The New York Post collects 93 looks from The Golden Globes — all displayed on one page.
My general impression is that women are hiding within great rolls and flows of fabric and armoring their breasts inside stiff structures.
My specific impression is that Karen Gillan (#28) is wearing the dress of the future. I don't know how that was made, but I'm thinking: A.I.
I actually started watching the Golden Globes. We signed up for a free trial of Fubo so we could watch the Packers game, and with old-time-y "live" TV again, we rediscovered the lost art of channel surfing and ended up on the GGs. It was the opening monologue, some comedian I didn't know, and he was terrible. He absolutely did not belong there, taking shots at the stars, as if he were Ricky Gervais. Who turned down this work before they got to him? He referred to Barbie's "boobies" and we, the home audience, saw Greta Gerwig giving him the stinkeye, like Who the hell are you? You're nobody and now you've ensured that you will never be anybody.
So I guess you don't need to learn the poor guy's name, but, for reference, it's Jo Koy. Here's the whole disaster:
What’s a Golden Globe?
Why Amy Pond, Why?
BTW, why does Hollywood still divvy up gender-based awards categories? Is there a category for ActrX indentifying people? Do as I say, not as I do.
As a Bears fan, I'm not unhappy the Packers won.
It improves their own draft slot, and hopefully the management will decide to jettison (trade) Justin Fields after another desultory performance and use Carolina's #1 overall pick to draft the best college QB available.
Some of those dresses are pretty bizarre, particularly #28. I was struck by how many of the people listed I had never heard of.
We signed up for a free trial of Fubo so we could watch the Packers game,
Yes the powers that be must sell a game to these third tier streamers, forcing eyes to their sites. We had to sign up for Peacock to get some of the Iowa Women's Basketball games. I can't explain why they make me smile, but they do. If you havent watched them, give them a look. You wont be sorry.
He really did bomb in a spectacular way. This might be the bench mark by which all other bombs are measured. But give him credit for his courage if not for his material. He stuck it out to the end. It's embarrassing enough when a joke falls flat, but when a joke falls flat in front of the best known celebrities in the world, it's infinite orders of magnitude worse. On the plus side, he's now gained a lot of fame and recognition....I wonder if other comedians will sympathize or poke fun at his flop.
There's nothing remarkable until the UP NEXT teaser at the bottom in the Polar Bear pic, a bikini bottom that's skin colored except it's pubic hair colored over the pubic hair area. That's going to get more male attention that any side boobs.
Karen Gillan's dress is perfect for her sci-fi career and professional typecasting (e.g., starting out in Dr. Who). It's simple branding here, and not unlike eccentric Bjork's swan dress of 2001.
Most of the photos are typical for Hollywood -- tasteful and traditional versus edgy and eye-catching. My main takeaway was that there were only a handful of obvious nonbinaries (e.g., walking corpse Dylan Mulvaney #85, Billie Eilish #39, plus whoever #58 and #59 are). I'm guessing that go woke, go broke destroyed the employment prospects one-time-beauty Elliot Page and others. Image-and-profit driven Hollywood doesn't have (and likely will never have) many buyers of the nonbinary aesthetic.
I looked through some of the pictures. Not much skin showing. The Karen Gillan gown was weird looking, but it showed a lot of skin albeit not in a sultry way.
We dumped DISH and switched to FUBO last year. It's less expensive and I still get Pittsburgh Penguins and the Steelers. I will suspend FUBO when the NHL season ends and re-up in the fall. You can also get FUBO on your cell phone.
I only saw one clip of the "comedian" and it was to throw some shade on Taylor Swift. It did not go well.
Tackling the biggest issues to start the week. I have reached the point where more than half of the people shown dressed up, are people I've never heard of. There are still more who I've heard of, but have never seen act and have no idea what they're famous for. Then there's Helen Mirren and Kevin Costner. And a few others. That woman who was in "Sophie's Choice".
I've heard quite a bit of Jo Koy on SiriusXM radio. I tend to listen to comedy when I drive. Otherwise I'd be spewing expletives at the entire driving world around me. He's actually pretty good as a stand up. But in a venue like this, where there has to be (or used to be) some class expected, he is not exactly Cary Grant.
Maybe Ricky Gervais broke the awards shows. One can only hope.
As for the dress of women and men....I think beautiful women tend to look good no matter what they are wearing. You can still see they are beautiful. Gillian Anderson looks more beautiful today than she ever did as a younger woman. Or maybe I'm just older and like that look more now? On the other hand, some- Billie Eilish and Oprah- are who they are, no matter what you put on them. Young men probably need to strive more for the 'Cary Grant' classic look, rather than whatever Timothee Chalamet and Jeremy Allen White were trying to portray. Men should look like men, not boys picking up their first prom date.
It's January 8 and this is my final style report of the year. Thank you.
PS- Go Lions. Packers suck.
The extent of my watching the GG was a YouTube short that popped up of Emily Blunt and John Krasinski leaving their home to head to them last year. I admit, her red dress was enough to give it a watch, but they had a lot of people at their home as they were heading out for the evening.
We pay for Fubo during baseball season.
I didn't recognize Heidi Klum from the #13 picture and had to read the caption.
Everybody BUT Rick Gervais were disasters who drive away half the country with their WOKE hatred. You couldn't PAY me to watch them applaud and congratulate themselves.
I didn't watch the ceremony or the football, but I gawked at the dresses. I gotta say, on the whole, the older ladies took the show, hands down. Jennifer Lopez, Helen Mirren, Heidi Klum look absolutely beautiful, and their gowns are terrific. The younger ladies mostly all look like they need a cheeseburger and an attitude change and a better designer, with some exceptions of course.
So packer games aren't broadcast over the air in Winsconsin? That's terrible.
I was thinking of getting Fubo for the NCAA Championship game, but I don't know, those games never live up to the hype.
Otherwise, I not going to spend 40-60 dollars a month to watch sports. And commericals. Its amazing that they've somehow conned us all into paying them to watch the games on cable/net and watch commercials too.
Are they so smart, or are we so stupid?
And yes, the comedian in terrible. I got through 2 minutes.
I could care less about these people but I tend to peruse these red carpet photo portfolios out of morbid curiosity since the dreadful is generally well-represented. I looked at all 93 of these pix.
Most of the women looked, uncharacteristically for the red-carpet business, surprisingly nice and tastefully dressed. Billie Eilish reliably looked stupid. Bella Ramsey reliably looked a little too determinedly gay (but it is admittedly a bit difficult to dress her up.)
Most of the men looked predictable. Gary Oldman's beard looked frightfully old-guy pubic. The young men reliably looked ill-tailored and gayish.
And, in between, Mr. Bud Light reliably looked imbecilic.
Joe Koy is mildly funny in his stand up routine. But much of his bit is about his Filopinosity, which is tiresome. Though not as bad, he's kind of like the equally mediocre Margaret Cho, who, just in case you didn't notice it, will inform you about fifty times during her act that she is Korean.
His most egregious offense was throwing his writers under the bus. Not once but twice. Bob Hope, who had an army of writers on retainer, was "allowed" to do that. Not Jo Koy, though.
My lovely wife-- also a comedian-- says that Gaffigan came out and did well. So, it wasn't the circumstances that caused Koy's "bomb."
Koy miscalculated. He was an underdog, having secured the gig a mere 10 days before air (if we're to believe him). He might have approached the gig with that in mind. His lack of broad appeal, his relative obscurity as a performer, his lack of status (as evidenced by his hasty insertion into the broadcast) should have been the rock upon which his monologue was built. I didn't see the monologue (just heard a minute or two), but his first three jokes should have been, "Who the hell is Jo Koy?" That might not have saved him, but it would have been a start.
are they Still Doing movie awards shows? WHY
Nolte: ‘Existential Crisis’ as Woke Hollywood Loses 20% of Moviegoers
But: Why was Dylan Mulvaney there?
Taylor Swift always has that side-eye expression on her face. If she looked right at the camera, she might look too much like a sex doll.
Sorry for Jo Koy that he bombed. He's actually a decent stand-up who has been successful for years. But his schtick is usually about his personal life and observations---especially about being a Filipino-American---so he probably struggled to put together material that's going to be limited to discussing the stars and the media.
Jim Gaffigan got a lot of Twitter attention. I though he must have been hosting
Jim Gaffigan and Nate Bargatze are the funniest comedians out there these days.
I wanted to crap on #22, but then that stockinged leg shut my yap for me.
Billie Eilish (#39) represents the Millennial mindset perfectly.
Couldn't watch the comedian. He seemed like the guy that was selected because he could give the best impression of an AI hosting such an event. Like rocean, I made it about 2 minutes.
I did scroll through some of the outfits just to look. It seemed the wardrobe message was more subdued than ostentatious making them more appealing to me. A few surprises:
I thought Dua Lipa was one of the worse, and I'm typically found her styling to be good.
Karen Gillians was impressive, but it looks like a print over a sheer nude under dress.
Billy Eilish and Bella Ramsey (who?) look liked the most pretentious at being nerds.
Not as pretentious as Selena Gomez thinking she is Marilyn Monroe.
Dylan Mulvaney appears to be seeking the role of Sarah in Nightmare Before Christmas.
The biggest wow is that I liked Brie Larson's dress.
“Jim Gaffigan and Nate Bargatze are the funniest comedians out there these days.”
Haven’t seen or heard Bargatze, but Gaffigan is about as funny as a bad toothache.
'He referred to Barbie's "boobies"...'
Aforementioned Golden Globes.
Gervais was epic.
He has so much money he doesn't care.
Norm Macdonald wasn't nearly as rich, but he had the same 'fuck everyone' attitude that made him a legend.
I watched Barbie last week. It was nothing at all like what I had been led to believe by the ranters in what passes for conservative online media.
It was a light, clean, creative comedy with a few good laughs that poked fun equally at the ideas of the patriarchy, metrosexuals, dumb girls and feminism.
And if featured lots and lots of Margo Robbie which edged me into a thumbs up opinion of the movie. That plus the fact that there wasn't a "motherfucker" in the whole show and they played the missing genitalia issue quite gently with a pretty funny joke at the close.
As I recall, Meadhouse does not receive over the air broadcasts because plugging in a 15 dollar indoor antenna is too much bother.
But... I thought women dressed for themselves, not for others to look at them in approval.
I really liked Karen Gillan as Amy Pond in "Dr. Who," especially with her lovely red hair, and I hoped that she'd go on to have a great career.
But then for her role as Nebula in the "Guardians of the Galaxy" series they shaved off that lovely hair and painted her purple. Yuck!
I can't explain why they make me smile, but they do. If you havent watched them, give them a look. You wont be sorry.
Rather watch local junior high basketball. They're a conundrum. More laughable mistakes and more made shots.
No Bling! Where were the Harry Winston diamonds loaned out for product placement? Even Oprah, who can afford her own nice jewels, was modestly accessorized. Dare I guess? Are the roving gangs of freelance socialists putting a damper on playing dress up among the Hollywood Privileged?
Thank you for watching for us.
"Bob Hope, who had an army of writers on retainer, was "allowed" to do that. Not Jo Koy, though."
Old time comedians made no secret of their writers, and as you state, made jokes about it.
I remember Jack Benny in his "feud" with Fred Allen, said something like "Oh yeah, my comeback will devaste you, as soon as my writers think of it"
Both Crosby and Hope brought their writers onto the set of the early Road pictures and had them write "ad libs". Some of the quips of course came from the script and the Bing and Bob.
Joy didn't have good enuogh writers. 2nd teir comics like Letterman or Colbert sink without good writers. Only the great ones like Chappelle, Norm or Gervais can do it on their own.
But... I thought women dressed for themselves, not for others to look at them in approval.
No, no, no. Women dress to seek the approval of other women. If a man's head turns, thats a bonus. But other women are the target audience.
I watched Barbie last week. It was nothing at all like what I had been led to believe by the ranters in what passes for conservative online media.
I thought the same. It is made by women for women as was the original Barbie, but it was a good enough popcorn movie.
My specific impression is that Karen Gillan (#28) is wearing the dress of the future.
I'll stay alive with #5!
(now I got to watch Dr. Strangelove again)
The Golden Globes has always been a bribing contest.
The Academy Awards was not always fair but at least people in the industry voted. My mother-in-law always got her ballot. She even went to some of the movies.
Most of the outfits are quite nice. As for the ones that are not....
Florence Pugh's hair style is doing her no favors, and it does not work with that dress. I think that hairdo requires full arm tattoos and a tramp stamp to seem reasonable, and I have seen her with other hair styles that are much more flattering. The kicker is that woman looking at her from around the side with that "oh no" look on her face.
Pom Klementieff looks like an Amish vampire porn star.
Brie Larson looks like Nurse Ratched going out on the town. Nurse Ratched would probably be a better date.
Karen Gillan looks like a modern interpretation of a Biblically accurate angel.
Billie Eilish looks like Billie Eilish. That's probably reserved for her.
Bella Ramsey's outfit implied she has pronouns and, golly, she does.
Da'Vine Joy Randolph apparently wanted to go to Halloween as a fancy candy dish, missed out, and wanted to make up for lost time.
Dylan Mulvaney. Of course. Looks like a sub-boss in a horror video game.
And scene.
Can Chat AI write jokes?
To show how much attention I pay to pop culture, I didn't learn until last night Jo Koy (Joseph Herbert) graduated in the class behind my younger brother. Foss High School '89. Tacoma
You know you bombed when even your hometown peeps are ripping you a new one on Facebook.
#77 showing lots of tongue.
Temujin: I hope when you said that Gillian Anderson was good looking you were talking about her face. Her dress had vulvas embroidered all over it. I don’t think that is attractive in anyway.
Also, Jo Koy broke off his long term relationship with Chelsea Handler last year. Her horrible humor may have rubbed off on him.
I like the way James Marsden looks like he dressed himself. In a subway elevator.
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