February 16, 2024

"More of our children want to explore, learn about, challenge, change, or move inside and outside the bounds of masculinity and femininity."

"Many kids seem to get that with increased access to an evolving gender spectrum, more people can experience more joy. In the trans community, I’ve heard this idea described as 'genderful.'"

Said Joji Florence, founder of the proposed Miss Major Middle charter school, quoted in "Proposed NYC ‘trans’ and ‘queer’ charter school would encourage 9-year-olds to ‘explore their gender’: ‘Indoctrinating’" (NY Post).

There's also this from evolutionary biologist Colin Wright: "If you’re a parent who doesn’t know much about gender ideology and you hear that a kid can be themselves, not judged, it looks so progressive and fantastic. It sounds really good. These parents probably think the school is about just being yourself, free to be you and me, but it’s absolutely not what’s happening. They’re saying you can’t just be an effeminate boy and masculine girl. It’s saying, 'If you’re an effeminate boy, you’re actually a girl.'"

How does he know that?


tim maguire said...

How does he know that?

Experience and common sense for starters.

Then there's this: "charter school would encourage 9-year-olds to ‘explore their gender'"

"explore their gender" is a quote from the school. "Encourage" does not appear to be, but it's inconceivable that they could operate a curriculum that allows children to explore their gender without encouraging them to do so. And that's where the indoctrination comes in.

Big Mike said...

How does he know that?

Maybe he spoke with parents who pulled their kids out of the school? Maybe he just knows more than you do about his area of expertise?

Sebastian said...

"How does he know that?"

Depends on the meaning of know and that. But Wright has been following the prog ideologues for some time, so he "knows" whereof he speaks.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"How does he know that?"

Let's ask him, and them, what they think 2SLGBTQMNOP+ means? I doubt we'll get a straight answer...

Wince said...

Althouse said...
How does he know that?

Woman's intuition?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"It’s saying, 'If you’re an effeminate boy, you’re actually a girl.'"

It's worth repeating that the gender binary is such a social construct that the billions-of-genders mafia turn little gay boys into girls and little gay girls into boys. They're so spoiled for choice in the gender market they choose the same two 'genders' every single effing time.

The gender gods are throwing pearls before swine.

Howard said...

It's shit like this that keeps Trump afloat.

Christopher B said...

How does he know that?


We already have a non-gendered concept of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. It's called 'human'. If you're going to claim that a person needs to explore their gender identity then you must by definition be applying gendered labels to behaviors, thoughts, and emotions.

As with 'social justice', once you apply a modifier you're not talking about the same thing any more.

Ann Althouse said...

"Know" doesn't mean "suspect" or "worry."

"How does he know?" is not a request for a list of possible sources of evidence.

Stop informing me of obvious stuff as if I can't think of it and answer the question asked.

Ann Althouse said...

One answer is: He doesn't "know" in the restrictive sense of "know," but in the broader sense of the way we just know all sorts of things that just ain't true.

tommyesq said...

Many kids seem to get that with increased access to an evolving gender spectrum, more people can experience more joy.

Yes, there is no one that appears more joy-filled than the trans community.

MayBee said...

If it isn't using taxpayer money and no children are being forced to go there, I'd say it's up to the parents to decide if this is the kind of curriculum they want their children involved in. Also, I don't know how the charter school thing works in New York City, but if religious schools aren't allowed, then this shouldn't be either.

As for Althouse's question, it does seem pretty important to answer the worries and suspicions before putting 9 year olds in such an experimental school.

If it's a completely private school, they can do what they want.

gilbar said...

i "know" that Professor would have been MUCH Happier, if she could have chopped her son's dick off,
and called him her daughter

MayBee said...

"Many kids seem to get that with increased access to an evolving gender spectrum, more people can experience more joy.

How does he know this?

natatomic said...

Because that’s what they’ve been saying for YEARS:


Boston Children’s Hospital even states “ strong preference for the toys and activities associated with the other gender (in children)” is a sign of being trans:

Rusty said...

Get your kids out of public schools. The schools are loaded with pedophiles.

rehajm said...

So if the kid decides it is not for xim does xe get to transfer back to the normal school or is this a Hotel California type deal?

I’m rejecting the hosts angle at this…

tim maguire said...

Ann Althouse said...Stop informing me of obvious stuff as if I can't think of it and answer the question asked.

In order to defend your question, you reduce it to pointlessness. If you meant "know" in the most restrictive sense, then why did you ask it at all? The answer is obvious: we don't know how he knows because the article didn't tell us.

tommyesq said...

One answer is: He doesn't "know" in the restrictive sense of "know," but in the broader sense of the way we just know all sorts of things that just ain't true.

Just because he "knows" something in the broader sense doesn't make it one of the "things that just ain't true." Your argument is a logical fallacy.

Dave Begley said...

This is all completely fucked up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Children are all ready non-sexual.

It's the corrupt vile left who are sexualizing and confusing children.
and they seek to do it behind parents backs.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gays Against Groomers

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The pedophile left want to crush the family unit, and sexualize children.
Along with other Nazi-leftwing hot garbage.

The left's charter:

-You are all they/them - (incorrect grammar) (note the de-individualizing of all children)
-Math is racist
-Parents are the enemy
-You belong to the State
-Carbon is a pollutant
-Obey the NBC Media Industrial Complex
-Media will dutifully crush all dissent on behalf of the One Party State phony "Democracy"
-DeFund the police
-Allow Crime to flourish
-War machine tax payer theft without representation.

stay tuned for more.

MadisonMan said...

He doesn't "know" in the restrictive sense of "know,"
It depends on the definition of 'is'.

n.n said...

Homosexual? Homosexual with a heterosexual fetish? Transgender is trendy. Perhaps transsocial with feminine designs and an itch to gawk, defeat physiologically complementary girls.

n.n said...

Critical Diversity Theory suggests we judge and label babies... people... persons in color blocs. A person of male sex is a man of masculine gender chases women.

Jaq said...

This comes with the first generation of children to be exposed to "Children's Motrin" and it's not a "conspiracy theory" that Ibuprofen is an endocrine disrupter, and has been linked to hypogonadism, low testosterone.

Read the studies for yourself.


Amadeus 48 said...

William Goldman nailed it years ago:

Nobody knows anything.

Ann Althouse said...

"If you meant "know" in the most restrictive sense, then why did you ask it at all?"

Because I don't know that he doesn't know and I take care not to state things I don't know. I use questions to efficiently call attention to a problem and to simultaneously avoid making an accusation.

I think it's possible that a school with this mission would try to be supportive of feminine boys and masculine girls and to help them to find their way in life rather than to feel destined for trangenderism. I assume many of these kids, if supported ina wholesome way, will turn out to be gay, and maybe you want to shield them from bullying or from a hormones-and-surgery approach to their nonconformity to gender norms.

tommyesq said...

If it isn't using taxpayer money and no children are being forced to go there, I'd say it's up to the parents to decide if this is the kind of curriculum they want their children involved in.

According to the article, this proposed school is among numerous applicants for just nine charters that have set aside for New York City starting in fall 2025. So it is taxpayer funded,and it will supplant some other charter school.

n.n said...

Florence conflates sex, gender, and social preferences.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Dumb-down our children and take away their individuality.

They-Them, man.
Crook Biden approves.

Children are already bombarded with gay acceptance. Some of which is fine. We all agree we want children to learn to love and accept others - no matter what.
tho -that is not what this is about. Espeically in the context that many children in mixed race schools (how school should be) are being taught and encouraged to distrust and HATE the other skin color. That too - is all leftist BS.

Children are already allowed to be masculine or feminine as they choose.
This is propaganda pushing children - young children into not acceptance, but sexual confusion.

A six year old in my family announced she is a they/them - just recently.
This hot leftist garbage is real.

tommyesq said...

From the "Guide to Charter Schools in New York State," published by the New York State Board of Regents State Education Department, "Charter schools may not discriminate against any student, employee or any other person based on ethnicity, national origin, gender, or disability or any other grounds that would be unlawful if done by a district school." So how is this school going to select gender-questioning students? Are they relying exclusively on self-selection - straight kids won't apply? Is that a proper standard for such a limited resource (to become one of only nine charter schools in NYC)?

Robert Marshall said...

"Our school will create a space where students are at the center of justice, where they are safe, heard, and AFFIRMED."

We know what they mean by "affirmed": given puberty blockers that harm their sexual development, brains and bones, then cross-sex hormones for the rest of their lives, and finally surgery, so in the end they can be sterilized, sexually mutilated, and have their sex lives rendered joyless due to inability to achieve orgasm. That's what they call "more joy" and "genderful."

So genderful that they are at vastly increased risk of suicide!

Obviously so much wiser than concentrating on the 3 R's, reading, 'riting and 'rithmetic.

But no, there's no grooming going on in all this. No LGBTQ++ recruiting. None whatsoever. Trust me on that.

Aggie said...

...These parents probably think the school is about just being yourself, free to be you and me, but it’s absolutely not what’s happening. It’s saying, 'If you’re an effeminate boy, you’re actually a girl.'" How does he know that?"

I dunno, given the absolute state of American public schools, the Teacher's Union, and the insidious, stealth introduction of Critical Theory and wokeism, how about the 'preponderance of the evidence'?

These days, he 'knows' it because it's the most likely answer. Sad.

Rob C said...


I think our issue about "know" can be turned around and pointed back at the schools and the people who push / encourage gender therapy:

Quoth you:
"One answer is: He doesn't "know" in the restrictive sense of "know," but in the broader sense of the way we just know all sorts of things that just ain't true."

How do these people "know" that these kids are trapped in the wrong body / gender? How do these people "know" that radical medical and surgical treatments are the way to address these issues. How do these people "know" that if parents don't IMMEDIATELY affirm and deal with these issues that their kids are going to commit suicide.

Yancey Ward said...

I have it written many times- if you don't set the gender norms for your children, someone else, a someone with no real interest in your child's long run wellbeing, will do it for you.

tim maguire said...

Ann Althouse said...
"If you meant "know" in the most restrictive sense, then why did you ask it at all?"

Because I don't know that he doesn't know and I take care not to state things I don't know. I use questions to efficiently call attention to a problem and to simultaneously avoid making an accusation.

The answer I gave was more concise and more to the point.

Kevin said...

increased access to an evolving gender spectrum

Remember when this used to be the party of the working man?

Rocco said...

I want a school for my 9 year olds that give them the freedom to explore reading, writing, and ‘rithmatic. Maybe we can call it “educationful”.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

It's a very bad idea to trust school teachers and staff with responsibility for helping troubled and confused children explore their sexuality.

Speaking of "how does he know that?," what assurance do parents and society have that the people running a school of this nature KNOW what they're doing and will help kids make life-altering decisions that won't lead to more distress, anxiety, misery, and suicides?

Jupiter said...

"I assume many of these kids, if supported in a wholesome way, will turn out to be gay ...".

What she means, is that, although from the perspective of evolutionary biology, exclusive homosexuality is just about as unwholesome a behavior as an organism can display, she would prefer to view it from some other perspective. Consider, for example, the perspective of a perverted freak being paid by your government to "teach" kindergarten; "Rainbows! Beautiful rainbows! So many, many pretty colors! Who doesn't like rainbows? They're better than having grandchildren!"

Josephbleau said...

No one knows anything. We make hypotheses and use them as a proxy for knowing until they are contradicted by observations. There is no point in thinking we know anything.

But knowing is a common human phantasy. As everyone knows.

Oligonicella said...

It's interesting to watch pedantry work in both directions simultaneously.

Josephbleau said...

The idea that education of children is primarily centered on who you want to fuck is the most degenerate anti intellectual concept I can think of.

Xmas said...

I don't think it is that far of a leap to say this school will focus exclusively on transitioning young children.

Using inductive reasoning here, school ABC supplies service X that no other school provides, therefore the purpose of the school is X.

Any other service, like being supportive of young gay and lesbian children is very likely being provided by other schools in NYC. School ABC will also provide those other services, but X is one thing that is different, so X is the purpose.

E.g. Montessori schools, or performing arts schools or STEM schools

NKP said...

Joji Florence needs to explore Shemya, in the Aleutians. Great spot for a Gulag. Send the climate warriors out there, too. There's even a 10,000 foot runway they could glue themselves to...

Yancey Ward said...

I don't know for certain that Joe Biden has shit for his brains, but I would be willing to bet on it.

Jonathan Burack said...

I have no idea how this guy knows what he asserts here. Okay?

I also agree with what Ann says here: "I think it's possible that a school with this mission would try to be supportive of feminine boys and masculine girls and to help them to find their way in life rather than to feel destined for transgenderism."

However, what this ignores is that a very large number of school systems now are ON RECORD in their policy statements as immediately affirming a gender change that a child asserts, even once or initially, and immediately requiring others to use alternate pronouns, names, etc. This is NOT supportive of feminine boys and masculine girls. It forecloses on their discovering this about themselves, even though we do know that many children initially asserting they are the opposite sex do wind up deciding instead they are gay. When left alone, that is. So, while I can agree it is glib to say, "I know" in this case, it would not be glib to say, "I have reason to be damn skeptical."

Joe Smith said...

Great idea.

Then allow any teacher in the district to transfer there no questions asked.

It will make it easier to round up all the pedophile teachers.

PM said...

Since discovering there's no gay gene, Plan B was inevitable.
Growing up is hard enough w/o added confusion.

loudogblog said...

Grammar schools should not play an active part in developing children's sexuality.

Static Ping said...

Expecting the worst from people who regularly act in bad faith and often appear to be insane is not exactly a reach.

When someone's first reaction to a boy showing any interest in things that are stereotypically girl interests is to immediately put the boy in a dress, order drugs to block puberty, and make plans to chop off the boy's genitals, all without telling the boy's parents, I see no reason to give that person the benefit of the doubt.

They'll be lucky if only half the staff are groomers or worse.

Joe Smith said...

For convenience, have a surgical center attached to the school.

You can drop off little Johnny to his fourth-grade class in the morning, and pick up little Janie 8 hours later.

No muss, no fuss.

Progress, comrades...

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Althouse, you might want to read some of Andrew Sullivan's writing on this topic. There is a great deal of evidence that children who would overwhelmingly end up gay are instead being led, not very subtly, towards the puberty-blocker/cross-sex-hormone/surgical route. Teachers are often doing this deliberately. And yes, Sullivan is concerned both about involuntary sterility and about inability to reach orgasm.

When a school has a policy of not revealing children's pronouns, clothing choices, &c. to their own parents, something is deeply wrong. Fer Chrissake, school nurses can't so much as dispense aspiring w/o parental permission.

Darleen said...

If it's a completely private school, they can do what they want

No school is allowed to abuse children. And "transgenderism" ideology is sexual abuse.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

It would be a charter school for the abuse of children. At least people who identify as children, including the 53-yo male nutcases who think they are 7-yo girls. Who are we to judge such nutcases?

Tina Trent said...

Evidence isn't just a class in law school.

effinayright said...

Josephbleau said...
No one knows anything. We make hypotheses and use them as a proxy for knowing until they are contradicted by observations. There is no point in thinking we know anything.

But knowing is a common human phantasy. As everyone knows.

The next time you step into an airplane, remind yourself that "No one knows anything."

Will you still take that flight?

effinayright said...

I keep asking myself where garden-variety school teachers get the expertise to observe, diagnose and claim to "treat" students with gender dysphoria.

Anyone know? And I mean "know-know"?

wanderingmoderate said...

Many languages differentiate between knowing as a matter of emotional certainty and knowing as factual certainty. "I know my brother didn't rob the bank- he's a very honest person who is afraid of guns" vs. "I know my brother didn't rob the bank- he was with me at the time." I suspect that his knowing is more of the first type. English does not make that distinction, although it might be common in such circumstances to say that one is certain or convinced of something rather than knowing it.

While discussing precise language, while reading news coverage of the Fani Willis hearing in Atlanta, I saw, repeatedly, the statement that she had "refuted" the complaints. Denied, certainly, disputed, I would agree, rebutted, perhaps. But refuted? That always implied to me a level of certainty. Les "no, I wasn't there" and more I was somewhere else, and here are the time-stamped photos to prove it." Any thoughts?

M said...

I worked with kids for decades. Elementary school age kids do not have any gender confusion UNLESS they have been sexually molested. Yes, there are effeminate buys and masculine girls, in fact I wouldn’t even say that. I’d say there were delicate, fearful and neurotic boys and aggressive, rowdy girls. These traits aren’t really expressed through a gender lens at that age unless specifically applied to “gender roles”, like boys playing with dolls and tea sets or girls beating up boys to assert social dominance. Even then masculine men have and interact with their own children and cook and eat, so I don’t think those are good qualifiers for “effeminate” boys.

Do the boys try to attain status in traditionally female ways of social and verbal aggression versus physical aggression is a better way to know if a boy is going to be gay or trans in my experience.

Leora said...

Wright has spent years now following this movement, reading their documents and talking to whistle blowers who have left the movement or questioned it's implementation. I would tend to trust him and Chaya Raichik on these issues over most main stream media.

n.n said...

Aside from homosexuals, which is notably a stable condition, the transgender confusion clears after puberty in the vast majority of victims, and any benefit reaped from surgical mutilation, medical corruption. or psychiatric grooming cannot be predicted, but leaves the children in a dysfunctional state on a forward-looking basis. At least wait until they can offer informed consent to turning their lives upside down, inside out, and profitable to the multi-trillion dollar Medical Industrial Complex/Obamacares.

Jupiter said...

How indeed?

"Complications can be pretty bad for vaginoplasty and the most-dreaded complication is to perforate the rectum while you are dissecting the vaginal cavity,” Dr. Alex Laungani, a Canadian surgeon, who has “expertise in trans surgical care,” said at an event sponsored by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH).

“You are essentially dissecting the vaginal cavity between the prostate and the rectum and there’s literally no space there,” he said. “So, you have to create a new plain in a spot that doesn’t exist. So, you’re very close to the rectum and it’s very hard–it’s very easy to get in there. We don’t, I mean, the more you do it, the less risk you have, of course.”

This fucking monster has whacked up scores of little boys.

n.n said...

Progress, comrades...

Unqualified monotonic change: one step forward, two steps backward.

JK Brown said...

Does being effeminate define you as a girl? Sounds like it's all based on how someone acts instead of objective criteria.

n.n said...

Gays Against Groomers

Character before secular indulgence. Good.

JAORE said...

How does he know that?

In truth he can not KNOW.

But Magic 8 ball sez, "Signs point to yes".

So let's experiment with several dozen little tykes.

What could go wrong?

Mark said...

" I would tend to trust him and Chaya Raichik"

So a real estate agent who is an influencer is where you get information about medical procedures?

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