January 30, 2024

"The United States believes Iranian-backed militants were behind the drone strike, and Biden is ramping up a reelection campaign against a leading Republican opponent who boasts of his toughness against Iran, making any option politically perilous as well as militarily fraught."

A deeply disturbing statement.

Please note the word "believes."

I'm reading "Biden faces treacherous political choices in answering deadly attack/Republicans demand that Biden attack Iran. Some warn that risks a wider Middle East conflagration" (WaPo).

Now would be a good time for Biden to deliver a speech modeled on LBJ's 1968 withdrawal speech:
... I have concluded that I should not permit the Presidency to become involved in the partisan divisions that are developing in this political year. With America’s sons in the fields far away... I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office–the Presidency of your country. Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.


Dave Begley said...

In both cases, a plausible cover story to avoid an electoral defeat.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrat party house organ (Wapoo-D) gets on the framing. Quick to make this about politics and not reality.

the reality is Obama-Biden love to give Iran and Iranian's White Left Islamic Supremacists Ayatollah whatever they want in terms of big money. Billions. on secret pallets if need be.

Tom T. said...

"Please note the word "believes."

I certainly hope they believe it!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Shorter Hack D press:
'Ignore what you've seen over the last 3+ years - and just listen to the BS that will stream out of Old Crook Joe's mouth. (the media/NBC's beloved husk-puppet)
We at WaPoo(D) are here to aid Biden's BS machine.

Please obey.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Kamala? Newsom? The 7 or 10 dwarfs who have run in the recent past?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama/Biden have a long history of strong US Tax Payer dollar financial support to the #1 state sponsor of Terror in the Middle East. (Obama hates Jews/Israel)

Wapoo- go suck eggs.

Only Lindsey Graham wants to go to war.

Humperdink said...

Three dead soldiers and the WaPoo is concerned about political treacherous choices. Dead soldiers? Just canon fodder.

Breezy said...

Huh. So is Obama instigating these strikes on our Middle East positions to indirectly force Biden out of the race? We know he wants Biden out. Who’s idea was it to release the $6 B to Iran?

Leland said...

“Biden drops out” tag. That’s placing a marker.

I’d be happy if Biden just quit funding Iran.

R C Belaire said...

Slow Joe is a limp-wristed pussy and will do/say whatever his "handlers" tell him to do. The World War 3 committee is meeting now behind closed doors...we all await the outcome of their deliberations.

iowan2 said...

All I heard yesterday (sirius radio) was Biden people repeating endlessly "we seek no conflict with Iran" over and over and over. Later I saw some video. They are all literally reading from a printed script. All of these high powered people are so incompetent, they cant be trusted, they might skip a comma.

The incompetence of this crowed is jaw dropping. Even the condolencs to the family of the dead servicemen were read word for word from a script. How do you get to that age and not know how to address a grieving family?

Howard said...

Now would be a good time to destroy the Iranian oil terminals and enforce an embargo on all shipping in and out.

Cappy said...

By all means, let's make security decisions subordinate to political expediency! /sarc

gilbar said...

Now would be a good time for Biden to deliver a speech

i don't think he's mentally competent enough, to deliver a speech.. Better be a press release..
Oh wait that would have to go through Karin Jean-Pierre; Probably most best for the party, if he Just DIES

Is This What Biden Meant By ‘Unity’?
The only thing Americans are unified about is that Biden needs to retire.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

WaPoo Warning to Crook Joe: Read this and follow our advise. We are rooting for you, Crook Joe.

cf said...

great idea.

DavidD said...

But who would take his place?

And how would that person distance himself (or herself) from the Obama/Biden policy of giving moola to the mullahs?

Enigma said...

The polished shark-suited billionaire who pandered to BLM in 2020, Jamie Dimon, is the 2024 election canary in the coal mine. He recently defended Trump's polices as often right (i.e., implicit criticism of Biden) as the basis for Trump's popularity.

Biden doing an LBJ and leaving office would further break whatever remains of lefty and Cheney Republican egos since 2016. They truly need to reflect and rebuild for their own mental health, but many will deny until they die. Instead of 1968 politics, I think the lefty moderates will slink away and either not vote at all or become silent "Reagan Republicans." Given historical political pendulum swings, they'll cause the hard left to lose votes and lose influence. Wokeness and Bidenomics will fade without loud speaking or mention of Trump, as legacy/mainstream figures slowly accept humiliation.



Jim said...

Did Biden run out of pallets of cash to send to Iran to get them to behave until after the election?

gilbar said...

it looks like rcocean gave a speech at the National Republican Club the other day..
..dismissed evidence of women being raped by Hamas on Oct. 7 as a "psy-op" invented by Israel to justify its military response.

"There's no physical evidence," said Blumenthal. "On October 7, there is no documentation of any rape, no testimony from any rape victim."

Numerous eye-witnesses have stepped forward with accounts of watching Hamas terrorists rape and sexually abuse female victims before killing them. Medical officials described finding dead female bodies with signs of sexual assault and genital trauma.

Blumenthal also rejected evidence that Jewish children were killed, calling it a "propaganda campaign being waged by Israel."

"It's believed by most if not all, Jewish Israelis, that many, many babies were beheaded on October 7," he said. "No babies were killed on October 7."

Peled said the only "solution" to the conflict is to eliminate the state of Israel.

"We have to demand our elected officials that our tax dollars go to bringing down and dismantling the apartheid state and establishing a democratic free Palestine from the river to the sea," he said.

Curious George said...

You think Biden is calling the shots on anything? That's so precious.

tim maguire said...

The Democratic operatives orchestrating Biden's ouster may indeed take a page from LBJ; lord knows they're no strangers to plagiarism.

Gunner said...

Yeah but wasn't LBJ still working behind the scenes with Daley to get the nomination and accept "reluctantly"?

Oh Yea said...

Please note the word "believes."

The militants used the same Iranian drones that Iran has provided to Russia to use against the Ukrainians. If the Iranians didn't provide them, were the stolen from the Iranians or did the Russians provide some of theirs?

donald said...

A better time would have been keep his corrupt millions, keep his mouth shut and never run but here we are.

What I don’t get is why he ran. Nobody in the general public knew just what a corrupt piece of shit he was. I know I didn’t, and I keep up with this stuff. Please die a horrible death Mr President before you can pardon your entire crime family and associates. You owe it to America.

Old and slow said...

I agree. Now would be a good time for so many things to happen. I'm not getting my hopes up though.

Jamie said...

"Biden faces treacherous political choices in answering deadly attack/Republicans demand that Biden attack Iran. Some warn that risks a wider Middle East conflagration" (WaPo).

Did they use the word "treacherous" on purpose?

Big Mike said...

The United States believes it because it’s pretty obviously true. I agree whole-heartedly with your sentiment.

Temujin said...

Biden's team is pretty good at setting up fire situations. All over the world, and here at home.
Trump's team did much better at creating options for peace and avoiding the world blowing up.

Say what you will about either man, the results are there for all to see.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Alles ist kaputt?

Tina Trent said...

LBJ broke it but he never bought it.

Wince said...

Poor Joe. He only ran for president because of Charlottesville and to save Our Democracy.

Sebastian said...

"Now would be a good time for Biden to deliver a speech modeled on LBJ's"

LOL. That's a plagiarizing step too far. Plus Joe can't possibly reach the ethical level of the lying warmonger LBJ.

Of course, their actions have nothing to do with country or morality. LBJ thought he would lose, Joe thinks he can win. They're both right.

Robert Cook said...

Well, I guess "Iranian terrorists" is the go-to boogey-man that "the Reds" (meaning Russia) used to be, a handy excuse to justify any actions the US chooses to take.

wendybar said...

Even Joe Biden supporter and bootlicker Joy Reid says Joe Biden is trying to start another fucking war, they can't hide the truth anymore.

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aggie said...

Is this the same drone that successfully attacked the US Base by following a US drone that was returning from a mission, just followed it right back to the base with no questions asked? I hope the wake-up call hasn't been lost where it counts.

Joe won't be quitting anytime soon. There might be pressure to quit from the party, but then they'd have to produce another candidate to replace the incumbent. Joe's happy to leave the nuts & bolts to others. And Joe, as dim-witted and self-centered as he's proven to be, and as demented as he appears to be, still has most of the vicious self-preservational instincts that have been guaranteeing his family's cash flow for the past 50 years. Remember, the Presidency is just the part-time job that greases the skids like no other. Joe won't let that slip his clutches easily - nor will his family.

Jaq said...

“If wishes were horses beggars would ride,” but it is a pretty dream. Joe Biden isn’t done doing what he does best, though, f*king things up.

A cease fire in Gaza could have nipped this whole thing in the bud, but Joe Biden unfailingly chooses the course of power and conflict in every situation, from running for president to what passes for diplomacy in his administration. He thinks that there is no predicament he can’t bust out of with raw power and a heavy slathering of propaganda, since he owns the media, from Hollywood to Manhattan.

China just sent a fleet of warships to hang around in a position to blockade Taiwan, which may be a pinning operation, to remind Biden that if he commits our navy to war with Iran, he is exposing Taiwan, or maybe they just assume, in the immortal hot mic words of Joy Reid, that “he’s gonna start a f*king war,” and they are just preparing to scoop up the leavings.

Biden flunked third grade, and has gotten where he is by being a bully, but he’s in the big leagues now, and every curve ball leaves his legs in another tangle, and nobody In Moscow, Beijing, or Tehran gives a crap about his control of the DoJ or the media or any of the other of his trusty tools of thuggery, and he has stretched our military to the breaking point with his fantasy of unlimited American military power.

Gusty Winds said...

Trump took out Soleimani on an Iraqi airport runway, where Soleimani wasn't supposed to be, rather than start a war with Iran. Iran got the message. Trump wasn't going to play the game the way Neocons and the American war thirsty do. Send in the sacrificial pawns, and kill a shitload of civilians.

Right now our President, Sec of Defense, and Sec of State are morons. Pray they don't punch this tar baby. We have woke transgender military brass wearing wigs and skirts pretending to be women.

But it is and election year. Democrats are now very pro-war. So, we're gonna get a wag the dog. More to come this spring I'm sure.

Kai Akker said...

I.... uh.... conclude that permitting... ya know... the presidency to parti- ... part-... I should just say No Thanks and get off.... Divisions, divisions, are hard. Sons of Americans are here, ... no, there, over there ... I can't get involved. We can't. And so I want, no, I won't... I won't see whatever... whatever it is.... Trump said that! Can you believe it? Sunuvabeach. I won't accept other terms.... It can just make your Irish go wild. I am Irish. Anyone says Biden ain't Irish ain't ... whatever he is... Awesome, awesome duties, ... we have. Jill and me, our personal cause.... causes.... Because every day, every hour, every minute I have to work. Right? So... um.... they know I am onit... They know. They know.

Gusty Winds said...

Don't you live how they suggest here Trump would go to war with Iran by claiming he was "though" on Iran. Yeah. Financially. He didn't give them billions in cash, or unfreeze assets, or blow them at a negotiating table like John Kerry.

Trump wouldn't go to war with Iran, and Iran wouldn't go to war with Trump.

Figure, Iran, Russia, and China know the US is lead by corrupt, woke morons. They see an obvious weakness.

AMDG said...

It should be noted that Iran has been at war with the US since November of 1979.

They are stereotypical bullies. They will keep pushing until somebody pushes back.

The Reagan administration destroyed a good chunk of their Navy. Thus quieted them down for a bit.

The Trump administration put in sanctions, pulled out of the JCPOA, and tuned Soleimani into ground chuck. This quilted them down until Biden decided to do the opposite.

The Biden administration needs to punch Iran in the mouth. They need to reimpose sanctions and do something militarily against Iran. Options include taking out their oil terminals or sink the spy ship that is providing the Houthis with there targeting data. Sending missiles at proxies won’t cut it.

Ultimately the goal of US policy needs to regime change or it will never end.

Jaq said...

Howard wants $20 gas. He probably has a heavy share of oil company stock in his retirement account. He should take a look sometime at where Saudi and Kuwaiti oil comes from and reflect on what the Houthis have done to shipping with glorified bottle rockets before starting a war with a country that has been planning for shutting down the Straits of Hormuz even after US air strikes since at least the Gulf War, from which they doubtless drew many lessons regarding American power projection. They have enough submarines to scare every Western tanker in the region back to their home ports.

A lot of you guys might want to look at a map.

Iman said...

Keep fucking things up, Biden! It’s what you do best.

kylos said...

He can't drop out if he wants to avoid a $100M judgement against him for Tara Reade.

Cheryl said...

This is terrible journalism. How does the reporter know what the United States believes? Who in the government believes it? On what basis?

Fooled me 20 years ago with those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Not this time. Exactly what is known about this attack? Are we even clear that this base isn’t (illegally) in Syria? ISIS, the presumptive reason for that forward base, is Saudi-backed, not Iranian.

And just recently the US gave Iran that $6 B. Now we want to go to war. I mean, what the actual hell?

Rabel said...

Our President, a few days ago, spewing lies and losing his composure.

You might want to watch that before engaging in any more wishful thinking about Biden doing the right thing.

kylos said...

Oh wait, I forgot. D.C. isn't likely to ever enact a 1-year pause on the statute of limitations to allow Tara Reade to sue him the first day the pause goes into effect, so he's safe to drop out after all.

J2 said...

I don't know how this is other than a "friendly fire" occurrence.

Jaq said...

When we fought WWII, we had a population for which guns were an everyday fact of life, and went to a war economy, converting civilian production to military production, and mobilized almost all of our young men. Does this sound like America today to anyone here?

Bob Boyd said...

Bad poll numbers kill. Ban them.

Jaq said...

In South Florida last year, a storm took out the oil delivery terminal in some port, I can’t remember which, and it only took a couple of days to repair, but half of the stations didn’t have gas, and the other half had lines going out onto the roads like in the seventies. Just in time means it’s very efficient until there is an unexpected event, when a system breaks down. Most of our economy is “just in time.”

ronetc said...

Kai Akker impersonation above is very good 8:28. . . but left out that Beau died in Iran.

lys said...

How is it not a bigger story that only four months ago Biden thought it was imperative to free up $6 billion to Iran, based on urging from Iranian assets in his own administration, and since then Iran has been tied to attacks on Israel, the Houthi attacks on shipping, and now direct attacks on US military? If this was Trump, there would be impeachment talks over this failure. Now, no reporter brings up that Biden was the one that helped fund these Iranian attacks.

Michael said...

The soldiers killed were from a Georgia National Guard unit. Got that? Very serious stuff this Middle East.

Kevin said...

Quick, somebody find a statue to tear down!

hombre said...

If Biden doesn't want to bomb Iran he can just stop giving them money. Hamas too. It must be a dilemma for him to decide what action to take against the terrorists he is funding with our tax dollars.

But hey. "Death to America" doesn't mean death to America.

cassandra lite said...

Yeah, that’s what LBJ said, and there may have been truth to it. But not as much truth as, “Holy shit, I just got primaried by an antiwar senator from Minnesota who did much better than anyone expected in New Hampshire, and now that piece of shit JFK brother, who people stupidly think of as the second coming of his martyred brother, is going to do the same—and I do not want to face the humiliation of probably losing to him at the convention in Chicago.”

Freder Frederson said...

How is it not a bigger story that only four months ago Biden thought it was imperative to free up $6 billion to Iran, based on urging from Iranian assets in his own administration, and since then Iran has been tied to attacks on Israel, the Houthi attacks on shipping, and now direct attacks on US military?

Because the money was never transferred after the October 7 attacks?

But it makes Biden look bad if you repeat the lie that the money was actually transferred.

hombre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hombre said...

As for politics and withdrawal speeches: Megyn Kelly claims to have a good source who says QuidProJoe will pull out in the spring for health reasons. Democrats will nominate Michelle.

If true and Michelle keeps Kamala on the ticket, women and blacks will be orgasmic and the country will be screwed.

CJinPA said...


The amount of space Mideast conflict occupies in geopolitical affairs, the ever present risk of dead U.S. soldiers, regional war and a risk of global destruction, is exhausting.

I love Israel, but it needs figure out a way to exist without putting the entire freaking world at risk on a regular basis.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Blogger tim in vermont said...

"A cease fire in Gaza could have nipped this whole thing in the bud,"

This makes absolutely zero sense. Even setting aside the immorality of telling Israel that they are limited to a "proportionate" response to the rape, torture, and murder of civilians (and who decides what's 'proportional' to a rape? How?), how would ANOTHER ceasefire--remember, there already was one, and Hamas violated it--have prevented attacks by Houthis who have been engaging in piracy and firing off missiles all over the place for years?

And why say "A ceasefire in Gaza" as opposed to "If Hamas had released all the hostages and turned over all the rapists and torturers and child-killers to face justice, then there could be a ceasefire in Gaza and then this could have been nipped in the bud?"

Smells like a pretty huge double standard, but maybe I'm missing something here the same way I missed the logic of how a ceasefire in Gaza would have prevented Iran and its proxies by pressing their tactical advantage.

Narr said...

Speaking of Lying Bird Johnson, before Christmas one of my old wargaming buddies and I were re-exploring SPI's old "Year of the Rat" about the failed 1972 Red offensive in South Vietnam.

My friend is a few years older than me and spent the Vietnam years taking student (college and law school) deferments, like many others, notably Trump and Biden (and me, for one year and then a year in the draft pool--yay #309!)

LBJ came up and I mentioned his (LBJ's) Silver Star from WWII. He had not heard of it, so I gave him the short version: Up-and-coming Congressredneck snags a USNR commission and goes on a tour of MacArthur's fiefdom in 1943. Is a passenger on an aircraft that spends a a minute within range of Japanese anti-aircraft fire, and when he lands, there is fellow redneck Mac ready with a Silver Star to recognize Johnson's heroism.

"Did he take it?"

Dude, it was Johnson. Are you serious?

Unlike LBJ, Biden doesn't have enough self-awareness to know what's good for him, much less for his country.

n.n said...

Biden Springs Forward!

Darkisland said...

Blogger iowan2 said...

All I heard yesterday (sirius radio) was Biden people repeating endlessly "we seek no conflict with Iran" over and over and over.

Gee, who does this remind us of?

"He kept us out of war" Woodrow Wilson campaign slogan 1916. We entered the war after he was re-elected

"I have said this before, but I shall say it again and again and again: Your boys are not going to be sent into any foreign wars." FDR October 30 1940. In 1941 we, among other things, invaded and occupied Iceland and declared unrestricted warfare "Sink on sight" against all German ships worldwide.

"We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves." LBJ campaigning against a wider VN war in 1964. In 1965 he sent about 150,000 US troops to VN and escalated from there.

They say Never believe a rumor until it is officially denied. Brandon denying that we are going to war with Iran is pretty much confirmation that he is going to keep poking them and prodding them until we have an excuse to go to war.

All together now

And it's one, two three four
what are we fighting for
Don't know and don't give a damn
Next stop is I-iran
Be the first one on your block
to have your boy come home in a box

Come back, Country Joe. You are wanted.


John Henry

n.n said...

"If Hamas had released all the hostages and turned over all the rapists and torturers and child-killers to face justice, then there could be a ceasefire in Gaza and then this could have been nipped in the bud?"

That would have been the just resolution, but it is opposed by the Pro-Palestinian (PP) factions who have organized for Spring.

Yancey Ward said...

Perhaps Biden can buy the Iranians off until November. Perhaps another $6 billion dollars will buy some peace for the next 10 months.

Darkisland said...

I shouldn't oughta done that.

Listened to Fixing to Die Rag

It brought back all sorts of rage, sorrow and general pissed offedness. Even tears. That motherfucker Johnson and his goddamn war. My day is pretty well shot now. And it started so well.

60,000 names, the best of my generation on that wall in DC. hundreds of thousands more walking wounded. The ones who believed in the United States and served. The ones who were betrayed by bullshit and bullshitters.

And now Brandon is likely to do it all over again. Same shit, different day.


My son is too old now. Youngest grandson is too young, probably. But I have a grandson that just turned 15. He'll be prime meat if Brandon gets re-elected and cranks this war up. I will be very proud for him NOT to serve and will do everything I can to keep him out of it.

John Henry

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger AMDG said...

The Trump administration put in sanctions, pulled out of the JCPOA, and tuned Soleimani into ground chuck. This quilted them down until Biden decided to do the opposite.

The Biden administration needs to punch Iran in the mouth. They need to reimpose sanctions and do something militarily against Iran. Options include taking out their oil terminals or sink the spy ship that is providing the Houthis with there targeting data. Sending missiles at proxies won’t cut it.

Ultimately the goal of US policy needs to regime change or it will never end.

Why not let the Iranian people change the regime when the time comes? They Ayatollah did it when they ousted the Shah. Haven't we had enough of watching people suffer after the US decides to "change the regime"? Iraq. Twenty years in Afghanistan and the Taliban is back in power. Color revolution in Ukraine in 2014, and now how many dead to keep NATO alive?

Anybody feel good about getting sacrificing American military lives under the leadership of Lloyd Austin? Or bombing more middle east brown people under the wisdom and purity of Joe Biden?

Taking out Iranian Oil Terminals means bombing inside the borders of Iran. No way. And why haven't we taken out the spy ship already?? Quietly...

Howard said...

This Johnson excuse is a lie. He saw the highlights of Rand report that became the Pentagon Papers and didn't want to be President for the first loss in war by the US. He was a coward who passed the buck.

... I have concluded that I should not permit the Presidency to become involved in the partisan divisions that are developing in this political year. With America’s sons in the fields far away... I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office–the Presidency of your country. Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your President.

JRoberts said...

The problem isn't (entirely) the person, but the feckless philosophy and people behind Biden.

Replacing Biden with another Democratic candidate (or a GOPe President) will not replace the puppeteers pulling the strings.

n.n said...

"He kept us out of war" Woodrow Wilson campaign slogan 1916. We entered the war after he was re-elected.

And Palmerism, which is what McCarthyism is famed to have been.

Then Obama in Spring, and Holderism walking, with acolytes in tow.

Darkisland said...

Blogger Narr said...

My friend is a few years older than me and spent the Vietnam years taking student (college and law school) deferments, like many others, notably Trump and Biden

I think you are wrong there. I think Trump had a medical deferment for bad feet/bone spurs.

John Henry

Leland said...

Because the money was never transferred after the October 7 attacks?

You don’t transfer funds from unfrozen accounts. The account is simply unfrozen and the funds accessible as they were before being frozen. Biden did block access again a week after the attacks on Israel, but a month after he unfroze the assets. The claim by the administration is no money was ever used because it could only be withdrawn for humanitarian purposes. Except that money is fungible. For a month, Iran could purchase weapons from other accounts. The problem is Biden made the deal in the first place. Just like Biden told Putin that a minor excursion into Ukraine wouldn’t warrant an US response.

BUMBLE BEE said...

There's this...


Jaq said...

Have you been following the recent news about the rape story professor? Because it’s falling apart. Not to mention that if you are going to perseverate on rape accusations coming out of a war zone, you are not going to be able to think about the situation rationally. That’s why rape accusations are a trusted propaganda trope for people who want wars. The accusations from Kiev against the Russians also fell apart, and the Ukrainians themselves fired the official who made them, because she had no proof and so “damaged the credibility” of the Ukrainian government.

I try not to look at war porn, since it clouds thinking, but yesterday a picture of a seven year old girl with her hand blown off appeared in my timeline. Was that adequate retribution for a rape, or is it “nits make lice” with you?

Darkisland said...

Not only did LBJ accept the Silver Star, the only award for anyone on that flight, he wore the civilian/miniature version of it in his lapel until the day he died. According to Caro, he had no shame in shoving it in everyone's face.

I always look and I have never seen a picture of LBJ in a suit without the medal.

I don't know if Caro said it or was quoting someone but he calls it "The least earned, most displayed medal ever"

Worse than Kerry with the stolen valor.

John Henry

Jupiter said...

You wish. But Lyndon Johnson knew that if he didn't drop out of the race, evidence of his crimes would be revealed that would likely put him in prison. Whereas F. Joe Biden knows that his only hope of keeping his entire family out of prison is to get re-elected.

William said...

All of you Biden supporters out there ask yourself one question: "Do you think this situation would have arisen had Trump been president?" Be honest.

Let's face it, the Musselmen — and for that matter, all of the other militant extremists out there — would have been afraid to pull this kind of stunt for fear of what out nutcase president would do.

Once Biden showed weakness and fecklessness in Afghanistan, our enemies quickly figured out that they could inflict all sorts of harm to the United States and our allies and not worry about any meaningful consequences.

Anyone who can't see that is either blind, a fool, or both.

Jupiter said...

And just for the record, the Iranians deny they had anything to do with it. Just like the attack on the USS Liberty, come to think of it. Remember that? The Israelis were fighting a war with the Egyptians, of all people, and were really hoping the US would get into it. So they staged an attack on an unarmed US sigint ship, planning to sink it with all hands and blame it on the Egyptians. But it didn't sink, although 34 American sailors were killed. Fortunately for the Israelis, LBJ was still President then, and they had the goods on him. They had Lyndon by the short hairs, and he hushed the whole thing up. But this is FJB we're talking about, not LBJ.

Josephbleau said...

“I'm reading "Biden faces treacherous political choices in answering deadly attack/Republicans demand that Biden attack Iran. Some warn that risks a wider Middle East conflagration" (WaPo).”

Then the NYT says that Trump has devoured the Republican Party.

But Trump was the most anti war president that we have had in decades, the army refused to carry out his troop withdrawal plans. So the party that Trump devoured wants to go against Trump. By Republicans, the wapo means the deep state.

Big Mike said...

@Freder, you wouldn’t happen to have proof of your assertion at 9:47, would you?

Original Mike said...

Biden's not dropping out until he receives a promise from Obama that he and Hunter will be pardoned.

Static Ping said...

Like Biden is the real President and actually making decisions. Though with foreign policy it is hard to tell, given even before he was a dementia riddled potato his foreign policy instincts were awful to the point that it seemed like some bizarre running gag on a politically themed sitcom.

I don't think turning Biden into a lame duck is going to help the current situation in the Middle East. It just makes him seem weaker. It would help the Democrats' chances of holding the White House, so I suppose that would be useful. One has to have priorities. Keep power and let the world burn is a common choice for world leaders throughout history. Might as well add that to the American portfolio of bad ideas.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Ms. Althouse it might be a good time for Joe to drop out a la LBJ--but only after he sends a "strongly worded letter of protest to Teheran".

But your believing that it would be a good thing for Joe to do is wishful thinking on your part. Joe will drop out only if and when the Dim establishment tells him to .

Rusty said...

Before we resort to violence howsabout we quit giving them money.
Any destruction of infrastructure is going to effect the people of Iran before it effects the mullahs.

JK Brown said...

How can Biden cut and run now that three brave service members who died "fighting on the behalf of this administration" (KJP)


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"The United States believes Iranian-backed militants were behind the drone strike, and Biden is ramping up a reelection campaign against a leading Republican opponent who boasts of his toughness against Iran, making any option politically perilous as well as militarily fraught.

That sentence is confusing. Maybe that’s the whole point of politics today. A confused people are easier to manipulate.

Trump boasts of his toughness or is it Biden who boasts of his toughness?

Paul said...

Image if Biden attacks Iran or even Iranian proxies and Iranian backed terrorist that walked into the USA via the open Southern Border, attack shopping malls, churches, schools, etc and, like in the Israel attacks, take hostages, murder, bomb, terrorize...

What will happen?
What would Biden do to respond to that?
Would you, as head of their spy service, send such cells into the USA?
Well as The Terminator once said..."I would".

And thus Biden is afraid... not sure what to do.

Reap what you sow.

Kakistocracy said...

Culture shapes more deeply than even economics. Cultural beliefs can persist even when buffeted by millions of deaths, particularly when those deaths are seen as related to European colonialism or American economic imperialism. Modern experience in the Greater Middle East confirms this.

The Greater Middle East seems to be reorganizing and evolving towards some new Ottoman-Empire-like organization of states and satrapies under the banner of fundamentalist Islam, the only force perceived as strong enough and universal enough to drive the malign foreign forces away from its ancestral lands. Iran may be sponsoring many of these proxies, but these groups increasingly have a sovereign mind of their own. The new organizing coherence will not come from Tehran but from a new and more powerfully conceived Islamic identity.

All the lands south and east of the Mediterranean are embarked on a large-scale reorganization and reorientation away from European-American dominance and they are unlikely to be receptive to dominance from either Russia or China. They will become truly indigenous to their own evolved beliefs.

The Muslim world has great cultural coherence from its religion. It is undoubtedly going to achieve in some manner great geopolitical coherence independent of other bloc's cultures and economic orthodoxies. Dubai and Riyadh are not going to become the next Singapore or Zurich; they will become something entirely new.

narciso said...

Why of all people egypt had fought the two
Previous haj amin husseini hitlers penpal had sought exile there thats where the fedayeen came from

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Biden is not the quitting type.

"Once you get to a certain point, you have to make that choice to continue or turn back. And he was never really a turning-back kind of kid." 😉

Biden, with a little help from his friends, eventually gets where he is going

Keith said...

Gilbar - the name Max Blumenthal sounded familiar. I recall he is an antisemite despite his name. From the article you posted:

Blumenthal and Peled are "among the most notorious traffickers of anti-Semitic blood libels posing as Israel criticism," one Republican who frequents the club told the Washington Free Beacon. The event "runs completely counter to the Republicans' official plank on Israel, is a betrayal of the GOP, and a political win for the enemies of both Israel and America—precisely why CHC was targeted as a place to host this event," he added.

Oligonicella said...

I love Israel, but it needs figure out a way to exist without putting the entire freaking world at risk on a regular basis.

That would be for Hamas, Hezbollah, et al to stop attacking it.

Oligonicella said...

Tom T.:
"Please note the word "believes."

I certainly hope they believe it!

Not so fast, "believe" in legalese denotes doubt.

cassandra lite said...

"This Johnson excuse is a lie. He saw the highlights of Rand report that became the Pentagon Papers and didn't want to be President for the first loss in war by the US. He was a coward who passed the buck."

Nah. McNamara had only ordered the Pentagon Papers about nine months before LBJ said no mas. They wouldn't be finished for another nine months. And if he was worried about his place, he'd have tried to stay on and be known as the winner. But he saw he couldn't stay on; he'd have lost the nom in Chicago.

n.n said...

I love Israel, but it needs figure out a way to exist without putting the entire freaking world at risk on a regular basis.

That would be for Hamas, Hezbollah, et al to stop attacking it.

It took some time, but Fatah finally withdrew its offer of perpetual terrorism in the woke... wake of decades of losing wars. Here's to Hamas ey al and empathetic protesters that they may enjoy the same epiphany.

Howard said...

cassandra, that's right, however, Johnson always knew where all the bodies were buried. They knew the writing on the wall in Viet Nam long before before Jack got whacked.

Jaq said...

Iran has sent a message to the US via a third party.

Iran has warned the US that the slightest attack on Iranian soil, with or without human casualties, will be met with retaliatory strikes on US forces in the Middle East.

Supposedly, Joe Biden has rubbed his two neurons together, and decided where he is going to strike. My guess is that it won't be Iran, but one never knows what an idiot like Biden is going to do next.

Eva Marie said...

Freder Frederson quotes another commenter:
‘How is it not a bigger story that only four months ago Biden thought it was imperative to free up $6 billion to Iran . . .
Then FF answers “Because the money was never transferred after the October 7 attacks?”
The money was transfered to an account in Qatar. Supposedly “U.S. officials and the Qatari government have agreed to stop Iran from accessing” the money. What does that even mean? They have to co-sign any release of money which is being held in a vault? Or is the money being used the way money is used in every bank and does Iran have access to an equal amount of funds - only not from this particular account?
To make matters more interesting, “The Biden administration on November 14, 2023 [obviously a month after Oct 7] extended a sanctions waiver to allow Iran to access upwards of $10 billion in electricity revenue once held in escrow in Iraq. The waiver allows Baghdad to continue purchasing electricity from Iran and, in a change from past policy, for Iran to convert its revenue into euros and draw on the money for budget imports out of Iraq and Oman.”

PM said...

"I have concluded that I should not permit the Presidency to become involved in the partisan divisions that are developing in this political year."
- LBJ, by proxy, clearing the decks for Newsom to face Trump.

gadfly said...

Please note the word "believes."

"Believes" is not nearly as significant as the word "boasts."

mikee said...

I reject the premise that protecting American interests (or Israeli interests) against Iranian assaults is ever politically perilous, unless you are owned by those Iranian interests. Then you might have a problem with the Iranians who own you, but not with the American electorate, unless they find out who owns you.

TestTube said...

No one is making Biden drop out if he doesn't want to, because Biden has 50+ years of dirt on the D.C. crowd.

And Biden doesn't want to drop out because as soon as he loses power Eastern European and Chinese thugs are coming to shut up him AND his family.

BTW, all of those document caches Biden has that were in the news a few years ago? Insurance policies.

Same thing with the laptop Hunter "lost", except Hunter the crack head screwed it up -- it wasn't supposed to be found unless Daddy lost.

D.D. Driver said...

Question: If the intelligence community has such great information here about who did it, why couldn't they have prevented it? Maybe Iran was behind a militant group in it's arch-rival Iraq, but (hear me out) maybe it was some other group and our intelligence community has an itchy trigger finger.

Have we learned NOTHING since Gulf War II. Maybe a little "trust but verify" is in order. These guys are wrong more than they are right.

Are we doing the whole "weapons of mass destruction" thing all over again and no one is going to question it before it's too late?

Jupiter said...

"The Greater Middle East seems to be reorganizing and evolving towards some new Ottoman-Empire-like organization of states and satrapies under the banner of fundamentalist Islam, the only force perceived as strong enough and universal enough to drive the malign foreign forces away from its ancestral lands."

That's Rich!

Unless maybe it's ChatGPT. "ancestral lands" has kind of a ChatGPT feel about it. It doesn't actually mean anything, but it sounds a lot like something someone would write who was being smarmily tendentious.

Old and slow said...

"Unless maybe it's ChatGPT. "ancestral lands" has kind of a ChatGPT feel about it. It doesn't actually mean anything, but it sounds a lot like something someone would write who was being smarmily tendentious."

Whenever "Rich" posts more than a few obviously cribbed sentences he sounds unmistakably like AI to me.

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