March 5, 2024

It's Super Tuesday, and the only interesting thing seems to be whether the California Senate race will be between Adam Schiff and Katie Porter or Adam Schiff and Steve Garvey.

I'm reading "Schiff’s insider support trumps Porter’s outsider appeal/Polling shows Rep. Katie Porter running in third place, behind fellow Rep. Adam Schiff and a Republican he helped boost" (WaPo).
The two popular Democrats [Schiff and Porter], who are both prodigious fundraisers, had long been viewed as the probable victors Tuesday in California’s jungle primary, in which the top two vote-getters will advance to the general election regardless of party.

"Jungle primary"? There's some outmoded slang.

But with Schiff, Porter and their Democratic colleague, Rep. Barbara Lee, splitting their party’s vote, Schiff has wielded his enormous war chest to boost support for their top Republican rival, former Major League Baseball player Steve Garvey.

Oh? So Garvey's success has been Schiff's shifty doing?

Garvey surged to first place, ahead of Schiff, in a poll released Friday by the UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, even though the onetime first baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Diego Padres has not aired any of his own ads and has barely been visible on the campaign trail....

Porter, who is also being targeted with nearly $9 million in spending by a crypto industry-backed super PAC....
In one final plot twist, Porter and her allies are incensed that after helping engineer Garvey’s rise, Schiff has spent the final days of the primary race fundraising off the surge that he helped fund, dispatching texts asking for donations by warning a “MAGA extremist” could be California’s next senator. “That’s the cynical cycle,” she said....

What's a California progressive to do? Vote for Garvey? 


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kaliforni democrats are particularity horrid.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Pedophilia is just an identity, not a crime"

- Katie Porter, Batgrrrrrrrrl Congresswoman

AlbertAnonymous said...

The Adam Schiff ads are impossible to stomach. Every single word the man says is utter Bullshit. Every single word.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
"'Jungle primary'? There's some outmoded slang."

Schiff has spent the final days of the primary race fundraising off the surge that he helped fund, dispatching texts asking for donations by warning a “MAGA extremist” could be California’s next senator. “That’s the cynical cycle,” she said.... What's a California progressive to do? Vote for Garvey?

Well, let's bungle in the jungle
Well, that's all right by me, yes
I'm a tiger when I want love
And I'm a snake when we disagree, yes

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Adam Schitt(D) - Russian disinformation team kkkaptain.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Google's AI algorithms are based on real life Adam Schitt.

Iman said...

Caliunicornia says HELL NO! to Adam Schitt (D-Dumbass) and Katie Porker (D-Duroc)!!!

Iman said...

Get down, get down
Get down, get down
Jungle Primary! (horns) Jungle Primary! (horns)
Get it on

h/t Ohio Players

Jives said...

Registered Dem from CA here. Garvey's getting my vote.

Leland said...

It seems like WaPo is suggesting the leading Democrat for an open California Senate seat has the ability to manipulate the election to his preferred outcome. Tell us more about these election manipulation capabilities WaPo.

Iman said...

“Schitt for Senate”… what a rallying cry!

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Big Mike said...

What's a California progressive to do? Vote for Garvey?

@Althouse, you may be onto something! Progressives need to vote for the baseball player.

Enigma said...

When you play with fire you sometimes get burned. I'd think the Democrats would have learned about putting up "easy opponents" following Trump's win in 2016. Maybe they have an inside track? Wink. Wink.


Jungle primary slang outmoded: Back in the 1980s, the company selling the Street Sweeper shotgun ignited a controversy for ads saying "It's a jungle out there. This is a cure."

They were banned as "destructive devices" in 1993, IMO per the advertising allusions rather than their function.

Yancey Ward said...

If the universe has a sense of humor, Garvey beats Schitthead in November in a colossal upset.

Dude1394 said...

Repulicans cannot win if they do not compete.

Jupiter said...

"Jungle primary"? There's some outmoded slang.

What Althouse means is, "Tha's Raycisssss!!!!"

I guess "jungle" already starts with a "J", so the usual rule of "Replace the first consonant with a J" doesn't help in this case. Maybe go for the first vowel? Jongle primary? Jingle primary? Hmmmmm .... We may just have to abandon all references to that part of the terrain that is heavily vegetated. How about, "Primary with a bone in its nose"? Maybe "Grass-skirt primary"? That sounds kind of interesting. I could go for one of those. Spear-chucking primary? Boy (oops!), this allyship stuff is complicated.

MadTownGuy said...

"Oh? So Garvey's success has been Schiff's shifty doing?"

The Todd Akin strategy.
How I Helped Todd Akin Win — So I Could Beat Him Later by Claire McCaskill, by way of Politico.

Also the Trump strategy:
How the Hillary Clinton campaign deliberately "elevated" Donald Trump with its "pied piper" strategy (Salon)

I hope Adam Schiff gets Trumped.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

""Jungle primary"? There's some outmoded slang."
Why? What's outmoded about it? Does the word "jungle" make a leftist law professor think about blacks, and therefore triggers her democrat party inbred racism?
Pay attention everyone, there is a lesson to be learned at WokeHouse. And it's Raaaay-cist!

Joe Smith said...

Porter looks like what you'd think a crazy, shut-in, never-Trump cat lady would look like.

And Schiff looks like the biggest asshole on the planet, who has never been held accountable for obvious, provable direct lies to the public.

No beauties on that side of the aisle.

Curious George said...

I've hated Steve Garvey ever since he hit a walk-off two run homer against the Cubs in Game 4 of the NLCS. Cubs lost game five and well...another "wait 'til next year."

PB said...

If it's shitty, it's Schiff.

The Drill SGT said...

“It's a pity both sides can't lose (commenting on Iran-Iraq war, 1980 – 1988)”
― Henry Kissinger

Lawnerd said...

Schiff makes my skin crawl. I do not get the appeal for him. Even if I was a progressive, I’d find him slimy.

Gusty Winds said...

Fuck California. I can see how the Hollywood pedos put somebody like shifty Schiff in the House of Representatives, but if the entire state puts this lying asshole in the Senate...

But...I'm sure Madison / Dane County, WI would vote for Adam Schiff so maybe it's not just a California thing.

AMDG said...

Didn’t Steve Garvey win the Breeder’s Cup at some point in the 90’s?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

This is CA, and they allow vote fraud, I mean "ballot harvesting", so I expect the final result will be Schiff v Porter.

But I will LMAO if Garvey is in the top two

ndspinelli said...

I'm in San Diego every winter. The attack ads on Porter are relentless.

Rich Rostrom said...

The Democrats ran a similar stunt in the 2022 Illinois governor election. During the primary campaign, the Democratic Governors Association spent million$ on ads "attacking" Republican State Senator Darren Bailey as "too conservative": anti-abortion, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Trump. They also ran ads attacking Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin as a RINO. It seemed fairly obvious that incumbent Governor Pritzker was afraid of Irvin, who is black. (He donated million$ to the DGA that year.)

California's peculiar primary format certainly encourages such meddling. I wonder if there have been any similar ploys in Louisiana, which also has "jungle" elections (though in place of a primary, with a run-off).

narciso said...

Shes an actual commie from the grenada papers

grimson said...

I don't know why AA thinks "jungle primary" is outmoded slang. I encounter it fairly often, especially when referring to California elections. At least the Post immediately explains what that is.

Skeptical Voter said...

Jungle primary is "outmoded slang"? Welcome to life in the California Zoo Ms. Althouse,

I'm a life long registered Democrat--but years ago I started to split my ticket in the voting for the six statewide offices that show up on the California general election ballot each election year. Looking at the individual candidates it seemed like I voted for 3 Republicans and 3 Democrats in each cycle.

Well that was then--this now. After the jungle primary came in, I can now vote for a Democrat--or for another Democrat. The way things were supposed to work, I was going to have a choice of Katie Porter or Adam Schiff in November. All I can say about that choice is "Ugh". At least Barbara Lee--the rabid semi-Communist from Berserkeley was coming in a distant third.

cassandra lite said...

Schiff is exactly the kind of sociopathic politician, capable of lying while knowing he's lying and caring not at all that people know he's lying because enough of the right people want him to lie, who should never be near high office. Solzhenitsyn described him perfectly.

MartyH said...

I heard a weird Katie Porter add supporting a Republican candidate I had never heard of. Democratic election politics is beyond cynical.

Hassayamper said...

Kaliforni democrats are particularity horrid.

True, but even so, Schiff is in a class by himself. Calling him pond scum would be a step up for him. He's the slime that grows on whale shit at the bottom of the ocean.

There are some creepy photos of him in West Hollywood with young boys who are no relation to him, and some of his close friends are known pedophiles. No one in the Democratic Party told a greater number of provable bald-faced lies about Trump than he did - and that's really saying something.

Imagine what George Washington would say if he could see the likes of Schiff fouling the halls of Congress in the city named for him...

Joe Smith said...

Ask Schiff about his good friend Ed Buck.

This should be featured in every R ad.

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene said...

Why isn't the professor hitting the OED on this occasion?

"The Oxford English Dictionary defines the Law of the Jungle as "the code of survival in jungle life, now usually with reference to the superiority of brute force or self-interest in the struggle for survival"

Need we remind everyone that, in The Jungle, it's the mosquitoes and the jaguars and the quicksand that make the laws and mete out justice and that people of color (or, what we referred to as "the natives" back in the days of the Ramar of the Jungle) were just another food group in the food chain. And the oppressors were the abovementioned insects and carnivores. As such, the use of the term "jungle" in this context shouldn't make us wince or rethink its use.

Kevin said...

Schiff is pulling out all the stops because Democrat US Senator from California is a job for life.

Unlike, say, US Supreme Court Justice.

The opportunities for gaming the stock market also make the compensation unparalleled.

Iman said...

Get the pork out of Washington DC! Say no to Katie Porker and Adam Schitt.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Ask Schiff about his good friend Ed Buck."

Deep down inside places homos don't talk about at parties is a predatory, black-attracted, drug-addicted, smiley-glad-hands, rain-bow-tie-wearing, high-net-worth politically-obsessed gay superstar like Ed Buck. David Brock is one he just hasn't been caught with a dead boy in his trunk...yet.

Buck's emaciated suicide-smock wearing mugshot brought a great deal of joy to my heart. Pity they didn't put him general population with his beloved black men.

n.n said...

Will Schiff receive the democratic schiv? Karmic irony.

Kakistocracy said...

California is a centrist, suburban state where the registration is roughly by proportion Democratic, Independent, and Republican with Independents breaking about 2 to 1 for Democrats in recent decades.

This election Porter and Lee are splitting the more progressive side of the spectrum or Schiff would be facing stiffer competition. However, Schiff will probably win the primary and dispatch the rather hapless Garvey in the fall.

The national repercussions of the California experience are potentially huge. Trump could marginalize the national Republican party the way California's right wing marginalized the California Republican party starting in the 1990s. Except for centrist Arnold Schwarzenegger, California Republicans have been shut out of state-wide office for over a generation. Californians aren't buying the Republicans on abortion, guns, and destruction of local public services and especially health care. If California politics goes national, the United States will be a different, a more democratic, and a better place.

Since California democracy is about the most democratic governance in the United States (by far) this says something about where a more democratic United States would go (and why Republicans work so hard at destroying that democracy from the Supreme Court, the Congress, and the statehouses, etc). Can they undermine the entire federal criminal justice system? That's also why national Republicans hate Schiff so much; he represents what they really fear.

Hassayamper said...

California is a centrist, suburban state

Oh come on. Centrist only by comparison to Sweden or Venezuela.

OldManRick said...

Just when I think California can't have a worse senator than Kamala Harris, along comes Adam Schiff. You know why he's going for it.

Somehow, the road to riches is being a California Democrat or good friends with one. Ask the Panera franchise owner Greg Flynn. Ask the Feinstein's and Pelosi's about selling and reselling the land needed for the high speed rail (to no where). Ask Gavin about donations to his wife's Nonprofit. (See

loudogblog said...

" the onetime first baseman for the Los Angeles Dodgers and the San Diego Padres has not aired any of his own ads..." Garvey is keeping his powder dry for the general election against Schiff. Don't forget that he's running against three Democrats in the primary. Most of those votes for the three Democrats might switch to backing Schiff in the General election.

Barbara Lee took herself out by promising to lobby for a national $50 per hour minimum wage a few weeks ago. (That's $104,000 a year for a full time worker!)

Katie Porter did two things that kneecapped her. First: She violated party protocol by announcing her candidacy for Senator Feinstein's seat before Senator Feinstein had announced that she would be not be seeking re-election. Second: She dissed the Los Angeles Dodgers by making a snarky comment to Garvey during the debate. She said to him, "Once a Dodger, always a Dodger." Then she made this look on her face like she had just won the jackpot. (Also, may of the California newspapers described this as being an great "gotcha" against Garvey.) But you know what? Almost Californians love the Dodgers. A lot.

So now Garvey is going to have to go against Schiff in a state that is only 24% Republican.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Katie Porter did two things that kneecapped her..."

But she beats her husband. Come California that has to count for something with the 'Yaz Qween Slay' crowd. Literally.

Deep State Reformer said...

I don't see Republicans being able to win any statewide office in California now or in the foreseeable future. This stuff is all bread and circuses. "Jungle politics" aka mob-rule.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I hope Adam Schiff gets Trumped.

The record is mixed and the risk is high. You and I may just get our wish. I put the odds at roughly 50/50 because I heard on SoCal radio today that Garvey is leading all candidates now.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Didn’t Steve Garvey win the Breeder’s Cup at some point in the 90’s?

Hee hee. Not bad at all AMDG.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

"Rainforest Primary" doesn't sound like California at all.

Clyde said...

California jungle primary? Not my circus, not my monkeys.

Rusty said...

It's an old Democrat election trick. As old as Tamany Hall.Choose your Washington Senators Repulican opposition and lay on them all the awful things you can think of. Thereby insuring your election. If the worse happens, he's your boy in any event. Win win for the Democrat.

Kakistocracy said...

The Schiff campaign ads where he positions himself against Garvey are being run on Fox News, as well as networks like CNBC and ESPN, where the viewing audience is more heavily Republican. By saying "he voted for Trump twice" and "too conservative for California", his objective is to get votes for Garvey (who has very little in campaign money) so that Garvey comes in second place ahead of Schiff. Garvey has zero chance of beating Schiff in November, while Porter could do so. She is a credible alternative to business-as-usual in Washington.

AndrewV said...

"Once a Dodger, always a Dodger." Then she made this look on her face like she had just won the jackpot. (Also, may of the California newspapers described this as being an great "gotcha" against Garvey.) But you know what? Almost Californians love the Dodgers. A lot.

Your last statement could be considered fighting words to San Francisco Giants fans.

gspencer said...

Play ball!!/quality/90/?

Jim at said...

If California politics goes national, the United States will be a different, a more democratic, and a better place.

No. It will be a shithole.
Just like California.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Garvey has zero chance of beating Schiff in November, while Porter could do so. She is a credible alternative to business-as-usual in Washington."


Too funny. The LLR-democratical BS and stupidity just rolls downhill...picking up mass and momentum.

Drago said...

Brian McKim and/or Traci Skene: "Why isn't the professor hitting the OED on this occasion?"

Its literal White Supremacy?

Drago said...

AMDG: "Didn’t Steve Garvey win the Breeder’s Cup at some point in the 90’s?"

He must have been pretty fast for an older guy.

Kakistocracy said...

Schiff received more votes than any one candidate here in California and he was running against two other Democrats and Republican Steve Garvey. Not to mention Biden won with 90% of the vote

Any Republican thinking California will ever be red is just hilarious.

PM said...

The entire coast of Calif voted for Schiff.
The interior: Garvey.

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