January 17, 2024

"People are saying it feels like we’re sleepwalking off a cliff... The left is kind of despairing and divided and exhausted...."

"When you talk to people outside of politics — maybe you’ve had this experience too — they say, oh, I’m just pretending it’s not happening. I have to block it out for my own mental health.... This is a long, long time that we’re going to be living with this both extreme low energy but extremely existential fight.... A year ago, most Republicans wanted to move on.... And so what happened in between then and now? I mean, part of it, obviously, is the indictments and — I don’t know that it was preordained that he would come out of that with most Republican voters believing that he was a martyr.... There’s people who say, well, I did fine during the Trump years... but... people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge.... He has changed the culture. He has shifted our conception of what’s normal in a way that we might never get back the kind of innocence that many of us enjoyed in 2015 and 2016.... [I]magine what it will be like to see Donald Trump inaugurated again.... I strongly suspect that people won’t be able to say this isn’t who we are. It will manifestly be who we are. And I think people will just turn inward and try to shut it out...."

From "Michelle Goldberg Imagines a Second Trump Inauguration/Sounding the alarm on 'the utter bleakness'" (NYT)(transcript of this audio).

1. "Imagine what it will be like," not would be like — Goldberg is already resigned to Trump's return to the presidency. 

2. "The kind of innocence" — what kind of innocence was that? The innocence of believing you wouldn't have to feel bad? The innocence of living within the aura of Obama the Mood Elevator?

3. Trump may have "shifted our conception of what’s normal" — but bringing 91 felony charges against Trump did not become part of our conception of what's normal. Within our new conception of normal that included a weird celebrity billionaire as President, we did not easily stomach destroying him with endless and strange legal attacks. We became supportive of the protagonist in this bizarre movie we've been watching. By "we," I mean some unknown agglomeration of We, the People. And by unknown, I mean, I don't even know if I am in the agglomeration. 

4. Was it "preordained" that Trump would be perceived as a "martyr"? I hate to tell you, but Trump is not a martyr unless he goes down. If this plays out like a movie, all the forces massed against the protagonist will crumble, one way or another. Look what is happening to Fani Willis. It's like something from a melodramatic screenplay.

5. The election season is "a long, long time" of mostly just Trump dominating everything, and it is tiresome (even as it's also highly unusual). But whose fault is it that there aren't other candidates exciting us? There's nothing to look at among the Democrats. They're locked into one candidate and he's a person who can barely talk and certainly doesn't debate. And all these legal cases against Trump are giving him an immense extra platform. He shows up in court, does press encounters outside of the courthouse, jaunts to New Hampshire, delivers an energetic rally. He's doing his part to keep things super-lively. Nobody else stepped up.

6. "This both extreme low energy but extremely existential fight" — Well, why are you so low energy? "Low energy" is the phrase Trump used to knock Jeb Bush out of the 2016 race. What's wrong with you and everyone who is not Trump? How does he keep going with 91 felony charges weighing him down and a presidential campaign to run? 


gilbar said...

people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge....
He has changed the culture.

Now talk about Trump!!

wendybar said...

Someone so out of control in charge?? Like bumbling Biden?? She's so dumb, she thinks Biden is in charge.

gilbar said...

MULTIPLE wars, and getting WORSE.. Not Better
Crippling inflation and mortgage rates
a southern Invasion
boys and girls being encouraged to self castrate themselves
a demented and corrupt ruling family

but, enough about the fall of the Roman Empire

typingtalker said...

Those who can, do. Those who can't, whine in NYT.

rehajm said...

You should probably just kill yourself…

Seriously, I have no hope anyone but the people who run Biden will win the presidency small p. I am energized by the fact a few more people who didn’t recognize the scam last time can see it this time. Also, I’m pleasantly surprised there seems to be a few threads of civilization left to govern…

…oh, and that you’re so inefficient you haven’t had time to come for me. I was expecting this

Jaq said...

"people just forget how scary it often was..."

Yeah, incessant propaganda will do that to the people who consume it rabidly.

Scott Patton said...

"And I think people will just turn inward and try to shut it out".
And mind their own business? Nah

rehajm said...

They're locked into one candidate and he's a person who can barely talk and certainly doesn't debate

I see it is harder to hide the obvious this time around.

Christopher B said...

but... people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge.

MoDo wants to take a nap again but we're the ones who are sleepwalking?

bob said...

“He has shifted our conception of what’s normal in a way that we might never get back the kind of innocence that many of us enjoyed in 2015 and 2016.” Normal? Innocence? It wasn’t Trump who insisted men can become women and they have no physical advantage in women’s sports. He wasn’t the one who advocated experimental surgeries on children, encouraged pornography in schools, demonized parents who spoke up at board meetings. He didn’t lead protests that burned down cities and small businesses and let the criminals go free. He didn’t open the border to mass illegal immigration while openly lying that the border was secure—an intentional policy kept secret from the public with no open debate as to its merits or its goals. That’s what you get when people who run your country hate your country.

Todd said...

I remember all the "angst" over the Obama years but then I did not vote for him. I also was open/honest enough to understand that the man had a "crap ton" of fans. I only partially understood it; first black President and all that BUT unless you were a diehard liberal/progressive what the HECK did he do besides destroy everything he touched? Sure he was (is) a smooth talker but come on, did not the Democrat grownups not see the truth?

The left/democrats just don't seem to understand the entirety of Trump's appeal to the "deplorables". Obama got it wrong (though it made for good copy), Hillary also got it wrong, as did/do the lefty talking heads.

Most on the right would be fine to not elect Trump IF there were a viable alternative that fights like he does. Also as others have noted elsewhere he acts like he genuinely loves this country and likes the middle-class/blue-collars.

What has Trump EVER done to demonstrate that he is the "Hitler in training" that the left goes on about? Can they point to even ONE actual crime he has been convicted of that was not a he-said-she-said? Where is the tax evasion, where is the stealing, raping, murder? Where is the insurrection? Is he perfect? Hell no but he has not done a fraction of what the Democrats in power have and continue to do.

So where does the "terror" come from? Best I can see they are all afraid of Trump because they are afraid that (a) he will continue to pull back the curtain and show the world what they are and (b) might decide to due to them what they have been doing to him and they KNOW they are guilty whereas he is not.

Jersey Fled said...

I get the feeling that Lefties are getting to the point that they know Trump is going to win in November. They’re not going to put him in jail. Joe is getting impeached. Not even mysterious votes that show up at 2:00 AM in Philadelphia, Atlanta and Milwaukee can help them this time. They’ve lost the middle class. You know, the deplorables. I wonder which stage of grief this is.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wow really strong “tune out and turn on” theme developing today.

Iman said...

FAFO, whiny, despairing Left.

Dave Begley said...

“people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge...”

Living it right now and it is not going well.

“How does he keep going with 91 felony charges weighing him down and a presidential campaign to run? “

I’ve written here before: Trump is the mentally toughest person I’ve ever seen in public life. Winston Churchill is the only other comparison.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Perhaps the Number 1 issue the Trump haters agree on now is open borders. The college educated Americans want to turn the country over to the non-educated, as long as they are not the old white males. The woke have an education that is largely bullshit. White women and African Americans will have their day, but they will not be the ultimate winners. African Anericans may even lose ground compared to a few decades ago.

The woke hope that newcomers will almost automatically favor DEI. The huge mobs of murderous Jew-haters, who have nothing to do with Trump, will be a problem for some liberals. Abortion is hardly a salient issue. Dodds allows pro-choicers to get a lot of what they want, and then there is the morning after pill.

Trump is certainly not free from the open borders pathologies. He'd love to be praised by the NYT. He is happy swimming in a common river, as long as he can be a star.

rehajm said...

When you talk to people outside of politics — maybe you’ve had this experience too…

Oh God no- why would I want to talk with anyone outside of politics?

-Everyone inside the beltway

mezzrow said...

Despite the terror, the pride stands tall. When it collapses, you'll know we've entered the fall. (the autumn? Hmmm...)

Don't look down, Michelle. Be brave.

MartyH said...

Speaking of normal-does anyone remember the catchphrase “Don’t normalize Trump”? Attempts to recruit faithless electors? Calls for the twenty fifth amendment? An impeachment for a phone call? The 91 indictments and attempts to remove him from the ballot are simply a continuation of efforts to impede, hinder, and destroy Trump.

Nancy said...

Is there an echo in here?
"Do you remember the ecstasy of electing Joe Biden?" says Jonathan Chait


Kate said...

"People outside of politics" aren't paying attention yet. Goldberg needs to extend her acquaintance circle.

gspencer said...

"Goldberg is already resigned to Trump's return to the presidency."

You've buoyed my spirits already. When your enemy starts to talk as if they resigned to the inevitable, some percentage of the battle has been won. Goldberg and her big-government ilk are part of a loose conspiracy to get full control over the people. Their attack on all constitutional restraints on government have been relentless. For decades. In recent years it's simply become more visible. 2d Am. for sure. 1st Am. increasingly. 5th Am. on due process and property. Each protection is a target. To them, the 10th Am. was written with invisible ink.

gspencer said...

"Goldberg is already resigned to Trump's return to the presidency."

You've buoyed my spirits already. When your enemy starts to talk as if they resigned to the inevitable, some percentage of the battle has been won. Goldberg and her big-government ilk are part of a loose conspiracy to get full control over the people. Their attack on all constitutional restraints on government have been relentless. For decades. In recent years it's simply become more visible. 2d Am. for sure. 1st Am. increasingly. 5th Am. on due process and property. Each protection is a target. To them, the 10th Am. was written with invisible ink.

Quayle said...

When politics is your religion, the world gets small, and you start to use the word "existential" when talking about your fellow citizens voting differently than you in an election.

BG said...

“people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge”

I don’t know about anyone else, but during the President Trump years I felt safe. Except towards the end, but he didn’t cause the pandemic.

Jaq said...

Remember when Trump was president and things actually weren't so bad, but there were scary headlines every day? That was awful! It's much better today, when the world is on the brink of WWIII, our soldiers are dying in wars in the Middle East, and we are constantly provoking a superpower with 6,000 nuclear weapons, and the means to deliver them! I look at the news and am reassured that we are winning the war and that none of Russia's 6,000 nukes will ever get past our missile defenses, despite what is happening to our Patriot batteries in Kiev!

Millions of illegals are swarming over our borders and driving down wages while driving up the cost of housing and increasing homelessness, while stretching our healthcare system to its limits, not to mention the smuggling of drugs like fentanyl, which are killing our young people, but none of this seems to make it into the news, so I am very calm right now. NPR assures me that Trump is responsible for everything that I think is scary.

Oh yeah, and the high interest rates? That's because every dollar the Republicans spent was wasted, and so they are completely responsible for the deficit, while every dollar the Democrats spent was absolutely required for the health of our nation, and so they didn't contribute at all to inflation or the deficit. The deficit is 100% made up of dollars the Republicans chose to spend. Rachael Maddow assures me that this is true.

Jaq said...

It was important not to normalize Trump, instead we have normalized influence peddling at the presidential level, and pedophilia.

Christopher B said...

@Mike Wolf .. I was thinking that was the theme today, too.

Iman said...

I enjoy watching the YouTube videos of Douglas Murray embarrassing Goldberg and Malcolm Gladwell, Canada’s scum laureate.

Mike Sylwester said...

... we might never get back the kind of innocence that many of us enjoyed in 2015 and 2016

In 2015-2016, the Democrat National Committee (DNC) was manipulating its party's primary elections in order to help Hillary Clinton eliminate Bernie Sanders from the race as soon as possible. That manipulation motivated some Sanders supporters to hack the DNC computer system and leak embarrassing information about the DNC pro-Clinton favoritism to the public.

No Republicans participated in those hacks and leaks.

After Sanders dropped out of that primary race in 2016, however, the Democrats turned that affair into a different drama in which Donald Trump allegedly colluded with Vladimir Putin to destroy the USA's Democracy. That hysteria still consumes the Democrats now in 2024.

Michael said...

The first Trump inauguration was marked by mostly peaceful violence. Mainly trashing stores and burning the odd car. A second will make the Sainted George Floyd riots look peaceful indeed. It will be a shitsow for the ages.

Gusty Winds said...

Obviously, Michelle Golberg lives in a liberal elitest bubble. She doesn't give a rat's ass about the working class who produce the goods she consumes.

For Millions, a second Trump inauguration will be the greatest victory they've ever experienced over elite corruption. A day of celebration. A storming of the Bastille.

That's what worries Ms. Goldberg. What if the prisoners inside the Bastille are set free?

iowan2 said...

All of this phony pearl clutching, all brought on by ignorance.

I swear there aren't 100 people in this Nation that understands how the Nation is governed.

Despite the J school morons, there is nothing the President can do to sink the Nation. That is what I learned in a dinky rural high school back in the 70's. We are living this right now. We are experiencing a literal invasion of hostile forces. More the 8,000,000 illegals are on our soil because of Biden. But all the media can do is pretend Trump is going to do something (very non-specific) worse. What? Well thats by design. Fear of the unidentified something.

But the leftist, with their ignorance of the Constitution want to buy into the big lie.

Ambrose said...

We are deluged with articles detailing all the horrible things that liberals fear Trump might do, could do, and even allegedly once thought about doing, but very little about what he actually did - all of which was remarkably normal for a middle of the road Republican president.

Breezy said...

Maybe she would feel better if she read Bret Stephens’ recent column on the few good things about Trumps first four years….

Or, honestly, try to be happy for those of us who would be buoyed by another Trump win. There’re tons of us, your fellow citizens, don’t we matter?

This ridiculous childish angst of the left is simply exhausting.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

A lot of Americans find the current economy scary, and the multiple wars that could ignite wider conflict while Biden drools at Camp David and refuses our military the option of squelching the threat, and the perversion of the Justice Department in going after Trump since 2015 and continuing every day against tourists from J6.

rwnutjob said...

The right is sleep walking too. #Nevertrump has infected the conservatives too.

Aggie said...

Well..... I remember the riots. I remember pallets full of bricks being dropped strategically on the streets near offices with lots of glass. I remember U-Haul trucks dropping loads of 'for-hire' protestors off, equipped for their gig. I remember burning cities, and also some burning Main Streets in smaller towns, supported expertly by well-funded logistical supply lines.

I remember red hats being chased by mobs and beaten bloody, kicked when they were down and unconscious, cell phones and wallets stolen. I remember peaceful and urbane people being chased out of restaurants for the sin of enjoy a meal while Republican. I remember organizers handing out cash on the street as Kavanaugh hearing protestors filed by, who then trundled up to the balcony to conduct their mischief. And I remember Election 2020.

What Goldberg doesn't mention is that virtually all of these perpetrators are still comfortably ensconced in their lives, beyond fear of prosecution - and so are the organizers - David Brock and his ilk. They would be planning a return to this behavior and it will start even before the inauguration, if Trump is elected. Political protest, professionally delivered to maximum effect.

Note, that none of these were the actions of Donald Trump, and yet the stain of this chaos is forever laid at his feet, as Goldberg is trying to do here, in advance. These people got, and continued to get, a complete free ride, free from consequences. If Donald Trump wins decisively, the people that voted for him will need to consider taking a different direction in the face of another 4 years of miserable frustration and angst, of being treated as the polite subject of a trained agitator. I think the Democrats and their billionaire class donors will spend every penny they have and every minute of air time, to get you to associate your frustration with Donald Trump.

wendybar said...

I wish Michelle and the rest of the lying Progressives WOULD walk off a cliff, never to be heard from again. We've had enough of their propaganda and lies.

wendybar said...

Exactly what Todd said @ 7:17 AM!

Yancey Ward said...

Goldberg should move to Canada so that she can kill herself with compassionate, moron affirming care.

Sebastian said...

The post covers it nicely, but just to pile on:

"people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge"

Scarier than the government itself going after the elected president in the collusion hoax?

"He has changed the culture. He has shifted our conception of what’s normal"

He tapped in to the abnormality created under O. He tried to change it back. Make America great again, to coin a phrase. Against Dems saying America was never that great. All with Trumpian baggage, of course.

Yancey Ward said...

I will offer a caution to some of the commenters above- Goldberg isn't resigned to Trump winning next November- her and her ilk are laying the narrative background for defending the actions they are already planning to take to prevent him from winning.

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Wince said...

I never heard this one before: Trump stole our innocence!

"but... people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge.... He has changed the culture. He has shifted our conception of what’s normal in a way that we might never get back the kind of innocence that many of us enjoyed in 2015 and 2016."

NYC JournoList said...

Will Joe attend Trump’s inauguration? Is there a betting line open?

hawkeyedjb said...

Donald Trump will not be president again. There are too many people with too many ways to ensure this will not happen. "Democracy dies in darkness" has been replaced by "We will let you know if there is any news..."

Quayle said...

[Adapted from the prescient 1966 Mothers' tune]

Mister America
Walk on by
Your schools that do not teach
Mister America
Walk on by
The minds that won't be reached
Mister America
Try to hide
The emptiness that's you inside
When once you find that the way you lied
And all the corny tricks you tried
Will not forestall the rising tide of
MAGA freaks, Daddy....

They won't go
For no more
Great mid-western hardware store
Philosophy that turns away
From those who aren't afraid to say
What's on their minds
(The left-behinds of the Great Society)

MAGA freaks, Daddy....

Mister America
Walk on by
Your supermarket dream
Mister America
Walk on by
The liquor store supreme
Mister America
Try to hide
The product of your savage pride
The useful minds that it denied
The day you shrugged and stepped aside
You saw their hats and then you cried:

They won't go
For no more
Great mid-western hardware store
Philosophy that turns away
From those who aren't afraid to say
What's on their minds
(The left-behinds of the Great Society)

Big Mike said...

By "we," I mean some unknown agglomeration of We, the People. And by unknown, I mean, I don't even know if I am in the agglomeration.

If you don’t know, then yes you are.

rehajm said...

It wasn’t innocence you had in 2015 and 2016 you were just stupid…

rcocean said...

Had the Left/GOPe/Democrats just accepted Trump as the duly elected POTUS of the USA in 2016, then he'd been re-elected and now out of office. But no. They had to impeach him twice on bogus charges, and constantly run intelligence pys-ops, and "lawfare" against him. And then cheat to win the 2020 election.

Not to mention lie and attack Trump 24/7/365. Anything, other than address the concerns of the Trump voters regarding border security, immigration, foreign policy, free trade, etc. On those issues they weren't going to give a Goddamn inch, and their only response was insult and destroy.

Even after Trump left office, they couldn't behave in a reasonable manner. Trump was censored and driven off the internet, and banned from TV. And when he got back on, Biden had the FBI raid his house, jail his associates, and finally arrest him and charge with two "Lawfare" bogus crimes.

Trump voters have stuck with him, because we know the attacks on Trump aren't because he's a "Weird Celebrity billionaire", the attacks are coming because Trump stands-in for the voters the Left/Establishment hates. Notice that when Mr. V started taking the same positions, he was suddenly "scum" and a "Wacky isolationist".

This long rant has gone on too long, but let me say I have ZERO respect for the MSM, the DC Elite, and establishment in general after their behavior for the last 7 years. They are the REAL scum. GOPe is the fake opposition, and they're all on the same team, and against the american people. I hope Trump gets elected and causes them even more pain.

wendybar said...

".. we might never get back the kind of innocence that many of us enjoyed in 2015 and 2016"

Oh yes. 2016. The year somebody on the left murdered Seth Rich because he was spilling the beans about the corruption on the left.

AlbertAnonymous said...

“There’s people who say, well, I did fine during the Trump years... but... people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge.... “

I can decide for myself whether it was scary or not (and whether it’s scary now, under Biden).

These “elites” always think we are total morons, and must be morons, because we just can’t see what they see: how “scary” the orange man is. Just because it was scary for her doesn’t mean it was scary for me.

What's scary is how the swamp doesn’t even pretend anymore that they’re fair or even handed. The veil is gone. They just crush their enemies for all to see. Then deny it’s happening. Don’t believe you’re lying eyes.

At some point there will be a revolution. I don’t know how we avoid it. It’s feeling like the hunger games. All these “districts” against the capital.

Bob Boyd said...

Whose control is Trump not under? Whose control is it desirable he be under?

Whose control was Obama under? And W? What about Bill Clinton? Whose control was he under?
Would Hillary have been under control?

Robert Cook said...

"Trump voters have stuck with him, because we know the attacks on Trump aren't because he's a 'Weird Celebrity billionaire,' the attacks are coming because Trump stands-in for the voters the Left/Establishment hates."

No. The attacks on Trump come from people who hate Trump. He is not a surrogate for his voters.

Bob Boyd said...

Trump stole our innocence!

Conclusion: Despite his dreaminess, America's boyfriend never got past third base.

dbp said...

Crazy as the time we're living through, there is some light and that light is the comedy-gold of what Democrats are going through right now. If they'd played fair: No BS Russia-gate, no BS impeachments, no election shenanigans with unverified mail-in votes, Trump would be toward the end of his 2nd term and Democrats would:

1. Never have to worry about Trump again
2. Not be saddled with a senescent Biden
3. Almost certain to win in 2024

Instead, it looks like Trump will win in 2024 and if he doesn't, well, they can sweat bullets in 2028, because he isn't going away.

Bob Boyd said...

Joe Biden now, he's uncontrol, no doubt.

But whose? Doe Joe even know?

n.n said...

You should probably just kill yourself

Suicide is an immoral choice. Selfiesh-abortion is the very model of social progress in diverse secular sects.

n.n said...

He has shifted our conception of what’s normal in a way that we might never get back the kind of innocence that many of us enjoyed in 2015 and 2016.

She is stuck at the twilight fringe. Let us bray. In Stork They Trust

Original Mike said...

"[I]magine what it will be like to see Donald Trump inaugurated again"

I like to imagine what it will be like for Goldberg, Maddow, and the gang watching Donald Trump inaugurated again. Warms the cockles of my heart.

Seriously, these awful people deserve this and I will do my part to make it happen. It may be my number one reason for voting Trump. Not the spite so much (that's just an extra bennie) but they need to be taught a lesson.

Original Mike said...

Blogger Robert Cook said..."No. The attacks on Trump come from people who hate Trump. He is not a surrogate for his voters."

You couldn't be more wrong. They may hate Trump, but they hate the deplorables too.

n.n said...

Trump cast a light on immigration reform (e.g. labor arbitrage) in lieu of emigration reform. He greenlighted the exposure of the novel Green deal through environmental arbitrage. He ended the second Iraq war, the Iranian profit complex, the world war Springs, the anthropogenic forcing of CAIR, with a coalition of the willing. Well, not ended, but rather suppressed for a new administration to resume and progress in earnest.

Big Mike said...

"The left is kind of despairing and divided and exhausted...."

When I read about pro-Palestinian demonstrators harassing child patients at a cancer hospital, it does tend to lessen my concern over the angst being felt by the left. The left thinks it’s okay to rape and murder young Israeli women because they’re Jewish, it’s okay to accept bribes as long as you’re a Democrat, okay for young black men to assault elderly Asian women on the streets of large cities because they’re Asian, …. We see the world Goldberg wants for Americans and we totally reject it.

Gospace said...

rcocean said...
Had the Left/GOPe/Democrats just accepted Trump as the duly elected POTUS of the USA in 2016, then he'd been re-elected and now out of office. But no. They had to impeach him twice on bogus charges, and constantly run intelligence pys-ops, and "lawfare" against him. And then cheat to win the 2020 election.

Yep. What many of us who voted for him feared. He's a believer in deals, making them- and offered to deal with the DemoncRATs. They wouldn't deal. They could have had virtually everything they wanted-in the form of a deal. He would have done it. My first vote for Trump wasn't for Trump, it was an ABC vote- Anyone But Clinton. Second time around the vote was for Trump- as it will be this next time around.

But I still thing it will be a race between someone else and someone else, not Trump V Biden. Don't know who, don't know what will precipitate it, but still think it's going to happen.

PM said...

Donald, if for some reason you don't win the Presidency, please buy the New York Times.

Nancy said...

"Scary", a word favored by the left, is baby talk.

hombre said...

'"The kind of innocence" — what kind of innocence was that?'

That is a misprint. It's supposed to be "ignorance", not "innocence."

The kind of ignorance that compels a Jewish journalist to condone Obama sending pallets of cash to an Iranian regime that outspokenly seeks to annihilate the Jewish state of Israel and the US and finances terrorists who rape and murder Jewish women. While at the same time she demonizes the ex-President committed to stopping it.

TDS in spades!

Jupiter said...

"... they say, oh, I’m just pretending it’s not happening. I have to block it out for my own mental health...."

Michelle, the "it" they are referring to is you.

hombre said...

'"The kind of innocence" — what kind of innocence was that?'

Alternatively: Democrats were never innocent, Michelle. They were always possessed by demons. Until 2016 the dominant demon was corruption. After 2016, corruption merged with insanity. Trump released your demons.

It's your job to keep the normals from noticing.

Kevin said...

I mean, part of it, obviously, is the indictments

Maybe Michelle could look around the NYT?

You know, to see if anything there also might be "part of it"?

Kevin said...

Lucky for the NYT writers, there is a spaceship heading toward Earth behind a comet which will take them all to a place where Trump is no longer in charge.

Original Mike said...

Goldberg won't have to watch Trump's inauguration. MSNBC, CNN, et al. won't be televising it.

Prof. M. Drout said...

I would like to believe that the appearance of this story and others very much like it indicate that the people who write the talking points have realized that they need to pull their people back from the brink before they provoke a Yugoslavia-type civil war.

Maybe they realize that the sheer amount of fraud that would be required to get Biden past the finish line is either impossible or would end up being so obvious that it would be caught in a way that couldn't be denied or hidden.

If that's the case, then it's time to start talking their flying monkeys down off the ledge so that we don't end up in a kinetic civil war that no one can control and results of which no one can predict.

Sadly, I'm not confident that there are a sufficient number (or even any) "adults" left in any leadership roles who realize the immense risk of disenfranchising so many million people.

What's funny, is that at the same time that some prominent leftists are trying to come to terms with a potential Trump victory, a bunch of right-wing folks are going full throttle in the opposite direction: "Now they've locked in Trump as the nominee, they'll demonize him and Biden/whoever will win."

Really? Do you really think there's anything else that the media can say about Trump that hasn't already been said a million times in the strongest language possible? How do you "demonize" the devil himself?

And anyway, wasn't Hilary Clinton's plan to make sure that Trump got the Republican nomination so that it would be easier to beat him and the Democrats would clean up on the down-ballot races? How'd that work out for her?

(I have no doubt that there are many stupid people in leadership positions whose cunning plan would be to do EXACTLY THE SAME THING THAT FAILED in 2016, but is there really NOBODY in any position of power who would say "You know, the last time we did this..." If that's the case, the Democratic party might as well drop the donkey and replace it with Wile E. Coyote...)

Original Mike said...

"It’s hard to hate 75 million of your fellow Americans —” Kernen jumped in.

Jamie Dimom: “I agree, and you know, the Democrats have done a pretty good job with the ‘deplorables,’ hugging onto their Bibles and their beer and their guns. I mean, really? Could we just stop that stuff and actually grow up and treat other people respectfully and listen to them a little bit?"

effinayright said...

The closer the election, and the more Trump appears certain to win it, you can expect some crazed Leftie, or a group of them, to attempt an assassination.

Probably not with firearms, more likely with a suicide vest or explosives carefully hidden and/or disguised.

I'd hate to be leading Trump's security team at that point.

(and I wonder how much Trump trusts his Secret Service "protection", given that the Biden administration provides it. Can anyone imagine a "rogue" agent whacking Trump and being given the special "Ray Epps treatment? I can.)

Gemna said...

I feel like all sides are despairing about the future right now. Its not just the election.

Please prove me wrong. Offer a positive prediction for how things will be 10 years from now.

Mason G said...

"Maybe they realize that the sheer amount of fraud that would be required to get Biden past the finish line is either impossible or would end up being so obvious that it would be caught in a way that couldn't be denied or hidden."

The fraud last time was obvious enough that it wasn't hidden for long and denying it has been passed over in favor of getting in people's faces and saying "What are you going to do about it?"

Mason G said...

"people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge...."

Relax, Michelle. You'll still be able to have as many abortions as you want- Trump isn't going to try to stop you.

Yancey Ward said...

Gemna wrote:

"Please prove me wrong. Offer a positive prediction for how things will be 10 years from now."

I would if I could.

Jim at said...

You ain't seen nothing yet.

Neither have they.

Jim at said...

No. The attacks on Trump come from people who hate Trump. He is not a surrogate for his voters.

He most certainly is. Because if it wasn't Trump? It would be somebody else.

Jamie said...

The closer the election, and the more Trump appears certain to win it, you can expect some crazed Leftie, or a group of them, to attempt an assassination.

Probably not with firearms, more likely with a suicide vest or explosives carefully hidden and/or disguised.

To my horror, I've had this thought. My further ruminations include 1) if an attempt were to occur, will it have been sanctioned by the Biden administration? If so, why wouldn't it be with a firearm, supposedly wielded by a "religious" "ultra MAGA" "extremist" who is "convinced that only Trump's death will immanentize the eschaton"? Kill lots of birds with that stone.

And 2) if an attempt were to be a truly independent endeavor, wouldn't it still be with a firearm, wielded by a strongly progressive activist who watched some YouTube videos in lieu of finding The Anarchist's Cookbook in a used book store (that's too uncertain)?

Because a person in a suicide vest would bolster Trump's claim that we don't know who we're allowing into the country.

Oligonicella said...

Michelle Goldberg:
... people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge....

Do not project your fear fantasies onto me, asshole.

JK Brown said...

The tyrant dies and his rule is over, the martyr dies and his rule begins.
Soren Kierkegaard

They are trying hard to ensure Trump "rules" forever.

Josephbleau said...

I don’t understand why the democrats are so upset. Look at all the fun they will have when trump is elected. They can go on protests and call him orange. Moral panics are exciting, you make new friends and have a sense of purpose.

If they would have just let trump win in 2020 the world would have avoided war and the economy would be booming, trump would be term limited, and people would feel secure about electing a democrat to squander the built up surplus of wealth. Democrats can’t defer gratification.

Bad times create republicans, republicans create good times, good times create democrats, democrats create bad times.

Big Mike said...

... people just forget how scary it often was to have someone so out of control in charge....

Those of us who are not lefty extremists know exactly how scary it is. We look at President Biden.

Martin said...

Fun facts to do with what you will:
USSR Leaves Afghanistan: 02/15/89
USSR Collapses: 12/26/91
Days elapsed: 1044

US Leaves Afghanistan: 08/30/21
US date + 1044 days: 07/09/24
Days until that date: 172

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