January 20, 2024

"You distance yourself from 'other' white people. You see only unapologetic bigots, card-carrying white supremacists and white people outside your own circle as 'real racists.'"

"You put other white people down, trash their work or behavior, or otherwise dismiss them. You righteously consider yourselves white people who have evolved beyond our racist conditioning. This is another level of denial. There are no 'exceptional white people.' You may have attended many anti-racism workshops; you may not be shouting racist epithets or actively discriminating against people of color, but you still experience privilege based on your white skin color. You benefit from this system of oppression and advantage no matter what your intentions are. This distancing serves only to divide you from potential allies and limit your own learning."

That's the "reality check" on item #21 of a DEI handout called "Common Racist Attitudes and Behaviors That Indicate a Detour or Wrong Turn into White Guilt, Denial or Defensiveness."

I thought the handout was generally well done, and I especially liked item #21 because it's consistent with important general principles of morality. Don't vainly regard yourself and your friends as the good ones and those people over there as bad. Other people might be worse than you, but that's no reason to be self-satisfied. There's always room for improvement, and, in any case, it's not all about you and your virtue. 

I'm reading that handout because a reader pointed me to "UW Law Students Required to Attend ‘Re-Orientation’ DEI Training Stereotyping Whites" (Wisconsin Right Now).

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School is requiring all first-year law students to attend a mandatory “re-orientation” session on Friday, Jan. 19, according to the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, which is demanding that the university “remove the harmful subject matter” from the meeting....

So the session was yesterday. I'd like to hear about its sophistication. How was the handout used? Was there depth and debate or were students merely told what they need to think/"think"? 

By the way, Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, if you want to criticize the school, get its name right. It's not called "The University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School."


Iman said...

This is a black thing and I don’t understand it.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Not for Sahara...



Milo Minderbinder said...

More garbage from our betters....

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Leaving race out of the analysis completely, and focusing on the excerpted text, isn’t this the exact thing the late great Rush Limbaugh said about Liberals all the time? (I would specify Progressives or Leftists not classical liberals.) They deny anyone can be “exceptional” and want everyone to be miserable like they are. Equal misery for all. Gloom and fucking Doom. What a horrible way to go through life.

Although it does explain the facial expressions of the Ivy League Three when they testified in Congress.

Temujin said...

Can't we just simply hand out a discipline to all White people and have us walk down the streets regularly flagellating ourselves? Would that not suffice?
Aw hell. I see I capitalized 'white' in the previous sentence. My privilege is oozing out.

I love the line "There are no exceptional white people." Nothing like a heapin' bowlful of racism to start the day.

Breezy said...

To me, that handout basically says white people can do nothing to alter the fact that they are or are perceived to be racist against blacks. It’s utterly oppressive. Who can give a damn when the threshold is so high and the likelihood of success so low? And why don’t these folks practice what they preach? And how can a school calling itself Law & Liberty countenance this psycho-bs?

Jamie said...

You benefit from this system of oppression and advantage no matter what your intentions are.

What is their point? What is their remedy? Everyone benefits from things they had nothing to do with advancing or continuing. And this is especially true when your side of the philosophical debate is the one that promotes identity group membership as the most important feature of any individual.

Saying that "white guilt" is a "detour," while at the same time saying, "Too bad, white person, you benefit - and always have, and always will - from a system of oppression no matter what you profess or do, because of your whiteness - but if you feel bad about it, your feelings are just a sign of your privilege" sounds like a Kafka trap to me. You're either doing DEI wrong and must be reeducated, or you're doing whiteness wrong and must be reeducated.

Is there a spot where a white, straight person can stand on the DEI Line of Oppression where she is neither a bigot nor detouring into Bad Woke Whiteness? I've never heard any formulation that allows such a spot.

I mean, I know they don't believe what they're selling - or at least most don't. But what a great gig! No matter what your "students" do or say as a result of your "instruction," they need more of you.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I would never tolerate a “re-orientation” session from a racist bigot. They either leave the room on their own two feet, or they get thrown out. That's the only way to handle a racist bigot bully.

rhhardin said...

Or it might be that blacks have an average IQ of 86 and they would do as well as a white with an IQ of 86 if they acted like the white with an IQ of 86, which is pretty well actually. It's dismissed as acting white, but call it acting successful.

The handout is to prevent that from happening, that is, to keep blacks in chip-on-the-shoulder failure mode waiting for better whites as a strategy, as Loury and McWhorter put it.

The Genius Savant said...

Your complaint is that they didn't properly name the law school? I know you taught there but talk about missing the point.

Wilbur said...

Where does one acquire a white supremacist card you can carry around?

I'll ask one of those people with a Trump paraphernelia shrine in their house. You know where I can find one of those?

dbp said...

I'm sure that some people believe that white people experience privilege based on their skin color and that they benefit from a system of oppression and advantage, despite whatever intentions they have, but I think most white people think this is utter trash.

It's mind boggling that a state school can mandate attendance at what is nothing less than a re-education seminar. Seems stupid as well--these are law students, isn't anybody worried about getting sued?

Cappy said...

Well, it's worse than that. We unevolved white people are laughing at you behind your backs. We have big, spooky midnight meetings in the woods and look at the best memes and Libs of Tik Tok videos. Bahaha. Just look at those ninnys!

Kylos said...

I got an error saving this message. My apologies if this is a duplicate.

There’s a lot to agree with in this, but it continues to fall into the race essentialism trap.

“[…] but you still experience privilege based on your white skin color. You benefit from this system of oppression and advantage no matter what your intentions are”

We need to not spend so much energy on minor issues.

Aggie said...

So, most essentially, there is no salvation. Shame will be your chains.

Jersey Fled said...

I’m all for white liberals who think they’re better than the rest of us doing a little self reflection.

Old and slow said...

Thankfully, I do not suffer from these behaviors.

hombre said...

Racist conditioning? I was raised in a Christian household. This must be about that time my mother told me, "Jesus said, 'Love thy neighbor unless he is a person of color.'"/S

Kylos said...

We watched Lady and the Tramp with our girls last night. It had the now standard “these depictions aren’t ok now and weren’t ok then” disclaimer Disney is putting on all the old classics.

I’m not sure which part I was specifically supposed to be offended at (was it the Mexicans or the Russians or Italians or the Asians (or the term Siamese, the actual name of a Kingdom from that time)). The depictions of various ethnicities were definitely not color blind but didn’t seem otherizing. Rather, they seemed to us to humanize differences. The Siamese cats were portrayed as villains but other villains were white and the film managed plenty of subtle and not so subtle mockery of the protagonists, a rich, white family. They even depicted the cops as bumbling clueless oafs.

And the moral is to avoid judging others by their appearances, privileges or past. And yet it gets labeled as culturally demeaning because it attempts to be inclusive of a broad swath of cultural, racial and ethnic identities.

hawkeyedjb said...

After you have wrecked "white" society, what do you think comes next? Some kind of Nirvana? Based on what evidence? Once you get rid of the rule of law, the scientific method, and the consent of the governed, you are back to what we used to call The Dark Ages - where life was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short. Those who think they will end up on top of such a society need to work on developing physical strength and skill with weapons. There will be no diversity administrators in the new barbarian world.

retail lawyer said...

"I'd like to hear about its sophistication. How was the handout used? Was there depth and debate or were students merely told what they need to think/"think"? "

Seriously? I'm going with even stupider versions of Claudine Gay telling students about their privilege despite being discriminated against throughout their lifetimes. Followed up with "taking a knee."

The beginning of law school is no time to out yourself as insufficiently brainwashed.

stlcdr said...

Just because it’s well done, doesn’t mean it’s correct.

Larry1984 said...

The author implies that if you do not agree with her you are a racist. Racism is just bias. I do not know anyone that does not have some type of bias that includes the author.

planetgeo said...

I miss Crack. Whenever I feel I need to flagellate my privileged self I read some of his old stuff.

Bob Boyd said...

I especially liked item #21 because it's consistent with important general principles of morality.

Don't vainly regard yourself and your friends as the good ones and those people over there as bad. Other people might be worse than you, but that's no reason to be self-satisfied. There's always room for improvement, and, in any case, it's not all about you and your virtue.

I see what you're saying and I agree, but...

Does that general principle only apply to white people?
Is it okay for black and brown people to distance themselves from whites or Asians or Jews? And to see only unapologetic bigots, card carrying white supremacists and "real racists?"

Or does this distancing serve only to divide black and brown people from potential allies and limit their own learning?

n.n said...

Diversity of individuals, minority of one. #HateLovesAbortion

Sebastian said...

"I'd like to hear about its sophistication."

LOL. Trolling the commentariat?

"Was there depth and debate or were students merely told what they need to think/"think"?"

Let's guess. Depth and debate, right. That's what our academic prog overlords want.

Rusty said...

Why do I find this stuff so funny?
Oh yeah. Because people actually believe it.

n.n said...

Diversity Equivocation Indoctrination (DEI) is an intellectual product derived from Critical Racists' Theory (CRT) that denies individual dignity and value, and normalizes color judgments and class bigotry under an ethical religion for social, political, and criminal progress. That said, the male and female sex, men and women, respectively, are equal in rights and complementary in Nature. #HateLovesAbortion

Steven Wilson said...

CRT and DEI are on a par with homeopathic medicine. Even though the original remedy may not be present in a homeopathic mixture it still has the same potency.

Whiteness is bad now and is getting worse the further we get from the original sin of slavery. That they spout this condemnation that is ever worsening and without remedy means that whatever the plight of the black community is now it is far worse than it was when they were in bondage and will be even worse a hundred, five hundred, or a thousand years from now.

To step back and examine what is propounded here, not an acceptable stance, reveals the hollowness of the entire argument. If this continues there is no hope of racial tensions being erased and it will no end well. How is this any different than any other form of racism.? Even in the early part of the 20th century with Jim Crow and the high tide of the KKK it was not uncommon for a black person to be spoken of as a credit to his race. Now we are told there are no exceptional white people. In other words, what we are seeing here is hatred disguised as progressivism and it is the vessel that contains a virulent plague that, unlike Covid, doesn't require a lab to brew it.

When I think on the accusations of cultural appropriation, I think perhaps we white people should take back those things that are part of our culture, starting with electricity.

Anyone associated with developing, promulgating or indoctrinating these hateful, destructive screeds would, in a just world, be unemployed and unemployable. How could you trust them to treat or deal fairly with the "other."

William said...

I wonder what proportion of students exposed to such a course come out of it with increased sensitivity as opposed to increased cynicism.

Chris said...

I used to think the people who wanted a whites only homeland were taking things a bit too far, but after reading crap like this, they have a point. These people are never going to let it go and at this point why should we bother. Imagine living in relative peace without them around. Sounds good.

William said...

They should increase the intensity of these courses to make them more effective. I recommend they pick out one student with white privilege and make an example out of him. Make him wear a dunce cap and confess his failings. Parade him around town and shout abuse at him. We'll know the re-education program is successful if there are increased suicides.

BG said...

I have the feeling that I am being judged by the color of my skin.

rcocean said...

I have no idea why people put up with this crap, but white people are weird. They have some sort of death wish. Or maybe they're just dumb.

In the old days, we'd have wars and average people got to go out and die because the elite said so. But we cant do that anymore. Maybe, this is the new form of suffering and martyerdom. Like befriending rats,

William said...

America will be a greater country when the average white person is perplexed and guilt ridden and hostile to whites who aren't perplexed and guilt ridden. Only in this way can we move forward.

chickelit said...

I’m not surprised that you fall for this BS, Althouse, given your UW Law Prof reputation to uphold. Is there any other aspect that I’m missing?

tommyesq said...

This whole posture is so defeating. For white people, it says that there is nothing you can do to escape your unearned privilege. If that is the case, why would we try? Why not bask in its luxurious glow, since there is no way to change things? Why make a personal sacrifice if it will make no difference?

For blacks, this is a very self-defeating. Basically, the message is that you will always be downtrodden and oppressed, and even those of the oppressor class cannot change that in any way - your life, and the life of your children and their children, etc., will be one of oppression. Why even try? (Which seems to be where we are right about now).

Ice Nine said...

>The University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School is requiring all first-year law students to attend a mandatory “re-orientation” session on Friday, Jan. 19,<

Required re-orientation sessions - the Khmer Rouge did those as I recall.

Tina Trent said...

So you like academic racism and enforced public humiliation when it is sophisticated?

I though the handout was sickening and familiar. For just a few examples, it states unambiguously that white (only white, and all white) students are racist if they oppose affirmative action or say in response to any enforced discussion of race that they choose to be colorblind.

The tenured professors of your generation enforced this humiliation of others by making a very nasty deal that so long as you did nothing to stop it as it was done to your students, it would not affect your own careers. You and your tenure protected peers thus bear deep culpability for the weaponization of anti-white prejudice, minority supremacy, speech and viewpoint suppression, and social fracturing.

You hid behind tenure and go along to get along by making your white, and especially white male students victims of racial witch hunts like this grotesque exercise in mass public humiliation. There are few thing less ethical and less conducive to actual freedom of speech.

If, while you were still teaching, you did something different from all the white academics of your generation whom I know (and I know many, including several prominent public intellectuals who held their tongues until the pension kicked in), then I don't remember it. I'm appalled. Apply that "question 21" to yourself, if you like it so much, but for the love of God please just leave the rest of us alone. You've already done enough harm to our country and our careers with your collective collective cowardice.

And it's questionable to insist on the proper naming of your workplace if you refuse to contemplate the real subject: whether this exercise destroys the purported values of your workplace and subject matter. Which is more important: a school's proper title, or that school singling out all its white students to threaten them with life-destroying accusations of racism? I've got a bunch of other names for that, but I won't say them here.

Zavier Onasses said...

Attitudes and Behaviors NOT Common among Anti-Racism Education Initiative Organizers - by Zavier Onasses

#1. Understanding and accepting that aversion to "other" is a natural inborn trait common to all Living Things.

#2. That as our world shrinks we increasingly come in contact with "other;" that there is ultimately something to be gained from finding common ground with "other."

#3. Sufficient self-restraint to not become a self-righteous lecturing asshole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Do white leftists apply here?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The racist conditioning started under Obama.

who-knew said...

So if I've got this straight: Systems of oppression (which are never defined) are imposed upon blacks and POCs and gays and trans and indigenous folx, etc by the evil whites. And evil whites cannot change but will always be trapped in the system just like the blacks. Then the system is just like the weather. Everyone can complain about it but no one can do anything about it. So, I guess it's time to just give up and cope with it as best you can.

rrsafety said...

Fortunately, I am entirely free of "White Guilt, Denial or Defensiveness" and it is a great feeling. If you don't give a hoot about this foolishness, there is not guilt, denial or defensiveness.

Crimso said...

Same playbook as global warming. Higher temp is proof of global warming. No change in temp is proof of global warming. Lower temp is proof of global warming.

Being racist is evidence of white supremacy. Being neither racist nor "anti-racist" is evidence of white supremacy. Being "anti-racist" is evidence of white supremacy.

Jaq said...

Remember reading about the flagellants who believed that they could save themselves from the plague through self brutalization, which was offered as proof of repentance and utter devotion to the one true faith?

Mea Sententia said...

Thanks for posting the link. Reading through all 28 points felt like wandering through a maze. Not the good kind of maze, the labyrinth with an unfailing path to the center; but the bad kind of maze, the maze where you can easily get lost and never find your way out again. And each time she (Debra Leigh, the author) used the word 'reality' I heard in my head that line from the Princess Bride: "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." CRT demands that everyone accept a vision of reality; but ideology isn't reality, except that it apparently is now for a lot of people. She deemed me a racist right at Point 1, since I believe that character, not color, is what counts; but she says this is racism. I hope there was space to disagree for those who had to do this training, but reading the document it doesn't allow room for dissent.

Patrick Henry was right! said...

We have a "system" called freedom wherein one (generally) can rise in income and status by producing something helpful to (or at least desired by) others. This "system" is hard on those who don't want to be (or who choose not to to be) helpful or productive. Thus, it appears to them to be rigged, when what it is doing is working well to produce things that people need and want. After all, "why does the baker bake bread?"

Jaq said...

I see that I was beaten to the comment.

The only Trump shrine I have ever seen in someone’s home was a Trump punching bag, BTW. I have seen a little Fauci doll, though.

donald said...

I’ll never hire another black person. Problem solved.

donald said...

Under 50 that is.

Josephbleau said...

If you are white one possible solution is to place yourself in situations where you are only around white people, then you don’t have to worry about harming anyone.

If you are white, then no mitigation can occur. You are going to be a white supremicist in any case.

So it’s true that white people are satan, there is nothing satan can do to improve his reputation, but he has to just stand there and take the insults anyway.

cassandra lite said...

Jumping the Great White Shark.

AlbertAnonymous said...

If you deny you’re racist, it proves you’re racist?

Seems to me the most privileged person in the room was the DEI hire teaching the “class”. Probably gets paid a fortune and lives quite comfortably. Not having “earned” anything.

If you think I’m bad and evil (and nothing I do can change that) simply because of the color of my skin, then I already know who the racist is. Class dismissed.

Ironclad said...

What I want to be established as the standard for “ correct thought and behavior” is the place in the world where this un-white paradise of the DEI chickens actually exists. Since any white country is obviously totally racist and irredeemable, show us what shining ( with a dark hue obviously) beacon of hope is located in the world so we can bask in its glory to scrub away our sins.

South Africa? Uganda? Nigeria? Somalia? Or perhaps …. Wakanda?

The whole DEI 3 card Monte deal is just as fake as every other racist grift in the past. This is just BLM in an academic wrap.

Robert Marshall said...

Why would a law school think that its job is to indoctrinate its students in (so-called) anti-racist ideology? Is that what people are looking for, when they apply to law school?

The subjects of this indoctrination are young adults, who have already graduated from college, and are (mostly, I suppose) looking for education in a professional field, the practice of law. Why would anyone connected with the law school they've chosen to enter, consider it their right or responsibility, to teach anti-racism to their students?

Terribly presumptuous, in my judgment.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

The proponents of this racist bullshit would have a hard time proving that even a majority of black Americans agree with it. Even if most blacks did agree with it, only a tiny fraction of whites do, and why should they?

This reminds me of the TZ episode in which Billy Mumy held everyone in the grip of fear because he could arbitrarily turn them into a jack-in-the-box and wish them to the cornfield. Obviously, nobody liked what he was doing, but they had no choice but to play along. IMO, that's why this CRT/DEI evil is allowed to flourish on college campuses: To disagree with it openly is to invite termination, suspension, loss of tenure, and permanent stigmatization as a white supremacist. And since very few professors and administrators could do as well for themselves in the real world as they do in academia, that's too high a price for a university employee to pay.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Black Conservatives DESTROY White Liberals

Watch the above please. So amazing to watch young black conservatives DESTROY white leftists.
The fat white leftist Biden supporter = LOL>>>> What an a-hole. Proof white leftists are ignorant of facts, history and reality.

Kevin said...

Item 22: “You must love Big Brother. It is not enough to obey him; you must love him.”

Mark said...

Denying that you are a racist only makes you the worst racist of all.

Aggie said...

"I thought the handout was generally well done..."

I think this phrase has triggered quite a few people. Did you mean to compliment the program and its objectives, or were you simply complimenting the quality of the handout and its preparation, irrespective of the odious nature of its programming content?

Saint Croix said...

I thought the handout was generally well done, and I especially liked item #21 because it's consistent with important general principles of morality.

Holy shit, Althouse.

Just substitute "black" for "white" and tell us what you think now.

Don't vainly regard yourself and your friends as the good ones and those people over there as bad. Other people might be worse than you, but that's no reason to be self-satisfied. There's always room for improvement, and, in any case, it's not all about you and your virtue.

All of this is true.

But if you don't object to racist division and a treating a whole class of humanity (white people) as inferior, I don't know what to tell you. Go to church, because you are lost, sister.

We are all children of God. Even you, honky.

Mark said...

It bears noting that these folks also despise Black Africans.

That's because immigrants from Africa tend to emphasize education, hard work, and faith, and thus tend to prosper, while folks make excuses for how home-grown, native African-Americans are oppressed and remain near the bottom of the class structure.

Saint Croix said...

Just imagine taking a room full of young black people and indoctrinating them. "There are no exceptional black people."

It's racist as shit. It's evil as shit.

These dumb fuckers think white people are superior and need to be brought down, as a class. And so they are doing evil things to innocent people, based on the color of their skin.

Iman said...

Well said, Saint Croix @10:28am!

Kurt Schuler said...

White students at the University of Wisconsin Law School may wish to have handy this "Proclamation of Amnesty and Pardon Granted to All Persons of European Descent." It was issued by one of my professors, the late Walter Williams.


Williams was black, and as a young man, for instance during his compulsory service in the Army, often experienced racism. He found creative ways to respond to it and, as his tongue-in-cheek proclamation illustrates, rose above it.


Michael said...

Look, I would be pushing this thinking were I black. Would you too not be humiliated by Western Culture to which you might have contributed a minuscule piece. Jazz say. Think of the cathedrals of Europe, the mosques of the Middle East if you venture a bit east, the music of Bach, Shakespeare,the Bible and Koran. Then think of Africa south of the Sahara. Rattle off the music, literature, architecture. Can’t.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

White leftists use blacks for their Marxist aims. white leftists do not actual care about blacks.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's white leftists preaching this racist shit. The dirty secret of of the Margaret Sanger left is - white leftists are the real racists.

Dave Begley said...

Interesting story today from one of my Jesuit high school classmates. His son got admitted to a highly rated and very competitive medical subspeciality program. Eight slots. One was reserved for a DEI person. The DEI person washed out.

JAORE said...

"Was there depth and debate..." so we can identify these potential Klansmen from the jump.

Do you really think people that put out this bilge water WANT a free and open, no harm no foul, debate?


Earnest Prole said...

As I’ve noted before, Wokeness is simply the latest version of American Puritanism and Whiteness is its Original Sin.

Breezy said...

Doesn’t this handout violate the school’s code of conduct? It’s blatantly discriminatory and it harasses all attendees to go along with this ideology, not just white people.

Saint Croix said...

Althouse, would you approve of a regime where white students are graded down a letter grade to atone for oppression? And black students are graded up a letter grade to atone for oppression?

That would annoy the fuck out of me, too, but at least you don't have to sit through the brainwashing and indoctrination camps.

It's just astounding to me that upper-class liberals have never seen a homeless white guy before. Do you roll down your BMW window and call them "oppressor!" when you do?

effinayright said...

So...our BlogMistress apparently buys into this DEI bullshit. NEVER MIND that it brooks absolutelly NO DISAGREEMENT...no pointing out contradictions.............it's all GOD's TRUTH.

Just like Scientology. Or the tenets of Bible-thumping fundamentalists. Or the proselytizers of "Scientific" Socialism.

If she is filled with so much self-hatred she feels the need to genuflect before this intellectual gibberish, when will we see her walk the walk by engaging in a self-criticism session, flailing herself bloody with a cat o' nine tails?

Or does she believe she sits outside DEI's claim of systematic white racism, and thus is the exception to the Iron Clad Rule that all whites are evil and irredeemable racists?

Or whether she will grovel at the feet of your new Black masters.

C'mon, althouse, tell us.

Rabel said...

In other words:

"Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me."

Psalm 51:5
King James Version

RMc said...

Do white supremacists really carry cards? I mean, do they say "Bob Smith, White Supremacist Since 1975"...?

Jupiter said...

"This distancing serves only to divide you from potential allies and limit your own learning."

They got that part right.

Jupiter said...

"It's not called "The University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School."

A shit-hole, by any other name, would still smell as sweet.

JAORE said...

"Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, if you want to criticize the school, get its name right. It's not called "The University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School."

I would think any alum would be thrilled that the correct name was not used.

Hmmm, this is not (IMO) following the law and certainly does not promote liberty. Let me pull out my copy of 1984 to see if there's a more suitable name...

I see a parallel between this type of indoctrination and my very early, very rudimentary, exposure to the church. Any sin, I was told is an insult to God. So there was no "scale" to sin. It's all equally bad (carve outs provided). That led to any sin I could conceive of committing, say theft or assault, was just as bad as the most minor sin I did commit.

So, obviously, little JAORE thought, if the goal was to not offend God, I was toast. Might as well embark upon that life of crime.

I won't even mention the Nun's reaction to my question on "the thought is as bad as the deed".

minnesota farm guy said...

Ann, This doesn't get a BS tag?!?

Jupiter said...

"Is there a spot where a white, straight person can stand on the DEI Line of Oppression where she is neither a bigot nor detouring into Bad Woke Whiteness? I've never heard any formulation that allows such a spot."

Nope. Even at the moment you are being raped by a Negro, your white privilege is evident to strong Black women. They've got your number, you white bitch.

Saint Croix said...

Imagine you're a white person, and you want to be black.

So you have no white friends, you only hang out with black people.

You adopt black slang and language. You listen to black music, you read black books. You wear black fashion. You only date black people.

You distance yourself from all white people. All you want is to be accepted by black people. That's your dream, that's your hope, that's your desire. You want to share in their community.

And this racist fucker comes along, points at you, and says that you are white and you will always be white.

These are mean fucking racists. At least Commies have a dream that the poor will be happy one day. When you're a hardcore DEI asshole, there is no redemption possible. Your white skin is the mark of the beast.

ALP said...

Anyone else see similarities between this and the Christian concept of "Original Sin". We are always fallen, always needing redemption, no matter what. You need Jesus to fix you.

Joe Smith said...

I am so done with black people.

Individually they are great. But they've let themselves become hostages to the eternal grifters.

And me, a lowly white person, would be crucified if I ever tried to help solve the issues that are keeping them in poverty...issues that the democrats celebrate because it gives them control.

You're on your own. No help from me.

Saint Croix said...

Michael at 10:45...

You're ignorant, brother. Orchestra Baobab is the bomb.

I wish the liberal racists pushing this DEI hatred would contemplate how people respond to such things.

Many people, of course, give up and comply and try to do their best, seeking approval from authorities. "I know I'm white, I'm so sorry, I'll try to do better."

Other people accept the racism and internalize it, but reject the inferiority. So they become overt racists, like Michael at 10:45.

I don't know if he was thinking these thoughts before the DEI madness. But I strongly suspect that he's voicing this hatred because of the DEI madness.

When our authorities dictate racist pathologies, they won't be able to contain the pathologies they create.

Lucien said...

“I guess there’s no use trying to get on your good side” must have been spoken by many tough guy heroes. It applies to all purveyors of such arrant evil bullshit. And all those “allies” flagellating themselves as they grovel for BIPOC approval deserve it.
No pity.

gilbar said...

i Used TRY to not be a white supremacist.. But Thanx to O'Bama et all; i've Embraced my whiteness

Rocco said...

You distance yourself from 'other' white people. You see only unapologetic bigots, card-carrying white supremacists and white people outside your own circle as 'real racists.'"

You got that you Robyn DeAngelis types? You're just as guilty!

You can't hone in on our White Guilt graft!

Rabel said...

This was a paid presentation performed by an outside consultant contracted by the University.

Robin DiAngelo must have been unavailable.

"Was there depth and debate or were students merely told what they need to think/"think"?"


mccullough said...

It’s an important skill to be able to fake your way through this bullshit.

Nod along. Say Amen.

Then watch the Claudine & Fani’s keep fucking up.

And laugh.

Just an old country lawyer said...

Everyone can access Western Civilization Privilege and reap immense benefits for themselves, their families and communities without regard to race or nationality. However, these barbarians are doing their worst to tear it all down and too many others are willing to piss it away.

tcrosse said...

What if somebody said,"Yeah, I'm racist. So what?"

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

I'd agree with this is the people pushing it targeted the system (whatever that is) instead of individual white people.

If individual white people are responsible for the system, then they should get credit for disagreeing with or working against it. They don't get any credit. They're still bad.

If individual white people aren't responsible, then there's no point in accusing them of anything. They are just as trapped by the system as people of color.

Engaging with any of this DEI or CRT, or whatever you want to call it, is pointless. The only winning move is not to play.

Forcing the majority to think of itself in racial terms is deeply stupid and is backfiring.

Rosalyn C. said...

If being white was the great and all powerful oppressive privilege that DEI implies, then all white people would be fantastically successful. And there wouldn’t be any successful Black people.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the White left's corrupt goal is to keep blacks ignorant of history, angry, and separated.

Sadly, too many blacks fall for it.

loudogblog said...

"There are no 'exceptional white people.'"

What a horrible, bigoted thing to say.

Mason G said...

"There's always room for improvement..."

But is there?

"There are no 'exceptional white people.'"

Bruce Hayden said...

“Interesting story today from one of my Jesuit high school classmates. His son got admitted to a highly rated and very competitive medical subspeciality program. Eight slots. One was reserved for a DEI person. The DEI person washed out.”

I know Docs who won’t go to American Black Docs. Too dangerous. We can see how effective AA is in law school, by the Fani Willis scandal right now in Atlanta. And last week, she went into a Black church and blamed her corruption on systemic racism. Long run, this sort of racial division does Blacks no good.

Michael said...

Saint Croix. You have obviously taken the course(s) so should be able to explain the racism in my post. Thanks for your help.

Aggie said...

Once again, I am reminded of the wisdom and insight of Eric Hoffer:

"Every great cause begins as a movement, turns into a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket"

Now, I don't know if this is true or not - but Wiki says it is actually written thus: Up to now, America has not been a good milieu for the rise of a mass movement. What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.

What is indisputable, is that this industry has become a racket.

Paul said...

Memo to DEI... go F*CK OFF.

I really don't give a shit how you folks think... or think others think. You are just a sorry lot of self hating ignorant twits.

And yea I'm a white Texican.

OldManRick said...

A very Lutheran approach to race relationship. Just substitute Race conscious terms for the religious terms and whites for people, humans, or sinners, and you have a complete description of this nonsense.

From Wikipedia:

"Lutherans adhere to divine monergism, the teaching that salvation is by God's act alone, and therefore reject the idea that humans in their fallen state have a free will concerning spiritual matters.

Lutherans also teach that sinners, while capable of doing works that are outwardly "good," are not capable of doing works that satisfy God's justice. Every human thought and deed is infected with sin and sinful motives.

Krumhorn said...

I think folks here are missing Ann's point. Anyone who reads her regularly ought to instinctively know that her assessment of the handout isn't an endorsement of the subject matter but rather, an assessment of its value as an argument for a point of view. In spite of my revulsion at the end goal and process the argument would direct us, I too thought it covered some very interesting ground very well.

I liked #19, Bending over Backwards. We all know who that Karen is and the anti-racist apparently is as repulse as I am. White libruls are so transparently approval-seekers. Particularly, white librul wymyns.

Keeping in mind that the author of this handout is a shriveled crone white lady....and we all know that lady...she's the one who can't stop bleating about the migrant farm ministry and Midnight Run at the local Presbyterian church.

The point of this ideological tract is to make a convincing effort to short circuit our usual responses to DEI horseshit. Looking at it from Ann's perspective, compare this handout to the quality of the recent work of a Johns Hopkins DEI rent-seeker named Sharita-somebody who published...and quickly withdrew this contribution:

"Privilege is a set of unearned benefits given to people in a specific social group.....

-Mid-aged people
-Able-bodied people
-Middle & owning class
-English-speaking people...."

While the central argument of the handout was intended to drive a societal and institutional resolve to coral me and the other troglodytes among Ann's regular commenters into re-edukation kamps one or two clicks from the killing fields impatiently waiting thirstily for my and Tina Trents's blood, I was struck by the clear focus of the writer on her targets: beta leftie white males and leftie white Karens who are insufficiently committed to the cause. The phony bastids!

- Krumhorn

JRoj said...

This is among the strongest arguments I've read espousing something approaching a permanently racially segregated society. MLK's dream is apparently on life support with many of the elite of his race publicly advocating and teaching this type thinking. If white folks are such a problem, then, by all means, make plans to get as far away from them as possible long-term. (Or are you just ratcheting up the white guilt machine to 11?)

RigelDog said...

I disagree that there is anything positive about instructing white (puke) people (puke) that they shouldn't trash other white people.

The ONLY intention behind this instruction is to further the cruel, stupid teaching that is CRT. It's not to remind people that it's wrong to caricature and to "other" people--wrong to imagine that (as a fellow flawed human being) you are superior to them.

The intention is to emphasize exactly how terrible you are just by virtue of being white (puke), and that you are irredeemable. You are nothing but your whiteness; you have to right to live, really.

Ampersand said...

Who are the beneficiaries of the campaign to reinforce and increase racial animosity? Our nation's enemies and the Democratic Party. But I repeat myself.

Lilly, a dog said...

I attended a DEI struggle session, remotely via Microsoft Teams, on Thursday. These training sessions are mandated by my workplace. It was led by a self-described queer black woman with green-rimmed glasses, who uses They/Her pronouns. Only three of us said anything during the session. The rest kept themselves on mute the entire time. It is her job at the agency to conduct DEI training sessions.
It was a painless and pointless hour. "They" just read powerpoint slides to us. We were asked to complete an assignment to define a group that defined us, and indicate which stereotype for that group didn't apply to us: "I am a ______, but I am not ______."

One of the guys shared, "I am a white male, but I am not a Trump supporter." This made me laugh out loud.

n.n said...

The metal is heated to a predefined temperature then cooled by air. The resulting metal is free of undesirable impurities and exhibits greater strength and hardness. Normalising is often used to produce a harder and stronger steel, albeit one that is less ductile than that produced by annealing.

Tina Trent said...

Krumhorn: I was a grad and law student during that intermediary period when tenured white people of Althouse's generation were surrendering to the demands of the DEI-type (that particular name wasn't invented yet) by sacrificing their students on the pilllar of identity politics, so long as they could keep their jobs and bennies if they zipped their lips, which, in my experience, every one of them, including the so-called ideosyncrats and conservatives, did until they retired and began capitalizing financially and status-wise on what they didn't say or do before, when it might harm their status.

This is disgusting and unethical behavior. The number of professional and personal lives ruined by her generation's abdication is appalling. Unfortunately, those of us destroyed financially and professionally by it can't playfully dismiss it as if we are a cat playing with another harmless, linguistic ball of yarn.

Many bennies in being a Good German.

Clyde said...

Fuck that shit! They can take their race cards and shove them up their asses.

MadisonMan said...

I find handouts such as that, given out at anti-whatever seminars, simply too dense. I'm not going to remember very much from that, but I will wonder how much was paid to the facilitator. Too much!

Original Mike said...

Blogger Krumhorn said..."I think folks here are missing Ann's point. Anyone who reads her regularly ought to instinctively know that her assessment of the handout isn't an endorsement of the subject matter but rather, an assessment of its value as an argument for a point of view."

28 ways you're a bad person is unlikely to be a winning argument, IMO.

Hey Skipper said...

"I thought the handout was generally well done..."

Considering it is a dogs breakfast of pronunciamentos, straw men, begged questions non sequiturs and kafka traps, it's not bad. Spelling and grammar are beyond reproach. It pretty much avoids jargon.

Pick, for example, number 1: I'm Colorblind.

“People are just people; I don’t see color; we’re all just human.

Statements like these assume that people of color are just like you, white; that they have the same dreams, standards, problems, and peeves that you do.

This is bullshit, full stop. When all the people I know say they are color blind, they that where color isn't relevant — which is most of life — they don't consider it. Only a fool, or a race monger, would decide for others that they mean people of color are just like me. Hell, no one is just like me.

Once upon a time I was an airline pilot. If the other person in the cockpit happened to be black, that fact was absolutely meaningless, Colorblindness is the only appropriate attitude to take. Extend that to any occupation, or activity you can think of. Are there any where consideration of color is at all helpful?

It would take days to properly fisk this.

But there is a bigger question here than whether it is in some useful way "well done". Does the University of Whatever Name It Is have any required session critiquing CRT?

If not, and "not" is no doubt the correct answer, then the University is engaging in indoctrination, full stop.

Mea Sententia said...

#19 says it's racism if a white person agrees with a black person and never disagrees, yet the document as a whole doesn't allow for disagreement on essential tenets. #27 says a white person committed to anti-racism cannot expect to receive a "certificate of innocence" from a black person. Actually, the presumption of white guilt runs like a thread through the whole document.

effinayright said...

Krumhorn said...
I think folks here are missing Ann's point. Anyone who reads her regularly ought to instinctively know that her assessment of the handout isn't an endorsement of the subject matter but rather, an assessment of its value as an argument for a point of view.

Did you read the fucking thing? It brooks no disagreement, and regards its "argument" as airtight TRUTH.

Prof. M. Drout said...

As disgusting and idiotic as this is, in one way it's not as bad as the usual materials used in these struggle sessions by our home-grown Red Guards. Those usually preserve plausible deniability, so that although everyone knows that the meaning is the same as in this racist piece of garbage, it is MUCH harder to make a "hostile environment based on race and gender" claim detailed and plausible enough to make the Human Resource drones start to worry.

Someone thinking a step or two ahead would go through the training without making a fuss at the time, then file a grievance. Let it sit unresolved and simultaneously start applying for every possible chair, competitive grant, research leave, supplemental funds program, etc., etc. Save each rejection, and when a few have accumulated, Bam! you've got your damages and retaliation in addition to the hostile work environment claim and thus a very nice settlement to take you up to retirement.

It's even better if you can bait one of the more dim-witted Deanlets into yelling at you or punishing you in some way, but that's not necessary (hint: don't aim at the top. Institutions will probably stand behind a full Dean; they might not want to risk $$ to protect some lower-level assistant, plus the superiors will be angry at that person for screwing up and making more work for them). The key is not to act angry and bitter about the racist "training," but be publicly nice, cooperative, and all "more in sorrow than in anger" while you keep up with the grievances: you want it to be obvious and documented that it appears that they're punishing you for objecting, so don't be otherwise objectionable and give them excuses.

Either that, or take the training materials to an amendable therapist (you may have to shop around) and claim that you now have PTSD (look up the symptoms online) and can't continue teaching now because the hostile environment is a trigger. That will whack the employer right in the worker's comp.

Another good trick is to file a grievance against the person who led the training and assert that you feel "unsafe" if that person is in the same building as you. If you're lucky, HR will go along with this and then you can use it to throw monkey-wrenches into scheduling, office locations, meetings, direct reports, and even email (i.e., you insist that all email from X be laundered through some Associate Dean...). Subtly throw as much sand into the gears a possible so that administrators become eager to pay you off.

N.B.: I am not a lawyer or job counsellor, and although everything I suggest above is based on observation of people, please note that although some of those people were white and some of them were male, none of them were white men, so your mileage may vary.

effinayright said...

Imagine a professor at the University of Leipzig in the 1930's reading a handout of the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and commenting that its presentation was "well done".

Imagine how the Jewish students at that presentation regarded it.

Now do "white people being lectured they are compulsive and irredeemable racial bigots" and having their prof smile with approval.

Christopher said...

I thought the handout was generally well done, and I especially liked item #21 because it's consistent with important general principles of morality.

This is a disgusting takeaway. The house has blown up but you admire how precisely the artillerty was fired.

By the way, Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, if you want to criticize the school, get its name right.

Focusing on the big offense!

James K said...

This Catch-22 reminds me of when I was graduating from college more than 40 years ago and had to sit through a speech by Helen Caldicott ("Eight Minutes to Midnight") on the dangers of nuclear power and the need for immediate unilateral disarmament. If you disagreed with her you were afflicted with "cognitive dissonance," meaning an inability to deal with the truth--as she knew it. Incredibly patronizing and anti-intellectual for an address to graduating seniors.

boatbuilder said...

Do the DEI people ever consider that, compared with about 80% of the world's population, every single person living in the United States of America is "privileged?" (The 80% is a rough, conservative guess).

Narr said...

What Prof. M. Drout said. (Except 'amendable' therapist.)

I had a couple of library colleagues who played the system in somewhat similar manner. Use the master's tools against him.

Mikey NTH said...

Do any of these businesses and orgamizations realize state and federal anti-discrimination laws have not been repealed? Because it seems like they don't or have totally shut down any sensible legal advice.

Krumhorn said...

Did you read the fucking thing? It brooks no disagreement, and regards its "argument" as airtight TRUTH.

Isn't that the central characteristic of a well-crafted argument that it leaves little room for disagreement? An argument sucks if there are readily apparent giant holes through which you could drive a convincing counterthrust. Don't get me wrong. The lefties are nasty and hateful little shits, but this shriveled white crone took many of the usual tired responses to DEI horseshit and developed cogent arguments straight out of the critical theory playbook and, in the process, deconstructed Western Civilization....which is ultimately the goal of these Marxists.

For example, #1, I'm Colorblind. "Statements like these assume that people of color are just like you, white; that they have the same dreams, standards, problems, and peeves that you do. Colorblindness negates the cultural values, norms, expectations and life experiences of people of color....."

The unspoken "truth" in that statement is that all cultures are of equal relevance and value to the development and general success of mankind. Chaucer was writing his Canterbury Tales, Plato was writing his Dialogues, Bede, the Venerable was writing his Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, Obrecht and Josquin des Prez were writing their masses and motets, and Aeschylus wrote The Persians many centuries before whitey colonized Africa.

I guess a reasonable question is what possible equivalent contribution to the development and success of mankind was going on in the Congo within a period of 1,000 years on either side of Aeschylus or Herodotus that would require that we credit the cultural values, norms, expectations and life experiences of people of color? Frankly, I don't, and I don't think we should be shy about saying so. That's an evidence-based statement rather than racist. Ok. Maybe it's also racist.

Nonetheless, when I listen to Oscar Peterson, Jr., Art Tatum, or Miles Davis, I don't hear a fat, blind, black guy. I hear a genius. Incomparable genius. The most successful people of color I admire do not sit around nursing a grudge about how shitty they've been treated by whitey. They put their shoulders to the same wheel that the rest of us do with the same dreams, standards, problems, and peeves, and they do not stop until they succeed. There are no neck-snapping finger-jabbing screaming fits and other expressions of cultural values, norms, and expectations reflecting the life experiences of people of color that we should treat with equal consideration to those of our own.

We'll never hear a magnificent motet from Nigeria that was put to paper or parchment by a really talented composer from the time of Palestrina....or any time since. Whatever the horrible and lasting consequences of slavery may have been, that was nothing compared to the consequences of The Great Society and now, DEI.

- Krumhorn

Jim at said...

So apparently, if I'm white I'm a racist?

OK. Fine. I'm a racist. Bigot, too.

What else you got?

Krumhorn said...

Tina Trent: A great many of us Boomers have done incalculable damage....and most of the damage has been caused by white wymyn Boomers, although there is plenty of blame to go around.

However, none of us will be spared when the roundups begin herding us into the kamps. I'd be proud to stand next to you when the killing fields get their taste.

- Krumhorn

Prof. M. Drout said...

"Narr said...
What Prof. M. Drout said. (Except 'amendable' therapist.)"


I tried and failed to come up with some way that the "amendable" demonstrated some deeper truth about therapists or therapy. Sometimes a typo is just a typo and you just gotta own it.

Jim at said...

What if somebody said,"Yeah, I'm racist. So what?"

That's what I've been saying for years. I don't CARE if they think I'm a racist. Their opinion doesn't mean shit to me.

Besides, there are a lot worse things than being a racist. Why we've allowed that to become the worst offense EVER is a mystery to me.

James K said...

Isn't that the central characteristic of a well-crafted argument that it leaves little room for disagreement? An argument sucks if there are readily apparent giant holes through which you could drive a convincing counterthrust.

That's characteristic of a completely circular argument as well, which that was. An argument can be correct but at least refutable by evidence. The arguments in this pamphlet leave no room for contrary evidence. If you're white you are racist, and any argument to the contrary is just further evidence that you are racist.

Hey Skipper said...

@Krumhorn: Did you read the fucking thing? It brooks no disagreement, and regards its "argument" as airtight TRUTH.

Isn't that the central characteristic of a well-crafted argument that it leaves little room for disagreement? An argument sucks if there are readily apparent giant holes through which you could drive a convincing counterthrust. Don't get me wrong. The lefties are nasty and hateful little shits, but this shriveled white crone took many of the usual tired responses to DEI horseshit and developed cogent arguments straight out of the critical theory playbook and, in the process, deconstructed Western Civilization....which is ultimately the goal of these Marxists.

For example, #1, I'm Colorblind. "Statements like these assume that people of color are just like you, white; that they have the same dreams, standards, problems, and peeves that you do. Colorblindness negates the cultural values, norms, expectations and life experiences of people of color....."

The unspoken "truth" in that statement is that all cultures are of equal relevance and value to the development and general success of mankind.

I think you have this wrong.

With regard to "I'm colorblind", there is no argument. There is an assertion that those who make such a statement are doing so based upon a set of assumptions. She provides no evidence to substantiate her mind reading, it is a pronunciamento. It is airtight truth on account of she said so.

To say her argument sucks is to be nearly infinitely charitable, because she never makes even the most feeble gesture in the direction of an argument.

Even worse, she asserts that people of color have a collective set of characteristics that derives solely from the color of their skin, and that disregarding skin color where skin color is unimportant is to negate values, norms, etc no matter how irrelevant they are to the situation at hand; moreover, there is no possibility of universal values or norms, because they are skin color dependent.

An argument consists of premises, inductions or deductions, and conclusions that logically follow.. There is none of that in this piece of rubbish

GingerBeer said...

"The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Racialist Indoctoration." Is that better?

Tina Trent said...

Krumhorn: bullshit. Althouse knows what she did to avoid consequences for violating her stated principles for decades.

She got a nice retirement package.

It's pretty sick-making. But she'll never admit it. Not because she's naive. She knew perfectly what she was doing.

She's a moral coward, like most bloggers of her persuasion. One rule for her; another for the victims of their fat and happy outcomes, because they have no real principles they're willing to stand up for.

It is disgusting.

Tina Trent said...

Krumhorn: thanks for that, also. Really.

Oso Negro said...

More negro bullshit. You have invested me with the super-power of whiteness. I can oppress your sorry ass just by waking up in the morning. I would support a neo-Garveyite movement. Back to Africa with you! Let’s see if a few centuries of genetic upgrade and attempts at acculturation have improved your chances among the descendants of the people who subjugated your ancestors and sold them into slavery. Personally, I doubt it. They are whiners like you.

Ambrose said...

Nice to see that some clever people of color have found a way to make a living.

Saint Croix said...

Saint Croix. You have obviously taken the course(s)

I wouldn't touch DEI with a 10-foot pole. The whole "systematic" thing is insane and dehumanizing. Racism is a thought, an ideology. I can and do reject it, easily.

so should be able to explain the racism in my post.

You said there was no good music in Africa, for fuck's sake.

think of Africa south of the Sahara. Rattle off the music, literature, architecture. Can’t.

It's not just the ignorance in that statement, it's the laziness that offends me. You name drop Shakespeare (white guy), and claim white racial superiority based on the accomplishments of people who are not you. Your brand of old school white racism is the philosophy that is the ugly, conjoined-twin to DEI's new school of anti-white racism. Ignore individual merit and make worldwide commentary based on billions of people you've never met and don't know.

Also it drives me up the wall that so many people on this thread blame DEI on black people. Yes, they are the (alleged) beneficiaries of DEI. But the people dictating this shit are a rainbow of stupid. Of course there are black DEI racists, but for every one of them I can probably name you two white liberals who want to indoctrinate the young about the evil of whiteness.

I would warn alleged liberals that their abandonment of individual rights for collective wrongs is a racist shit-show that is destined to create a lot more racist thinking and talking. This thread would be exhibit A.

Saint Croix said...

Joe Smith at 12:09

"I am so done with black people."

Okay, so that's a racist comment. You've just announced to a billion people in the world whom you do not know that you want to have nothing to do with them. It's racist as fuck.

"Individually they are great."

Okay, this is a humanist comment. Take individuals as you meet them! I applaud this idea. But it's kind of bizarre that you think that every black person is a great human being. Idi Amin is a shit-bag, okay? You don't have to like all the black people. For fuck's sake.

But they've let themselves become hostages to the eternal grifters.

Now you're back to making pronouncements about about a billion people you've never met again. Who's the eternal grifter? Satan?

Al Sharpton is a grifter but he's not an eternal grifter. He can be redeemed. Maybe one day he'll be beaten up by some black gang-banger for wearing the wrong color shoes and some white guy will take him to the hospital and a light bulb will pop in his mind and Al Sharpton will be redeemed and become the Christian that's he supposed to be! Maybe you can save Al Sharpton, Joe!

You're on your own. No help from me.

Well, not you. Some other white guy, who's oblivious to DEI brainwashing and has no idea who Al Sharpton is.

Oso Negro said...

@St Croix - I am certain that "black people" as used in this thread refers to those black people in the United States. However, if you choose to be willfully obtuse, that's on you.

Michael said...

St Croix. Thanks for responding. I named Shakespeare believing you would know who that is. Now laziness or ignorance is not responding by naming some important architecture, music or literature that would be known throughout Africa south of the Sahara. Something that a school child of, say, Uganda would recognize as the work of a Nigerian or Malawian. Or whose school books would have pictures of famous buildings or 15th century heroes. Now, of course, that is a stupid request since there are dozens of spoken languages on the continent, some written. So the cultures are extremely local. An educated American or European would know the name of Bach. Unlikely you could name an African composer of the same period or that an educated Liberian could either.
Oh you can probably name dozens of modern African writers and musicians and artists. But you know exactly my point.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

‘It's not called "The University of Wisconsin-Madison Law School."‘

Here’s what appears at the top of its webpage:

Law School
University of Wisconsin-Madison

There’s a video titled “Welcome to the “University of Wisconsin Law School!”, a podcast titled “Wisconsin Law in Action”, an Instagram page with the handle @uwisconinlaw that uses the name UW Law School, and lots of references to “UW Law” (not to be confused with University of Washington Law School). USNWR calls it “University of Wisconsin--Madison Law School“. Hilarious.

Rusty said...

I wonder what's going on in The Roman Empire?

Narr said...

I suppose that all humans look equal to gods, and to worms.

But I'm not a god or a worm, so I can't help but see what I see, and know what I know, and I reject both religious and 'scientific' notions of human equality.

Formal equality under the law is as far as it goes with me.

Hassayamper said...

I know Docs who won’t go to American Black Docs. Too dangerous.

Not just docs, there are black people of all walks of life who won't consult a black doctor, or any other indispensable professional.

I'd bet my next mortgage payment that among all the doctors, lawyers, and financial services professionals serving, say, Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Beyonce, LeBron James, and Kanye West, a 2/3 majority are white, and of those, at least half are Jewish.

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