January 27, 2024

I think this "person close to Trump" is trying to lure Joe Biden into undercutting his capacity to denounce Trump for his lowly insulting rhetorical style.

Biden's "Be Best" jibe shows Biden (or whoever writes Biden's tweets) understands the risk and is keeping his sly distance.


Gunner said...

Well a person close to Biden told me that Dementia Joe is rattled by his shoes.

BUMBLE BEE said...

So sly for someone who can't find his way off a stage.

Sebastian said...

"Biden (or whoever writes Biden's tweets)"

Funny. Maybe some "reporter" can ask Joe, what did you say in your latest tweet?

By the way, is the MAGA Republican and Trump-as-wannabe-dictator stuff not a "lowly insulting rhetorical style"?

Wince said...

Biden's political "crash cart."

What's in a Crash Cart and What Is It Used For?

An emergency cart is used to transport and dispense emergency medications and supplies. It is essential for cardiopulmonary resuscitation as it contains advanced cardiac life support (ACLS), first-line drugs, a defibrillator, a bag valve mask, and a suction device.

AMDG said...

Both Trump and Biden are extremely thin skinned and when rattled they say stupid and counterproductive things.

If there ever were a debate it should be on Comedy Central. Perhaps it could be moderated by Triumph the Insult Dog.

Oligonicella said...

You know "person close to Trump says" = "pulled it out my butt".

BG said...

Be Best reminds me of Melania and how I would love seeing her back in the White House. It’s almost like a reminder to vote for Trump.

Dave Begley said...

Nothing rattles Trump. He’s facing 91 criminal counts in cities where the jury pool hates him.

Aggie said...

Joe Biden, in his basement refusing to 'undercut his capacity'.

deepelemblues said...

You can clearly see how rattled Trump is by his behaving exactly the same way he has behaved for 50 years.

Ice Nine said...
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Ice Nine said...

Trump rattled by the clown, Biden? Sort of like Chuck Norris might be rattled by Dylan Mulvaney.

Dude1394 said...

What is amazing to me is that we literally have a robot making pronouncements for Biden. He certainly does not do those posts himself. Everyone in the country knows it but are simply okay with it.

What would be the difference between Biden and a non-person as potus. Not much. This is some serious communist stuff going on.

Dude1394 said...

"Blogger Sebastian said...
"Biden (or whoever writes Biden's tweets)"

Funny. Maybe some "reporter" can ask Joe, what did you say in your latest tweet?

By the way, is the MAGA Republican and Trump-as-wannabe-dictator stuff not a "lowly insulting rhetorical style"?

1/27/24, 9:53 AM"

Exactly correct. I mean seriously, we are actually reading these as if Biden is pronouncing them. Very scary.

Kate said...

Be Best is Melania's slogan. Of course Biden and his people would stoop to mocking a wife.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Taibbi rings in...


Skeptical Voter said...

That person close to Biden made Joe put his construction worker's hard hat on backwards for a photo op this week. One thing for danged sure--Biden didn't build that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That these tow old fools are the best we can do is ... pathetic.

David S said...

"Be Best"

So, Biden is still plagiarizing political comments?

n.n said...

Biden in a shower.

Obama in Spring.

Clinton in the water closet.

Democrats bleaching their tracks.

A NYC jury receiving emanation from penumbra.

Carroll at the end of the rainbow.

Cuomo the baby cum "burden".

NOW and forever the tell-tale heart beats ever louder.

JaimeRoberto said...

I'm glad they found someone familiar with his thinking. So reliable.

TaeJohnDo said...

Wait a minute, what ever happened to NO MEAN TWEATS! I thought that was why Brandon was elected.

rcocean said...

"a person close to trump" = chris christie. or Mary TRump. Or just made up.

I'm so tired of these anonymous persons being quoted about Trump. Name names or its fake.

Whenever the MSM or the Nevertrumper/Democrats (same thing) talk about "so and so is getting under Trumps skin or "Trump is really upset about X" - it means they dont have anything else to attack him on that day.

Nobody gets under "Bidens skin" because he's senile and doesn't know whats going on.

Yancey Ward said...

Oh, FFS, this person "close to Trump" isn't or just flat out doesn't exist.

Freder Frederson said...

Nothing rattles Trump. He’s facing 91 criminal counts in cities where the jury pool hates him.

Apparently Nikki Haley has rattled Trump. But believe what you like, just like you predicted Vivek was going to surprise everyone and do very well in Iowa. I don't recall if you were so delusional that you predicted a win.

Iman said...

POTATUS Mumblesalot Marblesinhismouth is pretty fucking far from being or doing his “best”.

AlbertAnonymous said...

So the Biden-Harris twitter handle claims (without evidence) that CNN reported, that some unnamed person “close to” Trump says that Trump is rattled by Biden’s indecipherable jibberish they describe as undercutting.

Have some ice cream Joey

gspencer said...

Joe's best comes in the form of shaking people down. And that's it.

Mary Beth said...

David S said...

"Be Best"

So, Biden is still plagiarizing political comments?

1/27/24, 10:45 AM


Ambrose said...

I don't see Trump being rankled.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Apparently Nikki Haley has rattled Trump. But believe what you like, just like you predicted Vivek was going to surprise everyone and do very well in Iowa. I don't recall if you were so delusional that you predicted a win.”

And, how, dear Freder, do you know that?

J Severs said...

My guess is that the person-close-to-Trump is an undercover FBI agent.

J Severs said...

My guess is that the person-close-to-Trump is an undercover FBI agent.

Oligonicella said...

Ice Nine:
Trump rattled by the clown, Biden? Sort of like Chuck Norris might be rattled by Dylan Mulvaney.

More like Bruce Lee worrying about David Carradene, but yeah.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Biden's "Be Best" jibe shows Biden (or whoever writes Biden's tweets) understands the risk and is keeping his sly distance.”

We all know that it isn’t Biden. His understanding goes about as far as picking ice cream flavors. It just pathetic that those behind him are pretending that he is still a political genius. One of his problems right now is that not only he isn’t making the decisions, but it is unlikely a single person. I suspect it is an informal committee running FJB’s campaign, as well as the country, using him as their proxy or front man. We don’t know who they are, but I suspect that who is doing what in the background is a bit fluid. I expect that the real stupid stuff is coming from the politically fairly naive Dr Jill.

Times running out for Biden. Few still believe that he will still be on the ballot by November. He cruising into the Dem nomination without any real opposition, with no reason to debate, etc, leaving those actually running the party no credible candidate to fixate on (other than FJB), so making the switch easier to pull off. Is it going to be Michelle? Gavin? Crooked Hillary? (She was robbed!!!) Harris? Etc. I think that Obama might be making his move right now, with the articles about his wife running. Sure, she doesn’t really want the job, but if they could run the country with FJB as their puppet, then why do it with Michelle?

n.n said...


Republicans need to diversify their impeachment inquiry. Follow the Democratic slime.

D.D. Driver said...

So Trump plays hockey and Biden plays tennis and Biden's strategy is to challenge Trump to a hockey match? What could go wrong here? 😅

Breezy said...

Huh, in my experience it’s Trump that seems to do all the rattling…. Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell, Ryan, Romney, Cheney, Obama, Kim, Ayatollah, Putin, the Media, etc. Have you heard George Conway lately, or Joy Behar, or Carville? They’re all thoroughly off the deep end.

rehajm said...

Yah, that sounds like a political consultant imagination creation.

Patrick Driscoll said...

Who is this "person close to Trump?" More lazy reporting from anonymous sources. I doubt Trump is gonna lose any sleep over the meat puppet's latest fake tweet. Biden is surrounded by lame dweebs.

Howard said...

Don't forget, Biden isn't trying to sway Trump and Republican royalists. He's after the great silent majority of independent voters. Slo Joe's goal is to get them to hate and despise himself slightly less than Trump. In addition, he's trying to get the Boulder April Apple's of the world to stay home in November. Dragos are Biden's useful idiots.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Haley has certainly gotten under Trump's thin skin.

Paul Zrimsek said...

I fart in Trump's general direction. His mother was a hamster and his father smelt of elderberries.

Drago said...

Howard: "Dragos are Biden's useful idiots."

Howard, you will recall, was the buffoon who early on in the Biden open border crisis denied there were thousands of illegals hanging out under Texas overpasses even as the helicopters flew overhead with live shots.

So much for Howard's "powers" of "analysis".

Freder Frederson said...

And, how, dear Freder, do you know that?

Because Mr. Begley couldn't contain his admiration for Vivek. And posted several comments telling us how the Iowa caucuses were going to surprise everyone. Well, no one (except perhaps Begley) was surprised by the caucus results.

Rusty said...

Howard is Bidens useful idiot. He voted for this mess and is now trying as hard as he can to undo that humiliation. Biden has decided to couple closing our southetn boarder with graft for Ukraine. In the end he will take credit for Ukraine and closing the southern boarder and claim Biden as brilliant. The smartest kid in the slow class.
RCP poll. 66% of the people polled think the country is going in the wrong direction.
How's that Build Back Better going for ya?