January 18, 2024

Thanks to Jamie Dimon for saying just the right thing about Trump supporters.

I didn't know who I was listening to when I first heard this clip. Meade was playing it out loud and I was just overhearing it. I kept injecting comments like: "That's what I've been trying to say," "That's what I think," "This is what Democrats need to hear," and "Who is that guy?"

It was the CEO of JP Morgan, Jamie Dimon.

Video and text at the link. From the text:

I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA....

[W]hen people say MAGA, they're actually looking at people voting for Trump and they think they're voting -- and they're basically scapegoating them, that you are like him, and -- but I don't think they're voting for Trump because of his family values.

If you look at -- just take a step back, be honest. He's kind of right about NATO. Kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well.

Tax reform worked. He was right about some with China. I don't like what he did -- I don't like how he said things about Mexico, I don't like -- but he wasn't wrong about some of these critical issues. And that's why they're voting for him.

And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.... 


And the Democrats have done a good job with the deplorables, hugging their bibles and their beer and their guns.

"Good job" = sarcasm. 

I mean, really? Can we stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit?

And I do think the economy will affect -- I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden's election campaign.

It already has. 


Mid-Life Lawyer said...

I play around with stocks some, and when I am more active I will often watch Squawk Box in the a.m. I was watching yesterday when he was the main guest. It felt fresh and nice to hear an influential person say something reasonable about Trump. I've always said that "it's about the policy." I no longer care about all the noise around politics. The idea of the dignity of the Presidency or the Senate or whatever is no longer relevant to me. The Democrats, mainly, blew all that up years ago.

Breezy said...

I agree…. We need to listen to each other more and respect different viewpoints. The media, goaded by the left, has poisoned our basic free speech and debate value system.

Dimon is in Davos currently, and gave these remarks in an interview with CNBC. The Davos crowd is not at all excited about a possible Trump return, so it was refreshing to hear Dimon push back on that thinking. With immigration topping the issue charts, and Trump’s substantial success with it in his first term, a lot of people from both sides will want to give him a second chance rather than keep Biden in place. So I think Dimon is effectively telling some on the left to relax about Trump since we need him to fix immigration and other things like energy exploration. Dimon is not a fan of green new deal. I think he called it a path to hell at one time.

Also, the new Argentinian President gave a great speech about the evils of collectivism at Davos. Perfect audience for that!

John henry said...

If you look at -- just take a step back, be honest. He's kind of right about NATO. Kind of right about immigration. He grew the economy quite well.

Tax reform worked. He was right about some with China. I don't like what he did -- I don't like how he said things about Mexico, I don't like -- but he wasn't wrong about some of these critical issues. And that's why they're voting for him.

Dimon also said

"I don't like how Trump said things, but he wasn't wrong about those critical issues.

So pretty much what I've been saying about the TDSers here and elsewhere for 9 years or so.

Chuck, Inga, cook, rich and all the others have never been able to articulate any real objections to any of president Trump's policies or ideas.

Their objections have been almost exclusively based on style. Whenever I ask what are the objections to his actual ideas and actions, nothing but crickets with a very few exceptions.

And these folks, fascists mostly, have put the country through 9 years of hell food no rain other than they don't like his style.

Including Dimon who is finally saying it explicitly.

All these folk should be ashamed of themselves. But probably aren't.

John Henry

Humperdink said...

Too late Jamie, you put these creeps in office. Dimon recognizes which way the current wind blows. Start dropping millions $$$ into the Trump campaign and I might believe you.

rhhardin said...

Wasn't Chase cancelling the bank accounts of insufficiently woke organizations?

Mark said...

Surprised there is no civility bullshit tag to this post.

gilbar said...

He's kind of right about NATO.
Kind of right about immigration.
He grew the economy quite well.
Tax reform worked.
He was right about some with China.
I don't like how he said things -- but he wasn't wrong about some of these critical issues.

And that's why the democrats Hate him

Tregonsee said...

DJT is a miserable human being. Still, to borrow a phrase which said about another Western leader, he is not a man for all seasons, but he is the only man for this season. It says a great deal about our country that we have come to this.

n.n said...

He was right about the viability of socialist programs and Green deals managed in a fascist environment through labor and environmental arbitrage.

He was right about the sustainability and collateral damage of single/central/monopolistic solutions.

He was right about the ethnic Springs series, funding Iran, premature withdrawal from Iraq, catastrophic change in Afghanistan, etc.

He was right about the need for principles of conservativism in Declaration and Constitution.

R C Belaire said...

Nicely stated. Thanks, AA.

Chuck said...

What bullshit from Jamie Dimon.

He's talking about MAGA as if it were some routine variant of small-government conservatism. That isn't remotely true. If it were true, we could regard George W. Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger as "MAGA." David French, Bill Kristol, Steve Hayes, Jonah Goldberg, Jonathan V. Last, Charlie Sykes, and on and on; they would take issue with Jamie Dimon on what "MAGA" stands for in relation to conservatism.

Let's be clear about what makes "MAGA" what it is. MAGA thinks that the 2020 election was stolen and that President Biden was not legitimately elected. (Some kinda respect for your fellow Americans there, eh Jamie?)

MAGA thinks that the January 6 insurrectionists were patriots, who are now hostages, not withstanding their adjudications of guilt in federal courts. MAGA would pardon them. MAGA would pardon Trump if he is found guilty of multiple felonies.

Trump actively, regularly advocates all of those things. MAGA celebrates dictators, following Trump's lead. The Ron DeSantis iteration of MAGA would shoot people crossing the border illegally.

Jamie Dimon claims that Trump is "sort of right about NATO." Now that's a low bar if ever there was one. What's he "right" about? Some criticism of NATO member nation funding levels? Or is Trump right about undermining NATO in ways that Putin would celebrate?

This is an election where we need to draw clear lines. Fuck your feelings. As Liz Cheney very rightly said, we can easily survive eight years of Biden policy that we might think is bad. We, as a nation, cannot survive eight years of Trump and in particular a second Trump term where he is completely unmoored from the few respectable Republicans who served as guardrails in the first Trump Administration.

Limited blogger said...

'kind of right' ?

Trump's absolutely right.

RMc said...

And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens...

They won't, because they can't. They're thinking, "How can we be respectful of people who are little more than vermin, people who are destroying the country, undermining democracy and possessing such bad haircuts?"

Chuck said...

"The Media Keeps Trying to 'Understand' Trump Voters Because They Don’t Want to Accept the Truth About Them." By Jonathan V. Last, writing at The Bulwark.

Tina Trent said...

Dimocrats: hug their new pet Islamic terrorists, Hamas; throuple sex with bar pick-ups with the kiddies upstairs; men giving birth and teens being sexually mutilated and rendered sterile with parental encouragement, and flying private jets to climate conferences.

In fairness, most of the Times comments about the exhibitionist throuple were negative, so I will grant some Democratic voters some sliver of common sense about that. But I know plenty of liberals and teachers who rigidly force this stuff on their, and other's kids, and the institutional enforcement -- and enforced silencing -- is only growing stronger.

So the D. Party is institutionally captured, good and hard. In contrast, there's a lot more moderation and debate over core issues on the Right. I have only once felt uncomfortable disagreeing on any issue in a political conservative setting, and I disagree a lot, which only makes me have to defend my position, not be punished or excoriated or purged for it. In extreme contrast, I was regularly blacklisted, thrown out of rooms, or subjected to truly disturbing Mau Mauing for the slightest deviation from increasingly leftist views when I was a Democrat and academic. They really are shockingly authoritarian.

Those behavioral differences are the biggest difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Jersey Fled said...

I don’t normally watch CNBC. Who was the idiot on the far left of the screen who kept interrupting ?

Jaq said...

Michael Moore chimes in

I strongly suspect that Moore’s little disquisition on Trump supporters is cut off right before the “but,” but it’s still pretty insightful.

michaele said...

As much as I appreciated Dimon's acknowledgments about the validity of Trump's policies, I wish he had taken the full dosage of his courage pills and hadn't used the hedging words "kind of" right. But, in view of the waters he swims in, it was a big deal he said what he did.

Mike Sylwester said...

Biden had a great opportunity to behave as a civil and unifying President.

Instead, he has complained continuously about "MAGA-Republicans".

gspencer said...

"I mean, really? Can we stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit?"

Guy dances around too much. He oughta speak English. It's the left/Democrats who wallow in the muck of disrespect. When a significant conservative figure passes on, take Rush Limbaugh as an example, the left is giddy with mocking glee. This simply isn't done on the right. Take the death of Ruth Ginsburg as an example.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Like Mike S said at 7:48 AM “Biden had a great opportunity to behave as a civil and unifying President. Instead, he has complained continuously about MAGA-Republicans.”

Biden blew it by running against America.

rehajm said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

Jersey Fled said...
I don’t normally watch CNBC. Who was the idiot on the far left of the screen who kept interrupting

I used to watch at work every day but haven’t watched in years. My guess is that idiot is Andrew Ross Sorkin. He is there because someone in the Obama administration was paid to screen the media and became furious there was no foil to the sensible talk and tough questions Joe Kernan asks of leftie guests.

Either that or Becky Quick, who got her job because she looked really hot in that Dr Zhivago coat standing outside Martha Stewart’s home one winter. It was the talk of the trading desks for a while…

Vonnegan said...

Probably (maybe?) not related but interesting w/r/t to Dimon's day job. I went to the Chase branch near me last Saturday to make a deposit. This isn't something I usually do; most of my banking is online. Got to talking with the other customer there and the 2 tellers, and the tellers were bragging that Chase was the only big bank in the area open on Saturday. They were so proud of their employer - not something you see as often these days - and said things like " Bank of America and Wells Fargo have given up, but you won't see Chase closing on Saturday - oh no, we're not like that". It was really refreshing (and surprising) to see some sort of organizational pride. Is that Dimon (tone from the top)? Is that the local branch manager? Who knows.

And of course Dimon is right.

Wince said...

"I don't like what he did -- I don't like how he said things about Mexico, I don't like -- but he wasn't wrong about some of these critical issues."

I've noticed this perfunctory expression of disdain for Trump -- usually an unspecific and incomplete version of "don't get me started," as above -- is prevalent among people wishing to maintain their position in the establishment at the peril of acknowledging reality.

It reminds me of the effect of nuns enforcing genuflection in the Catholic church, an almost autonomic response.

Wince said...

Jersey Fled said...
I don’t normally watch CNBC. Who was the idiot on the far left ...who kept interrupting ?

Forget it Jersey, it's NBC.

Rusty said...

"If you look at -- just take a step back, be honest."
I think that it is imposible for them to do so. They are so committed to their morsal superiority it would be a sacrilige to examine the political landscape any other way. They have been and are constantly being reminded that we , classic liberals, are their moral enemy.It then makes sense that our constitution is an invalid immoral political document.

Milo Minderbinder said...


But it isn't over. Mary McCord and friends are plotting their next acts of treason.

Sebastian said...

"just take a step back, be honest"


Progs don't step back. Give them credit: they fight 24/7. Until recently, they counted on the GOPe to turn the other cheek (in the now-common sense of the expression). The single most important fact about Trump is that he fights back. Which for progs implies that they should step forward even more aggressively. They may miscalculate about the likely success, but until the reasonable Dimons and Althouses of American consistently vote against them, they'll assume MAGA demonization works and keep at it. I don't think Dimon will.

Progs are honest. Give them credit: at times they lie and obfuscate, of course, but on the essentials they are honest. They despise GOP voters as MGA deplorables, and say so. They want the border open, and apart from some big-city bitching, try hard to keep it open. Even with Hamas holding Americans hostage, they don't want to fight. When SCOTUS tells them to knock off the race discrimination, they openly scoff and promise to get around it. They like big debt, and executive power, and green devastation, and are open about it. They eagerly persecute Trump and are completely transparent in their desire to get him BAMN. They are honest.

cassandra lite said...

Cynicism says that he’s boosting Trump either on the assumption that Trump would lose or that he can get Haley on the ticket to do his bidding.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

michaele said...

As much as I appreciated Dimon's acknowledgments about the validity of Trump's policies, I wish he had taken the full dosage of his courage pills and hadn't used the hedging words "kind of" right. But, in view of the waters he swims in, it was a big deal he said what he did.

I think he was tailoring his message to his target audience with the "kind of" qualifications. The people he's trying to reach are very much about style over substance (hence Dimon's comments about the way Trump says things) and are not introspective enough to realize that they're not infallible. It's going to be a long hard road to get them to admit that they might be wrong, even if they only admit it to themselves. They don't respond to blunt talk (agains, see Trump), so Dimon has to couch it in soft language to worm the idea into their heads. Personally, I'm impressed with the way he handled making that statement.

Rory said...

What's said about Trump isn't political hyperbole, though. It's calculated slander, intended to release those who adopt it from their own consciences, to override any commitment they have to either the law or fair play.

Jamie said...

Take the death of Ruth Ginsburg as an example.

The giant blind spot on the left is that the lights of the left, like Ginsberg, are, to them, self-evidently worthy of respect - of course people across the political spectrum would afford her that respect. The same goes for their favorite policy prescriptions and proscriptions.

It's not political, it's just common sense. It's not political, it's just plain decency. It's not political, it's just ordinary humanity.

They've been in charge of the public culture for so long that they don't have the visceral sense we do of the need to defend our positions, nor the understanding that very little is actually self-evident.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Maga = Make America Great Again.

Funny how that simple phase enrages the left.

The collective left are MAMA.
Make America Marxist Again.

Joe Bar said...

Since this interview was in Davos, can we talk about Javier Milei's speech?
"Long live freedom, Dammit!"

Creola Soul said...

Politics has become a contact sport, where compromise is now dead. My favorite Senator, of late, was Mike Enzi (R-WY). He believed in the 80/20 rule of politics. He would say to the Dems, “We don’t agree on this whole bill, but we do agree on 80% of it. Let’s do that first and continue to talk about the 20%”. He also used football analogies from time to time and would say “You can’t go for the long ball on every play. Let’s run the ball when we can, but let’s keep moving in the right direction.”
Now days things are so polarized and there are too many sound bites out there that stir up X. Need less camera time and more work on the issues. Most people don’t know Enzi because he didn’t spend a lot of time in front of the cameras. He was too busy working.
Dimon is absolutely right. Glad he stepped up.

robother said...

Open contempt for MAGA works especially with one demographic: college-educated women. No accident it was pioneered by Hillary Clinton (who called them the "Deplorables"). The neolibs and neocons love it, as a way of winning the political argument-- about wars, open borders, global warming--without arguing the merits.

Dimon's asking that media and Democrats consider that Trump's voters might just agree with his policies misses the whole point of making them outcast. Down deep, they know better than anyone that they lose an argument on the merits.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump wasn’t wrong on immigration and with NATO membership’s less than equitable contribution regarding funding.

The problem is America’s asylum system. It was designed when we were experiencing fifty thousand asylum seekers a year. Now it’s over a million. We are overwhelmed. Years pass by before these cases are heard. Who are these people who are here? This has become a national security issue. Biden should pass an executive order stating a national emergency closing the system down while a legislative compromise on immigration reform can be hammered out. In so doing he takes a Republican cudgel out of their hands before the election and in the meantime, letting our country catch its breath.

Howard said...

The DNC is dead without Trump in power. That's why they love the failed deplorable meme.

Wa St Blogger said...

The left hold contempt for middle Americans. They think of us as rubes, simpletons, unsophisticated, neanderthalic. IT did not start with Obama and his "clinging" comment. They held that view long before, but did not say the quiet part out loud. Now they say it out loud and work out in the open to undermine and destroy our culture and values. The won't compromise or work with them because the goal is not to create unity but to destroy those who stand athwart their goal of fundamentally transforming America.

Zavier Onasses said...

President DJT was not all I had hoped for but - given the unrelenting vituperative mendacity of the Press and bureaucracy - as much as could be realistically hoped for.

Words cannot express how wonderful to have a businessman not a career "public servant" as President.

Every Government Program is a loss of Personal Freedom. Decision power is shifted from Individual to Bureaucracy. Bureaucracies misuse that power for self-preservation.

Understanding this cunning baffling powerful (IYKWIM) phenomenon is a paradigm shift in thinking. Parece que ajora la gente más se entienden esto.

mikee said...

I recall seeing Dimon receive a long, raucous standing ovation when he appeared on the stock exchange floor after buying Bear Sterns in 2008. The Fed guaranteed $30billion of illiquid mortgages, Dimon paid $10/share after failing to get it bought at his original $2/share. It took a while, but it was a good deal for JPMorgan, as they basically could not lose money on the deal. The entire trading floor cheered him for taking such advantage of the federal government and the failing Bear Stearns both. B-S stockholders took quite a haircut, but not as much as they would have had the firm folded.

Dimon seems to be able still to see how to take advantage of other's failures.

Original Mike said...

"Biden should pass an executive order stating a national emergency closing the system down while a legislative compromise on immigration reform can be hammered out."

Wow. That's clueless, even for you. They're importing voters.

CJinPA said...

Mark said...Surprised there is no civility bullshit tag to this post.

This wasn't a call for civility. I took it as a pragmatic political observation that 1. There are too many Trump supporters to demonize, and 2. They support a guy who got some things right.

The question is: Will there have to be a follow-up post when Dimon walks back his comments?

Valentine Smith said...

I do wish people would stop referring to progressives as liberal. They are not. The people Tina Trent describes are progressives, and they are not liberals. Their racial policies mirror the Nazis in the early days and their coercive policies, lean so far to the left, as to approach totalitarian communism. It is just a matter of time. They point the finger at Trump and accuse him of planning policies that they themselves are currently utilizing. So they point the finger while three come back right at them. This strategy is one they have been applying for decades. And it has worked.

They say that Fascism is always descending on the US, but landing in Europe. Well, it sure as hell looks like it has descended, but not enveloped the US yet in the form of the CommuNazi “progressives.”

Howard said...

I do wish people would stop referring to Trumpers as conservatives. They are not. The MAGA people described are Trumpers and Tea-Baggers, and they are not conservative. Their racial policies mirror the Nazis in the early days and their coercive policies, lean so far to the right, as to approach totalitarian fascism. It is just a matter of time. They point the finger at Biden and accuse him of planning policies that they themselves are currently utilizing. So they point the finger while three come back right at them. This strategy is one they have been applying for a decades. And it has worked.

They say that Fascism is always descending on the US, but landing in Europe. Well, it sure as hell looks like it has descended, but not enveloped the US yet in the form of the Nazi “Trumpers”

Joe Smith said...

Dimon is about making money.

The end...

PS, has anyone asked him what it was like to be Epstein's banker?

Clyde said...

It's not just the Democrat party organization that feels that way, though. A sizable portion of leftist Democrats feel nothing but contempt for those who dare to disagree with them on anything. Go to any forum where the leftists think they can exhibit that contempt for the deplorables among their echo chamber. In the end, it's hard for Trump's supporters not to mirror that contempt back at them. It's gotten to the point where the two sides don't just see opponents with bad ideas, but bad people as well.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

I agree that Trump is a bad guy but what really offends me is the media’s attempt to pretend Biden isn’t. If the choice is between these two, give me the one with sane policies who will actually be held accountable versus the one who will be protected based on his party affiliation.

Rusty said...

Rich said...
Howard said....
And then look who shows up to prove my point.
Good work lads.

Hassayamper said...

I'm not interested in any respectful dialogue at all with leftists, nor do I seek their approval or understanding. That ship sailed long ago, beginning under Reagan or even Nixon. I don't recognize them as my fellow Americans. They are my worst enemies. I want to chase them out of my country with a bullwhip, like Jesus and the moneychangers.

Jupiter said...

So Jamie Dimon is now a Commie-whisperer? I'm a little puzzled here. Aren't all the Lefties supposed to want to hang him from a lamp-post? After the Revolucion, and all that?

Jaq said...

"They point the finger at Biden and accuse him of planning policies that they themselves are currently utilizing."

I'll bite, Howard, what did Rachael Maddow tell you that Trump was planning?

Keith said...

Howard said...

I do wish people would stop referring to Trumpers as conservatives. They are not. The MAGA people described are Trumpers and Tea-Baggers, and they are not conservative. Their racial policies mirror the Nazis in the early days and their coercive policies, lean so far to the right, as to approach totalitarian fascism. It is just a matter of time. They point the finger at Biden and accuse him of planning policies that they themselves are currently utilizing. So they point the finger while three come back right at them. This strategy is one they have been applying for a decades. And it has worked.

They say that Fascism is always descending on the US, but landing in Europe. Well, it sure as hell looks like it has descended, but not enveloped the US yet in the form of the Nazi “Trumpers”

1-You say that Trump and his supporters' policies are similar to Nazi policies. Can you give some examples of Trump's policies similar to Nazi policies.

2-Do you believe a country - in order to maintain its security and values - should secure their borders or should the borders be open and not monitored so everyone who wants to come in can do so and we don't know who they are or their intentions? Do you believe a country should naturalize everyone who wants to come in - regardless of the values - so the next generation who are all citizens can vote based on their values wherever they came from, not American values, and so change the character of America?

3- Do you believe American should prioritize the needs of its citizens or should we prioritize the needs of the world's citizens?

4- Do you believe the education system should teach the three R's and basic science to teach its members to become productive and advance American values or should the education system indoctrinate Marxist thought (eg intersectionalism, DEI)?

5- Should one enjoy the fruits of one's labor - whether sweet or bitter - or should the government take the fruits of labor of someone who works hard to give it to someone who doesn't work?

6-Should the government be a referee in the game of life or should the government put its finger on the scale and advance the prospects of some based on his race and suppress others based on the color of their skin?

7-Should the government have limited enumerated powers or unlimited power?

8-Should the person who enjoys the fruits of one's labor be the person who worked hard for it or the government?

9-Should we maintain a strong military, support our allies and those whose values are similar to ours, and oppose our enemies?

10-Should judges rule based on whatever policy outcome they prefer or should they rule based on the actual text of the constitution and the written law?

11-If someone has XX sex chromosomes and ovaries is that a woman or a man or can you not tell from that information? Same question XY and testes.

12-Should men compete against women head to head in sports?

When you speak about conservatives I think you, as a liberal, aren't really familiar with us on this side of the aisle. Conservative values are what you would expect from the above. So are presumably all the values of Trump supporters. It's the same thing as Tea Party. Traditional American values. TBH, everyone in America would have agreed on the above 40 Y ago when Reagan was President. Not a single point there above was controversial. You can see then that, as none of those was controversial then, but half of America - those who vote for Biden - take the other half of the statement - that it's not that conservatives, or Tea party people, or Trump supporters moved right. It's that half the country moved far, far left. Is there any point above that, when Reagan was elected, Democrats OR republicans disagreed? If those points seem radical to you, it's you that moved left, not America that moved right.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

I mean, really? Can we stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit?

No, they can't.

They can't because there is NO issue where the Left can actual handle honest, non-bullying discussion.

Abortion? The Democrat position is that ANY limit on an aboriton by ANYONE, no matter how young, at any time up to and maybe a little bit past the moment of birth, is a horrible violation of "my body, my choice".

That 10 year old who got raped by her mother's illegal alien boyfriend? Give her an abortion, hush it up, don't prosecute the rapist.

THAT is the "Democrat way" on aboriont: care nothing for the raped 10 year old sex xlave, care only for "abortion rights"

Greg the Class Traitor said...

I mean, really? Can we stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit?

No, they can't.

They can't because there is NO issue where the Left can actual handle honest, non-bullying discussion.

Trans? https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2024/01/17/bigoted-rape-survivors-not-welcome-at-the-edinburgh-rape-crisis-center-n605734

Outcry over plan to educate ‘bigoted’ rape survivors about trans rights

THE head of one of Scotland’s biggest rape crisis centres has suggested “bigoted” rape survivors should be re-educated about transgender rights as part of recovering from their trauma.

Mridul Wadhwa, a transgender woman, said people would not truly recover unless they addressed their “unacceptable beliefs” because “therapy is political”.

Male rapists allowed to claim they're "trans", so they can be sent to women's prisons to rape some more. Male athletes allowed to compete in women's / girl's sports, even to the point of injuring the real female players.

None of this is remotely justifiable. And neither is chemically or surgically castrating kids. There's no scientific, legal, moral, or ethical way to justify it. All there is is massive greed on the part of some "doctors" and Big Pharma, and a desperate desire on teh Left to destroy middle class American society

Greg the Class Traitor said...

I mean, really? Can we stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit?

No, they can't.

They can't because there is NO issue where the Left can actual handle honest, non-bullying discussion.

Global warming? I mean "climate change"?

If you actually want to phase out "carbon energy sources", then you're pro-nuke.

No person who's actually worried about "climate change" would ever take a private plane anywhere. Or a chartered plane, or anything else that would significantly raise their "carbon footprint".

And no, paying someone else to plant trees / buying "carbon indulgences" does NOT make up for their expenditures. If you actually believe there's a problem, you live a life that shows that.

What you do NOT do is say "hey I'm rich / politically connected, so I can still do all these things. it's only you poor lowlifes who are going to have to sacrifice to avert climate change."

What the Left pushes on "climate change" is an obvious fraud. Any honest discussion reveals that. Therefore no honest discussion is allowed

Mason G said...

"Their racial policies mirror the Nazis..."

It's not the right who's clogging roadways with protesters chanting "From the river to the sea!"

D.D. Driver said...

Jamie Dimon would be a very solid choice as a Biden replacement when Biden is forced out this spring/summer. I think he beats Trump pretty easily.

Mason G said...

"No person who's actually worried about "climate change" would ever take a private plane anywhere. Or a chartered plane, or anything else that would significantly raise their "carbon footprint"."

What about heating their garage in Minnesota so they can charge their EV overnight?

Butkus51 said...

Jaime Dimon is a big part of the problem.

The Nazi training camp education at Harvard really helped.

Jaq said...

Actually, I am more curious about those policies that Trump supporters are "currently utilizing." Shaking their fists at clouds?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Mason G said...
"No person who's actually worried about "climate change" would ever take a private plane anywhere. Or a chartered plane, or anything else that would significantly raise their "carbon footprint"."

What about heating their garage in Minnesota so they can charge their EV overnight?

Are they heating it with a geothermal system powered from a nuclear power plant? Because it sure ain't solar they're using at night.

Or are they heating it with natural gas / propane / power generated from coal / oil?

The point where I irrevocably decided that Al Gore was lying when he claimed to believe in "climate change" was when it came out that he had a big house, with a big pool, and did NOT have solar heating for the pool.

This was living in a place where solar heating the water was actually cost effective. But he STILL couldn't be bothered.

D.D. Driver said...

Is this a Sista Soulja thing? 🤔. Lot's of us have Biden/Trump fatigue and are desparate for a pox on both houses option. I'm not interested in four years of Trump exacting retribution on his enemies and that's what we would get. If you hate the engines of power being used for politcal ends (I do) Trump is *not* a better option that Biden. All that will change is the government will try to throwing different people in political prisons and our Banana Republic will be complete. A vote for Trump or Biden is a vote against the Constitution.

Hey, remember when Trump said that because he thought he lost the election the rules of the Constitution could be "terminated"? If you have forgotten, I can find the Truth Social post for you. Chilling. Absolutely chilling.

Mason G said...

"But he STILL couldn't be bothered."

Seems like there are more than a few "Climate Warriors" who own beach houses. And not ones that were handed down through the family for generations.

Internet meme: "I wonder how the Davos crowd would feel, if once a year the rest of us met up to decide their futures."

Kakistocracy said...

Smart politicians will need to find a balance between controlling the chaos of illegal immigration, and limiting the economic fallout of anti-immigrant policies.

effinayright said...

Keith, Howard's gonna need a caseload of Preparation H to relieve the effects of the Multi-Galactic-Level BUTT STUFFING you just gave him.

He's gonna have to go to GoFundMe to finance the expense.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.... ”

Generally speaking, you have to give respect to get respect, which is not in the Magat DNA.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
“And I think people should be a little more respectful of our fellow citizens.... ”

Generally speaking, you have to give respect to get respect, which is not in the Magat DNA.

Nice self-refuting statement there, Leftie

It's not the "MAGAts" who are censoring people from social media, universities, and big business. It's not the "MAGAts" who created cancel culture.

you is you utterly vile scum of the Left who have worked so hard to destroy the rights of anyone who disagrees with you.

Which is why none of you will ever be worthy of respect, no matter how long you live

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Rich said...
Smart politicians will need to find a balance between controlling the chaos of illegal immigration, and limiting the economic fallout of anti-immigrant policies.

You mean the "fallout" of Americans without college degrees, black Americans, and hispanic Americans all seeing higher employment rates and better income?

THAT "negative fallout"?

Because God forbid that we have economic and immigration polices that make 2/3 of Americans better off!

Is the sarcasm coming through here?

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