a snippet from Katie Britt's overly dramatic rebuttal. i will say that she is the best Alabama senator. pic.twitter.com/9Fm8h4yUA8
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) March 8, 2024
Before Sen. Katie Boyd Britt (R-Ala.) had even begun her State of the Union rebuttal on Thursday night, an ally reportedly had already sent around a helpful list of talking points that conservative pundits could use to describe her – again, as-yet undelivered – speech. They should make comparisons to Ronald Reagan, according to the New York Times, which reported the memo. They should say that Britt came across as “America’s mom.”
When Britt did appear, it became clear she’d gone balls-to-the-wall with the mom theme, broadcasting solo from her Alabama kitchen in such a way that, if you were watching with the volume down, you would have assumed you had stumbled upon a commercial for either stain remover or Il Makiage. Turn the volume up and there was Britt opening by saying that her proudest role was being a “wife and mother,” before segueing into describing a violent gang rape, before calling Biden “dithering and diminished,” and explaining that we were all “steeped in the blood of patriots,” which, ladies — if that’s a menstruation euphemism I hadn’t heard it before. Somehow she wrapped up by talking about how America put a man on the moon....
Hmm. I'm thinking the reaction to Katie Britt is the score on some kind of misogyny test.
In that light, consider this other Monica Hesse column, published only yesterday: "Kyrsten Sinema’s mystique was a dead end/Giving up the search for meaning in Washington’s maverick pixie dream senator."
In May 2021, Congress was considering folding a minimum-wage hike into a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package. The Arizona senator wasn’t the only Democrat to oppose the increase — she was one of eight, including two other women — but she was the only one to get spotted back-slapping Republican leader Mitch McConnell on her way to the Senate floor, and then, upon reaching it, to exaggeratedly jut out her hip while delivering a thumbs-down that can frankly only be described as sassy. In terms of gravitas, it read as though she was declining an ice cream topping rather than denying millions of Americans a chance at higher wages. The gesture was made more visible by her attire at the time: a short (pleated?) skirt, knee-high black boots, an oversize bag slung over one shoulder. The outfit was conservative by Sinema’s own fashion standards but still far more schoolgirl than senator, as if the vote was something she had to do before getting dropped off at the mall....
She was the first publicly bisexual person elected to the Senate. She wore pastel wigs. She wore a fringed minidress. She went to brunch wearing a ring that read “F--- Off.” She presided over the Senate in a neon-pink top that read “Dangerous Creature.” Have you ever seen an episode of one of those NCIS-type shows where the in-house hacker character dresses like the intersection of rockabilly, Hot Topic and librarian? It was that....
She was awful. I don't know who decided sarcastic Karen was the appropriate response, but they should be put out to pasture.
“If I had a million dollars
Well, I'd buy you a green dress
But not a real green dress, that's cruel”
yes the rebuttal was a little overwrought.
But is was pretty solid.
She'll improve with time.
She's smokin' hot!
Yes, attack the messenger. Biden and the democrats instigated this border crisis. PERIOD.
"Like" Saturday Night Live. Indeed. Mockery of Britt's dumb overacting here will be SNL's cold open tomorrow. Guaranteed.
Men are voting for Trump. This was aimed at suburban women.
Fuck all the libs dumping on Sen. Katie Britt.
She's a very young female Senator from Alabama and they aren't.
She was way too emotional for me. I had to turn it off after 5 or 10 minutes.
Good Lord. What is this supposed to be, Girl talk?
I predict the parody of this opens SNL, for good reasons.
The breathless, emotionally italicized voice reminded me of those TV commercials for donations to the ASPCA and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews running on Fox News.
Nothing in particular to do with how any group of people speaks-- it's just that she somehow got the idea that she was being interviewed by Oprah rather than giving a political speech.
The GOP has a 'get females to vote for them' problem. Perhaps this was the idea.
I couldn't believe how robust and vibrant Joe was.
What is everybody talking about?
Right now he can run circles around RBG.
Compare with how she sounds when she is not emoting:
I've seen a couple of videos where she starts getting a little melodramatic during speeches, but there are lots of examples of her "normal" speech pattern on her twitter feed. She's much more appealing when she is just speaking off the cuff. Whoever coached her should be fired. Are there any good GOP political consultants?
I guess the bottom line is whether she was effective in getting more women to consider voting for the GOP than she was at repelling them from the GOP. I don't think she helped, but I guess we'll know soon enough.
just to be clear? Professor Althouse is now Complaining about tictok?
Did the chinese (on tictok) tell you to do that?
SOTU rebuttals always seem to bomb. I don't understand why they can't get it right.
Plenty of young women talk like this. She’s the Republican so get the obligatory digs in but…
…and no, it’s not valley. Has all of history been erased?
The podcasts, influencers, Mommy bloggers, and TikTok and Instagram personalities who many young women (including my millennial daughters) watch and listen to today were reflected in the tone, the setting, the concerns, and the style that Senator Britt displayed last night in her rebuttal. Middle-aged and older people weren't her intended audience; younger people were. I think she was effective with that group, and I think that the Republicans (for once) were smart to set up that contrast with Biden.
I’ll take that over the white fossils donning white…
She sounds like she's breaking up with a long-term boyfriend on a daytime soap opera -- are there still daytime soap operas?
As Carly Simon once sang... Melodrama never makes me weep anymore...
Pretty bad, though, when it makes me guffaw.
And I haven't got time for the derp.
"A lot of moms can’t see themselves in Katie Britt’s kitchen"
OTOH, they can see senile grumpy gramps on meds in Joe easily enough.
o exaggeratedly jut out her hip while delivering a thumbs-down that can frankly only be described as sassy.
Is "sassy" another one of those terms like "articulate?"
I don't understand the whole "preparing a rebuttal speech in advance" thing. Why not get someone who watched the SOTU and then, you know, actually rebutted the stuff that was said? Are all swamp creatures incapable of thinking on their feet?
Oh cmon man, "maverick pixie dream senator" is just a cringe-inducing phrase. WTF!
an ally reportedly had already sent around a helpful list of talking points that conservative pundits could use to describe her – again, as-yet undelivered – speech.
Did the "talking points" include the term "feisty?" Asking for a friend...
I was curious to see her so I tuned in for 5-7 minutes. The overwrought emotion was too much for me. But so what? The idea that we should decide which candidate/party to put in power based on how individual an speaker dresses or speaks is kind of insipid.
Blogger tommyesq said...
"I don't understand the whole "preparing a rebuttal speech in advance" thing. Why not get someone who watched the SOTU and then, you know, actually rebutted the stuff that was said? Are all swamp creatures incapable of thinking on their feet?"
Yeah, that has always bugged me. And in answer to your question, very few are capable of thinking on their feet. We do not elect our best and brightest.
Maybe Jim Jordan could do it. No one else comes to mind right now.
I made it about 15 seconds. Hopefully I am not the target audience.
Katie Britt is a lovely woman. Her speech pattern is no worse than Elizabeth Warren, who has the same weird, halting, fake earnest delivery. It is also similar to how Kamala Harris speaks, minus the bizarre word salads and cackling.
Are there any good GOP political consultants?
Rare as hens teeth apparently. Those that get the most work hate women the same way progressives hate conservative women and conservative black people.
Had it on but muted. Listened to Tucker Carlson on X with a live review……
I hear that as the “I’m reading a bedtime story mom voice”. Extremely irritating if you’re over the age of 8.
I read somewhere recently, maybe here, that a strong performance could land the young Britt in the VP slot. I hope those decision-makers will see that that wasn't a strong performance.
For the Oscars on Sunday— a late entry from Katie Britt. She sounded like she was on a bad shaky teen drama on Netflix. The over acting was wild …. I couldn’t even tell you what she said because of the quiver in her voice and the inauthentic acting. She’s definitely an up-and-comer in MAGA world.
Videos today are an amalgamation of sentences and cuts.
Sentence (cut)
Sentence (cut)
Sentence (cut)
I think this is to keep the brain stimulated as each cut shifts the frame slightly, forcing your lizard brain to pay attention.
The difference here is no one is chopping up the video and piecing it back together.
Smoking. What a difference it made in the image of high school girls when they took up smoking in college. Worldly sophistication in mannerisms learned from the likes of Dietrich and Bacall, but especially the way tobacco replaced that little girl squeaky with the sexy husky voice. Does anyone ever grow up in America?
Can we get a post about "y'all"?
Senator Drama-Club said that a couple times in her rebuttal, and each time, I cringed. I think it's because she's an attorney and senator, who knows proper English. "Hey y'all" is not proper English. So she must have made a calculated, poitical decision to use that phrase. Maybe to appear "folksy," or as a shibboleth to let Alabamans know "I am one of you" (if I were from Alabama, I'd be offended).
Either way, that was the cherry on the ice cream "cringe" sunday.
At least we are not discussing how she uses her hairbrush like we did previous female Representatives.
As I have noted before and probably will note again, if you see a political ad or speech and you are baffled why anyone would like it, that's almost always because it was targeted at an audience that does not include you. Whether that targeting will be effective is another question, but often something that seems terrible is very effective with the targeted audience.
Occasionally, it is just poorly thought out crap though.
It was bad. It sounded like a bad community theater monologue.
I think it’s great, because it forces democrats to hate women.
Sexism... genderism... yesterday, tomorrow, and whatever the bennies may buy in the latter days.
Diversity: color judgments, class bigotry.
Be nice to my cousin Katie. That's a very big stage and she's kinda new at this.
Handmade Tale’s Commanders wife vibe, from that scary sickly sweet voice and facial expression to the green dress.
The Althouse's commentariat is very confused about how putting a young woman in the kitchen and coaching her to sound like a breathy porn ad for their rebuttal backfired on them.
She sounds very earnest. I was waiting for her to ask me to donate to save homeless puppies.
Still better than Biden's delivery.
I didn't watch more than a bit of either one, so I can't judge the content yet. Maybe Ramaswamy will do a recap of both, with comments. I'd watch that.
I don't wish to genderize my critique of that particular style of presentation. What she is doing is faking genuine sincerity. It doesn't matter what stereotype or style you use but when you are being fake that is the issue.
I thought her speech was well done. It seemed very fact filled, which appeals to the engineer in me. She seemed like someone I would enjoy talking to, much more than that angry old man who preceded her.
I didn’t notice the focal fry until our professor pointed it out. I have granddaughters, so perhaps I’m more used to it.
Senator Britt is a child in an adult world -- not ready for prime time. Placing her in her elite, suburban kitchen was another mistake. The advisors behind this video should be fired and never rehired.
Handmaid's Tale - the White Fem-left's strange obsession and conspiracy theory.
"Her speech pattern is no worse than Elizabeth Warren, who has the same weird, halting, fake earnest delivery. It is also similar to how Kamala Harris speaks, minus the bizarre word salads and cackling."
Agree. Hate.
The Kardashian effect. Talk like a little girl.
She shredded Biden in the speech, though. The anecdote at the beginning about going to the border and meeting victims of cartel sex trafficking was powerful, as was when she talked about Laken Riley’s murder and said, “She could have been my daughter… Or yours.”
I wonder who made that decision. I prefer the business-like approach… the ancient corksoaker is overripe and a serial F-up artist. But I have heard good things about her.
Laken Riley’s murder and said, “She could have been my daughter… Or yours.
Am I literally the only person bothered that there isn't a conviction in this case, there is no motive, witnesses from the accused's past say its out of character, there is very little evidence made public, and YET half of America is ready to convict this man because it advances their political narrative. I'm waiting for more facts on this one. This is shaping up to be the Right's Duke Lacrosse/Jussie Smollet case.
Oh, and fuck SNL. Who gives a rip what they think about anything!?
Meanwhile, we get subjected to an old man pumped up to the tits on stimulants that make him babble like he’s hoovered a large quantity of Bolivian marching powder which brings the angry old man to the forefront. Seriously… the media see nothing wrong with this? There were at least 20 nonsensical statements in Biden’s “speech”. It is hilarious that the Dems and their media operatives want to cast this as a win, all evidence to the contrary. America is at risk and at a severe disadvantage with this fellow at the helm.
but the left are hung up on how she said it.
I agree with others that it comes off overacted, and unnatural in a conversational sense. But yes there are others online that have a similar manner of speaking. Her tone and demeanor reminded me a little of The Charismatic Voice. She is a classically trained Opera singer who posts reactions and vocal analysis of popular songs. I think Senator Britt came off more over-the-top but it is a similar tone and affect in The Charismatic Voice. Perhaps coincidentally, both women are from the South.
Dave Begley said...
" Fuck all the libs dumping on Sen. Katie Britt.
She's a very young female Senator from Alabama and they aren't."
Fuck Begley for dumping on Joe Biden- He's President of the USA and Begley isn't.
"Maverick pixie dream senator" is a reference to "manic pixie dream girl"
"A Manic Pixie Dream Girl (MPDG) is a stock character type in fiction, usually depicted as a young woman with eccentric personality quirks..."
Handmade Tale’s Commanders wife vibe, from that scary sickly sweet voice and facial expression to the green dress.
Gee. A snarling twit hates a woman who's more attractive and more accomplished than she is.
Never saw that one coming.
This is why dems win...republicans are incompetent and want to be in the minority...more money.
They should have let Marjorie Taylor Greene do it. She best represents the party.
"Am I literally the only person bothered that there isn't a conviction in this case, there is no motive, witnesses from the accused's past say its out of character, there is very little evidence made public"
On this site, yes.
They received their marching orders and march they will.
TV is weird. This is notable because it's a new form of that weird.
Ever not watched TV for a very long time, and then watched it? It's weird.
One of the ways that you find out who watches TV news is that a bunch of people you know will start saying the same specific, bizarre thing. That's TV.
I would like to understand more about exactly how the person who delivers the SOTU rebuttal is chosen and prepped. I've seen a few things online that attribute Senator Britt's selection to Ronna McDaniel, but nothing definitive.
In any case, it seems obvious that some political genius decided that the GOP needed to target younger women, so let's write a script suitable for someone in DC's stereotype of a nice, young conservative mom and find a woman who might be able to act the part. It's all so cynical and fake.
I actually think that Senator Britt would have done a much better job if she decided to do a fifteen minute, off the cuff twitter stream on her own, without any consultants telling her what to do. I think that would be the case for a lot of politicians, at least the good ones.
It looks like Jonathan M. Katz has caught Senator Katie Britt in a pretty significant lie.
Did Katie Britt blame Biden for assault that happened during the Bush administration? Spokesman doesn’t say.
I guess Britt is depending on Americans and their poor grasp of geography, as well as how time works in a linear fashion.
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