January 11, 2024

At the Turnaround Café...


... you can talk about whatever you want.

That's yesterday's fox. Today it looked like this (in a photo by Meade):


It was nice to see the sun today, after snow again last night. Tonight, they're saying 8 to 13 more inches, with wind gusting to 35 mph. They're predicting 3 days of snow, followed by a week of very cold weather, as low as minus 13°. We stocked up on food today, with plans to make a lot of soup and pot roast and potatoes. 

Oh, and tomorrow is my birthday. I'm proud to turn 73.


The Vault Dweller said...

Happy Birthday. That is a nice action shot of the fox, he deserves to catch a mouse.

Joe Bar said...

Happy birthday! Thanks for your blog! Love that fox!

SteveWe said...

Wish I were there for looking at the snow from inside the Meadhouse with a bowl and plate of soup and pot roast and potatoes. And enjoying our conversation. Great photo of foxy's pivot.

Happy Birthday!!!

Narr said...

HBD, Prof, and many happy returns.

rhhardin said...

Why are there stars? (Chouraqui)

elohims says: chandeliers will be on the ceiling of the skies,
to separate day from night.
they are for signs, appointments, days and years.

Aggie said...

Wait, does this mean that the anniversary of your blogging startup coincides (or almost does) with your birthday? Well, All the best, Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, all in one !

Meade, you bess be steppin' up.

Lilly, a dog said...

Happy birthday tomorrow! January 12 is my birthday too, but I have many fewer candles on the cake. May you outlive us all.

wendybar said...

Happy Birthday Eve!! I miss the snow!!

BUMBLE BEE said...

Happy Birthday to you! Don't take the day off, but you've certainly have earned it!
Good day for a few Hot Toddies.

Mike said...

Happy Birthday!

Iman said...

Happy Birthday, Althouse! Thanks for this informative, entertaining site! It’s a great vehicle for getting a read on what fellow Americans are thinking.

Mr. D said...

Happiest of birthdays, Professor!

J Severs said...

Have a great day!

gilbar said...

you know what they say! 73, is the new 71 !!

Kakistocracy said...

Foxy Lady -- Tip of the hat to Jimi Hendrix

The Bergall said...

Congrads, happy birthday!

Have Meade take you out for an expensive dinner! Order a nice bottle of Stags Leap or Caymus...

Gusty Winds said...

Happy Birthday Ann. What a great space you have created. I'm a big fan.

Kathryn51 said...

Early Birthday wishes from another 1951 birthday (several months forward) lady.

Question; Why are you proud? Because you made it this far? A life well-lived? Healthy? Or simply proud to show the youngin's that life doesn't stop at 40?

Regardless, you should be proud of what you have accomplished and the positive force that you continue to be, but I'm not clear on why age is a factor.

Meanwhile, in Kathryn51's house, hubby is revving up for the GOP precinct caucuses here in Washington state on Saturday. Not as significant as Iowa (since we are bound by a primary) but grassroots organization is his expertise and this year it's for DeSantis.

MadisonMan said...

Pot roast is an excellent cold weather meal. I hope it includes lots of carrots and potatoes in chunks. Yummy.
Maybe I'll get a pot roast today for dinner this weekend.
Happy Birthday!

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

The snow finally came, starting around 3:00 p.m. We've gotten about an 1". More to come tonight. Low temperature of 17F forecast. I'm leaving for my final cataract appointment at 8:00 a.m. when it'll be 18F. Burr!

rehajm said...

Happy Birthday Ann…tomorrow.

We went to dinner at the bar and sat next to a lovely couple visiting from Madison. They’re supposed to journey home tomorrow. Good luck to them…

Merny11 said...

Happy Birthday Ann!

Gusty Winds said...

Biden just bombed Yemen. Defense Sec AWOL.

I assume it's only to escalate for 2024 election.

wild chicken said...

Happy birthday Ann.

It'll be 75 for me next month.

Iman said...

All his dope addict, money laundering, influence peddling shenanigans aside, Hunter Biden deserves all the respect that a guy that screws his dead brother’s widow on a repeated basis can garner.

Leland said...

Happy Birthday!

Dave Begley said...

Happy birthday tomorrow. At 73, you are an inspiration! And your blogging record certainly deserves an NYT story. Or maybe the Madison paper.

I have the skull of a fox on my desk. A proud possession!

Birdwatcher said...

Happy birthday, Ann. Thank you for your daily posts and photographs. They enrich each day for me. Wishing you all the best as a 73-year-old.

Birdwatcher said...

Happy birthday, Ann. Thank you for your daily posts and photographs. They enrich each day for me. Wishing you all the best as a 73-year-old.

Readering said...

Craziest story of the year. For years ESPN created fake names with same initials as on air personalities. The fake names would win associate producer awards, then ESPN would switch the names on the trophies and pass on. Happened many, many times over many years. Finally scheme uncovered and the trophies returned. Supposedly the on air personalities didn't know. (How is that possible?)

BUMBLE BEE said...

A birthday tune for you all... Lilly Winwood


Breezy said...

Happy Birthday! I’m very grateful for your blog, and all the work you put into it. Thank you.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

At 73 Althouse is just old enough to qualify for the Senate Judiciary Chairmanship.

Happy Birthday professor.

iowan2 said...

Happy Birthday!

You have me by 6 years and 32 days.

Maynard said...

Happy Birthday Althouse.

73 is the new 53.

Scott Patton said...

Did that fox have anything to say?
Like maybe, Happy Birthday!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: Fantastic Mr. Fox: My Favorite Movie (Spoilers)

Gusty Winds said...

Biden: "I will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary".

But not the Southern border?

Old and slow said...

January 10th was my 28th anniversary. My (erstwhile, but still legal) wife and I drove to Phoenix to collect my eldest son returning from a couple of years overseas. Life is never simple or easy, but love is always the answer.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Happy Birthday!

Joe Smith said...

Best wishes...eat lots of yummy cake!!!

Dr Weevil said...

Gusty Winds (7:28pm):
Are you really asking why Biden (with British help) is bombing the Houthi terrorists in Yemen? (They are not the recognized government of Yemen, by the way.)

The Houthis have closed the Red Sea to nearly all commercial traffic by capturing civilian ships and hitting others with drones and missiles. They're currently holding 25 seamen hostage. Shipping rates are sky-rocketing, since a third or more of world ship traffic is now going around Africa instead of through the Suez Canal, adding 40% to the distance and cost. You think inflation and supply shortages are bad now? It will get much worse all over the world if the Houthis, supplied by Iran and egged on by Russia and China, succeed in wrecking the seaborne part of the world economy. (Iran has also threatened to supply cruise missiles to Algeria to close the Straits of Gibraltar.)

A few weeks ago, Biden sent a bunch of Navy ships to the area to try to intimidate the Houthis, but they have been firing dozens of missiles and drones at our ships. In other words, the Houthis are at war with the US already, the US just hasn't been firing back, until a few hours ago. Better late than never.

AZ Bob said...

I'll turn 73 this year too.

n.n said...

The fox is in the field. The fox is in the house. Happy birthday, Ann of Meadehouse.

Winston said...

Happy Birthday Ann! You and I overlapped at NYU Law in 72-73. Been a daily reader for many, many years - pre-Meade. Love your thoughtfulness and insistence on written accuracy. Best of everything to you and Meade for many, many years to come.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Prediction: Biden is going to have a family of illegals stay at the White House.

Narayanan said...

happy birthday. get cozy and enjoy.

Big Mike said...

Happy birthday.

Drago said...

Readering: "Craziest story of the year. For years ESPN created fake names with same initials as on air personalities. The fake names would win associate producer awards, then ESPN would switch the names on the trophies and pass on. Happened many, many times over many years. Finally scheme uncovered and the trophies returned. Supposedly the on air personalities didn't know. (How is that possible?)"

That's nothin'!

Did you know the Hillary campaign used a russki contact, a law firm cutout and corrupted CIA/NSA/DHS/DOJ/FBI personnel to create a transparently false hoax dossier then got the entire US federal govt and National Security state to use that hoax dossier to Sovietize their political and corrupt lawfare attacks against their chief political opponent and his family and his staff?

AND the democraticals STILL believe thw hoax dossier is true!

How is that possible?!

Quaestor said...

You have my fraternal love, Althouse. God bless you.

Freeman Hunt said...

Happy birthday!

1A and 5A said...

Happy birthday!
The wife and I made a pot roast just last night. Thankfully we’re not going to get that much snow here. Enjoy your party 🎉

Gusty Winds said...

Dr. Weevil said...
A few weeks ago, Biden sent a bunch of Navy ships to the area to try to intimidate the Houthis, but they have been firing dozens of missiles and drones at our ships. In other words, the Houthis are at war with the US already, the US just hasn't been firing back, until a few hours ago.

Look. I get what's going on, and the effect on commerce. But if they are "egged on" by China and Russia via Iran...why are they all so emoldened? And for all the things that Biden has done to make things more expensive for Americans, he decides to take care of business now? Democrats weren't too worried about all the ships floating in the Ocean that couldn't dock and get unloaded during COVID.

In my lifetime, it seems like whenever we bomb the middle east we punch the tar baby, get nothing out of it, and it costs more money and lives than if we didn't.

Our Secretary of Defense just went AWOL. Now Biden bombs? I'm sorry. I don't trust these guys.

They gained power by interfering with international and domestic commerce with all the COVID lies. Now they are interested in "the free flow of international commerce"?

NKP said...

Forever young… at any age. Happy birthday, Ann. You still got the moves :-)

Kate said...

Happy Birthday, and may you continue healthy, curious, and with much joie de vivre.

I'm envious of a warm room with fragrant pot roast, beloved company, and a snowstorm view. As Trump would say, "Enjoy!"

John said...

Happy Birthday!

mezzrow said...

CCDCFE. Happy Birthday, Ann!

Clyde said...

Happy birthday, Althouse! Enjoy the day and stay warm.

Clyde said...

Then: In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream
Now: On Peacock, No One Can See You Freeze

TickTock said...

Happy Birthday. And thank you for all that you do.

wendybar said...

"When a dog can’t be trusted among the vulnerable, there are only three options: train it, restrain it, or put it down. The one response that is patently incorrect is to reward it -- patting the dog on the head with a new headquarters, and consolidating its operations in Washington so that the pack may be trained by the Deep State."


wendybar said...

Coming soon to YOUR neighborhood, thanks to Joe Biden and his open borders...the invaders will be taking over every town and city.


Humperdink said...

Happy Birthday Ann. Love your blog, my go to site in the AM. I'll be 73 in two months. Rush would have been 73 also. I miss him greatly.

Christopher B said...

Hope you have a great birthday!

R C Belaire said...

In SE and mid-Michigan, we're still waiting for what Madison received. Maybe, maybe not.

Tofu King said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite blogger! Everyone, please use the Althouse portal.

lonejustice said...

Happy Birthday, professor. I'm 2 years behind you. Thanks for keeping this blog open minded. I often don't have the time to read the comments, but I always make time to read your posts and your comments. Keep up the excellent work.

Narayanan said...

Prediction: Biden is going to have a family of illegals stay at the White House.
in preparation to present during SOTU

wendybar said...

"7 men gang raped 2 toddler boys (2 and 3 years old) in Galleria Mall in Houston.


Maybe they've been busy storming the houses of peaceful pro-lifers, or hunting down Americans who took a casual stroll through the Capitol on Jan. 6 (where they were welcomed inside by police), or maybe just going after parents whose only crime is speaking out about their OWN children who were sexually assaulted."


BG said...

Happy Birthday, Ann! May your day be warm and peaceful, secure from the storm outside. May you enjoy many more trips around the sun.

Tank said...

Happy Birthday and many thanks for the work you do.

wendybar said...

Ask yourselves WHY, the FBI is hiding evidence of a murder...and Democrat corruption. WHAT is in it for them?? WHAT is worth hiding for 66 years?? Time for Gitmo for all of the corrupt.

"In September 2023, a judge finally demanded the FBI and DOJ provide all they had regarding Seth Rich to Attorney Clevenger. The FBI responded requesting another 66 years before releasing the information. They wanted it moved out like the JFK assassination reports."


Steven Wilson said...

Happy Birthday, Professor. May you have many more.

Nearly nine years ago I woke to the sight of three fox kits in my front yard. One was devouring a small rodent and wasn't sharing with its siblings. I never saw any evidence of them since.

One of my favorite books, "Life after Life" by Kate Atkinson has Fox Corners as the name of the family home. I like foxes, perhaps more in the abstract than in reality, as they are one of the more beautiful of nature's creations.

M Jordan said...

Happy birthday, Ann Althouse. May the Lord give you many, many more.

Ernest said...

Happy Birthday Ann! We had pot roast on Christmas Day - delicious.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Once again, Mitch McConnel has sold out the Republican base on immigration. The current deal gives Democrats everything they want.

Border deal would:

1) Increase green cards by 50,000/year

2) Work permits for adult children of H-1B holders

3) Immediate work permits to every illegal alien released from custody

4) Taxpayer funded lawyers to certain UACs and mentally incompetent aliens

5) Expulsion authority for a limited number of days ONLY if encounters exceed 5k/day over a seven day period

6) Restricts parole for those who enter without authorization between ports of entry

Call Mitch McConnel at (202) 224-2541 and tell him no deal.

rcocean said...

Happy birthday. I'm so glad you're continuing this blog. And judging by your pictures you seem hale and hearty.

Mrs. X said...

Happy birthday, Ann! Yours was the first blog I read regularly and I still stop by almost every day. Thanks!

Jamie said...

Happy birthday to Althouse! Many happy returns!

Scott Patton said...

Found The Turnaround (The Turnaround)
Karrin Allyson

MadTownGuy said...

Trump 14th Amendment Challenger Arrested on Federal Tax Charges

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Trump 14th Amendment Challenger Arrested on Federal Tax Charges
A man who filed a number of lawsuits against the former president was arrested.
Trump 14th Amendment Challenger Arrested on Federal Tax Charges
Former President Donald Trump attends his trial in New York State Supreme Court in New York City on Dec. 7, 2023. (David Dee Delgado/Getty Images)
Jack Phillips
By Jack Phillips

X 1


A man who filed a number of lawsuits in different states to try to prevent former President Donald Trump from appearing on election ballots has been arrested on federal tax charges.

John Anthony Castro was charged last week with 33 counts of aiding the preparation of false tax returns, according to Department of Justice prosecutors. They said that he ran a virtual tax business that gave customers returns beyond what they were really owed.
“Castro would promise a significantly higher refund than taxpayers could receive from other preparers and on many occasions, offered to split the additional refund with taxpayers,” federal prosecutors wrote in court documents. “In order to achieve these larger refunds, Castro generated false deductions, that were not based in fact, and which were submitted without the taxpayer’s knowledge.”

An employee of the defendant spoke with the undercover official regarding tax deductions, the DOJ said.

“The employee stated that Mr. Castro would make any decisions regarding what items would be included on the tax filing. The employee did not identify any deductions that would apply to the agent and in the course of the interview, the undercover agent denied any facts that would support deductions,” the DOJ said, adding that in March 2018, Mr. Castro allegedly filed the undercover agent’s tax return with $29,339 in fraudulent deductions before the IRS sent back a refund of $6,007; Mr. Castro received $2,999 for his services.

It added that Mr. Castro allegedly engaged in a similar pattern to concoct fraudulent deductions for dozens of other taxpayers. That resulted in “hundreds of thousands of improperly paid claims,” prosecutors said.

In response to the charges, Mr. Castro told Newsweek that he believes the indictment is political retaliation because he challenged President Trump, who himself has been indicted in two separate jurisdictions by a federal special counsel.
“This is not by happenstance, this is not by pure chance at all. This is intentional targeting and political retaliation and abuse of the grand jury process,” he told the news outlet. “They’re just concerned with the headline ‘person suing Trump is arrested on tax charges.’ It’s their way of trying to sideline me and basically just silence me.”

Elaborating to the outlet, Mr. Castro said that years later, he “decided to start suing Trump in September 2023, and that is when they decide that they’re going to now impanel a grand jury and present that issue and try to secure an indictment.

Ann Althouse said...

Thanks for all the birthday wishes!

mikee said...

I've been taking photos & game camera videos of the Gray Foxes in my suburb since last summer, and your one photo here beats all that. Nice!

Ann Althouse said...

"Question; Why are you proud? Because you made it this far? A life well-lived? Healthy? Or simply proud to show the youngin's that life doesn't stop at 40? Regardless, you should be proud of what you have accomplished and the positive force that you continue to be, but I'm not clear on why age is a factor."

I'm proud in that...

1. I'm not the opposite of proud — I'm not ashamed — of aging. Typing the number — 73 — I was aware that some people would not give the number or would add some bullshit about the passage of time as a worrisome surprise or they'd find a way to insult themselves.

2. I think it's impressive to have amassed a large number of years in one's past. It's something you can be proud to possess.

3. As you noted, there's the idea of having made it this far — to have emerged here, still going, with mind and body seemingly working more or less the same as ever.

4. I like being old. This is a good place to be. It's not: Oh, no, now I'm stuck with just this. The length of one's future — always (almost) unknown — has to do with the future, not the now. Young or old, you're in the now, and the present day is exactly as good as it is as it is regardless of how many days lie behind and how many might lie ahead. Make this day good. Declare it good. That's a kind of pride: Seeing that this is great.

Rusty said...

Well. Happy birthday, young lady.

Michael K said...

Happy Birthday. You've aged well.

My wife's 78th is Saturday.

Candide said...

Happy Birthday, Ann!

I declare this day good and now will try to make it good.

Iman said...

Tried giving Cocaine Mitch a call, Mike of Sno, but got a recording of them experiencing a high volume of calls.

Kathryn51 said...

Ann Althouse said...

I'm proud in that...

1. I'm not the opposite of proud — I'm not ashamed — of aging. Make this day good. Declare it good. That's a kind of pride: Seeing that this is great.. . . .

Make this day good. Declare it good. That's a kind of pride: Seeing that this is great.

Thanks for the explanation. You repeated those sentences twice - a good mantra. I should print them out and post it on my mirror - or perhaps a sticky note for my computer screen.

Cheers. Kathryn 51

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

It took two tries to get through to Cocaine Mitch.

Nicholas said...

Ann, Belatedly, Happy Birthday! I have been reading almost every day since your reporting of the insurrection in the Madison State Capitol. The endless range of your curiosity has been a marvellous insight into US society ever since.

Happy NewYear from Olde England.

Rusty said...

"1. I'm not the opposite of proud — I'm not ashamed — of aging."
It's not like we can do anything about it anyway. So we might as well enjoy it while we can.
Let's make it about me for a minute.I can honestly say I'm happy in these later years. My body is telling me to dial it down a couple notches but I'm still 20 in my head.
My brother told me I'm the longest lived male member of my fathers side of the family. For the last three generations. Probably because I don't smoke or drink.

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