitions and stayed in her lane.

Narayanan said...

If Kamala gets into Oval Office will she know the correct posture to assume?
given her training will she sit in chair or kneel in front of?

Bunkypotatohead said...

The people who are gonna reelect her don't care about this shit. All that matters is she will be the FIRST! BLACK! WOMAN! president.
And our democracy will be saved from orange Hitler.

Christopher B said...

While Kamala Harris does herself no favors, this kind of Progressive "well akshually" take works better as a 5,000 word thumbsucker in Vox where the intricate details of why the situation is really the worst outrage since women were chained in the kitchen can be nauseatingly over-analyzed than when compressed into a 30 second sound bite.

The staff conflict could be explained by Harris demanding this kind of stuff from her staff, or her staff being the kind of people who think Vox thumbsuckers are the pinnacle of journalism, even though Harris doesn't have the verbal chops to pull it off.

To Prof. M. Drout's contrast with her successful attack on FJB in the debate, I'd suggest that worked because, while embellished, it was substantially based on fairly easily presentable facts.

Harris was bussed as part of a school desegregation program, though it was voluntarily implemented by the school district she attended.

Biden's courting of Southern segregationists in his early days in the Senate is well known, as is his opposition to school desegregation plans at that time.

Seabisquit.dmm said...

Harris reminds me of what I told our CEO several times before I retired as CFO. We have people who know all the right words, the trendy buzzwords, and use them all the time. But, they do not understand how to develop, or execute a successful strategy to contribute to the survival of the our financial institution. They may be fatal to the organization as they use up resources, occupy space, and nullify the contribution of those with sound thought processes. That is Harris. They think the right words make them sound smart, when their usage reveals their vapidness.

Ralph L said...

as is his opposition to school desegregation plans at that time.

My uncle was a suburban Wilmington school board president in the 70s, when deseg. was a hot button issue, because the courts threatened to mix their students with the crummy downtown black schools. Although the US Senate had little direct power over the matter, Biden could not have been elected statewide without saying he opposed busing, so he did, Corn Pop be damned.

Big Mike said...

The people who are gonna reelect her don't care about this shit. All that matters is she will be the FIRST! BLACK! WOMAN! president.

@Bunkypotatohead, and so you illustrate why Normals are superior to feminists. Feminists care only about whether their candidate is a Democrat with two X chromosomes, not whether the female is actually capable of doing a good job as President of the United States. Thus they support and vote for the massively corrupt Hillary Clinton, not caring at all about the evidence she accepted Russian bribes. Thus they support Kamala Harris, not caring whether she has enough brains to open an umbrella in a rainstorm, much less lead the Executive branch of government. If any of them were as intelligent as they assume they are, they’d totally ignore party labels and get behind a woman of obvious competence. I don’t know who she is, but I know she’s out there,

Big Mike said...

The people who are gonna reelect her don't care about this shit. All that matters is she will be the FIRST! BLACK! WOMAN! president.

@Bunkypotatohead, and so you illustrate why Normals are superior to feminists. Feminists care only about whether their candidate is a Democrat with two X chromosomes, not whether the female is actually capable of doing a good job as President of the United States. Thus they support and vote for the massively corrupt Hillary Clinton, not caring at all about the evidence she accepted Russian bribes. Thus they support Kamala Harris, not caring whether she has enough brains to open an umbrella in a rainstorm, much less lead the Executive branch of government. If any of them were as intelligent as they assume they are, they’d totally ignore party labels and get behind a woman of obvious competence. I don’t know who she is, but I know she’s out there,

Paul J. said...

Everyone I have ever known, who behaved like her, had two things in common. They all had been diagnosed with brain damage from drug use. They all were reduced mentally to doing the one thing they did while burning out their brains. This former crack whore is mentally frozen in the role of arm candy. Not a speaking role. Talking is past her level of incompetency. Whatever qualifications she had on her resume were wiped out by brain damage. The backward logic of the woke idiocracy results in the diminished being elevated on fast career paths. I have no pity for those who damage themselves with drugs. But I advocate the legal accommodation of the mentally handicapped. The symptom of lacking self awareness might excuse her accepting a role beyond her capability, but not the evil way she was knowingly offered a fake responsibility. They knew that she is mentally disqualified, yet hired her anyway. We can see that no one expects her to speak rationally, nor trusts her to make any decisions. Watching the media people going along with the charade while she speaks is vileness on public display.

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