The juror in “seat No. 3” reported on his way to court that he was feeling hot and nauseous, and was advised to stay away and test himself for COVID, the judge said.
Trump’s personal attorney, Alina Habba, also reported having a fever within the “past 24 hours” and having dinner with her parents — who recently tested positive for COVID — in the past few days....
January 22, 2024
"Minutes after Trump arrived in the lower Manhattan courthouse — where he’d been expected to testify later in the day — US District Judge Lewis Kaplan sent all of the parties in the case home."
From "Donald Trump defamation trial live updates: ‘COVID exposure’ cancels proceedings in E. Jean Carroll’s $10M case, moments after ex-prez arrives."
Farce will proceed once the Chinese virus is gone.
The judge should have ordered more cowbell.
Everybody's got the fever
That is somethin' you all know
Fever isn't such a new thing
Fever started long ago
I was exposed to covid on Jan 1st at a party.
the e-mail blast went out a few days later to let all at the party know one person tested positive. Of course, it was the person I set next to at one point.
I too felt a little off so I called my doc's office and spoke with the nurse over the phone. (that was handy) She told me "we are in the post-covid apocalypse" - those were her words.
She said covid is everywhere... Only good news is it is a milder version and the symptoms are not as severe or deadly.
I asked her if I could come in and get tested because the home-tests are so unreliable. She told me to get 3 homes tests and do all 3 spaced out. and to wait until my symptoms worsened to do the tests. I'm only conveying this because it might be useful.
Covid is here to stay and it's not going anywhere.
Lets all get excited about the next Chi-Com democrat party virus to be released! must control everything so the crooks and elites can maintain power. Killing the elderly is especially important to the pro-com elites.
"prog-com" elites.
Ah ha! A COVID conspiracy to derail another of the Democrat show trials.
Nothing a little bleach (ahem.. disinfectant) and some Ivermectin can't solve…Oh and don’t forget introducing light into the lungs….
What happened to The Show Must Go On?
I’d like to report that judge can go shit in his sombrero.
“prog-com" elites”
You had it right - right as rain - the first time.
which trial is this?
To this day my wife and I don't know if we've had COVID, and neither her docs nor mine seem all that interested . . . FWIW we have taken home tests with negative results.
She had a week in January of 2020 that we're pretty sure was an early strain, and both of us have had mild cold-like symptoms since. But COVID? It's anyone's guess.
I never expected the vaccines to actually work, and thought Trump was a dumas for talking about how great it would be.
Vaxxxed, masked, contagious, and socially distanced for the foreseeable future, or a punitive judicial measure? Either is probable and viable.
Would they have rescheduled if juror #3 had a cold? The days are long since over when someone nearby having COVID was a show-stopper.
That said, it's all over twitter that the judge delayed the hearing so that it would fall tomorrow, during the New Hampshire primary. Election interference (despite Trump's own attorney being one of the people asking for a delay).
Rich - nothing a little Chinese Communist Fauci gain of function lab money cannot solve. They are working on the next deadly virus.
Your side rocks, man.
"I asked her if I could come in and get tested because the home-tests are so unreliable. "
Are they? I haven't heard that one.
Rich - Ivermectin is an award winning drug that showed promise in relieving symptoms if administered early.
Ivermectin is not a money-maker for the drug companies. Which is why Ivermectin was mocked by the collective left. (Including the FDA - lol)
Ah - and there was the Dutiful Loyal collective left... mocking Ivermectin in unison... in loyalist fashion. Obey the corporate money whores - right Rich? Good boy!
We all note you're still mocking Ivermectin. Did you not get the memo? Even The FDA had to back out of their previous BS stance.
"In August 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration reversed course and admitted that doctors would be allowed to prescribe ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19."
hahahaha and to cover their corrupt asses - the FDA also states: "The FDA has never asserted that the off-label prescribing of ivermectin for COVID-19 was prohibited."
FDA (the Leninist hacks that work there - loyal democrat fucktards) snorted 'it was a horse pill.' Of course all sorts of medications can be administered to humans and animals. a good example is Gabapentin. But the collective loyal liar left acted with utmost loyalty, snorted and lied in derision and unison on behalf of the mega-drug companies and the democrats pocketing money at the alter of the forced jab. Fauci himself would not answer the congressional question as to his profiteering.
Loyal leftists like RICH are happy warriors and loyal mockers for the Leninist Left.
What a flying shit-show of urban pussies. Try farming for 50 years and find out what you have to work through. Including stuff you sometimes catch from your critters when slapped in the mouth with sloppy, shit-covered tail. You call in "sick" and everybody goes hungry. Baby critters die. Or the crop rots in the field. Or all three.
A bit similar to a draft deferment. Eventually, they'll come knocking on the door again...
I am just so over this - but everyone does not agree
I am attending a fitness retreat in February, traveling to Mexico. The instructor, who is my local instructor, is requiring that all attendees be vaccinated and boosted.
She didn't specify with the "most recent" booster, so my interpretation is that I am good.
Covid, you won't know you have it, until you take the test. Otherwise you think you have a cold or the flu.
COVID as an excuse is this decade's version of the "I am having a women's problem". A "get out of anything" excuse and just like with the "women's problems", there is no rejoinder. At least the covid excuse can be used by men and not just women and [these days] trannies...
Ha! Ha! Ha!
If it’s just one juror, they no doubt have an alternate. But if one has it, then likely some of the heavily Vaxed other jurors do too, by now. Masks really don’t do much good, if the person is presymptomatic or asymptomatic, since the virons are mostly in an aerosol, and are an order of magnitude smaller than N95 mask holes. Masks only help if the person is symptomatic, and they expel the virons while coughing. Moreover, the virus seems to spread more by touch (then through the eyes) than through the air…
The big reason that people getting reinfected with the virus is very likely that they were over vaxed. Vaxing with the ModRNA vaccines appears to significantly interfere with acquiring Natural Immunity through at least two mechanisms. First, the jabs over imprint the immune system (colloquially called “Original Antigenic Sin”) on the two (historically, until last summer, Wuhan variant) spike proteins. This prevents adequate imprinting on closely related antigens - such as the rest of the virus, as well as the spike proteins from other variants. And, secondly, for a month or two after a jab, immune systems expend much of their resources fighting a massive infection of (Wuhan variant) spike proteins (produced by the ModRNA) from the jab.
Effect of Higher-Dose Ivermectin for 6 Days vs Placebo on Time to Sustained Recovery in Outpatients With COVID-19
A Randomized Clinical Trial
Among outpatients with mild or moderate COVID-19, treatment with ivermectin, with a targeted maximum dose of 600 μg/kg daily for 6 days, was not shown to improve time to sustained recovery compared with placebo. These findings do not support the use of ivermectin in outpatients with COVID-19./
/• Ivermectin. The drug ivermectin, used to treat or prevent parasites in animals and in humans, isn't a drug used to treat viruses. The FDA hasn't approved use of this drug to treat or prevent COVID-19. Taking large doses of this drug can cause serious harm. Don't use medications intended for animals on yourself to treat or prevent COVID-19.
• Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine. These malaria drugs were authorized for emergency use by the FDA during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the FDA withdrew that authorization when data analysis showed that the drugs are not effective for treating COVID-19. They can also cause serious heart problems./
I stand......
"Covid is here to stay and it's not going anywhere."
I mentioned to my wife that eventually everyone would get it. She, of course, said that no not everyone who has been vaccinated will get it.
I hated to tell her that I had been vaccinated and I got it. About two weeks before christmas and I had all the vaccinations except the latest one.
So yeah. Like the flu, eventually everyone will get it.
Absolute Bullshit! - In an act of BRAZEN ELECTION INTERFERENCE, Judge Kaplan, the Leftist judge in Trump’s E. Jean Carroll defamation trial, just delayed Trump’s trial that he was supposed to attend today, until tomorrow, January 23, the day of the New Hampshire primary.
“Farce will proceed once the Chinese virus is gone”
Except that the number of vaxed, revaxed, and boosted is high enough, that there really isn’t the natural immunity bar to continued reinfection that you would normally see with this sort of virus. I saw note earlier that Dr (in respect to your profession) Fauci had been infect 4 times - by summer of 2022. I think he caught the virus again in the last month or two. That’s probably 5 times - at least. It’s when enough of the population gets whole virus immunity that viruses die out. The vaxed, and esp the heavily vaxed, have a substantial immune response to the (long now obsolete) Wuhan variant spike proteins. Just not to the rest of the virus, nor to any spike proteins from Delta on. The over vaxed just aren’t building whole virus immunity.
Dearie me. COVID! Eeek!
"I'm only conveying this because it might be useful."
What's useful is ivermectin. You can find it on the internet, you don't need a prescription from a Democratic operative.
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
Rich - Ivermectin is an award winning drug that showed promise in relieving symptoms if administered early.
Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug. It kills lice, mites, and worms of all sorts that have infested humans and animals. The cause of COVID-19 is the virus SARS-CoV-2 which is not a parasite. So Ivermectin was misrepresented as a cure for COVID-19 which folks paid rip-off prices to buy, whereas the COVID vaccines were free.
Perhaps Trump was doing y'all a favor by suggesting a straight shot of cheap household bleach as a cure. I am unsure whether you swallow it, inject it, or rub it all over your body.
the proceedings have been making me nauseous for some time, kangaroos can take a break,
Rich beclowns himself yet again.
How delicious and delightfully triggering. Nothing that can't be cured by inhaling Fenton's Reagent.
On that campaign did he use his now common "not a joke, man" or "you think I'm kidding but I'm not"
John Henry
Who picked a doorknob at the courthouse?
Hundreds of millions of of people take ivermectin daily around the world. It is prescription in only a few countries.
In other words, it is as safe as houses. Probably safer than aspirin or acetaminophen.
There is conflicting info as to wherher it works on China flu. We could have found out quickly if we'd been allowed to try it.
John Henry
Rich, you rite them werds real goodlike, but yer still seme kinda stoopid.
Why in the hell do the anti-Trumpers feel like they have to lie or obfuscate to make a point against Trump? He's not so great that you can't make valid points against him. Or maybe he is really that good and the bs is all you can come up with? C'mon man. Do better.
In December, 2022 my daughter got very sick with flu like symptoms. When she didn’t improve over the course of three weeks, my wife and I convinced her to go to a nearby Urgent Care facility. The doctor who treated her ordered a chest X-ray, which they were able to do on site. Her lungs were clear, so he prescribed Mucilex along with bed rest and plenty of liquids. Over the course of the next week or so, she improved and was able to return to work.
At no point did he give her a Covid test. It didn’t matter. If her lungs were clear, Mucilex. If not, he would treat her for the congestion in her lungs.
Right now, the mortality rate for Covid is about the same as for ROF. (Regular Old Flu) When are we going to get over this Covid hysteria?
*rolls eyes about wuhan virus concern*
(with the exception of those who have good reason to be)
There has got to be a great 'In Soviet Russia' line for the wuhan virus, but I have not found it yet. It may be my project for the evening.
Nothing a little bleach (ahem.. disinfectant) and some Ivermectin can't solve…Oh and don’t forget introducing light into the lungs….
Dumbass Rich is unaware that ivermectin is not just an anti-helminthic, but has unquestionable broad-spectrum antiviral effects. He's completely ignorant of the fact that PubMed shows dozens of papers in support of this finding from 2019 and before.
Dumbass Rich doesn't know that three days before Trump's comments about UV light, there was an announcement of a research study at Cedars-Sinai using the Healight endobronchial UV light applicator from Aytu Bioscience, which showed clinically significant anti-Covid activity in a pilot study, and about which Trump was briefed by the director of his own Covid-19 task force.
Dumbass Rich doesn't know a thing about science or medicine. He just parrots the man on his television screen.
They don't seem to be testing much for it anymore. My aged mother was recently admitted to hospital with shortness of breath. They did many tests, Covid was not one of them until it was time to move her, then it was required. I was recently quite sick with flu. My girlfriend got it from me and then tested positive for Covid. It's a bad flu.
"Rich beclowns himself yet again."
Only on a day ending in "Y".
“How delicious and delightfully triggering.”
Uh-oh… someone found Howard’s joy buzzer.
I looked at the first pages of Trump’s appeal to the Second Circuit on the first Carroll verdict. For some reason, no assignment of error re constitutional law violations for changing the statute of limitations. Maybe it wasn’t raised and preserved in the Answer.
Shocking evidentiary rulings by Judge Kaplan against Trump. Should be reversed. But then again the refs in Creighton’s game against Seton Hall didn’t call a foul when TWO guys whacked the arms of our Center who was shooting.
Gadfly thinks Ivermectin is a rip-off promoted by the drug companies, and the covid vaccines are "free."
The economic ignorance would be staggering if it wasn't exactly the sort of deep thinking that we count on from the guy with the Aristotle icon.
whereas the COVID vaccines were free... and useless.
Perhaps Trump was doing y'all a favor by suggesting a straight shot of cheap household bleach as a cure.
Why do you assholes continue to lie about what he actually said? Do you think we don't you're lying? Do you think we don't know what he said?
Started feeling weird last Tuesday and by mid-afternoon decided to pack it in and go home. Spend the rest of the week in bed with a sinus migraine, and the usual associated misery. Only today feeling well enough to work for home. My sense of taste and smell are pretty much shot (par for the course) but will likely return. I had Covid in June 2022, and this felt worse.
I didn't bother testing since I never thought the tests were all that reliable. They proved I was sick - big deal, I already knew that. I've been taking Ivermectin every day. The box has a picture of a pretty horse on it, and it's green apple flavor. Not bad!
Rich has got himself one hobby horse, and he spends all his time fucking it.
Had all the clot shots and never got the Wuhan-Fauci bioweapon infection. Since I'm healthy as a horse, no ivermectin needed. Just had a dose of homemade kimchi, kombucha and Dr. Davis' probiotic goat yogurt. My post weight lifting snack. Stay frosty and Oscar Mike.
You can trust the Jama network!
gadfly - you liar - no one ever stated that Ivermectin was a cure.
But you loyal leftist liars do what you do best - lying liars who lie.
@5:56 Hassayamper
Dumbass Rich and liar Gadfly will not give up, however.
Itz horse pillz!
Gadfly - Trump never suggested injecting bleach.
You got a source for you lie? - you know from a source that isn't complete Lefty horseshit?
Oh how I hate typos, especially my own.
Who 'licked' a doorknob at the courthouse?
John Marzan said...
Absolute Bullshit! - In an act of BRAZEN ELECTION INTERFERENCE, Judge Kaplan, the Leftist judge in Trump’s E. Jean Carroll defamation trial, just delayed Trump’s trial that he was supposed to attend today, until tomorrow, January 23, the day of the New Hampshire primary.
This fantastic bit of vintage TrumpWing bullshit was rolled out all over the Internet today. Message after message like this, almost word-for-wrod. Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn -- her notoriety doing her no favors -- earned her particular scorn for her account's repeating it.
As Bruce Hayden correctly guessed, there WAS an alternate juror able to fulfill the panel's duties in court today. Judge (Lewis) Kaplan was willing to proceed. Plaintiff attorney (Robbie; no relation) Kaplan was willing to proceed. But Defendant's attorney Alina Habba stated that she too had felt ill, and despite testing negative for COVID that morning, she had been exposed days earlier to her parents who both had COVID. Habba moved the court for an adjournment until Wednesday, saying that Trump wished to be in New Hampshire on Tuesday. Judge Kaplan determined to adjourn for Monday. If the juror in question (Number 3) remains ill, Judge Kaplan may proceed with the alternate.
The adjournment was in no way, shape or form engineered by the Plaintiff or the Judge as "election interference."
Following the adjournment, Trump posted more than 40 Carroll-related diatribes on his Truth Social account.
I reckon it would be fairly easy to keep this matter postponed by claiming illness given how covidphobic the TDS crew are.
The continuance is a non story. Happens all the time.
gadfly said...
It's also used as an antiviral drug and an anti cancer drug. On of my SILs take along with other drugs for her cronic asthma. She has been taking it long before Covid showed up.
John Marzan said...
"Absolute Bullshit! - In an act of BRAZEN ELECTION INTERFERENCE, Judge Kaplan, the Leftist judge in Trump’s E. Jean Carroll defamation trial, just delayed Trump’s trial that he was supposed to attend today, until tomorrow, January 23, the day of the New Hampshire primary. "
"Absolute Bullshit!"
1. Trump lawyer Habba asked for the adjournment.
2. Judge adjourned it to Wednesday, not Tuesday.
"Perhaps Trump was doing y'all a favor by suggesting a straight shot of cheap household bleach as a cure. I am unsure whether you swallow it, inject it, or rub it all over your body"
As i recall, Trump advised his follower to coat their fingers with it and then insert their finger up their assholes. I think Rusty bragged about doing this but it appears he caught covid anyhow.
I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it said...
"I was exposed to covid on Jan 1st at a party.... I too felt a little off so I called my doc's office and spoke with the nurse over the phone."
Did she tell you to put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up?
Mutaman on the Facts! Alina Habba ,thats all thats left for the orange guy,all the $$$ in the world(supposedly) and thats what he gets.
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