"... on X.com. ... Joe Biden’s campaign posted a similar clip soon after Torabi did, implying Trump was fomenting violence. By Sunday morning, Republicans on the news-making talk shows were asked about Trump’s comment. They responded by arguing Trump was just talking about the economy and Democrats were taking the word 'bloodbath' out of context. Ever since we have been subjected to a semantic debate over 'what did Trump really mean.' Such chin-stroking works to Trump’s advantage, dulling the potential for mass outrage when he makes outrageous statements. How can we avoid this semantic trap?... [We need to connect] Trump’s rhetoric to his presidency without burdening Trump’s critics to prove a remark was intended to provoke violence. It doesn’t matter what he meant by any particular riff.... If the Biden team deploys this narrative... then future instances of Trump’s explosive asides tossed in convoluted word salads can be easily prosecuted without a linguistics seminar on what he meant."
Writes Bill Scher, in
"No More 'Bloodbaths' or How to Avoid Stupid Debates Over Trump’s Semantics/Forget parsing his words. Democrats should connect Trump’s past rhetoric to the street violence and Capitol insurrection of his last year in office" (Washington Monthly).
Yes, be more substantive. Stop relying on quirks of language to get attention. And speaking of quirks of language, stop saying "garner."
It doesn’t matter what he meant
The media's approach to Trump in 6 simple words. I can't believe Scher got away with such honesty.
Yes, be more substantive
They have no substance. Rhetoric, scams and hoaxes is all they have. Give them credit, it’s all they’ve needed…
Those 'quirks of language' were quickly made a point of action by Google, which made a bit of a change to how they define 'bloodbath'. Everything must follow The Narrative, even as it moves at the speed of light.
Define 'bloodbath'.
…on X.com
I thought these dooshbags announced their departure from X when Elon took over?
These fucking liars. Trump was clearly talking about a bloodbath in the auto industry.
Yes, be more substantive. Stop relying on quirks of language to get attention.
It's all they've got.
The problem for Leftists, of course, is that in fact there is no connection between Trump’s rhetoric and street violence. Such violence is nearly always of and for the Left, including the Jan 6 set-up. And who hasn’t said “bloodbath” at one time or another?
How can we avoid this semantic trap?
Quit being dishonest liberal dumbasses would be a helpful start. But, the now way out in left field base eats this shit up. They swallow it and believe it. It fills a delusional, programmed, pre-conceived notion.
Not a chance they stop "bloodbath" and "fine people" hoaxes. For Democrats this is slop in the trough to feed the pigs. It feeds their high and mighty and moral superiority fantasies.
If they don't do stupid stuff like this, what are Joe and Mika going to actually talk about?
Yes - we have not heard enough about the January 6th riot - that was instigated by the feds in the crowd.
Yes - many people behaved at their worst. but it was not a planned insurrection.
The semantics of the lying corrupt left should be under the microscope.
Also - where's the hack press on Joe Biden's family corruption?
oh yeah- total Castro-Putin loyalty.
Shorter version: Trump is guilty. No proof necessary. We know it because we know it.
Want to avoid semantic debates? Here's a nutty idea: stop lying. Stop lying about his "bloodbath" comment. Stop lying about the events of January 6 being an "insurrection" or causing the deaths of 5 (or any) law enforcement officers. Stop lying by saying that his fine-people-on-both-sides comment was meant as praise of Nazis. Stop lying by saying he called all Mexicans rapists. And while you're at it, stop lying about "Russian collusion," an immigration ban on Muslims, etc.
You mean connections between protests and violence like these.
Still, the release of some detained protesters required the intervention of Rossana Rodriguez-Sanchez, a Chicago City Council member and the alderman of the city’s 33rd Ward. “If I didn’t show up with a badge, lawyers would have never gotten in,” Rodriguez-Sanchez says. “It made me sad to think about what happens to people that don’t have access to this kind of power.”
FTA: "How can we avoid this semantic trap?... "
Simple. You can avoid it by learning how to read and how to use simple logic to keep it in context. It would also be useful to stop being an asshole who purposely takes the worst out-of-context meaning and incessantly repeats it for political advantage.
I see a major problem with connecting "the street violence of his last year in office" with Trump or his rhetoric. He proactively attempted to stop "the street violence" using the same National Guard that the NY governor is now employing for far less violence than the Left ginned up in 2020, and was repeatedly thwarted by Democrats. Then there is the tiny problem of the "Capitol insurrection" resulting in far less death and destruction than the Democrat-encouraged and financed "street violence" of 2020.
Shall we roll out the quotes from every major Democrat who praised and defended the rioters? Aided their legal defense funds? Laughed about how the violence "isn't going to stop"?
Exactly ZERO of these violence-encouraging Democrats need be taken out of context unlike the truncated Trump quote. They were blatant in their bloodlust just four short yeas ago. Where is/was Billy Scher's handwringing thumb-sucker of a column indicting these Leftist avatars of "direct action"? Where is he mourning and hagiographies for Ashlee Babbitt and all the cops killed by BLM or wounded by Antifa?
Fuck these people.
Bill Scher is a cunt, that is the nicest thing I can say about him
The author of this essay writes:
Biden needs to remind voters that Trump was less a president than an arsonist. May 2020 was marked by violence in several cities after video captured a police officer murdering George Floyd ...
Ummm, trying to connect Trump as the cause of the Floyd riots? I want to see them pull off that trick
Yes, be more substantive.
There's an existing laundry list of media hoaxes, like the Fine People hoax and the Drinking Bleach hoax, which were built on out of context Trump quotes. And there's constant, endless attempts to create the next great hoax. This guy seems to be saying, stop trying to turn everything Trump says into a new hoax, we have enough hoaxes, just keep hammering the existing hoaxes.
Maybe that's what passes for being more substantive now.
Yes, please move to the substance of what Trump was saying. He used the term while calling for tariffs. If there is an economic policy that is more retarded than rent control it is tariffs. That is significantly more outrageous than his use of the term “bloodbath”.
"Democrats should connect Trump’s past rhetoric to the street violence and Capitol insurrection of his last year in office"
'Connect Trump's past rhetoric to the BLM violence of 2020'?
That's more honest or substantive?
How can we avoid this semantic trap?
Stop lying is certainly an option.
People tend not to trust liars for some reason.
Jeebus that Jan 6 event! what a bloodbath! Little old ladies with machetes lopping off cop's body parts left and right. Good move by capitol police to to blow up the drawbridge like they did. Terrible stench from all those decaying bodies layin around. Thank God for those refrigerated trucks they used to collect the dead.
Arguing Trump's, (Wharton School of Finance), "bloodbath" language vs. the January 6 event "insurrection" requires a special kind of mendacity.
But If you get paid by the word, and can chump 22 million clicks. Pay dirt!
They are targeting Trump.
Yes, be more dishonest. Stop relying on what actually Trump says and simply equate it with the worst you can conjure up in your fevered mind.
There, I fixed it for you. But of course Scher is already following this model.
There is a reason we teach “the boy who cried wolf” to kindergartners … so many have forgotten the lesson. Lie often enough and people stop listening. That is so frustrating.
22 million views, that's almost 50% more than the video showing invaders pushing past our military to enter our country. The latter is actually related to a bloodbath, just ask Lincoln, err Laken Riley's family, or perhaps Tammy Nobles, mother of Kayla Hamilton. The whole "bloodbath" misquote is to distract from the policies that Biden has enacted, because Biden's policies are indefensible when brought up in honest debate. It has little to do about Trump, Democrats and the Media would do this to anyone who would challenge their policy positions. Trump simply isn't afraid to step up and challenge them.
Let me explain the adult picture on what's really going on.
Trump intentionally puts himself in the crosshairs, knowing the DNC-MSM-DAVOS cool kids will pounce with overreacting.
Ultimately, Trump is targeting YOU.
He's missed the mark a little bit with you because what's really supposed to happen is that you folks are meant to feel like the attacks on Trump are really attacks directly on you your way of life your eternal soul.
It's Elmer Gantry, Scientology, Herbalife, Amway, etc.
Send money
Blogger stlcdr said...
They are targeting Trump.
If there is an economic policy that is more retarded than rent control it is tariffs.
If only the educational system in the US put some focus on economic literacy. (Sigh)
The left and the MSM (but I repeat myself) knowingly use these lines and statements out of context and then say things like “he literally said that, literally said those words” and we all see them as the fake news they are.
Interestingly, they know Trump says wild things and gets taken out of context all the time. So you’d think they would re-read and ask for context before reporting anything so they might understand him. But they don’t.
And they do the exact opposite with Biden. He lies and says stupid shit (or indecipherable mumblings and slurrings) all the time. But in his case they explain and excuse and say “he has always been a well meaning blowhard” exaggerating for effect like old school politicians do, it’s just endearing old man stuff that we should see as cute.
Crock of shit. Our news media is all propoganda.
can we talk about The REAL Bloodbath now?
Hundreds of THOUSANDS of rapists and murderers have been escorted into this country..
MANY Americans have ALREADY been raped and murdered.. THOUSANDS (AND THOUSANDS) more will be..
Meanwhile, "our" governments are PAYING the rapists and murderers to rape and murder..
THAT is The REAL Bloodbath..
Stay Tuned.. For ritual cannibalism!
There's an existing laundry list of media hoaxes, like the Fine People hoax and the Drinking Bleach hoax..
Biden-Harris campaign retweeted the bleach hoax yesterday. Some lefty in my timeline retweeted them. The gaslighting never stops.
Trump seems to be garnering more ire from the left every time they trump up obviously picayune meanings garnered from their pedantic interpretations of his words garnered from left-leaning rags like NYT that garner false impressions by inappropriately eliding all pertinent detail.
Bloodbath in the auto industry is a perfectly good analogy, but it will now be overused until the meaning is lost & it becomes reality like "see Russia from my house"
A world of endless liberals, as posted on the Althouse blog. What a myopic world they inhabit.
"How can we avoid this semantic trap?... [We need to connect] Trump’s rhetoric to his presidency without burdening Trump’s critics to prove a remark was intended to provoke violence."
You could start by describing which of Trump's policies were bad for the typical American and how Biden has made improvements. But you won't.
I'm so sick of the female and feminized hive mind on Trump. God bless you, but if you are unable or unwilling to find the substance yourself then you are the problem. The facts are out there but this large swath of voters I am talking about can't be bothered with them. They've made up their very stubborn and stupid minds based on their preferred source of sustenance.
See you in November.
When I hear "street violence", I think Democrats. The connection is well established.
I am getting so TIRED of leftwing pundits and journalists, which means the entire MSM, pulling this rhetorical trick of assuming a media LIE is jsut a "difference of opinion"
Notice what Bill Sher does here. THe media claims Trump said he'd do a "Bloodbath if elected". This is a lie because that's not what Trump said. His comment related to what would happen to the Auto Industry IF BIden was re-elected.
But Bill sher won't say that. He' says "Trump claims the quote was taken out of context". Like, he said she said. Gosh, its all just a matter of opinion. There's the media makin' claims and Trump makin' claims.
But that's dishonest. It NOT a matter of opinion. We have the video. We know what Trump said. And we know The MSM took the quote out of context and lied. That's a fact. There is NO "difference of interpetation".
The Media and all pundits think they can lie and misrepresent Trump and what he says. They've been it for 7 years now. For some reason, no matter how often the Lie, exaggerate, take out of context, or unfairly characterize what Trump says, people STILL think they're telling the truth.
Wake up dummies! The MSM hates Trump. They lie about him. And NOTHING they say about him should be believed unless its doublechecked.
Fake but accurate...?
I'm also convinced that same people who believe Trump caused a "violent insurrection" on J6 stand by while our children are given puberty blockers and their bodies butchered. The problem is female. I'm sorry if that is offensive, but strong fathers would never have allowed this gross abuse of our young. That "strong father" obstacle has been removed. It's been a long and successful campaign. Once we have sacrificed our young what further lunacy can we believe will be beyond the pale?
They can shove that garner right up their backsides.
So, the Democrats are saying that it's OK to trim what Trump actually said in order to spread a lie. If they want to talk about Trump advocating violence, how about we truthfully bring up the times they were encouraging people to "punch back twice as hard" and to "get into people's faces" when conservatives dare to go out in public? There are plenty of examples of them encouraging riots and destruction. Let's put them on display for all to see.
As usual w/Donald - If you can't beat him, enjoin him.
And now we have Joe Bidens favorite propagandist blaming the invasion/ storming of the border yesterday (and the open border) on Trump.
Joe Biden opened the border. Joe Biden doesn't want to close the border..he wants more money to process more illegal young men (the ones storming the border...not families like they lie about) not keep them out. He wants to let them squat at YOUR house.
You can close your eyes and block your ears going.lalalallalla...but this is ALL on JOE BIDEN and assholes like Joe Scarborough who licks his shoes. (I had something else in mind, but I kept it clean)
These people are NUTS...
Collin Rugg
NEW: MSNBC host Joe Scarborough is blaming the illegal immigrant riot at the Southern Border this week on Donald Trump.
This is what propaganda looks like, folks.
Despite Biden’s efforts to have an open border & dismantle Trump’s border policies, Scarborough says it’s all Trump’s fault.
“Look at what the Republicans are doing to you. Look what Donald Trump's doing to you.”
“I would carry this around because see this onslaught headline, the only thing the post didn't tell you is Donald Trump said, blame me for this. Donald Trump said, kill the bill and blame me for everything that happens after this point. Donald Trump said, blame me. So yes, Donald, we are blaming you.”
Key words in the post: "prosecuted without a linguistics seminar on what he meant."
Indeed, if the prosecution can claim words mean any damn thing the prosecution alleges, and have that claim be the standard for proof of guilt, why bother with the trial at all? Proceed directly to the basement for your bullet behind the ear, comrade, and no more complaining!
The article is a red herring. Trump and his people did not want the Jan 6 riot. The plan was to use the Congressional debate to argue for Pence to delay the certification and send the electors back to the six state legislatures for review. The ended the dabate just as it was starting (did they even make it to Arizona). When Congress reconvened Pelosi and Schumer had new rules of order to go straight to the certification w/o debate.
Peter Navarro called the plan the “Greenbay Sweep”.
Trump did no benefit from the riot — Biden did.
Someone should ask Garland if any evidence leads to Joe. Alas, my fellow reporters don’t want to do their jobs and would be fired if they tried
Meanwhile, James Carville is calling for Trump to be assassinated and CRICKETS from the Propagandists who pretend they are journalists....
James Carville says:
Joe Biden's surrogates should do the
"Wetwork" against Trump ...
*Notice No outcries or condemnations
by the news media ?🤔
Kyle Becker
Oh, so, "Wet Ops" as they call it in the intel world.
James Carville just called for assassination of Trump on-air.
Why? Because he is standing up to the radical Democratic Party that is looting America and wrecking the country.
Sickos. And an obvious case of "priming."
Wetwork (Russian: мокрое дело, tr. mokroye delo)[1] is a euphemism for murder or assassination that alludes to spilling blood.[2] The expression and the similar wet job, wet affair, or wet operation are all calques of Russian terms for such activities and can be traced to criminal slang from at least the 19th century[3][4] and originally meant robbery that involved murder or the spilling of blood.
The operations are reputed to have been handled by the CIA and by the KGB's SpecBureau 13 (Spets Byuro 13), known as the "Department of Wet Affairs" (Otdel mokrykh del).[5][6][7]
Trump wasn't the first to use "bloodbath" in a sentence. YAHOO! Finance published "China’s EV rush into Western markets risks ending in a ‘bloodbath’ for the industry, warns founder of Tesla rival Xpeng" on February 20, 2024. The original story was in Fortune the same day behind a paywall.
Such chin-stroking works to Trump’s advantage, dulling the potential for mass outrage when he makes outrageous statements.
No evidence given for the claim that Trump has actually made an "outrageous statement". The "bloodbath" statement was only "outrageous" if you're a moron. For everyone with a functioning brain, it was typical campaign rhetoric.
How can we avoid this semantic trap?
By not being lying sack of shit flaming lunatics.
[We need to connect] Trump’s rhetoric to his presidency without burdening Trump’s critics to prove a remark was intended to provoke violence.
IOW, we need to stop saying things that can be fact checked, because we're liars, and can't survive honest fact checking
It doesn’t matter what he meant by any particular riff.... If the Biden team deploys this narrative... then future instances of Trump’s explosive asides tossed in convoluted word salads can be easily prosecuted without a linguistics seminar on what he meant."
Conviction first, trial later, or never.
Writes Bill Scher, in "No More 'Bloodbaths' or How to Avoid Stupid Debates Over Trump’s Semantics/Forget parsing his words. Democrats should connect Trump’s past rhetoric to the street violence and Capitol insurrection of his last year in office" (Washington Monthly).
You mean you want to blame Trump for the fact that the Democrats were and are rioting murderous scum?
Harris raised money of a fund whose porous was to get violent BLM rioters back on the streets where they could destroy and murder some more.
So if we're going to decide that "street violence" is wrong, your'e going to have to vote against the Biden-Harris ticket
Howard said,
"Ultimately, Trump is targeting YOU."
Are you scared? You're acting scared. Does Trump scare you, Howard? It's OK. Your conservative neighbors will protect you.
What’s wrong with garner?
Bill E. Coyote, writing in the Washington Monthly...
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