April 12, 2024

But election denial is reprehensible, no?


RideSpaceMountain said...

It is hilarious how they just will not get over him curb-stomping America's Tracy Flick. It's never been about winning 2016. It was always about humiliating their Didn't-Earn-It Feminist Queen of Chappaqua.

MadisonMan said...

Dear Mr. Tribe: Admit to yourself that Hillary!!! was a flawed, fatally flawed, candidate. Do it! That's Step 1 of how to live a normal life.

Iman said...

No sale, Larry.

Mr. O. Possum said...

And to think this guy wrote a 1,204-page book on U.S. Constitutional law that is/was used to teach the subject in law schools.


MadisonMan said...

Why am I not 50 points ahead!!!
All those stupid people who won't vote for me! I hate them!

R C Belaire said...

Tough titties, loser! The Democrats would never consider doing anything even remotely illegal, right?

tim maguire said...

There are a number of "elder statesmen," Laurence Tribe featuring prominently among them, who are destroying reputations built over a lifetime by letting their cognitive decline play out on social media instead of at home, privately, among family, like they used to.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Here’s a prominent figure in American intelligentsia not at all worried about the possibility of being labelled a “conspiracy theorist”.

The American soapbox is littered with this kind of one finger eclipsing wonder.

Dave Begley said...

A once great legal mind destroyed by TDS. That's Larry Tribe's legacy now.

BarrySanders20 said...

An election denier and a Russia! collusionist? Tribal for sure. What a joker.

Jimmy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Enigma said...

"Out, out damned spot."
"Get off my lawn."

This is really weird, as no one believed Trump would win until half way through election night 2016. Smirking Hillary gloated during the debates, as Trump fell right into the D's planned and rehearsed traps. Did he recall that Hillary's acceptance speech was to be standing on the US map under a "broken" glass ceiling? Also see the Rachel Maddow's mental breakdown "This is your reality."

Biden, Larry Tribe, Howard Stern, and Neil Young. Confused cranky old men waiting for death. Know when to retire.

mikee said...

Hillary Clinton will never be the President of the United States. God, it still feels great to type that out 8 years later. As to Tribe's contention that Hillary had her 2016 election stolen, Trump could not possibly steal something Hillary never had in the first place. It is that sense of entitlement to the elected office that most galls about her, well, at least as much as the horrible policy, absolute corruption, personal vileness and her husband. One more time, for old time's sake, and a happy weekend:

Hillary Clinton will never be the President of the United States.

JAORE said...

A mind is a terrible thing to waste.

Immanuel Rant said...

I used to respect him.

Of course, that was a while back before he started Tweeting and all I knew of him was his Con Law book.

PM said...

The Deplorables destroyed Hillary.

hawkeyedjb said...

People build a career and a reputation, then decide to toss it all away to become cheap, partisan, uninteresting political hacks. Why do they think that will be a better gig for them?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Has anyone else done even half as much to degrade the reputation of Harvard Law School? Larry stretches' the meaning of words to fit his intent but loses sight of the whole sentence's meaning in the process. It is impressive as performance art but as argument it reminds me of all the bad things Shakespeare wanted to do to lawyers. Does he think he's helping Hillary's argument or is he simply kissing up to the Clintons (who have their own file cabinet full of NDAs, no doubt)?

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Larry your mind is fading a bit--but the Evil Orange Man didn't quite succeed in killing the Hildebeest's 2016 campaign. Didn't she get 3 million more "votes" than she did?

Of course you have to play the Electoral College Cards you got.

Mr. D said...

Bless his heart.

Narayanan said...

Queen of Chappaqua.
now you have gone and done it > it is Empress of Chappaqua.[over lesser queens]

Chuck said...

"Election denial" is when a delusional sociopath claims that he won -- by a landslide -- an election that he lost, clearly.

It is not "election denial" when you understand that you lost, call your opponent and concede, decline all sorts of frivolous appeals and recounts, and attend that opponent's inauguration.

Neither Hillary, nor (now) Professor Tribe is saying that she actually won "by a landslide." Neither one is advancing some bizarre theory about Venezualan machines or Italian satellites changing votes.

The basic claim, as relates to this blog post, is that by illegally making and concealing payments to keep his sexual affairs secret, Trump played the electorate. He bought off the people who could have and would have damaged his 2016 campaign when it was already reeling from the Access Hollywood tape. There is nothing about this claim by Tribe that is baseless, or false, or in any way unbeleivable. The lovely thing about all of it is that it is going to be tried in open court. With Trump's own attorneys as part of the case.

And so now, Professor Tribe is making an additional, valid point; Trump's gaming really did count as a kind of legal "fraud" in order to get into a position to win the 2016 election. Trump won that election. He won it in a phenomenally narrow way. And but for his fraudulent scheme involving the women and the lawyers, he might not have won. (If Tribe is trying to say a whole lot more than what I am suggesting here, he might be on his own apart from me. But I am pretty satisfied that I'm in much more substantive and meaningful agreement with Professor Tribe than with Professor Althouse.

Michael K said...

Tribe is a sad case.

rehajm said...

Larry Tribe is just another old man yelling at cloud. Bless his heart…

Gospace said...

Hillary's presidential bid wasn't killed. She lost, fair answer square, even with the help of the FBI who said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute, though everyone in the military knows or knows of people prosecuted and imprisoned for far less serious violations of mishandling classified material.

And then we see today the full on attempt by Bidens SS to prosecute the one person in government with unlimited power to declassified documents for the crime of possessing classified documents they cannot prove he didn't declassify...

Sebastian said...

"But election denial is reprehensible, no?"

By (R), yes; if (D), no. Like any prog trope, election denial is strictly a rhetorical tool, to be used by the right people when the situation calls for it.

Breezy said...

This is ridiculous. Trump has been orbiting the US for decades generating a reputation as a womanizer. He divorced Ivana for Marla and Marla for Melania, and we’re supposed to think that some hushed hush money to Stormy was concealing something awful and unknown about Trump?

Team Blue didn’t care about Clinton’s perfidies, and team Red doesn’t care about those of Trump. At least Trump’s weren’t happening while he was president.

Howard said...

Dial down the naked tribalism, Larry.

Mikey NTH said...

I bet Tribe is still upset that Eisenhower beat Stevenson.

Vance said...

Chuck's still here whining about Hillary? Does he still pretend to be the only True Conservative and tell us why every True Conservative should gladly support only Democrats and their far left policies?

Joe Smith said...

And to think, this cocksucker was on the short list for SCOTUS.

Huge bullet dodged...

ccscientist said...

IIRC, Trump paid Daniels AFTER the election. Bragg nevertheless is calling it campaign finance violation (which he has no authority to police). Also Bragg claims that calling the hush money a "legal fee" is illegal, but there is not an accounting category for paying off extortion.

Static Ping said...

Having read his description multiple times, I am not sure why anyone would think writing that was a good idea. That's the sort of thing that would be written by someone with mental problems or someone who is intelligent but simultaneously incredibly dumb or someone with an unhealthy obsession. That or trying to be ironic. How much of a hipster is Laurence Tribe?

Andrew said...

Hillary is just an unlikeable Toad.

Paul said...

How come so many celebrity movie stars and politicians have paid 'hush money' and yet... they hate Trump so much they pull this kind of show trial.

To me 'Equal Protection Under The Law' also means EQUAL ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAW....

Lots of people should be on trial, not just Trump.

EdwdLny said...

"Hillary is just an unlikeable Toad." You are far, far too polite. She is a treasonous grifting turd and should be swinging from the nearest tree.

BUMBLE BEE said...

"She missed it by that much", said Agent 86 with a smirk.

Aggie said...

Say.... this story and others like it reminds me of an old 70's style restaurant, the kind with wood paneling, leatherette booths and formica with cigarette burns on it - and chicken fried steak on the menu, and the aroma hanging in the air, too. The jukebox playing the same old tunes, over and over and over and over......not golden oldies - just 'oldies' (like this story) - and the cigarette machine next to it is almost empty, nothing but Tarryton's and Carlisle's left.

I guess it's finally sinking in that lawfare probably isn't going to work out, after all.

Leland said...

Bill Maher will still claim no one on the left has said Trump stole the 2016 election.

Wince said...

Hasn’t Stormy now admitted twice that her allegations were false?

D said...

What other victims of BLACKMAIL have been tried for paying up?

Maynard said...

I do not think Trump had sex with that woman, Ms. Daniels.

He is known to be a germaphobe and she was a porn actress.

Did she give him a blow job? Maybe, but that is not sex, according to the Clintons.

Heck. The usual suspects here have been giving blow jobs to the Democrats for ever ... and for free. Well, Chuck and Rich seem to be paid trolls.

Tom said...

Who’s to say that had it gotten out about Stormy, Trump might have won by more. We all knew what he was at the time. He wasn’t being voted for because of his moral fortitude. Tried that with Romney and he was a dud.

bflat879 said...

Do Democrats really want to prosecute NDA's? Many of their politicians live by them!!

Bob Boyd said...

Tribe is arguing Hillary's election depended on a sex scandal? And it didn't work?
Then blame Bill. Heck, blame Hillary herself. The Clintons were the ones who basically took sex scandals off the table as effective attack material in US presidential politics.

Anyway, no sex scandal was going to make Trump voters decide not to vote for Trump. Why? Because the vast majority of Trump voters in 2016 weren't voting for Trump in the first place. They were voting against Hillary. Hillary's problem was she couldn't come up with a single persuasive reason not to vote against her.

Hillary could have trotted out an underage Morman boy and said Trump sodomized him in a dog crate on the roof of Mitt Romney's station wagon all the way to Minnesota and it wouldn't have saved her presidential bid. Americans would still have crawled over broken glass in droves to vote against her.

Hillary is not merely unlikeable. A decent person can't not dislike her. Nominating Hillary was stupid and delusional, like so many things embubbled, elite Democrats continue to do.

Ruprecht said...

Either most lefties are lying bags of crap or they only get their news from lefty sources and have no skepticism at all.
I don't know what is worse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter leftists: You do not beat us. Ever.

Yancey Ward said...

"Hillary is just an unlikeable Toad."

Damn, that is harsh.

What did toads ever do to you?

Prof. M. Drout said...

This has to be satire on Tribe's part, right? Right?

Hilary Clinton is such an obviously awful human being that DONALD TRUMP wiped the floor with her. With absolutely everything from a Senate seat to a cabinet position handed to her on a silver platter as payment for her constant public humiliations by her husband (though all the dirt pulled from those FBI files probably didn't hurt...), she STILL managed to love the election convincingly.

I have long thought that the only people who thought Hilary Clinton would actually be a good president were those who consume more than one full boxed wine per week. Is Tribe telling us he is in that category?

Ralph L said...

those who consume more than one full boxed wine per week

Boxed wine can get you in trouble in the blogosphere, maybe in a good way.

iowan2 said...

by illegally making and concealing payments

The justice system, by giving Edwards a pass, legalized that which was never actually illegal.

stlcdr said...

I tried reading and understanding that post multiple times and it still makes no sense. We may as well prosecute the sun for sneaking up and hiding behind the moon.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillary lost because people hate her. It's not hard.

That the left had to concoct a BS story about Trump/Russia - just proves how corrupt they are.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If Tribe’s is satire then what is Chuck’s oafish bleat?

Big Mike said...

Many years ago I recall reading that Larry Tribe was the leading mind in Constitutional Law. Then I read drivel like this and the only conclusion I can draw is that Constitutional Law is an intellectual backwater, where the law schools stash their hiring errors.

Rabel said...

I thought someone else would point it out. Booth wasn't tried. He was Bin Ladened.

Achilles said...

Big Mike said...

Many years ago I recall reading that Larry Tribe was the leading mind in Constitutional Law. Then I read drivel like this and the only conclusion I can draw is that Constitutional Law is an intellectual backwater, where the law schools stash their hiring errors.


Constitutional Law departments in Universities have been more than a waste of money. We could have just dumped that money on the street rather than pay those professors to mislead a generation of lawyers and it would have been better for society.

Instead Constitutional Law has always been about justifying the wants and needs of people who don't like what the Constitution actually says and justifying the destruction of our social fabric.

Roe v. Wade is the perfect example of just ignoring plain obvious words and intent in order to get what you want.

Neil Alice said...

Tribe got his analogy wrong: John Wilkes Booth didn't stand trial because he was shot to death first. Silly mistake.

Or maybe ... Tribe knows that Booth was shot, but drafted the post with a silly mistake because his larger point was to link a traitorous assassin, trials, and Trump together for his followers who are still angry about 2016. If anyone sees the mistake about Booth being tried instead of shot, then it becomes a dog whistle for a would-be assas---

Nah, just a silly mistake.

Chuck said...

Joe Biden, America's Putin said...
Hillary lost because people hate her. It's not hard.

I very much believe in the "______ lost because people hate him" standard.

I realize that many of you dislike Biden; think he is old and incompetent; corrupt, even. Maybe a little perverted. You maniacs think a lot of weird shit.

But I want to assure you; you don't HATE Biden like we hate Trump. You cannot concieve, how much we hate Trump, and everything about him, and his supporters. And how deep and how widespread the hatred is. This was a tidbit I read this morning: every living Republican who has been a Presidential/Vice Presidential candidate -- except for Sarah Palin -- has refused to back Trump. Just imagine that situation being reversed; no living Democratic nominee supporting Biden.

No Name said...

Larry Tribe stretches relevant credibility to absolute breaking-point, in effort to cast Trump as equivalent of "president-killer" Booth, for supposed crime or denying destiny-anointed Hillary her mandated turn at presidency, by means of paying-off a floozy.

Larry Tribe, go home, plant some tulips, give it a rest man.

Tom Hunter said...

"You cannot concieve, how much we hate Trump, and everything about him, and his supporters."

No! Really?

Dude, your endless, unhinged screeds about every aspect of Trump over the years here at Althouse have informed us exactly of the degree of hatred your and yours have and it's yet another example of the complete lack of self-awareness that is so typical of fanatics that you would now make that claim.

You're not exactly a locked room in a tall tower.

"You cannot conceive...". Pfft. That's a keeper.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical and Violent Homosexual Rage Rape Fantasist Chuck: "But I want to assure you; you don't HATE Biden like we hate Trump."

One of my favorite characteristics of the leftists, like Chuck, that swarm Althouse blog out of fear that non-leftist points of view can be read here, is their astonishing mental weakness that causes them to always attempt to represent themselves as part of a larger mob.

Its really quite amusing.

walter said...

We believe you!
We just think you are a fucking moron for favoring a demented, lying plagiarist empty suit who sells access via his crime family is referred to as Pedo Pete as the man he claims is the smartest man he knows, sniffs and grabs kids, has a daughter who diaried him showering with her at an awkward age and has wreaked havoc on the country via shit for brains economic tyranny, medical tyranny, bumbling foreign policy and spending into oblivion.
Other than that, a great choice for president.

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