January 26, 2024

"Notably, the court has not ordered Israel to cease its attacks, but only to take actions to ensure its soldiers and citizens adhere to the Genocide Convention."

From "U.N. Court Declines to Demand That Israel Stop Its Military Campaign/The International Court of Justice ruled that Israel must take action to ensure that its military doesn’t violate the Genocide Convention, and to let more aid in to Gaza" (NYT).


Dave Begley said...

Did this UN Court issue an Order to Hamas to not kill civilians and take hostages?

Fuck the UN. Worthless.

rehajm said...

While I like the idea dispersing Washington agencies to places where the people running them wouldn’t be caught dead, moving the UN to that weird remote airport in Maine is a wonderful idea…

rhhardin said...

It's the most ineffective genocide in history given the Palestinian fertility rate, Scott Adams points out.

Breeding like rabbits, where the Israelis only breed like rabbis.

Humperdink said...

Abbott defies Supreme Court, Israel defies UN court. Sensing a favorable trend here?

Let us not forget President Roomba gave the middle finger to the Supremes on student loans, as did Governor Hochul on the SCOTUS gun control ruling. Defiance is in the air and guess which party blazed the trail?

n.n said...

The transnational community is present in Gaza, and for decades has been UNable or UNwilling to abort or mitigate Fatah, Hamas, et al from prosecuting murder, rape, torture, and abductions. So, as in diverse African Nations, Israel has acted in self-defense.

Will the transnational community support/fund another ethnic Spring a la Obama/Biden/Clinton, sustain it a la the other Clinton, or will they end the war a la the other Bush? Perhaps they will carry out genocide as they did in South Africa to divest from their imperial... generational "burden" and retain "benefits" under the new government.

Jaq said...

At least Netanyahu is not being charged with evacuating orphaned children from a war zone, like Putin has been. If he had done that, he would have a warrant for his arrest out written in a judges private chamber. Remember when Russia got a chance to present their case in open court the way Israel has?

Will we ever get sick of the lies?

rwnutjob said...


Readering said...

The ICC issued an arrest warrant for Putin. Impinged on his international travel, but that war continues.

Kai Akker said...

U.N. can't order anything serious like Israel-desist, because they know it would expose how toothless and pointless the U.N. court is.

Robert Marshall said...

If the concept of a "non-justiciable" controversy applies anywhere, this is where it applies. This so-called "court" has no bailiff, no sheriff, no power, and no legitimacy. It's just political blather.

Jersey Fled said...

I’m sure Israel is impressed.

Cappy said...


Now expel the UN and all related agencies.

Tank said...

"Humperdink said...

Abbott defies Supreme Court..."

Yeah...no. He has not.

n.n said...

At least Netanyahu is not being charged with evacuating orphaned children from a war zone, like Putin has been.

Russia stands with Ukraine, but not Kiev.

Israel stands with Palestinians, but not Hamas.

The UN keeps the peace... fingers crossed.

Gusty Winds said...

Blogger Humperdink said...
Abbott defies Supreme Court

A bit off topic but the injunction regarding removal of border wire was against the Feds. Supremes decided Biden can remove the fencing, but there is nothing that stops Texas from putting it up.

Beto O'Rourke made the same mistake yesterday virtue signaling on X.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Gotta leave the raping and sodomy to the baby blue helmets doncha know!

Whiskeybum said...

United Nations ain't really united
And the organisations ain't really organised
Riki Tiki Tavi mongoose is gone
Riki Tiki Tavi mongoose is gone
[They} Won't be coming around for to kill your snakes no more, my love
Riki Tiki Tavi mongoose is gone

gilbar said...

what does it mean? when Gwyneth Paltrow starts making sense?

gilbar said...

Humperdink said...
Abbott defies Supreme Court...

Abbott follows the US Constitution

Jaq said...

Israel's response: "Hague Schmague"


Temujin said...

I think the UN and the ICJ have as much standing internationally as reruns of Mister Rogers Neighborhood, but with less credibility.

Ever take a gander at some of the members of the UN's 'Human Rights' Council? This is a laughable, grift organization. Great parties, but no one outside of some catering companies takes them seriously any longer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Gazans are mostly in bed with the evil Jew-hate they have been taught. Many Gazans are holding hostages and torturing the hostages.

Gaza should be turned into glass. It's not worth saving.

hombre said...

If the Israelis were going for "genocide", Gaza City would have ceased to exist on October 8th.

American progressives and college students are at the forefront of those too stupid to understand this. Islamist protesters worldwide are demonstrating to forestall opposition until jihad has a firm grip.

Anthony said...

Guessing the only reason the UN is still around is because it provides a ton of graft and corruption. Sure doesn't do anything else.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Iran's Ayatollahs should be brought to international justice and jailed for the rest of their old-white male Islamic supremacist lives - for their support and creation of terrorism in the region.

Biden and his cabal of corrupt a-holes should also be held to account for their financial support given to Iran without the support of the American Tax Payer.

Robert Cook said...

"Abbott defies Supreme Court, Israel defies UN court. Sensing a favorable trend here?"


n.n said...

Abbott follows the US Constitution

The letter, the spirit, the People, and our Posterity, included.

gspencer said...

So if Israel keeps on doing what it has been doing, there's full compliance with this order from this ridiculous court. Okay, now lets see this court do Hamas or any other Muslim group.

Paul Zrimsek said...

The precedent of Cnut v Tide is controlling here.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Abbott defies Supreme Court

That’s the DNC-Media spin. All the high court did was lift a lower court stay that forbid the Feds from cutting the razor wire. The stay was lifted without comment by the Supreme Court. There is no law against Texas laying wire down nor any order from a court to stop doing so. Basically SCOTUS sent the message that the Feds and TX can work it out amongst themselves. It’s the Biden administration that is defying the law by working so hard to keep the border open instead of defending America from unfettered foreign trespassers. Mayorkas is literally telling Congress that the border is secure while working very hard to open up on 8000 foot stretch that TX actually has secured.

cassandra lite said...

Can’t help noticing they didn’t “order” Hamas to refrain from genocide, which is their stated intention.

Jaq said...

For Americans, used to seeing how political trials work in our own country, it's fascinating to see the accused allowed to present a defense. It's an interesting innovation that perhaps we should bring to our own country. Instead we us "grand jury law," where the accused is not allowed a lawyer, and where no cross examination of witnesses is allowed, just like the ICC against Putin, and then, when the indictment comes down, the political figure is as good as guilty, as long as you can find some way to move the rubber stamping of the grand jury's decision to a venue where you can get a jury consisting of 95% people, drunk on propaganda, who already hated your victim for political reasons having nothing to do with the alleged crime.

Laughing Fox said...

". . . take actions to ensure its soldiers and citizens adhere to the Genocide Convention."

Drop leaflets warning citizens of attacks. Check

Create and guard escape routes from conflict areas for citizens. Check

Provide medical and food supplies. Check

Provide water and power to area. Check (Actually, Israel has been doing this for years.)

Guarantee members of the racial/national group equal citizenship rights and privileges when they reside within the state. Check

Provide paid employment and hospital care to members of the group residing outside the state, under ceasefire conditions. Check (This enabled Oct. 7 invaders to accurately target families and groups in their villages and homes.)

Looks like Israel has been and is adhering to the Genocide Convention.

Mark said...

Hamas isn't a signatory, thus it doesn't apply.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"Abbott defies Supreme Court, Israel defies UN court. Sensing a favorable trend here?'

"Fuck off" has always been a, much exercised, option. the novelty lays in who is using it these days.

rcocean said...

Thank God the Court Ruled somewhat in the favor of the Palestinians. Amazing how many Americans think Israel is somehow exempt from the rules of civilized behavior or has some grand exemption from its treaty obligation to not commit Genocide.

Bascially, Israel has to report back to the court in one month and explain it has complied with the following:

Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent the act of genocide (15 votes to two)
· Israel must ensure that the military does not commit acts of genocide (15 votes to two)
· Israel must take all measures within its power to prevent or punish incitement of genocide (16 votes to one)
· Israel must ensure humanitarian assistance to Gaza (15 votes to one)
· Israel must prevent the destruction of allegations of acts of genocide (15 votes to two)

So far, the Israeli Govenment has shown no willingess to stop committing war crimes (20,000 dead Gazans), or to punish anyone in the IDF for shooting civilians or bombing hospitals and Churches. The IDF of course is too gutless to send in their infantry on a large scale and go after Hamas in the tunnels. It prefers the cowards way, and kills 100 civilians through bombing to get one Hamas fighter.

The cutting off of food and water and the destruction of colleges, churches, and hosptials should be considered Genocide. Are you listening Genocide Joe?

Quaestor said...

hombre writes, "American progressives and college students are at the forefront of those too stupid to understand this."

Stupidity is far too generous. American progressives are wedded to the ideals of National Socialism. The same disease bacillus let loose in Germany by Adolf Hitler has found a new petri dish in our institutions that formerly were dedicated to the pursuit of truth. They have expelled truth to make way for an all-encompassing ideology that tolerates no dissent, no rivals.

We allowed this. We allowed the left to capture our schools, just as the Germans allowed the Nazis to capture their institutions. The forces of decency must take back the lost ground by any means necessary before it's too late -- before the progressives stop merely applauding genocide and start applying it here, to us, the defenders of the Constitution, the one great impediment to their ambitions.

Humperdink said...

Blogger Humperdink said...
Abbott defies Supreme Court

Gusty Winds responded: "A bit off topic but the injunction regarding removal of border wire was against the Feds. Supremes decided Biden can remove the fencing, but there is nothing that stops Texas from putting it up."

Wait just a minute. SCOTUS said the President Roomba administration was permitted to remove the razor wire. Did not Abbott indicate that was not going to happen .... in addition to laying more wire?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hamas commits genocide and mass murder. Israel expected to dance.
Gaza is a lost cause.

Humperdink said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mikeski said...

Thank God the Court Ruled[...]

Thank God the "Court" has no enforcement power whatsoever, and will be, justly, ignored.

20,000 dead Gazans

First of all, you gotta propagandize better than that. Surely, it must be up to Eleventy Million dead Gazans by now.

Second, even if your pals' made-up bullshit numbers were true, the mere fact of X number of people dying one one side in a war does not equal "genocide".

Kakistocracy said...

Let's do some math:

Population of Israel: 9.34 million

Top 5 populations in the Middle East:

Iran: 81 million

Turkey: 79 million

Iraq: 37 million

Saudi Arabia: 27 million

Yemen: 26 million

424 million in the entire Middle East.

Sorry Bebe, you're not going to survive fighting 400 million Arabs, no matter if you have nukes or not. You're going to have to figure out a way to compromise and create a Palestine state. Those 400 million Arabs are not going to let you get away with complete mayhem in the Peninsula forever. Sorry they just will not. Nor will the US stand shoulder to shoulder with you on this one.

Freder Frederson said...

We allowed this. We allowed the left to capture our schools, just as the Germans allowed the Nazis to capture their institutions. The forces of decency must take back the lost ground by any means necessary before it's too late -- before the progressives stop merely applauding genocide and start applying it here, to us, the defenders of the Constitution, the one great impediment to their ambitions.

I bet this sounds much better in the original German.

It is amazing that so many of the commenters on this site advocate the genocide of the Palestinians while claiming the left are the true Nazis and advocates of genocide. You also routinely advocate for setting up concentration camps and even killing your political opponents. Hell, Trump himself wants to set up deportation camps, concentration camps for the homeless and summary execution of low level criminals.

I don't think any of the left leaning commenters on this site have ever advocated imprisoning or killing their political opponents or advocated genocide.

At least Netanyahu is not being charged with evacuating orphaned children from a war zone, like Putin has been.

Do you actually believe your own bullshit? Putin has been kidnapping children from occupied territory, and they are not all orphans--and even if they were all orphans, who made them orphans?

Temujin said...

Well, the timing on this was nice. U.N. Agency for Palestinians Discloses Involvement of Employees in October 7 Attack; U.S. Pauses Funding

The UN has been a force for grift for decades now. Also some free raping trips, front row seats to some really horrendous human attacks, while doing nothing at all about it, and as mentioned earlier, some of the best cocktail parties in North America. In no sane world would the free nations of the world keep sending money, or even play a role in this useless organization.

We can meet and talk world peace. But to put it through a massively corrupt and evil organization that parades around as the World's Judge, when all of us playing along know it's not so, just seems so classically progressive. That is, bending knee to corruption and bad character.

Freder Frederson said...

Gaza should be turned into glass. It's not worth saving.

And yet another advocate of genocide.

This is even less defensible than claiming that the Israelis should treat Gaza like the Romans treated Carthage is not advocating genocide of the Palestinians.

Narr said...

The ICC. How precious.

Freder Frederson said...

Gaza should be turned into glass. It's not worth saving.

And do you have any idea of the world wide environmental consequences of turning Gaza into glass? Radioactive dust would contaminate a good chunk of the world. Of course since the prevailing winds are off the Mediterranean, Israel proper would mostly be uninhabitable. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Narr said...

Rich, my boy, neither the Iranians nor the Turks are Arabs.

ccscientist said...

Yes I understand that Israel is blowing stuff up in Gaza BUT they notified the civilians, they gave them a safe place to relocate to. If anyone gets killed it is their own damn fault.

Also, Israel has endured rocket attacks for decades. No other country would have stood for that.

Also also: the 2 state solution is BS. Palestinians have had a state (Gaza) for decades under their own government and they can't stop waging war on Israel. They want Jews dead.

Rocco said...

Rich said...
"Let's do some math:"
(A list of population figures, but no actual math, follow.)

"[Population of] Iran: 81 million...

Sorry Bebe, you're not going to survive fighting 400 million Arabs, no matter if you have nukes or not.

I dare you to go to Iran - the country whose name means "Land of the Aryans" - and call them Arabs. Hell, I dare you to go to Los Angeles and say that.

"You're going to have to figure out a way to compromise and create a Palestine state."

Israel has repeatedly offered a two state solution. It has always been the Palestinians who say no.

"Those 400 million Arabs (sic) are not going to let you get away with complete mayhem in the Peninsula forever."

Good thing they're only doing partial, controlled mayhem then.

And it's noteworthy that the Arab states - some of whom are on the list of states that have kicked out the Palestinians in the past - have not responded militarily. The most significant government response (other than Iran, see below) has been by Egypt to strengthen its border wall with Gaza to keep the Palestinians out.

"Sorry [the Arab states] just will not."

Yes, they are; that's exactly what they are doing.

Unmentioned is the split between mostly Shia Iran and mostly Sunni rest of the Middle East.

Iran, perhaps the largest state sponsor of terrorism, responded to the gift of billions of dollars from Biden by first giving weapons and support to both Gaza to kill Jews, and the Houthis who are terrorists fighting against the goverment of Yemen. And ferment other discord.

"Nor will the US stand shoulder to shoulder with you on this one."
That's Rich.

Rocco said...

Quaestor said...
"We allowed this. We allowed the left to capture our schools, just as the Germans allowed the Nazis to capture their institutions. The forces of decency must take back the lost ground by any means necessary before it's too late -- before the progressives stop merely applauding genocide and start applying it here, to us, the defenders of the Constitution, the one great impediment to their ambitions."

Freder Frederson responded...
"I bet this sounds much better in the original German."

Google Translate said...
"Nie wieder"

Jim at said...

Sorry Bebe, you're not going to survive fighting 400 million Arabs, no matter if you have nukes or not. You're going to have to figure out a way to compromise and create a Palestine state.

You actually think those Arabs give a shit about the Palestinians?
Hint: They don't. Not one bit.

Joe Smith said...

Scrape Gaza clean with a bulldozer blade and build food farms and solar farms in its place.

Leave it that way for at least 20 years and they reassess...

Leland said...

Wait just a minute. SCOTUS said the President Roomba administration was permitted to remove the razor wire.

As noted by someone else; Feds may cut the razor wire, but Abbott is not forbidden to put it down. As we say in Texas, we got more where that came from. In the interim, those that make it pass the wire will be shuttled up north to the friendly blue counties.

Jim at said...

Hell, Trump himself wants to set up deportation camps, concentration camps for the homeless and summary execution of low level criminals.

Why didn't he do all these things when he had the chance?

Maybe the best reason to re-elect Trump is so we can watch you hysterical ninnies lose what's left of your minds.

rcocean said...

I'd love to hear the "Kill 'em all" types give us their views on the death penalty. Or the Vietnam war. Or Lynching in the old south. Or the wars against the Native Americans.

Consistently bloodthirsty and "Tough" or just unprincipled?

And Hitler had the same view of the Jews. How are they different, except the like the Jews, and Hitler didn't?

Freder Frederson said...

Scrape Gaza clean with a bulldozer blade and build food farms and solar farms in its place.

Yet another genocide advocate.

When will Ann ever criticize them?

I am not holding my breath.

Why didn't he do all these things when he had the chance?

Why didn't he do all the other things he promised either?

Narr said...

"I'd love to hear the 'Kill 'em all' types give us their views on the death penalty. Or the Vietnam War. Or Lynching in the old south. Or the wars against the Native Americans."

As an atheist, I say just kill enough of 'em to make them stop trying to exterminate the Jews. The death penalty should be applied judiciously. The other three are over and done. Try to keep up.

Israelis and Jews in general are superior to Palis and Muslims in general.

hpudding said...

…the destruction of colleges, churches, and hosptials should be considered Genocide.

I’m trying to think of a historical precedent for a statement as dumb as this one, but I can’t think of any.

And the most predictable way of finding weapons and tunnel entrances in Gaza has actually turned out to be whether the site in question is a mosque, school or hospital.

rcocean just misses the good old days of the 13th century when all he had to do to demonize a Jewish community was to have experienced a recent plague outbreak. You could also accuse the Jews of draining the blood of non-Jewish children in order to make a ritual baked good. And then of course there was the Inquisition. rc must really miss those days!

In Islam of course both Jews and Christians were (and still are?) supposed to be prevented from having their testimony be considered as equal to testimony from a Muslim. You can just imagine how just a hearing those must have been. And then of course taking this to an international forum probably makes the Palestinians feel better about other UN rulings from 75 years ago that they’ve never accepted and even gone to war against ever since. They seem to have a real erection for demonizing the Jews and making it seem “official” by way of the ICJ.

Finally, there’s something intriguing about a country with the highest rates of rape such as South Africa has, bringing a suit on behalf of a terror army like Hamas that literally launched mass-raping Palestinian Perversion Patrols to start this whole war off.

100,000 Christian Armenians were just ethnically cleansed out of Azerbaijan. For some reason that’s an atrocity that guys like rc seem to feel ok about.

The OIC is Hamas’ guarantor of Islamic immunity in the UN. You thought justice was blind? Hell no. Strength in numbers for the OIC and its allies in folks like rc.

hpudding said...

Reading Freder’s posts about how seriously he takes the genocide charge, I was just struck by a broadcast of Hamas’ Fathi Hamad playing in the background on a clip I was listening to. Staying true to his nation’s leader in a previous generation, Haj Amin al Husseini (ally of Hitler and trainer of Bosnian WW2 troops to protect rail lines to Auschwitz), the guy says the following:

We must attack every Jew on Planet Earth!
We must slaughter and kill them, with Allah’s help!
Enough warming up.

On this day, as we are witnessing all that his happening with the grace of Allah,
We are looking forward to two important things,
Which are within sight:
The first is the cleansing of Palestine of the filth of the Jews,
And their uprooting from it, Allah willing.
This is within sight.
Four years, my brothers…
By 2022, we will be rid of them.
The second thing is the establishment of the Caliphate,
After the nation has been healed of its cancer -
the Jews - Allah willing.

That was Hamas’ official spokesperson, in charge of Al Aqsa network, Palestinian Hamas TV.

Plenty more where that came from. They proclaim it loudly and openly over megaphones that echo in open-air meetings that have all the vibe of a revival meeting.

Flat-out genocide that shouldn’t be hard to prove to an impartial court, especially given he copious volume of that talk in their culture. That’s their religion and what they see as their religious duty. And the left is with them.

As with communism, the left has been duped into labeling jihad like that as a form of justice. The genocide that goes along with it they shield with the succor of Islamic immunity. It’s a religious form of genocide and the left wouldn’t want to judge a non-western religious motivation like that. It would make them seem intolerant or something.

Michael McNeil said...

Israel is not a signatory to the Rome Statute treaty establishing the International Criminal Court. While the court has self-declared that it has jurisdiction in the question of possible genocide occurring in the Palestinian territories, since Israel is not a signatory and moreover has refused to cooperate in the ICC's investigation, its leverage over Israel in this regard as a practical matter is quite limited. Israel may do some things in response as a matter of PR, but probably only a limited set.

Jim at said...

Why didn't he do all the other things he promised either?

So in other words, not even you believe the bullshit you spew.

Michael McNeil said...

Breeding like rabbits, where the Israelis only breed like rabbis.

Ha ha! But, taking it seriously (as I believe it's intended to be), that presents really a false picture of the demographic situation facing Jews in Israel vis-a-vis both Arab Israelis and the Palestinians. Yes, the latter two have high birth-rates. Yes, the average fertility of Jewish women in Israel isn't all that great: 3.10 (as of 2020) – though that's better than a lot of places these days. However, stopping right there elides the massive distinct contribution of the Ultra-Orthodox Jews of Israel – whose (2020) fertility was 6.64! (Source: Israel Central Bureau of Statistics.) Of course, how much this matters depends on the size of the Ultra-Orthodox population of Israel…

As a (2020) piece in the Times of Israel put it: [quoting…]

The study found that the ultra-Orthodox, also known as Haredi, population in Israel numbers around 1.175 million, showing an annual growth rate of 4.2 percent over the past decade, over twice the 1.9% shown by the rest of the Israeli population and over three times that of the rest of the Israeli Jewish population (excluding the Haredi population), 1.2% [!]. At those rates, the community will double in size every 16 years while the rest of the population is expected to double in size every 37 years. The non-Haredi Jewish population is predicted to double every 50 years at current rates.


Ergo, in a few decades – naively, demographically speaking – not only will there be plenty of Jews in Israel, but a far higher proportion of them will then be the (ultra-fertile!) Ultra-Orthodox – and so on, into the future it goes. (Ah! demographics, isn't it wonderful… well, sometimes.)

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "It is amazing that so many of the commenters on this site advocate the genocide of the Palestinians while claiming the left are the true Nazis and advocates of genocide"

The left is in Full Alignment with the 7th Century Death Cultists and the 7th Century Death Cultists have made it explicitly clear in their charters and speeches and actions they seek the the complete annihilation of Jews world wide.

Your allies Freder.

Its all out in the open now.

But those pesky Jews just wont go easily into that good night they way the 7th Century Death Cultists became used to over hundreds of years.

These Jews fight back...and the low IQ pali-nazis hate it.

Drago said...

"...the destruction of colleges, churches, and hosptials should be considered Genocide."

Attacking colleges, mosques, hospitals etc is explicitly allowed when those facilities are sites with clear military capabilities and are being used for combat purposes.

Hamas knows that. You know that. Even Field Marshall Freder knows that (which is saying something).

Israel's performance in methodically and systematically and humanely as possible clearing out the 7th Century Death Cultists from their below ground city of death as well as the above ground covering facilities has been a marvel of tunnel warfare.

Far more successful along multiple dimensions than our efforts in Mosul and with a civilian casualty rate that stands above any other effort of this sort.

Even if you take the 7th Century Death Cult liars at their "word" (snort) of 30k dead, that still a 1:1.5 ratio of Hamas 7th Century Death Cultist "warrior" demises vs civilians...even with the human shield deaths US and western leftists pretend are Israel's fault.

Israel needs to see this all the way thru to the southern edge of Gaza...even if DementiaHitler Biden wants it to stop to help his reelect chances in Michigan.

Dr Weevil said...

Is 'rcocean' a bot, a paid liar, an unpaid liar who lies just for the love of Satan, or just a moron? He keeps repeating the same utterly false statements in pretty much the same words, e.g. this (11:34am):

"The IDF of course is too gutless to send in their infantry on a large scale and go after Hamas in the tunnels. It prefers the cowards way, and kills 100 civilians through bombing to get one Hamas fighter."

I have refuted this claim before. As of Monday the 22nd, 221 Israelis have been killed fighting in Gaza, including 24 on Monday - 21 of them when a building they were wiring for detonation went off prematurely. Hamas hasn't even claimed to have shot down any Israeli aircraft, so every one of those soldiers died doing what rcocean claims they're not doing: "going after Hamas" on the ground. You have to be a total swine to call them "gutless".

Israel also claims (very plausibly) to have killed 9,000 Hamas militants, who are entirely legitimate targets. Even if we take the Hamas claim of 20,000 total deaths (they claim all their dead are civilians) as fact, not fiction, Israel is not killing "100 civilians . . . to get one Hamas fighter", but 1.22. (And many of the dead civilians have in fact been murdered, on film, by Hamas, while trying to escape the areas to be bombed or trying to get food from UN trucks.)

When rcocean turns a ratio of 1.22:1 (11:9) into a ratio of 100:1, he is exaggerating by 8,100%. An 'exaggeration' that large is a euphemism for a filthy, damnable, lie.

Martin said...

And they also had employees that to part in the 10/7 attacks. Why in the world would anyone care what the UN says about anything.

Old and slow said...

Blogger Narr said...
Israelis and Jews in general are superior to Palis and Muslims in general.

This is the truth that is seldom mentioned. All cultures and people are not, in fact, equal.

Rusty said...

Freder Frederson said...
"Scrape Gaza clean with a bulldozer blade and build food farms and solar farms in its place.

Yet another genocide advocate."
You have no idea what the word, "genocide" means, but you will dutifully parrot what you are told.
What is the definition of genocide, Freder?

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