January 14, 2024

"Thousands of protesters participated in the rally, some carrying signs that read: 'No votes for Genocide Joe,' 'Biden has blood on his hands' and 'Let Gaza live.'"

"Biden has been a supporter of Israel and approved an 'emergency sale' that sent nearly 14000 rounds of tank ammunition worth $106M to the Jewish State last month...."

From "Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘f–k Joe Biden,’ damage fence outside White House" (NY Post).

ME: Maybe the chants will get to him, like they got to LBJ, and he'll withdraw.

MEADE: Stop making me like Joe Biden.


Oligonicella said...

Now watch the arrests and trials.



gilbar said...

HOW is This, not an insurrection?
We MUST find the congresswomen responsible; and under the 14th, TERMINATE them

Iman said...

Rein in your shock troops, Democrats! They are biting your hands, the hands that feed them.

Enigma said...

Leftists enter another circular firing squad phase.

Who you gonna call?

Jake said...

Sounds insurrectiony.

Yancey Ward said...


Dave Begley said...

And no arrests.

Cappy said...

I hope sleepy Joe can hold the line. I've got my doubts.

wendybar said...

Progressives chickens have come home to roost. Enjoy the Monster you created.

Eric said...

I live in DC. I just scrolled through WaPo's website and there is nothing about any trouble at the White House. WaPo has always been lousy at local news, so I guess this is not a surprise.

MadTownGuy said...

"Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘f–k Joe Biden,’ damage fence outside White House"

They probably think some MAGAites will find common cause...fat chance.

rwnutjob said...

All of this bullshit is funded by Marxist billionaires out to destroy the U.S.
Ferguson, BLM, green movement , and trans rights.
It’s working

cfs said...

Democrats thought they could control their riotous "rent-a-mobs" and call them out only when needed. But they were only supposed to protest against the right. This group emerged from storage before receiving orders from the Pelosi/Schumer wing of the party and now the left is not sure what to do. To arrest them will cause further protests and riots, but to let them continue will give more power to the "Squad" in Congress, a group that we were told we could ignore since they had no say-so in actual policy. What to do? What to do?

Let's all pop our popcorn as the democrat leaders huddle together this weekend to devise a plan to blame Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Palestinians are pawns for the Islamic supremacist terrorists. nothing more.

Quaestor said...

Poetic justice is better than none at all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Decades of anti-Israel indoctrination... coming home to roost.

Temujin said...

I love that the leftists have merged with the Islamists to form a sort of curdled version of humanity. Of course it's all under the guise of 'caring for people' (just not Jews). It's very touching and very insurrectiony at the same time. I can't wait until the day the leftists wake up to realize that they are to be the next example of what happens to infidels.

Iman said...

Hey, hey, FJB!
You talk like a grifter

Quaestor said...

Poetic justice is better than none at all.

Wince said...

This was supposed to happen only if Trump wins!

mikee said...

Why are the Pro-Palestinian protesters not Pro-Israel-Destroying-Hamas, as that would be in the very best interest of Gazan Palestinians? It makes me think the protesters are more Anti-Israel and Pro-Hamas than having any interest in being Pro-Gazans. Tell me what I am missing here, if anything.

Joe Smith said...

"Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘f–k Joe Biden,’"

What took them so long?

hombre said...

The jihad has begun using paid protesters. https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/kinsella-protesters-paid-to-take-part-in-pro-palestinian-demonstrations

The US leftmedia is apparently too lazy or too biased to investigate this.

"From the river to the sea" and the 1988 Hamas Charter are calls for ethnic cleansing of Israeli Jews. Never have people turned out in such numbers for a cause as monstrous as this. It is not limited to anti-Israel antisemitism. American Jews are being attacked on the streets and campuses and the UN, populated largely by autocratic and Muslim nations is in full voice supporting terrorism.

Morons, Jew-haters and Islamists getting together for a monsters' ball. Folks who remained silent as the Syrian regime slaughtered hundreds of thousands of civilians claim now to be shocked, appalled and taken aback by far fewer Palestinian casualties of war as Israel defends herself. Unbelievable!

Eva Marie said...

How many undercover FBI agents at the rally? Do we know where Ray Epps is?

Temujin said...

So...all 'staying on topic' aside, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! (I think?).

Wishing you all the upcoming years of happy (or grumpy) blogging you desire, and not a day more. Thanks for all the years, all the work, and all the thinking you made me do. Sometimes it hurts my head, but I offset it with a hour or so of watching 'Arrested Development' and I'm OK again.

What I have always loved best about the Althouse Blog is not one particular post, but the array of topics that you bring in. I tend to love the dives into language, word usage. And I get a kick out of your occasional sartorial posts. But of course, it's the red meat that first drew me here- the political and geopolitical world. Anyway...so much work you've put into it. And we get to enjoy it daily.
Thanks so much. You can take a day off if you want. I won't tell.

Charlie said...

I could have sworn they were chanting "Let's Go Brandon"!

Skeptical Voter said...

Nah--they were yelling "Let's go Brandon". Now if they had been wearing MAGA hats they'd be in jail for the rest of their lives after this stunt.

Heartless Aztec said...

This country needs a rebirth. A Constitutional rebirth be it through peaceful ballots, Constitutional Convention or otherwise. From one sea to the other sea.

gspencer said...


Read one of the signs. If Muslims let Israelis alone and let them live, Gaza too would live.

narciso said...

Tim blairs law

boatbuilder said...

It's not an insurrection, or anything close to it, although it is certainly as insurrectiony as anything that happened on Jan. 6.

If either event were a real insurrection, or anything close to one, nobody would be parsing words to figure out whether it's an insurrection or not.

Big Mike said...

Here’s a test for the theory of intersectionality! How do you keep both groups in your coalition when the intersection between Jews and Jew-hating Muslims is essentially the null set? Do the Democrats just tell Jews to “suck it up Buttercup” and coexist with people who chant “Death to Jews”? Seems to me that’s a pretty big ask.

Jupiter said...

It wasn't "chants" that got to LBJ. There is no way that heinous monster suddenly developed a conscience after half a century of amoral criminality. Nor is there any possibility that he suddenly realized there were more important things in life than raw, naked power. Somebody had Lyndon by the nutsack, nice and tight, with no way to wriggle out. His crimes were so numerous and well-known that it had to be something really big, or he'd have just ignored it. I'm guessing it was solid proof he knew about the JFK assassination in advance.

Christopher B said...

Speaking of Democrats who only won one election ...

Via Instapundit, Roger Kimball looks at parallels between Biden and Jimmy Carter

People get nostalgic for old-time politics and forget how nasty it was.

GingerBeer said...

Why do bad things always happen to Palestinians?

Narr said...

LBJ is my nominee for the "They shot who, but left this guy alone?" prize.

How much better would the world be now if he had been whacked instead of JFK?

hpudding said...

All of this bullshit is funded by Marxist billionaires out to destroy the U.S.
Ferguson, BLM, green movement , and trans rights.
It’s working.

People have to stop fighting the last war. Marxism doesn’t have many if any state sponsors left but Muslim Jihadism does. Lots of them. N Korea and China aren’t infiltrating college campuses with loads of cash to spread their way of “life” or death, but Qatar is. The totals for that are:
Cornell: $1.8 billion
Georgetown: $830 million
Carnegie Mellon: $823 million
Texas A & M: $806 million
Northwestern: $648.

There will always be silly woke “progressive” useful idiots everywhere to welcome in the barbarians at the gate, but you don’t have to import them in the first place when the actual snakes need to be found out and cut off. Trump cut off the importation of people who believe this pernicious sick stuff, but the funding has to now be tackled head-on. UNRWA, too.

I think there was a 1980s British movie about life in WWII with a scene where a Nazi pilot abandoned his aircraft and landed by parachute in the town square. A local teen girl started making doe eyes as he was escorted into custody and her mom slapped her. You can never get rid of the useful idiots and only the ones who still live under their parents’ roofs can be slapped without provocation. They can be defeated at the polls but the policies that let this in have to be cut off.

hpudding said...

Hope and Glory is probably the one.

Jason said...

I confess, Trump's "Muslim ban" idea is growing on me.

Mason G said...

"Of course it's all under the guise of 'caring for people' (just not Jews)."

They're not all that fond of Christians, either.

Owen said...

Temujin @ 10:27: Good on you for remembering La Professora's blogiversary. Twenty years! Wow! I remember when it all began. How is it possible that we have traveled so far so quickly?

Let me echo your thanks to her (and Meade) for creating and maintaining this great cyber-salon; or blog; or clubhouse. It's outstanding.

Oh, and the mob scene outside the WH? I am down to my last case of the Premier Cru Schloss Schadenfreude, and loving every sip.

john mosby said...

Withdrawal is what Beiden’s dad should have done 80 years ago.


(H/t Vietnam latrine graffiti about Nixon)

Aggie said...

LBJ's tenure pre-dates my time as a voting adult, and the formation of my early political/social ideas, so I haven't ever thought very much about him. At the time I thought he was a crude, kind of goofy president. But later, living in Texas, I came to understand his ruthlessness and methodical political rise. I read 'A Texan Looks at Lyndon' some time ago, and this (polemical) point of view makes me question if Johnson's decline to run again was out of self-preservation and health-related fears, instead of his stated commitment to focus entirely on the war effort. It would have been precisely in character for Johnson to come up with a self-aggrandizing noble reason to defer running as the incumbent.

n.n said...

An insurrection that stands with murderers, rapists, torturers, and abductors.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Orc armies are content to attack just the things their creators want attacked for only so long...

It never ends well, yet certain kinds of 'leaders' create orc armies anyway.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Palestine could be free and prosperous circa a long time ago.

Islamic supremacists made sure that never happened and never will happen.

Islamic supremacists prefer death and destruction.

Jupiter said...

"Do the Democrats just tell Jews to “suck it up Buttercup” and coexist with people who chant “Death to Jews”? Seems to me that’s a pretty big ask."

So it appears. Although they seem to have been OK with "Death To Whitey".

MadTownGuy said...

hpudding said...

[All of this bullshit is funded by Marxist billionaires out to destroy the U.S.
Ferguson, BLM, green movement , and trans rights.
It’s working.]

"People have to stop fighting the last war. Marxism doesn’t have many if any state sponsors left but Muslim Jihadism does."

You're dissembling. Aside from China and Russia, there are plenty of non-state sponsors (*cough Soros cough*) feeding the outrage machine, as the quote from the other commenter states; and the state sponsors are major players who use the jihadists to their advantage.

Wince said...

"Let Gaza Live."

Seems to me the protesters actually want us to "Let Gaza Kill."

Nancy Reyes said...

ME: Maybe the chants will get to him, like they got to LBJ, and he'll withdraw.

ah but although the pride yuppies love to pat themselves on the back for that, one wonders why they never took the responsibility of that withdrawal: the boat people, the Cambodian holocaust, the ethnic cleansing of the Chinese community in Vietnam, the reeducation camps, and even famine in a country that always exported rice.

These protesters want Israel to lose, but their cries of genocide seem laughable since none of them ever noticed the real genocide that happened in Syria and continues to this day.

Quaestor said...

Althouse said, "Maybe the chants will get to him like they got to LBJ, and he'll withdraw."

I think Johnson withdrew out of boredom. From the beginning, LBJ was by nature the paradigm backroom dealer in the influence trade. However, by moving from the backroom to the front office Johnson lost his cloak of anonymity. The thrill of gypping the rubes faded to be replaced by the tedium of hamfisted generalatin' over maps he could not read of places he could not pronounce.

I doubt our Commander-in-Chief will withdraw. Johnson never boasted of his mental prowess or crusading fisticuffs. He never claimed to be anything other than the hayseed scion of poor dirt farmers thoroughly out of his depth, a canny disguise matched only the ah-shucks unctuousness of William Jefferson Clinton. Biden, on the other hand, is a neurotic paranoid driven to frustrated chest-beating like a gorilla chased by a goose. He won't withdraw because he dreads humiliation above all else.

Besides, it's far too late. Johnson had a respected and widely experienced successor in Hubert Humphrey rather than a tragicomic diversity hire. Humphrey was a stalwart New Dealer from the Minnesota DFL Party when the DFL actually counted farmers and factory workers as members. Ironically, Humphrey's chief rival was a virtual Humphrey clone with hair, Eugene McCarthy who, thanks to a fawning press corps, became the teenage heartthrob second only to the other McCarthy. Regrettably (or perhaps deservedly) both the bald-patted nerd and the oleaginous pinko crashed and burned, courtesy of the ideological forebears of those J13 insurrectionists.

Quaestor said...

I just realized my joke about Gene McCarthy and Tiger Beat misfired horribly. The cute Beatle was Paul McCartney. Wrong consonant.

Damage control: Look into my eyes. You're getting sleepy... sleepy... sleepy... You will forget "the other McCarthy", forget "the other McCarthy", I command you. Now, repeat after me, Eugene McCarthy who, thanks to a fawning press corps, became the teenage heartthrob second only to Davy Jones, the Monkee with the tambourine... the Monkee with the tambourine. Now laugh, laugh at the clever bon mot. Good.

Jonathan Burack said...

Like Temujin, I want to pause to thank Ann for her remarkable accomplishment. One of the remarkable things about it is that this comments section is like no other I know of. That is, it is a kind of community of commentary. A group of identifiable characters who often know each other and have exchanged views with each other a lot, as well as in response to Althouse. Sure, the comments are at times superficial. But an awful lot of them are insightful and entertaining. I often see an entry, think about it, about whether I want to say anything about it, and then wonder what "X" or "Y" or "Z" will say. And more often than not they have said something. And often what transpires here is a topic for my wife and I at dinner, to think about, to laugh about, to argue about. I think this community is, too, a part of Althouse's accomplishment. Praise be to it all.

hpudding said...

If you don’t realize that Islam/“jihadism(?)” Is the new communism then you’re not paying attention. Both are loser ideologies that attract weak people who want to force together by conquest a bunch of disorderly societies into an agglomerated autocracy of mediocrity. They are both post-nationalist pseudo-religions. One is growing and has a 1,400-year history of doing so to draw from, one is not and does not. Iran, Qatar and Gaza and the immigrants foisted upon us who believe in those countries’ cults are much bigger threats to Western civilization than a 90-year old bogeyman businessman.

wendybar said...

With officials and media lying about things like THIS....Is there any wonder these people are nuts?

"The reality that has emerged is that Eaton was mentally unstable, left-leaning, opposed to America and supportive of Islamic terrorists. He was neither Jewish nor pro-Israel.

He had actually publicly stated his support for Hamas.

Eaton could not have known that the three Muslim men were going to walk past the house where he was living and it’s implausible that he would have had the time to plan such an attack.

The Muslim men were walking down the middle of a small narrow residential street with no street lights at night and Eaton would not have had enough time to realize the men passing by were Muslims, grab a gun, run out and shoot them. That’s even assuming that he had spent the whole evening by the window watching for incoming Muslims in an 87% white Vermont city.

Most likely, Eaton, suffering from an episode, stumbled out and opened fire."


The Crack Emcee said...

So, we've got protestors outside the White House, staffers quitting in droves, no hostages released, and the trial at the ICJ was blocked, both in the US, here, and in the UK, lest anyone get the idea there might be a genocide occurring. Oh, and today, there was another terrorist attack in Israel, and the war is spreading. A Recap of Goals, after 100 days:

1. No hostages are released. 2. Hamas is not only not defeated, but even more supported than ever. 3. The Palestinians aren't going anywhere.

And, if in two weeks the International Court of Justice rules as most expect it will - even with the US in control of it - America, too, will be labeled as a terrorist state, alongside the Nazi-like Zionists in the west's aircraft of white supremacy.

I'll be sure to stop by and gloat when that happens, like I was Kat Williams and this was Club Shay Shay.

Look forward to it.

Narr said...

Where were you, Nancy Reyes, when the US discovered that it can't right every wrong?

mikee said...

GingerBeer said...
Why do bad things always happen to Palestinians?

Because of Hamas. Kicking a pack of sleeping dogs while beating the rotten corpse of a dead horse isn't likely to produce anything good. I'd say Hamas got exactly what they knew would happen regarding Israeli attacks, but they didn't get the instant worldwide jihad Islamist war against the Israelis they anticipated and depended upon. Nor will a slowly developing war against Israel come along to save Hamas. Hamas has committed suicide, and they are pulling the Gazans to hell with them. Nobody told Hamas it wasn't still 1948.

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