December 9, 2023

"Part of the problem is a simple herd mentality — people screaming slogans whose meaning and implication they know nothing of, or not wishing to be disliked by taking an unpopular position."

Said David Wolpe, a prominent rabbi, who resigned from a Harvard's anti-Semitism committee, which was formed after the October 7 attack

"Rabbi Wolpe praised [Harvard University president Claudine] Gay as a 'kind and thoughtful person,' in a social media post, and said most students were not prosecuting an ideological agenda. But he said that antisemitism was so entrenched that he did not think he could make the kind of difference he had hoped for."

The implication is that Harvard does not function as a university at all. Students are not learning and understanding and working out ideas with other students — experiencing sophisticated and deep education. They are herded — "the problem is a simple herd mentality" — and they are somehow drained of the capacity to resist social pressure to manifest belief in shallow material — "slogans" — that they don't filter through their own brains but merely adopt as a strategy in the foolish, childish pursuit of being liked.

I'm just quoting and paraphrasing the rabbi, who is, presumably, observing the culture at Harvard first hand. Perhaps he is wrong. But Gay and all the others in authority at Harvard should be working continually to ensure that his description of Harvard is not what Harvard is or should ever become. 


Jay said...

Too late. Once they experience that massive endorphin rush from committing violence,(rhetorical or real) with the excuse of being the virtuous, morally superior side they are addicted. Just another lynch mob.

rehajm said...

that they don't filter through their own brains but merely adopt as a strategy in the foolish, childish pursuit of being liked.

These students have been indoctrinated, brainwashed to be ideological robots by a social hierarchy that demands compliance. Being liked isn’t part of the system. They do it because it is what they do. It is their existence…

TickTock said...

"should be working continually". Amen.

john mosby said...

Now is the chance for Ivy women sick of trans in their bathrooms to chant:



The Crack Emcee said...

That description sounds like we're getting kinda culty. As I wrote when an Atheist Group Excommunicated Richard Dawkins for Transgender Heresy:

'Along with avoiding, and disliking cultism, groupthink, and herd mentality, that's another reason not to join an "atheist group", or any other one'

NewAge cults, on college campuses, fighting the NewAge Zionist cult, sounds almost as entertaining as seeing Hitler's ghost at a rave outside a concentration camp.

The Crack Emcee said...

""Part of the problem is a simple herd mentality — people screaming slogans whose meaning and implication they know nothing of, or not wishing to be disliked by taking an unpopular position."

Or it's just Zionists engaging in the mass killing of babies and innocent people - wait, no, that can't explain such outrage. It must be something more,...

mezzrow said...

Is there a more carefully curated group of students selected than those at Harvard? Is there a more prestigious place to teach or be an administrator? Is there a university setting with more resources?

The reactions you see from students at this place is a result of the selection process. These young men and women do exactly what they have been trained to do, or they are not selected. The same is true for those in charge. In the sense of Thomas Hobbes, no group of people in the world has a better sense of how to deliver to Leviathan what Leviathan wants.

Their quest is to reform the world so that the world's values align with those of THEIR Leviathan. Most people had no idea what that actually was until very recently. Their Leviathan says that if you do not agree, it would probably be for the best of all if you had never been born.

How does this differ from a madrassa? This reader frankly hopes that this debacle kills the brand more effectively than the recent affair of Anheuser-Busch. It is several orders of magnitude worse.

The Crack Emcee said...

mezzrow said...

"The reactions you see from students at this place is a result of the selection process."

It can't be because of all the killing we're doing - gotcha.

mezzrow said...

It can't be because of all the killing we're doing - gotcha.

We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? I sleep the sleep of the innocent.

Have a nice day.

Breezy said...

Revolution is the point. It doesn’t matter what the issue is. The point is to glom onto the most adverse view, gather together with signs, march, and make a nuisance of themselves. Then party.

Don’t forget these marches are organized and paid for by a few organizations that know how to manipulate young malleable people. Are these universities involved in that coaxing loop for some self-beneficial reason, you have to wonder.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I find it so interesting that denigrating and policing white male speech and white male behavior - a practice underway on American universities for almost 30 years - didn't receive any response from investors, government, media, or boards of trustees until the runner-up victim was Jews on campus. But whoa Nelly it is a HUGE issue now.

narciso said...

like munich like lod like dizengoff square, afula, ramat gan,

The Crack Emcee said...

mezzrow said...
It can't be because of all the killing we're doing - gotcha.

We? Do you have a mouse in your pocket? I sleep the sleep of the innocent.

Have a nice day.

If you don't know we're paying for this slaughter, then HELLOOOOOOOOOO.

William50 said...

john mosby said...

Now is the chance for Ivy women sick of trans in their bathrooms to chant:



I almost spit my coffee out laughing at that! I'm stealing it.

robother said...

I walked through CU Boulder campus a couple weeks ago and watched a pro-Hamas demonstration (100 or so) chanting "from the River to the Sea" and other anti-colonial slogans at a line of Jewish students (30) standing silently opposite them, wearing Israeli flags. I couldn't help reflecting how this all started in the 60s anti-war protests, "Hey, hey LBJ how many kid did you kill today." How little any of this had to do with the ideal of a university, the propagation of herd mentality and substitution of slogans for real debate.

The Crack Emcee said...

robother said...

'I couldn't help reflecting how this all started in the 60s anti-war protests, "Hey, hey LBJ how many kid did you kill today."'

From protesting LBJ killing kids to protesting Zionists killing kids - that's consistency.

hawkeyedjb said...

"But Gay and all the others in authority at Harvard should be working continually to ensure that his description of Harvard is not what Harvard is or should ever become."

This is the Harvard built by Gay and all the others in authority. Harvard is what it is because of them. Watch Gay's performance and you may wonder how a craven mediocrity has become president at Harvard. It's because that's what affirmative action does - it allows merit and thoughtfulness to be discarded in favor of the true values of the institution. I doubt Claudine Gay has ever had an interesting thought in her life; her ability to parrot the cant and claptrap of academia has led her to this pinnacle.

mikee said...

AT my small Baptist affiliated college in South Carolina back in the 1970s, guys joined the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship not out of religious fervor but because it was a great way to meet naive freshman girls. Of course if a girl met a guy at IVCF, he must be a good Christian boy, and OK to date, right? And surely if a guy is a good Christian boy, a little premarital hanky panky was expected by the girls, right? What an incredibly sheltered life that was.

Change the group name, and 1960s Students for a Democratic Society at Berkeley up to Harvard's Palestine Solidarity Committee today, and much the same social calculus applies. Join the group, and the hot chicks dig the revolutionary guys. One small difference, of course, between these and IVCF is that Wednesday prayer meetings leading to hookups are a lot less violent than coordinated criminal acts and promotion of genocide. But hey, whatever turns you on, I guess.

Steven Wilson said...

Nothing quite like belonging to the herd of independent thinkers. It's never lonely speaking truth to power in a mob.

Hey Skipper said...

@Crack: ""Part of the problem is a simple herd mentality — people screaming slogans whose meaning and implication they know nothing of, or not wishing to be disliked by taking an unpopular position."

Or it's just Zionists engaging in the mass killing of babies and innocent people

Many of those herd-antisemitism protests occurred well before Israel killed those 500 people at the hospital.

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey Skipper said...

"Many of those herd-antisemitism protests occurred well before Israel killed those 500 people at the hospital."

Well; yeah: this has been going on since Zionists stole the land. Nobody had to wait for Oct. 7 to protest that.

narciso said...

she was a pritzker hire, to replace the previous president, just like mcgiill replaced the one who went off to Germany as shambling's ambassador,

narciso said...

he may not get the sarcasm skipper,

robother said...

Crack: "From protesting LBJ killing kids to protesting Zionists killing kids - that's consistency."

Well, if superficial consistency is all that matters, the herd mentality is good at that. Indeed, imposing consistency or "solidarity" (at the expense of any distinctions) is the whole point. All the while, of course, ignoring the inconsistency of cheering on Hamas rape and slaughter of innocents or Khmer Rouge killing fields. But no enemies to the Left, and all that.

Joe Smith said...

I can think of a lot better ways to piss away $100M...

Unknown said...

Hey Skipper--you _do_ know that the explosion at the hospital was due to a palestinian missile, not Israeli, and that the best estimate of the death toll has it in single figures? And that even the BBC and the NY Times have admitted that? Just checking here.

Tom T. said...

But whoa Nelly it is a HUGE issue now.

Killing 1200 innocent people on camera makes a difference to a lot of people.

That's the problem for Hamas. Israel has killed 50 million Palestinian babies, but the people there are really shy about making videos showing their actual casualties, and they bury their dead in secret graves within minutes. True believers in the Palestinian cause have only the power of their own imaginations to support them.

Hey Skipper said...

@Unknown: Hey Skipper--you _do_ know that the explosion at the hospital was due to a palestinian missile, not Israeli, and that the best estimate of the death toll has it in single figures? And that even the BBC and the NY Times have admitted that? Just checking here.

Apologies, my delivery on that line was straight enough to need [/sarc].

Mea Sententia said...

The students aren't being educated. They are enculturated at these schools. And the culture they assimilate is decidedly anti-America, anti-West, anti-Israel.

The Crack Emcee said...

robother said...

"All the while, of course, ignoring the inconsistency of cheering on Hamas rape and slaughter of innocents or Khmer Rouge killing fields. But no enemies to the Left, and all that."

I think the bigger mistake is our dishonesty. Hamas doesn't have to be liked for the Palestinians to be right, except to the white supremacists. It's like complaining about Iran, calling us "The Great Satan," when we know that we were the ones who put the Shah in place to ruthlessly punish those people. The whole set-up is cynical, bloody, and dishonest. Netanyahu WANTED Hamas to be the power - he got his wish. And you think we square that by murdering more Palestinians? How? We are creating terrorists and everybody knows it, because we're being dishonest and unfair. Israel means nothing. America stands for nothing. And we're going to end up where we should fort such a crime. We're already losing influence around the world by the minute. And we don't deserve anything else.

Paul A. Mapes said...

Students at "elite universities" are especially vulnerable to being sucked into a "herd mentality" because the standards for admission to these universities effectively exclude applicants who don't totally conform to the prevailing belief systems of the herd mentality of left wing academia.

Ex-PFC Wintergreen said...

Ann wrote: “But Gay and all the others in authority at Harvard should be working continually to ensure that his description of Harvard is not what Harvard is or should ever become.”

The mediocrity that is the execrable Claudine Gay wants that description to be what Harvard is: a place where people are lobotomized into woke fools and sent forth to use their reputations as Harvard alums to twist society at large into something where execrable mediocrities such as Claudine Gay have power. That’s all this is: despicable grifters making sure they can continue to grift.

The Crack Emcee said...

Marc Lamont Hill DESTROYS Zionist in Debate About Creation of Israel by keeping the discussion on-topic.

JK Brown said...

The students certainly don't show discipline thinking on the topic, nor the ability to regulate their emotions. The principles that have been established are questionable to say the least.

Usage: Education, properly a drawing forth, implies not so much the communication of knowledge as the discipline of the intellect, the establishment of the principles, and the regulation of the heart. Instruction is that part of education which furnishes the mind with knowledge.
[1913 Webster]

We are told not to hold these "children" responsible for what they say, or even do. Yet, they are allowed to mass together and create the mob mentality. These are not a mass of kindergarteners that could be quelled by a few child care workers. These are people who are at the prime for fighting wars and doing violence at the behest of the state. Is it a good idea, to let such uneducated, ill disciplined "children" get themselves worked up where they may act out without thought to the consequences to themselves or to those they target?

Have these schools engaged professionals who can act to extricate targeted students before they are abused. Before they are raped, beheaded, burned alive? The latter being actions the students are chanting in support along with Sexual Atrocity Denial.

Hey Skipper said...

@Crack: Marc Lamont Hill DESTROYS Zionist in Debate About Creation of Israel by keeping the discussion on-topic

And demonstrating that both you and he are missing the fundamental point.

Ok. Take as read that since 1880, Zionists have done down Palestinians. That is history (potted though it might be). It cannot be changed.

But taking that as read gets you nowhere, because you cannot answer the question "Now what?"

No doubt, given your oft demonstrated ignorance, you will come up with some argle bargle. But even that gets you nowhere, because you demand for Palestinians that which never has been granted to any other ethnicity — undoing history.

Once you do that, then you have other questions to answer, like: What is the statute of limitations? What is the scope? Having granted the Palestinians some special dispensation, you have no limiting principle left, a host of groups who are equally entitled to having history undone, and absolutely no answer to why not them.

Your blinkered tirades are empty, because they are detached from reality on the ground that cannot be undone by your tirades, nor Marc Lamont's assigning some moral dimension to historical fact that should, well, what?

1948, 1967, 1973 and 2005 were pivotal dates. At each point, the Palestinians and Arab states could have accepted the fait accomplis of Israel's existence, and turned to peaceful coexistence instead of pursuing acts that have only served to make things worse for everyone, particularly the Palestinians.

Why did they do that? Soviet Union, and Islamo-fascism. (NB: for once, a correct use of the term "fascism".) Islam, judged by its own claims, is every bit as vile as Mein Kampf. (Why the sale of Mein Kampf is prohibited in many European countries, but the Quran is not, is a mystery for the ages.)

Hamas could have used the rivers of aid to build another Singapore. They did not. They did focused on using nearly all that aid to develop ways to attack Israel. Of course that will result in a punishing blockade.

Now, having committed unspeakable atrocities, what should Israel do?

As a matter of the Law Armed Conflict, such as it is, Israel's response has been completely justifiable. Israel is not "murdering" Palestinian babies. Israel is conducting a just war, massively provoked by Hamas driven by exterminationist theology, which will have the inevitable result of innocents being killed.

You might, but won't ask Hamas what the heck it had in mind. While you are at it, you might ask what dog Iran has in this fight.

And it is worth noting that dogs that haven't barked since Oct 7.

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