March 6, 2024

Biden mutters to himself, frets aloud about "getting in trouble," looks around worried/confused, and mutters to himself again.

I don't know if he's "not well" or if he's got something else bothering him, but would somebody please help him? Help us.

ADDED: The look on his face reminded of George W. Bush's "My Pet Goat" interlude. Maybe Biden doesn't want to upset the children. 


rehajm said...

He’s not that bad, you said…

lonejustice said...

Looks to me like he was having a "ministroke," which is medically referred to as a transient ischemic attack (TIA).

Dave Begley said...

A vacant stare.

Enigma said...

@Althouse: " but would somebody please help him? Help us."

Not helping Biden is the precise goal of those who surround him. The establishment / Deep State / wealthy oligarchs / Never Trumpers / we-are-all-equal-and-hate-effective-people forces do not want a functional or conscious person in power. They want a puppet figurehead they can easily manipulate, and they want to directly control all government agencies. They openly wish to abolish the Supreme Court too. This coalition bought, paid for, and pushed Biden into power in 2020, so they will squeeze him for everything they can as long as they can.

They are modeling off of the Roman Praetorian Guard and the Regents behind the thrones of many kings. This ends only when they turn on each other (e.g., French Revolution), as relatively few outsiders have such pervasive predatory essences.

Iman said...

Yes, help him walk offstage. Leave the decrepit, hair-plugged, criminal cretin to enjoy the fruit of his crimes.

wendybar said...

Biden upsets children by sniffing them. Keep children away from the sniffer.

Howard said...

If he flicked his tongue he would have looked reptilian

tastid212 said...

He says it like a child - is he trying to get a laugh or is he telling the truth? He's made the same remark on numerous occasions since he became president, so is it a joke or is it a plea for help? He doesn't do humor or truth very well. Any way you look at it, get this guy off the stage.

Humperdink said...

I am so old I remember the Commie-Pinkos incessantly bringing up the 25th amendment when Trump was president.

Tina Trent said...

Yeah, a bunch of very young children needed to be the first people to be told about a massive security crisis.

I thought that the fast and gentle way he left them was a positive. What was he supposed to do? It was about two minutes as his staff made a plan, then he left without scaring the children.

Tina Trent said...

I mean Bush. Good Lord, you're making me defend Bush.

PB said...

Mouth agape, almost slack jawed, close to drooling. Yeah, he's at the top of his game.

Robert Cook said...

It is a great failure of the Democrat party leaders that they didn't go to Biden a year ago and tell him in no uncertain terms he would not be their candidate for 2024, that, in fact, he would announce he would bow out of the race. It is their greater failure that they apparently have no potential candidates--even one-- who might be a strong and popular opponents to Trump in the race and a substantial POTUS if elected.

It is the Republican Party's failure they have no potential candidates who might actually be good and reasonable alternatives to the appalling Trump, and who might be a not-terrible, or adequate or even good POTUS if elected.

Kevin said...

What do you think they do to him when he “gets in trouble”?

He seems very fearful of the punishment.

donald said...

The only help I’d give Joe Biden is a helping hand to the gallows. No sympathy for that fucking zombie.

Todd said...

That look on his face is as though he has zero clue where he is. You can see the cognition drain from him, from the time he says he better not take questions until the video ends.

He is NOT well and as a result, the government is NOT well, and we the people are paying price as is the rest of the world.

It is a crime that the folks doing this to the country and world will NEVER get punished and we will never see justice done.

Robert Marshall said...

What I heard: "I better not start the crisis."

What did you hear?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That's cute to compare him to Bush but there is no Andy Card whispering earth-shattering news in his ear, there is no dawning of the realization "We are now at war." By the time we saw Bush's reaction we all knew the exact reason he looked that way. Here, there is just old feeble Joe, lost in his own mind, afraid of "getting in trouble" in front of a crowd of very friendly journalists just itching to help him look good on camera.

So maybe the eye movements have a similarity, maybe the general term "vacant look" is apropos of both, but the big difference is we have no idea, no confirmed reason, for Joe acting this way. "Help us" indeed!

Lilly, a dog said...

Sure, keep denying that he's the Dotard-in-Chief. He'll be the Grandpa from "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in a few more months.

Larry J said...

Joe Biden has always been a profoundly stupid, arrogant, and corrupt man. His obvious mental decline has not improved things, and was readily apparent to anyone who cared to look years ago. But Orange Man Bad, so they voted and cheated for him regardless. Who is actually running the government? It sure as hell isn’t him.

Chick said...

Stick a fork in him, he's done.

Rusty said...

Poor old man. What I'm finding funny is the left treats him as if he's all there. The Democrat cheat machine is shifting into high gear to elect a man who doesn't know where he is on any given day. And before you resident lefties get on my case after the last election Biden bragged about his well organized vote fraud machine.

Wince said...

Gazing into the abyss?

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche

Crazy World said...

But Trump said Obama is president!

Birches said...

He looks like he might have a stroke.

Wince said...

"Biden mutters to himself, frets aloud about "getting in trouble," looks around worried/confused, and mutters to himself again."

Is it chemical or hereditary?

His mutter was a mutter.

BG said...

What do you think they do to him when he “gets in trouble”?
He seems very fearful of the punishment.

Send him to bed without his pudding?

Chris said...

Blogger Kevin said...
"What do you think they do to him when he “gets in trouble”?

He seems very fearful of the punishment."

Take away his ice cream?

J Severs said...

I suspect elder abuse, mostly shouting at him for mis-steps.

Roger Sweeny said...

The knives are out for Joe. "Beware the Ides of March"?

retail lawyer said...

"World class lesson in leadership". Gavin Newsom

Roger Sweeny said...

People act as if the lack of an obvious replacement for Biden is a negative for the Democrats. But a relative unknown can campaign as a relatively blank slate on which people can project their desires. To a large extent, Obama did that in his first campaign. This might be especially effective if the replacement can successfully present him- or herself as the normal candidate in contrast to Trump. Perhaps even a few "Sister Soulja" moments.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He is a puppet of very evil people.

michaele said...

That is very very concerning behavior from Biden. His breathing seems like he's quietly almost panting and his eyes looking around have a weird combination of confusion and alarm. How is going to give a forceful and confidence inspiring state of the union speech. The quantity of meds he will need to seem like an acceptable president and commander-in-chief for that hour of a public night time tv appearance might give him a heart attack or stroke.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He looks terrified and confused.

The perfect attributes for an obedient husk-puppet for his handlers.

rhhardin said...

The moment called for the Secret Service Easter Bunny.

Jersey Fled said...

If I were the Republicans I would run that clip on an endless loop from now until the election.

And a curse on those who foisted this fraud on us for all these years now.

Temujin said...

The look of a man who just lost bowel control. In front of a lot of people.

Aggie said...

Well, Cookie... There's a very clear example of Trump Derangement Syndrome, when you have a corrupt, elderly Democrat President with a questionable 45-year political history, who is clearly afflicted (compromised) with dementia, and you cover this by trying to spread the blame to Republicans. Look what you made us elect !

Dude, you take care. By election day, you're going to be foaming at the mouth if Democrats don't figure out how to own their self-created problems and resolve them.

Patentlee said...

I think that the Special Counsel’s report was a true “the emperor has no clothes” moment in that now, even Democrats and the MSM are acknowledging what has been right before us for the entirety of Biden’s presidency.

donald said...

Just watched Joe Scarborough brag about his two hour discussion with Joe Biden on foreign policy in which Biden walked him around the world in detail, explaining his policies for each region. This is so dishonest that I can no longer disregard the fact that nobody ever got arrested for the murder of the young female staff member in his congressional office. Anybody that dishonest cannot be trusted with anything.

Alison said...

How on earth is Biden going to get through his State of the Union speech tomorrow night?? I don't he can.

Quaestor said...

Getting in trouble with whom? Jill? Jeff Zients?

Who the fuck is Jeff Zients? Evidence suggests he's the most powerful human on Planet Earth, and yet no one elected him.

It can't be the American people, because Trump!!, the all-purpose cause of all problems, killed Laken Hope Riley by making Jose Ibarra feel bad.

All sarcasm aside Joe hopes to avoid getting in trouble with God, by which he means Barack Obama.

Humperdink said...

Crazy World said: "But Trump said Obama is president!"

Trump is right again!

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

He’s OK. It’s just a stutter

Tommy Duncan said...

Blogger tastid212 said...

"He says it like a child - is he trying to get a laugh or is he telling the truth?"

Never attribute to humor that which is adequately explained by dementia.

Bob Boyd said...

He's pining for the fjords.

Gusty Winds said...

What do you think they will inject into Biden to get him through the SOTU? Steroids? Hunter's crack? Chocolate chip ice cream?

Wouldn't it be awesome if Biden just stood up there in front of Congress and the world and just licked a chocolate chip ice cream cone? It's really not far from where he, and we, are at.

Michael said...

Watch the accelerated labored breathing. It's a tell. One sign of early-stage dementia is mild panic attacks as the patient is suddenly confused about where they are or what they're supposed to do. You see this most often in elderly car drivers who suddenly are overwhelmed by where they are supposed to turn or traffic lights.

I'm surprised Jill Biden is letting him go out on stage like this. At least Nancy Reagan had enough love to shield her husband from public view.

Gusty Winds said...

Biden better hire a food taster.

gilbar said...

i've asked before, and i'll ask Again..
When are the democrats going to announce their candidate for the 2024 election?
WHO are the democrats going to HAVE, as their candidate for the 2024 election?
WILL the democrats Actually force the death of resident Biden? Or will he allow himself to be removed?

Gusty Winds said...

@Althouse: " but would somebody please help him? Help us."

The Supreme Court had a chance to help Biden and all of us back in 2020, but they passed on Texas vs PA. So here we are.

What else could be expected? Why are we now aghast and surprised?

Americans are supposed to help themselves by governing themselves. In 2020 that ended, and Madison, WI was a big part of the fraud that got us here.

Trump is now our Obi-Wan Kenobi. Our only hope.

Bob Boyd said...

would somebody please help him?

He does look like he's in real pain there or nauseous, some serious discomfort.

Four more years? Come on, man.

Charlie said...

Biden doesn't want to upset the children, he wants to sniff the children.

Anthony said...

A large number of people will never even see this. CNN, MSNBC, NPR, etc. I would bet never, ever run these sorts of clips.

rehajm said...

They cooked the vote and got away with it last time so what’s the incentive to change him out this time? Remember when you said it was time to move on? Now is where we moved on to…

Original Mike said...

"The look on his face reminded of George W. Bush's "My Pet Goat" interlude. Maybe Biden doesn't want to upset the children. "

Given Biden's age, we're almost all children. And we're upset.

Christopher B said...

Roger Sweeny said...
People act as if the lack of an obvious replacement for Biden is a negative for the Democrats. But a relative unknown can campaign as a relatively blank slate on which people can project their desires. To a large extent, Obama did that in his first campaign.

I think you're correct to a degree but especially with Obama that image of a blank slate (kind of an oxymoron) was careful created over years of voting 'present' in the Illinois Senate and giving speeches like the one at the Democrat National Convention in 2004 (Neo replayed her reaction to it a couple days ago.) The counterpoint is the Dukakis campaign in 1988. If there was a blank slate psuedo-centerist in the Democrat Party they would have been the logical choice in 2020. Biden was as close as they could get.

The Drill SGT said...

Sadly, he'll never be any better, Next week, worse

vote like our future depends on it

Mason G said...

"but would somebody please help him?"

Why? He (and the Democrats) got what he (and they) wanted so badly that they cheated to get it.

Paul said...

Tough nuts... You people who voted for Biden (or just sat on the fence and didn't vote..)

Reap what you sow.

And I really suggest you get off your butts and vote for Trump this time...

Paul said...


Hassayamper said...

Just watched Joe Scarborough brag about his two hour discussion with Joe Biden on foreign policy in which Biden walked him around the world in detail, explaining his policies for each region.

Long-term memory is the last to go. Biden fancies himself the nation's #1 expert on foreign policy, and has certainly been in the thick of it since the mid-1970s, even though he is well known for always coming down on the America-Last side of any question.

I suspect his fund of knowledge is intact up to around 2015 or so, and he can undoubtedly talk for hours about the state of the world up until then. I also suspect that if you asked him to expound on very recent issues such as the differences between ISIS and the Houthis, or what he thinks of China's recent emphasis on slavish obedience to "Xi Jinping Thought", or even asked him to name the pro-Russian eastern Ukrainian oblasts that are the object of Putin's invasion, you'd draw a complete blank.

Ice Nine said...

I've always "loved" the "George W. Bush "My Pet Goat" interlude" claptrap. That was POTUS receiving the news that an airliner (that's one airliner) had crashed into the WTC. I seem to recall that we were all quite stunned and in disbelief in the first minutes that we heard that news.

That certainly, IMO, warranted some calm contemplation of the possibilities...among which was the possibility that he had just received the most monumental and consequential news that a POTUS had received since December 7, 1941. Plenty of people who inform and advise the president were busily trying to comprehend and sort out that news in order to better inform him beyond the sketchy story that he had just heard. Nothing whatsoever was lost in those two minutes.

What was he supposed to have done, instantly jump up and spring into action? What action? Sort of like a chicken with its head off? Sort of like Mighty Mouse? That kind of action?

Yancey Ward said...

I saw that exact reaction from father a lot during his last 2 years alive- confusion so bad that he had a panic attack- note the rapid shallow breathing. I don't think Biden had any clue what was going on around him.

Joe Smith said...

Just run that as a 30-second ad with subtitles.

He says this a lot, that he'll 'Get in trouble.'

From his own mouth we know he's not in charge, but liberals will vote for the deep state 100%.

Milo Minderbinder said...

What angers me more than anything is that democrats clearly will do anything to retain political power, even endangering our entire country by propping up this senile, corrupt, incompetent old fool. Every new Biden video says "go to hell," to the electorate.

gilbar said...

Shouldn't resident Biden have been in bed?
he had a big night coming up. I'm surprised that he wasn't in a medically induced coma, resting up

as michaele said...
How is going to give a forceful and confidence inspiring state of the union speech. The quantity of meds he will need to seem like an acceptable president and commander-in-chief for that hour of a public night time tv appearance might give him a heart attack or stroke.

how much Adderal CAN they put resident Biden on? They could borrow a few ounces of Hunter's crack; but some where; some thing is GOING to blow (and i Don't mean his nose)

Anthony said...

Hassayamper said...

Long-term memory is the last to go.

Anecdotally, that seems right to me. I had an uncle who was deteriorating and he would come up with these things from like 50 years previous, like they were yesterday. And in one of his books, Jimmy Buffett related the story of how his dad was in the early stages of Alzheimer's and would tell (Jimmy) that he (dad) could recall events from decades earlier like they happened yesterday, but then couldn't remember why he walked into a room.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Ice Nine is incorrect. As I wrote above, Card was informing Bush of the second plane, which signaled that this was no accident happening in NYC. While it is difficult to find a news report to link I found this one at a site that seems hostile to Bush but gives the timeline details as reported immediately after the fact. He sat down to read about 20 minutes after the first plane, so he was aware obviously of the first strike.

Robert Cook said...

"Well, Cookie... There's a very clear example of Trump Derangement Syndrome, when you have a corrupt, elderly Democrat President with a questionable 45-year political history, who is clearly afflicted (compromised) with dementia, and you cover this by trying to spread the blame to Republicans. Look what you made us elect!"

I'm not blaming the Republicans for "(making) us elect (Biden)!" It's always a given the Republican candidates will be terrible. I blame the Democrats for not putting forth better candidates than Biden in 2020, for not doing whatever possible to sink Biden's becoming the candidate in 2020, and doubly so for not telling Biden he would not be accepted as the candidate for 2024.

"Dude, you take care. By election day, you're going to be foaming at the mouth if Democrats don't figure out how to own their self-created problems and resolve them."

I won't be foaming at the mouth. I accepted long ago that the Dems--like the Republicans--were not likely to put forth acceptable, much less desirable candidates for POTUS, and, true-to-expectations, they have not. (That said, the piss-poor candidates they have put up were still preferable to the shit-poor Republican candidates.) I have voted for neither major party since 1992; I have voted Green Party instead. I may do the same next year, or...I may gag and force myself to vote for Biden, simply as to try (likely futile) block Trump from winning office a second term.

Narr said...

If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.

Narayanan said...

will he show up tomorrow?

Narayanan said...

confusion so bad that he had a panic attack- note the rapid shallow breathing. I don't think Biden had any clue what was going on around him
visions of lollipot ? oops I meant to say CornPop?

Narayanan said...

(or just sat on the fence and didn't vote..)
if they sat on the fence posts may be too deep in to get off?!

Jaq said...

LO fucking L

Narayanan said...

Patentlee said...
I think that the Special Counsel’s report was a true “the emperor has no clothes” moment in that now, even Democrats and the MSM are acknowledging what has been right before us for the entirety of Biden’s presidency.
in Chinese YouTube dramas I am watching 'use borrowed knife to kill' come up oftener.
wondering Special Counsel {R} = borrowed knife

Narayanan said...

Patentlee said...
I think that the Special Counsel’s report was a true “the emperor has no clothes” moment in that now, even Democrats and the MSM are acknowledging what has been right before us for the entirety of Biden’s presidency.
in Chinese YouTube dramas I am watching 'use borrowed knife to kill' come up oftener.
wondering Special Counsel {R} = borrowed knife

Narayanan said...

looks like he was signalled/warned to call off taking questions!

so they must have remote monitoring to sense his functional capacity!

blessed are BlueTooth fairies

Rabel said...

A better look here. Forward to 17:02.

He's waiting for the press to be cleared from the room. It's not quite as bad as it seems in the posted clip, but the vacant stare and the slack jaw aren't news to anyone who has been paying attention. The heavy breathing? That's new.

And that was nothing at all like the Bush incident.

Narayanan said...

Bluetooth Fairy 5.0 capabilities

Bluetooth 5.0 is the newest version of the wireless standard. Devices began supporting Bluetooth in mid-2017, and it's now implemented in many compatible Bluetooth devices. Bluetooth 5.0 offers four times the range, twice the speed, and improved bandwidth over Bluetooth 4.0.

Narayanan said...

for SOTU can FJB be dongled with AI and implanted speech devices?

Sternhammer said...

Yes, the way Bush looked on learning of a terrible attack is how Biden looks all day every day.

JAORE said...

"The quantity of meds he will need to seem like an acceptable president and commander-in-chief for that hour of a public night time tv appearance might give him a heart attack or stroke."

The efficacy of these drugs diminishes with use (and advancing dementia). I suspect there are substantial staff debates about how many doses, frequency and dosage Biden can take and

Hence the infrequent appearances in front of cameras (even with written answers to prepared questions).

Hence the non-use of the bully pulpit to sell his programs or explain them to the citizens..

Hence the failure to use the enormous audience before the Super Bowl.

Can't duck the SOTU speech. But how many days until the next "must appear" situation?

mikee said...

Dementia is horrible to watch as it progresses from missed words to loss of so, so much more. Jill Biden is a horrible person and is abusing her elderly husband.

JaimeRoberto said...

Scarborough might be confusing knowledge with Biden's habit of just making stuff up.

Bob Boyd said...

How many Ukrainian orphans will they drain to get Joe sufficiently youth-anized for the SOTU?

Gilbert Pinfold said...

Konstantin Chernenko has entered the chat...

phantommut said...

His respiration rate there look to be about 20 BPM. With makeup, it's hard to tell, but his complexion looked pretty waxy. Whatever was going on there I think he wasn't feeling well at all.

Interested Bystander said...

V”The leader of the free world.”

Interested Bystander said...

Humperdink said...
I am so old I remember the Commie-Pinkos incessantly bringing up the 25th amendment when Trump was president.

3/6/24, 6:24 AM

Trump was cautious walking down a slick wet ramp and they were ready to removed him. Marco Rubio took a drink of water and they said he would never be elected again. The Left sucks.

Jim at said...

To Cook at 6:37 AM:

Just think ... if you hadn't stolen the damn thing in 2020, Trump would be finishing out his last months as a lame duck, Biden would be drooling on a beach somewhere and both parties would have fresh candidates.

Way to go. Thanks. Thanks, a lot.

Jim at said...

BTW, it's The Pet Goat.

Mutaman said...

Althouse and Peter Daou: Now that's some daily double.

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