January 27, 2024

7:31 a.m. — the Wisconsin Capitol, the spongy ice, the ice fishermen....


Open thread in the comments.



rehajm said...

Spongy does not seem a good adjective for ice fishing ice…

…my annual ice fishing story. On Mother’s day the Aunt and Uncle used to host everybody for lunch at the fish club followed by fishing and canoeing on the lake. Fly fish only. I had to borrow the uncle’s rod which…somehow…ended up at the bottom of the lake. So…I sent uncle a replacement rod and one of those super strong magnet kits the YouTubers use to accidentally find the barrels with the wise guys in them. Maybe can snag the fly reel on the sunken rod…

…flash forward to ice fishing season where, in New Hampshire anyways, there’s at least a couple tragedies where the genius forgets to secure the ice auger and sends it down the newly cut hole.

I think uncle is up to six successful ice auger recovery missions with the magnet. Not for the rod though, but showed up on the fish club porch one day, fellow club member snagged it on a bottom troll…

Original Mike said...

The Wall Street Journal has a piece today on the new abortion bill passed in Wisconsin by the republican Assembly. According to the piece, the law would ban abortions after 14 weeks except for rape, incest, and to protect the health and life of the mother. Apparently, if passed into law, it would then go to a referendum (I guess it must be an amendment to the state constitution?)

Isn't this the kind of compromise a lot of people have called for post-Dobbs? Wisconsin's current law is a 100% ban, though I guess that's tied up in the courts?

Our democrat governor says he will veto the bill.

William50 said...

I'm totally bummed out. For years I have been using Melinda's Habenero and Ghost Pepper sauce on my tacos, burritos and anything else I thought could use a little spicing up. Just 4 or 5 shots was plenty to add just the right amount of fire. Now out of nowhere it is having a very disturbing effect on my digestive tract (if you know what I mean). It seems that now I'm to be stuck using blase' run of the mill "hot sauce". It sure is a bitch getting old (sigh).

rehajm said...

Now out of nowhere it is having a very disturbing effect on my digestive tract

As a bit of a reset, some of that alkaline water and maybe a probiotic chewey? Changed my life for the better…

Mutaman said...

Reupping my desired Trump poll Q: Which is your favorite Trump trial?

1) Rape
2) Trump Org tax fraud
3) Rape defamation
4) Trump fraud
5) Fraud to cover up hush payments in time for election
6) Federal coup attempt
7) GA coup attempt
8) Stolen nu

Josephbleau said...

Chicago is turning. Black communities see that Johnson is giving all the money to illegals. He is giving all the land and parks that people need to the illegals. The aldermen voted against letting citizens have a voice on a bill to remove sanctuary status. The golden replacement program will break the back of the democrats. There are not enough rich people in Chicago to pay for Beiden’s illegals.

Chicago democrat voters are not happy. Democrats be warned, Vote Fraud is hard when you have no turnout. Be sure to mass print mail in votes for those who decide not to vote.

gadfly said...

William50 said...
I'm totally bummed out. For years I have been using Melinda's Habanero and Ghost Pepper sauce on my tacos, burritos and anything else I thought could use a little spicing up. Just 4 or 5 shots was plenty to add just the right amount of fire. Now out of nowhere, it is having a very disturbing effect on my digestive tract (if you know what I mean). It seems that now I'm to be stuck using blasé run-of-the-mill "hot sauce". It sure is a bitch getting old (sigh).

You can try reaching for a glass of milk or some yogurt as a hot sauce stomach pain remedy. According to the American Chemical Society, because capsaicin is fat-soluble, the fat in dairy can help carry it out of your system, reducing pain. Capsaicin does not dissolve very well in water. Think oils or fats. Capsaicin doesn't damage your innards, it just hurts like hell going through.

MadTownGuy said...

Anti-Israel protesters showed to up to John Fetterman’s house in Braddock tonight.

"He responded by waving an Israeli flag at them from his roof."

MadTownGuy said...

Regulators gonna regulate...

Museums to close exhibits featuring Native American artifacts, as new federal regulations take effect

Meanwhile, here in PA...

Gun from Civil War found in trash can at Gettysburg Walmart

gspencer said...

When I hear people wanting to go ice-fishing, I take it as wanting to go ice-drinking.

effinayright said...

Anyone read Trump lawyer Alina Habba's C.V.?


Not very impressive at all.

Yeah, she's a babe, but I wonder if The Donald was thinking with his dick when he hired her.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Remember 10% for the Big Guy? Ukraine's Security Service has uncovered mass fraud in weapons purchase. $40Million for 100,000 mortar shells. Or maybe for Not-mortar shells, as the case may be. I'm sure those mortar shells are just a small piece of the weapons fraud.

I'm sure Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden and Mitch McConnel are getting their rake offs in weapons procurements. We know Joe's heavily invested in Ukraine. Nancy was quick to impeach Trump when he threatened the Ukrainian weapons delivery and Mitch thinks Ukraine is more important than the southern border.

gadfly said...


The answer is tricky, according to legal experts. Generally, politicians cannot spend campaign money on legal expenses unless they are tied to a campaign, but many of the investigations involving Trump relate to his conduct as president and as a political candidate.

However, leadership PACs such as Save America also are not allowed to directly support their own candidate's campaign. Richard Briffault, a professor at Columbia Law School and an expert on campaign finance issues who has supported Democratic candidates, said that because Trump is fighting criminal charges during a presidential campaign, it is possible that covering legal fees could be considered a benefit to his campaign.

So I suppose this means that leadership PACS including the Save America PAC will pay the $88.3 million plus interest now due to E. Jean Carroll. So Trump is only appealing the verdicts as stall tactics in getting to the November election without criminal verdicts.

But Trump's $370 million disgorgement claim in Tish James' fraud trial will likely grow by $50 million as Trump got caught claiming a nonexistent loan between himself and his Chicago Unit Acquisition LLC which amounts to tax evasion. The disgorgement claims are not payable from election PACS and that verdict could show up next week.

gadfly said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...
Remember 10% for the Big Guy?

Mike: You really are smarter than that garbage you posted about Pelosi, Biden, and Mitchell getting kickbacks on Ukraine weapons fraud. There is not a dime's worth of evidence to prove your conspiratorial blather. The last time I checked the Minority Leader of the Senate was a Republican, so I guess you think that the GOP is full of crooks like Trump.

Mark said...

"Apparently, if passed into law, it would then go to a referendum"

My understanding is one of the objections to this is forcing it onto April's ballot.

If they really want the state to weigh in on it, put it on the November ballot when people usually turn out to vote and give us multiple options to choose from.

Rusty said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...
"Remember 10% for the Big Guy? Ukraine's Security Service has uncovered mass fraud in weapons purchase. $40Million for 100,000 mortar shells. Or maybe for Not-mortar shells, as the case may be. I'm sure those mortar shells are just a small piece of the weapons fraud."
No! Get out! Really? Who would have thought.

wendybar said...

"The message being sent here is clear: anyone who dares to defy the permanent elites will be fleeced, extorted, charged, and indicted."


wendybar said...

"In 2012, NBC’s Law & Order: Special Victims Unit had a scene in which a character talked about role-playing a rape fantasy in Bergdorf Goodman:

“Role-play took place in the dressing room of Bergdorf’s. While she was trying on lingerie I would burst in,” the character says.

In 2019, for the first time ever, Carroll said publicly that Trump had sexually assaulted her in 1994 in a dressing room in Bergdorf Goodman, an assault that lasted three minutes.

In 2022, New York State upped the ante against Trump by passing its “Adult Survivors Act,” a law intended solely to create a window of time in which Carroll could file a civil sexual assault suit against Trump. Carroll promptly filed suit against Trump and reiterated her defamation claim. Incidentally, Reid Hoffman, a major Democrat party and Nikki Haley donor, helped fund her litigation.

I have no comment about Carroll’s veracity. I can only say that the New York system, from the legislature down to the judge on the case, had a very specific outcome in mind: Politically, it would benefit Democrats to have a guilty verdict against Trump. This is not how the justice system is supposed to work (and that is true whether the verdict was righteous or not). Instead, what played out in New York was a combination of government and judicial tyranny that is devastating to a free country."


wendybar said...

A comment to the article above from The American Thinker

Law professor Jonathan Turley yesterday, January 26, reported that he has been threatened with defamation action for commenting that Hunter Biden’s attorney may have violated lawyer ethics by paying Hunter’s bills – his taxes.

Political commentator Mark Steyn has been in a 12 years court battle with academic climate scientist Michael Mann, who postulated the global warming “hockey stick”. Steyn called Mann’s research fraudulent and Mann sued. This has cost Steyn his health and an estimated million dollars in legal bills. It has been reported in current court action that Mann admitted that his legal bills are being paid by others.

As noted by Andrea, E. Jean Carroll’s legal costs for suing Trump are being funded by others. With the possible exception of Trump the message is: You (conservative) cannot afford to challenge a liberal icon or position. We will bankrupt you. American Thinker and readers get a twofer in Andrea: a clear thinker/writer and a navigator to steer us clear of the progressive legal shoals.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

"Wrap your mind around the thinking here: It’s now an “insurrection” to call for the government to follow explicit American law. As Inigo Montoya told Vizzini, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”"


Humperdink said...

Mutaman implies that Trump is guilty of rape. I might believe your accusation if 51 intelligence officials signed off on it. Or that Adam Schiff has said he has personally seen the evidence. Do better my friend.

gadfly said...

"After Trump settled the fraud case over his fake university, a buddy [Casino-mogul Phil Ruffin] paid the $25 million settlement for him while he was president."

"If only Republicans and MAGAts could see Trump the way two Manhattan juries do. If nothing else they should realize that Donald Trump turned a $5 million fine into an $83.3 million fine. But then again, if they’re OK with the fact Trump assaults women, they’ll probably also be fine with him being a financial moron."


Jamie said...

I wonder if The Donald was thinking with his dick when he hired her.

Or if it was a combination of "Who will work for me these days, knowing what will be done to them?" and "I need someone with a good camera face."

Humperdink said...

Fetterman siding with Israel over Hamas has to have Commie-Pinko leadership in a panic. Admittingly it's only one issue, well maybe two with him decrying the border invasion, but they have to be wondering what they created.

Enigma said...

@Josephbleau: Chicago democrat voters are not happy. Democrats be warned, Vote Fraud is hard when you have no turnout. Be sure to mass print mail in votes for those who decide not to vote.

Lefty politics has stated since LBJ's Great Society of 1965 that Blacks need/are owed special treatment per their economic, educational, discriminatory, and other struggles. As such, if they are not given more than others in recompense and support (i.e., stay at the top of the intersectional hierarchy over immigrants) then they will be profoundly offended...and cheated in their own minds I suppose...

Trump and sanctuary cities and open borders may indeed be what precipitates a lefty break from Great Society thinking. I wouldn't count on much change in long, long, long dysfunctional Chicago, per 100 years of chaos. The broader national issue that old White leftists have no home. Biden and Gavin Newsom are low in the intersectional pyramid, so they are at best figureheads or puppets for black and brown Ds. The White Ds will either die off or drop out or vote for an ineffective third party. If we can get a handle on the Deep State's dirty tricks, I'm guessing that the next 50 years will be dominated by center-right coalition of White Ds and all Rs.

tim maguire said...

Original Mike said...if passed into law, it would then go to a referendum (I guess it must be an amendment to the state constitution?)

Isn't this the kind of compromise a lot of people have called for post-Dobbs?

The mainstream public opinion on abortion is far closer to the mainstream Republican position than to the mainstream democratic position. But the Democrats control the media while Republicans let the religious right take point on abortion. So far, this has been a disaster for the Republicans.

Their official position should always be referendums, not just because it’s right way to decide this issue, but also because it gives them what they want without creating an opening for Democrats to demonize them.

tim maguire said...

Mike of Snoqualmie said...Remember 10% for the Big Guy? Ukraine's Security Service has uncovered mass fraud in weapons purchase. $40Million for 100,000 mortar shells

That’s $400 per shell, a not obviously unreasonable price. Especially compared to the cost of more sophisticated ordinance.

wendybar said...

Tom McDonald has been putting out videos for a couple of years. They are ALL great. He tells it like it is.
[Verse 1: Tom MacDonald]
They call me offensive, controversial
There's only two genders, boys and girls
They can't cancel my message
'Cause I'm the biggest independent rapper in the whole freaking world
Claim that I'm racist, yeah, alright
I'm not ashamed because I'm white
If every Caucasian's a bigot, I guess every Muslim's a terrorist
Every liberal is right
I don't wanna talk to folks who don't get it (Tss)
Go woke, go broke, no hope, it's pathetic
Pro-choice, pronouns, pro-love, you're progressives
But you ain't pro-gun, no one to protect it
Where the American flags at?
Remember when people would hang those?
They've been taken down
They all been replaced with BLM flags or a rainbow

[Pre-Chorus: Tom MacDonald]
This ain't rap, this ain't money, cars, and clothes
We ain't sellin' drugs, we ain't gonna overdose
We ain't pushing guns, ain't promoting stripper poles
We won't turn your sons into thugs or your daughters into hoes

[Chorus: Tom MacDonald]
I don't care if I offend you, I was put here to upset you
You can cry and you can scream, you can riot in the streets
You defunded the police, now there's no one to protect you
I hope I offend you, I ask myself, "What would Ben do?"
Let's just keep it real, facts don't care how you feel, man
If you want my pronouns, I'm the man
I'm the man who don't respect you

Quaestor said...

MadTownGuy provides a link, "Gun from Civil War found in trash can at Gettysburg Walmart"

The link goes to an article written with such astonishing ignorance and nursery school appreciation of factual knowledge that it struck me as someone's attempt at an April Fool's hoax, but the publication date scotched that best-case scenario. Everyone ought to follow his link just to gain more insight into the recent and hilarious "holocaust of the Taylors".

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jamie said...

it is possible that covering legal fees could be considered a benefit to his campaign.

This sure seems like an example of the broken window fallacy.

wendybar said...

“These men are potential operators in what appears to be an accelerated and strategic penetration, a soft invasion, designed to gain internal access to a country that cannot be invaded militarily in order to inflict catastrophic damage if and when enemies deem it necessary.”


Leland said...

Reflecting on Mutaman's post, I recall the results a few years later. Avenatti is in jail. Fani Willis could end up facing criminal charges. Folks in the DOJ should be facing greater charges, but for certain the Steele Dossier has become thr icon of FBI corruption.

wendybar said...

James Woods
Everything that's wrong with our government in one photo...


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

More EV failures. Buying more electric busses that can't be maintained nor run.

Breezy said...

“Most voters, including a majority of Democrats, believe former President Barack Obama is the controlling influence on President Joe Biden as he pushes forward much of his ex-boss’s liberal agenda.

A sky-high 63% believe that Obama is “influencing” the Biden White House, where several former Obama administration staffers work.”


So much for Michelle helicoptering in to replace Biden. If voters think Obama is responsible for the Biden s*show, she’d not have a chance. Probably goes for others in Obama’s close orbit, as well.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wendybar said...

End Wokeness
SNL did a segment mocking Trump for using the word de-bank:

"Trump introduced an interesting new term: de-banking. I don't know what the hell de-bank even means."

This is what happens when you live in your own echo chamber.

Not one SNL writer or audience member realized that de-banking is a real thing actually happening to the right.

Canada did it to the truckers. JPMorgan is doing it to conservatives and Christians. It was done to J/6 protestors. All it takes is a simple Google search. De-banking is real.


Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Blogger tim maguire said...
Mike of Snoqualmie said...Remember 10% for the Big Guy? Ukraine's Security Service has uncovered mass fraud in weapons purchase. $40Million for 100,000 mortar shells

That’s $400 per shell, a not obviously unreasonable price. Especially compared to the cost of more sophisticated ordinance.

1/28/24, 6:52 AM

Yes, that would be a fair price if the shells were actually delivered to Ukraine. But, the money was diverted elsewhere and no shells.

Rusty said...

tim maguire said...
"Mike of Snoqualmie said...Remember 10% for the Big Guy? Ukraine's Security Service has uncovered mass fraud in weapons purchase. $40Million for 100,000 mortar shells

That’s $400 per shell, a not obviously unreasonable price. Especially compared to the cost of more sophisticated ordinance."
It is if the actual price is $200 per shell delivered. We don't know the actual cost of mortar shell. Given the corruption in the Biden junta they could be $.59 and not even work.

Aggie said...

All of this talk of lawfare. The problem being, that the underwriting of this partisan exercise is being provided by a cadre of deep-pocketed progressives, some of them billionaires, through several 'dark money' NGO's and/or PAC's.

So: When and how will the next era unfold? Would it be possible to crowdfund countering lawsuits? Would this be the new wave of democracy-in-action, where billions are collected into funding instruments to mount effective campaigns against these dark-money NGO's and PAC's, force them out into the sunlight with private investigation and evidence-backed lawsuits? How about suing Soros DA's for malpractice and breach of the public trust?

Big Mike said...

The last time I checked the Minority Leader of the Senate was a Republican, so I guess you think that the GOP is full of crooks like Trump.

@gadfly, yes. We call them the GOPe, and we have to get rid of enough of them for the rest to fall in line. Cheyney, Kitzinger, and Romney are just a small start.

Rusty said...

tim maguire said...
"Mike of Snoqualmie said...Remember 10% for the Big Guy? Ukraine's Security Service has uncovered mass fraud in weapons purchase. $40Million for 100,000 mortar shells

That’s $400 per shell, a not obviously unreasonable price. Especially compared to the cost of more sophisticated ordinance."
It is if the actual price is $200 per shell delivered. We don't know the actual cost of mortar shell. Given the corruption in the Biden junta they could be $.59 and not even work.
I found this list. I don't know how accurate it is.
HE stands for high explosive. Other than a dummy round the cheapest to manufacture.
60mm HE $25
81mm HE $57
120mm HE $100
This is probably per 100,000 or 250,000 rounds.

MadTownGuy said...

Quaestor said...
"MadTownGuy provides a link, "Gun from Civil War found in trash can at Gettysburg Walmart"

The link goes to an article written with such astonishing ignorance and nursery school appreciation of factual knowledge that it struck me as someone's attempt at an April Fool's hoax, but the publication date scotched that best-case scenario. Everyone ought to follow his link just to gain more insight into the recent and hilarious "holocaust of the Taylors.

Not sure which article you read, but the PA State Police are investigating the incident. I can't comment on the veracity of the modern replicas of the pistol in question, not having expertise in that subject, but I'd be interested to know what astonishing ignorance you mean. Please be specific.

Leland said...

Interesting that the Federal Judge that presided over Trump's 2nd Defamation case was once the professional mentor of E. Jean Carroll's attorney. Is there anyone prosecuting Trump that isn't corrupt?

Josephbleau said...

“MadTownGuy provides a link, "Gun from Civil War found in trash can at Gettysburg Walmart"”

This is fine, Hunter Beiden was just going through a phase as a history buff.

narciso said...


Mutaman said...

Leland said...

"Interesting that the Federal Judge that presided over Trump's 2nd Defamation case was once the professional mentor of E. Jean Carroll's attorney. Is there anyone prosecuting Trump that isn't corrupt?"

Even if true, and no evidence that it is, why did Trump's crack legal team wait until after the verdict came in to raise this issue?

Enigma said...

@MadTownGuy: but I'd be interested to know what astonishing ignorance you mean. Please be specific.

A Pietta revolver is a modern reproduction of a Civil War era gun. They are made in Italy and only in recent decades. See Clint Eastwood and the Spaghetti Westerns for the rise of interest in Italy for such copies. They have no historical relationship to the Civil War or the Gettysburg battle. As a muzzle-loading black powder gun, these are not even classified as a "firearm" and can be ordered by mail in most states. Being dumped four miles from the museum...totally irrelevant...

Astonishing ignorance in all ways, yes.



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