January 10, 2024

"Ms. Haley isn’t getting attacked just by Mr. DeSantis in Iowa but also by Mr. Trump in New Hampshire."

"The former president’s super PAC has started running a tough ad dredging up a line she used in 2015 in which she said those who were in America illegally were not 'criminals.' 'They’re families that want a better life, and they’re desperate to get here,' Ms. Haley said in 2015, in comments that the Trump operation has highlighted in conservative news media. 'Illegals are criminals, Nikki — that’s what "illegal" means,' says the narrator in the new Trump super PAC ad.... The narrator in Ms. Haley’s most recent ad says, 'Your family deserves a border, secured.' So although the debate is in Iowa, her answers on immigration will also play in New Hampshire, where she is being blitzed with negative advertising on the topic."

From "What to Watch at the Haley-DeSantis Debate and the Trump Town Hall/Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis will debate on CNN on Wednesday night, at the same time that Donald Trump is holding a Fox News town hall" (NYT). 

Here's that heavy-handed anti-Haley ad:
Poundingly, oppressively negative.

Here's Haley's ad, sunny and generic:

I'm struck by the difference between the still frames that display in the embedded videos:

The Trump ad stirs racial anxiety — with dark tones, tattoos, and a doubled image of a young man's wide nose. The only text is "over."

The Haley ad is bright, and the text "Strong and Proud" is reinforced by the big machinery that includes a yellow wheel that almost reads as a big sunflower.


Wilbur said...

The negative ad is far more effective. It's why they exist, even though the public claims to hate them.

Leland said...

Since the media claims words like “fight” and “march” are militaristic incitement to insurrection; DeSantis could sue for the defamation claim he assaulted Haley in an attack. Seems like it is typical debating on the topics. No one is trying to get the other one arrested.

Kevin said...

The question for Haley and DeSantis is whether they’re up for the job.

America is saying strongly through the polls that the job includes closing the border.

R C Belaire said...

AA : "Poundingly, oppressively negative." I may have missed it, but have you (AA) ever said this about a Biden/Democrat add targeting Trump? I mean, it's a foregone conclusion, no?

gilbar said...

The Nikki commericals i'm getting here in iowa are ALL negative
Anti De Santis, or Anti Trump, or just anti republican

I've Never heard her ever say a single positive word about anyone, even herself
In our Professor's example.. Does Nikki say anything positive?
Does Nikki say Anything? Besides being for Baseball® Apple® and Chevrolet® ?

boatbuilder said...

All of the candidates have sunny adds about their candidate and dark, grim ads about their opponents. Every one.

They all appear to have been cranked out by the same ad agency.

Emo works.

rehajm said...

Yah, the positive ads appeal to college educated white women who fancy themselves as bright bubbly effective leaders but the negative ads appeal to everyone and they are especially effective on college educated white women who fancy themselves as bright bubbly effective leaders...

If you're Democrats and you're trying to keep all the blacks in your column, instead of effective policies that help minorities it is easier to pay for riots. Riots and getting away with crimes have a sophisticated appeal with blacks...

lonejustice said...

Ronald Reagan was excellent in his positive campaign ads:


Oh Yea said...

You can tell how the supporters of every other candidate is afraid of her by how viciously they attack her.

Christopher B said...


Reagan also ran this ad in 1984


William said...

If everybody there comes here, then there becomes here. I have a vague sense of unease about this, but I don't know how opposed I am. Two of my grandparents were born in a stone hut in Ireland so I don't know whether I'm entitled to complain about impoverished immigrants... So far unemployment remains low and--I might be wrong about this--there doesn't seem to be much downward pressure on wages. Maybe things will work out or maybe not. One thing is certain: nobody voted on or approved or even discussed our current immigration policy. One can fairly characterize Biden's immigration policy as undemocratic.

Kakistocracy said...

Who would choose an establishment and big business supported candidate when you can have one supported by Russia and North Korea…

There was an omission in this article. It did not mention that Trump won't debate because his campaign knows that he is incoherent, cannot control himself, and certainly has not spent his time in Florida or on the campaign trail brushing up on policy. They know that debates can only hurt Trump. We used to call this cowardice and yet not a single journalist has confronted him about this. Instead they portray his refusal to debate as a show of strength.

Yancey Ward said...

The negative ad is effective because it highlights the absolute truth- the GOP in D.C., of which Haley is a member in good standing, don't actually plan to do anything to secure the border. Haley is just saying the things she thinks she needs to say in order to win the nomination- if, by some miracle, she becomes President, she will continue to say the right things but will do nothing at all.

cf said...

Nikki Haley is an IX-NAY for me because she is an outright war-monger.

Her positions sound so tired and strange now that Trump ended wars and started none. He showed the way.

Trump and Ramaswamy stand out alone against the deeply invested & vastly empowered war-machine.

G*dspeed to them both

rhhardin said...

Campaigns have a target audience in mind and assumptions about them. Women take the campaigns as deserving approval or deserving revenge. Nobody's offering or explaining policy, so it's all soap opera voting. Feelings rule.

Kakistocracy said...

Fun to see a new angle on this after the Obama-not-born-here.

tommyesq said...

"Generic" is a good descriptor of Nikki Haley - I would have great difficulty distinguishing her policy plans from those of all the other GOPe'rs of the last twenty-plus years. Look what that got us...

n.n said...

Martha's Vineyard policy is Deportation, Equity, Inclusion (DEI)

Democratic Congressional (DC) policy is to build a wall and deny civil... citizens' rights.

Obama's doctrine was the miscarriage of ethnic Springs, shared responsibility through progressive prices, CAIR, political congruence ("="), and "burden" relief.

A fascist state steeped in labor and environmental arbitrage with "benefits".

Forward! to the past.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rich - what does the BS Obama not born here BS have to do with Biden's open southern border?

Dave Begley said...

I'm so sick of Trump's manner.

He will lose the general election if he is nominated. Suburban women hate him.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

William wrote: "Two of my grandparents were born in a stone hut in Ireland so I don't know whether I'm entitled to complain about impoverished immigrants."

I believe something like 60% of illegals coming through the southern border will end up on some form of welfare in the long term. Short term, federal, state, and locals governments are expending all sorts of money to take care of the aliens' housing and other needs. These are all expenses that have to be paid for by U.S. citizens and consumers, either in the form of taxes or (more realistically) inflation.

The law of supply and demand has not been repealed. If the influx of illegal immigrants is not causing downward pressure on wages and employment, it can only be because so many of them are not working but are being financially sustained through other means. Sure, some of them may have relatives here who will support them, but (again) MOST will end up on some form of assistance.

You may not want to complain about mass, illegal entry into the U.S. Fine -- don't complain. But most Americans ARE complaining about it for the above reasons and others. Americans strongly oppose it and, through our duly elected representatives, we have enacted laws against such illegal entry. It's obvious that the current administration is practicing a policy of wholesale importation of foreign nationals in reckless defiance of our laws and of the manifest will of the American people. That alone is something worth complaining about, putting aside the harm this is causing for our economy and society.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I just read Trump is now claiming Hailey is ineligible? She was born in the US.

Why does he do this?

Wince said...

Didn’t Haley buy her mansion after getting a Boeing board seat?

Talk about snakes on a plane.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The only candidate talking policy is DeSantis.

But the Trump dick-stepping train will not be stopped.

Kai Akker said...

--- Trump and Ramaswamy stand out alone against the deeply invested & vastly empowered war-machine. [cf]

A Trump-Ramaswamy ticket would make a lot of sense to me. Two executives. A spell as VP would only improve Vivek's knowledge of government machinery and personalities. He wouldn't need all of the 4 years, so if he didn't get them, that would still provide the best possible backup, IMO.

Anthony said...

>>Ms. Haley said in 2015, in comments that the Trump operation has highlighted in conservative news media.

This has been irritating me for years. There's always a conservative media, but never a liberal one.

jim said...

Give he a break, even the best republicans are sometimes guilty of not lying.

Kakistocracy said...

@I stand…..Trump (on truth social) is questioning Haley’s citizenship and therefore Haley’s eligibility to run for president.

False claims question Haley’s eligibility to serve as US president

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump could attack Haley for all sorts of stuff - why focus on her eligibility as a US citizen?

Tina Trent said...

See? Open Borders Club for Growth destroying the middle and working classes. Nikki Haley is a pig.

Dave Begley said...

Vivek has no baggage; no drama.

Vivek is 40 years younger than Trump and 40 more IQ points.

Vivek can win younger voters. Women don't hate him.

The Vault Dweller said...

Nikki's ad is brighter, more upbeat, and friendlier, but it wasn't too long ago she said that there needed to be no anonymity on the internet. Her ad may be light and fluffy but her policy instincts are heavy-handed. I'm assuming she is trying to collect the small but significant number of voters who tend to be swayed by positive ads. It makes me think she aiming for 2nd place in hopes that DeSantis will drop out and then she hopes she will absorb most of his supporters. It is worth noting that in South Carolina, where she was Governor, she is polling at about 25% and Trump is at about 52%.

Lucien said...

And illegals seeking work based on false ID are guilty of uttering forged documents and defrauding employers.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...
Vivek has no baggage

Another phrasing for that is Vivek has no track record. That is an awful lot of risk to assume in choosing a President who isn't even 40 years old.

gilbar said...

I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
The only candidate talking policy is DeSantis.

spoken as someone that refuses to admit that Vivek is a candidate

Don't think Vivek talks policy? Listen to him.

Old and slow said...

The Irish weren't living in "huts" 100 years ago. They have been living in small stone cottages/farmhouses in rural areas for hundreds of years. These are rather rough, yes, but the word "hut" is entirely inappropriate. Even where there was no running water or electricity (and I knew people who lived like this just 40 years ago), the cottages were warm and inviting.

rcocean said...

Negative ads are sometimes neccessary. And its the only way you can get the truth to "normies" and low information voters.

GOPe, like Haley, constantly lies and obfuscates their true positions. On the campaign trail they pretend to be against amnesty and for border security when they are NOT. They pretend to be some sort of social conservative, when they're not. They pretend to want to fight the Democrats for the benefit of the Republican voters, when they are uniparty and want to "reach across the asile".

If they told the truth, then harsh negative ads wouldn't be required. But GOPe, and Haley are liars, so they need to be attacked.

Haley also revels her true positions on Internet censorship, wars abroad, cutting social security and medicare, etc. and then "walks it back" when it loses her votes. SHe needs negative ads to bring that home to the ignorant voters.

We got McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012, because men lied about what they stood for. Both men later bragged in the books how they "fooled the rubes" and stole the nomination. If we'd had more and better negative ads maybe they would've lost the nomination.

rcocean said...

Negative ads are sometimes neccessary. And its the only way you can get the truth to "normies" and low information voters.

GOPe, like Haley, constantly lies and obfuscates their true positions. On the campaign trail they pretend to be against amnesty and for border security when they are NOT. They pretend to be some sort of social conservative, when they're not. They pretend to want to fight the Democrats for the benefit of the Republican voters, when they are uniparty and want to "reach across the asile".

If they told the truth, then harsh negative ads wouldn't be required. But GOPe, and Haley are liars, so they need to be attacked.

Haley also revels her true positions on Internet censorship, wars abroad, cutting social security and medicare, etc. and then "walks it back" when it loses her votes. SHe needs negative ads to bring that home to the ignorant voters.

We got McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012, because men lied about what they stood for. Both men later bragged in the books how they "fooled the rubes" and stole the nomination. If we'd had more and better negative ads maybe they would've lost the nomination.

Tina Trent said...

William: are you kidding me? I work in extreme (tear down) home restoration with my useful Renaissance Poetry degree. Actually, it is useful because I work in tragic circumstances. Illegal immigration has destroyed multi-generational, reliable firms and driven pay so low that anyone with any sense has gotten out -- with the exception of certain jobs that require a permit and documentation, who usually just send illegals to do the actual work anyway. I recently had a guy who didn't know how to use a very dangerous machine and had to be winched out from between two trees dangling over a gully. He was weeping. He could have died. I couldn't break the one window that wasn't caught between trees. They left him alone and he spoke no English. It was several hours before we could winch him out. Jesus wept. Jesus Christ, my grandparents came from Italy, and they weren't fat and lazy, and they learned English and never got a dime in welfare.

If you want a mortally expendable, socially destructive slave class, keep dithering. Or shut up if you know as little as you appear to know. Those of us in construction can tell you a thousand horror stories. I just put my hand on the glass next to his hand and prayed with him and called his boss 30 times. Horror shit. And the rest of the industry is ruined. Get some clarity.

hombre said...

I liked the Haley ad, but I was surprised not to see her foot in her mouth.

As for war-mongering, I suspect we will need a war-mongerer during the next administration to stop the jihad both in country and out. It has already begun on our streets and campuses. The Ak-47s and RPGs are missing - for now

Dave Begley said...

Vivek started a biotech and made millions. Then started an asset mgmt company. Written two books.

Trump had a TV show before he ran.

Temujin said...

Ron DeSantis is the most competent person running for this office this year. He would get so much done for America if given the opportunity to work for us. We're entirely missing the boat on this one and it's the last best chance we have to turn things around.

Trump will be four exhausting years of bullshit from both Democrats and Trump. And he'll leave with the Federal Government larger than ever and more powerful than ever. He talks, but nothing happens.
Haley will be like having a Bush family member in office. She just wears different clothes. And we'll get sparkling new wars to talk about!
Another Biden term will be the end of us. Period. Not the end of Democracy, but the end of the Republic as we knew it. A crumbling of society will not be impeded one bit and will proceed until we form small City-States for our own protection.
A Michelle Obama term would be a ponderous jaunt into a non-stop barrage of racism-focused executive orders. But we'd get to swoon over Barack once again.

DeSantis looks finished...unless he can manage to pull Iowans out of their homes in 4° weather on Monday night. And I think we are about to lose our best chance at a serious, accomplished, competent leader.

Dave Begley said...


I would agree with you but for the fact that I've seen Vivek 5 times in person. Go his website and look at any of his Iowa townhalls. He's a wonder.

Dave Begley said...


I'm predicting that Vivek will finish a strong second in Iowa.

Do NOT doubt me on this!!

jim said...

"Why does he do this?"

You have ask?

The Vault Dweller said...

I wonder how much ads like this matter now, or will in the near future. I'm assuming most people under 40 don't watch TV regularly or at all. And when they consume media online, they are very likely to run an ad blocker. If you want to affect these voters or potential voters, you need to do it through some sort of meme, short humorous video, or maybe a podcaster. If it is not a short clip that they can see on some sort of social media somewhere they won't see it.

mikee said...

DeSantis elected would become the same crapfest the Trump years were, because that agitprop and weaponized government agencies and lawfare works for the left. And as we all know, the moment DeSantis comes to power he magically also becomes Hitler reincarnated, and deserves everything that would be done to him, and any means used to destroy him.

Haley is a squish. Trump has baggage. DeSantis isn't as appealing as either, personally. This election is already lost due to universal mail in ballot harvesting put in place in 2020 and never repealed. What comes next from opposition to the left might not be so nice as any of these three candidate options.

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Temujin said...
Ron DeSantis is the most competent person running for this office this year.

I would love for policies similar to what Ron DeSantis has implemented in Florida to be implemented at the Federal Level, particularly regarding fiscal restraint. But Ron DeSantis benefits from a Republican Super Majority in both of Florida's legislative chambers. It seems very unlikely that a Republican President in 2025-2029 would have that same legislative support. I also don't know if DeSantis is politically adept enough to deal with Democrat opposition unless he has overwhelming backing of his party's legislatures.

Rocco said...

I wonder what the white people I know who have noses that look like that (usually of Bavarian or Italian descent) would say if I told them their noses stoke racial anxiety.

Mason G said...

"Vivek has no baggage; no drama.

Vivek is 40 years younger than Trump and 40 more IQ points.

Vivek can win younger voters. Women don't hate him."

Alissa Heinerscheid wanted to win new customers for Bud Light. Sometimes, what your current customers want matters, too.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Temujin. Bam.

Drago said...

Dave Begley: "Vivek started a biotech and made millions. Then started an asset mgmt company. Written two books.

Trump had a TV show before he ran."

Your BS reminds me of the democraticals in the 80's claiming all Reagan ever did before running for President was being upstaged by monkees in movies.

Congratulations on adopting the dem playbook.

Wince said...

Unfortunate choice of words from her comms department.

"Grit and Grace"

Prompting the question: what "grit" of sandpaper does she use on her face?

I hate to mention it, but she always looks painfully raw and sanded-down.

Kakistocracy said...

@I stand ….. I'm surprised it took this long. "Parents must have been citizens, too" (or sometimes, *both* parents must have been *natural-born* citizens, too, even though that would exclude Trump himself) was a thing floating around as a variant on Obama birtherism, and also Ted Cruz.

Ramaswamy's parents weren't citizens at the time he was born. His dad still isn't. I wonder if Trump will opine about this. It looks like Ivana didn't become a citizen until 1988 (after their three children were born) and Melania became a citizen a few months after Barron was born. Someone should ask Trump if his kids are full citizens who could someday be president.

Jupiter said...

You can't really blame Nikki Haley. She really, really, REALLY wants to be President. Really. But she hasn't got a clue about how to run the country, which could be an issue. But not for Nikki! She has turned this problem into a solution, by auctioning her policy platform to the highest bidders. What a cunning stunt!

Jupiter said...

"Someone should ask Trump if his kids are full citizens who could someday be president."

That's Rich!

Grandpa Publius said...

Grandpa Publius said

The Dream scenario is that Haley or DeSantis defeats Trump in the primaries and goes on to lead a campaign based on unifying conservative principles that wins in a landslide that includes both the House and Senate. The Democrats are incapable of preventing it. It would require, however, Trump to be gracious loser who campaigns for the foe that defeated him.

I said it was a dream.


Rabel said...

Trump 2024.

I hope you guys will be OK after it happens.

traditionalguy said...

Remember Haley is represents the RINO wing of the GOP. She is the new Paul Ryan redux seeking the money that comes with that anti-Triump job totally owned by the Koch brothers,

Trump can’t be fooled by them again. Ergo he will wipe out bird brain Haley like he did morose DeSantis when he was the Koch bought candidate.

Drago said...

Temujin: "Ron DeSantis is the most competent person running for this office this year. He would get so much done for America if given the opportunity to work for us. We're entirely missing the boat on this one and it's the last best chance we have to turn things around."

The question that has been asked almost every single day since DeSantis declared his candidacy remains unanswered to this very day:

How is it DeSantis would deliver for America when the entire rationale for his campaign was predicated on a successful GOPe/dem lawfare effort to remove Trump from the campaign (which I believe will happen) AND DeSantis' major funders were all globalist America Last-ers and the DeSantis GOPe campaign staffers all despised what Trump represented in terms of policies?

So these globalist types are going to dump $2 Billion+ into a potential DeSantis general election campaign, then DeSantis supposedly overcomes democratical cheating because we all know the democraticals only cheat against Trump because he and his supporters are so horrific, and then DeSantis is going to waltz into the oval office and shout "Psyche! I am America First baby and I am going my own way so stick it Ken Griffin!"?


Is that really how it works in DC?

Mason G said...

"Trump has baggage" = "I'm trusting the Democrats to decide who the Republican candidate should be"

Harun said...

NY Post reports a knife fight in a migrant camp in NYC over a woman left a man dead.

The article says racialized gangs are forming and thievery is common. (They quote a Moroccan man saying that you have to watch your possessions or they get stolen)

So, is Trump's ad wrong?

MrLiberty said...

Whatever gets her gone is fine by me. There are enough Anti-American, pro-Deep State politicians out there. She needs to go.

Aggie said...

I was cooking for the cold snap when I overheard a scrap of an interview on Fox. Nikki comes 'from a small town in North Carolina. It just had 2 traffic lights!' With just the right trace of south-eastern accent, I sh*t you not. The stroking was gag-worthy on both sides. She has as much charisma and public presence as a fireplug.

loudogblog said...

Trump is making a mistake by hammering all the viable Republican candidates.

Don't forget that he needs to choose a VP from the viable candidates.

It would be ironic that, if Trump were to lose this election, it would be because he constantly violated the 11th commandment and couldn't muster a qualified or undamaged VP choice.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Fake news trump will be the nominee, you'll have to sign up again and back another loser.Cmon man pay attention these other people are just media fodder and they are not electing no Indian culture woman and they sure ain't electing no Indian man.Its just in the cards you can bet on that. It's trump and then lose again , its where they got themselves to. :(

Kakistocracy said...

How many American independent registered voting men here commenting? Because you are not the majority. It’s women, with historically 10 million more voters each year in presidential and non-presidential US elections. It’s independents with close to 50% of all registered voters in the US.

MAGA clearly don't understand magnets, and that's the type of edge Trump has over his base. The stable genius effect.

Tina Trent said...

Temujin, always right again. Vivek for Vice. Natural order of things, though if Trump makes it, he'd better make nice with DeSantis. Vivek for vice in either case. Put DeSantis on the cabinet. He runs things well. Hell, throw Christie on HUD.

Every day will be jolly.

Kakistocracy said...

It wouldn't surprise me if Chris Christie dropped out tonight.

rcocean said...

"I'm so sick of Trump's manner."

Yeah who cares about Policy? Its all about mean tweets.
Can we elect Oprah? Or what about Tom Hanks?

He's such a nice man.

Rocco said...

Rich said...
"Ramaswamy's parents weren't citizens at the time he was born. His dad still isn't. I wonder if Trump will opine about this. It looks like Ivana didn't become a citizen until 1988 (after their three children were born) and Melania became a citizen a few months after Barron was born. Someone should ask Trump if his kids are full citizens who could someday be president."

Considering where Obama birtherism started, we now know that Hillary Clinton posts here under the handle "Rich".

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