January 31, 2024

"Mr. Biden did not specify what the U.S. response would be. Some Republican lawmakers have urged him to attack Iran directly..."

"... although Mr. Biden emphasized again on Tuesday that he was determined to avoid a broader regional conflict, telling reporters: 'I don’t think we need a wider war in the Middle East.' In an apparent sign that Iran was trying to tamp down tensions, Kata’ib Hezbollah, one of the most powerful regional militias linked to Iran, and the one the Pentagon says was most likely responsible for the deadly attack in Jordan, made the surprising announcement on Tuesday that it was suspending military operations in Iraq, where it operates...."

From "Iran is ‘not looking for war,’ the head of the Revolutionary Guards says" (NYT).


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our inept CIA cannot take out the Ayatollahs.

Instead - Biden gives them billions.

Oligonicella said...

The enemy never lies to you. Nope. Not even with a history of it... it's the truth this time.

Leland said...

I’m skeptical of all the reporting except for the part of Biden not being decisive.

Goldenpause said...

Biden doesn’t want his Iran supporting staffers to go on a 3 hour hunger strike.

Gusty Winds said...

'I don’t think we need a wider war in the Middle East.'

First intelligent thing Biden has said in his entire fake Presidency.

Cappy said...

Probably mass conversion to Islam.

Gusty Winds said...

"Some Republican lawmakers have urged him to attack Iran directly"

Who are the "some"? Not that I don't believe it. There are moron Republicans too.

That's why the MAGA base, and the LARGE majority of GOP voters, and now the country support Donald J Trump.

Let me guess. Lindsey Graham wants to drop bombs on more people?

tim maguire said...

Attacking Iran directly would be stupid. Trump and Bush both had success hemming Iran in by improving relations with the countries around it. Obama and Biden squandered their achievements.

Paul said...

Image if Biden attacks Iran or even Iranian proxies and Iranian backed terrorist that walked into the USA via the open Southern Border, attack shopping malls, churches, schools, etc and, like in the Israel attacks, take hostages, kill hundreds if not thousands of people...

What will happen?
Do you think Iran and other nations have cells in the USA?
Would you, as head of Iran's spy service, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), send such cells into the USA? North Korea's? Putin's spy service? Xi's?

Well as The Terminator once said..."I would". Just a wide open border asking for them to come. Been that way for over 3 years.

Paul said...

Image if Biden attacks Iran or even Iranian proxies and Iranian backed terrorist that walked into the USA via the open Southern Border, attack shopping malls, churches, schools, etc and, like in the Israel attacks, take hostages, kill hundreds if not thousands of people...

What will happen?
Do you think Iran and other nations have cells in the USA?
Would you, as head of Iran's spy service, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), send such cells into the USA? North Korea's? Putin's spy service? Xi's?

As The Terminator once said..."I would". Just a wide open border asking for them to come. Been that way for over 3 years.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

If you dont attack you are a weak and indecisive and if you attack you just want to start another war. Make up your minds huh? Same as it ever was!

DINKY DAU 45 said...

If you dont attack you are a weak and indecisive and if you attack you just want to start another war. Make up your minds huh? Same as it ever was!

DINKY DAU 45 said...

If you dont attack you are a weak and indecisive and if you attack you just want to start another war. Make up your minds huh? Same as it ever was!

Dave Begley said...

Good point by "Biden is Corrupt."

Despite the billions the CIA receives, why can't it take out the leaders of Hamas, Iran and the Houtis (sp)?

What is the CIA good for other than interfering in our own elections?

Prof. M. Drout said...

I would like to know if the U.S. has packed up air-defense radars that should have been protecting those bases in Iraq and Jordan and shipped them to Ukraine.

Much is being made of the attack having been carried out by a drone, and drones are small, and "the drone wars have begun," etc., but for several years now the Saudis have been detecting and shooting down drones coming from Yemen (remember all the yelling about how "we shot down a $1000 drone with a 2-million-dollar missile"?).

It seems important to know if the drone was undetectable by our systems or if the systems that should have detected the drone were absent, and the reason for that absence...

...which is why we will only find out 10 years from now in some document-dump.

Rob C said...

Maybe we could stop "bombing" Iran with money and stop trying to negotiate with them. All that money that we freed up while not going directly to checks to buy missiles and drones allowed them to use other money that they would have had to spend on food and such.

Maybe we don't need to invade or bomb Iran but they certainly should be worried about that happening and right now they aren't. We also should be making it so that any Iranian Revolutionary Guard leaders should think twice about being outside Iran.

Kirk Parker said...

Paul: for a lot longer than 3 years.

Wince said...

Biden vowed Sunday to retaliate and “hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner [of] our choosing" for the deadly attack, which injured more than 30 soldiers.

Biden's regurgitation of the trite "time and manner of our choosing" is some big dick energy right there.

n.n said...

Biden Springs forward in dreams of Obama, Clinton, et al.

Dave Begley said...

The thing that drives me wild about the Biden presidency is that all of these problems were completely avoidable if the Dems hadn't cheated and stole the election.

We constantly see stories about murders and rapes committed by illegal aliens; people who never should have been in this country in the first place.

Biden has cause incalculable damage to this country.

wendybar said...

Who are the "some"? Not that I don't believe it. There are moron Republicans too.

That's why the MAGA base, and the LARGE majority of GOP voters, and now the country support Donald J Trump.

Let me guess. Lindsey Graham wants to drop bombs on more people?

1/31/24, 8:54 AM

Lady Lindsay AND Nikki Hillary do.

Bob Boyd said...

What about dropping Lindsay Graham on Iran?
Shouldn't we at least consider it?

hombre said...

A good start for QuidProJoe would be to stop giving money to terrorists and their enablers. Of course, that would dry up the kickbacks.

Temujin said...

"Iran is not looking for war."

Please. Iran is like a young environmental fanatic who runs around California in the peak of a dry summer, lighting as many small fires as he can in order to start a major conflagration. Iran is all about starting a massive war. To destroy Israel. To split up Islam. To become the paramount power in Islam.

They've been killing us since the 70s. We keep complaining and threatening. One direct, massive action would end these actions from Iran. Sure, it would open the door to others....possibly. But it would end the Ayatollahs hold on Iran. The Persian people want to be free.

gilbar said...

i keep forgetting..
Does resident Biden still work for the Iranians?
or is he still working for the Ukrainians?
or the Chinese?
Who DOES our resident work for? (sure ain't US)

gilbar said...

Paul said...
Image if Biden attacks Iran

imagine IF President Trump had been in power these last 3 years!
President Trump was THE ONLY PRESIDENT IN MY LIFETIME Not to start any wars

Just IMAGINE what our world in 2024 would be like in the seventh year of a Trump Admin
GO AHEAD! imagine it!!

Charlie said...

I especially like how every time Biden speaks to the press these days it's outdoors, through the din of helicopter noise........it's almost as if they're trying to avoid clear, concise communication.

hawkeyedjb said...

An open border is a clear weakness. Combine that with the $billions shoveled to Iran. What can possibly be the endgame? What on earth are our 'leaders' trying to accomplish?

I have sat in wonder as Obama and then Biden have worked tirelessly to help Iran achieve nuclear weapons status. I haven't any idea what they were/are doing. Do you?

hawkeyedjb said...

"Iran is not looking for war"

Well of course not, then the money flow would probably dry up, at least for a little while.

hawkeyedjb said...

By the way, I'd like an over/under on how many days until the USA and its allies re-start the money flow to UNRWA/Hamas. Does two weeks sound too long?

robother said...

Next week, Biden will announce a devastating strike on an (recently emptied) warehouse. That's how you prevent escalation in the Middle East.

BUMBLE BEE said...


rcocean said...

I cant access the article. Does it indentify WHICH republicans senators. I'm getting very annoyed at the way the MSM constantly says "Republican senators attack Trump" Or "Republican Senators support Biden's approach to..." Or "Republican senators say..."

Ok so WHO? Name them!

We all know the NYT/WaPo/NBC/MSM are just talkng to usual suspects. miss lindsey, mittens, Collins, Lisa Murky, McConnell, thune, Cornyn, etc.

And they turn that into "republican Senators say" because otherwise we'd all go "Oh, Romney is attacking Trump again...Yawn". Or "Miss Lindsey or Cotton wants to bomb someone..Yawn".

Joe Smith said...

Why aren't we just cutting them off from everything?

Instead, we're sending them billions of dollars.

Democrats are fucking idiots.

Joe Smith said...

'Do you think Iran and other nations have cells in the USA?'

I doubt there will be a state-sponsored attack in the USA.

That would result in Trump, the last thing those jerks want...

Drago said...

hawkeyedjb: "
An open border is a clear weakness. Combine that with the $billions shoveled to Iran. What can possibly be the endgame? What on earth are our 'leaders' trying to accomplish?

I have sat in wonder as Obama and then Biden have worked tirelessly to help Iran achieve nuclear weapons status. I haven't any idea what they were/are doing. Do you?"

Obambi and his minions long ago decided to enact policies that would enable the Shia Mad Mullahs of Iran to become the dominant power in the Middle East.

This decision by obambi and the dems, with the Full Support of the Howards of the world, is driven by pure hatred of Israel and the Sunni kingdoms.

There's alot of background on that but at this point is it really necessary to regurgitate it again?

Naturally the dems will pretend to be "outraged" by Iran's action and do a bit of rhetorical and/or minor military response push back here and there but in the end the dems/globalists want Iran in charge of the ME and the US to keep the pallets of cash flowing in to their buddies.

Rocco said...

Prof. M. Drout said...
"It seems important to know if the drone was undetectable by our systems or if the systems that should have detected the drone were absent, and the reason for that absence..."

I read a comment that the drone was detected, but that it was assumed to be a US surveillance drone that was expected to return to base at that time. I don't know if that is true or not. But it would explain why the bad guys chose that time to attack.

Shades of the flight of B-17s expected at Pearl Harbor on December 7th.

tommyesq said...

If you dont attack you are a weak and indecisive and if you attack you just want to start another war. Make up your minds huh?

That is why we so strongly objected to you and yours foisting Biden on us (and on the world) with your suitcases of fake ballots and the like, so we wouldn't find ourselves in this position.


Rusty said...

gilbar said...
You and I are about the same age. I never thought I'd live to see the day where Israel was at peace with any of its Arab neighbors. Yet Trump did it. The Abraham accords are probably the greatest piece of statecraft in this new century.

Skeptical Voter said...

Well Joe is likely to decide that a strongly worded letter is a sufficient response. Of course he'll have to have Dr. Jill compose it, but he's going to sign it right after this afternoon's bowl of ice cream. He'll be careful not to dribble (or drool) any chocolate sauce on the page.

Chick said...

Give Iran another 10 billion dollars to go away. Oh, and an Elmo doll.

FleetUSA said...

FJB needs act and not talk.

Bruce Hayden said...

“What will happen?
“Do you think Iran and other nations have cells in the USA?
Would you, as head of Iran's spy service, the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), send such cells into the USA? North Korea's? Putin's spy service? Xi's?”

They are already here. Maybe not the Rooskies, but the Chinese and Muzzie terrorists. A lot of military aged Chines crossing into this country recently. It’s not like they could just walk here. They got out of their country, with stiff border controls, then halfway around the world, before crossing into this country. My view is that the Dems are brain dead about the southern border. They have to know that we are being invaded by Chinese, Muzzies, and violent cartels, but insist on keeping the borders wide open - why? Because Trump wanted them closed?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

From "Iran is ‘not looking for war,’ the head of the Revolutionary Guards says" (NYT).

Well, of course not!

"War" would be the US fighting back, and Iran doesn't want that!

What Iran wants is to commit acts of war against the US, and the US to do nothing in return.

Interesting how many people who call themselves "America First" have as their response "Iran should be able to commit acts of war against the US at no cost!"

That sounds pretty "America last and least" to me.

Iman said...

As if Biden would even listen to a Republican. You made the mess, you decrepit old man. Clean it up!

Jaq said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jaq said...

Chinese proverb: He who tied the bell to the tiger’s tail should remove it. I say we give Joe a rifle and send him and Lindsay Graham over to fix it.

Robert Cook said...

"If you don't attack you are a weak and indecisive and if you attack you just want to start another war. Make up your minds huh? Same as it ever was!"

It all counts (to them) who the president is. If they like the president, he is strong and fearless, righteously willing to whip some Middle East ASS if he sends in the military (or drones), or a prudent, sober person of wisdom who seeks to resolve rather than inflame global tensions if he declines to send in the military (or drones).

If the person who is president is anathema to them, he is a reckless war-monger if he fights and a craven pussy (and/or in cahoots with the enemy) if he doesn't.

loudogblog said...

I don't blame the Biden administration for being careful here. Remember in the movie, Zulu Dawn, how the British got beaten soundly because they relied on their superior technology instead of taking the Zulu threat seriously? Our military is designed to fight other nations that have fairly modern militaries. I suspect that we just don't have enough intel about the Houthis to be able to cripple them.

There are many examples of a smaller, military force being to able to cause significant damage to a superior military force because the superior military force does not have superior intel. The reason that three American soldiers were killed this week was bad intel. (They mistook hostile drones for friendly ones.)

rcocean said...

THere seem to be a large segment of Americans who just love war. And bombing people. All the Goverment has to say is "We believe foreign country X may somehow be involved in attacking US troops" or "we need to stop foreign country X, they're just like Hilter!" and boom they're screaming for blood, and shouting "We have to fall in behind our Commander in Chief, and support the war"

Of course, after the war or the bombing these dumbos forget all about Foreign Country X. And if you ask them what specifically makes foreign country a CONCRETE threat they get mad, or shut up, or start talking some gibberish about "well this will happen and that will happen and before you know we'll be fighting them on Miami beach"

Iran is no threat to the USA. They're over 5000 airmiles away and have the GDP of NJ. There's no reason for them to stop the Persian Gulf oil flowing, and they never have stopped. We should be friends instead of bombing them.

But Americans love all the drama and bluster. And OMG the Iraians have Done X, we need to teach those towel heads a lesson!

GIddy minds and foreign quarrels.

Rusty said...

Robert Cook said...
"If you don't attack you are a weak and indecisive and if you attack you just want to start another war. Make up your minds huh? Same as it ever was!"

"It all counts (to them) who the president is. If they like the president, he is strong and fearless, righteously willing to whip some Middle East ASS if he sends in the military (or drones), or a prudent, sober person of wisdom who seeks to resolve rather than inflame global tensions if he declines to send in the military (or drones)."
In other words like Trump.

Static Ping said...

Of course, they are not looking for war. They are looking for attacking whoever they want, whenever they want, without any response. War requires at least 2 sides and they don't want opposition.

Why Obama and Biden somehow think Iran can be bargained with is beyond me. Of all the countries in the Middle East, they are the least likely to act in good faith. Them or the Palestinians.

William said...

When training a child or a pet, it's best to provide positive or negative feedback immediately after an action has occurred. Simple — — Psych 101.

But not for this administration. No, they have to game our response like they game everything else.

Too clever by half.

These people are dumb as h_ll, but making it worse, they think they're smart.


tommyesq said...

It all counts (to them) who the president is. If they like the president, he is strong and fearless, righteously willing to whip some Middle East ASS if he sends in the military (or drones), or a prudent, sober person of wisdom who seeks to resolve rather than inflame global tensions if he declines to send in the military (or drones).

If the person who is president is anathema to them, he is a reckless war-monger if he fights and a craven pussy (and/or in cahoots with the enemy) if he doesn't.

Exactly, because you (and many others) look past what being a good President is - someone who can advance America's agenda without triggering attacks on our troops, so that this kind of binary response situation doesn't arise in the first place.

Gee, I can only think of one President in the last 50 years who fits that criteria...

Robert Cook said...

"Iran is no threat to the USA. They're over 5000 airmiles away and have the GDP of NJ. There's no reason for them to stop the Persian Gulf oil flowing, and they never have stopped. We should be friends instead of bombing them."


Robert Cook said...

"In other words like Trump."

See? You like Trump!

Robert Cook said...

"Exactly, because you (and many others) look past what being a good President is - someone who can advance America's agenda without triggering attacks on our troops, so that this kind of binary response situation doesn't arise in the first place."

I don't know what you mean when you say, "Exactly because you...etc." What do you think I think?

"Gee, I can only think of one President in the last 50 years who fits that criteria..."

Who is the "one President in the last 50 years" whom you so admire?

Freder Frederson said...

You and I are about the same age. I never thought I'd live to see the day where Israel was at peace with any of its Arab neighbors. Yet Trump did it. The Abraham accords are probably the greatest piece of statecraft in this new century.

There are three possibilities here:

1. You are under 30 years old (not likely if your picture is actually you),
2. You are a fucking moron,
3. You are a fucking liar.

I will go with 2 or 3. Israel made peace with Egypt in 1979, and Jordan in 1994, in deals brokered by two of your favorite presidents, Carter and Clinton.

The Abraham accords, of course, were not peace treaties but rather normalization of diplomatic relations, as none of the signatories (Bahrain, UAE, Morocco and Sudan) had ever formally been at war with Israel. Bahrain and UAE signed on because Kushner and Trump promised them they could buy F35s, which of course ain't gonna happen.

Rusty said...

I'm 72 Freder.
On my worst day I'm many IQ points more than you.
I make it a point to tell the truth. You should try it sometime. You'd get more respect.

Rusty said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bunkypotatohead said...

"The US has admitted that a drone strike in Kabul days before its military pullout killed 10 innocent people.

A US Central Command investigation found that an aid worker and nine members of his family, including seven children, died in the 29 August strike.
The youngest child, Sumaya, was just two years old.
The deadly strike happened days after a terror attack at Kabul airport, amid a frenzied evacuation effort following the Taliban's sudden return to power.
It was one of the US military's final acts in Afghanistan, before ending its 20-year operation in the country."

Go get 'em, Joe.

Rusty said...

You can tell Freder has been waiting a long time to call someone a liar and a moron.
It's my opinion Freder. I'm still allowed to have those.For the time being.

Prof. M. Drout said...

Blogger Rocco said...
I read a comment that the drone was detected, but that it was assumed to be a US surveillance drone that was expected to return to base at that time.

Our drone should have an IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) transponder on it that would let our people know that it was one of ours when they picked it up on their radar. Their drone should not have that IFF transponder. If the soldiers were just relying on visuals, then they didn't have sufficient radar air defense, which makes me wonder if we have left our troops inadequately protected so we can send more equipment to Ukraine because all our leadership class--going back to Bush in Iraq--knows how to do is to double down on tactics that aren't working.

(Ukraine is more than sufficiently armed to prevent further Russian advances; pushing the Russians out of Donbas or the Crimea is a fantasy; and we've blown through 10+ years of weapons systems and munitions that we don't have the manufacturing capacity to replace (not to mention that we're broke). But we keep doubling down on Ukraine despite there being zero chance of any improvement in the situation, which makes me think that the Ukrainians must be paying Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, and John Cornyn as much as they paid the Biden family over the years).

wendybar said...

They have to know that we are being invaded by Chinese, Muzzies, and violent cartels, but insist on keeping the borders wide open - why? Because Trump wanted them closed?

1/31/24, 11:44 AM

DING, DING, DING....You hit the bullseye!!!

Rocco said...

Prof. M. Drout said...
“Our drone should have an IFF (Identify Friend or Foe) transponder on it that would let our people know that it was one of ours when they picked it up on their radar. Their drone should not have that IFF transponder. If the soldiers were just relying on visuals, then they didn't have sufficient radar air defense, which makes me wonder if we have left our troops inadequately protected so we can send more equipment to Ukraine.”

Hey, those billions of dollars aren’t going to spend themselves.

As of 29 Jan, the DoD is still assessing the incident, but identified a group it said was responsible: https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3659809/3-us-service-members-killed-others-injured-in-jordan-following-drone-attack/

Robert Cook said...

"I'm 72 Freder.
"On my worst day I'm many IQ points more than you."

Not according to prevailing indicators.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
"Iran is no threat to the USA. They're over 5000 airmiles away and have the GDP of NJ. There's no reason for them to stop the Persian Gulf oil flowing, and they never have stopped. We should be friends instead of bombing them."


You are both complete morons.

Iran considers the US to be "The Great Satan". This is a religious belief, and will remain true so long ask the mad mullahs are in charge.

They are rabidly Shia, and the rest of teh ME is run by Sunnis. For you ignoramuses who have no idea what that means, try Northern Ireland and Protestants vs Catholics in teh 1920s.

Except it's more like 1600s Germany during the 30 years war.

No, Iran isn't going to "get along with us", and claiming / hoping they will just shows your total lack os understanding of the world, and of anyone outside your pathetic little bubble

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