[N]ewly released documents... only cover a nine-month period and members of the Secret Service, rather than all presidential staff, the true number of incidents could be much higher than the documents reveal. Previous reports had put the number of biting incidents at 11....
February 22, 2024
"Joe Biden’s dog Commander bit Secret Service agents 24 times."
The London Times reports.
How could Biden allow this to get beyond two?
I guess the “one bite” rule is no longer a thing?
Imagine the outcry if Biden was a Republican.
Do we Know? that these bites were from Commander? Or, are they covering up the fact that resident Biden has gone Completely Insane; and is now a furry, that routinely bites people before mounting them?
Now do the 7M+ invasion bites.
Joe Biden has brought back transparency in government. Thank you Joe!
"Journalism is about covering important stories. With a pillow, until they stop moving."
In my jurisdiction, local government would remove the dog and put it down after 1 bite. If it bit another dog, it would have to be licensed as a vicious animal with attendant insurance implications.
Seems as if Biden is living outside the law.
Bribery… stealing classified documents… harboring vicious animals…
Do any of the rules that apply to the rest of us apply to the Bidens?
I'm with my 4th German Shepherd Dog. The neighborhood loves her. None of them ever bit a person. One did bite a dog, though.
IRL, the health insurer would go after the person with the vicious dog to recoup losses. If this dog is putting people in the hospital, why isn't President Biden on the hook for those costs?
Similar info from Miranda Devine via Powerline.. Dementia Joe claims his Secret Service detail has been infiltrated by 'MAGA sympathizers' who are lying about the dog attacks.
Read that, and then tell me again how Biden is going to voluntarily quit the Presidential race just because his poll numbers are low. I get that he could be forced out but then read through yesterday's sunrise thread and let me know how the Democrats (and RINO sympathizers) are going to decide whether to defend or eject him, and who will be his replacement.
For those Biden supporters who view Biden's judgement as sound look no further than the scars on the Secret Service agents. What kind of person permits this? One bite could bite could be an accident. Two bites = euthanasia.
The dog has (finally) been re-homed. It's gone, hopefully to a more peaceful life.
I can't fathom how a dog owner would change nothing after the first bite, let alone the number of bites and attacks his 2 dogs have done to staff.
I know how the dog feels...
More lawlessness.
Add this as an impeachment count.
24 times in 9 months?
Almost 3 times a month?
I'd sued for hostile work environment
The dog should be shot, served at a white house dinner and it's owner jailed
John Henry
Biden almost certainly abuses his dogs. Dogs that are well-treated and have been properly trained and socialized do not repeatedly bite and attack people.
It sure tells you a lot about the owners:
1) How they treat/train their dog
2) What they think about the people who surround them (especially the Secret Service)
I wonder if Secret Service agents stand in line to be assigned Trump.
These cases are rare, but in hindsight, and it pains me to say this, a bunny rabbit might've actually been a better choice for Joe Biden's animal companion.
I’ve always said this. First reports of bad news are always underreported.
It’s always worse than first reported.
MadisonMan said...
IRL, the health insurer would go after the person with the vicious dog to recoup losses. If this dog is putting people in the hospital, why isn't President Biden on the hook for those costs?
Man! you're talking Crazy! No one can sue a President of the United States; At least not a democrat
NO ONE is above The Law.. The Law that clearly states: Laws are Only for republicans
Serious Question.. Imagine IF, President Trump had had a dog, and HIS dog bit ONE person?
"The dog bit my penis!"
When the President's dog does it, it is not illegal.
Boy the writers at SNL are going to have a field day with this material.
But seriously, is the London Times the only paper with a sentient reporter on the White House beat ?
"I can't fathom how a dog owner would change nothing after the first bite..."
It's Joe Biden. What else might you expect?
Rit said...
Biden almost certainly abuses his dogs
as Al Smith would say, Let's take a look.. At the record:
“According to a Judicial Watch source, President Biden has mistreated his dogs. Judicial Watch has learned he has punched and kicked his dogs.”
Joe Biden says he broke foot tripping after shower when he pulled dog’s tail
“What happened was I got out of the shower..” Biden told CNN journalist Jake Tapper
“And I’m walking through this little alleyway to get to the bedroom.. And I’m joking, running after him and grab his tail. And what happened was that he slid on a throw rug. And I tripped on the rug he slid on."
Biden continued off record, saying:
"sure i was naked, but WASN'T trying to f*ck the dog, just wanted to sniff his hair and sodomize him"
I've noted this before, but now that we know the extent and severity of some of these biting incidents (and how do we know the number is only 24?) allow me to reiterate: Persons who choose to own formidable dogs and give them names that imply violence, such as Killer, Mauler, Slasher, or any military rank as a name, should be regarded with suspicion. Such pet choices are indicative of a brutal and sadistic nature if not outright criminal sociopathy. When such a choice manifests in actual violence the suspicion is elevated to a probability. When the manifestations approach 24, what was a probability becomes an established fact. In the case of "Commander", we have two criminal sociopaths at running loose and empowered over virtually helpless people, the Resident and his spouse, the risibly entitled Doctor Jill Biden.
A demonstrably dangerous dog is like a loaded gun, simply allowing such an animal off-leash constitutes aggravated assault.
The Bidens haven't trained their dog, or they're upsetting it. When German Shepards go around biting people 24 times, you have an owner problem, not a dog problem.
BTW, Biden is an arrogant asshole. He didn't care if women/children dislike his unwanted touching, doesn't care if secret service agents dislike his swmimming in the nude, and he doesn't care if his dog bites them.
Biden also doesn't think the corruption laws or laws regarding classifed material apply to him. He can get away with things because the Democrat Party officals and Leftwing Media and Judges don't care.
The Bidens haven't trained their dog, or they're upsetting it. When German Shepards go around biting people 24 times, you have an owner problem, not a dog problem.
BTW, Biden is an arrogant asshole. He didn't care if women/children dislike his unwanted touching, doesn't care if secret service agents dislike his swmimming in the nude, and he doesn't care if his dog bites them.
Biden also doesn't think the corruption laws or laws regarding classifed material apply to him. He can get away with things because the Democrat Party officals and Leftwing Media and Judges don't care.
I've only had one dog that ever bit anyone (that I know of). Beautiful mixed-breed, but as dumb as a stump. I don't think she ever figured out that the furry thing behind that annoyed her all the time was her own tail.
Her first victim was a neighbor kid, who decided to stick his face up to hers for no reason and got nipped on the cheek for his effort. She was known to be snappish, so it was the kid's fault. The second victim, years later, was a friend's wife who tried to keep the dog from grabbing food off the buffet at our Christmas gathering. She--the friend's wife-- turned out to be a greedy skank later, and we didn't much like her anyway.
In neither case did we consider putting the dog down.
Occam's razor - has the dog been around Hunter? They should test the dog for illegal substances. But they won't and if they did they would not tell anyone.
The dog is simply a prop.
Its as much my dog as Joeys.
Dog is probably pissed that SS protects Joey.
Recall President Clueless had another German Shepard name Major. He was sent "out to the farm" for the same aggressive behavior. No truth to the rumor the Secret Service is organizing a blood drive for their agents.
Too bad the dog didn't kill and eat Crook Joe.
(it's only natural)
How's that "I'm for boring" working out now?
Did anyone else notice Biden saying last night, "The Supreme Court said I couldn't do it [student loan bailouts] but I did it anyway!" Isn't this exactly what people said they feared from Trump?
Ya got that backwards John Henry.
I'd sued for hostile work environment
No shit. Wouldn't it be funny if the local Animal Control showed up to interview them and cite Joe?
You can tell a lot about a person from their dog's behavior.
The dog should be shot, served at a white house dinner and it's owner jailed
Barack Obama should be invited to WH for that dinner, stay over and never leave
and thus was USA healed and prospered.
Consider an alternative: The dog may be Biden's only true friend. He may be defending his elderly, senile master from elder abuse.
Wince said...
"The dog bit my penis!"
OMG. So that’s why Crooked Joe walks that way!
Democrats beware! If you think Joe Biden will quit gracefully at or before the convention you will get bitten by Joe the same way his dog keeps biting Secret Service agents. Both are too set in their ways.
Joe Biden Is Corrupt said...
“Too bad the dog didn't kill and eat Crook Joe.”
Time to change your moniker again? How about Joe Biden Bit My Penis.
Or, Joe Biden Is A Real Cunt.
Dogs aren't assholes. But assholes have Dogs.
My assumption is Commander is a former police drug sniffing dog and basically became fed up with all the coke and meth being left around the White House by Team Biden Incest.
no bad dogs, only bad owners
Remember "Welcome to the LBJ Ranch!"?
It's time for someone to release "Welcome to Biden Estates - The Best in Mobile Home Living!".
Trashy, trashy, trashy!
Serious question; is 'Biden' the Irish word for uncouth?
A dog that bites me twice is a dead dog the next day.
Re-home Joe and Jill.
Narr writes, "The second victim, years later, was a friend's wife who tried to keep the dog from grabbing food off the buffet at our Christmas gathering."
An interesting situation, Narr. Is it customary in your home to pit guests against pets in a competition over offered food? Sounds like an entertaining spectacle in the Julio-Claudian style, but is that quite appropriate during Saturnalia?
I love the British Press. Scurrilous, muck-raking, pompous, rude (page 3 girls, Daily Star), conservative, establishment, left liberal
Why wasn't this story in the US press?
A dog that bites me twice is a dead dog the next day.
Secret Service officers assigned to White House security are fully authorized to carry arms. Why one of them didn't act in legitimate self-defense years ago suggests the Service is staffed with pushovers and pussies.
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks… right, Slow Joe?
Damned dog was just taking his cue from the snappish, stuttering old Cucumber in Chief.
A vicious dog needs to be put down. Nipping is one thing--biting is another.
Years ago a pair of Rottweilers--a mother bitch and her son--got loose from a neighbor's yard about 1/3 of a mile from my home. The pair roamed the hillside for a couple of hours; they came upon a 12 year old girl walking her miniature poodle. They attacked and mauled the poodle. The attack stopped when a neighbor banged a shovel on the sidewalk next to the dogs. The police came and retrieved the dogs.
The owners resisted an order to have the young male dog put down. Six months later the male dog attacked and killed their two year old granddaughter. A vicious dog needs to be put down--end of story.
Remember "Welcome to the LBJ Ranch!"?
Loved that album! CRASH! "That's allright," said nasally. And of course: "I'm in fay-vah of keeping the doh-a open!"
The Bidens are what you get when you are empty, stupid, and vicious. Even their dogs don't really care.
The fun begins when the next two generations have to deal with the fallout from Bidenomics--$37 trillion in debt is going to change things quite a bit, not to mention the off the books burdens of medicare and social security.
Have fun, kids.
Okay, but it's not like he bit the same Secret Service agent 24 times.
This thread is gold.
"Her first victim was a neighbor kid, who decided to stick his face up to hers for no reason and got nipped on the cheek for his effort"
It it were my dog, it would not have lived to see sundown.
Many seem to have happened after the first lady let the dog off leash. This does not raise my opinion of her.
But, hey, the Bidens sent flowers to at least some of the dog bite victims. What more could they do?
Re-home Joe and Jill.
"Who would take them?" is the downfall of that policy.
In times long gone the public safety issue presented by poorly supervised or rabid dogs was addressed by the lowly but essential dog catcher. However, the advent of the child star recast the dog catcher as a particularly loathsome melodramatic villain, thus the establishment of various animal control apparati, including the animal shelter. Unfortunately, poorly supervised animals reproduce at an unsupervised rate, leading inevitably to overwhelmed shelters and mandated euthanasia, a tear-jerker situation ripe for the intervention of idle suburban wives. Enter the animal rescue movement. Madison is the ideal setting and has probably seen the comings and goings of dozens of such self-styled clubs and collaborations. They come with starry-eyed enthusiasm and go with the inevitable burden of too many hopeless and unhomeable animals with expensive needs. The dismal science plants its heavy foot, and idle suburban wives find other less pricey diversions.
If a man's dog is that poorly behaved, can you imagine how his children will turn out?
"Isn't this exactly what people said they feared from Trump?"
Not exactly. The people who feared what Trump might do didn't want those things done. The things Biden is unlawfully doing? They don't mind them being done.
“Why must I chase the staff?
Nothing but the dog in me”
—- teh late, not so great Commander
Is it to cyclical to wonder how many of the 24 Secret Service agents the dog actually bit, as opposed to nipped or licked?
Does your dog bite?
What do you suppose is the SOP when one of your fellow Secret Service agents draws her service revolver to protect herself from the the President's dog? Are you supposed to take a bullet to protect the President's dog?
Truman did say that if you want a friend in Washington, you should get a dog. I guess F. Joe Biden took that to heart.
They've posted videos of the "attacks" and they're mostly Commander Nipping people. A real dog bite requires a hospital visit.
When I was young, a boy has a small dog that nipped at my ankles. My friend thought it amusing. "Don't worry, he just does that to strangers".
And that boy grew up to the be...President.
And now you know...the rest of the story. Good Day!
"I wonder if Secret Service agents stand in line to be assigned Trump."
Apparently, some of the agents covering Trump had started wearing bright red ties, like his. They have been told not to do that any more.
Our nipping bitch was justified both times. The brat shoved his face into her space (everyone knew she was touchy) and the greedy skank tried to get a cracker that the dog had already snatched.
I had to separate an earlier dackel of ours from a stray pit that a halfwit neighbor had found on the street and brought home. I received a slight scratch--no blood--but it was enough to mobilize the dog catcher. He told the halfwit that he needed to take the dog--
"What if I told you that I took the dog back to the woods where he came from and let him go?"
'Then I'll go to the judge and when I come back we'll both go to the woods, and look until the dog is found. But I'll get paid--maybe even some overtime.'
Halfwit surrendered the dog, which he had stashed at a friend's.
The Left Bank of the Charles writes, "Is it [too] cyclical to wonder how many of the 24 Secret Service agents the dog actually bit, as opposed to nipped or licked?"
If you wonder more than once, particularly if it's once a day, every day, at 1:24 pm, it may be cyclical.
Yes, I know you have comically mistyped cynical, which makes me wonder whether arrogant Boston/Cambridge types appreciate the accidental irony.
So the dog has immunity too. Is he senile?
It seems that Mr. Empathy has little empathy for those that need to deal with his stupid dog.
Back when I was bit, I learned the going rate from the insurance company was about $25K for compensation. I doubt Joe paid that. The taxpayers probably did though, because he has no empathy for them either.
How do we know that the secret service agents aren't delicious?
Is this systemically structural? Dog bites man is no news...is it?
24 bites is the count from Commander. It does not include bites from Major.
And that is only SS personnel. There must be many more incidents with staff.
It's ridiculous that this has gone on and been largely unreported or falsely reported.
Ha ha ha. Quaestor, I found your need to change my misspelling of “to” to “[too]” very amusing. I see you work in technology. Have you done time in a law firm or on a law review?
What kind of sociopath lets his dog bite or nip people 24 different times?
Real slow learner!
After two or three a person with a brain woudl get the message and realize the dog could not be in that environment.
This says a lot about Biden's character, and none of it is good!
Cocaine Dog
"Have you done time in a law firm or on a law review?"
I got time off for good behavior.
Skeptical Voter said...
A vicious dog needs to be put down. Nipping is one thing--biting is another.
...The owners resisted an order to have the young male dog put down. Six months later the male dog attacked and killed their two year old granddaughter. A vicious dog needs to be put down--end of story.
Our aged half-Rottie let out a quick, low growl when he walked past grandson bouncing in his bouncy chair. Heartbreaking, but he didn't live to ever do that again. You don't take chances. And this was a dog I loved dearly...but not as dearly as grandson.
The poor dog is a prop. The dog was put in place to help Crook Joe look cool.
Remember folks - This is ALL a production.
No word from the corrupt hack-D Soviet (The View/Maddow/NPR/Kimmel/NBC lying lairs who lie) Press on the victimized and abused dog.
What I don't understand is why the SS and WH staff have put up with it for years, even if they are just nips and not punctures. Their management is seriously faulty.
At least Commander is no longer in the White House, gone since 5 October 2023, though I cannot see much advantage in removing the dog but leaving its owner in place to carry on his reign of terror. All in all, it would have generally been better for the nation if Command were still in Washington mauling the occasional random bureaucrat, and Joe Biden had been taken to a remote locale in northern Virginia and humanely put down.
If anyone is curious I have linked to the official portrait of this most presently passed-on presidential pooch. Quaestor is hardly an expert in GSD conformation, Scottish Deerhounds are his favorite canine clan. Nevertheless, this is one strange-looking bow-bow. Either its ears are too big, or in keeping with its erstwhile master, its brain pan is too small. Look closely and one will see a bone-shaped metal tag engraved with the block-letter legend, GOOD BOY. Don't tell me the Biden's lack of a macabre sense of humor.
Dogless now for four and a half months, Joe is probably pestering Jill for yet another German Shepherd to drag around by the throat, which leads to the subject of benaming the brute. Given Joe's fascination with military monikers, Quaestor has already done the thinking and suggests ReichsfĂĽhrer. There was only ever one of these, so if Joe needs to call off his new dog from yet another mauling-in-progress, there won't be a whole troop of similarly named four-legged maniacs answering the summons.
Maybe a very distrustful Joe Biden kept those dogs to protect him from his protectors. Once his protectors realized Joe was preferable to Kamala, the dogs were no longer necessary and were retired.
I was curious if there was a racial element to whom the dog bit.
Leora writes, "I was curious if there was a racial element to whom the dog bit."
Very incisive thinking, Leora. No one else here caught that salient point. Dogs are known to share their owers prejudices. Congress ought to demand a full accounting of all incidents involving Major and Commander -- dates, times, wounds inflicted, and especially names, which can be checked against the General Services Administration records. If things pan out as we suspect, it could be a stake through the heart of the entire Democratic Party. At least it would shame the NFL into shit-canning the stupid "Washington Commanders" moniker in favor of the "Redskins".
Well, only an imbecile would name his f*#kin' dog "Commander", so someone ought to follow up with the question of how many times the wheezing moron Biden bit members of his secret service detail.
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