Now, the timing is foisted on him. Today, the new E. Jean Carroll defamation trial begins.
There's another trial because he continued to deny certain facts that had been established at the first trial, so he, arguably, re-defamed her. He doesn't seem too worried, this morning, about re-re-defaming her.
Here's his Truth Social feed. Just go there now and scroll. I can't embed everything. Most of it is re-posting things she's written. Like this:
But some of it is written-out text like this (and I assume it will be used against him at trial):
ADDED: Trump reminds me of Bender in "The Breakfast Club" — challenging authority and incurring multiple detentions:
I would like to know what makes the lying lunatic White Left E Jean Carrol - so freaking important?
The defamation case should be in the other direction.
If you can't remember the year you were "raped", it should be an automatic dismissal.
I don’t buy her story, but this really is both a hole and distraction that Trump would do better to ignore. No matter what he says, he is going to be judged by a NY jury that most likely will not side with him. Discussing E. Jean Carroll will only cost him votes and not gain any support that he doesn’t already have.
What the fuck is with the first initial bullshit?
Sounds super pretentious or she has a terrible first name.
Just looked it up, it's Elizabeth.
How hard is that to say?
I would like to know what makes the lying lunatic White Left E Jean Carrol - so freaking important?
Trump. Trump is making her important by talking about her. He should stop giving her attention and by saying things about her open himself up to claims of defamation. Don’t make her famous.
“Remember, those gossip columnists were, perhaps, even more vicious and obsessed than the Internet of today.”
Trump is using Truth Social this morning
also known as "Pravda" in Russian!
(Wouldn't it be funny if Trump really was a Russian spy? Hillary frames him as a Russian spy, but then in the third act it turns out he's actually a Russian spy. Kevin Costner could play him in the movie).
Seems leftists get to falsely accuse anyone they want of rape - as an effective leftist weapon.
Trump is still trying to promote Truth Social.
It’s the exclusive social media app of Trump’s civil trials.
It isn’t defamation just because some motivated political activist judge working in coordination with other operatives says it is…
A man's allowed to say he didn't do it.
One of the reasons I was so strongly for Vivek is that he doesn't have any baggage like this. And Vivek has fresh legs. America First 2.0.
Trump is so, so easily distracted and the Left does a good job of distracting him. We need a full time POTUS. Not one tied down in all sorts of lawsuits.
I might vote for Bobby in the general election.
First two comments pretty much covered the range of my reactions.
I'll just add that non-lawyers like me believe that "facts established at trial" and objective fact are two separate things. Trump should, perhaps even does, have a first amendment right to say he disagrees with the trial outcome. God knows the majority of murderers convicted at trial still assert their innocence as do many who plead guilty and later change their minds.
Trump will continue to be "wronged" as long as he is in public life and beyond. He need to get over it and set about campaigning against Democrats.
"I might vote for Bobby in the general election."
Good lord, Begley!
Trump won the Iowa Caucus with about half of 14% of registered republicans. He got a total of 56,280 votes — in a country of 330 million plus people.
Stupid self-defeating behavior, as far as the case goes. Also, politically, he's at a point now where he should be trying to win over voters in the center. Those are the people least likely to care about his personal legal problems.
I didn't follow the original trial too much so I don't really have an opinion on the strength of the case either way. But it was odd that she claimed both sexual assault and rape, and the jury found in her favor on the sexual assault claim but not the rape claim. It seems an odd split decision for the jury to believe one but not the other.
"facts that had been established at the first trial"
Like, she couldn't remember the year?
"He need to get over it and set about campaigning against Democrats"
He does, but he can't. The Trump baggage is even heavier this time. And besides serving as middle America's middle finger, what exactly is he campaigning for?
How do false and unproven allegations amount to her power?
Our decline. Our mob-run leftist justice system - and the a-holes an woke losers who inhabit.
What the fuck is with the first initial bullshit? Sounds super pretentious or she has a terrible first name.
...a bit of anonymity to get thought the rest of her life if/when the political charade blows up. Also it's catchy, like J Fred Muggs...
She's a lying nutcase. Trump should defend himself in public since the NYC courts are crooked and the jury pool is made up of morons.
30+ posts about E. Jean? Is this for a SNL sketch?
Facts established at the OJ trial were that he was not guilty.
"One of the reasons I was so strongly for Vivek is that he doesn't have any baggage like this."
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h a ha ha hah! You don't think that they would invent baggage for Vivek the same way that they invented this incident, that if it happened at all, was probably consensual, a "zipless fuck" was a fashionable thing in the '90s. And now the "victim" could never admit to consenting, just like the director of Home Alone now claims that Trump bullied his way into the movie.
"One of the reasons I was so strongly for Vivek is that he doesn't have any baggage like this."
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h a ha ha hah! You don't think that they would invent baggage for Vivek the same way that they invented this incident, that if it happened at all, was probably consensual, a "zipless fuck" was a fashionable thing in the '90s. And now the "victim" could never admit to consenting, just like the director of Home Alone now claims that Trump bullied his way into the movie.
Trump is his own worst enemy a lot of the time.
However, I refuse to believe, morally, that continuing to assert one's innocence, even after a conviction, is wrong. It's not like Trump's rhetoric just came after Carroll out of nowhere; she came after him with 1) absolutely unbelievable allegations that most importantly, 2) should never have been legally sanctioned after all of these years.
I buy her story. Just the kind of crap I was pulling at 15, so Trump was still doing it as an "adult".
"I might vote for Bobby in the general election."
Thanks, I'll put you down as a Biden supporter. How foolish of you.
"He defamed her"... Boo fucking hoo. She lied about rape to have an innocent man arrested and imprisoned. She was never defamed, Trump was right.
If you go by the time tested bell-weather of how panicked the people at the TV political desks are, Trump’s victory was far too decisive…
Do feminists cringe when they see a woman lying for political reasons, or do they cheer this on? In the end, this hurts their cause which is quite just.
One of the reasons I was so strongly for Vivek is that he doesn't have any baggage like this.
I'll never be able to reconcile this line of thought with history. Vivek doesn't have that baggage because he wasn't enough of a threat for someone to make up that baggage. Or do you believe Kavanaugh actually did try to rape Ford? Did you dislike how Romney treated women by keeping them in a binder? Maybe you think 9-11 was an inside job, because steel doesn't burn?
I've had friends run for minor local offices that had their opponent claim everything from marital infidelity to avoiding taxes and hiring illegals because they paid their lawn guy in cash. Already today, I've read over on Pajama's Media commenters talking about Vivek running his business in the ground and selling it to the Chinese. The opposition will create the baggage.
But if you want to vote for another Kennedy, because you don't think they have Trump's level of baggage; then don't expect people to take you seriously.
You should have been for Vivek because he had a good message and good ideas on public policy.
Blogger jim said...
I buy her story. Just the kind of crap I was pulling at 15, so Trump was still doing it as an "adult".
As a kid you probably believed tall tales like hers, too.
I probably won't vote for Bobby, but I figured my threat alone would knock some sense into Trump.
Can you imagine working for him these days?
And people are actually pushing the rest of the country to follow a relative handful of Iowans in promoting this nut.
Just another weird, leftwing old white woman, floating… untethered to reality.
Sad fuck.
"Four more years" of this crap.
No thank you. I'm not going to be a party to it. I'm not going to help enable it.
So, jim was a 15 year-old rapist.
Let's see who in this thread is surprised by this?
The initial charge didn't make sense and I don't buy that it happened. There would have been witnesses and the accusation was just too weird for there to be no one who remembered it.
Trump has every right to keep saying something didn't happen, but his post says things were proven to have not happened. If that's not true, then he could be getting himself in trouble all over again.
Didn’t Trump have a memorial service to attend today.?
Blogger jim said...
"I buy her story. Just the kind of crap I was pulling at 15"
Really? You were raping women in changing rooms at 15? I think maybe you are the outlier here...
Just add the millions more to the other fraud "asset inflation cases verdict coming soon I would wager that one will be around $340,000,000 to $355,000,000 and Add this case at $15,000,000 and if trump continues his I DONT KNOW HER , NEVER MET HER(MARLA) I thing the judge will do a Guiliani on Him.Results coming soon
Refresh my memory: Is this the case where the law was changed by the state Democrats specifically to allow the prosecution to proceed?
Bender's Sacrifice.
“I might vote for Bobby in the general election.“
Hmm. Oh well, at least you won’t be voting for Biden, right? So I’m with you on that. 4 more years of “Democratic” rule would make America suck again and again and again…
I’m with Vivek — it’s time to endorse Trump and build the November landslide.
This is a no-win for Trump, even if he is not convicted of new defamations, which he may well be. It's just money, and he still has a bit to throw down the rathole of malicious prosecutions. He might be pridefully thinking he is correct in his statements, but somebody needs to tell him that doesn't matter. What matters is getting this crap out of the way of his campaign.
Let me compare how a personal problem played out in the past. Clinton argued, and still maintains, that he did not perjure himself over Lewinski. He did. And he shouldn't have been getting serviced by an intern in the first place, or having his security detail pander for him with Jones. Pure prideful self-denial of any responsibility for his own behavior. Sure, he wasn't thrown out of office via impeachment, but he should have been forced to resign and nobody - not one Party member or member of his administration - pushed him to resign for the good of the country, or for the good of the Democrat party or for the good of the office of President. And gosh, that may be one of the reasons we got Trump a few presidents later - the Democrat Party let corruption abound.
I wonder what Trump's bullheaded efforts about this will result in, 10 or 20 years down the line.
You want him to take his lumps from your corrupt affirmative-action judicial shit machine like it was a legitimate, evidence-based process for weighing guilt and innocence. But he's not going to do that. It was a travesty, a farce, a shit-show, written, directed and produced by a generation of Commie Law Professors who aren't fit to shine his shoes. And he's going to say it, and say it, and say it again. Because it's not that the Truth will set you free. Saying what's true is being free.
Dave Begley: "I might vote for Bobby in the general election."
Operationally, that is a vote for Biden.
No one is saying you cant vote for whom you wish, but this coming election, as all US Presidential elections happen to be, are binary affairs.
So, dont kid yourself.
@Rich: "Trump won the Iowa Caucus with about half of 14% of registered republicans. He got a total of 56,280 votes — in a country of 330 million plus people."
Yeah, that's pretty sad, isn't it? I mean compared to the fact Biden would likely get 330 million plus votes in a state with 56,280 registered voters. Your team really knows how to pull that off, Rich. Congrats.
Aggie: "Refresh my memory: Is this the case where the law was changed by the state Democrats specifically to allow the prosecution to proceed?"
Though a couple other opportunists saw an opening and launched additional lawsuits against other targets.
Trump wants to be a persecuted and prosecuted as possible before the election because he knows that will help him.
Trump is his own worst enemy. Those attacks will be part of E. Jean Carroll's case about why she is entitled to major punitive damages from Trump, just as Freeman and Moss successfully argued re. Giuliani’s statements on the first day of his DC defamation trial.
Blogger Jim?
It look like yer work here are dun…
Leland said...
"I would like to know what makes the lying lunatic White Left E Jean Carrol - so freaking important?
Trump. Trump is making her important by talking about her. He should stop giving her attention and by saying things about her open himself up to claims of defamation. Don’t make her famous."
You're right that it's all about Trump, but it's the (D) Party apparatus that is making her and all the lawfare warriors important. And if you think that any other (R) candidate wouldn't get the same treatment, just look at the history of all the previous candidates from Nixon and following.
DJT is using Alinsky Rules. I can't say whether that will work for him, but hey, pass the popcorn...
"Trump is his own worst enemy."
That's Rich!
The Canadians have their own judicial shit-show.
"Political shenanigans"??!
What that rapscallion -- that scallywag!
Okay. Okay.
I'm vote for Trump in the general. My vote might be the single one that wins Nebraska Second District for Trump so that he gets all 5 of NE's Electoral College votes.
My big concern that 1-2m illegal aliens will vote and flip TX to the Dems. And the Dem nominee won't be Biden. Too risky.
Is this true?
Greg Price
Democrat mega-donor Reid Hoffman is currently funding the lawsuit filed by E. Jean Carroll accusing President Trump of rape (she once said “rape is sexy” on tv).
He visited Epstein’s island in 2014, after it was already revealed he was a sexual predator.
@Dave Begley Exactly. Trump will continue to act like an obnoxious clown up until November. No self-discipline. That is why his electoral record is so abysmal. He is a loser. He can't help himself. Putting all of your eggs in an unpredictable, volitile basketcase will end the way it always does. What's the old saying about repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results?
Is it illegal to punch back at the lying fraud white leftist named E-Jean? Why? She's part of the protected Putin class?
What an annoying name. How on earth would any man want to f*ck someone named E-jean. It's not possible.
My big concern that 1-2m illegal aliens will vote and flip TX to the Dems. And the Dem nominee won't be Biden. Too risky.
1/16/24, 2:49 PM
Then it really doesn't matter WHO gets the nomination then, does it??
Blogger I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it: "Is this true?
Greg Price
Democrat mega-donor Reid Hoffman is currently funding the lawsuit filed by E. Jean Carroll accusing President Trump of rape (she once said “rape is sexy” on tv).
He visited Epstein’s island in 2014, after it was already revealed he was a sexual predator."
Yes, far left billionaire Reid Hoffman provided financial support to Carroll for her lawsuit.
Reid Hoffman, and other far left money men, are currently backing Haley.
And yes, Reid Hoffman was an Epstein pedo island "pal" AFTER Epstein had already been convicted.
And yes, Reid Hoffman was found responsible in an Alabama court for directly backing a fake conservative/fake LLR operation in the 2017 Alabama Senate race to spread pro-dem misinformation.
Hmmmm, fake conservatives posing as lifelong republicans (LLR's) pushing democratical misinformation. Gee, that seems awfully familiar, no?
Of course, Team Globalist behind DeSantis (Ken Griffin, Rupert Murdoch, etc) weren't much better and have been scrambling since it became clear to them that DeSantis wasnt going to be "the guy".
Still, the money from the $10M book deal Murdoch handed to DeSantis as an upfront show of commitment is already in the bank so Ron isnt going to lose that for any reason.
And that's nice for the family.
Blue Jean… I just met a girl named Blue Jean
My big concern that 1-2m illegal aliens will vote and flip TX to the Dems. And the Dem nominee won't be Biden. Too risky.
…at this point you’re a reliable contra indicator my friend.
rehajm said...
"It isn’t defamation just because some motivated political activist judge working in coordination with other operatives says it is…"
The defamation verdict was made by a jury. Unlike the NY fraud case Trump actually figured out how to demand a jury trial in the E. Jean Carroll case.
The Vault Dweller said...
"I didn't follow the original trial too much so I don't really have an opinion on the strength of the case either way. But it was odd that she claimed both sexual assault and rape, and the jury found in her favor on the sexual assault claim but not the rape claim. It seems an odd split decision for the jury to believe one but not the other."
“The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was ‘raped’ within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump ‘raped’ her as many people commonly understand the word ‘rape,’ ” (Judge) Kaplan wrote.
He added: “Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.”
Kaplan said New York’s legal definition of “rape” is “far narrower” than the word is understood in “common modern parlance.”
The former requires forcible, unconsented-to penetration with one’s penis. But he said that the conduct the jury effectively found Trump liable for — forced digital penetration — meets a more common definition of rape. He cited definitions offered by the American Psychological Association and the Justice Department, which in 2012 expanded its definition of rape to include penetration “with any body part or object.”
Wash Post
Where is the footage of Trump going into the dressing room and RAPING! E-JEAN! ?
Did she Cry for help? I know I would. I don't care who you are - you try something funny in a dressing room - I'm going to yell for help. This isn't some back alley. Good grief.
oooo that scary celebrity real estate developer Trump. Hanging out in the women's lingerie department. The lurking rapist!
Is there a police report?
When you're a Putin-protected White leftist Class - who needs proof or evidence?.... or dates? or even the correct year.... All you need is a good story. .. big donors and a obedient hack media.
Hes also funding haley supposedly
“I might vote for Bobby in the general election.“
Essentially the Jabfly '16 "hands clean" route.
If you wonder why he's been absent of late, it takes extended training to take a dump so clogging it derails multiple swing state counting processes.
But c'mon. Kennedy is only now reconsidering the border and the climate scam.
And how does Drudge headline Trump's Iowa win?
Nothing like a little spin now, is there?
More free election advertising for Trump. Proving the cliche that there's no such thing as bad publicity.
certain facts were not established in the first trial. The jury just decided the her part of the story was correct. Myself, I wonder about the story which sounds fishy. Rape in a room wh
ere people change clothing? Isn't a changing room a semi public place where people are monitored so they don't steal clothes? and where men are not allowed in?
And the story that a guy she barely knew and who had access to the most beautiful women in NYC was so overwhelmed by her charms he risked arrest to rape her in a semi public place?
I buy her story. Just the kind of crap I was pulling at 15, so Trump was still doing it as an "adult".
Yeah. Because at 15, you were one of the most famous people in the world - let alone New York City - who drew a throng of people everywhere you went. And - also at 15 - you were able to saunter into a high-end NYC department store (going unnoticed by anybody) and manage to drag a semi-famous woman into a dressing room and rape her.
Without anybody being the wiser. At 15.
"Trump will continue to act like an obnoxious clown up until November. No self-discipline. That is why his electoral record is so abysmal."
He won every race he ever entered. As you well know.
100% of corruptocrats want a one-party totalitarian leftist state.
so what is Drudge's point?
What is the proper amount of indignation to exhibit when someone calls you a rapist? To use Trump's metaphor, Carroll could claim that she was raped at high noon on Fifth Ave by Trump and a NY jury would find him guilty... Kavanaugh testified with as much dignity and aplomb as the circumstances allowed, but a potential Supreme Court Justice cannot call his accuser a lying bitch. I would venture that such thoughts crossed Kavanaugh's mind however. Trump is Trump and his fans don't consider such remarks disqualifying. I'm sympathetic. It seems to me that Trump is entitled to be pissed off at all these proceedings against him....He'll probably lose his case in NY, but, in places other than NY, this will substantiate his martyrdom status. Maybe he'll pick up a few votes because of it--not among Dems obviously, but some fair minded people must consider it too much.....The Dems don't consider the OJ trial a cautionary tale. Instead, they've decided that this is a rich mother lode of ore to be mined. (The guy who shot at Reagan was found innocent by a Washington DC jury.)
What is the proper amount of indignation to exhibit when someone calls you a rapist? To use Trump's metaphor, Carroll could claim that she was raped at high noon on Fifth Ave by Trump and a NY jury would find him guilty... Kavanaugh testified with as much dignity and aplomb as the circumstances allowed, but a potential Supreme Court Justice cannot call his accuser a lying bitch. I would venture that such thoughts crossed Kavanaugh's mind however. Trump is Trump and his fans don't consider such remarks disqualifying. I'm sympathetic. It seems to me that Trump is entitled to be pissed off at all these proceedings against him....He'll probably lose his case in NY, but, in places other than NY, this will substantiate his martyrdom status. Maybe he'll pick up a few votes because of it--not among Dems obviously, but some fair minded people must consider it too much.....The Dems don't consider the OJ trial a cautionary tale. Instead, they've decided that this is a rich mother lode of ore to be mined. (The guy who shot Reagan was found innocent by a Washington DC jury.)
of course, the reason he does this is because for a number of supporters and anti-antis, the number of charges against him are proof that the other side must be making stuff up or blowing stuff out of proportion or whatever. provoking more lawsuits where he's obviously going to lose is part of his campaign strategy. sad, really.
Gospace said...
"And how does Drudge headline Trump's Iowa win?"
Nobody reads Drudge anymore.
Dave said,
"Trump is so, so easily distracted and the Left does a good job of distracting him. We need a full time POTUS. Not one tied down in all sorts of lawsuits."
No Dave. You're distracted. That is the point. To distract you and keep you distracted. If Trump were as big of an idotic buffoon as they are trying to convince you he is they wouldn't be doing everything they can to keep him off the ballot. He's a threat to their one party "Democracy" and they are scared.
An alleged crime that was not reported. A claim that has no evidentiary support. Justice and well-wishers expect Trump to take a knee, beg, silently.
Wasn't there a movement where women wore masks to protest just such an indignity of sexist orientation?
""He defamed her"... Boo fucking hoo. She lied about rape to have an innocent man arrested and imprisoned. She was never defamed, Trump was right."
Who are you quoting? I didn't say Trump defamed her. I said "he continued to deny certain facts that had been established at the first trial."
I presume you are not a lawyer, so I recommend looking up the phrase "collateral estoppel." Trump cannot relitigate.
And she did not go to the police at the time, so she did not try to have him arrested. She just chose to write about her own life as she saw fit, many years later. He chose to call her a liar. She then brought a civil suit. She won. He continued to call her a liar. That's what this new trial is about. She sued to clear her name, and he's denying her the clear name that she won in court. Court cases are supposed to resolve the dispute, and he's defying that, again and again.
"An alleged crime that was not reported. A claim that has no evidentiary support. Justice and well-wishers expect Trump to take a knee, beg, silently."
No, they expect him to accept the results of the last election. I mean, the last lawsuit.
Like everything else in EJean's lifelong agitated quest for sexual notoriety, her accusation against Trump -- and possibly even a real encounter with him -- are carefully cribbed from the pages of Erica Jong's 1973 bestseller, Fear of Flying, the origin story of what we are now being forced to endure as national nightmare: the vengeful return of the narcissistic id of "zipless f**k" Seventies feminism.
The media helped EJean project this charming little backstory of her past and current life, now wandering in the woods painting rocks blue, then wandering Fifth Avenue having liberated sexual adventures. It's literally ripped from the pages of Fear of Flying, in which Erica Jong creepily indulges in a weird, vulgar victimhood, conflating her endlessly contemplated sexual misadventures with being oppressed by Nazis (and of course, dreaded American whitebread bourgeois domesticity, which are exactly the same thing).
I think Trump should have the right to remind people of EJean's real and messy backstory, written endlessly in her magazine columns, because she has chosen to re-enter his life while constantly re-writing her own, as the rest of us are forced to participate in this resentful hangover of the awful sexual revolution as directed by the Erica Jongs and EJeans of the world.
Just read the Wikipedia entry on Fear of Flying, and you'll immediately recognize this political moment. Even if you've read the book, you may have forgotten the disturbingly EJeanish main character and the disturbing mess Erica Jong made by rewriting real people's lives into her "heroic" sexual fantasy.
"He won every race he ever entered. As you well know."
It's been four years and we have the "crime" that was committed by a conspiracy of thousands and yet not one single suspect that anyone can name. How likely is that? And, if the crime of a stolen election happen and Trump still cannot name a single name after four years what more evidence do you need that he is a massive fucking loser and failure as a leader?
He LOST to Biden because he is a detestable clown. People showed up to the polls in record numbers to vote AGAINST Trump (not for pants-shitting Joe). Then, Trump sabotage numerous Senate races because he is a dipshit with no disciple. He is a loser and after 2016 the GOP has accomplished little other than get its ass kicked. Before Trump, the Wisconsin GOP could not lose: it controlled the governorship and legislature. We *had* a conservative Supreme Court (sayonara). Somehow, the GOP was able to win election after election and election even though EVERYONE knows this is impossible with all the supposed "late night ballot dumps" (derp) in Milwaukee. How is this even POSSIBLE? The Dems threw all it could to defeat Scott Walker. It was nationwide effort to defeat him. They couldn't do it until Trump wiped his disgusting ass all over the party.
Trump is a loser who got lucky he faced HRC, one of the few politicians as detestable as himself. And, even then, he baaaaaaarely won.
That's the problem. THEY (progressives) expect him to accept their lies...I mean lawsuits, lying down. THAT ain't Trump.
He LOST to Biden because he is a detestable clown. People showed up to the polls in record numbers to vote AGAINST Trump
That's the narrative.
I believed it.
After every election, I always assume that the guy who won the election, won the election. And the guy who lost the election is a loser. We can even put it in all caps: LOSER. We can make it bold. LOSER!
And then I forget about them. You know who you are, Dukakis. Irrelevant!
So that was my reaction after Trump lost in 2020. He's irrelevant now. He's Dukakis. He's Mondale. He's Hillary.
What was truly bizarre is how the media, and the Democrats (but I repeat myself) could not accept his defeat. That's why they went ape-shit crazy over (yet another) riot in the USA, and framed it as an "insurrection." It's why they put up a show trial in the House of Representatives for a year, and it was televised over monkey media until the viewers got tired of watching that shit.
They could not accept his defeat.
I accepted it. I had no trouble accepting that Trump hatred had out-voted Trump love. But what was weird was how all the haters could not accept it. The hatred (and fear!) of Donald Trump continued to fester and run rampant in 2021, and 2022, and 2023.
I heard a liberal ranting about "the president" in 2023. And I said, "Wait a second. Are you talking about Biden?" And she said, "No! I'm talking about Trump!" And I said, "You know he's not president anymore. Why are you still talking about him?" And she laughed and said everybody was talking about him.
Donald Trump couldn't accept his defeat. We all know that. But what is remarkable, and kind of insane, is that the left couldn't accept it either.
You don't think he's a LOSER.. And so you did insane things like invade his house. You arrested him. You charged him with 90+ felonies. And all this lawless hatred of a guy who used to be president makes me wonder how trustworthy our election officials are. Are they as trustworthy as our crusading prosecutors? Your masks are slipping and your hatred is obvious to more and more people.
Even if you want to believe Trump is a bad man -- and his flaws are numerous and obvious to everyone -- the people who hate him seem a lot worse to me. And more dangerous.
I might vote for Bobby in the general election.
You're going to have to write him in because the Democrats do not believe in democracy.
Court cases are supposed to resolve the dispute, and he's defying that, again and again.
That’s very trendy right now. We all choose which examples to be outraged about, don’t we?
He chose to call her a liar. She then brought a civil suit. She won. He continued to call her a liar. That's what this new trial is about. She sued to clear her name, and he's denying her the clear name that she won in court
When the court gets it wrong and the asshole that lied looks like the winner I like the idea of the remedy of the guy with fuck you money not being cowed by the injustice.
That might be my favorite Saint Croix comment of all time. Well done, sir.
thanks Meade!
Ann Althouse said...
""He defamed her"... Boo fucking hoo. She lied about rape to have an innocent man arrested and imprisoned. She was never defamed, Trump was right."
Who are you quoting? I didn't say Trump defamed her. I said "he continued to deny certain facts that had been established at the first trial."
No, the facts weren't established. It was a political trial with a pre=determined outcome by a biased jury.
Even people who believe Trump is a boorish cad find her story unbelievable. The jury wanted to get Trump. And did so.
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