January 12, 2024

I wouldn't have watched this "God Made Trump" video, but the NYT and other Trump antagonists are making it viral.

In starkly religious, almost messianic tones, [the viral video] depicts the former president as the vessel of a higher power sent to save the nation. “God looked down on his planned paradise and said, ‘I need a caretaker,’ so God gave us Trump,” begins the video, which appears to use artificial intelligence to mimic the voice of Paul Harvey, a conservative radio broadcaster who died in 2009....
“It was very concerning,” said Pastor Joseph Brown of the Marion Avenue Baptist Church in Washington, Iowa, a town of 7,500 people about 40 minutes south of Iowa City. He took issue, he said, with how it used language plucked from the Bible — such as describing Mr. Trump’s arms as “strong” yet “gentle” — to compare Mr. Trump directly to God, rather than a servant of a higher power....
The clip’s authors are members of the Dilley Meme Team, an organized collective of video producer.... Multiple passages in “God Made Trump” hew closely to language from the Bible, and they are delivered in a voice that sounds nearly identical to Mr. Harvey’s when he spoke at the 1978 Future Farmers of America convention. That speech was called “So God Made a Farmer.”
Here's the old "God Made a Farmer":

That's iconic. Fantastic. Why not use it for a parody? Exactly how serious are you supposed to be about God? At what point are genuinely religious people offended? "God Made a Farmer" itself is humorous and focused less on the nature of God than on just how wonderful farmers are. I suspect religious people love it. Why shouldn't a Trump supporter map praise of Trump onto that the form of that old clip?

There's an intense effort to tear religious Americans away from Trump — an effort by people who don't seem to grasp or respect or want to understand how these people think and why so many of them really love him. 

The NYT article ends with a prompt to look at another Dilley Meme Team video:
A different oratory by Mr. Harvey, 1965’s “If I Were the Devil,” is the seeming inspiration for another video created by the Dilley Meme Team that went viral last summer. Called “If I Were the Deep State,” it also features a voice-over that sounds like Mr. Harvey, a symbol of Midwestern practically...

Ha ha. I grew up on the East Coast, but I've been living in Wisconsin so long, I'm Midwestern practically.  

...and old-fashioned conservative values, in this case delivering ominous lines about fraudulent elections, corrupt prosecutors and the medical establishment. “If I was the Deep State, you would fear to ever resist me,” the video intones. “If I was the Deep State, you would wish I was really the devil.”

So here's that video, dug out of the dustbin of formerly viral video: 

And here's "If I were the Devil":

ADDED: This bogus controversy made me think of a video from 2016 that presented Trump as some sort of divine entity:

Blogged here at the time. Made by Mike Diva, an American.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

yeah - this sort of stuff does not help Trump.

tim maguire said...

Was Trump involved in making or spreading the video? If not, then why does the Times or anybody else care?

As for religious people being outraged or whatever, I can see being turned off by it, but you can be sure that Pastor Joseph Brown of the Marion Avenue Baptist Church in Washington, Iowa is a leftist happy to use his office to manipulate politics and not a former Trump supporter legitimately disturbed by the messianic messaging.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's loyal fan base are solid. They are not going anywhere.
Religious pandering is not a winning deal.
Same thing for Biden showing up at Church and calling Trump a Nazi. All of this crap is low level.
So who is this preaching to?
Again- his base is solid.
He needs more than just a base - he needs to stop freaking people out.

All this accomplishes is the opposite of the intention.
It scares off independents and unaffiliated voters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I thought God Made DeSantis? Remember when Trump's base lost their minds over that?

rehajm said...

Names of the Iowa pastors? Their credentials? No?

Didn’t think so. The idea everyone is a higher authority Trump
must answer to- that’s part of the problem.

Practically why God made Trump….

rehajm said...

I see the people squealing are the ones called out in the video…

planetgeo said...

For normals, Trump talks everywhere about his love for this country and working to make America great again, and he sounds religious; and Biden talks in a church about how evil normals are and how they are a danger to his perverted vision of "democracy", and he sounds hellish. That is a summary of Election 2024.

RNB said...

Cue video of a choir of schoolchildren singing, "Hmm-hmm-hmm. / Barack Hussein Obama!"

Rusty said...

Oh! Sort of like Obama.

mikee said...

I rarely get to do a favor, Althouse, but since you did the heavy lifiting already for a blog post, I'll not watch that video, for you.

AMDG said...

Remember - it is not a cult.

Not only is he not an agent of the Lord, Donald “Wormwood” Trump is the poster child for the seven deadly sins.

I would not be surprised if he were composing letters to his uncle bragging about how he has further undermined the enemy.

Quaestor said...

Isaiah Chapter 45, verse 7: I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.

God made Biden, too.

Jupiter said...

"There's an intense effort to tear religious Americans away from Trump ...".

Uh, no. If you think that Domestic Terrorist Christians are going to vote for Joe Biden because someone made a meme saying that Trump's arms are "strong" but "gentle", you are the whistle, not the dog. This is a straightforward red-meat appeal to Biden's atheist/Satanist/Muslim base. And I am guessing -- just guessing, mind you, that "Pastor Joseph Brown" is either wholly fictional, or married to another man. Which would be both, I suppose. If some POS at the NYT needed a fictional Iowa pastor for the lie he was concocting, he would certainly invent one who was married to another man.

Narr said...

I thought it was standard Christian ideology that God made everyone and everything, including Donald Trump.

I'm old enough to remember the ubiquity of t-shirts with the statement "My God doesn't make junk."

I was always tempted to ask who made Commies and Muzzies, then?

Paul Zrimsek said...

You know who else God made...? Hitler!

Seriously, these are pretty ambitious claims to be making on behalf of someone who can't even make the sea levels drop.

Jason said...

After what the left did with Saviour Obama and the unicorns and halos and the "Lightworker" shit, I don't give a rat's ass.

hombre said...

It does not depict Trump as godly it depicts Trump as made by God for a purpose as are we all. The NYT had to gather objections from mainline churches, pits of biblical ignorance, or Baptists, home to many Pharisees.

The assertion that Trump's support is largely from unchurched Christians is unprovable nonsense. Among hundreds of churched Bible believing Christians with whom I am acquainted, one is still an admitted Democrat and none equate Trump with God. Most will vote for him. Some agree with the NYT Baptists.

There ARE many who wonder if God didn't give us QuidProJoe and his Democrats because He no longer believes the US is worth saving.

Original Mike said...

The NYT is only pretending not to know they're being trolled. Right?
But it doesn't speak well for their opinion of their reader's intelligence.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…” So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27)

“Except for Trump” - NYT chapter 11 (as inspired by an Iowa pastor).

robother said...

And that's...the rest of the story.

Jaq said...

In 1984, there were no longer any laws, it’s just that The Party had expectations, and all of the guns. It was kind of like the “rules based order,” and no fair weaponizing a book that we think is as fictitious as Ashley Biden’s diary, which, BTW, we sent men with guns, FBI agents, to seize.

The more you see these people for what they are, the more you feel like Dr Bellows on I Dream of Jeanie

Original Mike said...

"I grew up on the East Coast, but I've been living in Wisconsin so long, I'm Midwestern practically. ..."

I consider you one of us.

Leland said...

This is like Rush Limbaugh's "talent on loan from God". If you are religious, it wasn't offensive in the least. God gave us life, which includes our talent, but that life is finite so call it a loaned gift. Spiritually, God called the loan on Rush Limbaugh, and we no longer have his talent.

If you are offended by "God Made Trump", it is likely you are offended by people who are religious. Try being inclusive and accepting of diversity.

Kate said...

Paul Harvey was a conservative?

Jupiter said...

Let's see what the NYT has to says about this meme.

Leland said...

I should have noted, I didn't watch the video. I know the Paul Harvey version, and it is great. Otherwise, the notion that "God Made Trump" is like telling me "The Sky is Blue". I don't need a story in the NYT to help me understand either notion nor do I need to watch a video explanation. Maybe if you don't understand prisms and light waves then you might find such an explanation like "Why the sky is blue" interesting.

Original Mike said...

Brutal comparisons between Trump and Biden in that ad.

Levi Starks said...

It wouldn’t be the first time God used a “flawed” vessel.
In fiat if you study the Biblical narrative you’ll that with one solitary exception they all were.

Wince said...

"...in starkly religious, almost messianic tones, as the vessel of a higher power sent to save the nation."

Didn't they crucify Jesus for the same thing, in addition to sedition and insurrection?

It's Trump's persecutors who are treating Trump like Jesus.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I’m changing my call letters to “Lem the artificial theologian.”

Sebastian said...

"sent to save the nation"

Sent or not, who else is going to save the nation?

Who else even assumes that the nation is worth and needs saving?

Vivek, OK. Ron, maybe.

wendybar said...

This video is even funnier!!


readering said...

Been a long time since I watched God made a farmer, but immediately thought of Paul Harvey when watched God made Trump. Which amused me. I have long known that such belief is real and widespread among commenters on this site. But since the video was obviously produced to attract votes for Trump, I understand why some want to counteract that.

Ficta said...

It's not depicting Trump as Godly. That's silly. It's saying God made Trump for a purpose. That's utterly normal Christian thinking. I don't think Pastor Joseph is much of a theologian. I think Pastor Joseph is probably a Democrat.

The NYT is far afield, as they usually are when they attempt to penetrate the mists of the hinterlands. Would it kill them to actually get a couple of evangelicals, or even some lapsed evangelicals, on staff? Maybe they don't care that they're ridiculous.

JaimeRoberto said...

Jeez Louise. Do people not get that this is tongue in cheek?

Todd said...

Sorry, haven't had the time to watch it. How does it compare to the videos of "the light bringer", you know that person that was going to stop the rise of the oceans?

Leland said...

Some commentators need to understand that “being a child of God” or specifically “being created by God” is not understood in religion as being the “son of God” or a messiah. Your arguments simply suggest you are an atheist trying to tell religious people how religion works.

Robert Cook said...


It's funny because it's (so not) true!

Jerry said...

Is Trump 'perfect'? No.

But he doesn't have to be. All he's got to be is perceptibly 'BETTER' than his opponent.

So we've got (maybe) Michelle Obama - yeah, no thanks there. She's not done anything that'd make her qualified for the job.

We've got Gavin Newsom - who can't really point at his management of California as a blazing success. No thanks.

We've got Kamala - yeah. No. I think she'd have problems running a counter at McD's - much less managing one, much less managing the country especially considering how she's managed the various things she's been assigned...

There's a few others who barely rise above the 'Who's That?' limit and then there's Biden. Who, to be honest, has the 'Pissed Off/Angry Man' vibe down unless he's pretty much checked out on what's happening around him. So... I don't see him running more than in a very minimal manner, and do significantly less on the campaign trail than in 2020.

That's it on the Dem side. Their bench is pretty much non-existent at this point and the record for the last 4 years isn't great.

So they've got to denigrate their most likely opponent. They've gotten all the mileage they can out of the 'Literally Hitler!' trpoes, and now they're shifting to the 'Put Gays in Camps! Religious Theocracy! Handmaid's Tale! They're gonna put wimmen/blacks in CHAINS!' hyperbole - which is gaining all the traction of bald tires on wet ice.

Trump doesn't have to be 'perfect', or 'Appointed By God' - he just has to show he loves the country (already accomplished, to my thinking) and is better than the D alternative.

And with the D possibles this year, that's not difficult at all.

rcocean said...

This is just the standard Leftwing MSM crap. Always attacking Christians/Catholics who support Republicans and/or Conservatives.

Do you honestly think the MSM is EVER going to praise Trump or stop attacking him. I get tired of this, "Well, Trump gave them the ammo". Or "Well, Trump brought this on himself". OR "Gosh, maybe the MSM is right this time, better look at it with an open mind".

Dumb. Very Dumb. This is just another attack on Trump from a slightly different direction. The Trump hater lap it up. why anyone else should care is beyond me.

And I love Paul Harvey. Great radio man. Too bad he's not still with us. Good...Day.

rcocean said...

This is just the standard Leftwing MSM crap. Always attacking Christians/Catholics who support Republicans and/or Conservatives.

Do you honestly think the MSM is EVER going to praise Trump or stop attacking him. I get tired of this, "Well, Trump gave them the ammo". Or "Well, Trump brought this on himself". OR "Gosh, maybe the MSM is right this time, better look at it with an open mind".

Dumb. Very Dumb. This is just another attack on Trump from a slightly different direction. The Trump hater lap it up. why anyone else should care is beyond me.

And I love Paul Harvey. Great radio man. Too bad he's not still with us. Good...Day.

rehajm said...

Paul Harvey was a conservative?

Haha- what I was thinking. I’m surprised some doosh hasn’t stepped forward as the authority to speak on behalf of Paul Harvey’s bones…

Ray Fowler said...

For those in the thread casting aspersions on the pastor (liberal; fictional; married to a man?), I checked out his church's website, and he seems like a good guy. Just a regular pastor of a conservative Baptist church who didn't like the video - and whose comments may have been selectively reported by the NYT. Link to the website: https://marionavenuebaptist.com/jesus

Clyde said...

The religious folks know that the Democrats have become the party of the irreligious and even more, the anti-religious. Trump may be a flawed vessel, but the Democrat alternative is far worse.

Eva Marie said...

I loved all 3 videos. Thanks for posting them.
The story in the NYT was a hoot: verboten to use strong and gentle when describing Trump. Moreover no words found in the Bible should ever be used when talking about Trump. Message received and laughed at.
Great photo of Trump though.

Gunner said...

If Trump didn't make it, who cares?

Chuck said...

There's an intense effort to tear religious Americans away from Trump — an effort by people who don't seem to grasp or respect or want to understand how these people think and why so many of them really love him.

Oh, I'd like to see that in writing. Why it is that "religious Americans... really love him [Trump]."

Because I don't grasp it, or understand it; and depending on the explanation, I may not have any respect for it. Try me, Althouse.

Rabel said...

"Paul Harvey was a conservative?"

He was the quintessential conservative. I grew up listening to his radio broadcasts. Why is this even a question.

Rabel said...

I looked at some of their other stuff. It's mostly low quality work.

Jupiter said...

"For those in the thread casting aspersions on the pastor ..."

Well, alright. He's married to a babe, and they've got seven kids. They've probably got more offspring than the entire staff of the NYT.

Mason G said...

"This bogus controversy...

Precisely. The fine folks at the NYT are just trying to rile up ignorant progressive snowflakes.

n.n said...

Trump was delivered by Stork in the progressive religion of Twilight faith. His mother deemed him worthy of life and not a viable "burden", so she did not exorcise... exercise liberal license to abort him in a wicked solution that would appease moderate sensibilities.

M Jordan said...

The MAGA crowd believes that God used Trump like he used Cyrus in OT times, in that case to allow Jews back to Jerusalem to begin rebuilding the temple. God couldn’t find a righteous man to do the hard job of rebuilding the American temple so he picked Trump. Evangelicals, failed by their “champions” so many times, found the Cyrus loophole and were freed from demanding a goody-goody leader. They got more from this unrighteous fellow than all the Paul Ryans and Ted Cruzes had ever given them. They are now immune to the Left’s sex smears. I recall Rick Wilson gleefully rubbing his filthy hands together late in October 2016 telling the world a Big Fat Smelly Shoe was going to drop and Drumpf was done. Well, the pussy tapes dropped and rather than “done,” Drumpf won.

The Left has thus lost the best tool in their Dark Arts toolbox but they still haven’t accepted it. I meet with evangelicals regularly and the men tell me, “Well, at least Trump paid for his sex, unlike these Epstein sleazebags.” This is a big and positive change in which the evangelical community no longer dream of diluted theocracy. They have finally begun to separate the Kingdom of Heaven with the Kingdoms of Earth.

iowan2 said...

The left is working overtime trying to smear Trump.

Hard to get exited considering what was normalized during the Reign of King Obama. That little show put on by small children singing a Hymn about honoring Savior Obama, is impossible to top. For sure, some amateurish take-off of a Paul Harvey classic never gets close.

Kakistocracy said...

"Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they're sure trying to do so, it's going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can't and won't compromise. I know, I've tried to deal with them." ~ Barry Goldwater

Trump is a narcissist.

People like him blow themselves up to be larger than life, but this is merely a ruse to cover for their greatest fear of being found inadequate, unworthy, a loser (Trump's personal nemesis) etc.

All of his rallies, media-grabbing stunts, and his political campaigns? Narcissist supply. Like a drug to soothe his deep-seated wounds of inadequacy. And, like any drug addict, he can never get enough of it to permanently satisfy himself.

It's unfortunate that so many people are gullible in this country. They project onto him their own greatest hopes, and fail to see that he can't actually deliver on any of them. It's all just ego-stroking hot air.

Josephbleau said...

There were actually glossy magazine covers of the immaculate Obama standing outside framed so he had a glowing halo around his head. St. Obama of Hawaii, raised in a Honolulu hovel by a bank VP.

I became convinced that being gay was genetic from birth when I saw the clip of the shaggy haired white 10 year old singing Obaaaaamaaas gunna heeeel us…. Ooobbammmmas gunna take our pain away…

CapitalistRoader said...

Barack Obama is a narcissist. Bill Clinton is a narcissist. Joe Biden is a narcissist.

CapitalistRoader said...

Barack Obama is a narcissist. Bill Clinton is a narcissist. Joe Biden is a narcissist.

Mason G said...

"It's unfortunate that so many people are gullible in this country. They project onto him their own greatest hopes, and fail to see that he can't actually deliver on any of them. It's all just ego-stroking hot air."

Ah, yes- Obama. The Lightbringer. Hope and Change and all that shit...

Projection- you can't really be a progressive without it, can you now?

traditionalguy said...

NB: when God blesses you he always sends you a person to do it. Whether that person is Moses, David, Jesus, or Trump. And you too can be sent to bless another if you have courage from faith. DJT is clearly our Good Samaritan.

He is from another culture and he is rich, but he will spend his time and his money for strangers he finds half half dead along the way. Where does America find such men? That’s a line from The Bridges of Toko Ree.

effinayright said...

Today is also Rush Limbaugh's birthdate, by the way......same day, same year: Jan 12, 1951

effinayright said...

Rich, pretending he is a practicing psychologist who has given therapy to Donald Trump, said..........

....many stupid and unsupported opinions he tries to pass off as fact.

why, one might call a person with such inordinant self-regard a "narcissist"....no?

gilbar said...

traditionalguy said..
Where does America find such men? That’s a line from The Bridges of Toko Ree.

umm? don't they ALL end up dead (in plane crashes, or shot by commie chinese) in that movie?

Bunkypotatohead said...

I wonder if the Democrats will allow the body to lie in state after they have him assassinated.

Narayanan said...

I wonder if the Democrats will allow the body to lie in state after they have him assassinated.
Khomeini’s Body Falls From Coffin as Frenzied Mourners Tear Shroud
who will give Trump the Khomeini style wake send-off

D's or MAGA's

Narayanan said...

I wonder if the Democrats will allow the body to lie in state after they have him assassinated.
Khomeini’s Body Falls From Coffin as Frenzied Mourners Tear Shroud
who will give Trump the Khomeini style wake send-off

D's or MAGA's

michaele said...

What's more believable...this ad describing Trump as working relentlessly (ok, some of that "work" was 3am tweeting) or Dr. Jill's recent interview on morning MSNBC rhapsodizing about how hard Joe works...even after eating his 7pm dinner with her? Joe's vacuous campaign appearances yesterday in PA were alarming with the lack of energy and vitality he showed.

RigelDog said...

What the little school children should have been chanting:

Barack Hussein Obama
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
His mother weren't no llama
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
Just a woman full of drama
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm.
She took off for Yokahama
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
Just left him with HER mama
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
A toothbrush, and pajamas
Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm
Inflicting major trauma
Mmmm Mmm---wait, what??

jim said...

My understanding is that this is a parody video, and, having viewed it, it's a glaring, heavy-handed. (Then, that's what most parody is.)

Yet Mr Trump posted it himself. Like he didn't get the parody part, and he liked the Trump is God part.

Does that please you?

Not Sure said...

I prefer And God Created Woman

Eva Marie said...

“Yet Mr Trump posted it himself. Like he didn't get the parody part, and he liked the Trump is God part.”
Is it possible that both Trump and his supporters have a sense of humor?

jim said...

Trump does something really wierd and it turns out that the normies don't get the joke.

How about that?

Mason G said...

"How about that?"

Sounds like you made up your mind and are looking for something to validate your choice.

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