February 19, 2024

Sunrise — 6:33, 6:37, 6:39, 6:40, 6:45, 6:56.








BUMBLE BEE said...

The eastern world - it is explodin'
C'mon... sing along

Josephbleau said...

There we go, a real Munchian sunrise. Is it not like the old days, that we fondly remember, in these days of troubled times.

mezzrow said...

Gracious, Althouse. Thanks for sharing. What a morning.

Aggie said...

Some beauties there today !

gilbar said...

your tax dollars at work.. At Work stuffing the pockets of campaign contributors
One misperception is that the program allows the city to give out just $50 million to migrants..
That’s not the contract the city signed — at all.

Most importantly: the $53 million headline figure is not the money that migrants will receive during the pilot.

This is the number that the vendor, MoCaFi, potentially will receive as its fee for services.

As the contract document clearly and explicitly states, over the year’s term, “in exchange for [MoCaFi’s] . . . performance of the services, the city shall pay to the contractor a total amount not to exceed $53 [million]

The story just kept getting more and more hilarious.. i recommend you read it

Drago said...

Uh oh.

More bad news for LLR-democratical Rich, Howitzer Howard, gadfly, Dumb Lefty Mark and the entire rest of the Calvacade Of Lefty Buffoons:

"SpaceX wants to take over a Florida launch pad from rival ULA
SpaceX now plans at least four Starship launch pads: Two in Texas and two in Florida."


I suspect you lefties will begin shortly to accelerate your efforts to destroy and steal the businesses Musk built to protect your ChiCom/russki/globalist/America Last interests.

Iman said...

Amazingly, you’ve outdone yourself with these photos.

Ab Fab!

Jaq said...

“I will not live in a country where all citizens are not equal before the law.” -Albert Einstein explaining why he would not go back to Germany.

In the Russian Revolution, the liberal bien pensants managed to get the Tsar to abdicate, but what ended up happening was that not just the Tsar’s legitimacy disappeared, but all legitimacy and suddenly nobody cared what the so called government said, whoever was in charge. It is a very dangerous place to be.

Humperdink said...

"On July 25, 1972, just over two weeks after the 1972 Democratic Convention, (VP candidate Thomas) Eagleton admitted the truth of news reports that he had received electroshock therapy for clinical depression during the 1960s. McGovern initially said he would back Eagleton "1000 percent". Subsequently, McGovern consulted confidentially with preeminent psychiatrists, including Eagleton's own doctors, who advised him that a recurrence of Eagleton's depression was possible and could endanger the country should Eagleton become acting president."" (Wiki)

What a difference fifty years makes! Maybe the dems could say they back Dementia Joe 2000%.

BarrySanders20 said...

I saw the sunrise over Lake Michigan in Milwaukee today and thought Althouse would be getting a very nice pic in about 10 minutes or so. 'Tis true!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I liked the bottom pic best.

Drago said...

"Numerous Nevada voters looked at their voter history and found that their mail ballots were counted in the recent primary, even though they didn’t participate in it."





Just like 2020.

MadTownGuy said...

The East is red...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

So, the diary has never been "debunked"?

It's like we're in a twilight zone.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Reddit: All neighbors farewell the bus driver in his last day of service before retiring from small village

There are still places where "everybody knows your name".

Mutaman said...

"Clarence Thomas is arguably the most consequential justice on the court right now, and he’s never really seemed to like the job. He’s said it’s not worth doing ‘for the grief.’ So what if he could keep the luxury perks that he clearly enjoys without having to endure all of that grief?” Oliver asked. “We have a special offer for you tonight. We are prepared to offer you $1 million a year for the rest of your life if you simply agree to leave the Supreme Court immediately and never come back.”

Oliver then displayed a contract. “This is not a joke,” he said. “This is real. A million dollars a year until you or I die.”

John Oliver

Mutaman said...

Humperdink said...

" What a difference fifty years makes! Maybe the dems could say they back 2000%."

Get back to me when Dementia Joe writes something like this:

“The sudden death of Alexei Navalny has made me more and more aware of what is happening in our Country. It is a slow, steady progression, with CROOKED, Radical Left Politicians, Prosecutors, and Judges leading us down a path to destruction. Open Borders, Rigged Elections, and Grossly Unfair Courtroom Decisions are DESTROYING AMERICA. WE ARE A NATION IN DECLINE, A FAILING NATION! MAGA2024.”

Josephbleau said...

Interesting writing from the Psmith book review site:

“it’s an iron law of history that revolutions never, ever come out of popular uprisings. The wheels of history are turned by political entrepreneurs — individuals or close-knit groups who notice ahead of everybody else that the world has changed in some fundamental way. This unstable situation where material conditions have shifted but society keeps rolling in its groove creates a sort of potential energy, like a charged electric field or a boulder perched at the top of a cliff. In the world of business we call this a market opportunity, and we admire those with the gumption to seize them. In the world of war and politics, market opportunities often look more like a forest full of dry tinder, and the would-be entrepreneur needs an additional quality, fanaticism, that enables him to calmly light a match and flick it over his shoulder.”

gadfly said...

Lem the artificially intelligent said...
So, the diary has never been "debunked"?

So it appears that Lem the unintelligent artificial thinks that Biden's "groping" as in laying hands on women is worse than Trump's sexual abuse as determined in the E. Jean Carroll trial and his engaging in extramarital sex as he did with stripper Stormy Daniels and Playmate Karen McDougal.

"Not debunked" also means "never proven", BTW.

Jaq said...

It's amazing how well the Navalny psy-op is working. The man died in a Russian prison, sure, but he took money from the US to run in Russian elections, and hid the fact, and we wouldn't know it except for Wikileaks. He was a, well, we are supposed to "not see" what he was. He advocated publicly for genocide of Muslims within the Russian Federation. But still people treat him like some kind of widow. His wife is already being propped up as an opposition candidate to Putin, at a NATO meeting, where she promised that "Putin will be eliminated soon." Can you imagine a US presidential candidate who announced their candidacy at a meeting between Russia, China, and Iran, and made a speech were she said "Biden will be eliminated soon"

The audacity and the success of the Navalny ploy just makes me 100% convinced that J6 was not a psy-op of opportunity, as I once believed, but a planned psy-op, as the Democrats brought home the same techniques that we have used for decades against foreign populations. This interpretation fits best with the evidence.

Once you understand these people, the world makes a lot more sense. It used to seem to me that these people were stupid, but they are not stupid, they are craven, manipulative sociopaths, almost to a man and woman, but they are not stupid; it just serves their interests for you to think that they are stupid, it avoids them having to explain themselves.

The only "evidence" against the idea that these people are not doing the same things to our rights that despots have done throughout history is some misplaced faith that they are decent people because they are Americans, magic dirt. Well, there are 350 million Americans, and 1% of us are sociopaths, 35 million. This percentage is fixed across all populations in the world.

Jaq said...

Josephbleu, there seems to be some question begging going on in that statement.

Jaq said...

"Four days before of Navalny's death, Chichvarkin actually announced his death ... .'the opposition is divided and will not rally without tragic news from prisons.'"

Chichvarkin is Navalny's wife's boyfriend.


Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Humperdink said...

The UN will vote on a forcing a cease fire on Israel before they sweep into Rafah. Will they bumblers at the UN vote on a Ukraine cease fire? Ah, no.

Josephbleau said...

By “begging the question”I guess you mean that the statement “it’s an iron law of history that revolutions never, ever come out of popular uprisings.” Is assumed to be true a priori. Yes, but I believe it. Lenin, Mao, Castro, Hitler, KGB and CIA have authored most of the revolutions I can think of. I think even the French rev. and the 1776 us one were lead by philosophical elites and not peasant uprisings but perhaps not.

I like the writing as a Rorschach test, who is the fanatic? Trump, Beiden, Obama, Fanni, Putin? Pick the one you dislike and fit them into the mold.

From my debate days in hs question begging was defined as using a proposition that has not been proven, but I only quoted part of the article, there was more discussion of the iron law quoted, just to explain.

Jaq said...

"Numerous Nevada voters looked at their voter history and found that their mail ballots were counted in the recent primary, even though they didn’t participate in it." - Las Vegas Review. Journal

Lucien said...

Tim in Vermont: 1% of 350 million is 3.5 million. You were only off by one order of magnitude, but thanks for playing.

Mark said...

"X has suspended the account of Alexei Navalny's widow.

It is unclear why the social network, formerly Twitter, has suspended Yulia Navalnaya's account."

Elon once again fails to live up to his own free speech claims, instead choosing to follow Putin's directive.

Just like he rolled over for Modi in India.

Humperdink said...

A Brockton High School (Mass) committee requests National Guard to police the high school. Force integration? Nope, to stop the violence and drugs. "We're looking for support with the National Guard to come in and act as substitute teachers (and) hall monitors to make sure that the high school is safe."


Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark @7:13AM: "Elon once again fails to live up to his own free speech claims, instead choosing to follow Putin's directive.

Just like he rolled over for Modi in India."

"X social media platform restores account of Navalny's widow, Yulia Navalnaya, after brief suspension"
Sam Meredith@SMEREDITH19

Awaiting the correction from the hopelessly Dumb Lefty named Mark who is still in complete and utter thrall to the 8 year running Russia Russia Russia hoax narratives even after Elon single-handedly crushed the russki commercial space launch business and delivered Starlink capabilities for Ukraine military operations.

What has Dumb Lefty Mark done?

Supported policies that assist groomers in their activities in US schools and hide those activities from parents.

Ampersand said...

All 3 are keepers. Number 2 stands out for its wider angle allowing the foreground, and its pleasing asymmetry.

Josephbleau said...

“A Brockton High School (Mass) committee requests National Guard to police the high school. Force integration?”

But the Mass Air National Guard is too busy posting secret documents on the internet.

I hope that the school board has cleared this intervention with the most powerful authority in the US, the teachers union. The Guardsmen will need at least, to get four years of college in an ed department and be licensed teachers, then start paying union dues. ( Chicago used to be run by the mafia outfit, now it’s run by the teachers union.)

After you defund all the civil police the only thing left is to have soldiers stand outside the school with M 16s. And if they yell at a kid for selling drugs they will be sued immediately, because according to democrats, no one is above the law.

Jaq said...

"1% of 350 million is 3.5 million. You were only off by one order of magnitude, but thanks for playing."

For all of the stuff I post here, happy to be called out when you guys find something wrong. It doesn't change the fact that there are a lot of sociopaths out there, plenty to populate the highest ranks of our government.

Jaq said...

"begging was defined as using a proposition that has not been proven"

No, it's not answering the question in dispute by avoiding a key point in your response. Sure, the people taking advantage of the masses dissatisfaction are the "entrepreneurs" as you call them, but if the masses did not become dissatisfied, restless, and lose belief in the legitimacy of their rulers, well, they acted first. It's hard to make a revolution when people are satisfied with the way things are.

I have no idea who will come along and take advantage of a complete loss of faith in the legitimacy of the US government, if that happens, but I am just pointing out that if it does happen, it creates a pre-revolutionary condition.

Jaq said...

By making the fine so large, Engoron guaranteed that Trump will lose tens of millions even if his judgment is reduced or tossed out. Moreover, Trump has 30 days to come up with close to a half billion dollars in a deposit or bond just to file an appeal. - Jonathon Truly

BudBrown said...

Finally, some sunrises that reward waking up early.

Josephbleau said...

Not to be over responsive, sorry, but I have always liked carefully defined principles of logic.

“Begging the Question - Definition and Examples

Begging the Question (literal translation from latin petitio principii) is a logical fallacy where the premise on which the conclusion is based, is already assumed to be true. This allows one to make an argument without sufficient evidence. The term begging the question is first credited to Aristotle as one of the thirteen fallacies listed in De Sophisticis Elenchis, the first work to address the subject of deductive reasoning.”

Jim at said...

Get back to me when Dementia Joe writes something like this:

Get back to me when you can point out just exactly what was wrong with what he said.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

2/20/24, 5:28 AM
Blogger Humperdink said...
The UN will vote on a forcing a cease fire on Israel before they sweep into Rafah. Will they bumblers at the UN vote on a Ukraine cease fire? Ah, no.

2/20/24, 5:50 AM

Who's going to enforce the ceasefire? Hamas? The UN? Ha!

I see Israel arresting all UN officials and staffers and sending them to Beirut, Lebanon. They can enjoy the waters there.

Mark said...

"delivered Starlink capabilities for Ukraine military operations"

And to Russian ones in Ukraine too!

Mark said...

Drago, she remains shadowbanned.

You know, like Elon promised would never happen under a free speech absolutist.


Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "Drago, she remains shadowbanned."

Need a link Russia Russia Russia Hoax Collusion boy.

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "And to Russian ones in Ukraine too!"

Gonna need another link on this one Hoax Dossier Dead Ender.

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