January 22, 2024

"He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord."

Said Tim Scott, quoting Proverbs 18:22, quoted in "South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott proposes to girlfriend who was revealed during his brief presidential run" (NY Post).

Tim Scott is 58 years old and has never been married. The engagement is politically convenient, and what is an engagement? The Bible doesn't say "He who finds a fiancée finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord." 


RideSpaceMountain said...

Fiercely heterosexual Tim Scott has some words for you fiercely heterosexual Corey Booker about bi-curious Barack Obama. Should be an interesting conversation if everyone makes sure to sign the waiver.

rehajm said...

She’s pretty. See the proposal on the beach with the big puffy coats? Bet neither planned it that way…

I like that all these South Carolina pols congregate at Kiawah and leave my area alone. Personally I don’t see the attraction. There’s lots of golf but there’s golf everywhere in SC. Beach? I guess you could say Charleston for the foodie culture but you’re still almost an hour away and it’s really dark on the ride home. Try that fueled by a half a bottle of wine…

He seems great no matter what goofy excuse is used to dismiss him. We set the minimum standard for President about as low as it can go with the current one. A pulse. If you’re okay with the place holder you don’t get to pick nits and maintain credibility anymore…

If he’s VP he should prolly quit the pickleball. If you’re old and play pickleball, like the grim reaper pickleball will come for you eventually…

Dave Begley said...

Tough comments, Ann.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

He's buckin' for VP.

Another old lawyer said...

Scott obviously doesn't care about the black women vote. But Trump should.

Iman said...

“What it is, what it was and what it will be.”

Sebastian said...

Maybe they watched Maestro?

gspencer said...

"The engagement is politically convenient"

Take it at face value. Like Raymond Burr or Rock Hudson or Lindsey Graham.

Skeptical Voter said...

Don't be cynical about life long confirmed bachelors. It's not a good look to note that an engagement is "politically convenient".

Limited blogger said...

Is Trump choosing Tim Scott as VP?

Don't think this is the best choice.

Creola Soul said...

Good for them. Tim Scott is a great American and deserves life’s best.

donald said...

I was assured by friends in the Navy that black men can’t be queer and they don’t masturbate.

Mr. D said...

I dunno - I have a shirttail relative who was born in 1930. He married a woman 25 years his junior in 1983. They will celebrate their 41st wedding anniversary in a few months. Scott may be acquiring a beard, but it’s not necessarily a given.

Oso Negro said...

Are you saying she is a beard?

Tom T. said...

Perhaps he thinks he might get named as Trump's running mate.

MadTownGuy said...

From the post:

"The Bible doesn't say "He who finds a fiancée finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord." "

Minor quibble. Engagement requires followthrough, not always a given these days, but I'm hopeful that Mr. Scott will do that. Back when Proverbs was written, engagement was pretty much a lock on commitment, so it's not really a stretch.

rwnutjob said...

OMG! Black conservative Bible Thumper!

Call the FBI on this MAGAt Extremist!

Cappy said...

In a cogent commentary, Rambam (Ibn-Exra) noted "once married he sure ain't gonna get favor fron the old lady".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This will be Tim’s Scott first rodaioh.

He’s in spring training now.

Václav Patrik Šulik said...

Re: the Bible and "engagement" - the best reference in the Bible to this is Mary, mother of Jesus, "a virgin espoused/betrothed/engaged..." See Luke 1:27 (link goes to multiple translations on Bible Hub.

Rocco said...

Ann Althouse said...
"[W]hat is an engagement?"

As a high school valedictorian might say, "Webster's dictionary defines "engagement" as a "betrothal", which in turn is defined as "a mutual promise or contract for a future marriage".

"The Bible doesn't say 'He who finds a fiancée finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.'"

But you can't have a wife without an agreement, which usually includes a proposal of some sort. And someone engaged in such an agreement is usually called a fiancée.

If two years from now they are still betrothed but not married, then there is room for criticism. But for now I am happy for them.

RideSpaceMountain said...

When it comes to women, if you choose well, one is all you need. If you choose poorly, no number will ever be enough.

MadisonMan said...

I care >< this much about a politician's private life. That seems to put me in a minority I guess.

Kakistocracy said...

G.O.P. Voters Said No to Tim Scott. His Girlfriend Said Yes. ~ NYT

Hard to compete with that NYT headline... but I'll try.

Nearly all married Republicans have more girlfriends than the two South Carolina Senators put together.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Do we recall the collective left mocked him for being gay?

You know- those woke wonders /mean grrls who have zero self-awareness.

hombre said...

Don't I recall that during their betrothal period Joseph referred to Mary as his wife?

Yes. I believe I do.

Birches said...

I came here to say Fiercely heterosexual Cory Booker did the same thing with Rosario Dawson. Glad I was not the first to mention the fierceness.

tommyesq said...

Why is it "politically convenient" - wouldn't it have been convenient just prior to his announcing his run?

Also, why is it important to you to portray this man as non-heterosexual? Why can't you simply leave him alone?

AlbertAnonymous said...

‘The engagement is politically convenient, and what is an engagement? The Bible doesn't say "He who finds a fiancée finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord." ‘

I agree with the comment unthread. Pretty Harsh. Like negative comments when someone dies, negative comments about engagements is (or should be - used to be) very impolite.

I have no real issues with Tim Scott. Don’t know, not care, about his sexuality. Though I find it ironic that the left wing media pushed (or alluded to) his alleged homosexuality so much. I mean with all the LGBTQIABCDE they push, they should be celebrating him. But I was surprised by the Professor’s comment. Didn’t think she would make fun of that particular issue.

Plus I don’t understand why you think it’s politically convenient. Why now, as opposed to when he was in the lime light on the stage running for president? Or all those years he was politically active and a bachelor? Or are you suggesting he’s on the VP list? I don’t think he is. Picking him for his color would not be very Trumpian. Besides, if you’re doing the Biden DEI thing, black AND gay is a two-fer, so it’s MORE politically convenient to come out as gay.

Yancey Ward said...

"Tim Scott finding a female wife is evidence of God's miracles."

-Albert Einstein.

fairmarketvalue said...

Scott's marital proposal may seem "politically convenient" to some, particularly those who are proponents and supporters of homosexuality. However, I don't find the fact that Scott was aged 58 before proposing (to a woman!) to be so cynical. At a minimum, he is entitled to the benefit of the doubt here, and I wish him and his fiancée well. That said, I disagree with his ideological leanings as described by some other commenters here. I would characterize him as a true GOPe stalwart, rather than a MAGA politician (after all, he was appointed by Haley).

Save the homo innuendo for Corey Booker. You can throw Missy Lindsey, and Barack Obama and his beard, Michelle, into that pot as well.

JAORE said...

"Take it at face value. Like Raymond Burr or Rock Hudson or Lindsey Graham."

Or Corey Booker?

tastid212 said...

Cruel neutrality doesn't preclude cynicism, apparently.

South Carolina has elected two bachelor Senators, so there's no political convenience there. The Professor may have read Scott's soul and discerned he has an ulterior motive for becoming engaged (gaining the VP slot is the only plausible one), but such Machiavellian behavior seems out of character for him.

Darkisland said...

Black men in the past would not have cared much one way or the other that the fiancee is white. What about now? With the agitation that WHITES ARE BAD!!! AND MUST BE SHUNNED!!! AND ARE RACIST!!!? Are black men in general still neutral or will they be upset because she is a racist by modern DIE definition?

Most white men and women don't care much one way or the other.

Nobody cares that when she decided president might be a good gig, Kamala Harris went out and found herself a rich white man.

The real problem will be black women. They hate, hate, hate with the fire of a thousand suns the idea of any black man marrying a white woman instead of a black one. The more successful the black man, like Scott, the more they hate the woman personally and the idea generally of her marrying a black man. The marriage pool for good men (education, good job, no criminal record, not too many family hangers on) is rather small and getting smaller. The pool for black men is even smaller. Every white woman who marries a black man is one more black woman condemned to eternal spinsterhood.

This certainly used to be true. I don't know if it has ameliorated in the past 10-20 years.

Seems to me that this is about as anti-political a move as it is possible to make. Marriage in general would be a good thing. This marriage is a giant fuck you to all black women.

John Henry

Critter said...

Wow! That’s some serious homo-chip on your shoulders, Professor. Surprising lack of respect for a man because you believe his is gay but not celebrating it to the heavens. If you have receipts, please share them.

Oligonicella said...

... what is an engagement?

Given an authentic goal of marriage, typically step one.

RigelDog said...

Some people don't find their true love before their 50's----just sayin'. Ring any bells?

Ambrose said...

Getting ready for the VP nod.

Oligonicella said...

The engagement is politically convenient...

That statement usually implies the engagement is fake and set up for political expediency not that it coincided. Are you aware of factors that make it so? Not that one can suspect, but that make it so.

n.n said...

Some religious sects would disagree, but men and women are equal in rights and complementary in Nature's fitness function for a durable and viable future.

n.n said...

Congratulations to Scott and fiancée.

Gunner said...

Unlike Graham who appears effeminate, Scott just seems sexless.

wordsmith said...

He who finds a husband finds what he really wants, even if it would mean sacrificing his white-hot political ambitions

Ann Althouse said...

"Also, why is it important to you to portray this man as non-heterosexual? Why can't you simply leave him alone?"

He's not leaving us alone. He's making an announcement and seeking favor — with us and claiming the Lord's favor. This is waving it around and asking for a response. He's saying the LORD wants men to marry women. That's his position, and it's kind of in-your-face toward gay men and toward solitary people. I would prefer not to think about his sexual orientation, but I hope if he really does follow through and marry a woman that he is sexually oriented toward her or that he has fully disclosed that he isn't and she understands and willingly seeks a sexless marriage.

Temujin said...

"The engagement is politically convenient"? Man...does that wreak of cynicism. Sometimes people get engaged because they love each other. It can happen. Really. With no reason other than that.

He's not forcing the Lord on you, for crying out loud. He's a happy man, who lives in the public eye. He's announcing something out of joy, and to, perhaps, kick in the faces of those journos who loudly whispered that maybe he's gay, or maybe there's something wrong with him.

I know his religion really pisses off some on the left. Get over yourselves. It's not about you. And his quoting the bible, using that phrase....? That bothers you? Why, one wonders, would that bother you?

I'm not a Christian. And even worse than Tim Scott, I married for the first time at age 60. 60! Granted I had other relationships, and had been with my future wife for 10 years before we got married, but I agree with the Bible verse Sen. Scott used. “He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord.” It has been thus for me.

I have to wonder about the people who get pissed off at this announcement and this Bible verse being used.

rehajm said...

The engagement is politically convenient

It’s that time again Althousians- you must bask in the glory and majesty of the asymmetry of the cynicism. Suck it losers…

fairmarketvalue said...

Ms. Alt house, I respectfully disagree with your conclusion that Scott’s announcement is seeking our favor as well as the Lord’s. Ever scan a newspaper and find many engagement announcements? Do they seek our favor as well? Your implicit assumption that Scott’s age and job implies his engagement is a ruse to mitigate against questions about his sexuality is both disappointing and assumes facts not in evidence. Sometimes, a cigar is just a cigar. Please give it up and move on.

Howard said...

It's impossible to know his sexuality, but there's no doubt he's a politician. But I can understand why our esteemed hostess is critical of this posturing. It's like Tim Scott has been called a dumb blonde airhead little girl all his life and now he finally stands up and says that is not true, I am a tenured professor at a world class University.

Dave Begley said...

Ann, You are being very harsh on Tim Scott. Very harsh.

Rafe said...

Althouse decided to initiate her Professor Simi protocol with Tim Scott.

- Rafe

MadisonMan said...

Yancey Ward, that made me laugh.

AlbertAnonymous said...

I think he may have hit a hot button with the Professor:

“He's not leaving us alone. He's making an announcement and seeking favor — with us and claiming the Lord's favor. This is waving it around and asking for a response. “

I didn’t see this at all. Very very common for people to proudly announce their engagement. And some still reference God when doing so.

Rocco said...

Another old lawyer said...
"Scott obviously doesn't care about the black women vote. But Trump should."

Soooo, Trump should dump Melania and marry a black woman? I hear Jocelyn Wade is available.

Mountain Maven said...

Politically convenient? How cynical. Scott just demonstrated that he will never be president. How does he benefit from finding love now? He is senator for life already.

Skeptical Voter said...

Ride Space Mountain at 0849 is right. If you choose right, one woman is all you need. If you choose wrong, no number is sufficient.

I"ve got fraternity brothers from college long ago working on their fifth wife in one case and on their third wife in several cases.

What Ride Space Mountain leaves out is the role of simple dumb luck in making that first choice. I got lucky and am still married to my first (and only) wife heading towards our 59th anniversary later this year. But looking back at some of the young women I dated, I can think of several that, had I married them, would have resulted in early divorces.

Kakistocracy said...

“Is Trump choosing Tim Scott as VP?”

Tying the knot? Or tying loose ends? For his soul, they gave him a bride.

Dave Begley said...

I know three women who were married to closeted homosexuals. No woman with any sense of self-respect would voluntarily marry a closeted gay man.

Earnest Prole said...

Thereby dashing our hopes of a Tim Scott-Lindsey Graham gay interracial marriage that would prove South Carolina has come a long way, baby.

Joe Smith said...

Two thoughts:

-- Wouldn't more independents and democrats vote for him if he were gay?

-- Manti Te'o has really let himself go (Sorry Manti)...

Joe Smith said...

'I know three women who were married to closeted homosexuals. No woman with any sense of self-respect would voluntarily marry a closeted gay man.'

I love house shows...home improvement, house hunting, etc.

About every fifth show is a clueless woman with a fiancee or husband who is clearly gay. As in sometimes bordering on flaming.

Not sure what it's all about...

mikee said...

I know what a "beard" is, a guy for a woman who needs a respectable man for a cover for - whatever.

But what is the equivalent term for the woman for a man who needs a respectable woman for a cover for - whatever?

Quora and Urban Dictionary both say "beard" is a unisex term, although "walker" has been used for the heterosexual male cover for a lesbian. Reddit says Wiktionary that "merkin" is used for that, too, although more often as the term for a ladybeard wig. I believe the English monarchy uses the term "consort."

Do not raise the issue of legbeards. Yuck, and not nice at all.

mikee said...

I note that the current popular fads include gender choice, normalization of transgressive sex acts, vacuous/noncommital promiscuity, language debasement, and validation of taking self-defined offense. Within a few more years it will be difficult or impossible to aptly yet nonoffensively describe not only the desires and behaviors of others, but one's own current predilections or misspent youth without inordinate confusion or rigorous self censorship.

We'll be back to not talking in public about sex at all again. And I say, hurry up.

DavidUW said...

So many atheists get so panty twisted when someone mentions the invisible sky daddy that I have to think their atheism is not as strong as they profess.

chickelit said...

John Henry write: “Seems to me that this is about as anti-political a move as it is possible to make. Marriage in general would be a good thing. This marriage is a giant fuck you to all black women.”

Could also seen as a big “fuck yeah” to Black men. Black women were never gonna vote R anyway. Black men on the other hand…

Narr said...

In my lexicon, an engagement is a sizable fight but not quite a pitched battle.

Forty-(wait while I do some math)-seven years of marital blitz on April 2.

I hope they're very happy.

Robert Cook said...

"I know three women who were married to closeted homosexuals. No woman with any sense of self-respect would voluntarily marry a closeted gay man."

What if they love their closeted gay boyfriends/fiancees/husbands? Who says they can't be as good (or better) husbands than the straight men available?

Robert Cook said...

"I love house shows...home improvement, house hunting, etc.

"About every fifth show is a clueless woman with a fiancee or husband who is clearly gay. As in sometimes bordering on flaming."

Are you confident your Gay-dar is reliably accute such that you can be certain about your identification of this plenitude of closeted gay men married to women?

Gospace said...

R occo said...
If two years from now they are still betrothed but not married, then there is room for criticism. But for now I am happy for them.

I’m not a fan of long engagements, but they happen. One of my brothers in law was engaged for over 5 years when they finally tied the knot. They’re still married. He got married a few months before his sister and I did. We met late January, first date a formal Valentine’s Ball, got married in August. And we were never technically engaged- neither of us ever asked the other. We started talking one day about how we would raise kids or do other things after we married. I reported aboard my vessel on the other side of the country July 3, she drove from one coast to the other and got there Aug 13, and on the 15th we married.

As for age- my brother was 46 when he married- to a 26 year old he had worked with for years. His first and only marriage, her second. I can attest from the stories of his conquests he was “fiercely heterosexual”. That marriage didn’t last but produced 2 children. He put off marriage because he was afraid he’d be too much like our father- 3 wives and cheated on all of them. As a BTW to that DNA testing by my half nephew revealed I have a half sister who I’ve never met. Everyone in that family has ignored messages and emails from me.

John Henry is correct- black women won’t celebrate their betrothal. I’ll add- black men won’t flock to the polls to vote for Michelle.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Temujin - It bothers the left because leftists demand they be worshiped on command as the center of the universe.

Mary Beth said...

Dave Begley said...

I know three women who were married to closeted homosexuals. No woman with any sense of self-respect would voluntarily marry a closeted gay man.

1/22/24, 1:03 PM

There are a lot of relationships I don't understand. If the women aren't being deceived and both people are content with the relationship, more power to them. I can think of worse situations.

RMc said...

Wow! That’s some serious homo-chip on your shoulders, Professor.

Ironic, that.

Howard said...

Robert: Joe is a huge fanboy of that genre of realty TV and is simply seeing himself in these men. I think we need to respect his expertise in these matters.

walter said...

From what I've heard, they keep very orderly closets.

Seriously DB,
Were there unique traits shared among the 3 women?

walter said...

Blogger DavidUW said...
So many atheists get so panty twisted when someone mentions the invisible sky daddy that I have to think their atheism is not as strong as they profess.
Sure..that doth protest too much angle can easily leave one with their own ox gored at some point. The ox can burst through glass house etc..

"RigelDog said...
Some people don't find their true love before their 50's----just sayin'. Ring any bells?"
It's more acceptable if preceded by documented failure.

walter said...

Cookie must be doing some serious yoga.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

after trump humiliates Scott at the "winning" speech, Scott comes to the mic and says "no Donald, I love you! Talk about yucky. Have a spine man Who cares what your sexual preferences are but having a spine and not groveling, c'mon man that was sickening, and you will never be VP.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

after trump humiliates Scott at the "winning" speech, Scott comes to the mic and says "no Donald, I love you! Talk about yucky. Have a spine man Who cares what your sexual preferences are but having a spine and not groveling, c'mon man that was sickening, and you will never be VP.

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