January 29, 2024

Early afternoon — lakeside.




Leland said...

Nice pictures. The bottom is nice to look at yet the top one seems to tell a story.

Pelosi claims that Palestinian protesters, like those protected by Ivy League Presidents, are backed by Putin. I wonder if that includes Biden’s White House staff? I agree their funding should be investigated.

William50 said...

This has been one of my favorite Dylan parody's. At least that's how I've always viewed it.
Mainly due to the nonsensical lyrics.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I don’t believe I’ve seen this tree before.

It has a personality. I’m getting a personality vibe.

Oh. I remember. It looks like the Tiananment square statue from the Chinese student protests days.

That’s it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Btw there are some Japanese scientists who claim to have captured plants talking to each other on video.


Most like 👍🏽 comment over there:

“I experienced this myself: I have a large Monstera plant in my office. One day I noticed an unusual „electric" smell. When I went to find the source, I found small pests on the leaves of the Monstera. The smell stopped immediately after I removed the pests. In this way, the plant was also somehow communicating with me”

Ampersand said...

I'm not handing out any new news here, but I just happened upon the Apple TV program Slow Horses, and found it well acted, well written, and unusually comedic, given its dark take on British domestic security, i. e., MI5.
There are three seasons.

Jim at said...

Don't think this has been mentioned here - and it only popped up on my feeds over the weekend - but I think we should chip in and help out Alyssa Milano.

It appears her son's baseball team is looking to make a trip to Cooperstown.

And seeing as Ms. Milano's net worth is in the ballpark of $10 million (not to mention she drives a personalized, custom $200,000 Porsche) poor, poor Alyssa was forced to create a gofundme page in the amount of $10k to help defray the costs of the trip.

I mean, I've always known she was a tone-deaf leftist, but never knew she was in such dire financial straits.

Who's in?

Jaq said...

"In 2023, the 3-year frequency [3-year running total] of global major hurricanes [simple counts] was the lowest on record!"


Who would have thunk it, you know, with global warming causing such world-wide havoc. Joe Biden is a far bigger threat to the planet than global warming.

Oh, and Tara Reade posted some messages she had in a conversation with E Jean Carol, and Carrol admits to her to throwing her support behind Ford simply to protect Roe v Wade. So she has a history of using rape accusations for political ends.

rhhardin said...

Robert Wright and Russ Roberts in a joint podcast on Israel and Gaza.

Dave Begley said...

I watched “LA Confidential” last night. 9/10.

Jaq said...

So the base where those soldiers were killed was on an oil field in Syria where we are stealing Syria's oil, for some reason, even though we said that we were there to "fight terrorism." Apparently, the existence of a terrorist group on Syrian soil, which the government there has been fighting, is a reason for us to try to change the regime there, even though we had two huge elections, 2006, and 2008, which were specifically repudiations of the Bush era policy of regime change wars in the Middle East.

Jamie said...

Any Texans coming to rodeo in a few weeks?

ex-madtown girl said...

Dave Begly so did I!! It’s one of my favorite movies. One of the ones I go to when I don’t want to watch something new or search through streaming services for thirty minutes. I just put on hold the first book in the series that the movie is made from. I haven’t read any of them yet so I’m hoping it’s good!

donald said...

Alyssa ain’t bringing some scrappy kids from the other side of the tracks if ya know what I mean.

Eva Marie said...

This is an interesting website that Brian Roemmele created: savewisdom.org
It consists of 1000 questions the answers to which you record and save - but do not upload.
The idea being “to build a local private AI model of your insights and ideas derived from these 1000 questions. We will explore the step-by-step options to build this in forthcoming articles.”

Mutaman said...

Vivek Ramaswamy Predicts Super Bowl Will Be Rigged for Chiefs to Set the Table for Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Biden

A new high in Know Nothing stupidity?

effinayright said...

tim in vermont said...
So the base where those soldiers were killed was on an oil field in Syria where we are stealing Syria's oil, for some reason, even though we said that we were there to "fight terrorism." Apparently, the existence of a terrorist group on Syrian soil, which the government there has been fighting, is a reason for us to try to change the regime there, even though we had two huge elections, 2006, and 2008, which were specifically repudiations of the Bush era policy of regime change wars in the Middle East.

Explain. Does a pipeline controlled by Americans run from that oilfield to a port facility also controlled by America to tankers also owned / controlled by America?

Eva Marie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
gadfly said...

The RNC will never get past Trumpism. At an organizational meeting in Las Vegas ahead of the national convention, far-right extremists (not conservatives) are holding to the same stupidity that has lost them elections in 2018, 2020, and 2022. Freaky Charlie Kirk of the far-out Turning Point group is fighting with RNC Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel; he wants her gone. McDaniel, in turn, made calls last week for Republicans to unite around Trump as the likely nominee. This was well received by top aides to TFG.

Trump's number one failson, Don Jr. delivered Dad's wants and needs - surprise, surprise, as if TFG hadn't already said enough bad things about women on Truth Social that cost him $83.3 million to Jeanie Carroll and some votes to Nikki Haley.

A spokesperson for the RNC suggested that Republicans should keep their focus on Democrats, not intra-party warfare. Real election strategies and programs are needed “versus saying it with window dressings and putting pretty curtains around it and painting a pretty picture.”

Attendees were subjected to a series of presentations by self-described voter fraud investigators associated with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who brought the on-stage moderator to tears as she discussed his efforts to prove the baseless accusation that the 2020 election was stolen. Two speeches by the My Pillow guy were permitted, for God's Sake!

Keep on keepin' on, guys.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Eric Erickson called people who expressed doubts about Taylor Swift and an NFL player’s relationship being real as stupid.

You don’t want people to believe conspiracies?

Don’t suppress information and don’t lie to them

wendybar said...


Extreme Democrats (meaning all) must stop dragging us into their wars.


Hakeem Jeffries
Our national security is at risk in the Middle East and in Ukraine.

Extreme MAGA Republicans must end their obstruction.

12:34 PM · Jan 29, 2024

wendybar said...

Polite No More

The pope is evil.

Marxists strive to be their own god. Christians are to humble themselves and serve God.
5:12 AM · Jan 13, 2024


gadfly said...

tim in vermont apparently doesn't know that we don't need the 160,000 bpd production of low-quality heavy crude from Syrian wells, despite the lies told by Syrians that we are stealing it. Most of their production, about 90%, goes to Europe.

What we are doing is lowering the world oil prices because we pump 12 million bpd of wonderfully light crude from our shale wells. Our economic upturn has occurred because U.S. oil production is up 17%. And not a dime came from Biden government giveaways.

wendybar said...


'It’s a Wonderful Life' and 'Wizard of Oz' to get 'diverse' reboots for people who 'hadn't felt seen'

Rica 🏳️‍🌈

Replying to @BlazeTV
Why a "reboot"? Can't come up with something original people will want to go see?
2:26 PM · Jan 22, 2024

I guess Michael Jackson and Diana Ross aren't diverse enough for them???


Replying to @BlazeTV
Didn’t Wizard of Oz get a diverse reboot already with the Wiz?
1:46 PM · Jan 22, 2024

Dr. Jebra Faushay

Replying to @BlazeTV
I've always said It's a Wonderful Life wasn't diverse enough. Please make George Bailey an obese pansexual furry who uses a mobility scooter. And Clarence should obviously be played by Whoopi Goldberg.
2:10 PM · Jan 22, 2024


Replying to @BlazeTV
I think they should diversify Tarzan.

wendybar said...

Seth Horwitz

Lois Lerner, while getting her full pension, is laughing at this mope who is actually being held accountable.

NBC News
BREAKING: Former IRS contractor who leaked former President Trump’s tax records has been sentenced to 5 years in prison. https://nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/former-irs-contractor-sentenced-5-years-prison-leaking-trump-tax-recor-rcna135908?cid=sm_npd_nn_tw_ma&taid=65b7daa9b956b900011bd489&utm_campaign=trueanthem&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
12:36 PM · Jan 29, 2024

wendybar said...

Pelosi claims that Palestinian protesters, like those protected by Ivy League Presidents, are backed by Putin. I wonder if that includes Biden’s White House staff? I agree their funding should be investigated.

1/29/24, 5:50 PM

And then she yelled at them to "GO BACK TO CHINA". Seems Nasty Nancy is confused. THESE are Progressives. They are HER supporters, and she is telling them to get out of the country. Any Progressive who votes for that deserves more illegals...20 per household for the rest of their lives.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

Michael Dean

Replying to

and 2 others
When she came out against Biden, she received death threats 🤷‍♂️

You know, supposedly like
E. Jean Carol for which she received $83 million 🤷‍♂️

wendybar said...

You wonder WHY Nikki Haley thinks the 83 million that Trump was sentenced to pay the lying scumbag was justified?? Because Carroll's funder is NIKKI's funder. Nikki is a Progressive plant. Prove me wrong. She is NO BETTER than lying Lizzy Cheney and that little crybaby Adam Kinsinger. They are what is wrong with the Republican party.

Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸
Nikki Haley is bankrolled by Dem mega donor Reid Hoffman who funded E Jean Carroll’s ridiculous lawsuit against Pres Trump.

Has Nikki Haley ever defended Tara Reade who accused Joe Biden of sexual assault?


Nikki will do anything for anyone who lines her pockets with cash!

wendybar said...

Progressivism is a mental disease....

“They’re boys saying they’re girls. They’re playing a fall sport, come back and playing a girl’s sport and go back to playing a boy’s sport. All they have to do is change the paperwork in the district office.”


wendybar said...

Appearing as a guest on Friday's The 11th Hour on MSNBC, Washington Post columnist Philip Bump alleged that right-leaning media outlets like Fox News and Breitbart tell "fake things" to their viewers and, in doing so, cause people to disbelieve the "true things" that are discussed by MSNBC and The Washington Post.

MSNBC and The Washington Post discuss "true things"?? Bahhahahahhahahahahahhshha. This is why our country is fucked. Idiots like Bump think this is true. He really BELIEVES this?? Progressivism is a mental disorder. PERIOD.


Humperdink said...

@gadfly. Yesterday you stated with certainty that President Trump was the most corrupt president in our history. Several commenters requested examples of Trump being corrupt. Still waiting.

Leland said...

Contrary to gadfly’s propaganda, oil prices are twice what they were under Trump. Biden is still blocking leases on federal land. Biden announced yesterday blocking permits for LNG exports, which means the US will be hampered in selling the cleanest burning fuel to other nations.

Humperdink said...

Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is an idiot. He professes his love DEI. Then he inadvertently admits he breaks the law is his hiring practices. Gets called out by the EEOC. What a dope.


wendybar said...

"The civil suit serves as a mere preview of four additional leftwing criminal prosecutions, leftwing judges, and leftwing juries to come—all on charges that would never had been filed if Trump either had not run for president or been a liberal progressive."


wendybar said...

"Isn’t the world so fortunate that the media campaigned so hard to put the adults back in the room? Thank goodness we now have an incompetent president who took his son around the globe collecting kickbacks, instead of Trump who gave the world relative peace and prosperity!

The media should be so proud of themselves—that they contributed so greatly to the cascading world disasters, by lying continuously about Russian collusion, and by burying the truthful stories about the Biden family corruption, as they have relentlessly interfered in elections. Misinformation is their method of operation when they target people they want to destroy."


technochitlin said...

Ms. Althouse, you have a great eye!

wendybar said...

Ut ohhhhh....Looks like dirty judges and lawyers have some 'splaining to do....

Byron York
Trump lawyer says defense just learned that E Jean Carroll judge was once 'mentor' to Carroll's lawyer. 'This issue is particularly concerning since Plaintiff’s other lead counsel, Shawn Crowley, served as Your Honor’s law clerk, and we were previously advised that Your Honor co-officiated her wedding.' https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.281.0_1.pdf


Iman said...

Two True Things:

* Donald Trump can be difficult to take at times.

* Donald Trump’s detractors are - in the main - absolutely full of shit.

MadTownGuy said...

From Michael Haz on X: Do you fly for work? On vacation? For leisure travel?

"You’ll want to read this longish post and its replies next time you’re aboard a commercial airliner and have some spare reading time. It’s very interesting.

Also, don’t look out the window.

The longish article is The FAA's Hiring Scandal: A Quick Overview

The article is also on X, but it's easier to read at the author's Substance site.

Iman said...

Gadfly on Biden:

‘fly on a Turd

Jaq said...

How is it a lie that we are stealing their oil? Is it that Syria’s border is nothing but a suggestion, kind of like how with Biden, the US border is mainly notional, whereas The Ukraine’s 1992 borders are holy writ, handed down by God on Mt Sinai?

Jaq said...

The oil that is pumped by parties not authorized by Syria and under US military protection is shipped out by truck, under our protection. So maybe the phrase “stealing their oil,” is accurate enough, though it is shorthand for what is really happening.

Jaq said...

Former Army Delta Force officer, US ambassador sign secretive contract to develop Syrian oil fields

We have decided that the rebels in Syria are now called the "Syrian Democratic Forces" and that we have every right to go into Syria and intervene on their side, and steal their oil, oh yeah, and burn their crops, "to protect democracy," I am guessing. How is this any different at all from what Putin is doing in Ukraine, except that Putin's invasion is addressing a military threat right on his border, and Syria is thousands of miles from the US?

"If the US can't have it both ways, the whole 'rules based order' will collapse!"

I don't hate America, I love the America I learned about in school and from movies, I hate this cabal of neocons who have hijacked our republic.

Mutaman said...

endybar said...

Ut ohhhhh....Looks like dirty judges and lawyers have some 'splaining to do....

Byron York
Trump lawyer says defense just learned that E Jean Carroll judge was once 'mentor' to Carroll's lawyer. 'This issue is particularly concerning since Plaintiff’s other lead counsel, Shawn Crowley, served as Your Honor’s law clerk, and we were previously advised that Your Honor co-officiated her wedding.' https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790/gov.uscourts.nysd.543790.281.0_1.pdf


Carroll's lawyer threatened Habba with sanctions, and Habba bent the knee.

wendybar said...

Well, ain't THIS convenient??

"Trump’s Defense Team Investigates Potential for New Trial Following Discovery of Judge’s Connections to Carroll’s Attorney — Further Details Reveal Carroll’s Other Lead Counsel Previously Served as Judge’s Clerk, and Judge Kaplan Co-officiated Her Wedding

“This issue is particularly concerning since Plaintiff’s other lead counsel, Shawn Crowley, served as Your Honor’s law clerk, and we were previously advised that Your Honor co-officiated her wedding,” said Habba."


Kai Akker said...

For the lower, the bare tree, here are three beautiful pictures it reminds me of.







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