January 11, 2024

Biden agrees with Trump that Trump gets credit for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.


Aggie said...

If Joe wrote that or even thought of it, I'll eat my hat.

mccullough said...

No way was Biden up that late.

rehajm said...

It was crappy law so I'm happy, too but despite what Trump and Biden say it was the Supremes what did it. I suppose it could contribute to getting more Joe Biden but given we're in a post-election America the threats, real or implied, if we don't all cower for not complying with every desire of the left...it all seems so standinglaches moot.

Iman said...

Dementia Hitler strikes again!

Jake said...

He had a part in it. And those that wanted it overturned should have been better prepared to deal with it within the states consistent with popular opinion. They weren’t. They faced repercussions. Soon enough this will cease being an issue on a national level. They will have to continue pressing the trans issues because there will be one less wedge.

Kate said...

That avatar of Biden looks like a cringe emoji.

n.n said...

The performance of human rites to relieve "burdens" is in the twilight fringe ("emanations from penumbras") of the Constitution, I suppose. [Elective] Abortion... homicide from six weeks, when baby meets granny in state if not process, is a universal state legislation that is compatible with the well-established process of human evolution. It's all very ethical, scientific, respectively. #NoJudgment #NoLabels

Kakistocracy said...

Who is going to tell him? The logic is astounding.

And just like that, another Biden-Harris 2024 commercial is born.

Ice Nine said...

And there, in a very efficiently packaged nutshell, are the two reasons the Republicans are going to lose in November: Trump (whom I like and will vote for in Nov) as their candidate, and the politically lethal broadcasting of their anti-abortion stance.

Leland said...

More to what Trump did or didn't do; Democrats did nothing to shore up a legal ruling by passing laws.

narciso said...

Dems have lied sincd kansas because they want to kill off the next generatiob and replace them

J Melcher said...

Trump's amendments to SCOTUS returned the issue to states. Utah and Nebraska are no longer required to treat infanticide the same way California and New York treat it. (Just as the laws regarding "justifiable homicide" differ from state to state.) At present the state laws restricting abortion (in pursuit of the "rare" part of Clinton's "Safe, Legal, and Rare" goal) passed before Roe and Casey were lifted are clumsy. They attempted to circumvent SCOTUS rulings, and so are basically constructed out of nothing but loopholes. I expect a wave of revisions, which will be better constructed, but which still differ from state to state.

At some point some doctor-"mother" pair will brave the legal penalties and stand before the courts like Rosa Parks or Homer Plessy ... "yeah, I broke the (unjust) law. What are you going to do about it."

Lucien said...

If a Republican is elected president, I predict that both Thomas and Alito will retire before the term is over. If Trump wins this will give him five nominations (at least).

n.n said...

Dems have lied sincd kansas because they want to kill off the next generatiob and replace them

Keep women affordable, reusable, and taxable, and the "burden" of evidence sequestered in, ironically, sanctuary states, a human rite performed for social, clinical, political, criminal, and fair weather progress will not be denied. Besides, women, and men, lack the dignity and agency to comprehend the probable outcome of their choice. Let us bray (sic).

narciso said...

So as illegals supplant the number of native live births we see the greater design

CJinPA said...

Trump's narcissism won't let him follow the advice to all Republicans: STFU About Abortion.

(Yes, he's technically in a GOP primary where this plays. But he's not really in a primary.)

This issue alone can save Biden. The other issue is Trump.

rehajm said...

It was a nice try by Biden's handlers but the effective tag line was I did that. It looks like that's lost in the kind of but not alike little quip...

Eva Marie said...

So Biden wants Trump to be President.
Makes sense. Trump is very clear about Presidential immunity.
It’s in Biden’s self interest to see Trump elected.
Well done, Mr. President
Trump 2020

n.n said...

The wicked solution ("planned parenthood") is the preferred choice in light of the knowledge that demos-cracy is aborted in darkness (e.g. sanctuary states, rape... rape-rape, social progress) . That said, rather than diverse judgments and labels to carve exceptions, six weeks to baby meets granny in legal state, and discourage the performance of human rites otherwise. Eugenics should also be addressed.

n.n said...

Anti-slavery, anti-diversity, anti-witch hunts, anti-Sanger/Cecile/Gosnell/Mengele, anti-human rites, anti-[ethnic] Springs, anti-CAIR (catastrophic anthropogenic immigration reform), anti-shared responsibility through progressive prices, anti-Green blight, anti-fascism, too.

West TX Intermediate Crude said...

Somebody please help me out here.
There is one group (of Republicans) that states that any R other than Trump will beat Biden. Some but not all of these are Republican never-Trumpers.
There is a different group (Democrats) that state that if Trump is allowed to get the R nomination, he will win and that is terrible; therefore we have to use the legal system to make sure he does not run for President again.
If the Ds are so sure that Trump will lose even to a weak husk of a candidate like Biden (not to mention how he would fare against a decent candidate, if they happen to find one), why are they trying so hard to DQ him?
If the Rs are so scared that Trump is the only R candidate that would lose to Biden, why are they trying so hard to nominate him?
I know that there are warring factions in each of the parties, but there has to be more to it than that.
Is this a 4-D chess match?
Who is playing whom?

n.n said...

So as illegals supplant the number of native live births we see the greater design

Their motives are binary: profit and control (PC), with narcissistic enhancements. That said, in diversity (e.g. DEI) taxonomy, human lives are congruent thus interchangeable, and, in fact, disposable.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Did no one here see Trump’s long answer to the passionate pro-life lady? He explicitly stated the same exceptions that Democrats had always voiced until they became full term pro-abortion after Dobbs. Trump is content to leave it to the states but said Iowa’s “heartbeat law” went too far. In short he took a rather moderate approach while taking credit for getting Roe overturned. That position will be hard to demonize and Biden’s tweet is not the kill shot that the Trump haters are pretending it is.

Dude1394 said...

This is virtual Biden. He does not type any of these out, but pretends he does. These tweets now come out almost 5x per day.

wendybar said...

Biden bragging that he is okay with murdering babies. Who's the MONSTER??

n.n said...

The Supreme Court returned matters of homicide to the states. The decision did not outlaw abortion, not even elective, but the published handmade tales suggest otherwise. The issues of social progress and eugenics are separate but inclusive.

gilbar said...

in states like New York, abortion is legal up to and during (And After!) delivery
in states like New York, MOST Black babies are put to death
in states like New York, "liberals" (actually, Lefties) say: "GOOD! we NEED reduce Black populations"

How LONG, will Black people continue to support the plantation owners?

Dave Begley said...

Yeah, democracy is threatened. The states now get to decide instead of the unelected judiciary.

Jamie said...

That position will be hard to demonize and Biden’s tweet is not the kill shot that the Trump haters are pretending it is.

That position WOULD be hard to demonize, if it were allowed to get out.

Unfortunately you have to go looking for it.

gilbar said...

narciso said...
So as illegals supplant the number of native live births we see the greater design

‘Insane’ numbers of illegal immigrants entering US exceeds American births: report
“By the end of Biden’s term, there will have been more illegal border crossings than in the 18 years before his presidency”
“Since August, there are officially more arriving each month than there are children being born to American mothers”

mikee said...

Texas Legislature is going to go blue over abortion in the near future. At least in part, if not both houses. If not this election, the next. The Republicans let their 40 years of Republican presidential voting and 20 years of holding statewide power delude them into thinking they could do anything without consequences. This is exactly how the Democrats finally lost Texas back in the 1990s, over Governor Ann Richards abrasive persona and 2nd Amendment issues.

The Texas Republican Legislature did a stupid on abortion by limiting it to only a few weeks after conception, without any nuance. The ycould have also legalized treatments more amenable to the best care for pregnant women with serious medical issues, but did not. Hopefully they correct this omission with a nod to the reality outside Southern Baptist Sunday School & the legislative chambers of the Capitol in Austin, before they wake up in a blue state.

Whoever wrote this tweet for dementia Joe is correct. Trump owns the dissolution of federal control of abortion. Republicans will find their way on the issue state by state, after a few kicks in their nads over it to get their attention.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Trump's narcissism won't let him follow the advice to all Republicans: STFU About Abortion.

Context matters. Trump himself has advised Republicans to campaign on other issues instead of abortion, and maybe that's what you referred to (STFU). However, last night he was asked a direct question and gave a thoughtful nuanced answer. Really he could not have said "no comment" to the nice lady, but he essentially said "leave it up to the states," which is in line with the SCOTUS ruling. Yes he took credit for appointing the justices needed for that vote, but he is NOT doing the typical Republican thing: "OMG we need a law for that!" He said outlawing it ("heartbeat laws") are one extreme and Hillary's "up to birth" stance was the other extreme and he thought America would generally be in the middle.

When you have to have an answer, isn't that a pretty good summation, without specifying an actual cutoff date? How could he have answered better in your opinion CJ?

rehajm said...

Somebody please help me out here.
There is one group (of Republicans) that states that any R other than Trump will beat Biden. Some but not all of these are Republican never-Trumpers.
There is a different group (Democrats) that state that if Trump is allowed to get the R nomination, he will win and that is terrible; therefore we have to use the legal system to make sure he does not run for President again.

Yes but it makes a bit more sense if you add the timing to your analysis- it's not just disqualifying Trump it is the scramble late in election season to decide who Republican voters could choose election day. Yes you need Trump ripped from the voters but it should happen closer to November so a new candidate can't gel during the ballot chaos.

I'm sure the leftie strategists have everything timed to the minute...

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

That position WOULD be hard to demonize, if it were allowed to get out. Unfortunately you have to go looking for it.

Fair point, Jamie. Sad that not even Fox News has replayed that answer today. Maybe Trump will put in on X for wider distribution.

narciso said...

Abortion is an evil thing in the numbers it has become carried out is a grave offense to God

David53 said...

One of Biden’s better tweets from 2020

“Wearing a mask isn’t a political statement-it’s a patriotic duty.”

Robert Cook said...

"Yeah, democracy is threatened. The states now get to decide instead of the unelected judiciary."

The unelected judiciary's decision granted a freedom to women across the land that had previously been prohibited. That freedom placed the decision in the hands of each woman instead of an intruding state. Now, many of the states are prohibiting that freedom, intruding upon the privacy and personal decisions of each women and/or their families, permitted to do by a decision by a biased Supreme Court based on flimsy reasoning. Some states are seeking to criminally prosecute citizens of their state who go to other states to exercise that freedom where it still is available, (and some states are already doing so). They're even criminally prosecuting women in cases where medical emergencies are involved or have occurred. A majority of the American public express support for that freedom remaining available. Nonetheless, that freedom is being prohibited in many areas of the country.

Sounds great!

Robert Cook said...

in states like New York, abortion is legal up to and during (And After!) delivery
in states like New York, MOST Black babies are put to death
in states like New York, "liberals" (actually, Lefties) say: 'GOOD! we NEED reduce Black populations'"

Hmmm. Either the ravings of a loonie or just pure bullshit. Or pure bullshit raving by a lying loonie.

Robert Cook said...

"So as illegals supplant the number of native live births we see the greater design"

Paranoid ideation.

Gusty Winds said...

Joe Biden doesn't write his own tweets.

But yes, they need to keep college educated white women corralled with abortion rights. NOTHING else matters to them.

Gusty Winds said...

Joe Biden doesn't write his own tweets.

But yes, they need to keep college educated white women corralled with abortion rights. NOTHING else matters to them.

Michael said...

How stupid do you have to be to not use birth control. Or the morning after pill. Really.

Chuck said...

Dave Begley said...
Yeah, democracy is threatened. The states now get to decide instead of the unelected judiciary.

Dave, as a FedSoc-aligned lawyer myself, I quite liked the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade; I thought it was bad law. And I don't mind the states making their own law in that regard. Just so you know, I personally favor liberalized abortion legislation like much of Western Europe. I opposed Roe on Constitutional interpretation grounds, not on fundamental policy grounds. I want women to have senisble and medically sound access to abortion care.

But Dave; that throws (or at least, it ought to throw) Trump right into the substantive debate. A national abortion law out of Congress? Support for legislative abortion bans in the states? Six week bans? Exceptipons for rape and incest?

Our (the anti-Trump majority) plan is to grind Trump between the detailed choices. Make the pro-choice majority hate Trump for taking personal credit on the overturning of Roe v Wade; make the "pro-life" extremists hate Trump if Trump follows his feral political instincts and opts for reasonable access to some abortion care.

We have seen that across the country, in red and blue precincts alike, the pro-choice position outperforms all excpectations in elections since the Boggs decision. Look for a lot more in 2024.

Readering said...

Chief Justice Roberts cringing once more.

Kevin said...

But Biden's still taking credit for the vaccine, right?

Big Mike said...

@Rich, if you believe that, and if your state allows crossover voting in the primaries, perhaps you should get a Republican primary ballot and vote for Trump.

pacwest said...

Trump is content to leave it to the states but said Iowa’s “heartbeat law” went too far. In short he took a rather moderate approach while taking credit for getting Roe overturned.

Trump is a moderate on abortion. That stance might lose a few votes from hardcore pro-lifers and gain a few from moderate Dems. I don't think it will make much difference overall once his position becomes clearer in the general.

Gunner said...

Dems and the fake Republican pundits will just say that no matter what moderate pro-choiceish language Trump uses, he is lying and he is really beholden to 100% anti-abortion people.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If abortion had stayed in the hands of the states like it is now, maybe we wouldn’t need to import the mass hordes coming in through the border.

#SomethingTrumpCouldSay but I hope 🤞🏽 he won’t.

gilbar said...

gilbar said...
in states like New York, abortion is legal up to and during (And After!) delivery
in states like New York, MOST Black babies are put to death
in states like New York, "liberals" (actually, Lefties) say: 'GOOD! we NEED reduce Black populations'"

In New York, you can get an abortion up to and including 24 weeks of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, you can still get an abortion

New York City, where more abortions were recorded for black woman than live births in both 2012 and 2013, the most recent available data.
We rate this claim True.

Robert? when you'll lost the NY government AND politifact.. you've lost..
But go ahead.. explain how it is; that it's all " pure bullshit raving by a lying loonie."
i'll wait for your reply

traditionalguy said...

If a soldier fought and won the battle that saved the lives of 50,000 babies a year, he would get a Congressional Medal of Honor.

I guess Trump just had a lucky accident between mean tweets.

stlcdr said...

Have there been any federal attempts to establish abortion rights? By whatever standard?

I would think, based on the Democrat commentary, that would be high on their agenda. However, I’m pretty sure they do not want a federal standard, because they really do not care about women or children, and just want it as a cudgel to use against republicans.

n.n said...


The Vault Dweller said...

Trump has been very quiet about Abortion and the Dobbs decision. It was literally a generations long political battle and victory but he never really spiked the football. Once he gets the Republican nomination, I predict any discussion of abortion and the Dobbs decision will once again fall by the wayside. Trump knows that the hard pro-life policies some state's have taken are political losers.

Joe Smith said...

Joe is barely sentient, let alone capable of posting to a social media account...

gadfly said...

Trump acknowledged at his Town Hall meeting Wednesday that he received $8 million in payments from nearly two dozen foreign governments during his first two years in office, a violation of the Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause.

“I don’t get $8 million for doing nothing,” he said, and therein lies the reasoning behind the Emoluments Clause.

gadfly said...

Trump acknowledged at his Town Hall meeting Wednesday that he received $8 million in payments from nearly two dozen foreign governments during his first two years in office, a violation of the Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause.

“I don’t get $8 million for doing nothing,” he said, and therein lies the reasoning behind the Emoluments Clause.

Joe Smith said...

'Trump acknowledged at his Town Hall meeting Wednesday that he received $8 million in payments from nearly two dozen foreign governments during his first two years in office, a violation of the Constitution's Foreign Emoluments Clause.'

There are no honest liberals anymore.

Just communists bent on destroying America.

You're almost there, and your comrades will eventually come for you.

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