Tweets Viva Frei, displaying this Joe Rogan clip:
I watched the whole Joe Rogan episode — it's free on YouTube, here — and I was disappointed in Haidt, who is out and about this month pushing a new book about taking smart phones away from kids. Haidt presents himself as a source of wisdom and good sense in our supposedly crazy world, but in that clip, you see him mentally failing, in real time.This is actually an amazing highlight from @joerogan’s recent interview with @JonHaidt.
— Viva Frei (@thevivafrei) March 25, 2024
It goes to show the importance and impact of initial news that turns out to be fake news.
The initial impression is the one that lasts, and the justification to cling to the initial…
This is exactly how fake news works.
Also psy-ops...
Progressives definately have a different mindset than the rest of us. They hear dog whistles, racism, and misinformation on the right, when they need to look in the mirror and see that all of that is coming from THEM.
Wow. Not a case for saying 'people are watching the same movie but seeing two different films', IMO. That is a huge disappointment, a hit to my respect for Haidt and my admiration for both his insight and his reputation for equanimity. Instead, he shows Wrong and Strong. Pride goeth.....
bloodbath, noun
1 a great slaughter
2a : a notably fierce, violent, or destructive contest or struggle
the campaign has become a bloodbath
2b : a major economic disaster
a market bloodbath
Holeeee crap. That was incredible. It had to be planned to bring the unedited part out after. Incredible.
So did Rogan and his producer do that on purpose to see the reaction to the edited clip, and to show the impact of “fake news” edits?
There are a whole lot of “smart people” who think like Mr. Haidt.
Haidt presents himself as a source of wisdom and good sense in our supposedly crazy world
Really? Not based on his prior, extremely inflammatory takes on politics. "Wisdom and good sense" don't including urging people to hate the president, no matter who the president is. Wise people know that hatred is a self-destructive emotion to be avoided as much as possible if not shunned altogether. To encourage hatred of people with whom you disagree about politics, and encourage the public to embrace that hatred was evil, straight up. Evil. Has he renounced his unwise encouragement of hatred?
Now extend this fake news principle beyond Haidt to Steven Pinker, Nobel Prize(tm) Winner and Partisan Hack Paul Krugman, every DEI official on the planet, Biden, Trump, and 95% of the world's population. Social media and phones brought all the world's wisdom and all the world's foolishness to the palm of the hand. But few can distinguish between quality and propaganda when presented side-by-side.
Society functioned "well enough" on follow-the-leader governance when the parties and schools and media channels were mostly functional, coherent, and sane. We are now running on inertia and and fumes.
This is exactly how fake news works.
This is exactly WHY fake news works.
And why the “fine people” hoax continues.
The good news is that only the true believers believe anything the Democrats or the press say anymore. The rest of us broke the code long ago.
Mean, racist, insurrectionist Straw Man Trump exists only in the fevered minds of the Left.
I have not delved into the BLOODBATH discourse until now. Thanks Althouse, this post was the only thing to make me want to figure out just how much our elites are irrational.
So the corrupt lying liars who lie on the left - who are the gatekeepers and Chicago cheat-machine mobsters who rule over us and the "news" - and who lecture us constantly that anything that makes a democrat look bad is "fake news" - are the actual purveyors of fake news?
no way!
If you think you are too smart to be fooled, you will surely be fooled.
Leftists cannot handle being WRONG.
Simply, wow. Which is more embarrassing:
(1) Making an erroneous judgment about something based on bad information, in this case the out-of-context quote or
(2) Not having the good sense to admit he was wrong and was fooled by the edited version of the quote.
To me, the 2nd would be far more embarrassing- the first is something everyone does frequently since one never has all the information that is available...ever. It makes Haidt look like an idiot. I can only come to one of two conclusions- either Haidt is just fucking stupid after all and with no good sense, or he was already aware of the controversy and that the bloodbath comment was taken out of context but couldn't resist the temptation to pile onto the lie and didn't want to be forced to back down.
Haidt: "Joe, we're not going to settle this."
Translated -
"Joe, I'm never wrong."
They bemoan the death of expertise, but this is how you get the death of expertise.
"So did Rogan and his producer do that on purpose to see the reaction to the edited clip, and to show the impact of “fake news” edits?"
No. Rogan's assistant was looking for the clip on the fly after the topic came up in conversation. That's the one they were watching and you see Joe, in real time, catching that they'd pulled up an edited clip. Joe was aware of how "bloodbath" had been distorted, so he knew something was amiss. Haidt was in thrall to the distortion, so he had trouble noticing the cut, even after it was pointed out, and, when he was forced to see it, he came up with reasons why the cut didn't matter!
cant make a horse think
It is human nature to never admit you have been fooled or duped.
This is where you have to give MAGA voters who once supported the Bush clan a lot of credit.
To their shock and dismay, we abandon them. We realized the Iraq war, and the WMD claim was a LIE. Wasted lives, and wasted money. Also, we watched as Bush 43 looked like a deer in headlights as the economy crashed at the end of his term. We realized John McCain was a lying piece of shit, as was Mitt Romney.
When Trump appeared and said, "we have idiots negotiating trade deals", we said...EXACTLY! And Rosie O'Donnell is a fat pig.
We didn't double down. MAGA voters changed course... We're fuckin' smart.
@Mike (MJB Wolf) Not based on his prior, extremely inflammatory takes on politics.
Haidt is a stereotypical very left professor who has suckled on the safe and comfortable government teat his entire life. He loves the system and loves the potential for "progressive action." What makes him special is that, despite being a routine cookie-cutter lefty, he speaks about the failures of the establishment and mental illness among students. Steven Pinker is a slightly less left version of the same thing -- he accepts government as received truth but believes in biology too, and is thereby shunned by the equity/rainbow left.
We've drifted so far from pragmatic politics that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Lemmings are bad, breaking the lock-step party line is good. Baby steps.
"So did Rogan and his producer do that on purpose to see the reaction to the edited clip, and to show the impact of “fake news” edits?
Well, clearly this was intended. That Haidt didn't have the good sense to either see that was coming or to stop digging the idiot hole is surprising to me. I personally never found him to be an interesting thinker- he trods well-covered ground from smarter and deeper writers and pundits, but this makes him seem like he has no common sense either.
The mRNA clot shots are interesting in regards to being duped and then not changing course. Or, admitting you changed course.
Looking at the participation in the mRNA boosters, and the decline in Pfizer stock, liberals who lined up for shots one and two, and wanted people punished who didn't take the shots...didn't take the boosters. Look at the actions, not their words.
However, they virtue signaled their mRNA participation on social media in 2020 and 2021, but now they don't post, "I'm not taking the boosters. And as a matter of fact, I wish I didn't take shots one and two. I regret listening to the lies told by experts."
Even though I think they are stupid, and fell in line for the mRNA shots like lemmings...I'm glad they opted out of booster participation.
There will be a quiz ...
Both of them knew perfectly well that Trump was talking about an economic bloodbath. And there was the proof before their eyes. But Rogan was all conciliatory to the lying snake Haidt, with repeated, "I think." Rogan should have shoved the fact of the matter up Haidt's ass but he uncharacteristically allowed Haidt to slither away from it, unscathed. I wonder why he did that.
Once the absolutely mandatory starting point is Orange Man Bad (about every damn thing) Haidt's blindness is "rational".
TDS is real and it's spectacular(ly) terrifying.
From my post above about boosters:
"People who took mRNA shots one and two, and insisted on penalties and punishment for those who resisted, should not be FORCE and COOERCED to taking all the recommended booster shots. Take the boosters or lose your job, have travel freedom restricted, not be able to go to restaurants..."
Sounds evil and ludicrous doesn't it? And you don't hear any mRNA shot resisters demanding it. That's because we know it was a lie, and it's poison, and we don't want human beings to be forced to inject poison. Especially young people and children. We actually really good, smart people. And we don't give a fuck if Trump is still proud of it.
Liberals know they were fooled on shots one and two...they will NEVER admit it though. They just quietly stopped participating. Except of course, the batshit crazy ones.
As Harry Reid would have told us... "It works, doesn't it??"
does even the edited version convey violence or just rhetoric flourish by speaker?
does Haidt believe 'art' requires viewer to 'close the circle' with artist for the experience?
Haidt unwittingly gives us a demonstration of his concept of structural stupidity.
Anyone who has ever watched sports or financial markets understand that "bloodbath" is used frequently as hyperbole: "CNN reporter on Wall Street: It was a bloodbath" or "Boston bloodbath: Yanks Trounce Sox For Third Straight Win". You can literally find hundreds of such headlines- anyone pretending that "bloodbath" is never used this way is either lying or ignorant.
Look at Global Warming and Climate Change.
Al Gore and John Kerry tell liberals the ice cap will melt by 2013. It's 2024 and the the ice cap is just fine. The "hockey stick" model which started all this bullshit was completely wrong.
And yet PHD liberals are still clinging on to the delusion and lie that man made global warming/climate change are real. Carbon dioxide is poison. They can even see rich elites who push the lie the hardest, flying private jets, and sailing on billion dollar yachts...
...and they STILL believe this shit. Must be a pride thing. The first of the deadly sins.
I like the guys at Triggernometry when they have these type of scenarios. They are not "gotcha" moments, but they'll discuss them with their guest like Rogan with Haidt. The biggest example is the discussion about "Hunter's Laptop" and the US Intel Officials that lied about it. Sam Harris defend the lie and did so on the basis that the lie was acceptable to get rid of Trump. It blew away Sam Harris credibility. More recently, they had on Bill Maher, who complained about Trump's not accepting the election results. FF and KK mentioned Hillary Clinton was still denying the results of the 2016 election, played a clip of her denial from just a week earlier, and Bill Maher still claimed he never heard Hillary ever deny the 2016 results. FF and KK used to hate Trump out of hand but watching people like Harris and Maher on their show has caused them to at least question the narrative about Trump.
"I was disappointed in Haidt, who is out and about this month pushing a new book about taking smart phones away from kids."
Why? Haidt is a liberal who prides himself on never having voted GOP and wants to maintain good relations with fellow academics to his left. NeverTrumpism comes naturally, and confirmation bias affects us all.
"Haidt presents himself as a source of wisdom and good sense"
By comparison with he average academic prog, he is. He's against Social Justice U and founded Heterodox Academy. But how often has he questioned the prog party line--i.e., said something genuinely "heterodox"?
Leftists cannot handle being WRONG.
the desire to 'be right' without 'being on the right' : is it possible existentially?
It's hard to take Haidt's comments as being made in good faith. Trump is talking a lot about the economy and not at all about violence in the streets and in the middle of this speech about the economy, he uses a common, if hyperbolic, phrase. Haidt insists really means violence in the streets.
It's very hard to believe that Haidt believes that.
In manufacturing, in order to produce quality parts that meet print and perform as indented (functionally, safely, and for a long time), YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO ADMIT YOU WERE WORNG.
Shit happens. Things go wrong. You look for the root cause, and try to eliminate it. First assumptions can often be wrong. "Nope. No fucking way. I'm not changing anything. My original design was perfect. We're sticking with Revision A" - That's an engineer you fire immediately.
Do you want your car or airplane parts produced by liberals who never admit they were wrong? You want your food produced by these people?
But for some strange reason, when it comes to news, medicine, vaccines, war, global warming, and education...liberals are just fine with the pride filled liars being in charge.
If a presumably smart person cannot admit that he is wrong when presented with facts contrary to his asserted position or opinion, then how can we tell when he's correct?
Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
Haidt straight out declared that his mind is not open to the idea that the media created this firestorm, twice cutting Joe off saying "Joe, we're not going to settle this." Then he went on a defense of journalists, declaring that they are almost all good and sincere and trustworthy. Question the basic reliability of what they publish day to day? It's too much. It's too scary. Haidt's just not able to go there.
For a guy like Haidt, his religion is faith in the value of prestigious educational credentials as a moral gate-keeping mechanism. The idea that the mechanism has failed, if it ever worked at all, is the edge of cliff. Acknowledging what is so obvious to many of us would result in a life-threatening case of discombobulation for Haidt. In a few months we'd find him filthy and unshaven, staggering down a skid row sidewalk, violently waving off imaginary questioners and shouting, "Fuck it! And fuck you!"
Think of all the dipshit liberals who still believe Ivermectin is just a "horse de-wormer".
Or that's hydroxychloroquine is dangerous.
Don't forget. A lot of these dumb-shits have PHDs and teach and America's colleges. They flood our public education system...
I can see how you could conclude Trump was threatening a bloodbath if he isn't elected - if that is what you wanted to hear. He has a bad habit of no finishing his thought. AS a supporter I can see he meant it will be a bloodbath for the auto industry if he's no elected because China will flood the country with cheap cars. Trump's sloppy undisciplined speech patterns make it too easy for the Left to smear him.
Trump routinely uses hyperbole in his rhetoric. The media routinely uses hyperbole in reporting on the hyperbole in his rhetoric. They both keep ratcheting it up....I'm far more sympathetic to Trump than to the media, but it's wearisome in any case....One of the tools of governing--or maybe tool is the better word--is making effective use of the media. Hitler, Stalin, and FDR had the media totally on their side. The media back then didn't really have competitive slobbering contests like they did with Obama, but it was pretty intense. Now they have disparagement contests. I don't really see how Trump can establish a totalitarian state with the media so solidly against him. Last time it was inordinately difficult for Trump to limit immigration much less initiate a bloodbath. It's going to be a problem for Trump if he wins.
Heh... I've followed Viva Frei on YouTube ever since the Canadian trucker convoy. Boots on the ground reporting. I'm surprised - and pleased - that the RCMP hasn't hauled him in for reeducation, at least not yet. I follow him on X now, too.
"This is exactly how fake news works. Also psy-ops..."
Not surprisingly, the media hired legions of intelligence officials after 2016. Because, you know, spies are known for being fair, balanced, and honest.
Damn, Haidt's one of the good guys too.
Fact is, Trump says a lot of loose shit that can be misrepresented this way.
And that's why we love him...
Haidt does what he warns against in one of his books--he lets his elephant dictate what the rider thinks. He dislikes Trump--an emotive response (and he is an admitted liberal)--so his "thought process" is merely a reflection of his emotion.
Wow. That was hard listening to a so-called intellectual completely ignore what he just heard. Even with the edit, which is clearly there, the context is plain with regards to an economic fallout.
I see why politicos want to sway the election one way or the other, but for those on the left to blatantly disregard any common sense, and accept blatant falsehoods, is astounding.
One of the major sharers of the edited clip on X is the official Joe Biden account. The "good people" lie worked so well for him last time, I guess he, or the ones posting to his account, think this will do the same. I thought that there was no way people will fall for it when they hear the full thing. Obviously I was wrong.
Shorter Haidt: Here Trump deviates from clearly threatening civil war to make throwaway lines - before and after - regarding the US auto industry.
"Haidt presents himself as a source of wisdom and good sense"
So does Al Shapton.
It works better for both, Joe and Haidt, to use the adulterated clip.
This would make a good Danny Kanneman experiment: Expose group A to a statement on a contentious topic in context and measure the response; then expose group B to the statement out of context in a biased way, then have group B hear it in context, and see if the two groups reach different conclusions.
This is getting down to basic word twisting to feed the Big Lie propagandist machine. It makes me appreciate The Professor’s insistence on accuracy in word definitions.
But the fake news never wins in a war of words with The Donald. The Deep State once had the same problem with the communications talents of JFK, and had to resort to “ Dead men tell no tales” tactics.
I saw him speak at UNC recently. He said that students who disrupt speakers should face "severe" punishments from colleges and that some universities, he seemed to be referring to the Ivy League, would never recover from today's madness. "Brand suicide," he called it.
I wouldn't judge him on the Rogan clip alone.
During his talk he asked different age groups in the audience at what age they were first allowed to roam around alone outside. The middle-aged and older people all said before age 10, say, third-grade, The current students, Gen Z, gave ages around 12 to 14 and even older!
Now do Dark Brandon
"Having formed that initial reaction, despite the fact that they realize it was an edited clip and not the original statement, it is virtually impossible for Haidt backtrack on that original impression."
"Virtually impossible"? Only if you're an insincere POS who's unable to change your mind upon being presented with new information.
From Mr. Haidt's website:
"My mission is to use research on moral psychology to help people understand each other and to help important social institutions work better."
Sounds like more research is in order.
"Chinese companies are looking into building EV car factories in Mexico to take advantage of the Mexico-U.S.-Canada trade agreement and avoid hefty tariffs on imports of electric vehicles coming directly from China.
In particular, BYD, China’s largest EV automaker that recently surpassed Tesla in sales, is looking at locations in Mexico near the U.S. border. Chinese companies have a 25 to 30 percent cost advantage over U.S. competitors because of dominance in the EV battery supply chain and processing of critical minerals as well as low-cost labor and attractive energy prices.
CEOs of U.S. automakers are worried that China could make a serious dent in the EV market as Japan and South Korea have done in the conventional auto market previously. With onerous proposed EV rules by Biden administration agencies on U.S. carmakers, the competition could be disastrous for legacy car makers, who are currently losing vast sums on meeting Biden’s EV goals."
- American Energy Alliance, 02/23/24
Trump was not calling for violence.
The lying liars on the left keep saying he was. It's a lie.
but we already know the lying liars who lie on the left are lying liars who lie.
All said - Trump would do himself a favor and take public speaking lessons. Stop giving the lying liars who lie - gifts.
Cognitive bias is a hell of a drug.
Speaking of media making fake news, I wonder how much Prince William and Rose Hanbury might get from a defamation lawsuit against Stephen Colbert. It might be impossible for Prince William to win such a suit, but Rose Hanbury, a married mother of two, isn't the same level of public figure as William and has her own family to protect from such lies. It will be a little difficult for Colbert to walk back the defamation, since it was spread pretty far by CBS and other media outlets. Did Colbert use air quotes? Because it didn't seem to me he was just speculating when Colbert said: "I think we all know who the alleged other woman is, say it with me: The Marchioness of Cholomondeley". That was news to me.
"Bad Trump for using such an unfortunate word which gave Democrat Party members the catspaw to attack him. If only he was more careful with his speech, then lib scumbags would leave him alone..."
Is this what you fucking weaklings are taking from this? That Democrat Party propagandist Haidt is "one of the good guys" and dumb Trump talk stupid so even good guy Haidt has to hate him?
Blood doesn't run in your veins, Kool Aid does.
Haiti is a fool. An ignorant, party line fool. Democrats can and have used that specific metaphor but not Trump, nooo, not Trump.
This braindead Democrat Party member is blaming phones for the social destruction caused by his politics. It ain't the phones, jerk, it's the Democrat Party members.
@Gusty Winds said (09:44) "It is human nature to never admit you have been fooled or duped. "
There's a distinction to be made here, that I think is important. Haidt and Rogan have not been duped or fooled; they have been misled. When you're duped or fooled, it's an intentionally targeted, bad-faith effort at deception and fraud, and one that is onerous enough to provide the victim with an easy 'out'. It's not because of some personal failing, some flaw of intellect or moral courage - somebody set out to fool you ! You've been made into an unsuspecting victim. There is much less personal shame involved when this is the case, because most everyone can sympathize with your plight, and your loss.
But: With misleading and deceptive subtleties like the ones routinely practiced on conservatives, Trump in particular, the beauty of the scam is that it allows the victim to pretend he didn't notice - just as Haidt does here. You chop off a few words, or yank them out of context and re-contextualize them, and presto ! Instant perceived outrage. While it's still a bad-faith effort on the audience, it can be a 'friendly' one for the right set of people.
This targeting of an audience to promote misleading ideas and shape opinion is the essence of propaganda. It's much more insidious than just fooling people. And it's what makes these federal campaigns to gain mastery over the censorship of the social media and internet world so disgustingly craven and cynical.
In that clip we see Haidt riding his elephant.
"I was disappointed in Haidt, who is out and about this month pushing a new book about taking smart phones away from kids."
First comic books, then rock music, now cell phones. Apparently cyberbullies are driving kids to suicide or something. Count your blessings kids, a cyberbully isn’t going to reach through the screen and punch you in the face, like real bullies did in the good old days. Grow a spine; it’s the most important part of growing up.
It's as though some camp counselors wanted to tell the kids a really scary campfire story and wound up so terrified themselves that they're making up new camp rules to keep themselves and the campers safe from the imaginary boogeyman they created.
First new rules are: No saying there's no boogeyman and no laughing at the counselors for being afraid of the boogeyman.
One always always always has to view the raw footage, in context, if one wants to make an informed opinion. That is, unless you just want to disparage people because it makes you feel superior.
One of my FB friends hates Trump and posts regularly about it. One of his commenters inevitably replies about how aghast she is at how many supporters Trump has. No curiosity at all about why that might be. They don't even try to understand his appeal.
The bloodbath speech is a Rorschach test.
Haidt flunked.
"Now do Dark Brandon"
How is that the same, Howard? "Dark Brandon" was the Biden supporters' own effort at creating a meme out of a man with rotting shit for his brains. We Trump supporters mocked it relentlessly.
I joined Heterodox Academy when it was at its beginning. It quickly revealed itself as not “heterodox” in that it was just as boring and self-serving as every other academic society or organization I’ve ever belonged to. Recently, Haidt’s been posting a good deal on Instapundit, but it’s always self-interested advertising for his own work and books and interviews (though not this one). Fine and dandy, but it feels hollow.
Angie said
There's a distinction to be made here, that I think is important. Haidt and Rogan have not been duped or fooled; they have been misled. When you're duped or fooled, it's an intentionally targeted, bad-faith effort at deception and fraud, and one that is onerous enough to provide the victim with an easy 'out'.
Rogan wasn't fooled. Haidt was. Either that or Haidt is completely dishonest.
How is the "fine people" hoax, the "bloodbath hoax", Global Warming, J6, "safe and effective" mRNA shots, George Floyd was murdered and didn't die of fentanyl, Ivermectin and HCQ are bad for you...not exactly what you define?
It's not because of some personal failing, some flaw of intellect or moral courage - somebody set out to fool you!
Just because Democrats and the MSM target dumbshits, doesn't mean they are not dumbshits. Even if they have a PHD. Mama always said, "stupid is, as stupid does".
And is about intellect and moral courage to admit you were fooled or wrong. You don't see MAGA voters who supported Bush and the Iraq war still saying..."Saddam had WMDs!!!".
Think of all the assholes who insisted on pumping dangerous mRNA shots into young adults and children who didn't need them. The ones who took shots one and two, then skipped the boosters. The one's who wanted penalties and punishments for the smart people who didn't take the clot shots. Or the people who forced masks on very young kids.
They don't admit they were wrong. Many double down. Especially those in education.
But, they just stopped taking the shots after wanting to shove it up everyone's asses. Only the really crazy ones still wear masks. They don't admit that publicly, but mRNA booster shot statistics clearly show it. That's an intellectual and moral flaw, otherwise knows as weak ass bullshit.
"Haidt presents himself as a source of wisdom and good sense in our supposedly crazy world ..." but he works for a University, and he's not a janitor or a cook, so, yeah, he's just another psycho shit-for-brains.
Jesus Yancy, you care so hard.
I've heard some good things about Haidt from someone who was so cancel cultured that he's practically radioactive. Haidt also defended this man when he was cancelled from a speech he was invited to give -- after he arrived on campus and was preparing to give the speech, having travelled some distance.
So perhaps he will revisit this. He's written some of the more fair things about "deplorables" than any of his academic kin.
Blogger traditionalguy said...
The Deep State once had the same problem with the communications talents of JFK, and had to resort to “ Dead men tell no tales” tactics
may I ask what this refers to? teach me history! pleaz
Blogger Mason G said...
From Mr. Haidt's website:
"My mission is to use research on moral psychology to help people understand each other and to help important social institutions work better."
this is still giving a pass to Haidt -
there is no underlying process of reasoning : it is self psychologizing -
I would say Haidt proceeds as follows to form HIS opinions
... I am moral person; my psychology is not pathology
... Trump [or xyZ] is immoral and his psychology is pathology
Bloodbath more likely when Trump wins. Riots and beatings, same as before.
Where has antifa been lately?
I can see he meant it will be a bloodbath for the auto industry if he's no elected because China will flood the country with cheap cars.
Maybe because that's exactly what he said. Nothing sloppy about it. It's as plain as day that's what he meant because that's what he said.
Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard: "Now do Dark Brandon"
Yancey Ward: "How is that the same, Howard? "Dark Brandon" was the Biden supporters' own effort at creating a meme out of a man with rotting shit for his brains. We Trump supporters mocked it relentlessly."
Gee Howard, just how oblivious can you be?
What the hell? Rogan and Haidt are both people who make lots of money by commenting publicly on the major issues of the day. They present themselves as informed, and ought to be.
The idea that they didn't actually listen to what Trump said, or that the use of the word "bloodbath" in a financial context (or a political context, for that matter) is somehow incendiary, or that when Trump warns that if he doesn't win there may not be any more free elections in this country he is talking about something other than what the Uniparty wants to do (and is doing) to the election process, is maddening in its idiocy. The context is right there for anyone with an open mind to see, hear, and understand. And both of these boobs got sucked in. The "elite."
Blogger Narayanan said...
"this is still giving a pass to Haidt -"
My earlier post was not meant to give a pass. Apologies for not making that clearer.
Cancel Haidt Speeches
Practice Tip from a trial lawyer understanding the fake news enabled Academics : liars only lie when they can get away with it. When they can, they will lie proudly and rest on their credentials.
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