February 27, 2024

Sunrise — 6:19.


Write about whatever you want in the comments.


MadisonMan said...

Leave the house and get out and enjoy a fine February day!!

Jaq said...

So Macron said that Ukraine must not lose, and that NATO troops would go to Ukraine to prevent it, and Putin said that he has no illusions about being able to beat all of NATO on the battlefield, and therefore such a war would quickly escalate to a nuclear one.

But the worst thing that could happen now is that we elect a president who is interested in getting along with the other countries that share our planet. No, we need Joe Biden, who has the primary responsibility for foreign policy under the Constitution, calling people that we need to avoid getting into wars with "dictators" and "crazy S.O.B.s"

This kind of language is best left to flame wars in blog comment sections, but at least he didn't tweet anything that offended Democrats!

Kate said...

The lake looks like sand.

Jaq said...

Supposedly those secret spy bases that the US set up in Ukraine that the New York Times just reported on, provided the audio that "proved" that the Russian militias shot down that Malaysian airliner, but at trial, those audio "intercepts" were found to have been altered. Makes you wonder about their "proof" that the Russians hacked the DNC server.

I wonder if they are the same people who made up the fake "Black Ledger" that was "leaked" to the New York Times and used against the Trump campaign. These bases were kept secret from Trump, apparently, per the Times. I often wonder if the Ukrainians are actually running the White House, if they think that this story was helpful to America. Putin could not have asked for a nicer propaganda coup, since the article can be used to support his decision to intervene in Ukraine.

The loaded language is hysterical too. Can you imagine the shock, if the Russians had fomented a coup in Ottawa, and then announced to a shocked world that Canadian intelligence had been penetrated by the CIA? Who would believe it, and yet, Russia's neighbor, which had democratically elected a pro-Russian government, had close relationships with Russian intelligence! I am shocked! How could we, Team America, World Police, have allowed this to happen! Thank goodness we managed to overthrow that government and get this war rolling!

Jupiter said...

The F. Joe Biden regime has enlisted the FBI in the fight against inflation.

Looks like they've rounded up the usual suspects.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Nice 👌🏽

Jupiter said...

It's a PsychoBilly freakout!"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The prosecutor that was supposed to try the illegal alien who allegedly killed a jogger in Athens, Georgia is not going to get a chance to bungle a 15th murder trial in a row.

That’s just one of the many tragic points found in a series of policies that led to the murder of a woman with a bright future ahead.

I drove Uber there over the weekend, at night and there was a palpable hush in an otherwise rumbustious college town.

MadisonMan said...

That looks ice-free to me, too.

Dave Begley said...

I believe in God. I believe Joe Biden will be sent straight to Hell for allowing drugs and murderers into this country.

Burn Joe, burn! Everlasting fire!

Joe Smith said...

Watching the Fani hearing live.

There is a reason people hate lawyers.

So much bullshit just to answer simple questions.

Sorry, AA, but these folks are making your profession look really bad.

Joe Smith said...

'I drove Uber there over the weekend, at night and there was a palpable hush in an otherwise rumbustious college town.'

If Rs don't hammer this issue from now until November, they don't deserve your vote.

narciso said...

The source for the times story navyalenko is team poroshenko who z ousted

Iman said...

Terrence Bradley is a buffoon. Totally being coached… the dummy is dummying up…

For the DA’s office to pull this crap speaks volumes about their lack of honesty.

Kakistocracy said...

@Tim in VT: Exactly the sort of European division and lack of common positioning that Trump will exploit, Putin will plan his next adventure, and China will laugh..... This is what punching below your weight in the world looks like.

I'm guessing that if you had lived in Britain in 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, you would not have wanted to stand firm against his expansionism.

BUMBLE BEE said...

It is genetic... Gramps was a murderer!


Kakistocracy said...

One might also point out for "lifer" Republican legislators, life in the minority is low-burden work at its best. Easy-to-manage schedule and no responsibility for governance or outcomes; just some facility at playing the blame game with avuncular speeches back in the district to the Rotarians and chambers of commerce blaming Democrats for all that ails civilization. Originality not required. The mainstream media has the story all pre-sold. It's just Goldie Locks and the Three Democrats.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I've been pondering the Terms of Service question ever since that post yesterday and the SCOTUS arguments. The Justices were asking probing questions about what responsibilities, if any, the social media companies have to the 1st Amendment. I was wondering more about Due Process, since so many commenters here asserted that the social media companies don't owe us users anything and anyway, we signed the TOS so suck it. That prompted this question or series of questions that I'm throwing out for the resident lawyers.

Are the TOS a contract, and if so they must be bilateral; and if so what obligations are the responsibility of the social media companies? We agree to abide by their behavioral code, and they agree to what? This was the issue that stuck in my craw yesterday.

1. They don't agree to clearly define the terms they use to judge our behavior, like "threatening or violent speech" which is quickly and widely applied to accounts such as Libs of TikTok but not to the violent trannies who threaten her using the same media. What recourse do we have to these capriciously applied and hazily defined "rules?"

2. They don't appear to agree to due process because they kick people of with opaque or non-existent "appeals" processes. But even administrative law embraces due process. Students enjoyed due process if they were disciplined at school when I was a teacher. Where's our due process in return for signing their TOS?

Joe Smith said...

'Terrence Bradley is a buffoon. Totally being coached… the dummy is dummying up…'

They nailed him down on very specific things that he has denied.

I'm assuming they have receipts...

Joe Smith said...

Even MSNBC isn't falling for the 'speculation' bullshit.

Which is quite stunning...

Drago said...

For those paying attention, after 10 years of planning, research and initial coneptual development, and with $162 Billion in cash reserves, Apple is walking away from the electric vehicle business.

This comes on the heels of Detroit's electric vehicle performance continuing to collapse (which happens when you are a manufacturer that loses tens of thousands of dollars on every vehicle sold) and Audi joining fellow European Mercedes and VW in saying they are putting EV's on the back burner.

Normally Dumb Lefty Mark, LLR-democratical Rich and their fellow moron gadfly are Johnny-On-The-Spot with Tesla "lefty Hot take" updates which are always negative...but lately on this topic they are quiet as church mice.....


Leland said...

Taking MadMan’s advice…

donald said...

MSNBC also said that the defense proved exactly zero. Gobsmacking.

wendybar said...


In a proper society, this sight would be as sickening as a bunch of Nazis marching.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Biden is so evil - I too wish him a slow and painful death - and an eternity in karma hell.

lonejustice said...

It's 75 degrees F today in Iowa City. Tomorrow the weather report calls for snow. Only in Iowa.

Big Mike said...

Sorry, AA, but these folks are making your profession look really bad.

@Joe Smith, who, besides law professors, teach "these folks" to act that way.

Jaq said...

LOL Rich, Putin will find it impossible to even take all of Ukraine. Hitler overran whole countries in matters of days and weeks, with armies of millions of men, and the largest economy in Europe on a total war footing. And BTW, if Hitler had 6,000 nukes, and the ability to deliver them anywhere in the world, I am pretty sure that WWII would have played out differently, diplomatically and militarily.

But how does your little jibe answer the question that we provoked this invasion by setting up bases on Russia's borders, training Ukrainians in commando tactics, and assassination tactics, BTW, and infiltrating them into Russia?

It doesn't. You are just saying that Joe Biden made the decision, maybe while he was only vice President, in charge of Ukraine, and since he did, I have to support it, even if they kept the whole thing secret, and asked nobody, and obviously didn't think it through.

How many lies are you willing to swallow from these people, Rich? Because Joe Biden hates Russia as if it were still the USSR, it is my patriotic duty to swallow his lies, and his analysis of the consequences if I don't back him up in this horrific misadventure which has cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of men, a strategy that risks WWIII? I am supposed to be OK with the CIA providing the circuitous routing around air defenses to the Ukrainians so that they can do drone attacks on Moscow? How is that not us at war against Russia, if the fact that the Houthis are using Iranian missiles makes them a part of that conflict?

The "rules based order" means that we make one set of rules for ourselves, and another for our strategic rivals. It's not going to work. The whole world outside of our satellites in the West and Japan knows now that the US provoked this invasion. China will view this revelation as justification to help Russia, since Russia had been attacked by US forces before the intervention, even if they are CIA and supposed to be invisible.

It will also invalidate Ukraine's 1992 borders in the eyes of much of the world. Why should Russia be asked to tolerate this? I am sure you can't see that, because you can only see things through the eyes of the likes of Joe Biden, but if you can't see things through the eyes of your rivals, even if you don't accept their premises, you are going to make mistake after mistake.

rhhardin said...

Dershowitz in today's podcast thinks revelatory is pronounced revealatory.

Pete Hammill on Imus always substituted corobate for corroborate.

Strange gaps. Al Frankin pronounces the f in romans a clef.

Dr Weevil said...

And here's the Putin troll who calls himself 'tim in vermont' telling the same lie I've already corrected on the previous open thread. Here's what I wrote earlier today:

"His claim (6:40am) that it was the Ukrainians, not the Russians, who shot down the Malaysian Airlines Flight 17, killing 298 mostly Dutch civilians, is a disgusting and proven lie. Igor Girkin, the man who shot it down, "admits 'moral responsibility' but denies pushing the button" (Moscow Times, via Wikipedia). It was a four-man team, using a Russian Armed Forces Buk missile launcher brought in from Russia the day before and returned the next day. Girkin was commander of the team, so it doesn't matter which of the four pushed the button, he was and is the murderer."

The Wikipedia article 'Malaysia Airlines Flight 17' leaves no possible doubt about who committed this particular mass murder: a Russian KGB man, working for Russia, while pretending to work for the "Donetsk People's Republic".

So, Timofei, would you please bugger off back to Volgograd and stop stinking up this comment section? Everything else you write about Ukraine is (a) a lie, and (b) paid Putin propaganda, but there's no need for more refutation: falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, podex.

Mutaman said...

Rich said...

"I'm guessing that if you had lived in Britain in 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland, you would not have wanted to stand firm against his expansionism."

I'm guessing that would depend if Tim was in Hitler's employee the same way he is clearly now in Putin's employee. Nobody posts this much on one issue unless they are getting paid to do so.

Dr Weevil said...

I seem to have inadvertently stumbled onto a proper theme song for 'tim in vermont'. It has the same tune as 'Shuffle off to Buffalo' and the main lyrics are "Bugger off to Volgo-, bugger off to Volgo-, bugger off to Volgo-gra-a-ad".

Jaq said...

I said that the “intercept” provided by this CIA operation was found to be tampered with; that they are proven liars, and it strongly appears that the creation of disinformation is part of their remit.

And BTW, Rich, our very allies in this conflict still revere a Holocaust collaborator, whose OUN fought with Hitler, so maybe your point might be better made if you left Hitler out of it.

Kakistocracy said...

The West has been several months too late in providing arms to Ukraine, allowing Ukraine to run short and forcing them to conserve ammunition. It has also been a bit too conservative in what arms they allow to be supplied to Ukraine and not aggressive enough in increasing ammunition production. This in turn has led to some losses, most recently around Avdiivka, that is unfortunate. Moreover, it has led to worsening morale among Ukrainian forces.

These setbacks are reversible with greater commitment to supplying Ukraine with the arms needed to better defend itself and regain its lost territory. The US is reportedly preparing arms and ammunition for immediate delivery to Ukraine upon passage of the Ukraine aid bill. This includes new longer-range HIMARS-like missiles that will threaten and destroy Russian ammo dumps, supplies, and personnel hubs further behind the front lines. Germany has approved additional arms shipments to Ukraine including some unspecified longer-range missiles. Denmark is reportedly set to provide F-16s to Ukraine this summer. Other countries are making smaller renewed commitments to supplying Ukraine with badly needed arms. But still more needs to be done. Ukraine itself is ramping up its own production of military drones, but further recruitment of fresh soldiers is needed as well. Timing new recruitment efforts following new commitments from the West to supply Ukraine would likely lead to greater success in that area.

Russia has been ramping up its disinformation campaign in the West in an attempt to cut-off aid to Ukraine. Biden must hit hard on the Republicans who have fallen in or conspired with Russian disinformation agents—one was indicated last week in a manner which revealed the entire sordid lie-based misinformation campaign by Moscow—led by Senator Chuck Grassley, who is even by Senate standards an old fool of evil malevolence.

Unfortunately that has had some success in delaying arms shipments, which has allowed Russia to regain the initiative on the battlefield. But the West re-upping its commitment to Ukraine could allow the Ukrainian forces to regain the initiative later this year and would be both a boost to their morale and a significant blow to Russian troop morale.

The time for action is now.

Jaq said...

Is that a confession, Mutaman, who shows up here to post while the blast fax of the latest legal talking points from the Democrats is still warm?

Mutaman said...

tim in vermont said...

"Is that a confession, Mutaman, who shows up here to post while the blast fax of the latest legal talking points from the Democrats is still warm?"

Want to translate that into English, Tiny?

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Biden must hit hard on the Republicans who have fallen in or conspired with Russian disinformation agents—..."


Its positively adorable how you think pushing Russia Russia Russia Hoax 3.0/4.0/5.0/.../n.0 is going to work!

And the idea you can just hand over advanced weapon systems to the ukes to fight the russkis effectively without the US or similar forces handling the operational use along with tactical deployment and maintenance is so magnificently stupid that it establishes a new "High" in "Low" for your blog disinformation efforts.


Kakistocracy said...

Russia could end this war today by simply withdrawing.

Rusty said...

We has tornado warnings here, but a beautiful light show all around us.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "The time for action is now."

It certainly is....and The International Legion for the Defense of Ukraine is accepting volunteers of all ages to join their average force age of 43 year olds for the inevitable Victory For Victoria Nuland+Bill Kristol+Western Globalists and Shareholders!

And here is where LLR-democratical Rich and all the other Keyboard Rambos can sign up to stop the dirty russkis (GDP only 3/4 that of....Italy!) from conquering all of Europe...and the World...and Mars...and the Asteroid Belt!


Btw, since all of western Europe will be a sharia-compliant islamic caliphate in about 20 years those russkis better get moving!

Rabel said...

So, I sit down to tune in to a basketball game I had a moderate interest in and instead of entering 400 for ESPN I hit 40 for low def CNN. I saw they had the primary score up an was going to take a look when I noticed the moderator.

A dark-eyed beauty that I did not recognize in a bright red low-cut dress sitting center stage. So, I flipped over to HD CNN to confirm my opinion of her looks and noticed the rest of the panel.

On the left end was Axelrod - Please go away. On the right end was a Black lady who was doing her best to make herself as ugly as possible with half of her head shaved and pair of giant, red, round glasses. She was talking a lot and being very demonstrative. She persisted, though the others tried but failed to break in, until the other Black panelist interjected.

He's talking now and did that thing where you spread your fingertips on the table and poke it to emphasize the importance of what you are saying. I'm sure it was important and insightful, but I didn't have the sound on.

Back over to the left is that woman who would be attractive except for her weird upper lip. Something when wrong somewhere. Or maybe it's just a well-developed sneer.

Next to her is the wealthy gay Albino. He hasn't aged in 20 years. Good moisturizing routine I think.

Back over on the right, aiding and abetting the farce, is a puffy-faced, middle-aged mediocrity who is an example of why I detest the Republican establishment. I want to punch his face. Metaphorically.

That brings me to my point. My opinion was confirmed. Total babe. Name's Farrah something.

I stayed until they cut to that lying twat Jake Tapper at the big board. Spit. I'm out.

Flipping back to sports I saw that my team won, so there was some joy in the experience.

Dr Weevil said...

When 'tim in vermont' claims that some transcript "was found to be tampered with" without any link, is he claiming expertise in the detection of tampering? Or is he repeating some claim made by someone else?

Once again, the man who blew up Flight 17 has admitted it, and is a Russian. Case closed. Or cases closed: that a Russian blew it up, and that 'tim in vermont' is a knowing purveyor of Putinite lies. Again, he needs to bugger off back to Volgograd.

Mutaman said...

hhardin said...

"Pete Hammill on Imus always substituted corobate for corroborate

"I'm a fake cowboy
In a wheelchair I ride
Imus, IMUS
Am I dead or alive"


Big Mike said...

J. K. Rowling responded to a UK government study as to the crimes committed by transgendered prisoners with the following tweet:

More than 70 per cent of transgender prisoners are in for sex offences or violent crimes.

"The high levels of violent crimes among male prisoners who identify as women demonstrates why they should not be detained in female prisons"

Jaq said...

It's irrelevant whether the militia defending itself against the other side, in a civil war started by a coup by the other side, shot down the plane or not. The "evidence" provided by the Ukrainians was tampered with:

MH17 plane crash: Evidence 'was tampered with' - BBC

For a guy who purports to be such an expert on the MH17 evidence, I am surprised you didn't know that (cough, cough, no I'm not... cough)

Anyway, shit happens. the US shot. down an Iranian passenger jet not that long ago, and NATO, per a former Italian Prime minister, once shot down an Italian passenger jet deliberately, because they thought that Khadaffy was on it. Incidentally, the investigation into that crash was shut down.

Oh yeah, and Kiev's forces just shot down a transport plane carrying 65 of their own returning POWs, for who knows what reason, hopefully by mistake, although there were Telegram messages that suggested that two Russian generals were supposed to be on that flight and got off at the last minute. Of course the Ukrainians used this as "evidence" that the Russians knew the plane was going to be shot down, at the time, but the US has admitted that Patriot missiles were used to shoot down the flight, so that conspiracy theory has been shot down, but not the motivation for Kiev to shoot down the plane, to kill two generals, that motivation still exists.

If you want to get even deeper into the weeds of conspiracy theories, Sy Hersch wrote a piece saying that military officials on both sides were meeting in an effort to find a deal to end the war, and prisoner exchanges offered an opportunity to meet face to face, and shooting down that plane might have been Zelensky's way of putting a halt to those negotiations, but, sadly, the generals got off the plane at the last minute. For all we know, they could have been tipped off by sources in Kiev, that there was an order to shoot the vulnerable plane down, if they really were negotiating with Zaluzhny, for instance, the way Sy Hersch wrote.

I go by the maxim that 90% of what you hear out of a war zone in cases like this is lies, and if you ever do hear the truth, it's likely some small part of the truth intended to mislead. But it's interesting stuff to think about.

Jaq said...

"Want to translate that into English, Tiny?"

You keep asking people to do that, maybe you don't have the IQ to comment here.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Russia could end this war today by simply withdrawing."

I too remember thinking child-like thoughts when I was 6.

Jaq said...

Ukraine could have avoided this war by simply adhering to the treaties they had previously signed with Russia, including the treaty that originally created Ukraine, or like Minsk and Minsk II, but they like to pick and choose which treaties they will honor, and which parts of which treaties they will honor. Their interpretation of what was said at Budapest is "Holy Writ" but why should anybody honor any treaty with a government that simply abrogates treaties they don't like because they feel "bullied." That's the actual excuse I heard here as to why Ukraine didn't honor Minsk and Minsk II.

Dr Weevil said...

More bald-faced lies from filthy paid liar 'tim in vermont' (8:33am). The BBC story he links makes it clear that all of the tampering with evidence was done by Russians and their Vichy puppets, who controlled the area in which the plane crashed as well as the location from which the missile was fired. They tampered with the evidence to try to cover their guilt! Does he think we can't read, or is he the one who can't read?

His claim that Ukraine killed 65 of their own prisoners shooting down a Russian plane is also utterly false. That's what the Russians claimed at the time, and it looked for a few days like it might be true, but the number of bodies at the crash site was far less than that and none of them were prisoners: it was just the Russian crew of a Russian plane shot down in war time. Nearly all of the bodies of the civilians on the Malaysian airliner were found and identified, but somehow no Ukrainian prisoners' bodies were found after the January 25th shoot down, and far fewer bodies than the 74 claimed by the Russians.

Once again, 'tim in vermont' lies. And he continues to pretend that the man who actually shot down the Malaysian airliner, a Russian KGB man (reputedly a colonel) has not confessed to having done so. His name is Igor Girkin: look him up.

Dr Weevil said...

P.S. Anyone who quotes Sy Hersh with anything but contempt is a fool, and anyone who insists on calling the capital of Ukraine "Kiev" is a swine.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

You just make stuff up, Weevil, but you better believe that the citizens of Western Ukraine know that their own government killed those prisoners. You guys just lie too easily and prolifically to keep your credibility. Just calling the Russians liars proves nothing, and I merely pointed out what Hersch wrote, it was Ukrainian Telegram that was talking about how the Russians must have done it because two generals got off the plane at the last minute, I was just pointing out that it fit perfectly with Hersch’s article.

Nobody needs to pay me to argue that this war is none of our business, or to argue that we should pull back before we get involved with WWIII, which, unfortunately looks increasingly likely every day, but it is interesting that the only evidence you need to make an accusation is suspicious dislike. That puts a lot of your arguments into perspective.

Drago said...

Weevil: "...and anyone who insists on calling the capital of Ukraine "Kiev" is a swine."

Here's a recipe for Chicken Kiev...which is chicken...not pork.


Dr Weevil said...

'ago' (4:18pm) is either lying or too simple-minded to be able to handle the fact that 'Chicken Kiev' can be the proper name of a recipe while 'Kiev' as the current name of the capital of Ukraine is only used by bigots and swine.

Similarly, Crab Rangoon and Smyrna Sausages are perfectly proper names for recipes, but insisting on calling the cities as they are today 'Rangoon' and 'Smyrna' instead of Yangon and Izmir is something only an asshole would do.

Dr Weevil said...

'tim in vermont' (2:57pm):
I didn't 'just call the Russians liars': I called you a damned liar and provided evidence. (Wait! Is this a backhanded way of admitting you're Russian? If so, I have called a Russian a liar!)

Have you looked up Igor Girkin yet? Did you even read the BBC article you linked to, which made it clear that it was the Russians and their Donbas puppets who tampered with the evidence in a futile attempt to conceal their guilt in shooting down the Malaysian airliner? And have you checked into the aftermath of the shooting down of the Russian military jet that supposedly contained 65 Ukrainian prisoners? Rather like you, the Russians continued to insist it was so when the evidence - lack of bodies - refuted them. If some western Ukrainians (only western?) thought for a couple of days that maybe some prisoners were killed in an attempt to kill some generals, they soon found out that it didn't happen. Try to keep up.

I have repeatedly demonstrated that you have lied, and lied in ways that align perfectly, point by point, with Russian propaganda. You just wait a day or two or three and repeat the same stupid lies again. If you're lying for free, that just makes you even stupider, but just as evil, giving away your soul instead of selling it.

The war is in fact our business because Bill Clinton guaranteed the 1991 borders of Ukraine in return for their giving up their nuclear weapons and heavy bombers while Russia kept all theirs. It may have been foolish for him to do so - it was certainly foolish of the Ukrainians to trust his successors to keep his promises. But that makes it our business. Breaking that promise will lead to manifold disasters, Chinese invasion of Taiwan being the worst, but we already have the Houthi blockade of the Red Sea destroying the world economy.

Kakistocracy said...

Comrade Drago, I know you're working the late shift, but please collect only one beet from the bin. Substandard work.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich channeling Schifty-Schiff at 7:26PM...that's pretty much what we expected.

Thanks for playing.

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