February 25, 2024

Gavin Newsom is enjoying Nikki Haley and wishes her luck.

Newsom's speech is layered with sincerity and sarcasm that feels really funny and slimy to me (and I like when Jake Tapper jumps in to say that polls suggest Nikki would "clean Biden's clock"):

Language note:
The idiom clean your clock emerged in the United States around the mid-19th century.... [I]t seems to have sprung from the idea of cleaning as wiping out or beating thoroughly. The clock metaphorically represents someone’s face or head, adding an extra punch to the expression. But some say that it’s actually railway slang, and the word clock was a Cockney slang term for your face. Either way, it’s never good when someone says they’re going to clock you because it means they’re going to hit you in the face.

Yeah, Tapper's metaphor is too violent.  


rhhardin said...

I take italicized clock as meaning cock, in context.

rehajm said...

After disassembly some pegwood to loosen old oils and a pre-rinse in IPA is a good idea. Next, there are water based cleaners like Elma 1:9 you can use but you have to quickly displace the water, so a quick water rinse then into the IPA followed by a trip to some light heat- a food dehydrator is good if you can’t afford the Elma type machine…

L&R is ammoniated so that is good but you have to also use their rinse which is expensive. Radicals like me experiment with Liquinox, which is originally intended to clean electronics, circuit boards and such. I use it in an ultrasonic cleaner and everything looks amazingly clean…

Kevin said...

Hasn’t Biden’s clock already been cleaned out?

rehajm said...

I’ll have to hunt around later to see if Kiawah had its own voting precinct. The Bluff had one this year, which is new. We went there and there was a line of about twenty at mid day. The workers said they wished there had been only one primary. The Democrat one whenever that was had only five people all day. What a waste of time and money…

…anyways, I bet Nikki didn’t win Kiawah or the bluff…

donald said...

Nobody, and I mean nobody who has any knowledge of Gavin Newsome thinks there is a sincere anything within on 10 miles of him. Ever. Crimies.

R C Belaire said...

Haley would wither and figuratively die under a relentless Democrat attack if she were the candidate. No way she could defeat Biden. Trump, on the other hand, is a battle-tested fighter who knows what's coming and has the stamina and spirit to take on Biden head-to-head.

Breezy said...

Yet Trump is cleaning Haley’s clock…

Temujin said...

Wait…Gavin Newsom, slimy??
A is A.

Gunner said...

Does this idiot do anything besides talk to Democrat flunkies reporters?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Haley is in it because the unprecedented primaries of Trump versus the justice department and Trump versus various district attorneys should knock any lesser man out of the race. I mean, that’s what it does in other countries.

Frankly, Haley is hoping that banana republic style politics can do for her what she can’t do for herself.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That’s “what my brain tells me” 😉

Rusty said...

Give the guy(Newsome) credit. He's smooth. I doubt he could debate any real issues because his state is such a mess.
Just my opinion. I think the term,"clean your clock", originated in boxing or the bookmaking that goes with boxing.

Limited blogger said...

Nikki represents GOPe, which Tapper and Newsom still think is relevant.

At least Newsom concedes she doesn't have a chance to be nominated. She's just there to try and damage Trump.

To his credit Trump no longer mentions her. He is running in the general election.

Howard said...

The Democrats want Trump as the nominee with as many wounds as possible by lawsuits, criminal prosecutions and from within the Republican party. Otherwise, the GOP could nominate a ham sandwich and defeat Joe.

But Trumpers won't stand for it because they love Donald more than they love the United States of America. Treasonous scum or brainwashed dupes? I think most of you are dupes except Drag-o who is a full blown traitor who prays for nuclear war if it gets Trump in the White House.

If Trump can't run, the Democrats may switch up to Gavin to save the presidency and the judiciary from Republicans.

Christopher B said...

Good luck! (you're going to need it)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsum is the perfect corruptocrat.
He's slick, somewhat handsome, a total suck-up to the mob controllers/deep-state, loves to mock smear and ridicule his enemies (and is good at it) - all while he gets a pass for destroying California.

Ann Althouse said...

"I think the term,"clean your clock", originated in boxing or the bookmaking that goes with boxing."

The OED has the oldest uses of the phrase as these:

The man approached the bird, and struck it a deadly blow with the stock of his gun... ‘Old Frank [sc. a heron] ha' done me out of many an eel—the warmint—but I ha' cleaned his clock now.’
P. H. Emerson, Birds, Beasts, & Fishes of Norfolk Broadland i. lxv. 203Citation details for P. H. Emerson, Birds, Beasts, & Fishes of Norfolk Broadland

‘He'd..make his enemies walk the plank.’.. ‘Aw, now, he wouldn't!.. Dewey would fix his clock in less 'n no time!’
Puck 1 March

rwnutjob said...

Dems will not certify a Trump win because reasons

PB said...

Gavin is the Nikki Haley of the Democrat party. He hanging around in case the big guy steps aside or is removed.

Kate said...

The Brits have a TV show, "Repair Shop", where people bring in damaged antiques and the team restores the item. One of the guys only does timepieces because it's such a specialty. He has to be so meticulous, so ordered, and so careful. It comes apart in a hundred tiny pieces. I can believe the idiom originates from what's actually required to clean a clock.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Howard said:

"The Democrats want Trump as the nominee with as many wounds as possible by lawsuits, criminal prosecutions and from within the Republican party. Otherwise, the GOP could nominate a ham sandwich and defeat Joe."


Howard goes on to say:
"But Trumpers won't stand for it because they love Donald more than they love the United States of America. Treasonous scum or brainwashed dupes? I think most of you are dupes except Drag-o who is a full blown traitor who prays for nuclear war if it gets Trump in the White House."

That is complete horseshit. While Trump's ardent and loyal supporters do love the man with blind faith - that support does not make them traitors. Leftists who vote for Biden are the real TRAITORS. (Howard - you OK with Barisma Chi Com Crook Joe the husk-puppet on top of the big red button?) Trump kept us out of any new wars, shut down the border, increased the standard of living for the middle class... all while he was bogged down by the left's/Brennan's corrupt lies about Russia. Trump's America first economic policies are top notch - despite the fact that he isn't a great speaker.

Howard goes on to say:
"If Trump can't run, the Democrats may switch up to Gavin to save the presidency and the judiciary from Republicans."

The dems might switch to Newsum if Biden cannot run. The left need Biden because he is the perfect
husk-puppet for the evil cabal who control him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

After watching that - it's clearer to me than ever - the deep state will get the outcome they want in 2024.

Trump V Biden with a Biden win.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is at 38% approval - yet the left have confidence he will beat Trump.

Read those tea leaves. Not hard.

William said...

Newsom is definitely not senile and walks with a brisk, focused gait. Nice hair too. I think he'd be a big improvement over Biden.....When you look at a clock, you look at its face. Its inner mechanisms are not considered. Clean your clock means wiping that smirk off your smug face. I see so many Dems in need of a clock cleaning. So many clocks, so little time.

chickelit said...

I thought clean your clock had its origins in chess.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Gavin just confirmed Nikki is a RINO, a stalking horse for the Democrats. Only Democrats would vote for her.

Drago said...

Nikki is simply using democratical funding to solicit democratical voters in the republican primaries in order to set herself up for a 3rd party run if Trump somehow survives the full GOPe/dem/weaponized govt lawfare onslaught as well as the potential physical onslaught the Intel community + FBI are probably cooking up.


Yancey Ward said...

Biden's clock is a sundial at midnight.

Drago said...

Another day, another decreasingly coherent offering by Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard!

I have to say, though I probaby shouldn't, its pretty amusing watching the devolution and increased flailing.

Thanks Howitzer boy!

Dogma and Pony Show said...

My first good look at Newsom was watching his debate with DeSantis. I was appalled at Newsom's utter lack of seriousness. What an annoying twit.

Yancey Ward said...

Haley and Newsom are the same candidate for both parties- the one waiting around for the leading candidate to drop dead. Haley may also be tempted to running on the No Labels ticket since Manchin bowed out.

stlcdr said...

Nikki Haley still failed the SC primary. I think her clock has been cleaned.

Yancey Ward said...

And if Haley were the nominee, the Democrats wouldn't even have to cheat to win November- states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are deep blue in presidential elections without Trump on the ballot.

Wince said...

Algthouse said...
Newsom's speech is layered with sincerity and sarcasm that feels really funny and slimy to me

Newsom says...
Funny? Funny how? Like I'm a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I'm here to fuckin' amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?

Aggie said...

We could put it to a test: Is Biden accurate, twice per day?

Dogma and Pony Show said...

"The Democrats want Trump as the nominee with as many wounds as possible by lawsuits, criminal prosecutions and from within the Republican party. Otherwise, the GOP could nominate a ham sandwich and defeat Joe.

But Trumpers won't stand for it because they love Donald more than they love the United States of America."

What you fail to realize is that Republicans don't just want to win the election for the sake of winning the election. They want to win the election in order to put the brakes on and then reverse all the havoc being wrought on the country by Biden and his communist supporters. While Republicans think Trump can do that, they seriously doubt Haley (or any GOPe-er) has the will and wherewithal to fight that fight. You talk about it as if Haley is the equivalent of Trump in terms of what she'd do as president, and therefore Republicans are "dupes" for supporting him because Haley is (supposedly) the more electable of the two. Republicans don't see it that way at all, nor should we.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsum is a loyal leftist and slick POS who will take Biden's corrupt lies, corrupt policies, and stoke of the pen fascism - and place them on stilts and steroids.

Nikki is not evil - she is merely an insider who will tow the middle line. I would prefer her to any corruptocrat (all democrats)

planetgeo said...

Actually, Gavin would win. Doesn't matter at all that he has completely ruined California. Rampant crime. Literally runaway taxes. Ballooning budget deficits. Meh. He's got great hair. And he's sponge-worthy. Oh, and he's totally for your right to kill your inconvenient little clump of human in case the sponge doesn't work. That's the only issue that matters to the dumbest and most reliable part of the Democrat voting base - college-educated, single women.

JAORE said...

Nicki is the stereotypical "useful idiot". Like all such she will be cheered until no longer useful. Then she will be cast aside.

I do not see a bright future for her. MSNBC already has a pasture full of these.

Drago said...

My favorite new reason the dems/left have vomited up for the increasing support by black men for Trump (polls show clearly this increased support for Trump does not translate to the GOP as a party since the GOP as a party has made it clear it wants nothing at all to do with them) is...

.......wait for it....

.......wait for it....

....a social media online influence campaign by the Russians AND the Chinese AND the Iranians!


Wow, do these lunatic lefties understand their base of supporters (like Over-compensating Non-combat "vet" Howitzer Howard) or what?!

Yes. They. Do.

The lefties "elite" masters have to explain away the black community noticing they are being shoved aside by the dems since the dems need to import and quickly allow to vote 20 - 25 million illegals, assuming its not even higher than that. Some estimates go to 30 million. The 15 million that were already here + biden's additional 10 million by the end of this year.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

What PB and Lem (Frankly, Haley is hoping that banana republic style politics can do for her what she can’t do for herself) said.

Playing next-dimensional chess, the D's should tell their attack attorneys to back off, less they succeed in getting Trump off the ballot and Haley then cleans Biden's clock in November.

What then?

Drago said...

Yancey Ward: "And if Haley were the nominee, the Democrats wouldn't even have to cheat to win November- states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are deep blue in presidential elections without Trump on the ballot."


If Nikki is on the general election ballot, the race could be called by 9:30pm EST. At least everyone would get more rest.

Milo Minderbinder said...

Nikki can't win without Trump's supporters. The establishment continues to assume they will meekly fall in and voter for Haley if republicans nominate her. They won't, period.

Haley seeks relevancy in the event Trump is convicted of something, somewhere. But even then Trump's supporters will not vote for her.

Charlie said...

"Slimy" perfectly describes Newsom.

Aggie said...

Gavin didn't contribute any new insights about Nikki. He's just being given some air time to keep his recognition factors warm. The camera showed his photogenically 'good' side, and it was all slow pitches. Isn't it a shame that these things have become so common they are no longer even noted? Gavin is there because he's the best alternate to Joe, should there be a need.

Joe Smith said...

The man is actually oily.

It's like he leaves a slimy trail wherever he goes.

Why doesn't he just go away and hang out with his billionaire friends and enjoy his own millions.

Don't inflict your ego on everyone else.


Btw, if Guilfoyle wants to implicate herself, she could take him down in a heartbeat...

MadTownGuy said...

Kevin said...

"Hasn’t Biden’s clock already been cleaned out?"

He's that rare stopped clock that isn't right twice a day.

rcocean said...

SC has an open primary, that's why Haley got 40 percent. Anyone can vote in the R primary, but if you vote in the D primary (which no one did in 2024) you can't vote in the R primary.

Why does the Republican party hold its most important primaries (iowa, NH, SC) in states where D's can vote and decide the Republican Nominee ? Answer: It helps GOPe candidates.

It'd be nice to know how many of the 40 percent were actually dumbfuck Republican Trump haters. Y'know the kind that would rather lose than elect someone who brought the USA peace and prosperity (and tax cuts) from Jan 2017- Jan 2021.

Of course, the self-proclaimed Conservatives/Life Long republicans like Jonah Goldberg can never tell you what SPECIFIC policies Trump proposes and put in place in his first term that upset them. Instead, they lie and blather about "character". They aren't honest enough to tell us why they really hate Trump. Notice that David French has gone from "True conservative" to outright Liberal/leftist.

And its not just pundits, its GOPe. I read the Romney bio from start to finish. The last 200 pages are full of Mittens hate toward Trump. Yet nowhere does it state what SPECIFIC Trump policies Mittens dislikes so much. Probably because Mittens supports everything Joe Biden does, except he wants more tax cuts and support for Big Business. He wants hide behind "character".

Rusty said...

Howard's got the flop sweats.
By all means run Newsome instead of Biden. The time to do that though was a year ago not now. not at the convention. You never Trump knuckleheads have screwed up bigly.
Except in't not 1968. Everybody has access to the news. Eveybody has accesss to the internet. Even low information voters know that Newsome and the Democrat machine have ruined California. Have you been on the 405? Where did the infrastructure money go?

Fred Drinkwater said...

Newsom is a pretty boy empty suit with political ambition. He'd be the perfect replacement for Biden - 100% controllable by the DC power system.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Newsom is a pretty boy empty suit with political ambition. He'd be the perfect replacement for Biden - 100% controllable by the DC power system.

Narr said...

Vagin Noisome and the turd Tapper.

Iman said...

Re: Gavin Newsom… if you haven’t seen it, the YouTube video of Adam Carolla’s 2013 takedown of Newsom is some of the best pushback against and exposure of the nonsense shat out by the slick, hair-gelled moron there has been to this day.

Iman said...

Howard can be depended on to provide a couple of coffee spews a day. You keep pluckin’ dat chicken, Howard!

Iman said...

The fucking moron Newsom says Caliunicornia can now offer free healthcare to illegal immigrants. The clown’s craven attempts at turning this state into a haves and havenots shithole are obvious and worthy of derision and contempt.

Bob Boyd said...

Newsome saying he wants Haley to stay around helping the Dems as long as possible reminds me of the old joke about the pig with a wooden leg.

Farmer Jones got out of his car and while heading for his friend's door, noticed a pig with a wooden leg. His curiosity roused, he asked, "Fred, how'd that pig get him a wooden leg?"

"Well, Michael, that's a mighty special pig! A while back a wild boar attacked me while I was walking in the woods. That pig there came a runnin', went after that boar and chased him away. Saved my life!"

"And the boar tore up his leg?"

"No he was fine after that. But a bit later we had that fire. Started in the shed up against the barn. Well, that ole pig started squealin' like he was stuck, woke us up, and 'fore we got out here, the darn thing had herded the other animals out of the barn and saved 'em all!"

"So that's when he hurt his leg, huh, Fred?"

"No, Michael. He was a might winded, though. When my tractor hit a rock and rolled down the hill into the pond I was knocked clean out. When I came to, that pig had dove into the pond and dragged me out 'fore I drownded. Sure did save my life."

"And that was when he hurt his leg?"

"Oh no, he was fine. Cleaned him up, too."

"OK, Fred. So just tell me. How did he get the wooden leg?"

"Well", the farmer tells him, "A pig like that, you don't want to eat all at once!"

Mikey NTH said...

Joe's going to be the nominee because he's the only one in the race on the Democrat side and he isn't quitting. Gavin's just letting them know what they're missing and keeping name recognition up, positioning to be Donald Trump's great Democrat critic or the "hair" apparent for 2028.

Jaq said...

"A pig like that, you don't want to eat all at once!"


Rusty said...

He's been doing that for quite awhile now. California has the largest population of people living in poverty than any other state. There are often 3 generations living in those suburban homes away from the coast.

Joe Smith said...

'Howard's got the flop sweats.'

Reptiles don't sweat...

Jim at said...

and I like when Jake Tapper jumps in to say that polls suggest Nikki would "clean Biden's clock

And just where are all these magical Nikki Haley voters going to come from in order to clean Biden's clock?

The Godfather said...

I've been trying to figure out Haley's game plan -- why is she still in the race even though she has NO CHANCE of winning the Republican nomination? She couldn't even win if Trump died or pulled out before the Convention or was ruled by the Supreme Court to be ineligible in 51 states. The Republican Convention delegates who would pick the nominee would be predominantly pro-Trump and would NEVER pick his last-ditch opponent.

But IF Trump gets the nomination and LOSES, and the Republicans lose the House and Senate (as they would) then Biden (or whoever pulls his strings) will run rampant for at least two years; maybe four. Think what THAT will be like! And in those years the Democrat President will likely appoint at least two liberal Supreme Court Justices to replace two conservatives.

So come 2028 Haley (who will then be only 56) can say to the Republicans, Aren't you sorry you didn't pick me in 2024?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I had always assumed that "clean his clock" derived from the Cockney (?) use of "dial" to mean "face." That is, messing around with someone's "clock," or "dial," meant punching them in the nose, or the like.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The idea that only Trump can win. laughable.

Nikki's appeal is non-old man centrist.
I say this as someone who isn't a Nikki fan at all.

Ever-Trumper/Only-Trumper - be prepared for disappointment.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Haley and Newsome could probably run together as a national unity campaign, and win a 3 way race. They might have difficulty deciding who should be prez and vice prez, though.
It would be fun watching them deal with an almost evenly divided Congress. 4 years of complete stalemate might not be too bad.

Old and slow said...

"4 years of complete stalemate might not be too bad."

Not too bad? It would be heaven on earth.

Drago said...

Boulder Idiot: "Nikki's appeal is non-old man centrist."


Nikki is an operational democrat. They arent even bothering to hide it.

That's why she would get blown out by 9:30pm EST on election night.

Now go back to your Boulder Liberal Chicks wine party. There might be jumbo shrimp!

Drago said...

PrimaryPivot and the democratical PACs know full well that driving hardcore democraticals into open republican primaries will skew results which befuddles idiots....particularly those in Boulder.

Without hardcore democratical support in the SC open primary, support that would never be available for any republican in November, Haley gets 25% or so.

Its always easy for the democraticals to sway GOPe suckups.

But only always.

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