The dishonesty of Stephanopoulos' interview is striking. He says 10 times that Trump was found 'liable for rape' in the E Jean Carroll case. He says that the jury found Trump 'liable for rape.' In fact, the jury specifically found Trump *not* liable for rape. It found him liable…
— Byron York (@ByronYork) March 10, 2024
There is never a price to be paid for lying about Trump. Biden has gone from the lie that Trump told Russia “‘Do whatever you want.’ end of quote”, and “bowed down before a Russian dictator” to saying Trump called Putin and said “Do whatever you want”. It’s just as true as the many times he said five Capitol police officers were killed on January 6.
The case against Trump in the Carroll rape case is so airtight, it convicts everyone, everywhere. All a self-described rape victim needs to do is name a name.
As you all know, as most of America used to know but has probably forgotten, George Stephanopoulos was the man behind the Clinton campaign's Bimbo Eruption demolition team. George spent those years defending Bill Clinton's multiple rapes and sexual abuses by attacking each and every woman who came forward. And forward they did come. In droves.
George also has spent time with Jeffrey Epstein, in his home, on the island, even after Epstein was charged with sexual abuse of a minor.
This is George Stephanopoulos. This is ABC News. This is their standard. When you know this, why would anyone serious adult watch or listen to that network going forward?
Did ABC think it would be letting Trump off easy by accurately citing the jury's verdict?
In How to Spot a Liar an important element is duping language that includes extreme, over the top, exaggerated speech. The compulsion, nay obsession for ABC to lie- they can't help themselves. It is SO satisfying to dupe the public. A delight...
They check all the boxes in Meyer's presentation. Amazingly thorough...
But Trump can't win -- or even get hearing -- in a suit against Stephie for defamation, because Stephie believes his own lies. Trump's true and oft-stated belief he never met Carrol and she's off her rocker are badthink. Stephie's lies are goodthink. That's the state of "American justice" at this point. Just like Trump's true belief that the Democrats cheated in 2020 (just like Molly Ball bragged that they did in Newsweek) is badthink, while Jack Smith's mind-reading that Trump "ackshelly knew" he was defeated fair and square is goodthink.
Here we are. 1984 came 40 years later than expected. God bless Byron York for daring to say the truth.
ABC should stop talking...
ABC should stop talking...
ABC should stop talking...
...oh wait, they would never be found guilty of libel because it's Trump and libel is sooooo hard to prove (Sarc out).
I think Nancy Mace is confusing feeling shamed with feeling ashamed. It took her 2 years to get back in good standing with Trump, she isn’t going through that again.
He was found liable for TDS.
Ah, while speedreading through Ace this morning I see he referenced Molly Ball's essay as well but places it in Time magazine, not Newsweek as I did. One of us is wrong. I am. It was indeed Time. I regret the error.
Maybe Jack Smith missed Molly's long long confession.
Biden’s and Clinton’s accusers never got their day in court, much less in a jurisdiction hostile to the accused.
They constantly choose to lie about the littlest of things. They do that because they are permitted to lie about the biggest of things.
Bidenomics is NOT helping the people (and is working as intended).
Immigration is NOT helping the people (and is working as intended).
Foreign policy is NOT helping the people (and is working as intended).
Biden (the big guy) HAD sold out to foreign interests.
The DOJ and FBI are targeting citizens and Trump.
The FBI was involved/instigated J6.
Trump got the Kavanaugh treatment. No other person would have lost this civil suit.
Stephanopoulos spent his Clinton time destroying the women that came forward to tell their stories and now he uses his position to attack Trump for the idea of the things that Clinton actually did. What a scumbag.
I’ve watched that interview three times already. It’s remarkable how dogged they both were - neither backed down! I believe GS was lying about not shaming her. He knew he was, as it was the whole premise of his question. Good for her for continuing to turn the shame back on him. Btw, he used the same technique when he asked about J6, implying she should be holding Trump accountable for J6 because she said that he should be held accountable 3 years ago. She was spot-on when she highlighted the fact that voters nowadays aren’t impacted by the Trump trials or J6 - the two topics GS chose to discuss with her. Leave it to voters to do the holding accountable.
I've not always agreed with Nancy Mace, but good for her for standing up to that weasel Stephanopoulos. He's a slimeball hack.
Byron York says “the judge guessed that the jury's decision 'necessarily implies' rape”. That’s a lie by the standard he applies to George Stephanopoulos. What the judge actually found: “The jury’s finding of sexual abuse therefore necessarily implies that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina.”
That jury sort of wrecked the value of a jury endorsement, didn't it?
We all know George Snuffleupagus is a Clinton operative who was placed in his roll at ABC to push Democrat propaganda. He's a dishonest asshole.
We also know the E. Jean Carroll trial was a scam.
But it's quite rich that this prick attacks Nancy Mace, after working and covering for Bill Clinton. Epstein's #1 client.
Let not forget the reason America is going to shit is largely because college educated white women love guys like Mr. Snuffleupagus, and believe their bullshit.
Who is the bigger scumbag? George Snuffleupagus or the asshole judge that tried to spin the jury's findings?
One of our biggest problems is there is zero recourse against judges that pull shit like this.
American judges have WAY to much power and immunity.
all must die.
but TRUMP!!
they HAVE to say Something!
They can't talk about the Ukrainian Bribes, or the Chinese ones..
Or the dementia..
Or the pedophilia..
Or the war mongering..
Or the rampant inflation..
Or the invasion occurring on our southern border..
Or the National debt increasing at a TRILLION dollars EVERY hundred days
(10 BILLION per DAY!)
Democrat operatives in the media are straight up lying, you should see the shock look on my face
Megan Kelly laid it out on the line, about what a hypocrite Snuffy is...
Didn't the judge also instruct the jury that an "unwanted peck on the cheek" could be described as "sexual abuse"? Do we need to dig up the body of that sailor in Victory Kiss to charge him with "rape" over that kiss? Or is there a bunch of lying going on in a partisan courtroom that managed to get its filthy paws on one of its political enemies through a lot of legal manipulation and abrogation of longstanding norms of justice?
Left Bank:
Almost five decades of PIV sexual for my male self here; I’ve never passively entered a vagina. It’s always been “ forcibly entered her vagina.” Any guys out there who have passively entered? Curious as to how that worked out.
"“The jury’s finding of sexual abuse therefore necessarily implies that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina.”
But not rape. Got it.
The law does not draw a line between different degrees of violence. It totally prohibits all unconsented-to touching from the least to the most violent that a reasonable person would find offensive. In other words, anything from a gentle but unwanted peck on the cheek to stabbing somebody with a knife could be battery for purposes of a civil case like this one,” Kaplan said
And here is the verdict.
So the judge told the jury that Trump could be found liable for a "peck on the cheek" and then later said that we must *infer* from their verdict that she was forcibly raped.
By the way, in what year did Trump sexually abuse E. Jean? Snuffy? E. Jean? Your honor? Anyone? Anyone?
This whole thing is a joke for everyone except Trump. And Trump won't stop joking about it.
Left Bank of the Charles said...
"Byron York says “the judge guessed that the jury's decision 'necessarily implies' rape”. That’s a lie by the standard he applies to George Stephanopoulos. What the judge actually found: “The jury’s finding of sexual abuse therefore necessarily implies that it found that Mr. Trump forcibly penetrated her vagina.”
The jury's finding is what carries the weight. Sexual abuse isn't rape.
Why do conservative politicians even bother answering the phone when these democrat operatives come knocking?
Dante didn’t invent a torture horrible enough for people like George. Here’s hoping a real hell is worse than Dante ever thought.
Who actually tunes in a watches the Sunday morning shit shows? It's all a puke fest. They get a larger audience from asshole clips that go viral on twitter. Tucker Carlson blows these numbers out of the water. We see layoffs in liberal "print" news etc...
These people are lying their way to irrelevance. But if you are coordinating "news" with the CIA to create full blown propaganda...relevance doesn't really matter.
Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024 TOTAL VIEWERS A25-54 (000)/Rtg
ABC “THIS WEEK” 2,417,000 418,000/0.3
NBC “MEET THE PRESS” 2,442,000 411,000/0.3
CBS “FACE THE NATION” 2,751,000 413,000/0.3
CBS “FACE THE NATION-2” 1,953,000 316,000/0.3
FOX “FOX NEWS SUNDAY” 1,115,000 263,000/0.2
Dems are struggling to keep their constituent identity groups together. They're losing women voters to Trump, so they try to smear Trump as a sexist, a rapist, etc.
They've been afraid of losing Black voters to Trump from the start, thus the constant smears of Trump as a racist and a white supremacist.
Same reason they smear Trump as anti-immigrant by pretending there's no difference between legal and illegal immigrants.
Dems are happy to smear anybody who sides with Trump regardless of their sex or skin color. Their treatment of Mace here is a clear example. Their treatment of Justice Thomas is another.
Dems can't afford to lose many members of these primary groups. Their electoral strategy falls apart if they do. Their position is even more precarious since they abandoned blue-collar voters. They're illegally importing voters by the millions to backfill the ranks.
Dems seemed so confident about the future when Obama won in 2008, but they somehow screwed it all up. They seem pretty desperate now...desperate and dangerous.
A question for the law professor (Emerita) and the legal eagles of the commentariat: does Trump have legal standing to sue the judge for defamation? Clearly this is a case of “actual malice.”
Sadly, modern day green haired feminists with nose rings are more than likely ok which Snuffleupagus rape shaming Nancy Mace because 1) She is smokin' hot, and 2) She's conservative.
Mark the mindreader mansplaining about a woman's feeling about sexually violated. Like her feelings weren't real.
This entire Get Trump thing that the Left is pulling on Trump is the most disgraceful event in American jurisprudence.
Mace exploited her own rape to deflect a legitimate question about whether her support for Trump was hypocritical. Now Nancy Mace is trying to deflect the Britt debacle and win over the suburban mom vote.
Georgie Porgie was Bill Clinton's Press Secretary. He's always been a DNC shill. Always.
Oh, and he's lying about Trump? You mean like ALWAYS?
BTW, I'read E Jean Carroll has accused 9 men of Rape. So her charges against Trump were part of a lifttime pattern.
If you hire a good looking woman for a job she is unqualified for, she is a bimbo. George is a male bimbo.
Clearly this is a case of “actual malice.”
Describes all of the cases, doesn't it?
Novel theory = actual malice
Changed statutes of limitations = actual malice
RICO case for challenging results the same way Algore and Hillary did = actual malice
Ignoring all precedent regarding PRA = actual malice
Presumed guilty = actual malice
It's turtles all the way down.
Was Nancy just another BIMBO ERUPTION Rick?? I guess it depends on who you voting for....
Funny, how Georgy hung with Jeffrey Epstein AFTER he was released from prison in Florida for sex trafficking. Birds of a feather and all.... George just loves Clinton corruption so much he would shame any woman who told the actual truth, but he believes a liar who doesn't even know WHEN it happened.
Great Megan Kelly clip above. First time I saw this interview I thought Mace should have just asked him "Who did you used to work for again?"
Legacy Media Delenda Est.
Megan Kelly laid it out on the line, about what a hypocrite Snuffy is...
wendybar, thank you for prompting me to watch Megan Kelly's superb video.
Snuffalupogus worked for Clinton. He should STFU about supporting a rapist.
Quasi-legal flame wars.
He GRABBED HER BY THE PUSSY! He did not RAPE her! Why do all these mean bullies keep lying Trump? He just grabbed her by the pussy without consent. What's the big deal?
How about the dishonesty of the judge? This is the sort of action by a judge that gets a case reversed on appeal. The judge ought to know better.
"He just grabbed her by the pussy without consent."
More lies. "She'll let you" says "with consent." "She'll let you" beats "put some ice on it," any day.
Nancy was playing to, and performing for an audience of 1, DJT. She want to be his VP so bad that she would resort to hysterics to get her "point" across. Anyone with a brain can see that this is true performance art, and not very artful. Shameless ambition on display.
Vicki from Pasadena
D.D. Driver said...
"He GRABBED HER BY THE PUSSY! He did not RAPE her! Why do all these mean bullies keep lying Trump? He just grabbed her by the pussy without consent. What's the big deal?"
Because he didn't rape her. Are you this dishonest in your day to day dealings with people? Or do you not know what constitutes dishonesty. I'm having a difficult time understanding your position since the difference was explained several times above.
When they let you.
I don't know why York finds Stephanopoulous' dishonesty "striking." It's what he does.
how many men has e jean carol accused of rape?
is it Still Six? or, has she added new ones recently?
Hoaxes is all the left has.
They can't run on policy because their policies are Marxist.
Liberal NY jury, so the average IQ was likely 85-100 (not very smart).
Rich: you're as bad as Stephanopoulos, who weirdly started his autobiography by imagining carrying Bill Clinton's thick, long scepter behind the scenes.
I speak as the victim of a brutal, stranger rape who was shamed in a legislative committee and later on local tv for testifying against a bill that would have expanded the definition of rape so broadly we would have lost decades of hard work to get Atlanta jurors to convict anyone of the crime, in even the worst cases. I was shamed by my school having my rapist's lawyer as the graduation speaker the year I graduated. I was shamed by defense attorneys whispering sick shit in my ear during line-ups, and the men in the line-up masturbating through their clothes and sticking their tongues out at me. Yes, that's a thing. I was shamed by the ER doctor who said I didn't seem upset enough to have been raped -- as he was pulling evidence from inside my body.
I found the ER doctor's wife and told her exactly what he did. She was not happy with him. I used my story in the local media to help crash and burn that sick defense attorney's run for office. I got an official apology from the sleazy head of the Legislative Committee who attacked me on the air and worked hard to help get him out of office. I don't believe E. Jean Carroll.
People like you have tried to shame people like me forever. But I don't actually absorb one iota of that shame: I get angry, and I get even. You're a small person to attack a rape victim, but I recommend you think twice about trying to attack this one. I vote for the Party that gets more rapists off the streets, and I have never felt shame or been ashamed of doing that. That's why I use my real name. Maybe you would be ashamed to use yours.
DD is here to pound the table.
Carroll should be held accountable for plagiarising the tv series she loves.
So interesting the timing of the one time statute of limitations lift.
Not as curious as Pedo Pete's daughter's diary describing cleansing moments with Dad.
Did they ever figure out how that cocaine got into the WH?
It looks like many Rhodes and Fulbright scholars are liars?
Is that example of institution capture theory
forcibly penetrated her vagina.”
is there any other way to penetrate anything?
asking for physics
D.D. Driver lies with impunity also.
Here's the full Megyn Kelly takedown of Stephanopoulos. It starts at 5:34 but the whole thing is worth watching.
Well they calls him dd driver
Once he’s told a pack ‘o lies
He folds his tent and he’s gone
So George Snuggleupagus is a lying weasel who has a long track record of playing fast and loose with the truth. Why he's a veritable fountain of misinformation, disinformation, prevaricating and plain old fashioned lying. I'm not going to go all Howard Cosell on you and shout, "Who Knew?"
The answer to Howard's question is that about half of the country--and 90% of the people resident in flyover country, know that first sentence is an apt description of Little Georgie.
Mace exploited her own rape to deflect a legitimate question about whether her support for Trump was hypocritical.
Maybe you should find a new hobby, because that comment is even lower than I thought you could go.
You know who really did get "grabbed by the pussy"? Tara Reade. And she even has contemporaneous evidence of it, as her mother called into to Larry King's show and talked about a "famous Senator" who had sexually assaulted her daughter. But let's pretend that this woman, who spoke up for Blasely Ford only to damage Kavanaugh, by her own admission, is telling the truth this time.
You know who really did get "grabbed by the pussy"? Tara Reade. And she even has contemporaneous evidence of it, as her mother called into to Larry King's show and talked about a "famous Senator" who had sexually assaulted her daughter. But let's pretend that this woman, who spoke up for Blasely Ford only to damage Kavanaugh, by her own admission, is telling the truth this time.
"even lower than I thought you could go."
Richie Goebbels? You have no idea. There is immense power and trillions of dollars at stake in this election.
Byron York is a right-wing correspondent for the Washington Examiner and Fox News but he is not a lawyer.
In New York law, sexual assault is the umbrella term used to define sex crimes involving nonconsensual touching or sexual contact. Sexual assault covers sex offenses under the law including rape, predatory sexual assault, forcible touching, and criminal sexual contact, among others.
So all sex crimes are put into a single category- thus the judge's ruling was not wrong. Non-consensual touching of any sort is against the same law that covers rape. Why are we trying to give Trump a pass?
tim in vermont said...
You know who really did get "grabbed by the pussy"? Tara Reade. And she even has contemporaneous evidence of it, as her mother called into to Larry King's show and talked about a "famous Senator" who had sexually assaulted her daughter. But let's pretend that this woman, who spoke up for Blasely Ford only to damage Kavanaugh, by her own admission, is telling the truth this time.
We are not playing "pretend," Tim. A federal jury found Donald Trump guilty while Tara Reade and Blasely Ford did not have a day in court.
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is"
This is all semantics. Sexual assault vs rape is beside the point
But go ahead, keep this idea in the headlines
" Why are we trying to give Trump a pass?"
If hypocricy was a religion you'd be a priest. Because the people YOU voted in as president actually did rape and you just stood there and shrugged your shoulders. YOU lowered the bar so don't ask anyone else to raise it.
We have yet to see Epstiens client list.
is there any other way to penetrate anything?
asking for physics
@Narayanan, you’ve never been a gentle lover? You’ve never done woman on top? I imagine there are women feeling sorry for your partners.
Jim, when someone invites you into their house, it’s not forcible entry, even though you propel yourself across the threshold.
A minor point, Gadfly : I don't have access to Lexis today, but I'm pretty sure that was not the law back then.
But again, A very minor point.
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