"But Mr. Adams’s mismanagement of the crisis made it clear he never had a workable strategy to deal with it. Last May, for example, the mayor opened a flagship welcome center for migrants in the old Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. Since then, he has allowed the building, two blocks from Grand Central Terminal, to deteriorate in plain sight. Some ground-floor windows are blacked out, and mattresses hang from a huge metal trash receptacle in the street. Mopeds block one sidewalk, and graffiti defaces the side of the building near Grand Central...."
Mayor Adams makes a notable appearance in this "Daily Show" segment (which is long but really good, going after multiple targets, not just Republicans):
In the spirit of "going after multiple targets", I like going after Globalist mouthpieces like Mr. Stewart-Leibowitz. He ruins everything. He's a dick.
“Black people should hate white people. We ruin everything. We’re dicks.” – John Stewart-Leibowitz
“Jews and blacks shouldn’t fight. We should get together and get whitey!” – John Stewart-Leibowitz
I started to listen. But there's not much humor to be had when you live in poshtown, and are making fun of something happening along the border that you've not experienced. So when Dr Phil started talking about military, and Jon Stewart started mocking it, I noped out of there.
CAIR. Pushing black lives to the back of the bus mattters with dark optics. He should have followed the precedent set in Martha's Vineyard and deported them with virtuous indignation. Brandon's border crisis has progressed to an interior crisis with civil rights violations, excess deaths, excess rapes, excess disease, and carbon emissions... climate change forced by federal flights of diverse illegal aliens in a bid for Democratic gerrymandering and redistributive change.
Stewart pushes the bullshit line that the failed border bill was a solution. It wasn't. The border bill was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Stewart is a trying to disguise his propaganda with comedy and snark.
Flying 320,000 criminal aliens throughout the US isn't funny. Displacing resources that could be used for America's poor to house and give money to these people isn't funny. Importing millions of criminal aliens with the plan to grant the voting rights to prop up the Democrat party is really sick.
The hard right media sources and their cretin "anchors" are just shamelessly making up crazy shit. And their cretin audience eats it up like fried ambrosia.
Let's put Jon Stewart in the back of a 51 foot semi truck with 50 other migrants on a 90 degree day. Let him sit in there and suffer with them. And if somebody abandons the truck, Snarky Stewart can suffocate with the rest of the victims.
Or maybe Jon can go to inner city Milwaukee and absorb some of the fentanyl that crosses our southern border and kills poor minorities.
Adams is doing what he’s told to do on account of the feds snooping on him and his staff threatening to put him away if he doesn’t play ball with the migrants.
The New York Post Editorial board has a different take than you. Personally, I think they should ALL be sent home.
"What, exactly, are the “values” served by ignoring the fact that the migrant influx has brought in violent criminals and roving gangs of thieves who are terrorizing the city?
Or the fact that spending billions on migrants impacts city services for other “tired and poor” New Yorkers?
Stewart’s wealth insulates him from such consequences; easy enough then to wave off disagreement as mere bigoted whining.
Hey, Jon: To give those values “a f–king chance,” why don’t you offer up your $5 million, 5-bedroom, 4,850 square-foot New Jersey manor to house some migrants?
Surely there’s enough room to pitch some tents on the 45-acre property."
"the mayor opened a flagship welcome center for migrants in the old Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. Since then, he has allowed the building, two blocks from Grand Central Terminal, to deteriorate in plain sight. Some ground-floor windows are blacked out, and mattresses hang from a huge metal trash receptacle in the street. Mopeds block one sidewalk, and graffiti defaces the side of the building near Grand Central...."
He "allowed" it? So, who actually did it? Is this the NYT sorta-kinda-roundaboutly acknowledging that the sainted "asylum seekers" are actually lawless scum?
"Adams encountered an unexpected calamity: in his case, the migrant and asylum-seeker crisis. City shelters are now housing roughly 68,000 migrants, leading to threats of sharp budget cuts in other areas."
Why unexpected, oh progs? Because you assumed that sanctuary was just cheap virtue signaling? But Biden said what he was going to do prior to the election. Then he did it: he opened the border on day 1, as promised. The expectation was that it would flood the country with illegals, to boost Dem power, both in elections and in the upcoming Census. And why is that a "calamity" exactly? Progs want it. So what if it reduces services for blacks or ruins city neighborhoods and budgets?
I tried, I really did. Got to the three minute mark. This guy makes me want to vomit. And his audience cheers. Laken Riley was unavailable for comment. Millions invading and he thinks it’s funny. How any thinking could watch this foul mouth person mocking people want to stop the flow of drugs killing Americans by the tens of thousands is a complete mystery to me. Not funny, not even a little bit. This is the Commie Pinko left in its glory.
My comment to the TIMES: "Realistically, what strategy could the Mayor, any mayor, have put in place to deal with the onslaught of thousands of people, including members of South American gangs, with no place to live? Mayor Adams should prevail upon Attorney General James to use eminent domain to seize Trump Tower and open it up to immigrants.
“which is long but really good, going after multiple targets, not just Republicans”
Which part of his monologue is really good, the part where he makes homophobic references to Dr. Phil, or the part where he says we should now pass the Senate border bill to “limit” the number of illegal aliens entering the country after he explicitly stated that we should let in everyone who wants to enter the country.
A relative who lived in NY for many years and votes D, says Adams is a clown:
"He only wants to be famous...he's always hanging out with celebrities and rappers at clubs...Bloomberg or even Giuliani would take care of the crime..."
But you've got to love the National Guard hanging out in the subways in full gear brandishing automatic weapons.
Elite white liberals like Stewart seem unable to feel empathy even though they view themselves as kind, charitable, and altruistic.
The other night the Rachael Maddow MSNBC coven was making fun of Virginian's who said they were concerned with illegal criminal immigration because Virginia doesn't border a foreign country (but the did manage to insult West Virginia).
For white liberals like Jon Stewart, and the shitheads in Martha's Vineyard, everything is fine as long as it is not in their community or backyard. Even as inner city black communities express frustration with illegal aliens being dumped in their communities, white liberals just don't care.
We don't have a illegal alien problem in Sussex, WI. But that doesn't mean I can't understand or empathize with communities that do. It also doesn't mean I can't empathize with the migrants themselves who live in shit conditions in their home country, and are then exploited when they get here...(well except for the cell phones, hotels, and debit cards).
A marked lack of empathy is one of the hallmarks of psychopathy.
It's almost the same thing in our education system. Liberal college admins to NOTHING to control cost for debt ridden students. Liberal public school teachers cannot empathize with parents who don't want blow job instruction books in the grade school library, or secret rainbow/transgender clubs the their kid's school...(see current Elmbrook, CA controversy).
Funny how the writing style is active on the good sounding stuff- Adams opened a welcome center etc. followed by passive writing about all the bad stuff. All that bad stuff appeared out nowhere, I tells ya, with no one to blame for it all.
Howie, you just gonna have to wipe your own damned ass or just going around smelling of shit. The immigrants raping your granddaughters and great granddaughters aren't going to.
Freeman Hunt said... So mayors are now supposed to deal with major federal problems? There is no workable strategy except for the federal government to do its job. *****************
Were you in an induced coma Blue-state mayors like Adams bragged they ran Sanctuary cities and were "welcoming" to illegals? That they would refuse to cooperate with ICE?
They ALLOWED Biden to flood their cities with illegals. They DESERVE to suffer the consequences. IOW they should get what they asked for, good and hard.
Howard - some military aged men are coming across. Form China. But go ahead and mock ((in unison... and on command ...- On hivemind obedient Q)) - You can look back and laugh after the open border becomes a real nightmare for our national security.
When you have to clean that cute little front yard of broken tamarind bottles aimed at your mailbox, pay twice as much for uninsured motorist insurance, and find illegal immigrants who speak no English shooting at deer on your property when you leave for your morning walk, get back to me about how funny this is.
Oh, and diapers and empty tortilla bags clogging the stream, because a gang of them just threw their garbage into the water, when they weren't raping my 11-year-old neighbor whose mom was living with several adult male illegals.
Hilarious. It was also good fun when a gang of illegals murdered that young cop not far from here a few years ago. Really side-splitting.
It must be nice to be so utterly sheltered from reality.
Howard's vagina got very salty yesterday when people tore apart the "Hurr Durr Jewish Space Lazers" slur leveled at MTG. Cut him some slack. It takes at least 48 hours for Howard's yoni to rebound after such a shellacking.
Some specifics would be nice. Otherwise, people might think you are making up stuff.
Classic. You won't get what can't be gotten. Yes, he's making shit up. That's what he does when confronted with a discomforting progressive asshole like Stewart. "Can't defend/must deflect."*
Baghdad Bob Cook sees no problem. For the sake of incompetent Blue city mayors, return to enforcing Trump admin illegal immigration policies. They must be protected!
Meanwhile: "Undocumented immigrants could have a new pathway to the American dream of owning a home.
Assembly member Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) introduced Assembly Bill 1840 last month to expand the eligibility requirement for a state loan program to clarify that loans for first-time buyers are available to undocumented immigrants. The California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program that launched last March by the California Housing Finance Agency offered qualified first-time home buyers with a loan worth up to 20% of the purchase price of a house or condominium. The loans don’t accrue interest or require monthly payments. Instead, when the mortgage is refinanced or the house is sold again, the borrower pays back the original amount of the loan plus 20% of the increase in the home’s value." https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-02-27/undocumented-immigrants-in-california-could-have-a-new-path-to-homeownership
Robert Cook said... "I left NYC two years ago, so I can only follow events there from afar. As far as I can tell, Mayor Adams' term has been a shit show!" If it's as great a city as you claim why did you leave? You could have made a difference.
I suspect that the author meant "scooters." Mopeds are strange, and kind of rare, vehicles in the United States. Mopeds have to have very small engines and aren't allowed to go fast. (Top speed between 20 and 30 MPH.) They are, usually, required to have pedals to propel them as well as the motor, but I dare anyone to try and pedal one more than 30' and not be totally out of breath.
I had a lot of Mopeds in the late 1970s and 80s. The ones that got me in trouble were the ones that didn't have pedals. At the time, California considered those to be motorcycles, not Mopeds. And the police ticketed accordingly. California eventually got rid of the pedal requirement, but you still need a motorcycle license to drive one. (But in the 70s and 80s you didn't need a motorcycle license to drive a Moped.)
I am surprised that ebikes have not been classified as Mopeds here in California. (I really think that the ebike industry doesn't want to have their product associated with an old technology like a Moped. Plus, you need a motorcycle license in California to drive a Moped.)
I stayed at the Roosevelt the first time I ever went to New York. It was during the World Cup, Italy was playing Ireland and it was bedlam. The bar was crazy and my room was clean and comfortable as I recall. Now that I think about it, the Rangers had just won the Stanley Cup and the parade was crazy (In the middle of everything, a “Kill Your wife OJ kill your wife” chant broke out, which was thunderous and sustained). Also a commemoration of the Stonewall riots was happening. And that was my trip to New York City and my stay at the Roosevelt.
Military aged men... In other words teenagers looking for work. Most of the illegal immigration has been military age men since day one. Construction sites are full of military age men. Most Starbucks are staffed by military-age people including military aged men. The real fear is that most of your military age men in Trump country are indistinguishable from the naugahyde over stuffed couches they are stuck to and are being replaced by men from foreign countries who actually can work. That's the real Rob we've got plenty of smart people we just don't have enough dumb people willing to work who aren't lazy trumpers sitting around eating bonbons and snorting fentanyl.
The beauty of democracy is that when you're in power (Democrat or Republican) and your deeply-held ideology fails in actual practice, you sort of have to listen to the voters and adjust to reality — to what actually works or doesn't work.
It's not perfect, but the arc of democracy bends toward pragmatism over ideological purity.
Only far left Democrat Party members like Jon Stewart. And he only makes fun of Democrat Party members if they publicly agree with a republican, so fuck him.
"That's the real Rob we've got plenty of smart people we just don't have enough dumb people willing to work who aren't lazy trumpers sitting around eating bonbons and snorting fentanyl."
I misspoke earlier. Apparently 48 hours won't be enough to heal Howard's snizz.
"And I can assure you, if you don't put that gun away and stop this stupid nonsense, the court of inquiry on this'll give you such a pranging, you'll be lucky if you end up wearing the uniform of a bloody toilet attendant!"
Blogger RideSpaceMountain said... Howard's vagina got very salty yesterday when people tore apart the "Hurr Durr Jewish Space Lazers" slur leveled at MTG. Cut him some slack. It takes at least 48 hours for Howard's yoni to rebound after such a shellacking
Bonus quote
"Colonel! Can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, when they learn that you have obstructed a telephone call to the President of the United States? Can you imagine? Shoot it off! Shoot! With a gun! That's what the bullets are for, you twit!"
"@Robert Cook: The hard right media sources and their cretin "anchors" are just shamelessly making up crazy shit.
"Some specifics would be nice. Otherwise, people might think you are making up stuff."
Umm...a "migrant crimewave?" Assertions that hordes from Iran, Syria, Egypt, Russia and Afghanistan, (and "military men" or "men with military haircuts and prominent abs")--presumed, or implied, I guess, to be likely terrorists--are pouring into America by the tens of thousands via the Mexico border?
This is not to suggest there is not a problem of people from other nations trying to enter the USA illegally--there is--but the horrors of "invading alien hordes" coming here to visit evil upon us is just scaremongering and xenophobia run rampant. Those who attempt to enter and fail, just as with those who attempt and succeed in getting across--either illegally or as legal asylum seekers--are fleeing desperate situations of poverty, violence, and oppression in their home countries. They're hoping for better lives in America...the same impulse that led to the waves of immigration to the US over the past 250 years. We can't just let them all pour in, but we also should not demonize them for the purpose of tv ratings and political gain. Such fabricated hysteria makes impossible the possibility of having a considered national policy discussion as to how to manage what will remain an ongoing reality. Should we become "Fortress America," with figurative (or literal) barbed wire and gun turrents at every airport and every point of possible entry into the US from all other nations? Should we melt down the Statue of Liberty to make bullets (or prison bars) to be used against those seeking freedom from want or oppression?
Worst of all, the manner in which the issue is being sensationalized and weaponized serves only the forces of hysteria and hatred, tearing our polity apart into closed enclaves of mutually suspicious, fearful, and hostile antagonists, hating all and everyone not part our known clans.
If every single illegal "migrant" was a decent, hard-working person, they would still be entering the country illegally--i.e., trespassing. We have immigration laws and requirements. They are not particularly easy to comply with, and it can take a long time to be granted legal status.
Perhaps those laws need streamlining. And/or our system for processing legal applicants for entry into the country needs more funding.
But the idea that somehow allowing, facilitating and encouraging mass illegal and "undocumented" entry into the country is somehow the solution to anything, or even a coherent policy, is purely and simply insane.
If every single illegal "migrant" was a decent, hard-working person, they would still be entering the country illegally--i.e., trespassing. We have immigration laws and requirements. They are not particularly easy to comply with, and it can take a long time to be granted legal status.
Perhaps those laws need streamlining. And/or our system for processing legal applicants for entry into the country needs more funding.
But the idea that somehow allowing, facilitating and encouraging mass illegal and "undocumented" entry into the country is somehow the solution to anything, or even a coherent policy, is purely and simply insane.
Robert Cook: when I worked in refugee resettlement -- legal refugees -- I quickly learned that the warlords and criminals running the refugee camps, who had created the need for the refugee camps, were first in line to be granted refugee status. There were decent people, but there were more violent, criminal, and dangerous ones.
Quaestor said... "Construction sites are full of military-age men."
"Construction sites staffed with illegals are staffed with criminals of military age -- perfect cannon fodder for powerful fascists like Joe Biden."
They are working hard to pay off the people that got them here. The other ones. The actual criminals that crossed our boarder are dealing drugs and prostitution and running protection on the rest. Look at the stats and ask the people working on those job sites.
Gusty Winds said... "The other night the Rachael Maddow MSNBC coven was making fun of Virginians who said they were concerned with illegal criminal immigration because Virginia doesn't border a foreign country (but the did manage to insult West Virginia)."
West Virginians are just the Virginians who have always realized slavery is bad.
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I left NYC two years ago, so I can only follow events there from afar. As far as I can tell, Mayor Adams' term has been a shit show!
In the spirit of "going after multiple targets", I like going after Globalist mouthpieces like Mr. Stewart-Leibowitz. He ruins everything. He's a dick.
“Black people should hate white people. We ruin everything. We’re dicks.” – John Stewart-Leibowitz
“Jews and blacks shouldn’t fight. We should get together and get whitey!” – John Stewart-Leibowitz
I started to listen. But there's not much humor to be had when you live in poshtown, and are making fun of something happening along the border that you've not experienced. So when Dr Phil started talking about military, and Jon Stewart started mocking it, I noped out of there.
NYC globalist-owned mouthpiece clown nose on
NYC globalist-owned mouthpiece clown nose off
I wonder if he'll give up his seat for a week so another globalist mouthpiece can spew invective now that Gamergate 2.0 appears to be upon us. He'd probably be against it but who cares, we all know Johnny Stewart-Leibowitz isn't calling the shots.
John Stewart is not serious about the southern border invasion. He could care less. IF you get your news from him. You're not serious.
Abbot and DeSantis have read their Alinsky. Masterful jiu-jitsu against the enemy occupation regime of Biden and his henchmen.
CAIR. Pushing black lives to the back of the bus mattters with dark optics. He should have followed the precedent set in Martha's Vineyard and deported them with virtuous indignation. Brandon's border crisis has progressed to an interior crisis with civil rights violations, excess deaths, excess rapes, excess disease, and carbon emissions... climate change forced by federal flights of diverse illegal aliens in a bid for Democratic gerrymandering and redistributive change.
eee gads.
Jon Stewart(L-D-P) Loyal Democratic Prog- can FUCK OFF.
Johnny Stewart is a propagandist for the corrupt left.
He sure gets the laughs from the *arf arf arf* seal-clapping hivemind obedient audience.
Stewart pushes the bullshit line that the failed border bill was a solution. It wasn't. The border bill was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Stewart is a trying to disguise his propaganda with comedy and snark.
Flying 320,000 criminal aliens throughout the US isn't funny. Displacing resources that could be used for America's poor to house and give money to these people isn't funny. Importing millions of criminal aliens with the plan to grant the voting rights to prop up the Democrat party is really sick.
The hard right media sources and their cretin "anchors" are just shamelessly making up crazy shit. And their cretin audience eats it up like fried ambrosia.
SF and LA laugh in his face.
Let's put Jon Stewart in the back of a 51 foot semi truck with 50 other migrants on a 90 degree day. Let him sit in there and suffer with them. And if somebody abandons the truck, Snarky Stewart can suffocate with the rest of the victims.
Or maybe Jon can go to inner city Milwaukee and absorb some of the fentanyl that crosses our southern border and kills poor minorities.
What an asshole...
Adams is doing what he’s told to do on account of the feds snooping on him and his staff threatening to put him away if he doesn’t play ball with the migrants.
The New York Post Editorial board has a different take than you. Personally, I think they should ALL be sent home.
"What, exactly, are the “values” served by ignoring the fact that the migrant influx has brought in violent criminals and roving gangs of thieves who are terrorizing the city?
Or the fact that spending billions on migrants impacts city services for other “tired and poor” New Yorkers?
Stewart’s wealth insulates him from such consequences; easy enough then to wave off disagreement as mere bigoted whining.
Hey, Jon: To give those values “a f–king chance,” why don’t you offer up your $5 million, 5-bedroom, 4,850 square-foot New Jersey manor to house some migrants?
Surely there’s enough room to pitch some tents on the 45-acre property."
The brother of the illegal foreign national accused of killing a @universityofga
student allegedly has ties to a violent Venezuelan gang, according to prosecutors. Diego Ibarra is also an illegal alien who entered the US during the Biden presidency.
What say you - Prog-Stewart ? *arf arf arf*
President Trump really put the screws to Mayor Adams. Didn't he?
"the mayor opened a flagship welcome center for migrants in the old Roosevelt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. Since then, he has allowed the building, two blocks from Grand Central Terminal, to deteriorate in plain sight. Some ground-floor windows are blacked out, and mattresses hang from a huge metal trash receptacle in the street. Mopeds block one sidewalk, and graffiti defaces the side of the building near Grand Central...."
He "allowed" it? So, who actually did it? Is this the NYT sorta-kinda-roundaboutly acknowledging that the sainted "asylum seekers" are actually lawless scum?
"Adams encountered an unexpected calamity: in his case, the migrant and asylum-seeker crisis. City shelters are now housing roughly 68,000 migrants, leading to threats of sharp budget cuts in other areas."
Why unexpected, oh progs? Because you assumed that sanctuary was just cheap virtue signaling? But Biden said what he was going to do prior to the election. Then he did it: he opened the border on day 1, as promised. The expectation was that it would flood the country with illegals, to boost Dem power, both in elections and in the upcoming Census. And why is that a "calamity" exactly? Progs want it. So what if it reduces services for blacks or ruins city neighborhoods and budgets?
Biden opened the border with an executive order.
Congress does not need to act.
Stewart is a lying liar who lies.
I tried, I really did. Got to the three minute mark. This guy makes me want to vomit. And his audience cheers. Laken Riley was unavailable for comment. Millions invading and he thinks it’s funny. How any thinking could watch this foul mouth person mocking people want to stop the flow of drugs killing Americans by the tens of thousands is a complete mystery to me. Not funny, not even a little bit. This is the Commie Pinko left in its glory.
I didn't see Stewart mocking any D's?
“…really good, going after multiple targets”.
I think you attached the wrong clip.
Most estimates of illegal entrants since Biden opened the southern border - millions.
Prog Stewart is a WHITE leftist.
My comment to the TIMES: "Realistically, what strategy could the Mayor, any mayor, have put in place to deal with the onslaught of thousands of people, including members of South American gangs, with no place to live? Mayor Adams should prevail upon Attorney General James to use eminent domain to seize Trump Tower and open it up to immigrants.
Do we think they'll print it? LOL!
“which is long but really good, going after multiple targets, not just Republicans”
Which part of his monologue is really good, the part where he makes homophobic references to Dr. Phil, or the part where he says we should now pass the Senate border bill to “limit” the number of illegal aliens entering the country after he explicitly stated that we should let in everyone who wants to enter the country.
A relative who lived in NY for many years and votes D, says Adams is a clown:
"He only wants to be famous...he's always hanging out with celebrities and rappers at clubs...Bloomberg or even Giuliani would take care of the crime..."
But you've got to love the National Guard hanging out in the subways in full gear brandishing automatic weapons.
Great for tourism.
¡Welcome to Nueva York!
'As far as I can tell, Mayor Adams' term has been a shit show!'
He's your ultra-liberal affirmative action guy!
"Blogger Money Manger said...
“…really good, going after multiple targets”.
I think you attached the wrong clip.
3/7/24, 10:46 AM"
I think so.
I sorta fell like I got bait and switched here a little bit.
Drag-o must be going down with Dr Phil to the border looking for military aged men with six packs and short hair.
Elite white liberals like Stewart seem unable to feel empathy even though they view themselves as kind, charitable, and altruistic.
The other night the Rachael Maddow MSNBC coven was making fun of Virginian's who said they were concerned with illegal criminal immigration because Virginia doesn't border a foreign country (but the did manage to insult West Virginia).
For white liberals like Jon Stewart, and the shitheads in Martha's Vineyard, everything is fine as long as it is not in their community or backyard. Even as inner city black communities express frustration with illegal aliens being dumped in their communities, white liberals just don't care.
We don't have a illegal alien problem in Sussex, WI. But that doesn't mean I can't understand or empathize with communities that do. It also doesn't mean I can't empathize with the migrants themselves who live in shit conditions in their home country, and are then exploited when they get here...(well except for the cell phones, hotels, and debit cards).
A marked lack of empathy is one of the hallmarks of psychopathy.
It's almost the same thing in our education system. Liberal college admins to NOTHING to control cost for debt ridden students. Liberal public school teachers cannot empathize with parents who don't want blow job instruction books in the grade school library, or secret rainbow/transgender clubs the their kid's school...(see current Elmbrook, CA controversy).
Funny how the writing style is active on the good sounding stuff- Adams opened a welcome center etc. followed by passive writing about all the bad stuff. All that bad stuff appeared out nowhere, I tells ya, with no one to blame for it all.
@Robert Cook: The hard right media sources and their cretin "anchors" are just shamelessly making up crazy shit.
Some specifics would be nice. Otherwise, people might think you are making up stuff.
Blogger Howard said...
Drag-o must be going down with Dr Phil to the border looking for military aged men with six packs and short hair.
Why does every leftist take such pleasure in making homophobic slurs?
Howie, you just gonna have to wipe your own damned ass or just going around smelling of shit. The immigrants raping your granddaughters and great granddaughters aren't going to.
So mayors are now supposed to deal with major federal problems? There is no workable strategy except for the federal government to do its job.
Freeman Hunt said...
So mayors are now supposed to deal with major federal problems? There is no workable strategy except for the federal government to do its job.
Were you in an induced coma Blue-state mayors like Adams bragged they ran Sanctuary cities and were "welcoming" to illegals? That they would refuse to cooperate with ICE?
They ALLOWED Biden to flood their cities with illegals. They DESERVE to suffer the consequences. IOW they should get what they asked for, good and hard.
"Why does every leftist take such pleasure in making homophobic slurs?"
Because most of them are closeted homosexuals. It is one of the reasons they are philosophically and spiritually who they are. Deflection.
It's only homophobic if you think something's wrong with it. I'm celebrating the diversity.
Howard - some military aged men are coming across. Form China. But go ahead and mock ((in unison... and on command ...- On hivemind obedient Q)) - You can look back and laugh after the open border becomes a real nightmare for our national security.
When you have to clean that cute little front yard of broken tamarind bottles aimed at your mailbox, pay twice as much for uninsured motorist insurance, and find illegal immigrants who speak no English shooting at deer on your property when you leave for your morning walk, get back to me about how funny this is.
Oh, and diapers and empty tortilla bags clogging the stream, because a gang of them just threw their garbage into the water, when they weren't raping my 11-year-old neighbor whose mom was living with several adult male illegals.
Hilarious. It was also good fun when a gang of illegals murdered that young cop not far from here a few years ago. Really side-splitting.
It must be nice to be so utterly sheltered from reality.
Howard's vagina got very salty yesterday when people tore apart the "Hurr Durr Jewish Space Lazers" slur leveled at MTG. Cut him some slack. It takes at least 48 hours for Howard's yoni to rebound after such a shellacking.
Some specifics would be nice. Otherwise, people might think you are making up stuff.
Classic. You won't get what can't be gotten. Yes, he's making shit up. That's what he does when confronted with a discomforting progressive asshole like Stewart. "Can't defend/must deflect."*
*Paraphrase Prog Basic Instruction Manual pp 43, 1997, Pud Press
Baghdad Bob Cook sees no problem.
For the sake of incompetent Blue city mayors, return to enforcing Trump admin illegal immigration policies.
They must be protected!
"Undocumented immigrants could have a new pathway to the American dream of owning a home.
Assembly member Joaquin Arambula (D-Fresno) introduced Assembly Bill 1840 last month to expand the eligibility requirement for a state loan program to clarify that loans for first-time buyers are available to undocumented immigrants.
The California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program that launched last March by the California Housing Finance Agency offered qualified first-time home buyers with a loan worth up to 20% of the purchase price of a house or condominium. The loans don’t accrue interest or require monthly payments. Instead, when the mortgage is refinanced or the house is sold again, the borrower pays back the original amount of the loan plus 20% of the increase in the home’s value."
Stewart is a tool, as are most folks on the Left. They will never mature… 98 lbs of horseshit dressed in blue.
Hey, Cook… just eat your gruel, wipe your chin and STFU.
Robert Cook said...
"I left NYC two years ago, so I can only follow events there from afar. As far as I can tell, Mayor Adams' term has been a shit show!"
If it's as great a city as you claim why did you leave? You could have made a difference.
"It takes at least 48 hours for Howard's yoni to rebound after such a shellacking."
Wouldn't a good shellacking keep it from rebounding?
"Mopeds block one sidewalk"
I suspect that the author meant "scooters." Mopeds are strange, and kind of rare, vehicles in the United States. Mopeds have to have very small engines and aren't allowed to go fast. (Top speed between 20 and 30 MPH.) They are, usually, required to have pedals to propel them as well as the motor, but I dare anyone to try and pedal one more than 30' and not be totally out of breath.
I had a lot of Mopeds in the late 1970s and 80s. The ones that got me in trouble were the ones that didn't have pedals. At the time, California considered those to be motorcycles, not Mopeds. And the police ticketed accordingly. California eventually got rid of the pedal requirement, but you still need a motorcycle license to drive one. (But in the 70s and 80s you didn't need a motorcycle license to drive a Moped.)
I am surprised that ebikes have not been classified as Mopeds here in California. (I really think that the ebike industry doesn't want to have their product associated with an old technology like a Moped. Plus, you need a motorcycle license in California to drive a Moped.)
I stayed at the Roosevelt the first time I ever went to New York. It was during the World Cup, Italy was playing Ireland and it was bedlam. The bar was crazy and my room was clean and comfortable as I recall. Now that I think about it, the Rangers had just won the Stanley Cup and the parade was crazy (In the middle of everything, a “Kill Your wife OJ kill your wife” chant broke out, which was thunderous and sustained). Also a commemoration of the Stonewall riots was happening. And that was my trip to New York City and my stay at the Roosevelt.
Military aged men... In other words teenagers looking for work. Most of the illegal immigration has been military age men since day one. Construction sites are full of military age men. Most Starbucks are staffed by military-age people including military aged men. The real fear is that most of your military age men in Trump country are indistinguishable from the naugahyde over stuffed couches they are stuck to and are being replaced by men from foreign countries who actually can work. That's the real Rob we've got plenty of smart people we just don't have enough dumb people willing to work who aren't lazy trumpers sitting around eating bonbons and snorting fentanyl.
Why can liberals get away with being so gratuitously homophobic?
I dunno. Check out Stephen Colbert's years-long mockery of homosexuality on Strangers With Candy.
The beauty of democracy is that when you're in power (Democrat or Republican) and your deeply-held ideology fails in actual practice, you sort of have to listen to the voters and adjust to reality — to what actually works or doesn't work.
It's not perfect, but the arc of democracy bends toward pragmatism over ideological purity.
Only far left Democrat Party members like Jon Stewart. And he only makes fun of Democrat Party members if they publicly agree with a republican, so fuck him.
"It would never have been realistic for NYC, with its chronic housing shortage, to house an open ended number of migrants, at city expense"
10 million illegals invited into the United States.
39 States of union have a population of less than 10 million
How can any nation absorb and house that many people?
By that count, why would any nation invite 10 million unvetted illegals into their nation?
There is no good in Stewart or his freak show.
"That's the real Rob we've got plenty of smart people we just don't have enough dumb people willing to work who aren't lazy trumpers sitting around eating bonbons and snorting fentanyl."
I misspoke earlier. Apparently 48 hours won't be enough to heal Howard's snizz.
My bad everyone.
"Construction sites are full of military-age men."
Construction sites staffed with illegals are staffed with criminals of military age -- perfect cannon fodder for powerful fascists like Joe Biden.
It's like the old joke: Q: "How's your wife?" A: "Compared to what?"
Adams isn't a particularly good mayor, but he's LaGuardia compared to his predecessor and to those he ran against in 2021.
Pretty good, almost Terry Southern
"And I can assure you, if you don't put that gun away and stop this stupid nonsense, the court of inquiry on this'll give you such a pranging, you'll be lucky if you end up wearing the uniform of a bloody toilet attendant!"
Blogger RideSpaceMountain said...
Howard's vagina got very salty yesterday when people tore apart the "Hurr Durr Jewish Space Lazers" slur leveled at MTG. Cut him some slack. It takes at least 48 hours for Howard's yoni to rebound after such a shellacking
Bonus quote
"Colonel! Can you possibly imagine what is going to happen to you, your frame, outlook, way of life, and everything, when they learn that you have obstructed a telephone call to the President of the United States? Can you imagine? Shoot it off! Shoot! With a gun! That's what the bullets are for, you twit!"
"@Robert Cook: The hard right media sources and their cretin "anchors" are just shamelessly making up crazy shit.
"Some specifics would be nice. Otherwise, people might think you are making up stuff."
Umm...a "migrant crimewave?" Assertions that hordes from Iran, Syria, Egypt, Russia and Afghanistan, (and "military men" or "men with military haircuts and prominent abs")--presumed, or implied, I guess, to be likely terrorists--are pouring into America by the tens of thousands via the Mexico border?
This is not to suggest there is not a problem of people from other nations trying to enter the USA illegally--there is--but the horrors of "invading alien hordes" coming here to visit evil upon us is just scaremongering and xenophobia run rampant. Those who attempt to enter and fail, just as with those who attempt and succeed in getting across--either illegally or as legal asylum seekers--are fleeing desperate situations of poverty, violence, and oppression in their home countries. They're hoping for better lives in America...the same impulse that led to the waves of immigration to the US over the past 250 years. We can't just let them all pour in, but we also should not demonize them for the purpose of tv ratings and political gain. Such fabricated hysteria makes impossible the possibility of having a considered national policy discussion as to how to manage what will remain an ongoing reality. Should we become "Fortress America," with figurative (or literal) barbed wire and gun turrents at every airport and every point of possible entry into the US from all other nations? Should we melt down the Statue of Liberty to make bullets (or prison bars) to be used against those seeking freedom from want or oppression?
Worst of all, the manner in which the issue is being sensationalized and weaponized serves only the forces of hysteria and hatred, tearing our polity apart into closed enclaves of mutually suspicious, fearful, and hostile antagonists, hating all and everyone not part our known clans.
Will Jon Stewart ever get over Trump eating pizza with a knife and fork?
If every single illegal "migrant" was a decent, hard-working person, they would still be entering the country illegally--i.e., trespassing. We have immigration laws and requirements. They are not particularly easy to comply with, and it can take a long time to be granted legal status.
Perhaps those laws need streamlining. And/or our system for processing legal applicants for entry into the country needs more funding.
But the idea that somehow allowing, facilitating and encouraging mass illegal and "undocumented" entry into the country is somehow the solution to anything, or even a coherent policy, is purely and simply insane.
Why is this so hard to understand?
If every single illegal "migrant" was a decent, hard-working person, they would still be entering the country illegally--i.e., trespassing. We have immigration laws and requirements. They are not particularly easy to comply with, and it can take a long time to be granted legal status.
Perhaps those laws need streamlining. And/or our system for processing legal applicants for entry into the country needs more funding.
But the idea that somehow allowing, facilitating and encouraging mass illegal and "undocumented" entry into the country is somehow the solution to anything, or even a coherent policy, is purely and simply insane.
Why is this so hard to understand?
Robert Cook: when I worked in refugee resettlement -- legal refugees -- I quickly learned that the warlords and criminals running the refugee camps, who had created the need for the refugee camps, were first in line to be granted refugee status. There were decent people, but there were more violent, criminal, and dangerous ones.
And why wouldn't this be so?
Quaestor said...
"Construction sites are full of military-age men."
"Construction sites staffed with illegals are staffed with criminals of military age -- perfect cannon fodder for powerful fascists like Joe Biden."
They are working hard to pay off the people that got them here. The other ones. The actual criminals that crossed our boarder are dealing drugs and prostitution and running protection on the rest. Look at the stats and ask the people working on those job sites.
Gusty Winds said...
"The other night the Rachael Maddow MSNBC coven was making fun of Virginians who said they were concerned with illegal criminal immigration because Virginia doesn't border a foreign country (but the did manage to insult West Virginia)."
West Virginians are just the Virginians who have always realized slavery is bad.
"It's only homophobic if you think something's wrong with it."
If you actually saw the clip you are disingenuous or forgot the /sarc tag.
C'mon, man. He was hurling a homophobic smear. As noted above, lots of lefties do this.... but all is forgiven, always, right?
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