December 14, 2023

It's not a defense of race discrimination to call it "completely natural."

Murder and rape are "completely natural." 

I'm reading "Boston City Hall roiled by email party invitation for ‘electeds of color’ sent to all" (Boston Herald).

A Wu administration official, on behalf of the mayor, mistakenly sent all Boston city councilors an email Tuesday inviting them to a holiday party that was meant exclusively for “electeds of color,” prompting an apology and mixed reactions....

Wu = Michelle Wu, the mayor of Boston.

In an email to DosSantos and her colleagues, Councilor Tania Fernandes Anderson, who describes herself as an African immigrant and Muslim-American woman, [wrote] “Your email should not offend anyone and there is absolutely no confusion.... Just like there are groups that meet based on shared interests or cultural backgrounds, it’s completely natural for elected officials of color to gather for a holiday celebration.... Many groups celebrate and come together in various ways, and it’s not about excluding anyone. Instead, it’s about creating spaces for like-minded individuals to connect and support each other.”


John Borell said...

Imagine a white politician throwing a party for white only politicians, inadvertently sending the invite to black politicians and withdrawing it with an "oopsie."

Big Mike said...

and it’s not about excluding anyone.

It isn’t? Sure looks that way to this whitey.

Instead, it’s about creating spaces for like-minded individuals to connect and support each other.

Ah, so the point is that all persons of color are expected to be “like-minded.” Ex use me, but isn’t the mind on the inside of the skull and the skin with its pigmentation on the outside?

Humperdink said...

It was reported the Christmas party for the White Trash will held at a later date at a local trailer park, although Mayor Wu has prohibited the playing of holiday favorite "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" at the event.

Enigma said...

Today's left is doing everything it can to achieve South African-style apartheid. Safe spaces, quotas, set-asides, guaranteed winning via 'equity' (which distorts routine achievement and pushes competition underground), and this. Be an old-fashioned tribalist and segregationist, just don't pretend to be "progressive" any more. Welcome to the alt-right.

The "liberals" are now mostly Republicans! Watch nominal right-winger Steven Crowder visit a black barbershop to talk politics:

[Self-segregation is indeed completely natural, as birds of a feather indeed flock together. They share BIOLOGY, they share needs, and share culture too. The globalist DEI culture got high on its own supply, and pushed an ideology that its own friends, children, and grandchildren detest. Prepare for an ideological regression to the mean, and/or a few generations of global segregation politics.]

n.n said...

People... Elected of Color is officially sanctioned nomenclature in the diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry) taxonomic catalog.

Mick said...

You are not allowed to have a white-only or men-only group. All others are just perfectly fine....

We used to have Men's and Women's pairs at our national bridge tournaments. They were fun events which allowed everyone to compete. The Men's events were sued out of existence. The Women's events? They still have them, of course.

n.n said...

Did they invite people of Hutu, Tutsi, Zulu, and Mandela's Xhosa, too? What of the obsidian black-colored Indians? Brown, Orange, Yellow, Peach, reconstructed Rainbow (i.e. Albino)? African-American? Shout-out to Musk.

Tina Trent said...

Didn't Cindy Lou Who teach us all about not doing this decades ago?

rhhardin said...

Alien Birds Do Have Peculiar Feathers

Numbering the alphabet and going end-around, the first letters come out with the pleasant series

1 2 4 8 16 32

Example in Carl LInderholm, Mathermatics Made Difficult. It's how you know that 32 is the next number in the series.

n.n said...

South African-style apartheid

Mitigate the progress of a tribal conflict between Zulu and Mandela's Xhosa with native collateral damage. Followed by British imperial divestment, genocide of the native population, retained access to natural resources, and adoption of a progressive constitution that establishes diversity, redistributive change, and human rites as the highest law of the land.

Tarrou said...

"Many groups celebrate and come together in various ways, and it’s not about excluding anyone."

What does "POC" mean if not the exclusion of whites? What do asians, Jamaicans, black americans, Hindus and native americans have in common except not being "white" in the current dispensation? What group is "legislators of color"?

rehajm said...

Given the way things look in Boston lately City Hall also excludes anyone who knows how to run anything or has taken microeconomics or its principles to heart…

Humperdink said...

The colors of the visible spectrum are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

White? Black? Nope. I do see orange though.

William said...

I agree with Tarrou's observation. There is a definite anti-white subtext to such a gathering. From the Charles to the sea, Boston must be free. Professional politicians should show more finesse when exercising their prejudices.

Dave Begley said...

This is how the Left thinks all of the time.

Wilbur said...

Just another Althouse post to be avoided by the Leftist commenters here.

We'll miss them and their words of wisdom.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

DEI keep using that word “inclusion”.

I don’t think it means what DEI thinks it means.

Kevin said...

Just put a sign on the door that says “Colored People”.

Breezy said...

Wu is Asian. She therefore should not attend.

MadisonMan said...

I'm mostly cringing at the word 'electeds' Hoo boy.
The rest of it is unsurprising and sad.

James K said...

At my wife's place of employment, a fairly large financial institution, this sort of thing is more out in the open. They have what are called "affinity groups." She's been obliged to go to "women's retreats" and the like. I'm not sure which types have been awarded the special victim status that enables them to form such a group. I don't doubt there's one for POCs, Muslims, etc. Not for other minorities like Jews, white males, Republicans. I remember the morning after the 2016 election she told me they offered counseling sessions for people who were grieving over Trump's victory. The mistake here was that they did this covertly.

rehajm said...

Wu is Asian. She therefore should not attend.

…but she’s the Marxist kind so I guess that’s okay. Kind of clever really as she’s more palatable to the lefty white ladies with Mayflower connections

gilbar said...

Did Mayor Wu bring her husband? Her white male investment banker husband?

gspencer said...

"Imagine a white politician throwing a party for white only politicians"

It's okay when we do it.

Humperdink said...

In my three score and ten years plus on this earth I have noticed a remarkable improvement in our country's race relations, beginning with my father's transformation. He was a telephone repairman in the black community. Those improvements went into full-reverse when Barack the Magnificent was elected. It is easily traceable.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

This is the goal of every Division Exclusion and Insularity department/agency/task force etc.

Temujin said...

When we were kids, our family moved from Detroit to the suburbs. This was the early 60s. We were among the first wave out to the 'burbs. When we got there, there was nothing much but fields and a few new housing developments. But...there was a neighboring town that had a 'community' swim club. My dad went to join it. He had to fill out an application on which there was a line to put your 'Religion'. He put Jewish. The next day they called us up to tell us the application was rejected, but did not say why. My dad already knew why when he filled it out.

As you stated, Ann. We weren't excluded. We just weren't included.

Our city leaders and universities like to think of themselves as 'progressive', but I'm not sure they know what that word actually means. By their thoughts and actions, they are not much different than people were in the early 60s. On the other hand, I would say conservatives are very much different than they were in the early 60s. The Mayor of Boston comes off as small, bigoted, ignorant. Not much else.

Mike of Snoqualmie said...

This party will end up being a policy meeting where all these POS (not POC) talk shop and decide on policy. The public will not be there to witness this meeting, which would be a violation of the open-meetings laws. But, that's ok, because these POS cannot be held to the standards that a white, men's holiday party would be held to.

wishfulthinking said...

Oh well.

So I am an immigrant to the USA. A legal one by the way. My four grandparents were born in Spain. Migrated to the American continent in the mid to late 1930s. Their ancestry in Spain goes way back.

So I am a southern European by ethnicity.

So the question that came to mind while reading this article and comments is: Would I be allowed in a POC group meeting at work or would I be thrown out? No denying I am a Hispanic after all.

Howard said...

John Henry: All four grandparents from Spain means you don't have slave or native indigenous blood chugging through your veins. That places you into the colonizer side of the ledger. No bueno mi amigo.

planetgeo said...

I hate to be the one to break it to Mayor Wu and the Electeds of Color, but white happens to be the MOST colored color. In the RGB (red-green-blue) code used to precisely specify colors by the relative proportion of each of those 3 colors that produce it, white is "FFFFFF" in hexadecimal as the maximum combination of all colors, and black (excuse me, Black) is "000000", the complete absence of color.

So, Blacks should be in the "Electeds of Color." And whites should automatically be in. Gotta follow "The Science." Wu Hoo!

Iman said...

Mean girls
Dat’s whatcha got, dat’s whatcha got

Segregation Now!!!

Iman said...

Mean girls
Dat’s whatcha got, dat’s whatcha got

Segregation Now!!!

Iman said...

“The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by precedent, by implication, by erosion, by default, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until the day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology.”

—- Ayn Rand

Call a spade, a spade.

mikee said...

Deprivation Of Rights Under Color Of Law:

Sauce, goose, gander.

Sebastian said...

"it’s completely natural for elected officials of color to gather for a holiday’s about creating spaces for like-minded individuals"

Just to confirm that elected offcials of color are all "like-minded." Cuz diversity.

John henry said...


Your comment to me was mistaken but no problem.

I have no Spanish ancestors and do not identify as hispanic or latino. I do identify as Puerto Rican.

Back in the 90, according to the EEOC at the time, being from Spain or having parents from Spain was not "hispanic" under us employment law. Not sure about 4 grandparents.

Brazilians and others of Portuguese ancestry were not hispanic either.

It has changed in recent years.

I Still don't understand how Italians born in Argentina became hispanic.

Or why Quebecois of French ancestry are not "latino"

John Henry

Joe Smith said...

It is completely natural but probably illegal.

My old Italian grandfather used to say re: race, "The black birds fly with the black birds, the blue birds fly with the blue birds."

Pretty easy to understand...

Bruce Hayden said...

“You weren't excluded.”

“You were just not included.”

I would suggest that this is a distinction, without a difference, under federal Civil Righrs law and the 14th Amdt. It is providing a state funded benefit based solely on race and national origin.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Back in the 90, according to the EEOC at the time, being from Spain or having parents from Spain was not "hispanic" under us employment law. Not sure about 4 grandparents.”

“Brazilians and others of Portuguese ancestry were not hispanic either.”

The problem here, in my mind, is that they smudged the distinction between race and national origin. Let’s assume two brothers married to two sisters, of European stock. Both have one kid, but one is born in Europe and the other during a short vacation to Mexico. The one born in Mexico would legally be Hispanic. The other would not. Add to this that at least in Mexico, the people range from pure Indio to pure Spanish, and, indeed, skin color serves to some extent as a class marker. Indeed, the aristocracy in Mexico was, and probably continues to be, fairly pure Spanish. Vicente Fox was the first President of the country with significant Indio blood, in most of a century. Many of them wouldn’t have looked out of place on the streets of Madrid. Throw in the Nazis fleeing to South America after WW II, and you have a self induced mess. I had a Nordic looking, blue eyed blond, classmate in law school, who qualified as Hispanic, having been born and raised in Mexico by American expatriate parents.

Yancey Ward said...

First comment in the thread nails it- just think about the reactions if Wu were a white-bread guy and sent out an invitation for a white-bread only Christmas party? I guarantee you that Wu and all the colored council members would be singing a completely different tune.

mccullough said...

Never occurred to Mayor Wu that the email should not have been sent through the city’s email system.

And she would never pay for a party out of her own pocket.

Use your personal email accounts and pay for your personal party with personal funds.

n.n said...

The 3 presidents apology for diversity, equivocation, and indoctrination (DEI).

loudogblog said...

She could have avoided the whole controversy by sending the invites from her personal email to the guests personal emails and made sure that not one penny of city funds were spent on this party. Then she just could have said that it was a private party with some of her friends.

But no, she had to tout this, specifically, as a party for “electeds of color.”

What an asshat.

Dude1394 said...

If I can exclude black people ( seeing as how white people are now a minority ) then giddy-up. If i can not without being doxxed, fired, arrested, etc. then no way bigots.

loudogblog said...

Howard said...
"John Henry: All four grandparents from Spain means you don't have slave or native indigenous blood chugging through your veins. That places you into the colonizer side of the ledger. No bueno mi amigo."

And just how do you know that? He may have had ancestors that descended from Roman, Iberian or Celtic slaves.

"When you assume, you make an ASS out of U and ME." - Benny Hill

readering said...

Goes into the category of "what were they thinking"? Show the Harvard litigation is in the rear-view mirror in Boston?

Jim at said...

I suspect someone will come along and call us all racists for pointing out how racist this is.

Aggie said...

I guess we've come around the circle halfway now, and are in Reverse Land.

I particularly like all the 'you weren't invited' white people that are still supporting the mayor in spite of her outright display of racial prejudice. I guess these are the 'House Whities' on the administrative plantation, bowing and scraping 'Yess'm Yess'm' in fear of their slipping positions and perpetually smiling to please the house mistress. I wonder when the nervous, sly underdog white humor might start, when will the 'Stepin Fetchit' equivalent appear? Or would that be getting too edgy?

For context, I've lived in countries where white people make up less than 5% of the population, and have never seen such perverse, in-your-face, anti-white racial prejudice as is routinely rolled out by minorities, against whites in this country.

Duke Dan said...

Someone should sue that this violates open meeting laws if they have such a thing in Mass

Nancy Reyes said...

it is natural for certain ethnic groups to hold a Christmas party and exclude outsiders.
But POC definition is so broad that they have nothing in common with each other. So yes it is anti white racism.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Like the "MLK Blvd" signs, they're letting me know it's a place I don't want to be.
If the POC's want to self segregate, I'm down with that. They can arrive through the servants entrance and have their party in the slave quarters.

Alexander said...

The Republican anger has the air of Romans being pissed that having sacked the city, Atilla is hosting a party at which only Huns can attend.

This is the inevitable result of every choice made. From 1965. Only white people actually care to any degree at all about diversity (defined as maximizing all groups) and not diversity (having power handed over to their group)

You built Harvard and now you've lost Harvard, where the only battle left is for us to determine whether Asians are not getting their fair share of the spoils from a system they did not create, or whether blacks and hispanics should keep what they've taken in full. Why should the rest of the city (or country) be any different?

If WASPs in Massachusetts wanted to be invited to the unofficial gatherings of governance, they shouldn't have given it up in the first place. Sad!

wishfulthinking said...

Ok. Britannica defines Hispanics as people living in the USA who are descendants of Spanish speaking people.

My native language was Spanish. I still speak, write, and read it fluently.

I am a Hispanic.

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