March 31, 2024

"Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation.... they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms..."

"... as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves. But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families.... These bills attack our most basic American values: the freedom to be yourself, the freedom to make your own health care decisions, and even the right to raise your own child.... Today, we send a message to all transgender Americans: You are loved. You are heard. You are understood. You belong. You are America, and my entire Administration and I have your back."

So reads the announcement from the White House — over the name of Joseph R. Biden — proclaiming March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility.

March 31st had already been established as Transgender Day of Visibility, but in some years, including this one, that means Transgender Day of Visibility falls on Easter. 

And what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter? I'll answer: maximizing your complaints about transgender people on Easter. But that's what's going on.


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Big Mike said...

lonejustice said...

The fact is that there are more women transitioning to men than there are men transitioning to women.

Is that a real fact? Could you provide a link to support this assertion? Thank you.

But the men transitioning to women is what causes all of the uproar, boycotts, yelling, etc., not the other way around. This is especially evident here on Althouse blog, where the loudest opponents are men. Why? Maybe because Mulvanney is causing the men on this blog to question their masculinity,

Mulvanney isn’t an issue. “She” has undergone hormone therapy and had plastic surgery to feminize “her” face, however I have seen nothing in print that indicates “she” has had surgery to remove “her” penis and create something resembling a vagina and vulva. As a man who’s been married almost fifty years I’m not much interested in other women to begin with, and a flat-chested chippie with male genitalia is even less interesting than that.

I can only speak for myself but I have no problem with biological males who have their genitals removed and only minimal problems with those who at least change clothes where they can neither see nor be seen by biological women. I have lots of problems biological males who insist on disrobing in front of young biological females. How many young women have been raped or molested by such biological males? Given the extent to which the school board in nearby (to me) Loudoun County wooed to cover up the rape of a schoolgirl by a trans female in a girls’ rest room after the self-described “female” recalled what to do with a helpless girls and his erect penis, I suspect this sort of crime is more common than acknowledged.

Democrats might be on the side of rapists, Republicans not so much.

Drago said...

Walter @7:16PM, it has been suggested by some that "lonejustice" was a potemkin LLR-democratical Chuck account.

"lonejustice's" repeated bizarre sexual references, very much similar to LLR-democratical Chuck's...predisposition and history,..was a potential tell along with the continuous moronic New Soviet Democratical narrative and talking point support.

walter said...

Howie's cajoling his "migrant" roomies into constructing a Maypole setup for upcoming festivities.

walter said...

"btw, please explain how the Easter bunny and eggs have anything to do with Christianity) have been in place for 45 years, which means Trump, that model Christian, followed the exact same guidelines."
But Truuuummmmppppp!

Joe Smith said...

'It's a co-opted pagan celebration, Tina Trent, just like Christmas. So much for high holy days. It's as empty as a large chocolate Easter bunny. I'm pretty sure it's the original Mother's Day... Estrus Day.'

Now go tell fundamentalist Muslims they're full of shit, and use your real name while you're at it. Go to a mosque in Dearborn during Ramadan and advocate for mutilating Muslim children.

You're like every other left-wing mid-wit...spending your life tearing down things you can't control and that don't fit your socialist narrative.

Talk about empty. Your soul would be empty if it weren't for the darkness.

Rusty said...

It's a shame the Whitehouse chose sides.
It's also 'Goth" day at Disneyland.
I don't get outraged by stunts like this because it is so common. It doesn't effect my belief.
And yes Freder the Easter bunny and eggs are pagan fertility symbols. Just like the tree at Christmas doesn't represent Christianity in any way. Co-opting these pagan holidays was a way of recruiting new followers to Christ. Follow/don't follow. It's your choice.
I doubt this Whitehouse, the GOPe and the Democrats can do anything else to drag this country down, but I'm sure they'll try.

effinayright said...

Chuck said...
150+ posts in, and not one has taken me up on the challenge to name which part(s) of which Christian denominations must take some doctrinal offense at the mere statement of support for an international day of recognition. I wanted specifics.

The fact that I stated my question so clearly, and so many other commenters clearly read my post taking the time to call me out by name, makes it all the worse that no one could make even a passing attempt at a serious, meaningful answer.

How fucking obtuse.

THE POINT is that biden was silent about the observance and meaning of Easter, the most important of Christian commemorations, while issuing a Presidential Proclamation supporting the tiny number of people claiming to "really" be the sex they weren't born with.


Crazy World said...

Calm down Freder geez

iowan2 said...

Big Mike: The antisemitic study from 2023 referenced HERE indicates that the epicenter of antisemitic attitudes is young adults on the far right.

Its called the 'strawman' logical fallacy. You erect the foe (premise) you want the fight against Not the actual topic

For that last 50 years Nobody cared if you pretended to be the opposite sex.

What find abhorrent, is the public schools grooming children to be gay and trasgender. Allowing the mutilation of children, in an attempt to allay their angst about something that lack the ability to define.

Adults can do as they please. But we refuse to allow public schools to stock the shelves with fringe ideas, like 8 year olds giving blow jobs to adult men.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
"Time to excommunicate fake Catholic Biden.

Who are you, the Pope?"

No. We don't have to be. In this republic we the people can do that. Kinda cool when everybody plays by the rules.

Rusty said...

Chuck said...
"150+ posts in, and not one has taken me up on the challenge to name which part(s) of which Christian denominations must take some doctrinal offense at the mere statement of support for an international day of recognition. I wanted specifics.

The fact that I stated my question so clearly, and so many other commenters clearly read my post taking the time to call me out by name, makes it all the worse that no one could make even a passing attempt at a serious, meaningful answer."

You have never, in the whole time you have posted here, ever been an honest dealer in ideas. So don't be surprised when your called out when you feign sincerity. Now run along.

Darcy said...

Isn't it virtuous to look away while kids are being exploited and butchered?

No. It is not. It is enabling evil.

Tina Trent said...

How dense are you being, Rusty? Do you know nothing about the political celebration of the mutilation of children, or the joy and emotional celebration of faith?

How disappointing.

Kakistocracy said...

Next year Easter is on 4/20. That is also Hitler’s birthday, which in some ways, feels fitting.

Chuck said...

effinayright said...
"Chuck said...
150+ posts in, and not one has taken me up on the challenge to name which part(s) of which Christian denominations must take some doctrinal offense at the mere statement of support for an international day of recognition. I wanted specifics.

The fact that I stated my question so clearly, and so many other commenters clearly read my post taking the time to call me out by name, makes it all the worse that no one could make even a passing attempt at a serious, meaningful answer."

How fucking obtuse.

THE POINT is that biden was silent about the observance and meaning of Easter, the most important of Christian commemorations, while issuing a Presidential Proclamation supporting the tiny number of people claiming to "really" be the sex they weren't born with.


But Biden DID issue a statement about his observation of Easter. Unlike Trump's social media post about his weird and vengeful notion of this Easter, Biden's statement was a formal one on the White House website. Biden's statement was an earnest, traditional message dedicated wholly to the spirit of the day in Christianity. Unlike Trump's completely self-absorbed, angry, hateful message.

Warst of all for you, having called me out so foolishly, you obviously ignored the fact that some other TrumpWing moron also tried to call me out on Biden purportedly having not issued any Easter message. I replied to that particular dipshit at 1:36 PM yesterday. Look at it, and feel the shame that you deserve. Do that right now.

I have no understanding how someone like you, who can type full sentences with pretty good punctuation, can be so fucking stupid. BIDEN WAS NOT "silent about the observance and meaning of Easter..." YOU FAILED to acknowledge the simple fact that there is always a WH proclamation of the transgender day of recognition on Mar 31. YOU FAILED to see that the whole kerfuffle is a TrumpWing media stunt.

And most of all YOU FUCKING FAILED to answer my challenge, to name any major Christian denomination which would somehow take offense at a mere proclamation of support for a day of recognition for transgender people.

Rusty said...

Is lone justice trying to tell us something?
Hey, man. Fill yer boots just don't expect anybody else to play along.

walter said...

Blogger lonejustice said...
Here are some other March 31 national "days":
National Crayon Day
Yes. Various presidents have rallied the nation around that one.
Woodrow Wilson used all the Crayola colors marking up the Lincoln Memorial.

walter said...

Chuck! stated
" there is always a WH proclamation of the transgender day of recognition on Mar 31."
I'm only finding Joementia's going back to 2021.
I do see Obama had a proclamation for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month" with is June. So there's more visibility to be had.

Re scripture and the trans issue, clearly a lack of foresight. Equally snubbed are anorexics.

Real American said...

NO. Trannies contribute very little value to our country due to their craziness. If anything, they're a net loss on our country. Whatever entertainment value they may bring by being sideshow freaks is heavily outweighed by the fact that they are very mentally ill - a severe mental illness that demands all others play along with their hallucinations. What other disease requires us to pretend there's no disease?

They claim they're just as normal as anyone (a claim belied by the obvious facts) and yet demand society pay for their elective medical costs - "treatments" that don't actually cure them of what ails them, but which reinforces their disease.

They're also quite violent. How much of Antifa is tranny? Seems to be a high percentage. The trannies that are put into women's prisons commit further assaults on the women there. We're supposed to look the other way.

They're also anti-women and anti-gay. They corrupt our youth and our sports. Clusters of girls suddenly become tranny because their friends are. It's disgusting and if you say something, then you're the bad guy!

They corrupt our language. We can't say a man is a man just because he's wearing a dress and has a mental illness. Moral weaklings intentionally use the incorrect pronouns just to avoid being harassed. They don't want to admit that mothers are women. A Supreme Court Justice refused to define "woman" claiming she can't because she's not a biologist. And she was approved! WTF?

I can't believe the LGB wants any association with the T. If LGB aren't mental diseases, then why is the T included?

Maybe one day there will be a cure to this madness, but not if we're forced to pretend these lunatics aren't crazy at all. We shouldn't be celebrating them.

NMObjectivist said...

I see this as simply more evidence that Biden is not in charge of the White House. Rather, his left-wing handlers have effective control of the White House. Which I find scary.

Chuck said...

walter, because I don't want to give away anything that I don't have to, to you TrumpWing fuckwads, I need to also concede everything that the facts require me to give up in your favor.

In that regard, the White House does appear to have done a proclamation every year on March 31, going back to (as you say) 2021. I didn't spend a whole lot of time fact-checking that. If anyone wants to fact-check anything in this regard, you could hardly do better than this marvelous, beautifully-written column on this entire subject: "The Right Invents a Biden War on Easter" (The Bulwark). It's a comprehensive takedown of the TrumpWing foolishness on this amazingly dumb "issue."

So Biden's White House did an unremarkable proclamation in 2021, and again in 2022, and in 2023, and now in 2024 it becomes a big kerfuffle... because the date coincided with Easter Sunday, and that somehow offends Christianity in a way that none of the commenters here, nor any of the other religious studies experts within the Trump Campaign can explain.

Jim at said...

Here are some other March 31 national "days":

So why didn't the Biden Administration put out a proclamation honoring those days, too?

Rick67 said...

You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were.

I agree. Treat the proclamation as inconsequential raging of the nation and vain plotting of its leaders. "The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them" (Psalm 2:4).

That having been said, it was hard to ignore. It was a d!ck move. "I'm drinking your milkshake". Which is another reason to ignore it.

Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad has been on a roll lately and posted a short video in which he highlights the absurd grandiosity of the proclamation's language. Trying to sound like the Declaration of Independence. More importantly Benjamin discusses the current obsession with "visibility" in light of Rousseau.

Chuck said...

Jim at said...
"Here are some other March 31 national 'days':"

So why didn't the Biden Administration put out a proclamation honoring those days, too?

Try to keep up.
I already posted a link that would have informed a reader that on March 29 (the same day that the White House issued the 3/31/24 International Transgender Day of Visibility proclamation), the White House issued TEN OTHER proclamations:
~ A Proclamation on Second Chance Month, 2024
~ A Proclamation on Month of the Military Child, 2024
~ A Proclamation on Care Workers Recognition Month, 2024
~ A Proclamation on National Child Abuse Prevention Month, 2024
~ A Proclamation on National Public Health Week, 2024
~ A Proclamation on Arab American Heritage Month, 2024
~ A Proclamation on National Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Month, 2024
~ A Proclamation on Cesar Chavez Day, 2024
~ A Proclamation on National Donate Life Month, 2024
~ A Proclamation on National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, 2024

You're welcome.

pdn said...

Let's see, using Civility Bullshit:
"And what's more Easter-y than increasing transgender visibility on Easter? I'll answer: maximizing your complaints about transgender people on Easter. But that's what's going on."

Then utilizing Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals:
"You could have just looked away — turned the other cheek, as it were."

That is some epic "Far Side" Cruel Neutrality against Christians ---- Bravo!

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