January 11, 2024

"Biden’s Appeal to Black Voters Needs an Overhaul."

Writes Charles M. Blow, at the NYT.

The president’s speech [at Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, S.C.] was a chance to offer a vision for his second term, but there was hardly any vision in it. It focused on what his administration has done and not what it will do. It landed like someone coming to collect a payment for services rendered rather than to celebrate victories with a partner before mapping out future plans.... 

It seemed at times to be stuck in a bygone era in which churches were the primary source of political power and messaging in Black communities.... [N]early half of Black millennials and Gen Z-ers seldom or never attend church, and those who do go to church are less likely to go to predominantly Black churches than their older counterparts.

Young Black voters have come of age during a time of activism rooted not in religion but in a theory of intersectional struggles, an elevation of individual identities and a sense of being failed by their forebears....

If that last sentence seems too abstract, know that the next topic is Gaza. 


rehajm said...

They reallyreallyreally need all the black people to fall in line this time...

MayBee said...

"Young Black voters have come of age during a time of activism rooted not in religion but in a theory of intersectional struggles, an elevation of individual identities and a sense of being failed by their forebears.... "

There comes a point in every generation where you realize you do not have to listen to the young.

MayBee said...

What Blow is describing isn't about being black, it's about being a progressive. When will people start getting tired of politicos assuming their skin color dictate their politics?

Sebastian said...

"mapping out future plans"

Here are the plans: 1. bring in more illegals; who needs blacks? 2. go green; who needs growth and prosperity? 3. increase the debt; pay for it later, suckers; 4. go full trans; enjoy the intersectionality, boys and girls; 5. IOW, give it to them, good and hard.

RideSpaceMountain said...


Dementia Hitler needs to dump the "they're gonna put ya'll back in chains!" rhetoric and adopt something more appropriate:

I'm thinking Wählen Macht Frei. Best vote for him homeboys, or you ain't no ways schwarz!

Goldenpause said...

Why isn’t the MSM asking questions about how can a church (a 501(c)(3)) brazenly participate in a political rally? The answer appears to be if the church is predominately Black and the rally is for a Democrat, it’s OK.

Enigma said...

The 2020 Democratic vote was driven by the myopic promise of $2,000 for everyone (which soon became $1,400). Those who fell for the trick soon lost far more than $2,000 due to policies that caused rampant inflation the following year.

What needs an overhaul is the lack of self-reflection among blind partisans and zealots and those financially dependent on the Party. Fool me once, shame on you.

Justabill said...

His appeal is becoming more selective.

Original Mike said...

"It focused on what his administration has done and not what it will do."

Will do? I am hard-pressed to identify what he has done for black people.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

In Joe’s defense, collecting payment for services rendered is one of his few strong suits.

Big Mike said...

It focused on what his administration has done and not what it will do. It landed like someone coming to collect a payment for services rendered

It “landed” that way because that’s exactly what it was.

Real American said...

dang. Joe needs to do better to get the pro-Nazi terrorist supporters to back him.

n.n said...

Diversity (DEI) politics.

Iman said...

Blow “ain’t black”?

Sheridan said...

Charles BLOWS. Word salad.

Robert Cook said...

Seems way too late now for Biden to gain more support from Black voters than that he already has.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Future plans… DE&I is nice, but, what else you got for me?

retail lawyer said...

Biden needs to be more antisemitic to appeal to Black voters.

Yancey Ward said...

You mean Biden gets no credit for keeping Trump from putting black people back in chains?

AlbertAnonymous said...

Professor, why do you read Charles Blow? He’s a bloviating race hustler. Sees everything thru race colored glasses. Simultaneously sucks and blows. One trick pony. Definition of self important, entitled, elitist.

nbks said...

In general, Black Americans have made it clear that Democrats don't need to work for their vote. They've pissed away all bargaining power and been replaced by immigrant voters to be named later. That's the real replacement theory.

hombre said...

Blow's analysis aside, he and other blacks will continues to vote for Democrats because Democrats keep the reparations conversation alive, Democrats keep the systemic racism and DEI conversations alive, Democrat Soros prosecutors forgive the sins of young black men and women who commit a majority of the crimes in our cities.

All Trump and Republicans have to offer is more jobs.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

“Blow “ain’t black”?“

I love it 😆

mezzrow said...

Taking the opportunity to agree 100% with Robert Cook, as long as they are running Joe Biden. This assumes many things that are not assured.

Our job here is to be too obtuse to see the signaling. Charles Blow is there for a reason. He is nothing if not consistent.

rhhardin said...

Pandering to blacks will always be that white people have more stuff than you because stuff is being withheld from you.

Nothing about cultural good character being what makes people actually equal.

Gunner said...

Trump has more in common with average black men than gay elitist dorks like Charles Blow do.

Jupiter said...

"... rather than to celebrate victories with a partner ..."

Why am I so certain that anything Charles Blow regards as a "victory" will strike me as a catastrophe? Oh, yeah. Because Charles Blow wants to take everything I own by force, and enslave me and my children. Charles Blow = Enemy.

He's so fucking stupid it doesn't even occur to him to lie about his intention to despoil his fellow citizens. Normally, the NYT won't hire someone who is too stupid to lie. Lying well is a very important qualification at the NYT. But Charles Blow is an AA hire.

D.D. Driver said...

Shutting down intercity schools to house humans without document will not play well. I occasional listen to black talk radio in Milwaukee and African Americans are paying attention and many are very angry. Honestly, you would think you are listening to conservative radio when it comes to this issue.

mikeski said...

It focused on what his administration has done and not what it will do.

It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. We have the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been, and then to make the possible actually happen.


planetgeo said...

There has never been a NY Times writer more aptly named.

madAsHell said...

Voter fraud doesn’t need voter appeal.

Butkus51 said...

He plagiarized his speech.

Harvard is interested.

Rabel said...

The top picture. A small man with a frown.

They desperately want to be rid of Biden but can't say so.

Gusty Winds said...

Why does Biden's appeal to black voters need and overhaul? If blacks don't vote for Biden, they ain't black. Biden's words.

The black people who don't vote for him don't count. With the way Democrats have let cities go to shit, either do the ones who do vote for him.

If Democrats can import enough illegals, and not require proof of citizenship to vote (see AZ and CA0, the won't need the black vote anymore.

M Jordan said...

The all-black churches that Blow says are fading away remind me of the VFW halls: a relic from the 50/60s. It’s very hard not to see how the world has changed until it becomes a cliche. And then it’s too late.

That said, I have a soft spot in my giant, warm heart for all-black churches. Something about them always made me happy, maybe the more emotional style of worship, maybe the thought that blacks can find freedom in Jesus. Or maybe just the quality singing.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"In general, Black Americans have made it clear that Democrats don't need to work for their vote. They've pissed away all bargaining power and been replaced by immigrant voters to be named later. That's the real replacement theory."

Exactly this. I understand why they made the bargain initially. But their subsequent failure to realize it was a bargain and a trap is unfathomable. So now it's just a scramble for some people, like Blow and Obama, to get paid while the mass of Black Americans are kept down and Democrat.

n.n said...

Black as in southern India black? Obsidian, really. Black as in African-American, Musk "black"?

MacMacConnell said...

Charles Blow must not be familiar with Biden's segregationist and racist statements in his past.

Dave Begley said...

Biden will NOT be the Dem nominee.

Newsome or Michelle Obama. Maybe Mark Cuban.

Narr said...

Guy's a bloaf, like Austin.

Skeptical Voter said...

Get back to those electoral cotton fields and bring in more votes. These guys are getting off the Democrat plantation and that has to stop!

Every now and then Blow says something intelligent--but it's just on rare occasions.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

code for: The open border is a lie! Trump wants to kill blacks and gays!

Rusty said...

Unlike the 60s, 70s and 80s black folk are no longer blind to the grift.

loudogblog said...

Biden isn't appealing to black voters. He's appealing to white progressives.

Rocco said...

Robert Cook said...
“Seems way too late now for Biden to gain more support from Black voters than that he already has.”

Robert, that’s the type of thoughtful progressive insight that Biden needs. He should expend his efforts elsewhere.

Maynard said...

Inner city Black precincts will produce a 110% turnout for Biden or any other Democrat on the ticket.

That's a slight downturn from the 115% turnout for Obama.

Jersey Fled said...

Remind me again. What were Biden’s accomplishments?

Leland said...

Seems like the problem isn't what Biden has done for a specific race lately but what will Biden do for them over the next 4 years. I suppose that is what we want to know from all Presidents, but it seems creepy to me that these are demanded along racial lines.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Dave Begley said...

Biden will NOT be the Dem nominee.

Newsome or Michelle Obama. Maybe Mark Cuban.

Newsome; it would be the perfect cherry on the top of the Democrat DEI shit sundae.

madAsHell said...

Charles Blow is perfect for the NYT.

Jupiter said...

In a perfect world -- well. Lets say, in a slightly better-arranged world, it would be Charles Blow who disappeared because of painful complications from prostate surgery.

cubanbob said...

The first primaries are coming up soon and no Democrat besides Biden has declared so Biden is it. So unless Biden dies or does an LBJ not only is he the candidate as awful as Biden is, he is the best the Democrats have. So November is going to be a match between Biden and Trump, no wonder the Democrats are hell bent with their political show trials. Key Black precincts will vote for Biden whether or not the actual living registered voters in those precincts vote for Biden or don't vote at all. Although I'm voting for Trump, I rather doubt he will be able to gut the government and remove the progressive cancer inflicting it.

wildswan said...

Here's the plan - a Budlight marketing special

Phase 1
Chop down the two main poles holding up the main tent of the Democratic party
- Repudiate the older churchgoing blacks who are the most consistent voters. Depict them as fusty, out-of-touch and embarrassing. Go with young people aligned with Harvard, not AME.
- Repudiate the Jews in an hour of great pain for them. Support antisemitism and calls for more attacks like the that of October 7. Draw plenty of attention to the amount of antisemitism which has always existed in the black community

Phase 2

Phase 3
Victory in 2024 with black and Jewish support as usual.

n.n said...

Diversity in [color] blocs. The more you know.

cfs said...

Biden and the progressive's policies are no longer appealing to blacks as a whole. It is getting to the point that Biden gets more support from high wage-earning white liberals. The number of black men joining the "Blacks for Trump" groups is growing. The same goes for "Hispanics for Trump". I've watched several of their videos and the comments are spot on when it comes to what Democrats have done to their neighborhoods. The crime and illegal aliens are really pissing them off. As is the higher prices.

Anecdotally, at a recent visit to a doctor's office, the patients (11 total) in the waiting room were about half white and half black with one Hispanic young lady. Politics came up (I admit my husband started it) and all but one said they were voting for Trump (The other was voting for DeSantis). One lady had a maid's service with three vans and she said increased costs for cleaning products and gas were taking all her profits. She expanded her business under Trump four years ago and now she is thinking of selling one of her vans because she can't raise her prices any higher and retain her customers. She was adamant she would not vote Democrat again.

Democrats may be surprised come November at the percentage of the black vote that has moved to the GOP.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

How can he pander any harder than blaming literally everything on “white supremacy”? The only thing left is promising reparations that will never materialize.

But he could promise them. And probably is already planning to.

Oso Negro said...

I say again - we do NOT know how black people vote. We DO know how their votes are counted.

GingerBeer said...

Dems in late October: "They'll put y'all in chains, and we really mean it this time."

boatbuilder said...

Biden--"I'm shoveling the taxpayers cash to you as fast as I can, time to return the favor."

Blow--"It ain't enough, honkey."

They deserve each other.

walter said...

He needs to do a photo-op at a B/blaque barbershop.
You know..under blade, chatting about showering with his daughter and the playfulness of his uber-smart son referring to him as Pedo Pete.

Joe Smith said...

Have the schools turned into jungles yet?

walter said...

(And flooding the labor market with "migrants")

n.n said...

Well, that blows.

Jersey Fled said...

“Remind me again. What were Biden’s accomplishments?”

Still waiting.

Oligonicella said...

It focused on what his administration has done ...


Oligonicella said...

It focused on what his administration has done ...


Bunkypotatohead said...

Blacks vote Democrat nine to one. They also live in blue zones. There was no need for Biden to even be there.

Jamie said...

Robert, that’s the type of thoughtful progressive insight that Biden needs. He should expend his efforts elsewhere.

Or maybe do something that actually benefits American black people, instead of just saying you care about their plight.

Jamie said...

Robert, that’s the type of thoughtful progressive insight that Biden needs. He should expend his efforts elsewhere.

Or maybe do something that actually benefits American black people, instead of just saying you care about their plight.

Todd said...

What is there for blacks to not LOVE about Biden?

He is an old time democrat racist that talks down to them, makes promises he never keeps, pushes policies that helped to destroy their families (both as nuclear and helping to eliminate their unborn children), and steal their futures. Let us NOT forget his team selected the second most least qualified black woman in the country as his VP so as to ensure they "checked the box" but also guaranteed that she would/could not ever site in the oval office.

Oh sure he panders to the proper black grifters so they all talk a good game but just look at the results [if only] between 4 years ago and today, for blacks and their communities.

Don't worry though, the DNC will ensure that black districts generate their required percentage of black votes "by any means necessary". At others have pointed out, it is less about who you vote for than who counts your vote.

Todd said...

What is there for blacks to not LOVE about Biden?

He is an old time democrat racist that talks down to them, makes promises he never keeps, pushes policies that helped to destroy their families (both as nuclear and helping to eliminate their unborn children), and steal their futures. Let us NOT forget his team selected the second most least qualified black woman in the country as his VP so as to ensure they "checked the box" but also guaranteed that she would/could not ever site in the oval office.

Oh sure he panders to the proper black grifters so they all talk a good game but just look at the results [if only] between 4 years ago and today, for blacks and their communities.

Don't worry though, the DNC will ensure that black districts generate their required percentage of black votes "by any means necessary". At others have pointed out, it is less about who you vote for than who counts your vote.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

the left are ace at lying and using the race card.
Expect more.

EdwdLny said...

Okay, sure. The libs have turned inner cities into third world turd buckets, so obviously black voters should vote for more of the same. Go for it and enjoy the consequences of your ignorance and stupidity, good and hard. You've earned it. I eagerly await the gnashing of teeth and the " woe is me wailing " should they fall in line yet again. Good grief.

Mark said...

It landed like someone coming to collect a payment for services rendered

Trump and Biden are using the same playbook.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who removed the Houthis off the terrorist list as soon as he was installed on the throne?


The Houthis are supported by the Iranian Ayatollahs. The Ayatollahs are supported by US tax dollars given to them by ... Biden and his corrupt lying regime.

(who added the Houthis to the terrorist list? for the first time ever? Donald Trump)

so in actuality - because the Ayatollahs also support Hamas, Oct 7th is Biden/Leftist creation.
Biden paid for it.

How any Jew can vote biden is beyond me.

mikee said...

Biden can tell Black voters the Republicans will be holding slave auctions in the Rose Garden of the White House the day after inauguration if he doesn't win, and the press will cheer his powers of prediction.

Joe Smith said...

'Blacks vote Democrat nine to one. They also live in blue zones. There was no need for Biden to even be there.'

And they are also the lowest IQ group of significance in the country.


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