"She" is Fani T. Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, who wants us to think God speaks directly to her.
We're told "Ms. Willis said she turned to prayer last week, at one point even writing a letter to God in which she expressed self-doubt." Expressed self-doubt but also seems to have reprimanded God for not telling her how challenging life would be:
"Wait a minute, God," Ms. Willis, 52, said from the pulpit of Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, recounting a prayer this week in which she reminded God that the job of district attorney, to which she was elected as a Democrat in 2020, came with more anguish, hardship and loneliness than she had anticipated. "You did not tell me," she added, "as a woman of color it would not matter what I did — my motive, my talent, my ability and my character would be constantly attacked."...
"A divorced single mom who doesn’t belong to the right social groups, who doesn’t necessarily come from the right family, doesn’t have the right pedigree — the assignment was just too high for lowly me," she said, sharing parts of the letter with the congregation. "All I brought to the table, God, is my mind, my heart, my work ethic, my undying love for people and the community." In turn, she said, God encouraged her to keep pushing and to pray for her critics, even if she did not want to.
One of the distractions — which she did ignore in this speech — is an allegation that she's in a relationship with Nathan Wade and he is funding their luxurious travel together. To ignore it is to decline to deny it. She wants us to focus on his race and on her race and to think the criticism of her is entirely a racial matter. And God is on the same page.“Do my work, ignore the distractions,” she said God told her.
ADDED: If she really believes that the prosecution of Trump is a mission from God, it reinforces Trump's characterization of it as a "witch hunt."
Follow the money. Church Lady, my ass.
Me and the Lord…we have an understanding…We’re on a mission from God
“Ma’am ya gotta understand that this is a lot bigger than any domestic problems you might be experiencing”
The scam will continue as long as there are easy marks…
Thought Ann was going to go Cal Ripken on us.
The streak continues!
Playing the race, religion and female cards all at once.
The State Bar (or GA Supreme Court) must act!
I'm guessing her "god" has horns and a pointed tail.
God told Trump the same thing: “Do my work. Ignore the distractions.”
Now what?
And of course, the phony accusation of racism.
And everybody who had a cow over that goofy "God made Trump" YouTube will nod sagely in agreement with her.
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis
interesting, that GOD'S work was to enrichen her boyfriend..
To the tune of HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Dollars
"But I can't think for you
You'll have to decide
Whether Judas Iscariot
Had God on his side."
Exercise liberal license to indulge diversity dogma, entertain redistributive change in luxury, deny the evidence and self-doubt, and receive ethics (i.e. religion) from the twilight fringe. Let us bray. In Stork We Trust.
But Seriously..
IF you can't rip off the Government and the People.. What's the point of being a democrat?
Our justice system is so compromised. Identity politics has devolved into tribalism. As the number of lawbreaking migrants now exceeds the number of births to American citizens, look for this to only get worse.
There are many Gods real and imagined, some capitalized and some not. Which one/ones is/are hers?
By distractions, God meant not banging a married man. He told all of us. Not everyone listened.
Basil Fawlty shaking his fist at the ceiling. "Thank you God, thank you very bloody much."
That particular Black church in Atlanta is as much a political organization as it is a religious one, and Fani is just another race husting hack who lacks the character, judgement and the intelligence to succeed on the big stage. God probably told her that too. Wonder where she mailed the letter, or did she just hand it to Him?
Scott Adams said the other day, adding that it was something he could not have said before he was cancelled, that all our political problems come from rule by crazy bitches.
The charitable thing is to think of her as morally stupid. It might be a habit brainwashed into blacks by the resentment industry, to keep them in line, some more than others.
"it reinforces his characterization of it as a "witch hunt.""
It is, isn't it? You've got the attribution of evil, the belief in special powers, the will to destroy, the phony trials, the hysteria--what am I missing?
The comments almost write themselves, don't they? Is there anyone who could not anticipate what the response of this black woman would be to accusations of wrongdoing?
Remember Claudine Gay?
Satanic prayers?? Because NOTHING she is doing is Godly.
I just want to step in and say that this is the most Atlanta thing ever.
To see this happening is to understand where this world is headed under the current authority of the culture in charge. The only real question is whether they get away with this kind of shit. They do what they have to do as God speaks to them, and will stare you down into eternity.
Deal with it.
Of course she won't get the "crazy Christian" treatment the way Mike Pence does.
And to think that some Trump people would suspect godly, high minded Democrats like her of tampering with elections. I just hope she sues somebody for defamation and wins a big settlement.
And to think that some Trump people would suspect godly, high minded Democrats like her of tampering with elections. I just hope she sues somebody for defamation and wins a big settlement.
This post needs Mahalia Jackson singing "Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen" in the background.
Today is Martin Luther King Jr day:
“We all have the drum major instinct. We all want to be important, to surpass others, to achieve distinction, to lead the parade. ... And the great issue of life is to harness the drum major instinct. It is a good instinct if you don't distort it and pervert it. Don't give it up. Keep feeling the need for being important. Keep feeling the need for being first. But I want you to be the first in love. I want you to be the first in moral excellence. I want you to be the first in generosity.”
"You cannot expect Black women to be perfect and save the world," Willis said. "We need to be allowed to stumble. We need grace."
Wow! It's the "I never said I was perfect" pseudo-defense! That's usually employed only by people a generation older than Willis.
For example:
"You divorced your husband and abandoned your young children to spend six months in Palm Springs with Antonio the pool boy."
"I never claimed to be the perfect mother."
The same response is appropriate to both:
"No one was ever under any illusion that you were perfect. We were just kinda hoping for 'not completely incompetent' or 'not entirely dishonest.'"
Atlanta is 65% black so it just might work.
Like Ndw York the state of Georgia has no crime problems and their zealously focused Attorneys General can monomaniacally put their energy into prosecuting one man.
She's an Affirmative Action hire. Incompetent. When she does a splat fall, she blames Trump and those evil Republicans. She can never be wrong, she's on a mission from God. She has to save the Republic from those fascist Republicans by denying half the electorate its preferred candidate!
She has to destroy democracy in order to save it. Haven't we heard that sentiment somewhere else? A little place called Vietnam? In a war escalated by DEMOCRATS.
Democrats are the party of fascism and decivilization. They'll do anything to maintain power.
Epstien has more spiritual connection then this example from Willis.
Doing Gods will, not her will, is the spiritual key to serenity.
Don't argue with me about God. Argue with Willis. It's her God. Not yours or mine, hers.
Abandon self self will, replace it with Gods will, Be of service to OTHERS, Be honest.
I just get slacked jawed when a person complains God did not tell them how mean people are and how hard life is.
It is the very antithesis of spirituality, to have even a hint of that attitude. It is instead a person play acting the role of faithful follower.
With all this "talking to God" she is doing, did God happen to mention not being very fond of adultery? I mean wouldn't "do your work, ignore the distractions" sort of include "stop sleeping with a married man"?
Asking for a friend...
Christopher B
What a great catch.
Willis is so much worse, than the worse Trumps enemies came up with over the God made Trump meme.
Left unquoted, "....and that is why Nathan Wade, a divorce attorney, was definitely the best person for me to hire as a special prosecutor for a former President of the United States."
When you start digging into this just a SMIDGEN, you become amazed at how little Fani's case has actually been scrutinized by media with resources.
Does Willis actually believe this nonsense? Part of me says, "No way, it's such obvious BS." Another part of me can't help but think that a person would have to somehow kinda sorta believe it to spew such crapola, just to protect oneself from one own conscience, which, no matter how suppressed is always there.
Dave Begley said...
"Playing the race, religion and female cards all at once."
When you don't have a competency card or an honesty card, you play the ones you have.
Wow, the only circle her Venn diagram doesn't intersect with is LGBTQ+
I have my doubts she’s ever cracked open a Bible. That’s where you find out which distractions you need to avoid. And right in the first book, Genesis, God tells us life is going to be a bitch because of that “eating the forbidden fruit” distraction.
Wade's lack of professional qualification is the least of the infirmities and ethical lapses of DA Willis's conduct in this case.
Teh bitch set teh bitch up!
Is she a member of this church or can anyone show up and speak?
Seriously why is she speaking from this churches pulpit? Anyone know?
John Henry
In her speech yesterday Fani accused her accusers of playing the race card by criticizing the one black special prosecutor while ignoring the two white SPs.
Perhaps she is admitting to sleeping with all three of them, but only the black guy gets singled out for criticism.
I am a native Atlantan. Some twenty or so years ago a black politician, I forget which one, said "Atlanta is the capital of the third world." Fani is working hard every day to prove it.
In her speech yesterday Fani accused her accusers of playing the race card by criticizing the one black special prosecutor while ignoring the two white SPs.
Perhaps she is admitting to sleeping with all three of them, but only the black guy gets singled out for criticism.
I am a native Atlantan. Some twenty or so years ago a black politician, I forget which one, said "Atlanta is the capital of the third world." Fani is working hard every day to prove it.
Buffalo has raised an army of volunteer shovelers prepping a stadium for an NFL game today. Fani is out-shoveling the lot of them.
As a single mother, she sure is seeking consolation in front of the Rite crowd.
The black community is in the ironclad grip of the matriarchy. And we see how well that has worked out. No responsibility. Plenty of excuses. if Martin Luther King was anything more than a plastic icon, the People would attempt to live up to his writings and speeches. His people have failed him utterly.
This was a basic admission of guilt. This woman is a freaking idiot of the highest order.
What? Fanny is a local DA? Atlanta has worse criminals than Trump to deal with.
Here's the one exception when Christianity is bullshit. Thank Christ he has brought Trump in to be our faire Savior.
That's hilarious. She's from California. Her parents were well off, at least one was an attorney and both were Black Panthers, which smells of well-off "talented tenth" to me. You're either radical chic or AKA or Jack and Jill or all three, but you're as much a "poor black child born in the South" as Steve Martin. She went to expensive private schools. She has spent decades in the DAs office, which is pretty much all black women just like her.
She IS the culture of that court.
That said, no, she isn't stupid. She's actually very intelligent and very competent. I can't explain why such a competent woman went all Stella Got Her Groove Back in the middle of the most important trial of her career. On the other hand, to protect her career rise, she overlooked her boss Paul Howard's corruption for decades, but that's hardly abnormal in any political office.
She knows she just caught being more corrupt than she was just launching the corrupt indictments for the deep state.
From our elected officials, to university employees, to public schools, to pension getters, to prosecutors...this is why we are screwed. NONE of these people are going to give up the party favors they receive.
Milwaukee just implemented the sales tax increase, and immediately are giving themselves raises.
The least corrupt of all of them is Donald J Trump. That's why they hate him. They can't own him.
“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?”
I wonder if Fani considered whether Nathan Wade might be the distraction God was talking about?
"... a prayer this week in which she reminded God that..."
I have never thought of the idea that God needed to be reminded of things....
"Reminded" is the NYT's word, and maybe it's not a fair paraphrase of the words Willis's used. Reading her words, I was thinking of writing that she "reprimanded" God.
Both "reminding" and "reprimanding" God strike me as inconsistent with the usual teachings of Christianity.
Imagine if God forgot things! Judgment Day will be even more terrifying than as originally presented!
You did not tell me that You were going to forget half of my good works. You did not tell me that You were going to mix me up with that other lady who looks like me. You did not tell me that....
VOICE OF GOD (In Reply): Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?
Michael: Fulton County, Atlanta, is about 45% white and 40% black. Almost all of Fani's division heads and lead counsel are black men: one head and several leads are black woman, the rising demographic (and some are good attorneys); a few are white men: the white women were systematically purged some years ago.
It has been this way for decades.
Fani is a fraud
Pharisees and Scribes (enforce the LAW!). Human nature never changes.
Fraudulent lying liars who lie - White leftists like fani are good at pretending to be Christians.
A bit of a "poor me" whine.
If God answers prayers, it feels like Trump’s people have the advantage.
“Do my work, and forget the distractions”
So what actions are “the work” and what actions are “the distractions”? I’m going to bank on “the work” being keeping the Commandments (loving God, loving your neighbor including loving your enemies, and among other things keeping the Seventh Great Commandment), and “the distractions” being anything having to do with the world - I.e. eminence, money, popularity and worldly success.
For what does it profit a woman if she successfully prosecutes Trump and loses her own soul?
"Do my work, ignore the distractions, let Nathan 'do' you every now and then, but make sure that when Nathan 'does' you, that the two of you are traveling on the taxpayers' dime," Fani said in quoting God's email to her.
Ah yes......those pesky "distractions".
Ann @ 9:30
I'm old enough to remember when Fani Willis was idolized as a tough, "pit bull" prosecutor.
Rule #1 for prosecutors: Avoid the appearance of impropriety.
Pious ooga-booga from a hack.
Ah another political event at a black church....
One assumes they have a non-profit/tax free status.
Maybe the IRS is distracted by all burden of covering for Hunter....
I had not realized that there were other Special Prosecutors. It would be interesting to see how much they have been paid.
It would only be a surprise if she did not play the race card.
While Atlanta is 65% black, Fulton County, where the juror pool will be drawn from is much more diverse:
Black - 44%
White - 40%
Hispanic - 7%
Asian - 6%
After their defense of the “God Made Trump” ad it is funny to see tRump Swabs get upset about a politician invoking God to promote themselves. Also, I guess adultery is now a no-no for public officials.
Democrats often mock Christians but run to hide behind the church when evidence of their wrong-doing arises. Bill Clinton was the best at it. When the allegations of his actions were revealed, he grabbed a Bible and Hillary's hand and off to Church they went. The media fawned, ooohed and ahhed, and suddenly found a history of the Clinton's "long-known" religion beliefs.
I noticed in the pictures that the choir members sitting behind Willis weren't exactly impressed with her performance. She didn't deny the allegations were true, she just insisted it was wrong to criticize her for them because too much was expected of a strong black women. Contrary to what the media tells you, apparently black women are not perfect after all.
The racist republicans pounce once again!
As soon as I saw God' in the headline, I knew if I read down, I would find 'Historic Black Church' in there, somewhere.
I didn't see how God had instructed the divorced mother to enrich the toy-boy married boyfriend, and take him on vacation while abandoning her kids, though. God's ways remain mysterious, I guess.
If this is the level of her defense, well..... I can't see the Trump case going very far.
Fani says what at church?
"You cannot expect Black women to be perfect and save the world," Willis said. "We need to be allowed to stumble. We need grace."
"We are all flawed, sinners, unworthy, imperfect, damaged...But we are qualified upon His calling," she continued before concluding her remarks.
Wince said...
"VOICE OF GOD (In Reply): Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?"
Blogger Tina Trent said...
That's hilarious. She's from California. Her parents were well off, at least one was an attorney and both were Black Panthers, which smells of well-off "talented tenth" to me. You're either radical chic or AKA or Jack and Jill or all three, but you're as much a "poor black child born in the South" as Steve Martin. She went to expensive private schools. She has spent decades in the DAs office, which is pretty much all black women just like her.
She IS the culture of that court.
That said, no, she isn't stupid. She's actually very intelligent and very competent. I can't explain why such a competent woman went all Stella Got Her Groove Back in the middle of the most important trial of her career. On the other hand, to protect her career rise, she overlooked her boss Paul Howard's corruption for decades, but that's hardly abnormal in any political office.
1/15/24, 9:15 AM
——— -
She is not stupid at all.- she is just very political. The first thing she did when taking office was to kick the prosecution of the Atlanta Police Officers involved in the Rayshard Brooks shooting up to the AG. She did not want to touch that piece of hot garbage with a ten foot poll. Ironically enough she justified her action because she found the prior DA’s decision to prosecute to be motivated by politics!
I think this will tank her mayoral ambitions.
“Oh, Lord… why are you so strict?”
“Fani be tender with his love…”
Fani is just another while left fraud. White left frauds think they are above the law and above God.
Wince at 9:31 for the win!
White evangelicals say this type of thing all the time and are routinely mocked.
As for Trump being Hitler, if you really believe that, then there's nothing you won't do to stop him.
Those are the seeds that democrats are planting...
Fani seems to be the kind of person who would participate in election fraud.
Reading her words, I was thinking of writing that she "reprimanded" God.
She was letting God know that it was fine for her to bang a man married to someone else and it was the other distractions like the man's pesky wife she wanted to ignore. And if God didn't listen, he might get added as a co-defendant in Trump's Rico case.
What did you expect from a bunch of Negroes?
Wince said...
VOICE OF GOD (In Reply): Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?
1/15/24, 9:31 AM
Hilariously spot on!!!
The Einstein of a Special Prosecutors, Nathan Wade, forget to seal his divorce case filing. His little escapades with Fani are going to cost him big time.
He's a shyster trip-and-fall/divorce attorney. Exactly the kind of lawyer you need for a RICO case. Wade's firm is a gigantic two-person firm.
"I have never thought of the idea that God needed to be reminded of things....
"Reminded" is the NYT's word, and maybe it's not a fair paraphrase of the words Willis's used. Reading her words, I was thinking of writing that she "reprimanded" God.
Both "reminding" and "reprimanding" God strike me as inconsistent with the usual teachings of Christianity.:"
Not to speak for all of Christianity, which covers a whole lot of ground, but Fani talking about how she "reminded God" is perhaps meant in the same way as the Psalmist when he wrote:
6 Remember your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love,
for they have been from of old.
7 Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions;
according to your steadfast love remember me,
for the sake of your goodness, O Lord! (Psalms 25:6-7)
It's kind of interesting. Someone must have explained "pleading in the alternative" to her. Her position seems to be
a) I did nothing wrong.
b) The people criticizing me are racists.
c) I know I fucked up.
d) But don't expect me to change.
During the Spanish-American War, the question arose of what to do about Spain's colony in the Philippines. According to President McKinley:
I walked the floor of the White House night after night until midnight; and I am not ashamed to tell you, gentlemen, that I went down on my knees and prayed to Almighty God for light and guidance more than one night. And one night late it came to me this way-I don't know how it was, but it came:
(1) That we could not give them back to Spain-that would be cowardly and dishonorable;
(2) That we could not turn them over to France or Germany, our commercial rivals in the Orient-that would be bad business and discreditable;
(3) That we could not leave them to themselves-they were unfit for self-government, and they would soon have anarchy and misrule worse then Spain's was; and
(4) That there was nothing left for us to do but to take them all, and to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them and by God's grace do the very best we could by them, as our fellow men for whom Christ also died.
And then I went to bed and went to sleep, and slept soundly, and the next morning I sent for the chief engineer of the War Department (our map-maker), and I told him to put the Philippines on the map of the United States (pointing to a large map on the wall of his office), and there they are and there they will stay while I am President!
This scandal reminds me of the two FBI agents who were having an extramarital affair (Peter Strzok and Lisa Page).
Interesting how their Trump hatred makes them horny!
Apparently, the black women that go to church eat that stuff up!
That stuff being: adultery, nepotism, misuse of government funds, and witch hunts..
but.. i wonder what black man think about her?
Are they thinking: Way to use The LAW, to not only persecute people; but to make you and yours rich?
Or, are they thinking.. That Bitch reminds ME of my 1st wife!!
"... all our political problems come from rule by crazy bitches"
I was all poised to say, "Wait a minute! What about John Kerry?" But then I realized that wasn't a counterexample.
Without reading the comments so far - so, God made Fani Willis?
God, talking to Trump and Willis, moves in mysterious ways.
AMDG: interesting. I never thought about Fani as running for mayor. You generally don't run for mayor by putting union schoolteachers in prison for faking test scores, but convicting Trump might "balance the scales."
So, she's used religion and racism. Any odds on her completing the trifecta with misogyny?
"it reinforces his characterization of it as a "witch hunt.""
It is, isn't it? You've got the attribution of evil, the belief in special powers, the will to destroy, the phony trials, the hysteria--what am I missing?
The witches were innocent.
. She's actually very intelligent and very competent. I can't explain why such a competent woman went all Stella Got Her Groove Back in the middle of the most important trial of her career.
Can't name the psychological malady, but it has something to do with the left walking in lockstep to protect their own. There is some sort of immortality deep in their psyche. Joe and Hunter Biden, Mendenez, now Willis. Why so blind?
God sure does give people some conflicting messages. It’s almost as if anyone claiming God told them to do something it’s a complete narcissist who thinks their own internal voice is God.
I'm reminded of the old legal terms for formal actions in litigation. There should be a Noir Demurrer, conceding the facts, but effectively asserting an absolute defense, i.e., being Black.
"Not to speak for all of Christianity, which covers a whole lot of ground, but Fani talking about how she "reminded God" is perhaps meant in the same way as the Psalmist when he wrote"
"Perhaps meant"? Sorry, no.
The rule as established by the left when evaluating what what a person says is that it should be understood in the least flattering accounting possible (see: Donald Trump).
It's their rule, they need to live up to it.
Gee whiz, I sure hope she endeavors to persevere. She’s got a lot of local election misdeeds to distract from.
1. Political use (or, rather, abuse) of a church. IRS, anyone? Or will the historical nature of the venue - long used for politicizing while evangelizing - allow any POC in the pulpit who is trying to avoid a serious prosecution for blatant misuse of public office for personal gain?
2. Going evangelical with one's dirty laundry, a classic path to redemption, falls flat when you argue with God in public (Job excepted, he had a literary master write his lines and all the responses). Better perhaps to keep the argument here on earth and about one's own faults, only, without ascribing more faults to God other than one's own creation.
When most people say that God wants them to do something, it’s something that they want to do anyway. The test is when God wants something that doesn’t align with your own desires.
Was this Fani Willis’s “coming to Jesus moment”?
She’s a ground breaker. It’s Fani’s way or the highway.
Interesting how their Trump hatred makes them horny!
Some of them even say Trump incited an erection.
Next she will sue God for breach of fiduciary duty.
Also, I guess adultery is now a no-no for public officials.
Remind me of the public office Trump held when he had his alleged affair.
No the devil did
If she's saying this stuff in front of a black congregation, she must be trying to save her own ass.
She certainly isn't there to persuade Trump supporters that he's getting a fair shake from an honest DA.
Getting back to the legal issues, isn't it just a wee bit predudicial to the defendant for a prosecutor to publicly respond to a motion by saying the moving party is racist?
I don't really understand how Georgia's legal system works, but where is the Governor in all this? Where is the state Attorney General?
Why is she giving a speech to a church in the first place?
"it reinforces his characterization of it as a "witch hunt."
More like "which hunt?"
She gots religion.
“Both "reminding" and "reprimanding" God strike me as inconsistent with the usual teachings of Christianity.”
It bothered me too. It also bothered me that she was in church, asking for absolution, without honest contrition. She effectively stole from the public, by overpaying her married boyfriend, and then the two of them spent that money on expensive junkets. Instead of confessing her sins, she tried to excuse them, by claiming racism, etc. Wake up Fani! The sins you committed weren’t because you were Black, but because you were weak. We all are weak, Black, White, Brown, or Yellow. Coveting, and sleeping with, another woman’s husband is just as much a sin if you are any color. So is stealing. Making excuses is just the opposite of taking responsibility for your actions, which is required for true contrition.
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