March 8, 2024

Sunrise — 6:43.


100% cloud cover, but at least I got out before the rain came.

Write about whatever you like in the comments.


gilbar said...

US Weighs Tapping Army Funds for Ukraine as Aid Bill Stalls
Move would target roughly $200 million in reserve funds
Though it would provide only a fraction of the ‘aid’ currently sought by the Biden regime, the move is highly significant, representing a willingness to prioritize Ukraine’s defense over US domestic defense spending.
The Biden government remains dedicated to continuing US involvement in Ukraine’s war with Russia — at the expense of US military preparedness — despite Russian warnings that continued Western interference could spark a full-scale war in Europe.

resident Biden said: "Who THE HELL do those americans think they are? They've paid my family NOTHING! They don't even have any blackmail material on us! FUCK the USA! FUCK them, To HELL

Joe Smith said...

When Biden is finally gone, will anyone write a tell-all about what an insane asylum that White House must have been?

Where was Obama during Benghazi?

hawkeyedjb said...

All this 'gender and misgender' talk puts me in mind of the old Soviet Union. People were required to say preposterous things to keep their social status, their jobs, their liberty. They weren't asked to believe the things they said - nobody believed them. The whole point was to show that the state had the power to make you say absurd things. But even then you weren't required to say that men pretending to be women are women.

robother said...

Trump is leading Biden in most recent polls but do the polls matter? When I consider the so-called swing states, it is hard to ignore that each of them has at least one large metropolis controlled by Democrats. Milwaukee, Detroit, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix, Las Vegas, and the Research Triangle. As we saw in 2020, there is no effective way to block cheating (as evidenced by 100% plus turnout in Democrat precincts) before the election date, and no effective way to use courts to challenge the results after the election. Republicans lack the ability to duplicate 100% turnout in their precincts, given the likely refusal of local Repubs to cheat, especially in light of Republican Establishment's personal contempt for Trump.

Joe Smith said...

I'm a little late to the party, but happy bonus hole month everybody!

Mason G said...

You know what? I see comments all the time along the lines of "I don't really like Donald Trump personally, but he did good things for the country." What I never see are comments like "Joe Biden is a nasty piece of work, but his policies rock."

I wonder why that might be.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I saw the same message on a few yards today; “Everything is going to be okay”.

Mutaman said...

"You wouldn't have to shoot me with drugs. In fact, that would be dangerously risky. I might behave erratically. I might yell irascibly. Yell irascibly for 2 hours? What would people think? Is the press on my side? Give me the drugs then! The press is on my side! They'll say I was "feisty."

Biden was so good that Althouse accuses him of being on drugs- even though she claims that she didn't watch the speech.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know how Althouse was talking about "[waking] up screaming at nonexistent crocodiles"?

An Argentina man "wakes up after surgery to find he has mistakenly been given a vasectomy instead of a gall bladder op" - via Daily Mail

I bet you he didn't think 'everything was going to be ok' after that.

(I'm not including a link because The Daily Mail is a cookies fest.)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Erik Erickson said today that Joe Biden's speech was directed at his base of the democratic party that wants to sack him as a candidate.

And if you go back and look at what he talked about first; Ukraine, "protecting democracy" and abortion, those are the issues his base cares about. Not what Americans say they care about, but what Biden says he cares about.

All that yelling was meant to convince the base of the democratic party, he's going toe to toe against "his predecesor".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"It's forced pretending that makes every news account unintelligible."

Stuff RH says worth repeating.

Joe Smith said...

'Biden was so good...'

Crazy old man yells at clouds and can't climb the stairs to his own plane.

He's a retard.

Don't you get tired of kissing D ass?

He won't fuck you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Q: “Do you regret using the word ‘illegal’ to describe immigrants last night?”

BIDEN: “Well, I probably, uhhhh, I don’t re— it, uhhh, aghhh, technically not supposed to be here…”

Oy bey.

wendybar said...

"A federal judge in Texas just ruled on the border wall halt, ruling the Biden illegally refused to spend and repurposed border wall construction funding already allocated by Congress. The suit was brought by Missouri and Texas, and their respective Attorney Generals announced the ruling tonight.
In 2020 and 2021, Congress funded roughly $1.4 billion “for the construction of [a] barrier system along the southwest border.” President Jospeh R. Biden, Jr., who assumed office on January 20, 2021, had a different view of how these funds should be spent."

wendybar said...

But one Biden minder saw one “senior moment” too many, and decided she was done. “What we’re doing here is disgusting, and we should all be ashamed of ourselves.”"

wendybar said...

The drugs wore off by yesterday....

"Joe Biden: “Pennsylvania, I have a message for you: Send me to Congress.”"

"BIDEN: "The U.S. Capitol — the same building where our freedoms came under assault on July the 6th!""

"Biden says almost every world leader has grabbed his arm, pulled him aside, and said "you can't win again""

wendybar said...

Hard to get a fair trial, when you have potential jurists that think like this about the corrupt.....It's okay for THEM to make "mistakes" because of their gender and skin color....

Jim at said...

But even then you weren't required to say that men pretending to be women are women.

And yet Cookie still claims there is no true, left-wing in this country. And if there is, it's just our imagination.

Too bad he never had the opportunity live under the real, steel boot crushing his throat.

Clyde said...

hawkeyedjb said...
All this 'gender and misgender' talk puts me in mind of the old Soviet Union.

Yes, the whole Transgenderism thing is Lysenkoism for the 21st Century.

Jaq said...

"The Biden administration is asking sanctuary cities to cooperate with @ICEgov in the deportation of criminal illegal migrants despite previously enacting policies that could hinder the effort."

That's not his diaper, that's desperation. Not to worry Democrats, it's just until the day after the election, though, I'm sure.

Jaq said...

"yet Cookie still claims there is no true, left-wing in this country. And if there is, it's just our imagination."

They are not left wing, they are fascists, but they like it when you call them left wing, and then they call you fascist. It's a win win. Actual leftists know that Joe Biden is a fascist.

Humperdink said...

A National Guard helicopter crashed in Texas at the southern border, 2 guardsmen and a border patrol agent were killed. A cartel drone was spotted at the crash site. Tells me again who owns the southern border. (Via Fox News 6AM)

Humperdink said...

Headline: "Transgender golfer Hailey Davidson banned from NXXT after Florida-based mini-tour changes gender policy"

The headline should have began with Mentally Ill Golfer .... . The LPGA feeder tour is a voice of sanity in the wilderness. Good for them.

Jaq said...

they are not stupid, BTW, they just only say stuff to us that they think they need us to believe for them to get their way, and that we would have to be stupid to believe, for example, that the experiments that they had been documented to have been doing involving gene editing and bat sourced coronaviruses could not possibly have leaked from the lab where they were being done, funded by the US, with Anthony Fauci's intervention to allow it despite US law, but that it was a jump from a pangolin far from the caves where the virus was discovered.

Jersey Fled said...

“All this 'gender and misgender' talk puts me in mind of the old Soviet Union. People were required to say preposterous things to keep their social status, their jobs, their liberty. They weren't asked to believe the things they said - nobody believed them. The whole point was to show that the state had the power to make you say absurd things. But even then you weren't required to say that men pretending to be women are women.”

I had a Russian student in one of my classes who explained this to me one day. She said that not only did you have to “say” the right things, you also had to “think” the right thing. She described being troubled and afraid when the wrong thoughts crept into her mind. That’s how insidious this can be.

Jersey Fled said...

“Republicans lack the ability to duplicate 100% turnout in their precincts, given the likely refusal of local Repubs to cheat”

You don’t even have to get all of the Democrats to cheat. Or even a majority of them. You just have to get the right people to be willing to cheat. Those who think the ends, whether they be personal benefit or saving the world for “democracy”, justify the means. Those are the ones who have to get on board and act. And they do.

I’m sure there are Democrats here and in those Democrat cities who honestly don’t believe that there was massive cheating going on in those cities in 2020.

They are wrong.

iowan2 said...

An Argentina man "wakes up after surgery to find he has mistakenly been given a vasectomy instead of a gall bladder op"

I suppose anything is possible. But anyone so stupid to allow themself to be put under general anesthesia, for a vasectomy, is destined for far worse mishaps

Fake news is more likely at the center of the "story"

Old and slow said...

Blogger Mutaman said...
"Biden was so good that Althouse accuses him of being on drugs- even though she claims that she didn't watch the speech."

Yeah, that's it. Althouse the resolute Republican. Personally, I'm delighted that he managed to stay on the right side of the acceptable line. Now the Democrats are well and truly stuck with him for the election. This was their big chance to drop him (sadly and with regrets, naturally), but the meth cocktail was too effective! One thing about taking stimulants though, every high has a commensurate low. You pay with interest for whatever boost it gives you. This is not a workable strategy for a real campaign.

wildswan said...

I've been trying to work out why the college generation has less support for Israel and more for genocide as it seems to me. How can they go about chanting "From the river to the sea?" I believe that in the US the reason is the "settler colonialist" theory. It seems to me that this theory is much more widespread among the college kids than people realize and it goes unanswered. Mainstream groups like the ADL concentrate on "antisemitism" and they mush together alt-right antisemitism with college antisemitism and throw in a brief look back to medieval antisemitism. As a result they never clearly discuss or answer the challenge from settler colonialist theory. But that I think is where college antisemitism is coming from as a sentiment among otherwise decent kids and intellectual theories have to be directly answered intellectually.
An example of this theory is "Because its power remains naturalized: introducing the settler colonial determinants of health" by Bram Wispelwey.
The article "Health Faculty Call for Ceasefire in Gaza and Centering Palestine in the Classroom." shows how this particular theory relates to real life protest. It was by Bram Wispelwey, A. Kayum Ahmed, Yara Asi.

Jersey Fled said...

What if the Anti-Christ is an AI?

Big Mike said...

Oh Gawwwwd. I thought people were joking. But Joe Biden really did tell Bibi Netanyahu that the two of needed to have a “come to Jesus” meeting. Biden says do himself. And he’s apparently proud of it!

Smart diplomacy, right? Paying attention to religious sensitivities, right?

Kakistocracy said...

The Republican silence at Biden’s mention of standing up to Putin spoke volumes. Never before has the Kremlin had so many friends in Washington.

Rusty said...

Mutaman said...
"You wouldn't have to shoot me with drugs. In fact, that would be dangerously risky. I might behave erratically. I might yell irascibly. Yell irascibly for 2 hours? What would people think? Is the press on my side? Give me the drugs then! The press is on my side! They'll say I was "feisty."

"Biden was so good that Althouse accuses him of being on drugs- even though she claims that she didn't watch the speech."

Let's contrast and compare, shall we? He stumbles up and down stairs, frequently. He is often disoriented and can't find his way around a stage. He mumbles and slurs words often misreading the directions on the page. He needs printed directions on his speeches. He quite often gets confused and doesn't know who he's talking to. To the point where he refrences people long dead as if they were alive.

Now play the SOTU speach.

Our national pervy grandpa was trippin balls on something that night. Even then he could barely hold it together. we're not going to hear another word out of the guy for at least a month. Or until they get his meds balanced out.

gilbar said...
Voyager 1 Sending NASA Bizarre Code As It Leaves The Solar System.

NASA’s venerable Voyager 1 spacecraft, which has been traversing the distant reaches of our solar system for almost half a century, appears to be encountering severe difficulties and is sending NASA a bizarre, incomprehensible code.

apparently, it decodes as: "So long, and thanks for all the fish"

BUMBLE BEE said...

Hey Rich, Putin knew where to go to get a bargain on uranium. He bought SO much.
He also knew where to go to get Ukraine to get rid of their nukes.
Those crucial routes led directly to dumbocrat administrations.
Putin started nothing under Trump.
Brings us to: Just what drugs are you on?

gilbar said...

wildswan said...
trying to work out why the college generation has less support for Israel and more for genocide as it seems to me. How can they go about chanting "From the river to the sea?" I believe that in the US the reason is the "settler colonialist" theory

partly true, i'm sure..
BUT a Far Bigger reason is: this college generation is The Stupidest collection of dumbf*cks..EVER
These are people, that Wouldn't have graduated elementary school if not for "social promotion"
Ask these "students" a simple question: "Which River? Which Sea"?

In the Immortal Words, of P. J. O'Rourke;
Anyone who doesn't understand the failures of our education system has Obviously NEVER fucked an ElEd major

And he wrote THAT, back in the 1990's! Those ElEd majors, graduated, and have taught" the college "students" of today. The dumb "teaching" the dumber to be Even dumber.

Of COURSE they believe the settler colonialist" claptrap.
They'll believe ANYTHING their "teachers" tell them to.
HELL! they were told to, they'd even believe that a woman is anyone that Says that they are a woman

BUMBLE BEE said...

The Alternative SOTU...

Jaq said...

Why are the Republicans not all in on Joe Biden's war in Ukraine?

Some of Mr. Obama’s advisers wanted to shut the C.I.A. program down, but Mr. Brennan persuaded them that doing so would be self-defeating, given the relationship was starting to produce intelligence on the Russians as the C.I.A. was investigating Russian election meddling. - New York Times

Maybe because a lot of the proven-false election meddling claims came from Ukraine, when Ukraine and Brennen were actually the ones doing the meddling in our elections, impeaching Trump with made up evidence, where not allowing him leeway to defend himself from Ukrainian/CIA lies during the hearings, Ukraine leaking lies about Trump to the press because for now obvious reasons, they wanted their champion, Joe Biden in office who put Ukraine's interests above those of the United States. Maybe because, like the Europeans told Biden back when he was VP, picking a fight with Russia over Ukraine was stupid.

Jaq said...

It's funny that our master spies never asked themselves if they could trust "intelligence" from a country that hates Putin with a passion, and wants him overthrown, and wants desperately for a reliable neocon like Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden in the White House. No, better to assume that a US citizen who has been law abiding his entire life is a secret traitor, if only they dig deep enough, they will find some actual evidence.

It's kind of a twist on the plot of the Sum of All Fears, where the Ukrainian was trying to trigger a nuclear war between Russian and the US, but not all that different of a dynamic.

wildswan said...

" gilbar said...
wildswan said...
trying to work out why the college generation has less support for Israel and more for genocide as it seems to me. How can they go about chanting "From the river to the sea?" I believe that in the US the reason is the "settler colonialist" theory

partly true, i'm sure..
BUT a Far Bigger reason is: this college generation is The Stupidest collection of dumbf*cks..EVER
These are people, that Wouldn't have graduated elementary school if not for "social promotion"
Ask these "students" a simple question: "Which River? Which Sea"?"

I've met 6 or 8 clever, hardworking, decent American college kids who believe the settler colonial theory. But I've never met online or in person an academic who has refuted it (particularly as it applies to the American scene) with intellectual arguments.

It wouldn't be that hard. One part of the argument is that just as the nation, Israel, should disappear while returning all Israeli territory to the Palestinians so the US nation should disappear while returning all US territory to the rightful owners, the different tribes which formerly existed in the territorial US. Where do the 334,000,000 Americans go? Really someone should ask those who have pledged themselves to teach settler colonial theory. Maybe the President of the college could inquire into this use of college funds, classrooms and prestige.

See An Open Letter to President Biden from Faculty at Schools of Public Health and Medical Schools in which the signatories all pledge to teach settler colonial theory. "We also commit ourselves as faculty at schools of public health and medical schools, to teach students about the social, commercial, structural, and settler-colonial determinants of health,"
see also
Health Faculty Call for Ceasefire in Gaza and Centering Palestine in the Classroom
A. Kayum Ahmed, Bram Wispelwey, and Yara Asi. " our letter also commits signatories to teach students about the settler-colonial determinants of health. Faculty who signed the open letter teach across 70 public health and medical schools and departments in the United States. We believe it is essential to examine the root causes of what is currently unfolding in Gaza, ..."

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