ADDED: From the NYT article: "The ruling by a five-judge panel of appellate court judges was a crucial and unexpected victory for the former president, potentially staving off a looming financial disaster.... In a statement, Mr. Trump said he would 'abide by the decision' and post either a bond from an outside company or put up the money himself. He added that the appellate court’s decision to reduce the bond 'shows how ridiculous and outrageous' the $454 million judgment is."
March 25, 2024
"A state appeals court ruled that Donald Trump and his co-defendants in the New York civil fraud case have 10 days to post a $175 million bond..."
"... down from the $464 million judgment that was originally due Monday.
The 11th-hour ruling from a panel of state Appellate Division judges, all appointed by Democratic governors, is a major victory and relief for the former president, whose attorneys had said coming up with the larger bond was a 'practical impossibility.' The ruling also means state Attorney General Letitia James’ office cannot yet begin collecting on the judgment...."
Another number pulled out of a hat
Dem appointees. The NY moneymen have spoken. The lawfare strategic retreat has begun. The 2017 to 2024 anti-Trump show trial era may be waning.
I don't know even how they got $175 million. It should be a dollar.
Live reaction shot.
Should be doable.
The culprits will soon be out with another phony case.
$175 million is still an insanely high number for a victimless crime. But Estrogen and his budddy the NY AG must be angry. They were going to force Trump to sell his properties. They wee going to take over his businesses. And now...not goin' happen.
What's sad is that this Lefwing "Lawfare" has now been normalized. We're celebrating Trump having to post $175 million when Bernie Maddoff only had to post $10 million.
Trump has also noted he can post the bond with cash. Maybe the appeals process can save the New York economy from a bloodbath.
Why are fat black people persecuting Trump?
Maybe have the salad...
Maybe the courts are getting a bit gun shy.
The seizures, before the exhaustion of appeals, feel unconstitutional. Can it be compared to starting the death sentenced convict on a diet of hemlock because, hey, he’s sentenced to death, he’s going to die anyway.
Saw a blog comment elsewhere today that fits in with this, just add "willing to destroy the Constitution to get him" to the list.
if the powers that be
were willing to kill upwards of 10 million people
and mushroom cloud the world economy
just to keep one man in america from being president for a 4 year period of time
it necessarily follows
that one man must be among the most dangerous men to have ever walked the earth
i say:
lets vote for him one more time
Let's face it- never has so much effort been put into destroying on man. Putin destroys his enemies effortlessly. As does Chairman Xi. And whoever is behind the effort to destroy Trump has been after him for years- and had to cheat to put Biden into office. His widely publicized losses in court recently are travesties of justice, not justice. Easily recognizable by anyone without blinders on.
NOW.....MSNBC is freaking out claiming there is a separate justice system for Trump. If you can't railroad the guy with fake charges, corrupt DAs and judges...then it's all unjust.
Hilarious. We know there is a separate lawfare justice system for Trump.
But it's still $175 Million for complete bullshit. That ain't chump change.
Trump didn't defraud anyone.
The collective a-hole mini-Putin mobsters are living breathing frauds. and they can all go F themselves.
Damn! Someone actually listened to Frank Luntz for once!
Blogger Enigma said...
Dem appointees. The NY moneymen have spoken.
The appellate court didn't want to crash the Manhattan high rise market. I'm sure there are thousands of construction loans like this. Tens of thousands. The banks love it. They got paid back, made money, and wanted to loan Trump MORE money.
This is all really just stupid.
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
Tons of meltdowns on X in full swing, a sight to behold!
Here's the ruling.
No explanation.
Thanks for the link to that batshit crazy woman. I don't know how she, out of thousands of others, became the poster girl for batshit crazy. I probably see the video or a still of her every other day though.
I smile thinking of her grandchildren, because I think this will still be a thing in 20-30 years.
"Hey, Mikey. I saw your grandma on tiktok yesterday. Is she really that crazy?"
The journalists at are NOT happy about this reduction. They are complaining that it is special treatment, not available to other citizens. Not a whisper about the special treatment, first person ever charged, suspension of statute of limitations, excessive fine and so on that caused this case to even be brought.
John Henry
When Trump gets his appeal for the actual trail he will have it all thrown out.
Same for Fani... it will all be thrown out and Fani will lose her lawyers license.
And the same will happen with his 'hush money' trial...
All will fail and TRUMP WILL BE PRESIDENT IN 2024!!!
and FJB!
@Joe Smith: "Why are fat black people persecuting Trump?"
Correction: Black and mostly female politicians. Most people in the USA are fat today.
Trump went for the jugular against AOC and The Squad. He called Maxine Waters "a low IQ individual" after she did something characteristically goofy. You likely have no idea about how 'triggering' the thoughts of (1) losing government aid, (2) being humiliated by white men, and (3) being assessed on IQ are to black women.
Trump walked into a political minefield and rolled around on landmines like a wet dog. Black women routinely rank on the bottom of USA social prestige surveys (i.e., low dating desirability, low respect, low presumed skills, and low income), and they are extremely sensitive to hostility.
Legal or not, many black politicians will go after Trump until he dies or until they die. Then they'll try to erase his memory like they attempted with the Confederate monuments in 2020. They will label MAGA and Trump as neo-Confederate symbols for generations.
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
"From the NYT article: "The ruling by a five-judge panel of appellate court judges was a crucial and unexpected victory for the former president, potentially staving off a looming financial disaster.... "
Unexpected by whom? The 20-year-olds at the NYT?
Please read the comments to the NYT article for amusement. There are a lot of crazed NYT readers out there
Are the walls still closing in?
Seems like the adults are finally getting involved in the kid’s game.
Sounds like the original judge "overvalued" the penalty amount he could set.
Well, it's progress of a sort, I suppose. If they sentenced Letitia James to be hung by the neck until dead, tomorrow, that would be justice.
Sorry. I meant "hanged". Or maybe I meaned "hanged".
“The ruling by a five-judge panel of appellate court judges was a crucial and unexpected victory for the former president, potentially staving off a looming financial disaster” [i.e., bloodbath]
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
Your answer is in the mirror Mark.
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
Well there is this little bitch named Mark...
Even appellate judges can see how all this is playing out. Trump isn't leading the polls because so many folks identify him as the ideal president. Most sane folks can see that the wheel can and will turn. Impeachments will become as normal as milk on corn flakes as will lawfare.
Excluding the bug-eyed lefties like Mark, most decent Americans do not want to live in a banana republic or take up residence in Pol Pot's reedukation kamps near the killing fields.
- Krumhorn
Jupiter said...
Sorry. I meant "hanged". Or maybe I meaned "hanged".
In this Trans Age, I wouldn't be surprised if Letitia James were also "hung".
It's all court drama. They knew the 458 million was ridiculous and would be blocked in appeal, with damages to New York. They, also, knew they would hide some of their incompetence by arriving at a figure (probably presented by Trump's lawyer) that wouldn't make it smell so bad. In the end, the appellate court will not make the huge mistake of shooting itself in the foot before the next election, the bond will collect interest, and all in New York will begin to wonder if they'll ever repair the damage over the last three years by tyrannical administrators.
Trump said he will pay the $175M bond amount with "a bond, equivalent securities, or cash." It would be very amusing if he used his Truth Social stock to pay the bond.
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
Look in a mirror.
The panel of New York judges is attempting to forestall Trump taking this to the federal court system. It probably won't work, though.
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
Yes, easy answer. You, Mark.
Have you yet answered who the consumer is in the phony "fraud" case? Who is the consumer? What "consumer" was defrauded?
'Trump went for the jugular against AOC and The Squad. He called Maxine Waters "a low IQ individual" after she did something characteristically goofy. You likely have no idea about how 'triggering' the thoughts of (1) losing government aid, (2) being humiliated by white men, and (3) being assessed on IQ are to black women.'
If you 'Trust the Science!®' like democrats say they do, then average blacks and Hispanics are indeed 'low IQ' compared to average whites, Asians, and Jews.
Make of that what you will...
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
3/25/24, 1:40 PM
LOL! That is friggen hysterical! How DARE HE complain about the unfair treatment he is getting! The gall of the man!
Those that are out to get him (and they are) are not even trying to pretend any of this lawfare is even close to honest. Trump is charged for a documents crime that he was incapable of committing as it occurred while he was POTUS but Biden is given a pass cause he is now old and stupid even though he repeatedly committed this crime over dozens of years. Trump is charged with fraud when every single developer of properties does the same thing cause it is THEIR estimate/appraisal of the property value and each bank is required to do their own appraisal to protect THEIR interests. Trump is guilty of sexual assault against a woman that can't remember when it happened, exactly what happened, did not tell anyone, has no proof, but sure he HAD to have done it. GA is suing him for election interference even though the DA ran on the promise to "get Trump", hired her spoon-buddy to do the trial even though he has no experience, pays him a boatload of money that he uses to take her on trips, while she is still married and the judge says OK/fine, just boot your boy-toy (but he gets to keep the money he has been paid) and SURE it looks bad for her but all is good, she has a (D) next to her name. And let us NOT even get started on Hunter or Hillary (you mean wipe it with a cloth?) or any of the other (D) walk-aways. Most never even feel hand-cuffs on their wrists let alone actual jail time.
But sure, he is the whinny bitch.
@Leland says: "Trump has also noted he can post the bond with cash..."
@Crazy World says: "Tons of meltdowns on X in full swing, a sight to behold!"
Hmmm. A roll of pennies is 4.400+ ounces. If trump pays in pennies, that's 50,9082 tons of pennies - at least 2 fairly full 18 yard dump trucks, 370 million rolls. Get started, Treasury !
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
3/25/24, 1:40 PM
I was hoping they had the stupidity to stick by their guns.
Enigma said...Trump went for the jugular against AOC and The Squad. He called Maxine Waters "a low IQ individual" after she did something characteristically goofy. You likely have no idea about how 'triggering' the thoughts of (1) losing government aid, (2) being humiliated by white men, and (3) being assessed on IQ are to black women.
And what?? They can't handle the truth, so they have to make up lies to bring him down??
I was hoping that they were going to seize Mar a Lago and put it on the market for $18 million. I was already down there on Ocean Blvd in order to be the first in line to grab that deal.
$175 million is still an insanely high number for a victimless crime.
Stop calling it a crime. It isn't even that.
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
3/25/24, 1:40 PM
Still seems awfully high.
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump? - Mark
I can think of one.
Trump’s lawyers’ position seems to be that the DA was obligated to obtain and turn over not just stuff in the possession of the DA and its investigators and agents, but get it from the USAO as well. That’s a creative argument.
“The People went so far above and beyond what they were required to do that it’s odd that we’re even here.” ~ Judge Merchan
Judge Merchan sets trial date for April 15th in the Manhattan election interference hush money trial.
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
You, for one, although I would adjust that to say, has there ever been a more whiny fascist jackass than Mark
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
Yes, you.
He shouldn't have to post an appeal bond. His properties aren't going anywhere. It's not like he has any practical ability to sell or deed them to someone else and thus prevent the state from going after the properties to satisfy the judgment. Making him post a bond for the full judgment amount was just a transparent effort to make it harder (or at least more painful) to appeal.
The judgment itself should get tossed on appeal. Clearly unconstitutional both in terms of the lack of a jury trial and the 8th Amendment prohibition against excessive fines.
I posted this, this morning on the cafe post..$175 million is STILL way too much for a victimless crime.
Bernie Madoff was responsible for the largest Ponzi Scheme in history, defrauding thousands of investors out of 10's of billions of dollars over the course of 17 years.
They set his bond at $10 million.
Donald Trump - no victims, banks paid back with interest wanting to do more business with him... $455 million Bond.
This is Joe Bidens American justice.
Found on X
“Trump is going to keep all of his properties because of this ruling. MSNBC is asking for privacy during this difficult time.”
- -“ Their ratings indicate they're getting all the privacy they want!”
“Hosts on The View are on suicide watch. Normally it is just their audience.“
“ The White House lowered the flag to half staff.”
So, you need to get to the Appellate level in New York to find a judge who's read the US Constitution 8th Amendment. (Although I don't see how 175 million is ultimately defensible under SCOTUS cases on unreasonable fines, either.)
Please read the comments to the NYT article for amusement. There are a lot of crazed NYT readers out there
Reddit is a hoot right now too. To a man, they think this is Trump somehow getting special, undeserved, kid-glove treatment from the government. Tee hee.
Trump walked into a political minefield and rolled around on landmines like a wet dog.
This ranks high among the multiple reasons I love him and wish to see him re-elected.
"Unexpected victory" is how they see fit to say "disappointing victory."
$175 mil?
A mere bagatelle.
Scrambling to save the real estate, and other, business in New York. That judgement sent a shock and no doubt quiet comment by the powerbroker businesses in NYC.
Not to mention the seizing of iconic Trump properties would ensure Trump wins in November.
Mark - you'd be a whiny bitch too if the corrupt government came and seized/stole all your assets.
That's still a lot of money. If Trump pays it, and then wins the appeal, will the state of NY have to pay him the interest he would have earned on that money?
When Trump wins the election, they'll just deny certification.
We know its coming.
To preserve democracy of course.
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
3/25/24, 1:40 PM
Hey, Mark. Look in the mirror.
Hell, even Howard recognizes that the $175M number was pulled out of a hat.
Gee, AG Lekeenan Thompson-James must be very upset to hear of this.
Now that’s a damn shame.
Yes Mark. You, you fucking bitch. What do you own? What wealth have you built? How many people have you employed, how many have you made rich, you fucking cunt?
[Trump] added that the appellate court’s decision to reduce the bond 'shows how ridiculous and outrageous' the $454 million judgment is.
The Eighth Amendment reads as follows:
“Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.“ [My emphasis]
So add “unconstitutional “ to “ridiculous and outrageous.”
Blogger Gusty Winds said...
NOW.....MSNBC is freaking out claiming there is a separate justice system for Trump. If you can't railroad the guy with fake charges, corrupt DAs and judges...then it's all unjust.
Hilarious. We know there is a separate lawfare justice system for Trump.
Maybe someone on that appellate court realized the fine violated the Constitutional ban on "excessive fines."
Also Mark you fucking pussy cunt, let’s start with Hillary, and every cocksucker like yourself that looked at the other guy and expressed your weakness with anger. Little commie fucking cunt.
Sorry folks, but what a whiny bitch post from an absolute nobody.
VA Lawyer Mark: "Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?"
Have you ever seen such seething from a Lawfare-supporting DeSantis supporter that is supposedly a republican?
A couple more posts like that one and "Lifelong Republican"(LLR) status may be achieved!
Chin up Mark! Your dem allies still have additional arrows in the quiver.
Crazy World: "Tons of meltdowns on X in full swing, a sight to behold!"
And a few at Althouse blog as well.
"They were going to force Trump to sell his properties."
There were already plans to have the Trump Tower letters knocked off the building and crashed to the ground.
Lots of therapy ahead for the usual suspects.
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
Um yeah ... Inga!
This is two-tiered justice! Trump should be held to the same laws that they might prosecute somebody else for someday.
This means that if I win the Megamillions draw tomorrow, I just have to split the winnings with Trump to cover this, rather than sending him the entire ticket.
Wait! I meant WHEN! Not IF!
This was a gift to the Democrats.
Because the other option was Trump going to Federal Court to get teh insane requirement blocked, and winning at SCOTUS if no place else
Bernie Madoff stole billions, thousands of victims, bond $10M.
SBF stole billions, thousands of victims, bond $20M.
Trump stole $0.00, NO victims, banks MADE money, bond $454M.
Democrats do justice like Robert Byrd's Klan.
Long history there.
"Hell, even Howard recognizes that the $175M number was pulled out of a hat."
*In my best Steve Martin voice* ... "That's not a hat!"
"VA Lawyer Mark: "Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?""
I don't think there's a need to differentiate between the Marks.
All will fail and TRUMP WILL BE PRESIDENT IN 2024!!!
Nope. I agree that he is likely to be elected this fall, but he will not be sworn in until January 20, 2025.
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
I can recall thinking that William Jefferson Clinton and his amazingly corrupt wife whined and bitched and complained so much during his term of office that they were practically walking, talking tearducts.
The screaming woman from the meme, definitely Manhattan judge material.
“The People went so far above and beyond what they were required to do that it’s odd that we’re even here.” ~ Judge Merchan
Rich, why are you so fucking lacking in any civic education?
The law is to protect the Accused FROM the GOVERNMENT!
The goverment carries the obligation. The Government must produce all documents concerning the case.
You come to mind Mark at 1:40
Yes Drago 5:27 it is delicious.Also President Donald Trump made the Forbes 500 richest list today due to his new NYSE DJT stock.
So Trump just made $6.5 billion today? Did I get that right? LOL. I would head over to Truth Social, but I am not into echo chambers.
The $175MM looks like roughly half of the judgment, with the (nonsensical) $100MM interest charge disregarded. I.e., they split the difference.
"Hell, even Howard recognizes that the $175M number was pulled out of a hat."
Mason G: "*In my best Steve Martin voice* ... "That's not a hat!"'
A FB friend I grew up with posted this on FB right after the announcement...
(Just goes to show exactly WHAT she watches for news..since she doens't know how many Central Park critters there were that evening rampaging, and beating up people at the park.)
She corrected it this morning to say 5, and that she watched the Netflix lies about what really happened.
Congratulations, Mark. I've never seen anyone get ratioed as badly on a comment as you just did. Probably better put some ice on that.
FullMoon said...
Mark said...
Has there ever been a more whiny bitch than Trump?
3/25/24, 1:40 PM
Liberalism is caused by an irony deficiency.
It would be very amusing if he used his Truth Social stock to pay the bond.
He can't due to the restrictions on the stock. He's forbidden from selling or borrowing against it for 6 months.
That would matter for normal folks, but it makes borrowing against his properties easier now. Because everybody "knows" he has that money.
DJT is up 45% in trading today. Making his $4Bil worth just shy of 6Bil, with a total net worth somewhere near $9Bil now. He just keeps winning.
Trump’s lawyers’ position seems to be that the DA was obligated to obtain and turn over not just stuff in the possession of the DA and its investigators and agents, but get it from the USAO as well. That’s a creative argument.
Great new system for law fare. Keep the exculpatory information siloed in another agency and then just pretend you don't know it exists! Sorry your honor, we don' have that info.
"Great new system for law fare. Keep the exculpatory information siloed in another agency and then just pretend you don't know it exists! Sorry your honor, we don' have that info."
And then drop it at the last minute before trial, but no harm done since you have ten days to review 20,000 documents.
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