December 23, 2023

"[Trump] was such a bro and so cool and so with it. I think he's... upper 70s. I couldn't believe how smart and sharp the guy was."

Said UFC Fighter Bo Nickal, about golfing with Trump: I'm just exploring why "Joe Rogan" is trending on X. There's also this, with Tim Dillon, discussing how much Hunter Biden has gotten away with: There's also Joe attributing a Trump glitch to Biden — quickly corrected and probably caused by a video clip where Biden is quoting Trump:


Wilbur said...

Ha, I'm reminded of our friend Obama. The media used to run these (brief) video clips of him hitting a golf shot or making a basket shooting hoop. Oh, isn't that cool? Our President is so athletic!

All I needed was one look at his golf swing and his basketball shot to know Obama could play neither sport with even a minimal level of competence. At all. And never will.

And that's fine, just don't push the narrative that he's soooooo wonderful at everything.

Mr. Forward said...

"They are both too old."

"Yeah, if Biden was 10 years younger I'd be totally cool with him taking money from Red China."

Never-Biden Never-Putin said...

Biden supporters are willfully blind to how awful the Biden family is.
Not to mention the fact they are all wealthy due to graft, money laundering etc... and Joe is the king pin. Hunter is just the bag man. None of it happens without Obama's VP.

Humperdink said...

Bo Nickal is a legend in Penn State wrestling.

Breezy said...

“Don’t you want your president to be clutch?”

For sure. That’s awesome.

AMDG said...

Let’s not forget that Trump is the world’s most notorious golf cheat.

donald said...

Obama has all the athleticism of Dylan Mulvaney.

rehajm said...

I watched Trump hit balls on the back of the range at Doral. The swing is unconventional looking and isn’t great but gets the job done. The key is he knows where the ball is going and it’s repeatable. If Trump wasn’t Trump he’d be the guy that wins all the money from the money game guys that mistakingly believed they found the pigeon.

n.n said...

The first rule of social liberal club...

jim said...

Ram the ramparts, full speed ahead!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Spelling alert: missing l in caption under the first video.

Humperdink said...

AMDG blathered: "Let’s not forget that Trump is the world’s most notorious golf cheat."

Did you watch the video?

Chuck said...

Fantastically hilarious; that clip of Rogan and his crew butchering the “Revolutionary War airports” story, that of course originated with Trump.

Three things;
First, Rogan obviously never knew about the original Trump speech. I see a fair bit if that among my old Republican friends; they haven’t even heard about a lot of the most insane Trump shit because their Fox News silos never mention any of it.
Second, they loved laying into the story when they thought it was a Biden gaffe. Just amazingly funny to listen to the Rogan producer, obviously thinking, “Oh shit, do we let this go, or do a correction? We’ll get hammered if we don’t smooth this over somehow…”
And third, how unimportant it all became once they belatedly figured out it was a Trump gaffe and not a Biden gaffe. ‘Oh, Trump said it? Well, never mind.’

Is Rogan the greatest embodiment of the term “meathead” in the 21st century?

Joe Bar said...

Re: the third clip. Rogan will tell you himself he's just a dumb,uninformed comedian,and no one should listen to him.

John Marzan said...

Rogan trended over this

Ann Althouse said...

“ Rogan trended over this”

I saw that one too, but didn’t include it in the post because I thought it was a little older. But maybe you know which one caused the trend. I agree that that’s an interesting one as well.

Rusty said...

Joe Bar said...
"Re: the third clip. Rogan will tell you himself he's just a dumb,uninformed comedian,and no one should listen to him."
He's an amazingly good interviewer.
Humperdink said...
AMDG blathered: "Let’s not forget that Trump is the world’s most notorious golf cheat."

"Did you watch the video?"
He has a narrative to maintain. If he veers from the narrative his so called friends will attack him.

Meade said...

“ Is Rogan the greatest embodiment of the term “meathead” in the 21st century?”

No but you are. Congratulations.

Josephbleau said...

"No but you are. Congratulations"

My sentiments exactly.

Leland said...

Did you let Rogan know you’d be in Austin. You would make an interesting guest.

Deevs said...

I went into the clip expecting Trump to be joking the biggest problem in the Revolutionary War was a lack of airports. Unless it comes further in the clip, Trump didn't say that at all. He did say, "manned the air, rammed the ramparts, and took the airports", which is dumb and ahistorical. Still, I get the impression he meant seaports but said airports out of familiarity. He seems to catch himself when he says, "...manned the air," and come up short before blundering into his line about seizing airports.

So, yeah, it's stupid and makes me look at Trump funny, but I'm putting this in the same bin as as Obama saying "57 states" and "Oh bee gynee" and Bush pronouncing "nuclear" in a funny way. So, while it's clearly not Biden saying anything stupid of his own accord (though apparently lying), I don't see that Trump is making the type of blunder Rogan thought Biden had committed.

I feel reasonably confident in that assessment. I mean, why else would Biden misquote Trump with something far stupider than what Trump actually said?