২১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৩

"Once again, Democrats find themselves looking toward American institutions to stop Mr. Trump, whom they view as a mortal threat to democracy."

"For many, it may be more pleasant to think about a judicial endgame that stops Mr. Trump than envisioning the slog of next year’s likely rematch against President Biden. And this time, with Democrats now well aware of how easily he can bend the country’s fragile guardrails — and of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority, which includes three Trump appointees — their optimism is tinged with trepidation."

I'm reading "Democrats Keep Hoping It’s Curtains for Trump. He’s Still Center Stage," by Reid J. Epstein, in the NYT. Subtitle: "As Donald Trump faces a new threat to his political future, this time over the question of ballot eligibility, Democrats again find themselves looking toward American institutions to stop him."

I'd like to think that passage was written with a sense of humor: Democrats out to save democracy long for a solution to Donald Trump that is anything other than defeating him democratically. The judiciary is supposed to swoop in and rescue Democrats from the task of winning the votes of the people. But the Supreme Court isn't stacked with judges who lean in the political direction that disfavors the candidate they loathe. So their hope for a nondemocratic alternative to the next election is pre-crushed.

Is there evidence in that article that the humor is intentional? There are some quotes from Democrats that made me laugh. Especially this, from Biden: "It’s self-evident. You saw it all. He certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero." 

১৮৪টি মন্তব্য:

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

Dems will wait two weeks in the morning
They'll wait two weeks at night
They'll wait two weeks in the afternoon
Cause it makes them feel alright
They waited two weeks when we had peace
And they’ll wait twice now we have war
Dems will wait two weeks till the bad dreams cease
And then They'll wait two more

Leland বলেছেন...

To be fair, Democrats are not just trying to stop Trump from running, but they are just hoping Biden will “do the right thing” and, more than Biden, that Harris won’t even think about the Presidency. Yet they claim they are protecting democracy.

Todd বলেছেন...

It is only a "question of ballot eligibility" if you have zero understanding of the issues involved (or are a partisan hack and don't care about the actual rules - just more Democrat "Calvin Ball").

It is just same-ol-same with Democrats doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to win. Rules be damned, morals be damned, consequences be damned. History starts anew every morning and they can't see far enough into the future to get that the pendulum always swings. They will not always be "on top" and calling the shots.

Their "new rules" have consequences that they unable or unwilling to see.

God help us all...

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

For people who peaked in high school, anyone who reminds them of the guy who stuffed them in a locker is a threat.

mikee বলেছেন...

The Resistance. Or is whataboutism just not allowed any more.

Kevin বলেছেন...

Remember, these are not “fringe” Democrats.

This is the heart of the party.

These are the ones with power.

rehajm বলেছেন...

There are some quotes from Democrats that made me laugh

Cocksure people will believe their propaganda from the mainstream media they are. Dupers delight. It is confidence not unfounded.

Even if they’re wrong who is willing to stop them?

Kevin বলেছেন...

I'd like to think that passage was written with a sense of humor:

That’s not funny.

donald বলেছেন...

Funny, I’ve found none of this funny since about 2005.

Temujin বলেছেন...

Democrats may have stepped into a real pile of shit with their latest move.

Quayle বলেছেন...

Always looking for some higher power to make things right or assure that all will turn out well.

So how about the higher power God?

"No, not that guy! We need someone from Harvard or Yale."

Mike Sylwester বলেছেন...

Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

He tried to control immigration.

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

Sad to say it, but this is the end. I had hoped for a Republican alternative to Trump, but it isn't to be. Now it has simply been decided that Donald Trump will not be elected, the people be damned. There are many more tricks waiting to be played, from keeping Trump off the ballot(s) to outright refusal to count his votes. Even if he gets on the ballot, the fraud will be open, clear and immense and nobody will hear any challenges to it. Our Betters will declare that our election system is solid, just like our border.

rehajm বলেছেন...

They don’t hate Trump any more than they would hate what would be in his place if he is gone. They hated W the same when he had power. They’ll hate the next one, too…

rehajm বলেছেন...

It’s nothing personal…

Quaestor বলেছেন...

The Dems have embraced Zippo tactics: Destroy what you ostensibly seek to preserve. Didn't work in 'Nam. Won't work now. They'd know that if ignorance wasn't a cardinal virtue.

Ficta বলেছেন...

"why do the Dems hate Trump?"

Class. The base of the ironically named Democratic party are "the people who always win". Of course they're enraged: "How dare those filthy jumped up scum imagine they can choose a president? They need to be taught their place.". Chillingly, it's how Pinochet came to power in Chile. It seems a bit weird to compare Trump to Allende, but think about it...

Iman বলেছেন...

Trump threatens their place at the trough and their plans for the destruction of our country.

iowan2 বলেছেন...

On the radio someone played an audio clip of Biden. To paraphrase, Biden said 'Dems are going to make sure Trump could not run.'

This has always been the plan. Remove the choice from the voters.

The question never asked of the Haley, DeSantis or Christie. 'You say Trump is chaos we can do without, and you wont be in the middle of chaos. But what happens when the story breaks that you are on the take from Russia, or China, or Saudi Arabia? What will you do when the FBI raids your home, and office, and campaign headquarters? Will you fight or will you drop out'.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

While I understand Althouse laughing at Biden’s ridiculous comment I am certain he was 100% serious. As was Reid with his earnest reporting on what NY progressives are thinking. They don’t find ANY humor in anything related to Trump and they feel him looming over every single situation Reid Epstein describes in this excerpt. Looming large.

Data Schlepper বলেছেন...

If, in spite of everything, Trump wins, think of how awesome that would make him.
He would then have an aura of invulnerability from overcoming all those obstacles and still returning to the White House.
For the whole world, it would be as if we woke up one morning and found the Incredible Hulk in the Oval Office.

gilbar বলেছেন...

We had to destroy the democracy, in order to save it

MartyH বলেছেন...

The owners of a late 18th century estate invite Gregor Samsa, an odd but well-meaning man, into their home. The staff and guests insist that with a name like Gregor he must be a Russian asset. Furthermore, they say that he is not a man, but rather a bug. They proceed to chase him all over this light-colored abode, attacking him with every implement at their disposal. They smash the kitchen with a sledgehammer while chasing him around. They saw away at joists and beams when they think he is in the attic. They start a fire when they believe they have him trapped in another area of the house. When the owners see the destruction to their home, the staff blames Gregor for the wreckage. The owners evict Gregor, perhaps still seeing the man but having been swayed by the staff that he is, indeed, a bug.

Gregor initially refuses to leave but eventually does. Not content to having Gregor removed from the home, the staff pursue him relentlessly, destroying more of the estate in the process. The owners, now thinking that the staff is perhaps responsible for the unending damage to their property, consider inviting Gregor back into their home. In response, the staff threatens to turn the house into a giant conflagration if the owners invite him back.

The End?

Wince বলেছেন...

"Once again, Democrats find themselves looking toward [subverting] American institutions to stop Mr. Trump, whom they view as a mortal threat to democracy."

Fixed for you.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

Because he exposed them for the frauds they are. They pretend they are getting things done, all so they can run for reelection, and "Get them next time". Imagine what Trump COULD have achieved with BOTH parties if there WASN'T a concerted attempt to stop him from revealing them for the liars they are. They COULDN'T let an outsider show that the career politicians, who all got rich off of our backs, don't work for us...they work to enrich themselves.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Trump is an outsider who beat Hillary, who was supported in her candidacy by lies manufactured by Ukraine. People don’t realize how long the neocons, who are now Democrats, including Bush and Cheney, have been planning this war. Every accusation is a confession with them. They do this because it works, and they hate X because they don’t believe that whether something is disinformation has anything to do with whether it is true.

I had a friend who often talked about “Marxist truth;” he said that it was whatever they needed to to believe for them to get what they want. The neocons are big believers in Marxist truth, and so X is full of “disinformation.”

Christopher B বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...
Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

I don't think there's a single answer to that question.

In general, 'cuz he beat their girl in 2016. They discovered they weren't nearly as popular with the rest of the country as they delusionally think they are.

For the Woke, I would suspect it's because he's the embodiment of all the "privilege" they hate.

For the supposed intellectuals on both sides of the aisle, he's a giant middle finger to their pretensions and credentialing. He's crass, buffoonish, and talks funny but is still wildly more successfully in life than most of them will ever be. And appears to have had great fun doing it.

I also suspect he's not really hated that much more than any other Republican is or would be. Those of us who live through the 1980s, and 1990s, and 2000s saw how the Democrats reacted to Reagan, GWHB, W, Dole, McCain, and Romney. The volume has just been turned up to 11. It's a form of the Democrat's continually belief that their problem is that people aren't hearing their message (see Hillary losing in 2016) rather than the people are hearing their message loud and clear but don't like it.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Althouse is a rare breed.

Just think about all the liberal public educators and Phds who hope this works, and think it is protecting democracy. They are only protecting themselves and that is all they really care about.

Heartless Aztec বলেছেন...

I'm weeping the tears of a crocodile.

MadTownGuy বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

He took the Precious from Hillary.

Will Cate বলেছেন...

"Fragile guardrails" my ass. The guardrails of this country are made from titanium, compared to most other nations.

Aggie বলেছেন...

The humor is not intentional - it's an example of an extreme case of willful un-self-awareness that is humorous to normal people.

As for 'why do the Dems hate Trump so much' - well it's not just Dems, although it's mostly Dems. I've wondered that too, because it's such a vehement expression, one that would indicate existential-level crises. But I'm not fully understanding what those crises actually are. I guess he just doesn't respect their status-quo thinking, and is not afraid to draw attention to their Emperor's lack of clothing - even if he's naked, too.

Jersey Fled বলেছেন...

Cute headline.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Blogger Dave Begley said...
Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

Ohhh...it's not just Donald Trump they hate Mr. Begley. They hate the working class. White alpha males. The "unvaccinated". They hate anyone that sees through their bullshit and doesn't bow to their wishes. They hate anyone they can't control.

Hatred is a core Democrat value and motivator. That's why liberals love to virtue signal their "tolerance and kindness".

Jamie বলেছেন...

Dave Begley, I don't think we're the right people to ask.

The question is, who is? When you ask a Democrat who hates Trump why she feels that way, she's shocked and probably horrified that her reasons aren't self-evident, and takes that fact as a sign that the person asking is just as - whatever - as Trump himself.

"Because he's a dictator" or "because he wants to be a dictator"? Why didn't he seize power before, when he was in a position to do so? "Because he tried to overthrow the country"? Then why did he just leave the White House peacefully on Jan. 20? "Because he's a racist"? Then why has he had such warm relationships with black and brown leaders and celebrities and actual people? "Because he's stupid"? First, in what way is he more stupid than Biden, and second, is that a reason to hate someone? Oh, and third, what was the last book you read?

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Democrats know damn well Trump is not a mortal threat to democracy.

Trump is a threat to THEM.

Howard বলেছেন...

Biden is absolutely correct, Trump is a failed insurrectionist and a seditious traitor.

However, there is no profit in pointing that out. In fact, it just makes the two-faced obese pile of goo more popular with his base.

retail lawyer বলেছেন...

I saw that Biden quote somewhere in a stand-alone context. It wasn't funny at all. I'm glad AA could find humor in it in the NYT article. Finding humor in the sad happens to me rarely, as the only Lib publication I read is the New Yorker. But it is fun. They had a big story about life in San Francisco wherein a City financial employee was trying to boost the City's image, but revealed that he had recently moved to Sacramento. His family, you see . . . Then there was the recent arrival who wanted to bring back the old days he never experienced, and was starting a organization to bring back whimsical happenings like mass pillow fights in Embarcadero Plaza.

TreeJoe বলেছেন...

I find this article deeply ironic in that it SHOULD be viewed as perfect mockery of the democratic party and it's positions - wonderfully tongue in cheek. But instead it's an accurate depiction of how Democrats actually think.

Why do we know they think that way? Because of two reasons:

1. They say they think that way
2. They act in a way consistent with what they say they think

There's a pretty strong argument that people have to "Save Democracy from the Democratic Party" based purely on their actions to increase voting opacity, increase judicial activism, politicize investigations and prosecution, and more.

Justabill বলেছেন...

Why would you think that the quoted individuals are being intentionally humorous? In my experience, saying the worst thing about Trump that you can think of is a way of showing that you’re in the club.

cfs বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...
Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?


I've wondered that myself many times. It is hard to come up with one single answer since their hate is so irrational. I could respond that it is because he beat their chosen one in 2016, but the hate started before then. Trump was well-loved by the left until he announced his candidacy for President.

I think their hate began when he started addressing issues that were of concern of fly-over country and voters start seriously listening to him. When Trump started addressing corruption by politicians and pointing out their constant campaign promises that they always failed to keep, he struck a nerve with both the voters and the entrenched D.C. politicians and bureaucratic appointees. At that point, I think they began to fear him and then that fear turned into hate. The "get Trump" no matter the cost" plot then began and they have done nothing since but double-down on that goal.

They have come too far to back down now. For some, the very corrupt and criminal element, their very freedom hangs in the balance.

retail lawyer বলেছেন...

Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

Because he'll make fertile women wear bonnets. Says my fertile liberal friend. She just knows . . .

michaele বলেছেন...

Such a good question, Dave.
If they actually did some soul searching and real research instead of floating along mindlessly in the comfort of the warm waters of their echo chamber, they'd find so many of the things they are told to hate him for are not true.
Racist...before running for president, he was well liked by many black celebrities, dated a bi-racial woman who says he was always a gentlemen with her, and chose a black man as one of the winners of an early Apprentice series
Misogynist...hired many women in his businesses and promoted them according to their abilities.
Homophobe...no evidence he deliberately discriminated against gay people. He obviously interacted with many throughout his entertainment business career and judged people on their merits.
Anti immigrant...has made a point of being accepting and approving of legal immigration. The obvious point...two of his wives have been foreign born.

The horrible monster Hitler like Trump is a media made up caricature.

~ Gordon Pasha বলেছেন...

Democrats need to destroy Trump. RINOs need Democrats to destroy Trump. And Trump is channeling is inner Chesty Puller and thinking “ We're surrounded. That simplifies the problem.” “They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that outnumbers us .” Americans love a winner in a fair fight.

Tina Trent বলেছেন...

Look. Code Pink has disrupted multiple Congressional hearings with no consequences. BLM and Occupy have committed terrorist attacks outside many governmental institutions, including burning some down. In Washington, they prevented many people from participating in Democratic processes.

In Atlanta, their riots prevented me from getting into the Legislature and being the sole voice against a bill that I had defeated before, as a sole voice.

So, it's already over. Kaput. The Democrats just flushed 60 years of striving for equal justice down the toilet. I'm doing one more job and quitting all of this. At some point, you have to face defeat, or you're insane. We'll be in camps before this is over.

Jeff Weimer বলেছেন...

Because Trump *might* "bend the guardrails, the Democrats decide to pre-emptively remove them.

And no, Howard, Trump is neither of those, no matter how much or how loudly you insist it to be so. Yet you all seem hell-bent on doing the exact same things to him you scream he might do to you. But it's okay when you do it, because "our Democracy" or something.

Breezy বলেছেন...

One reason I think they hate Trump is because he disrupts or potentially disrupts many of the long-standing work patterns within the system. Many of those patterns likely have kickbacks or other valuable perks. That’s uncomfortable and threatening to the political class. Because of this, political organizations fund media to gin up the fear and hatred. I think that pic of a standing Nancy Pelosi shaking her finger at a sitting Trump perfectly captures the sentiment. It’s like a parent to an unruly child. It completely frustrates them that he won’t go along to get along. He knows that’s not what he’s there for.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"While I understand Althouse laughing at Biden’s ridiculous comment I am certain he was 100% serious."

He's serious about something but can't seriously mean his words in their literal sense. Reasonable people can certainly disagree about whether what happened on January 6th was an "insurrection" -- especially within the meaning of the 14th amendment. The idea that everyone "saw" what happened is utter nonsense. We saw some images of some of what happened and we don't know what was in everyone's head at the time.

It's possible that he actually doesn't understand the question. He defeats Robert Bork with that kind of emotive reaction to the Constitution, so I can see why he has an inflated self-image when it comes to asserting things about the Constitution.

Jeff Weimer বলেছেন...

Because Trump *might* "bend the guardrails, the Democrats decide to pre-emptively remove them.

And no, Howard, Trump is neither of those, no matter how much or how loudly you insist it to be so. Yet you all seem hell-bent on doing the exact same things to him you scream he might do to you. But it's okay when you do it, because "our Democracy" or something.

Lloyd W. Robertson বলেছেন...

I would hope that Roberts can get a 9-0 decision of the USSC against some at least of the lawless processes being used against Trump. 6-3 would just convince the Dems that a decision is unfair. Postponing everything until after the election, and then re-affirming that there are reasons not to proceed against a sitting President?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

This was all obvious eight years ago to some people.

JRoberts বলেছেন...

Dave Begley: Excellent question.

When I interact with liberal family members and acquaintances, I'm dismayed by their perspectives on Trump. It's mostly circular logic and comments that start with "Everyone knows he's a...", but can't support a single accusation with facts. So much emotion and so little logic. At Christmas 2016, my niece was distraught that Trump had not yet been impeached yet - and he hadn't been inaugurated yet!

I think there are reasonable objections to Trump. I don't think he's a principled conservative, despite doing some things right during his first term. I think he has some character issues I don't care for, but that's why I will probably choose to vote for someone else in the primary. However, I don't have this gut level fear that he is an existential threat to our nation.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

This tweet-storm by Batya Ungar-Sargon yesterday at Ace of Spades is illuminating. As someone already said, "It's all about class"

"I'm sorry but the people trying to save Harvard are part of the problem. Harvard isn't primarily an institution of learning. It's an institution of status conferring in which people who hate America gatekeep the American Dream by granting each other little honors and credentials.

It's very hard to graduate from these institutions and still believe your fellow citizens have a right to disagree with you and--horror of all horrors!--a right to take the country in a direction you disapprove of if there are more of them than you, which by definition there are.

This is why America's liberal journalists are so gung ho for censorship and getting Trump off the ballot and other anti-American measures: Many went to elite universities, where they became convinced that their numbers were in inverse proportion to their right to rule the masses.

There are only two options for people with views you don't like: convince them you're right with better ideas or silence them. To be an American is to choose the first option in nearly every case. Yet the vast majority of people in power went to schools that endorse the second.

Remember when ordinary Americans whose communities and wages were decimated by globalization and mass migration voted for the first guy to say NAFTA was a mistake and call for securing the border, and the entire liberal political caste said in unison, "IT WAS PUTIN!"

That was choosing the second option, which looks like it's about politics but is actually about class. They weren't silencing conservatives. They were silencing the working class who they have contempt for which curdles into absolute rage on the rare occasions that the masses win.

The lesson of this moment simply cannot be that Jewish Rhodes scholars need more codelling and protection from screaming 18 year olds. It absolutely has to be that we have broken the contract with the working class by buying into the corrupt mythology of Harvard et al"

Charlie বলেছেন...

Is Joe Biden's family guilty of influence peddling?

"It’s self-evident. You saw it all. He certainly supported influence peddling. No question about it. None. Zero."

hawkeyedjb বলেছেন...

William Roper: So, now you give the Devil the benefit of law!

Sir Thomas More: Yes! What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?

William Roper: Yes, I'd cut down every law in England to do that!

Sir Thomas More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned 'round on you, where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country is planted thick with laws, from coast to coast, Man's laws, not God's! And if you cut them down, and you're just the man to do it, do you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake!

Democrats think they're playing the part of Thomas More. They lack self-awareness. But they know it doesn't really matter: winning is everything.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"
He interrupted thr flow of graft.
Howard said...
"Biden is absolutely correct, Trump is a failed insurrectionist and a seditious traitor."
Despite your best efforts that has yet to be proved. But you "just know" he is, right?

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

This decision to disqualify Trump is about more than simply trying to remove him from the ballot altogether.

The Dems understand that the ruling is likely to be overturned. But even if it is, they have succeeded in creating an authoritative pronouncement declaring Trump ineligible that they can cling to and use to rationalize and justify even greater "resistance" if he is elected.
The Supreme Court is already tainted in Dem eyes and a ruling that Trump is eligible won't count for anything except as further proof that the USSC is a corrupted, politicized institution. This Colorado SC ruling will now be the final word on the matter for Trump haters.

The ruling is battlespace prep for a possible Trump win. It will help fuel the orchestrated violence that will quite possibly follow a Trump win if it happens. The ruling will inform and motivate Trump haters in position to meddle with the upcoming elections at every level. It will do the same throughout the federal and state bureaucracies, federal and state courts, at media platforms, academia, and on and on.

Devils who believe they are angels need things like this to help them continue to believe.

Christopher B বলেছেন...

Howard said...
Biden is absolutely correct, Trump is a failed insurrectionist and a seditious traitor.

However, there is no profit in pointing that out...

Howard, let me introduce you to Ann Althouse ...

...voters need to know if they need to fight for the candidate they are supporting on the substantive merits and not just rely on his opponent's being "disqualified" on some wild legal theory.

Mr. Forward বলেছেন...

"Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

Because they think it's going to be on the test.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

Remember when Trump had Obama's birth certificate investigated? It may have started then.

Levi Starks বলেছেন...

I’m going to say that while small, there is a statistical chance that Donald Trump might win in 2024, and that the Democrats might in fact gift us with an actual insurrection.
But not to worry, the mainstream media will rebadge them as patriots of the highest order.

Bob Boyd বলেছেন...

Because they think it's going to be on the test.

HAHAHA! Perfect.

TRISTRAM বলেছেন...

American Instutions which they have consistently undermined and weakened and brought into disrepute.

Good luck with that.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Amazing. This is OPEN AND DIRECT election interference on a massive scale. Destroying our republic in its wake for power.
I’m wondering if I have ANYTHING in common with democrats.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

An insurrection without guns.

an insurrection where DC police opened the doors and escorted some "insurrectionists" into the building.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Democrats out to save democracy long for a solution to Donald Trump that is anything other than defeating him democratically.

Well, Democrats could stop bring assholes. That might help.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Oh, I’ll be very, very happy to see Trump run again and get beaten as he was in 2020. It’s a good thing for the U.S.; regular, repeated electoral beatings of Trump and TrumpWing candidates. Demolishing the nasty myth of Trump as a general election winner. I’m looking forward to a campaign where TrumpWingers are strapped for cash, Democrats opposing the TrumpWing are well-funded, Trump is wallowing in criminal courts (and seeing the Trump Organization wiped out in New York), and generally cutting the living guts out of any Trump campaign.

But about this laughably phony business of the “right” thing being to let voters decide, not courts…

GOP leadership didn’t want to convict the impeached Trump, saying the courts should decide. Now they are saying the courts shouldn’t make a political decision on Trump. But when the voters made a political decision on Trump, Trump ran to the courts.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Blogger Dave Begley said...
Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

Easy! Because they think of Trump as a Republican, and they view nearly all Republicans with suspicion, if not loathing.

A better question, Dave, is why so many Republicans hate Trump. Because that’s your general election problem.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

When the Democrats successfully pulled off the absentee voter fraud in the 2020 election, they clearly indicated their disdain for democracy and the American voter.

By now, especially those that were on the fence in 2020, it should be clear it was a fraudulent election. Perhaps in 2024 some of those same cheating mechanisms are not as readily available, and that's why Democrats and the Media are pushing for the courts to pull off the 2024 fraud.

There has to be more to come. We should be able to see their plan of action forming by spring. This isn't all of it.

RMc বলেছেন...

Is there evidence in that article that the humor is intentional?

None whatsoever. Today's Dems are as serious as a heart attack, and almost as pleasant.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

Joe Biden is above the law.

Not only is he a criminal.
His open southern border is against US immigration law.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Iowan2 gets at the heart of what bugs me the most about Haley and Christie. And Desantis too in that they should all be attacking this Democrat-Media operation to discredit destroy disallow and deny Trump ballot access and if that ain’t enough jail and or Epstein him once and for all. Every case is a novel legal theory and a farce yet except for Ramaswamy they do not fight the democrat corruption. We all know how team D would handle it: speaking nonstop about how evil team R is destroying democracy and denying voters their rights.

But not our candidates. They are self-centered assholes willing to let Trump be destroyed by corrupt prosecutors and the current administration because hey it might clear their way to the presidency. Do they really not see that “chaos would follow” THEM around and they would be treated exactly the same? They seem clueless and I will never support these assholes in future because they won’t stand up for fairness and justice now. They have burned that bridge for their own ambitions.

They disgust me.

Iman বলেছেন...

Muh norms!

Christopher B বলেছেন...

RideSpaceMountain, I saw that posting at AofSHQ yesterday but didn't fully read it. I think it gets a lot right.

Remember when ordinary Americans whose communities and wages were decimated by globalization and mass migration voted for the first guy to say NAFTA was a mistake and call for securing the border, and the entire liberal political caste said in unison, "IT WAS PUTIN!"

I lean hard on the Peter Zeihan view that a lot of what we're seeing today is the inevitable unwinding of the zombie extension of the Cold War Global Order. Maintaining the Order was a price Americans were willing to pay when it was standing up an alliance to meet the threat posed by the Soviet Union. GHWB and Bill Clinton tried, not very successfully, to construct a rational of global engagement that would continue the Order indefinitely, largely with the promise that it wouldn't cost Americans anything to do it (the "End of History" theory). That blew up, literally, on 9/11/2001. The people who benefited from the existence of the Order are not very happy about seeing it disintegrate, and continue to believe that the pieces can be put back together again. Obama and then Hillary were happy to pander to that, and managed the disintegration in a way that would reduce their pain. Trump represents the fact that it's going away, hard and fast, and not coming back any time soon.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

If Colorado is allowed to stand, the only restraint guiding the objective of keeping Trump from running is self-imposed.

Chuck বলেছেন...

Ann Althouse said...
"While I understand Althouse laughing at Biden’s ridiculous comment I am certain he was 100% serious."

He's serious about something but can't seriously mean his words in their literal sense. Reasonable people can certainly disagree about whether what happened on January 6th was an "insurrection" -- especially within the meaning of the 14th amendment. The idea that everyone "saw" what happened is utter nonsense. We saw some images of some of what happened and we don't know what was in everyone's head at the time.

I suspect that President Biden may be saying, “Everyone saw the riots, and who the rioters were, and how they were summoned and directed from Trump’s speech to the Capitol, and then we saw the J6 Select Committee hearings. And now the indictments.”

It's possible that he actually doesn't understand the question. He defeats Robert Bork with that kind of emotive reaction to the Constitution, so I can see why he has an inflated self-image when it comes to asserting things about the Constitution.

Okay, I did not have “Robert Bork” on my Althouse Bingo card for today. However if anyone cared to search all of my comments, they would find what a supporter I was, of the Bork nomination, and what a quiet tragedy I thought it was, that Bork’s “Borking”is what gave us Kennedy, which is who gave us Obergefell.

Enigma বলেছেন...

At some point serial liars lose track of the truth and spit out endless self-contradictory statements. To your face. Thinking you believe it. I've seen this a few times, and the best thing to do when it comes from a single person is to run. Run away. Dump them. Change your job. But detached groupthink across a whole party?????? The party bullies are keeping the timid sheep in line.

This ends if and only if some people with courage split off from the bullies and liars. If not, we've entered the Praetorian Guard era of Rome. Wait for one hedonistic or puppet emperor after another. They were anointed and removed per the whims of the old Roman Deep State.

To persuade these folks to start a conversation, use the milder terms "groupthink" and "conformity" rather than mass formation psychosis:


Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

I appreciate where you're coming from Althouse but I stick to my assessment that Biden 100% believes what he said about Trump being an insurrectionist. My father went through the stages of dementia Joe is exhibiting and one of the weird things was he'd get an idea, like I had borrowed some money but wasn't paying it, and then he'd get angry when Mom and I tried to tell him it didn't happen. He'd insist there was a paper trail and he would show me once he got back on email. But he hadn't used his email in a year.

Further, my hunch is that Biden is willing to believe a lot of crazy shit his young and devious staff feeds him. So why not Trump the traitor? Every news channel Joe watches reinforces that belief every day, just like Howard does here.

What amazes me about Joe is how he seized on that Charlottesville myth, claiming it drove him to run for president, which ostensibly is the prima facie evidence that Trump is a Nazi antisemite. Yet now with marchers in the streets calling for the destruction of Israel and even wiping Jews off the earth, and disrupting Congress repeatedly to do so, he hasn't said boo. Has that "deeply held conviction" he could "feel in his bones" been wiped out, reprogrammed? I do wonder.

Iman বলেছেন...

doddering old fool
president dipshit roomba
is one sad old fuck

Kevin বলেছেন...

The idea that everyone "saw" what happened is utter nonsense.

It's hard for us to see when they won't release the videos.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand বলেছেন...

Breezy said...

One reason I think they hate Trump is because he disrupts or potentially disrupts many of the long-standing graft arrangements within the system.

Fixed It For You.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

I would hope that Roberts can get a 9-0 decision of the USSC

Yeah me too Lloyd but realistically the best we can hope for is 8-1. Jackson is a true believer. The other two at least pretend to act on principles occasionally.

Kevin বলেছেন...

There are many more tricks waiting to be played, from keeping Trump off the ballot(s) to outright refusal to count his votes.

The big lie is this has anything to do with Trump.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Democrat hate is de rigeur. What fascinates me is how much GOPe hate Trump. Explain that.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Why are democrats so despondent, when Biden has already defeated the scariest candidate in History? The candidate Hilary failed to beat. What do the democrats know, that the rest of the country doesn't?

It looks to me like we are not being told everything there is to know. Otherwise, this exercise in self-pity seems highly irregular.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

The only way to defeat Trump is to let him win. He'll be so awful that surely the country will learn its lesson and turn against him.

GRW3 বলেছেন...

"Democracy" to Democrats mean they run everything, anything that threatens that is, by definition, a threat to Democracy.

Moondawggie বলেছেন...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

After years of discussing political affairs with my progressive coworkers and friends out here on the left coast, all I can tell you is that their justification for hating Trump typically comes down to this:

"Because reasons. So shut up," she explained.

You don't need supporting facts or logic when you are guided by your morally superior and intellectually brilliant feelings.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

Liberals, especially liberal white people, are the most dangerous people on the planet.

"Because he'll make fertile women wear bonnets. Says my fertile liberal friend. She just knows . . ."

But only the hot ones, I hope : )

rcocean বলেছেন...

Its amazing how reading the NYT or Wapo is like reading Pravda. Objective truth doesn't matter, everything is framed in a bizzaro world manner where black is white and up is down.

The USSR under Stalin was the most locked down, tightly controlled country, ever. Merely, insulting Stalin in a coded letter could get you shot or thrown in the Gulag. Yet, Pravda always presented stalin as "fighting for the workers and peasants" against a host of Wreckers and secret counter-revoluionaries.

The USA press adopts the same tactic. The Biden adminstration and the Democrat Judges are trying to jail Trump or force him off the ballots. The FBI raids his house. His associates are sued and investigated. Anyone who protested on J6 is hunted down and given draconian sentences. The FBI works with social media to censor Trump supporters or anyone who questions the 2020 election.

Yet, Trump is the Nazi/Authoritarian/Enemy of Democracy. Stalin approves this message!

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

More food for thought:

Biden said in Wisconsin yesterday, "I come from a state that has the eighth-largest Black population in the country, and as they say the saying goes where I come, you brung me to the dance early on!"

Here I start to doubt that he believes any of what he is saying. I've heard he's referring to PA with the black comment, but who really knows. Remember when Norm Crosby made a whole comedy career out of mangling things like that?

Yeah, well it ain't funny when POTUS potatotus does it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Regarding Norm Crosby, that site I linked was really short on malapropisms, which is what I remember him for. This one is better.

narciso বলেছেন...


Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

There is no humor in that essay that I can see. Epstein and Biden really do believe, like our idiot Howard above, that Trump's ineligibility is indisputable.

I do expect SCOTUS or a federal district court to invalidate the efforts to keep Trump off the primary and general election ballots, but I think it quite likely that the decision do so will be a close one- 5-4 or 6-3 from SCOTUS, and it is possible that SCOTUS passes on the issue altogether with Roberts and Kavanaugh refusing to take the case regardless of what happens at the district court levels.

In any case, only Congress can determine Trump's eligibility for the office of President, and only Congress can adjudicate this- on January 6th of 2025. Until then, nobody has the right to prevent the GOP from putting Trump on a ballot- nobody. That one party apparently doesn't understand this basic principle indicates we are really no longer a valid republic or democracy, and that things will only get worse going forward.

Immanuel Rant বলেছেন...

I am just glad we got back to boring government with the people that respect the norms and traditions and stuff.

Crimso বলেছেন...

'Reasonable people can certainly disagree about whether what happened on January 6th was an "insurrection"'

Can you point to a single historical example of a comparable event that has been widely deemed an "insurrection?" I simply don't think a reasonable person can reasonably call 1/6 an "insurrection." That doesn't mean the person calling it that is not a reasonable person, just that they aren't using reason in this case.

Skeptical Voter বলেছেন...

Well Slow Joe has always been a not so cunning plagiarist. And it's Christmas time and I'm in a generous mood, so I'll plagiarize a bit from Joe.

"Joe Biden has been a lousy President. It's self evident. No question about it. None. Zero"

Now maybe it's not all Joe's fault. Maybe it's the fault of the mostly invisible and unseen Obama style hands guiding Joe. Or maybe it's Dr. Jill. Or maybe it's those darned Deplorables who just don't enjoy Bidenomics. Whatever--the grade on his Presidency is "lousy".

Rory বলেছেন...

Aspiring autocrats don't wait till they're 70 to seek office.

Rory বলেছেন...

"Remember when Trump had Obama's birth certificate investigated? It may have started then."

But the Clinton campaign and the DNC promoted Trump, even as Obama was on his way out of office:


Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...

Biden is absolutely correct, Trump is a failed insurrectionist and a seditious traitor.

Howard, I did not realize that you had a role in DC's principle industry, influence peddling. Trump is a threat to that industry and I understand why you fear him so much. He actually tries to keep the promises he made and that is definitely against the rules. Joe Biden is the epitome of influence peddling and so it is no wonder that he was tasked to "Bell the Cat," so to speak. I remember when he was "The Senator from MBNA." His responsibility is greater now that he is "The Senator from China."

Michael K বলেছেন...

Blogger Howard said...

Biden is absolutely correct, Trump is a failed insurrectionist and a seditious traitor.

Howard, I did not realize that you had a role in DC's principle industry, influence peddling. Trump is a threat to that industry and I understand why you fear him so much. He actually tries to keep the promises he made and that is definitely against the rules. Joe Biden is the epitome of influence peddling and so it is no wonder that he was tasked to "Bell the Cat," so to speak. I remember when he was "The Senator from MBNA." His responsibility is greater now that he is "The Senator from China."

hombre বলেছেন...

"Is there evidence in that article that the humor is intentional?" No. Ldfties have no sense of humor about politics. That's why they have fact checked the Babylon Bee.

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?" The rank and file hate him because the leftmediaswine have told them to hate him.

The power elite hate him because he is an apostate who threatens their social revolution and their grifting.

His old slogan, that he should recycle, applies: "They're not after me, they're after you. I'm just in the way.

hombre বলেছেন...

Yancey: "Epstein and Biden really do believe, like our idiot Howard above, that Trump's ineligibility is indisputable."

No. They don't. It's Democrat taqiyya, their dominant speech. Democrats are our Islamists.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi বলেছেন...

This is what happens when on one hand you do everything possible to ensure Trump is your opponent and on the other wake up and realize your own corrupt, fossilized puppet might not have enough mojo left to trip over the finish line.

I expect the hysterical, schizophrenic ranting to increase exponentially as Election Day nears.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

What Democrats fear is Donald Trump taking power AWAY FROM DEMOCRATS. There corruption, power and money would go up in smoke. The end of the deep state and the 4th branch of government.

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Dave Begley said...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

As others have pointed out upthread, here is no one reason. Two important ones were, first, that Trump cut off access to graft and corruption for many people. It is a matter of record that as of November 2009, Joe Biden's net worth was $27,012, while eleven years later, in November of 2020, Biden’s net worth was in excess of 9 million dollars. Secondly, Trump made improving the economy look easy. No study groups staffed with Nobel laureates and distinguished economists whose CVs go one for page after page of books and lists of articles in refereed international journals. He just went ahead and did it.

RideSpaceMountain বলেছেন...

"If Colorado is allowed to stand, the only restraint guiding the objective of keeping Trump from running is self-imposed."

What we really need is a Mons Sacer moment. What needs to happen is a general strike of the plebs.

"Fifteen years after the expulsion of the kings and establishment of the Roman Republic, the plebeians were burdened by crushing debt. A series of clashes between the people and the ruling patricians in 495 and 494 BC brought the plebeians to the brink of revolt, and there was talk of assassinating the consuls. Instead, on the advice of Lucius Sicinius Vellutus, the plebeians seceded en masse to the Mons Sacer (the Sacred Mount), a hill outside of Rome. The senate dispatched Agrippa Menenius Lanatus, a former consul who was well liked by the plebeians, as an envoy. Menenius was well received, and told the fable of the belly and the limbs, likening the people to the limbs who chose not to support the belly, and thus starved themselves; just as the belly and the limbs, the city, he explained, could not survive without both the patricians and plebeians working in concert.

The plebeians agreed to negotiate for their return to the city; and their condition was that special tribunes should be appointed to represent the plebeians, and to protect them from the power of the consuls. No member of the senatorial class would be eligible for this office (in practice, this meant that only plebeians were eligible for the tribunate), and the tribunes should be sacrosanct; any person who laid hands on one of the tribunes would be outlawed, and the whole body of the plebeians entitled to kill such person without fear of penalty. The senate agreeing to these terms, the people returned to the city."

Before we go all Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo, every American or American business of conscience should seriously consider a general strike. Businesses in this country in one fell swoop could unite to cease remitting income tax to the feds. People could just stop paying taxes, or joining the military (already happening).

It worked for Gandhi in India, and I think it presents a middle way. Bring the country and the war machine to a standstill. Not one more red fucking cent until the people are recognized as the deciders in free and unmolested elections of their chosen candidates and issues. If 81 million Americans really voted for President Roomba, they can do so again and we can go further down the rabbit hole than we already are.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ বলেছেন...

“Biden calls Trump an insurrectionist.”

It’s important, however, to not blow your ammo in the spring. Trump is already peaking, IMHO, and he will become slipping well before the convention. The public will sort this through.

MB বলেছেন...

I do expect SCOTUS or a federal district court to invalidate the efforts to keep Trump off the primary and general election ballots

Is this the real goal? So Democrats can campaign on there being a "crooked" Court and say we need to elect a Democrat to fill future vacancies.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

The Democrat Party is the party of decivilization.

- Crime is up by deliberate Democrat action - Defund the police. No arrests, no bail, no jail time.

- Druggie homeless. The housing-first policy doesn't work, but Dems keep pushing it. The policy should be arrest them when they break the law and give them a choice of drug treatment or jail/prison.

- Energy. Dems promote the climate change hoax of CO2 being a pollutant when it's plant food. They want to limit our energy use so we'll be immobile in a freezing/sweltering house.

- Fake-gender/grooming. Dems will not protect the kids from sexual predators embedded in the school ecosystem. They hide grooming/fake-gender activity from the parents.

- Fake-education. They pretend to provide education while in reality they're indoctrinating the kids in progressivism.

- Throwing conservative candidates off the ballot because they threaten the decvilizers' power.

- Graft and corruption. Congressional insider trading and foreign aid to corrupt countries with kickbacks.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

"For many, it may be more pleasant to think about a judicial endgame that stops Mr. Trump than envisioning the slog of next year’s likely rematch against President Biden. And this time, with Democrats now well aware of how easily he can bend the country’s fragile guardrails — and of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority, which includes three Trump appointees — their optimism is tinged with trepidation."

All those words just to say: 'There's too many people boarding the Trump train. Somebody, do something.'

Big Mike বলেছেন...

Reasonable people can certainly disagree about whether what happened on January 6th was an "insurrection"

Not hardly! Real insurrections include Kenosha burning, the BLM riots in the summer of 2020, and federal officials fighting for their very lives in Portland as Antifa attempted to burn down the courthouse. I’d like to see some of these alleged “reasonable” people caught up in a real insurrection. They’d recognize the difference — if they survived.

[Joe Biden] defeats Robert Bork with that kind of emotive reaction to the Constitution, so I can see why he has an inflated self-image when it comes to asserting things about the Constitution.

Like when Biden lectured Sarah Palin about hos Article 1 of the Constitution defined the Executive Branch of government? If one doesn’t even know that Article 1 describes the Legislative Branch of government then that does call into question how much genuine expertise one has regarding the Constitution.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Bob Boyd said...

Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?

"Remember when Trump had Obama's birth certificate investigated? It may have started then."

Correct. Americans don't like to talk about what they REALLY do and believe, but, if you were aware of what was going on at the time, spiritually, then you were treated to the equivalent of X-Files fans, mostly getting upset Trump's conspiracy was directed at Obama - who they were already, by then, openly calling the "Lightbringer." Democrats LOVED conspiracies, before Trump - UFOs, 9/11 Truth shit, they needed "alternative" medicines, you name it - but this? As a white man, seemingly defending America, it challenged them AND (thank goodness for virtue signaling purposes) smacked of racism. And, later, standing in the way of Hillary's ascension to power? Trump's seen as an existential threat to that whole "Goddess" culture they've got bubbling up under our noses. Anybody would hate that.

But then came the NewAge's anti-vaxxers, merging with QAnon, and muddying the waters with enough quackery to produce a culture even dumber than before. And anybody would hate that, too.

What I hate is the cartoon-like stupidity, and repulsiveness of this violent nation, now being a 21st century affront to both intelligence and civilization, themselves.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

I for one am sad to see that Howard seems to spend his days now watching MSNBC. He is starting to sound like an old man with what used to be called “hardening of the arteries.”

Dogma and Pony Show বলেছেন...

Yancey Ward wrote: "In any case, only Congress can determine Trump's eligibility for the office of President, and only Congress can adjudicate this- on January 6th of 2025. "

The thing is, Congress already HAS adjudicated this. The second impeachment charged Trump with insurrection, and he was acquitted. Under the Constitution (Art. I, sec. 3), that judgment must be given res judicata effect. Here's what it says:

"Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."

Breezy বলেছেন...

Mike (MJB Wolf):
"What amazes me about Joe is how he seized on that Charlottesville myth, claiming it drove him to run for president, which ostensibly is the prima facie evidence that Trump is a Nazi antisemite. Yet now with marchers in the streets calling for the destruction of Israel and even wiping Jews off the earth, and disrupting Congress repeatedly to do so, he hasn't said boo. Has that "deeply held conviction" he could "feel in his bones" been wiped out, reprogrammed? I do wonder."

This is an excellent point - Biden's also waffling on his support of Israel himself, pandering to the antisemite muslims and college kids in the US, siding with Gaza/Hamas to some unconscionable degree.... I hope someone asks Biden et al about this...

TaeJohnDo বলেছেন...

'Reasonable people can certainly disagree about whether what happened on January 6th was an "insurrection"'

That statement is part of the problem: Giving unreasonable people the benefit of the doubt when they state things that just are true. It was not an insurrection, and people that insist it is are ideologues, shills, idiots or a combination there of.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Rory said...

"the Clinton campaign and the DNC promoted Trump, even as Obama was on his way out of office:"

Well done. Nobody mentions 'Pied Piper' at all anymore. As Christopher Hitchens said, when listing the Clinton's negatives in 1999, one has always been "an eerie, and unattractive ability to get liberals to keep their mouths tight shut."

Drago বলেছেন...

LLR-democratical Rich: "The only way to defeat Trump is to let him win. He'll be so awful that surely the country will learn its lesson and turn against him."

What a fascinatingly moronic comment given its the very memory of Trump's time in office and how much better the middle class, working class and working poor had it that is driving the Trump surge now.

But thanks for playing.

Maybe you should run some of your stupid gaslighting comment ideas past your compadres, LLR-democratical C**** and LLR-democratical lonejustice, prior to posting to better gauge potential impact. Of course, those 2 cats ain't exactly the "A Team" either...but still.

Ficta বলেছেন...

"What fascinates me is how much GOPe hate Trump. Explain that."

Class. As I hinted at above and as Ace of Spades said in the Twitter thread that Ride Space Mountain quoted: It's not politics it's class. The GOPe went to the Ivies too.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

I don't know if anyone's saving democracy anymore: Empire Files with Abby Martin Launches First Show

Drago বলেছেন...

Mike (MJB Wolf): "Democrat hate is de rigeur. What fascinates me is how much GOPe hate Trump. Explain that."

They are also basically dems and Trump exposed them as well.

What is most fascinating on this blog is the reaction one gets from the supposedly conservative/republicans when its pointed out just how badly and how boldly the DC GOPe-ers are sticking a knife in the back of the base voters and then playing Failure Theater.

Many of these "respectable" types will simply not countenance the idea that Trump is not the root of all GOP failure, past, present and future.

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

The Lt. Governor of California sent a letter to the CA Sec of State requesting she investigate all legal options to remove Trump from the CA ballot. Both liberal women.

The dingbat states in the letter, "The Constitution is clear: you must be 40 years old and not be an insurrectionist.

Article II of The Constitutional requires a person be at least 35 years old. Not 40.

rehajm বলেছেন...

Rich said...
The only way to defeat Trump is to let him win

I support this strategy…

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

Is there evidence in that article that the humor is intentional? There are some quotes from Democrats that made me laugh. Especially this, from Biden: "It’s self-evident. You saw it all. He certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero."

That quote can be seen as funny for two very, very different reasons.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

BOMBSHELL: UN Calls Israel To Investigate Allegations Of 'Execution' Of 11 Unarmed Palestinians

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

Always looking for some higher power to make things right or assure that all will turn out well.

So how about the higher power God?

A problem with that is whoever things turned out "right" for then claims it was due to God. It's an answer that simultaneously wins and loses - terrible argument.

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

He's serious about something but can't seriously mean his words in their literal sense.

You're giving him way too much credit. I've dealt with a senile grandparent. They certainly can believe anything they spout.

Oligonicella বলেছেন...

I agree with Bob Boyd, it's PR except for the dodderer and the PR peeps are feeding him.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...


All, ALL labeled as Hitler, Nazi, Sexist, Homophobic by the disgusting party that is the Democrat party and thier propganda minions.

Unfortunately this disguting rot has now crept into all of our federal organizations.

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

J6 wasn’t an Insurrection, at least on the part of Trump and his supporters. It was maybe one on the part of Pelosi and the Deep State. The left is more violent many days in the Capital, with no repercussions. A week or so ago, there were violent antisemitic protests there, and everyone yawned. But freeing Palestine is morally justified, while protesting an obviously stolen election is a violent insurrection. The left and the Deep State are telling us to just shut up, about their power grabbing, or they will destroy our lives.

Trump happily, even eagerly, plays the martyr here. He tells us that when they attack him, they are attacking us. And at this point, I believe him. The guard rails are coming off, as our enemies have to go to more and more extremes to maintain power. And, I think things are going to get worse, as we go into the summer, then fall. The one sure investment this coming year is in guns and ammo. Red America is already grossly over armed - absurdly so, in comparison to the rest of the First World. The middle is coming around. Esp noticeable to me - my Jewish friends are now interested in buying guns. Expect white hot sales for the rest of year.

I fear that the left, along with the Deep State, etc, will get what they most want, which is a real insurrection, or rather a second Revolution, which is why they keep pushing harder and harder. But I don’t think that they are going to like the results. They will likely reap what they have sown. They won’t have their tame police, nor their F-16s and tanks, to defend themselves. The military (esp enlisted ranks) and law enforcement will mostly sit on the sidelines, if not actively support the Revolution.

Hope that I am wrong.

Dude1394 বলেছেন...

Right there with you.

"Blogger Mike (MJB Wolf) said...
Iowan2 gets at the heart of what bugs me the most about Haley and Christie. And Desantis too in that they should all be attacking this Democrat-Media operation to discredit destroy disallow and deny Trump ballot access and if that ain’t enough jail and or Epstein him once and for all. Every case is a novel legal theory and a farce yet except for Ramaswamy they do not fight the democrat corruption. We all know how team D would handle it: speaking nonstop about how evil team R is destroying democracy and denying voters their rights.

But not our candidates. They are self-centered assholes willing to let Trump be destroyed by corrupt prosecutors and the current administration because hey it might clear their way to the presidency. Do they really not see that “chaos would follow” THEM around and they would be treated exactly the same? They seem clueless and I will never support these assholes in future because they won’t stand up for fairness and justice now. They have burned that bridge for their own ambitions.

They disgust me."

Narayanan বলেছেন...

professora says ....
It's possible that he actually doesn't understand the question.
how would professora set Q's / interrogatory for viva-voce [to quavery FJB] to elicit ?

let audience participate!

Narayanan বলেছেন...

"Remember when Trump had Obama's birth certificate investigated? It may have started then."
my wrinkle on this Q as follows >> if Obama 'renounced' to claim international student status/scholarship/funding how could he reclaim to qualify for President?

Narayanan বলেছেন...

I remember when he was "The Senator from MBNA." His responsibility is greater now that he is "The Senator from China."
is it not more like - /now that he is "The President for China.\

Jupiter বলেছেন...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"

Because they fear him. Which gives me hope.

~ Gordon Pasha বলেছেন...

Glen Reynolds has a great read on this, and quotes Roger Kimball who has an excellent read on the difference between Democracy (what we think is happening) and “Our Democracy” which is what the country has become under the rule of the Democratic Party.


Leland বলেছেন...

Responding to Dude1394 and Iowan2...

I think the issue is who these GOP lifers hired as campaign consultants. They usually note after they lose the election that they made a mistake of listening to their advisors and not being themselves. The problem is they, themselves, choose to listen to the advisors than be who they are. Vivek is a great example of not doing so. Has he made errors? Yes, but they are not nearly as bad as Haley, Christie, or DeSantis.

Also those advisors are usually just enough to the right to be willing to advise a Republican campaign. They are not very conservative, and definitely don't know what it is like to live in rural America.

BUMBLE BEE বলেছেন...

Wow, the Colorectal supreme court decision really points up who ate the corn flakes and who ate the paint flakes as children.

walter বলেছেন...

The smartest person Joe knows is his fucked up son he had selling access. The son who referred to the hair sniffing, child grabbing prez as Pedo Pete.
Joementia prommised to enable a "surge" at the border nad is on track to have allowed 10 milluiion "migrants" in while spending ridiculous $$ flying them around the country and putting them up in hotels and doling out benefits. The same process brings in Fentanyl and enables sex trafficking.
His admin and guv goons pressure social media to protect him.
Still, he's got shit poll numbers.
Lawfare and reframing a setup of a demonstration into an unarmed "insurrection" is just another desperate attempt to protect the scum.
Howie's cool with that, implores everyone to just chill out.
Semper Fudd!

hombre বলেছেন...

Another reason Democrats hate Trump is that he has exposed their e!ites for the venal, lawless scumbags they are. Worse, he has exposed that it doesn't matter to their amoral, ignorant base.

Hyperbole? Think about it.

Mike (MJB Wolf) বলেছেন...

Reasonable people understand that nobody holds an insurrection with unarmed unorganized vacationing boomers. Wanting to recount ballots is not "overturning an election." Saying that the FBI lost count of how many operatives they had undercover on J6 is not a conspiracy theory, it is Congressional testimony under oath, supported by contemporaneous memoranda. Reasonable people would never refer to that day as an "insurrection" unless they are liars and willing to say things that aren't true because they reason they'll gain from it. Only in that most specific case would "reasonable" people say such an unreasonable thing.

"You can call a dog's tail his fifth leg but that doesn't make it so." -- Famous Republican Presidential Wisdom (just prior to his assassination)

typingtalker বলেছেন...

"For many, it may be more pleasant to think about a judicial endgame that stops Mr. Trump than envisioning the slog of next year’s likely rematch against President Biden."

Or maybe they should nominate someone who could beat Trump in the upcoming presidential

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

They are scared they may not be able to steal it a second time.

minnesota farm guy বলেছেন...

I must admit that I have been a moderate "anybody but Trump" guy in this run up to the election. I am, however, having the same visceral reaction that so many are: I am fed up with the Dems f***ing with Trump and will vote for him just to give the middle finger. ( I also think that his policies are better for the US than the idiots in charge today). As they screw with Trump so would they screw with the average American. Remember the Democratic party is the party of slavery and I don't think they are in any less in favor of it today than they were in 1860. Slavery today just has a different face: white working class men and women and, increasingly, Hispanics and Asians.

Real American বলেছেন...

It's not as if the Democrats have never used the legal system to achieve political goals that they otherwise couldn't accomplish through the democratic process. It's kinda their thing. That's a big reason they're so angry at the Supreme Court not giving them what they want anymore.

Rusty বলেছেন...

"Question for the Althouse community: Why do the Dems hate Trump so much?"
All the wrong people are answering. If you read carefully what our resident lefties are saying the hate unreasoning. They hate and fear what they cannot comprehend. In that sense thay are easily manipulated. Just read Howards response.
Tu le Monde! Tu le Monde! The whole world just knows! Easily manipulated animal emotion.

gspencer বলেছেন...

Yeah me too Lloyd but realistically the best we can hope for is 8-1. Jackson is a true believer. The other two at least pretend to act on principles occasionally.


Dead-on with the super-duper AA justice. The other two AA justices, particularly the Wide Latina, are thoroughly leftist, but as you point out, Kagan does try to make a show of it sometimes.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

'All, ALL labeled as Hitler, Nazi, Sexist, Homophobic by the disgusting party that is the Democrat party and thier propganda minions.'

I'd vote for the reanimated Hitler before I voted for Joe, or any Democrat for that matter...

Quaestor বলেছেন...

The dingbat states in the letter, "The Constitution is clear: you must be 40 years old and not be an insurrectionist."

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe... all over forty and all treasonous insurrectionists.

Consequently, their monuments must all be destroyed.

rcocean বলেছেন...

No one has ever explained how Trump - the President of the USA - was trying to "overthrow the United States Government" on J6 in any convincing or even rational way.

Again, this just more Judicial left-wing word games. But they have the power and the Democrats will use it. They Do NOT care about the constitution, tradition, or even common sense.

If "No establishment of Religion" put in the constutition to prevent a "Church of the USA" can be turned into "No prayer during a HS Football game". Or a super-secret "Right to privacy" can justify Roe v. Wade, then why not say the President of the USA in performing his duties, was trying to overthrow the USA? Y'know like Jeff Davis.

Judges can do anything, and say black is white and up is down. And the only thing that can prevent them from doing that is ANOTHER JUDGE.

Again, you can go down this rabbit hole and write till your hands fall off about how senseless and bizarre it is to say "Trump is an insurrectionist", BUT IT DOESNT MATTER. All that matters is the Democrat and their GOPe Judges have the power, and they are willing to use it.

Lucien বলেছেন...

Why would places like CA try to keep Trump off the ballot? He’s not going to get those 54 electoral votes anyway, so what’s the upside? If he’s excluded, loses the election, and then SCOTUS says he was wrongly excluded, then who can say the remedy won’t involve invalidating some or all of those electoral votes?

The real state level action should come in Red states with Blue establishments.

fairmarketvalue বলেছেন...

I expect the Dems to hate Trump and to try, by any means necessary, to ensure he never appears on the ballot, much less gets elected. However, in my opinion, the ninth circle of Hell is reserved for the GOPe and the GOP Never Trumpers, including their respective candidates (DeSantis, Haley and "Crispy Creme" Christie) who are sitting on their hands while the Dems are torching this Republic. From Cocaine Mitch on down, these bastards are dead to me.

Earnest Prole বলেছেন...

Democracy dies in darkness so we lit a clown-car dumpster fire to compensate.

tim in vermont বলেছেন...

Do you think MSNBC tells their viewers that if they don’t believe what they are being told, that they will age faster? I bet that if they do, the evidence that they will cite is that “everybody knows that!”

Personally, I think that critical thinking keeps the mind sharp, and passively believing everything that you are told is just one more way of easing into the grave.

tolkein বলেছেন...

Why don't they leave the decision to the voters?

Joe Bar বলেছেন...

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has called this game the elites are playing "Civilizational Jenga." One by one, the pillars that support our society are knocked out.

Joe Bar বলেছেন...

Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit has called this game the elites are playing "Civilizational Jenga." One by one, the pillars that support our society are knocked out.

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

Trump drives through the fragile guardrails of the power elite. He's not staying in his lane. His license must be revoked.

boatbuilder বলেছেন...

"He's serious about something but can't seriously mean his words in their literal sense."

After all that you have seen and heard of Joe Biden, you really believe that? He says whatever he has to say--and believes it as much as anything else he says. If it works for Joe, it's true.

Mike of Snoqualmie বলেছেন...

The moto of the Democrat Party is "By Any Means Necessary." BAMN is the cry of the progressive movement. You can here it echoing at any antifa or Burn, Loot, Murder riot. Democrats will violate all social norms to remove Donald Trump from the political arena. Some will even attempt assassination as a last resort. I can just here Joe Biden muttering "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome Trump?"

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

But not our candidates. They are self-centered assholes

OMG, has there ever been a better description of Trump?!

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

A week or so ago, there were violent antisemitic protests there,

Please provide a link. As far as I know, the only violent attacks in this country that have occurred since October 7 are the shooting of three Palestinian students in Vermont (which Althouse completely ignored), one of which is apparently will be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life.

See how easy it is to provide a link!

Quaestor বলেছেন...

Rotwang's Cabana Boy writes, "OMG, has there ever been a better description of Trump?!"

It goes much further than that, but in your case no further than your bathroom mirror.

Moondawggie বলেছেন...

Freder Frederson said: "But not our candidates. They are self-centered assholes.
OMG, has there ever been a better description of Trump?!"

OMG, has there ever been a better description of Trump, Biden, Obama, Hill and Bill Clinton, Jack Kennedy, and LBJ?!"

There you go Freder---fixed it for you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves বলেছেন...

New estimate of illegal entrants since crook Joe took over...

12-15 million

how many are sleeper cells?

narciso বলেছেন...

no thats the story of Obama

Bunkypotatohead বলেছেন...

Trump was a NY Democrat for 40 years. If he had run for president under their banner, he would not be getting this treatment.
They hate him because he's an apostate. A traitor.

Christopher B বলেছেন...

Lucien said...
Why would places like CA try to keep Trump off the ballot? He’s not going to get those 54 electoral votes anyway, so what’s the upside?

There are only 10 states that don't have all major office affecting elections controlled by the same partyBallotpedia calls Governor/House/Senate a trifecta and Governor/Attorney General/Secretary of State a triplex. Among these ten are Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Arizona.

To me the major upside for the Democrats is significantly reducing Trump's popular vote total. Doing so is an effective disguise for the narrowness of the margin in the EC. Democrats love to talk about Biden's 81 million votes but if you look at the states which gave Biden his EC margin, shifting less than a million votes in a few states would have given Trump an EC win similar to his victory in 2016.

Scott Patton বলেছেন...

Given the opportunity they would've done something similar to Reagan and Bush Jr. Remember the red hot hate directed at them. Nixon was arrogant and sloppy, and they got him.

Aggie বলেছেন...

@Joe Bar, well, I ain't braggin', but I wonder if Glenn borrowed it from Althouse.

Blogger Aggie said...

Another turn taken in civilizational Jenga.

The churches are correct to split over issues like this one. It keeps the arguments where they belong, on the organizational plane - like 'what happened to our budget and underwriters?' and other shocking developments.

12/18/23, 11:31 AM Delete

No Citation ! Why, it's as if he thinks he's President of Harvard or sumtink.

Hanoi Paris Hilton বলেছেন...

Regarding several comments upthread about Obama's birth certificate... it was well along into the Obama presidency that it was finally "released". I was an early adopter of the full Adobe Acrobat app, knew it inside and out, and was amazed to see that the PDF copy of the putative original Hawaii document was assembled from several layers, which, astonishingly, had never been "flattened" and could thus be instantly deconstructed back into the component layers by anybody reasonably familiar with Acrobat. This strongly suggested some kind of digital monkey business, and that whoever the IT geek who assembled it was evidently too incompetent to cover the manipulation. When I publicly noted the issue of the unflattened PDF, the version that then showed up online and in the media was in fact flattened ex-post-facto. I regret having never archived the unflattened original.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

Why would places like CA try to keep Trump off the ballot? He’s not going to get those 54 electoral votes anyway, so what’s the upside? If he’s excluded, loses the election, and then SCOTUS says he was wrongly excluded, then who can say the remedy won’t involve invalidating some or all of those electoral votes?

The real state level action should come in Red states with Blue establishments.

Excluding him in those states creates momentum to exclude him in swing states. I fully expect some swing-state officials to try and pull Trump off the ballot at the last moment, sometime in October. The goal will be to do it so late that by the time it works its way through the courts, hundreds of thousands of ballots have already been printed and shipped.

Mr Wibble বলেছেন...

This strongly suggested some kind of digital monkey business, and that whoever the IT geek who assembled it was evidently too incompetent to cover the manipulation.

It was clear from the beginning that Obama was full of shit about his upbringing. I figure that he told whatever story would most appeal to his target audience at the time. I don't think that he was born in Kenya, but I wouldn't discount the theory that he was born in WA or Vancouver, BC (where, IIRC, his mother had relatives at the time). Basically, Stanley got knocked up, and her parents paid Obama Sr. to play along as fiancee for a few months until he left for Harvard, after which she quietly went to live with relatives until the baby was born. She was supposed to put him up for adoption, and then the story would be that she lost the baby and the marriage fell apart, only she decided not to give up the kid, and so instead they paid for her to stay in WA attending college.

donald বলেছেন...

Way to put the words in the decrepit child molester president rambles off a few words from the back of that reptilian brain. You vote for that. You’re a POS.

Mr. Majestyk বলেছেন...

@Freder, off the top of my head, there was the death of Paul Kessler, who was participating in a pro-Israel rally, who was hit in the back of the head by a pro-Palestinian protester, a college professor
(naturally). It was all over the news. I don't know how to do links, but if you're interested, just search "Jewish protester killed."

Freder Frederson বলেছেন...

It goes much further than that, but in your case no further than your bathroom mirror.

You have the perfect avatar.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Dave Begley asks, why do Dems hate Trump so much? (I note: not just Dems.) Here, I think, is a plausible answer: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2023/12/19/trumps_country_party_roots_150217.html

Mazo Jeff বলেছেন...

President Biden says " How do I know he's an insurrectionist??... He looks like one! He turned Kamala into a newt!"

Prof. M. Drout বলেছেন...

Crack Emcee: "the equivalent of X-Files fans, mostly getting upset Trump's conspiracy was directed at Obama - who they were already, by then, openly calling the "Lightbringer."... And, later, standing in the way of Hillary's ascension to power? Trump's seen as an existential threat to that whole "Goddess" culture..."

This is very insightful. I saw the seeds of this after the 2004 election: middle-aged white women REALLY wanted Bush out and, on my campus at least, they threw spittle-flecked tantrums when he wasn't. The unconscious understanding was that if Boomer white women REALLY want something, they're going to get it (and it's not often wrong).
So when the crash came in 2008, they reveled in it: FINALLY they would get what they wanted. It was almost too good to be true: they already had Hilary and then Obama the Lightbringer appeared and they acted like 13-year-old K-Pop fans. They hung pictures of their imaginary boyfriend on their office doors and swooned over everything he said. And--and this is the key point--they also told themselves that they weren't betraying Hilary for their new crush, because there was obviously a deal made that she would be the second half of a 16-year Golden Age of Obama-Hilary. A colleague of mine openly wept with happiness when it was announced that Hilary would be Secretary of State! (Yes, there's a lot of undiagnosed or under-treated mental illness in academia).

Then Trump RUINED EVERYTHING. Not only was he disrespectful to their imaginary boyfriend, but now the betray of Hilary really WAS a betrayal, as she never got the office she had EARNED through her public humiliation by her husband. It was too much to bear! Not only would they not get what they wanted, but they were partly to BLAME for what Hilary deserved for being a Boomer white woman.

So Trump HAD to be worse than Hitler and Satan combined, and he had to have cheated his way to victory, because the alternatives were just unthinkable: that Obama's presidency, rather than being "transformational," had accomplished almost nothing (besides enriching him and his cronies) and, that even though it was "her turn" and she had "earned" it, Hilary Clinton wasn't getting the office she "deserved." And this last is impossible, because if that were true, then Boomer white women getting whatever they want was not a fundamental and permanent principle of the universe.

Yancey Ward বলেছেন...

"Why would places like CA try to keep Trump off the ballot? He’s not going to get those 54 electoral votes anyway, so what’s the upside?"

All those states that are likely to remove Trump from the ballot if given the power to do so have competive House seats except for CT, MA, VT, and RI. The motive for removing Trump is to drive down Republican turnout in those states to flip the House back to the Democrats. The Republicans could try to fight this by putting DeSantis or Haley on the top of the ballot in those states that bar Trump, but I suspect the exact same courts that would approve removing Trump from the ballot would also bar the Republicans from selectively replacing him in precisely those same states. The Democrats want the Republican slot for President blank- full stop.

Hassayamper বলেছেন...

@Freder, off the top of my head, there was the death of Paul Kessler, who was participating in a pro-Israel rally, who was hit in the back of the head by a pro-Palestinian protester

True. The murder count since 10/7 on US soil puts the Jew-haters up 1-0. But just like the non-fatal shooting of the Palestinians in Vermont to which Freder alludes, crazy lone wolves are going to do crazy lone-wolf things. There is little that anyone can do to predict or prevent them.

What is MUCH more worrisome for the long-term outcome of this situation is the spectacle of large mobs of high school and college students baying for the blood of Jewish teachers and professors, and chasing them through the halls until they are locked in classrooms and closets and attics for their own survival, to the tacit approval of the addled diversity-mongering administrators that are supposed to be in charge of the campuses.

If you think these nasty little Red Guards of TikTok are going to be satisfied with terrorizing only college-campus Jews, you'd better wake up.

To my knowledge Biden has not addressed these events once. Just imagine what the presstitutes would be saying if this had happened under Trump.

Successvoltage বলেছেন...

I'm one of the unlucky women who married a narcissist, on the extreme end of the toxic pathology. He cheated and denied it at all costs. During the divorce proceedings I was able to gather evidence of his infidelity. Thanks to the service of this ethical tech genius hacker at 'hackingloop6@gmail. com, who hacked his phone and gained me remote access to his phone activities.. It was after I began therapy that I was able to overcome the shock of ever living with a Narcissist. All the abuse I didn't know was abuse, came back like a tsunami. It’s surreal, indescribably painful, and psychologically destructive. Both this genis hacker and My therapist deserve a humanitarian award. You can reach out to this genius hacker via 'hackingloop6@gmail .com, he's also on WhatsApp + 1(484)540 - 0785, if you ever suspect your spouse of cheating, he's a legit and reliable hacker.. I’d like to help other spouses who want out, to get out of these situations. It’s not easy but it can be done!