December 2, 2023

Sunrise — 7:00.


Open thread in the comments... and please support this blog by using the Althouse Portal to Amazon to do your shopping (and thus sending me a commission).


Narr said...

We were supposed to gather at some old friends' tonight (the Garners, actually) but this morning the host texted everyone that he was sick ("dizzy" was all he said) and we must postpone.

This, after he discovered only last week that his email invites to the group were not reaching everyone. OT1H, the tech isn't perfect; OTOH because there are so many channels of it there's some self-correction.

My wife and I had made our famous Killer Fudge last night and were going to unload a lot of it out there. It freezes well, so we won't have to eat it all ourselves. Yet.

narciso said...

narciso said...

The fbi stooge who stabbed chauvin the crocodile tears from handsy hancock all of those should have raised some interests

As with that quixotic appeals court decision that made no sense

narciso said...

Yes it was temple founded by solomon also suleiman why the denial of the basics

narciso said...

Same for moses mua or david doud these are not accidental names

Josephbleau said...

The argument is:

The Palestinians, as a communal society, were so traumatized by loosing title to property 75 years ago that it is justified for them to rape, desecrate bodies, and kill in creative ways, and make children watch.

I say BS.

I did not rape anyone because my Great Grandfather lost his house to the bank during the depression. I never bombed a wedding of a decendant of that banker 75 years later.

I did not demand the world to feed me in my poverty while I spent my labor, not in support of my family, but in making rockets to kill others. Anyone here who has glib support of Hamas does not have my respect.

narciso said...

I know inconvenient facts like what mansa musa and the queen of dahomey and the ashanti were famous for

When did the kingdom of saudi arabia abolish slavery 1932

narciso said...

Since we are putting cards on the table.

Of course the arabs could have closed the camps and integrate their brethren but what fun would that be.

farmgirl said...

That’s cool- the standout dome.
Our day was grey from dark to dark. Tad depressing.

Josephbleau said...

I just got back from a funeral, so I decided it was time to talk to my wife about what would be best for me post mortem. I made some suggestions, and listened to the voice of the customer, and then told her that my preferences would be whatever she decided she liked at the time. She is an ethnic midwestern Swede so that made her happy. A promise from a Swede is fungible, so don’t ask for one.

wildswan said...

Some say that Gaza is an open prison or a concentration camp. But it must be the only prison in the world open on two sides and the only concentration camp featuring 23 miles of Mediterranean beach. Consider the geography of Gaza. One end borders Egypt, a Muslim country. So Gaza isn't surrounded on four sides by Israel. Instead Gazans can go to Islamic Cairo and from there without further trouble to any country in the world that accepts Palestinians without a visa requirement. And if Gazans are short of money they can go the beach. The Mediterranean lines one side of Gaza. A Mediterranean beach - I don't recollect an amenity like that at Auschwitz.
So the claim that Gaza was an Israeli-run prison camp of so terrible a nature as to justify rape of Israeli women and murder of Israeli babies just doesn't fly. It wasn't at all easy for Gazans to get into Israel but Israel is not the only destination in the world. Education, art courses, theatres in Egypt, the Islamic world accessible from Egypt, beaches at home - all this was available to the Gazans. They seem to have obsessively focused on getting into Israel and considered themselves imprisoned on four sides when Israel only enclosed them on two.
Why say Gazans were imprisoned by Israel on four sides in a concentration camp when Egypt and a 23 mile Mediterranean beach enclosed them on two sides?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Big if true: "Bison are the only animal that turn into a snowstorm rather than away from it because they instinctively know that walking into the storm will get them out of the weather quicker. There may be a life lesson for humans in this. It also makes for some epic pictures."

Beautiful picture over there

Big Mike said...

I just got back from a funeral, so I decided it was time to talk to my wife about what would be best for me post mortem.

I’ve already been through that exercise and thought about my titanium knees and all the metal screws in my body, so my wife agreed to have me cremated at some funeral home that recycles such materials. Not clear at this point anything else (e.g., heart, liver, kidneys) will be salvageable.

Big Mike said...

I have just read that private jets on their way to the climate conference in Dubai have been stranded in Europe due a freakish early season snow storm that closed the Munich airport and apparently other airports as well. The Al Gore effect lives on! (Look it up.)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

YouTube: "Proper Names" by John Searle.

If we are going to change the way we name people places and things, maybe we ought to understand how difficult it has been to arrive where we are.

Just a suggestion.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

Once again, the WaPoo has demonstrated its hatred for women and girls. It thinks that a mentally ill boy, who believes he is a girl, can fairly compete with real girls on a volley ball team. This happened in Florida, and the WaPoo is unhappy that the state is investigating how that mentally ill boy was allowed on the girls team. The WaPoo has the sadz over this. Boo hoo!!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Reddit: Some of the stuff on tv in the 80's and 90's

I think that show was broadcast from Secaucus NJ.

Big Mike said...

I loved this caption from “The Babylon Bee” over a picture of Senator John Fetterman calling Bob Menendez “the Senator from Egypt”:

Man Becomes More Conservative As He Regains Brain Function

The Crack Emcee said...

Josephbleau said...

"I did not rape anyone because my Great Grandfather lost his house to the bank during the depression."

You moron: you didn't finish school, did you? Your Great Grandfather lost his house because he didn't pay his bills - not by fiat of a foreign government that had promised you independence after years of political effort but double-crossed you, instead. Nobody showed up with machine guns, killed your friends, etc., and all with world-wide backing - when you did nothing wrong. Nobody hustled you into a concentration camp for decades, etc. There's just no comparison, except in your weak-assed mind, and now you're going to use your bad reasoning to further try and undermine their efforts for justice.

Fuck. You.

Mark said...

Turns out one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty liked to have threescore.

So worried about books other people's kids are reading , all the whole bending marriage to suit her fetish.

Typical fake GOP morality crusader.

planetgeo said...

Yesterday I had some time to watch the DeSantis vs Newsom debate. All of it. A few observations.

First, my concluding thought wasn't about who won but what genius it is that the United States is a republic. One can freely (so far) choose which state you want to live in and what world view you want to be a part of, real world or bizarro world. Perfect. Keep it like this. And make sure that if we pick real world we won't be forced to pay for someone else's bizarro world.

And second, there really is a method to make debates real debates. It's too bad no TV venue has ever figured it out. I won't list all the elements of the method, since TV prefers the entertainment value of chaos, but the bare minimum should be enforced time limits and cutting off the mic of the non-speaker when the speaker is presenting.

Lastly, it's great to be living in the real world again now that we escaped bizarro world and can watch from afar how they keep spinning the incredible desirability of their biazarro-ness.

wendybar said...

STILL think the invasion at the border isn't being done on purpose?? The DOJ is now fining companies who ask for documentation to prove who you are. Whatever happened to E-verify??

wendybar said...


Wonder why the J6 Committee never showed this video?

Watch as police throw 3 concussion grenades into a peaceful crowd

The man at the end says everything was peaceful until police did this

I’ve never seen cops throw flashbangs into peaceful crowds

wendybar said...

This STILL hasn't been investigated. WHY did Obama have a Connecticut Social Security number??

IF we had an actual media, they would be a little curious, don't you think??

wendybar said...

BASTARDS. Each and everyone of them should be imprisoned.

"The same reasoning should apply here. House rules required the J6 Committee to keep the videotapes of those secret interviews. If those videotapes are not found soon and if there’s good reason to believe that the J6 Committee deliberately destroyed them, the presumption should be that the J6 Committee engaged in a fraud against the American people when putting forward its one-sided “evidence” of wrongdoing by Trump and his supporters on January 6."

wendybar said...

Mark said...
Turns out one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty liked to have threescore.

So worried about books other people's kids are reading , all the whole bending marriage to suit her fetish.

What consenting adults do in the bedroom is none of my business, and I really don't care, but when you try to corrupt children by showing them porn in school, you are a perv. PERIOD.

iowan2 said...

Big if true: "Bison are the only animal that turn into a snowstorm rather than away from it

Not sure this is accurate.

Cattle and Bison are different, but biology is not.

I know for a fact, cattle on the plains, face away from the wind.

farmgirl said...

“What consenting adults do in the bedroom is none of my business, and I really don't care, but when you try to corrupt children by showing them porn in school, you are a perv. PERIOD.“


SteveWe said...

@The Crack Emcee 2:33 AM

You are certainly an unpleasant person.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I've noticed a surprising number of clothing outlets featuring buffalo wool clothing.

Jersey Fled said...

“I just got back from a funeral, so I decided it was time to talk to my wife about what would be best for me post mortem.”

I’ve handle our financial affairs over the 51 years that my wife and I have been married. It kind of was in my wheelhouse and she was more interested providing a good home for me and our daughters.

I give her an update every quarter on all of our accounts and where we are financially. She looks at it and sometimes asks me a question or two, but really isn’t to interested.

But lately I’ve expanded this by putting together an instruction manual. It lists each account, who to contact on my demise, and what to do to transition things to her sole ownership. We got the idea from my wife’s friend Karen. And lately if been reorganizing our finances away from some of the more complicated things I’ve been managing and into things I can put on autopilot for her. For example, from stocks and into mutual funds.

It’s kind of a project each quarter, but each time it gets easier. I’m glad I’m doing it.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

12/3/23, 2:33 AM
Blogger Mark said...
Turns out one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty liked to have threescore.

So worried about books other people's kids are reading , all the whole bending marriage to suit her fetish.

Typical fake GOP morality crusader.

12/3/23, 4:01 AM

A "threescore"? That's sixty. So MfL had what, sixty potato chips? Sixty popcorn pops?

Moron Mark has struck again.

Did you mean "threesome"? Progressives keep telling up any sex between consenting ADULTS is ok. Is there an exception for people Moron Mark dislikes?

There's a difference between adults and kids, Moron Mark. Haven't you noticed that? Supplying porn to kids is child abuse. So is grooming them for transgenderism. Doctors, teachers, administrators who abuse children should be flogged. Then thrown into prison for 20-years where they can contemplate there evil ways.

I wouldn't be surprised if those child abuse also chant "From the river to the sea."

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"Turns out one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty liked to have threescore.

So worried about books other people's kids are reading , all the whole bending marriage to suit her fetish.

Typical fake GOP morality crusader."
Why do you care what adults do when their alone?
Jesus. You're not liberal or progressive. You're just some small minded prude concerned that somebody somewhere might be having more fun than you.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

In other Global Warming Catastrophic News, the UK has closed its schools because of heavy snow and cold temperatures (-10C, 14F). In Washington State, the North Cascades highway (SR 20) closed for the season on November 30. Cayuse and Chinook passes (SR 410) have also closed for the season. These three passes always close during late November and won't reopen until April or May. All due to the disappearing snow.

The Snoqualmie River is forecast to reach phase 3 flooding in the next few days. Just like it always does in late fall.

The Maui wild fires were due to invasive grasses, a weather system descending from Maui's mountain ridges and an electric spark. The descending wind had no moisture and had warmed due to adiabatic heating. That hot, dry wind dried the grass out in just hours, making it wildfire fuel. No climate change involved. Just government incompetence.

So much for climate change. Al Gore promised me a no-snow future. Where is it?

Old and slow said...

Lem, that clip of Gayby OJ was one of the funniest things I've seen in a long time! Sasha Baron Cohen used to be very funny. I guess I just got tired of his schtick after a while.

Narr said...

I'll second that SBC clip Lem found.

I found a new YouTube crush last night. Katie Turner Getty, who is interested in the American Revolution, and is several kinds of adorable.

Mark said...

Rusty, the issue is the rape that ended their bedroom friendship.

But I guess it's adults in bedrooms, so rape is fine with you.

The Crack Emcee said...

SteveWe said...

"You are certainly an unpleasant person."

You oughta see me before I have my coffee.

The Crack Emcee said...

BTW - If not liking when people cheer on mass murder makes me 'unpleasant,' I'll accept that.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

I just watched a review of Tesla's Cybertruck. The reviewer goes on and on about its tech and acceleration, but not about it utility as a pickup truck. Yes, it has great acceleration, its construction is rock solid and it uses the latest tech: 48V/800V systems, fly-by-wire steering and low drag.

Nothing about

- how heavy and big a load it can in it's bed.
- how heavy a load can it tow.
- what happens to the drag when the bed cover is retracted.
- what it's range is when unload, loaded, open bed and/or towing a load.

The video review is an add for tech but not for use case. It's slick, but since they didn't talk about utility, it's probably not a working pickup, but one for a city slicker to look cool in.

Jim at said...

Turns out one of the co-founders of Moms for Liberty liked to have threescore.

Yeah. Because what an adult does with his/her own free time is the same thing as wanting to push pRon on first-graders in a public school.

The Crack Emcee said...

This is my jam.

Rusty said...

Mark said...
"Rusty, the issue is the rape that ended their bedroom friendship.

But I guess it's adults in bedrooms, so rape is fine with you."
You should have mentioned that in the first place. I'm beginning to doubt your honesty.

iowan2 said...

But I guess it's adults in bedrooms, so rape is fine with you

Consenting adults. Rape has been a crime for a time now.

Mark, why would you edit out the "consenting" part?

Mark said...

Jim, banning books with lesbian characters from high school libraries is an odd crusade for someone who likes having sex with other women.

But keep telling yourself it's about kindergarteners only.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks. @ Old and slow.

The Crack Emcee said...

Holocaust Survivor Tells Piers Morgan Why He’s Not A Zionist

The Crack Emcee said...


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