January 5, 2024

"There’s no confusion about who Trump is or what he intends to do. We all know who Donald Trump is. The question is: Who are we?"

Said President Biden, quoted in "Biden condemned Trump in a searing speech and warned ‘your freedom is on the ballot.’" (NYT).


mccullough said...

We are the ones who don’t raise degenerates.

gspencer said...

Yep, freedom is on the ballot, and Democrats intend to take every last vestige of it.

More government = less freedom,

Mason G said...

"The question is..."

The answer is- you're a bribe-taking pedophile. But everybody knows that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Biden is a crook. Do you approve of above-the-law crooks? and open border lawless liars?

Vote Biden.

Owen said...

Pathetic. Or maybe "Tragic" is the better term.

Lenin told us what he needed: our children, for four years. We let his followers get that. And now we are reaping the crop that he planted.

I don't see how we regain what we lost.

Gospace said...

Reading that there’s only one possible conclusion to make.

Tony Evers wants Biden to lose.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Divider in Chief.

rhhardin said...

"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men and women are created equal"

Wait a minute, that doesn't sound right.

Paul Zrimsek said...

You're Joe Biden. You should have your staff remind you the next time you lose track, so you don't have to bother the rest of us.

wild chicken said...

"...Who am I? Why am I here?"

Oso Negro said...

What freedom would that be?

Jamie said...

He's right - as to the headline of the post; there is no confusion about who Trump is or what he'll do. Who he is: a wealthy self-promoter, full of bombast but frequently capable of delivering, at least to some degree. What he'll do: for that we can look to his record as president.

Unlike Biden, he'll abide by court decisions and, while he may declare EOs, if they're struck down, he'll let it happen. Unlike Biden, he won't push lawfare and politicized "investigations." Unlike Biden, he'll make an actual effort to keep our borders secure and will respect international law regarding asylum and refugees. Unlike Biden, he'll attempt to avoid unnecessary foreign entanglements and will attempt to require our allies to participate in their own security instead of playing pretend World Police while in fact materially cooperating with nations that are not only not our allies but act a lot like our enemies. Unlike Biden, he'll meet with our frenemies and even our enemies without conceding to them - but he'll use flattering negotiating language, and the other side will claim he's their puppet.

He'll also inflame people's passions on both sides and have a constant fight on his hands to accomplish all of the above, because Democrats would rather traffic in crisis than govern reasonably, and because too many of what people here call GOPers and elsewhere are called Establishment Republicans would rather keep up their social calendars than publicly say things like, "A nation has the right to maintain its borders."

But I don't think he'll have the chance to do anything, because the fix is in, in too many ways and too many places. Musk may own X, but he doesn't own any of the myriad other ways that normies get their news - and he certainly hasn't converted more than a sprinkling of advocacy journalists (modern journalists, IOW) to the side of free speech, much less objectivity. So, just as in 2020, the election is lost before a single ballot is cast, because most Americans will never have the chance to compare Biden's record to Trump's via any kind of even-handed reporting. They didn't need to hack voting machines; they barely needed to engage in ballot fraud (though they did do that too, just probably not enough to swing the national election). It was enough to control the narrative. To tell what is now the Dark Brandon story of Trump.

Big Red Dog said...

The only confusion is in the poor old man's head. And we are ALL suffering because of it.

Leland said...

Good question. Of course 3 years later, we have an answer and it is everything you claimed Trump would be. Liberalism is dead and Biden’s administration killed it.

Sheridan said...

"Who are we?"
"I know you are but who am I"? Pee Wee was funnier than Biden, however.

Sebastian said...

"There’s no confusion about who Trump is"

Said the grandpa who had to be reminded of what his favorite food is.

Anyway, Trump is the deplorables' middle finger, outrageously persecuted by the deep state.

"or what he intends to do"

Actually, what does he intend to do? He isn't gonna build a wall again, paid for by Mexico, is he?

"The question is: Who are we?"

I guess he means, "we" are the people who will suffer the southern invasion, the record debt, the green devastation, and the prog transvaluation of values without complaint.

But the question will resonate with the nice women of America: "You're not gonna vote for uncouth orange man, are you? You're better than that, aren't you?"

Dave Begley said...

Who is Joe Biden?

According to his daughter, a sex pervert.

He's been bribed by foreigners and made millions. Completely corrupt.

He refuses to enforce the immigration laws as written and, as a result 8-19m illegal aliens here along with 100k dead Americans due to drug importation.

He left billions in military equipment in Afghanistan.

His idiotic spending caused the worst inflation in 40 years.

He's been the worst President in US history and it's not even close.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Biden is correct and Trump can use it... "There’s no confusion about who Trump is or what he intends to do."

And then feature what Biden said he was going to do, along with the messes he has done.

Mary Beth said...

I can't watch it. My desire to watch Biden is pretty minimal and when the first speaker it showed was a guy with gauges, I noped right out. Seeing them makes me irrationally uncomfortable.

Iman said...

“searing”? Fuck me running, that left me laughing!

R C Belaire said...

Just watched part of Biden's "speech" on a nightly news broadcast. The guy has one script that he'll follow all the way to November -- after all, what else does he have?

n.n said...

Biden displaces through projection.

A Democrat insurrection, Capitol (sic) punishment, denial of human and civil rights, shared responsibility through progressive prices, medical mandates of experimental genetic drugs, excessive regulations, democratic gerrymandering, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, Obama's World War Spring series, Dreams of Herr Mengele, and a fascist state of the union.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

You may well ask, Joe, what are you? Or rather, what were you?

1987, your ridiculous lies about your law school record caused you to do a document dump of the actual record. In many ways the whole situation raised the question how you passed law school. Who was your powerful protector? Among other things, you copied five pages from a published law review article by someone else into what was supposed to be your student paper. Not just sloppiness in attributing sources, Joe, or pretending you are paraphrasing when you are borrowing word for word. Details gradually emerged about the Neil Kinnock speech, the RFK speech, and other things, a phrase here, a phrase there.

Obama needed you to appease what would later be known as the Trump vote. Obama advised his people to let you talk, then ignore you. They did their best to make decisions when you were out of the room.

rrsafety said...

You’re damn right our freedom is on the ballot… and we will vote accordingly.

Lilly, a dog said...

Decrepit old man gives speech to 25 staffers. He may not have soiled his presidential trousers, but we'll never know the truth.

Jim at said...

Not gonna watch it. Won't pay any attention to it. Not now. Not for the next 10 months.

But if you leftist jackasses keep blaming people for things they didn't do ... such as this phony insurrection?

Pretty soon some of those people are going to realize they've got nothing to lose.

Aggie said...

I didn't watch it. Did Joe have his über-stürmer crimson red-and-black motif background up again, so he could shake his fists at the Threats to Democracy?

They're out there folks (sweeps arm, finger pointing) - they're everywhere.

Gusty Winds said...

Does the Biden campaign team believe their supporters even know about Valley Forge and its significance? Voting age college students don't know about Valley Forge.

And, aren't Biden voters in favor of tearing down George Washington statues? Now they are going to embrace him. A slave owner?

This is all bullshit. They have something bigger planned for 2024. Just hunker down and resist it like smart people did with the "vaccine".

PB said...

Who are you? You are the party that wants to kick the opposition off the ballot. That itself should be disqualifying to hold office.

Yancey Ward said...

Joe Biden deserves to be boiled alive.

Original Mike said...

I don't have the stomach to watch it. Did he flesh out why "your freedom is on the ballot"?

Clyde said...

Today was January 5th, not January 6th. I realize that the Stumblebum has to head off for another well-deserved weekend in Delaware at taxpayer expense, but if January 6th is such a day of infamy as the Democrats would have us believe, it should be commemorated on the actual day, like Juneteenth. Go big or go home, Biden. He's doing the latter.

Lewis said...

Biden’s speech was a bunch of malarkey!

Patrick Driscoll said...

"Your freedom is on the ballot" is a direct threat from our ruling trash aimed at those of us who plan on making the "incorrect" choice on election day.

rcocean said...

Biden's letting millions of illegal aliens pour accross our border, is about to sue the state of Texas for trying to stop them, and has refused to enforce the immigration laws.

Biden has used to DOJ to put trump on trial for bogus crimes and wants to Jail him for having the gall to run against him.

BIden is the threat to Democracy. Biden is the threat to peace and order abroad. Genocide Joe is a corrupt liar an wanna be dictator.

Not Trump.

Breezy said...

Gawd, he’s such an awful speaker…. His cadence is rushed, his tone is negative, and his enunciation is often garbled.

walter said...

Pedo Pete of Fentanyl and sex trafficking fame. Preach.

Original Mike said...

Nothing says 'freedom' like prohibiting your opponent from appearing on the ballot.

Original Mike said...

"Jack Smith warns if Trump is re-elected he could use the State of the Union address to incite his supporters to kill opposing politicians"

This has gotten out of hand. Who can possibly support this rhetoric?

ga6 said...

Missing the pre-speech torchlight parade...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Joe Lie-Den

Bunkypotatohead said...

I take it there's not gonna be a presidential debate this time around.

Skeptical Voter said...

Biden the blathering buffoon has blown the border wide open. And he truly doesn't care. About you--or about me. Heck he probably doesn't even care about Johnny the troll.

Rusty said...

Original Mike said...
"Jack Smith warns if Trump is re-elected he could use the State of the Union address to incite his supporters to kill opposing politicians"

"This has gotten out of hand. Who can possibly support this rhetoric?"
Oh, come on, now. You know who. Mutaman, Rich, Howard, Freder............

Estoy_Listo said...

Someone needs to sit Biden down and explain his choices to him. Resign now, with grace and dignity, or go down in history as the fool defeated by the crowning boor that is DJT.

Old and slow said...

They've lost their feckin' minds, or are pretending to have done. I have very intelligent family members who read the NY Times and Wall St. Journal and listen to NPR, and they are shockingly uninformed even when they are not misinformed. I was asked by one recently (she was reading about Harvard's president Gay), "what does DEI stand for?" she asked. Really? Even the non-crazy seemingly well read people are often clueless. Blue collar guys are more likely to understand the world than the "smart" guys these days, even if white collar average intelligence is probably higher.

Crazy World said...

The Who, who are you hoo hoo hoo hoo who the fuck are you?

Grandpa Publius said...

January 6 was not an insurrection. But, it was an indefensible riot on sacred ground. Yes, the Democrats have shamelessly distorted truth and told outright lies about January 6, and about Trump’s role on January 6. But, Trump’s delay in calling on his supporters to leave the Capitol was also indefensible.

Those indefensible 90 minutes do not disqualify Trump. If the race is Biden v. Trump, I will vote for Trump without hesitation. But, my primary vote will not be for Trump. We, as Republicans, can do better. Biden v. Trump is a nail-biter. Biden v. Haley or DeSantis or even Christie is a Republican landslide. If Trump is nominated, those indefensible 90 minutes permit Democrats to make January 6 the issue. Biden is incapable of giving a speech without lying. But, those 90 minutes permit Biden to say whatever he wants about January 6, and people will listen and nod their head in agreement.


wendybar said...

And then, Biden brags about pro-Trump protesters being sentenced to 840 years in prison. American citizens using their right to protest are rotting away in prison, whilst this old decrepit hateful man opened up the border to GOD KNOWS who, and never says a word about how he is destroying America one day at a time.
And the ghouls in the audience clap like seals.

wendybar said...

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸

Part of me is gratified by this maniacal speech.

Why? Because it proves we are prevailing over the J6 narrative. Biden, Matthew Graves, Merrick Garland, celeb J6 cops--their stunts over the past few days show they are LOSING control over Jan 6--a fedsurrection they thought for sure would not just take out Trump but the entire MAGA movement.

They thought it would end the GOP and result in mass defections to the Democratic Party. They thought it would end questions about the 2020 election.

They didn't think anyone would ever question what happened, how it happened, or expose the lies it was built upon. They thought their dirty secrets would be hidden forever.

But it's all collapsing right when they need the narrative to hold most. Jack Smith's J6 prosecution of Trump is teetering. SCOTUS could overturn the most common felony count.

Polls show more people now vs 2021 think the 2020 election was illegitimate. They don't blame Trump (aside from nearly 100 percent of Democrats) for January 6.

The public, according to WashPo poll, is split as to whether Jan 6 was mostly peaceful or violent.

And suspicion about the animating role of the FBI and other government agencies continues to grow.

That's why Biden is ranting and raving and cheering the imprisonment of political dissidents and denouncing truth seekers and pretending he's George Washington at Valley Forge.


It was never supposed to happen.

JAORE said...

Shorter Biden, "They'll put you all back in chains".

Skeptical Voter said...

Who are we? Who am I? For danged sure I can't be reached or impressed by Biden's bloviations. I'm also tired of listening to the New Light Workers sonorous intonations of "That's not who we are". These guys are egomaniacs and blithering moral morons as well.

Robert Cook said...

"The answer is- you're a bribe-taking pedophile. But everybody knows that."

I have no doubt Biden is a bribe taker, as everyone in Washington is. I don't know he is a pedophile. What makes you think you know he is?

Robert Cook said...

"...there is no confusion about who Trump is or what he'll do. Who he is: a wealthy self-promoter, full of bombast but frequently capable of delivering, at least to some degree."

Far less frequently than he boasts or his acolytes fervently and doggedly believe.

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