When do we, the people, get to see Biden and hear him discuss and defend his policies and his fitness for office? I don't find it cute at all that he "steps out in Tinsel Town." He's collecting money from the elite and protecting himself from any criticism (other than what wafts into the "spacious backyard" from the "nearby park."
Even aside from Biden, the term "Tinsel Town" annoys me. So cheesy. I don't like "stepping out" either. Unless you're Fred Astaire....
Long ago, I worked in an office where the receptionist, informing us that she'd be going to the ladies' room, always used the expression, "I'm stepping out." It made going to the bathroom seem festive.
ADDED: Hey, wait a minute! Is Fred in blackface there?? Yikes.
Tag: Trump Derangement Syndrome is over.
When you've lost the money and acclaim coming from Harvey Weinstein's and Woody Allen's and Al Franken's supporters, you are in serious trouble.
The Jewish equivalent of blackface would be Groucho glasses.
I'll forgo commenting on Genocide Joe and get to this:
'Long ago, I worked in an office where the receptionist, informing us that she'd be going to the ladies' room, always used the expression, "I'm stepping out." It made going to the bathroom seem festive.'
My first thought,....
'ADDED: Hey, wait a minute! Is Fred in blackface there?? Yikes.'
HA! You just had your Huck Finn Moment for the day.
Stepping Out In Tinesel Town: It could be worse.
Stumbling Around Sunset Boulevard.
Drooling Over Hollywood.
Lost In Celluloid Jungle.
Old Man Screaming at Clouds.
Dr. Jill should be prosecuted for elder abuse.
When do we, the people, get to see Biden and hear him discuss and defend his policies and his fitness for office?
What were his policies in 2020, other than "I'll defeat the virus". Anybody remember?
Did he tell America he would COMPLETLY open up the southern border? Did he tell America he would try to shove poison mRNA vaccines up our ass, and vilify those who call bullshit? Did he tell America he would take the oath of office knowing he would be installed via absentee voter fraud. Did he tell America he would put us through 11% to 15% inflation and then deny it exists?
What is he going to tell us now?
Classic case of cognitive dissonance.
At least she didn't say, "I'm going to the little girls' room."
(And for that matter, why on earth does it even need to be announced?)
well the state department see that beacon piece, china via tiktok, and other parties are involved,
The REAL Joe Biden 2020:
"When I get into office we are going to start a war with Russia by openly inviting Ukraine to join NATO. But don't worry. Americans won't die. Ukrainians and Russians will die by the thousands. See, in order to cover up all the money laundering and bio weapon development, we will need a distraction that "protects" democracy. While Americans are paying for inflation, we'll send $100 billion to Ukraine. Even if the Russians are willing to negotiate for peace, we'll tell Ukraine to refuse the offer and fight anyway. America will pick up the tab. Sound good to you? Anyone who votes for me can proudly virtue signal their support for democracy by putting a Ukrainian Flag in their Facebook and Twitter bio."
"Tinsel town" and "steppin' out" are just lazy journalism. Writing in cliches is always cheesy.
Hollywood is anything but glamorous these days. It smells like desperation and homelessness.
The Democratic Party shell game is months away from its exciting conclusion. They'll use the suckers' money to lock up the nomination for the empty suit, and then tell the empty suit whom he has to transfer his delegates to. It will have to be somebody who can detach him or her self from Joe's policies and provide a shiny new set of promises aimed at using tax money to buy votes, and donor money to portray Republicans as the end of democracy.
When do we, the people, get to see Biden and hear him discuss and defend his policies and his fitness for office?
What are you, some kind of anarchist? Maybe even..gasp...a populist? Perhaps Biden's DOJ and the DHS/FBI should look into your background. You sound rather dangerous.
BTW, Joe Biden doesn't have to discuss or defend his policies. The MSM does that for him. Besides, his dumbo voters and Chuck Schumer/Congressional Democrats don't care what Genocide Biden does or says. As long as he pleases "the Big Donors" - hates those Goddamn Republicans - and sticks to the "party line", they're happy.
And Congressional/Senate Republicans feel the same way. Mitt Romney in his Meet the Press appearance was more upset at Trump then anything Biden is doing. Here's who Mittens will vote for:
The Joe I would like to vote for is Joe Manchin. So, I'm not going to say Biden's policies are good for America. There are some Democrats out there that I think would do a better job. I hope someone besides President Biden is the nominee of the Democrat Party. We'd see who that might be.
And Tinsel town? Good grief I thought that went out with "frisco".
And since we're on the subject of annoying things people say, I've always hated that 'Hey hey, ho ho' thing. Even back when we were originating it in Vietnam War protests...
'I’m so grateful Joe is our president during these uncertain times,'
And I’m terrified about what could happen next, because since Joe been president it’s been one mess after another.
While in the short time Trump was there, we had never been closer to peace in the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula. A war with Russia was not even a remote possibility. Not to mention Trump’s roaring economy.
I'm steppin' out with my baby
Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right
It's for sure, not for maybe
That I'm all dressed up tonight
Steppin' out with my honey
Can't be bad to feel so good
Never felt quite so sunny
And I keep on knockin' wood
There'll be smooth sailin'
'Cause I'm trimmin' my sails
With my top hat
And my white tie and my tails
Steppin' out with my baby
Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right
Ask me when will that day be
The big day may be tonight
If I seem to scintillate
It's because I've got a date
A date with a package of
The good things that come with love
You don't have to ask me
I won't waste your time
But if you should ask me
Why I feel sublime, dance
There'll be smooth sailin'
'Cause I'm trimmin' my sails
In my top hat
And my white tie and my tails
I'm steppin' out with my baby
Can't go wrong 'cause I'm in right
Ask me when will that day be
The big day may be tonight, what a night
I don't like "stepping out" either. Unless you're Fred Astaire....
Nobody likes steppin' out. Joe Jackson Steppin' Out was played way too much back in the day.
...and if like Dierks you get caught steppin' out on Katy in Letterkenny this is what happens...
"Dr. Biden didn’t skip a beat"
That really irritates me.
I'm more annoyed they referred to Jill Biden as "Doctor" when she wasn't speaking in a professional setting. We need to stop referencing professional designations when they aren't relevant.
"I’m so grateful Joe is our president during these uncertain times."
Joe's the reason the times are so uncertain.
Yeah. I don't think Fred was a Kansas City Chiefs fan.
"'I’m so grateful Joe is our president during these uncertain times,' prompting a standing ovation from the crowd."
I am sure [not a real] Dr. Jill is indeed very grateful that the "pudding for brains" guy that got is here is still in change, to protect the Biden crime family from the ramifications of his years of grifting off of the public.
When do we, the people, get to see Biden and hear him discuss and defend his policies and his fitness for office? I don't find it cute at all that he "steps out in Tinsel Town."
Step out: to be unfaithful — usually used with on. had been stepping out on his wife
Antisemitic Mob Shows Up for Biden Fundraiser, Vandalizes Jewish Neighborhood
The "occupation" has got to go? The Israelis are pretty motivated to leave Gaza, just as soon as they wipe out Hamas. That will make the protestors happy. Get to it, IDF! Even the protestors are cheering you on.
And for that matter, why on earth does it even need to be announced?
So they will know that no one will be covering the phones or greeting people who come in.
I can neither confirm nor deny that "Biden Steps Out in Tinsel Town" means the President took a massive dump on the Walk of Fame to show his support for those experiencing homelessness in California.
But if he had, it'd be the best thing he's done as President so far...admittedly a low bar.
I live in Los Angeles next to the Democrat Hollywood ATM. Biden came to tap the till. Obama used to visit 8 or 9 times a year. Those "imperial visits" grounded most aerial activity within 30 miles of the emperor's visits. It also usually messed up cross town auto traffic. But Obama came away with a significant cash haul each time. "Genocide Joe" got $15 million this time--probably chump change compared to an Obama haul.
And I'm glad to hear that "Doctor Biden" is so glad to know that Joe is President during these troubled times. That means she's just as dumb as the average holder of an Ed. D degree.
“ Dr. Jill should be prosecuted for elder abuse.”
Or at least lose her license to practice medicine.
Tinsel Town sounds so much cleaner than Babylon.
Tinsel Town sounds so much cleaner than Babylon.
Blackface? Nah... Just two years of Palm Springs retirement tan.
Sounds like Ann is getting angry. Good!
It reminds me of one of what I think was two trips to Texas for Hillary in the 2016 campaign. She landed in Houston, because I guess her jet couldn’t land in Beaumont, didn’t talk to any media in Houston, rode her motorcade to a donors home in Beaumont, picked up a campaign check in person for about an hour visit, didn’t talk to any media there, rode back to Houston and left, yet all the newspapers heralded that Hillary Clinton visited Texas to campaign. She didn’t campaign, she fundraised. She didn’t try to add supporters. She took money from one, who was rich enough to get a private audience with the cost of making the private audience happen.
Vandalizes "Jewish Neighborhood".
You mean the Jewish "Ghetto"?
More seriously, how do you - or they - know its a "Jewish neighborhood"? Are non-Jews forbidden from living there? How do you know if a house is "Jewish" or not? Do they have stars of David on them? Is a certain percentage of Jews required to go from a "regular neighborhood to a Jewish one"?
Answers Please. And they aren't there to attack a "Jewish Neihghborhood". The protesters were there to express outrage over Joe Biden's Genocidal policies and support for bombing Gaza. 17,000 Civilians killed so far. Good work, Genocide Joe! Pretty good for a "working guy from Scanton".
So good to see Scranton Joe, champion of the little guy, hanging with media billionaires and their casting-couch minions.
Hollywood; "I am woman, hear me take off my clothes for a part."
So empowering...
Palestine was an unincorporated territory, occupied by Jews, Christians, Arabs et al.
With the fall of the Ottoman empire, Jews migrated and purchased land to consolidate their communities. With the divestment of land by the British empire, Transjordan and Israel were a two state solution to community organization. Zionists are community leaders who organized and lobbied the League, then UN, to recognize the Jewish community in the unincorporated Palestine territory. The Palestinians reacted with a liberation movement that would attempt to genocide the Jews. In Transjordan, they executed an Arab Spring, which failed, and they were forced out, then migrated and continued to seek social justice in Israel.
Hey, wait a minute! Is Fred in blackface there??
‘deed he do be. All the ladies appear to be black.
whatever happened to that war in the Ukraine?
many posters here kept telling us that: "The Ukrainians are winning!" and "The Russians are Losing!"
Remember the "Spring Offensive"? That was going to make all the difference?
what ever happened to that?
I know they renamed it, the "Summer Offensive".. But still; what ever happened to THAT?
now, it's "Zelensky says fortifying front lines must be accelerated",
because "winter as a whole is a new phase of war".
You folk here, that were calling me stupid for thinking that the Ukrainians WEREN'T winning..
What do you all say, Now?
Antisemitic Mob Shows Up for Biden Fundraiser, Vandalizes Jewish Neighborhood
50 shades of Occupy, Antifa, SS [Black] Lives Matter et al.
n.n said...
Palestine was an unincorporated territory, occupied by Jews, Christians, Arabs et al.
With the fall of the Ottoman empire, Jews migrated and purchased land to consolidate their communities. With the divestment of land by the British empire, Transjordan and Israel were a two state solution to community organization. Zionists are community leaders who organized and lobbied the League, then UN, to recognize the Jewish community in the unincorporated Palestine territory. The Palestinians reacted with a liberation movement that would attempt to genocide the Jews. In Transjordan, they executed an Arab Spring, which failed, and they were forced out, then migrated and continued to seek social justice in Israel.
That's the myth that everyone knows, but leaves out all the details. Lies of omission are still lies. So the myth is exploding.
whatever happened to that war in the Ukraine?
The Ukrainians, with Russian support, are winning, and the Kiev regime and aligned forces are losing. Slavic Spring? Perhaps not.
Hamas threw Fatah off the roof, out the window, to liberate Gaza from the PLO. Who will launch Hamas to liberate Gaza from Hamas? Perhaps Israel will finish the job that Hamas started.
“Tinsel Town” where a diamond hard facade of glitter and froth hides a pulsing miasma of heartbreak and shame.
goes back much farther than that, the treaty of san marino, the nebi musa riots presided by Haj Amin Husseini, Hitler and Mussolini's future BFF, responsible for the coup in 1941, in Iraq, collaborated with Eichmann and Veesenmayer in Hungary and Yugoslavia,
"Steppin out". Is that a subtle reference to Stepin Fetchit? I expect better from our racist elite news media.
I don't have any problem calling a real doctor, doctor. You could be in an airplane and he could be on the same flight, just going on vacation, and suddenly he might be called on to help you, which he can't refuse, and you trust this person with your life. But a "Doctor of Education?" Nope. Plus her dissertation is an embarrassment. Too bad ChatGPT wasn't around.
None of these people are affected by the massive wave of millions of "asylum seekers" into the US beyond the fact that their gardeners, maids, cooks, and the like are cheaper.
When do we, the people, get to see Biden and hear him discuss and defend his policies and his fitness for office?
You mean the guy who campaigned from his basement last time around?
The more Joe discusses/defends his policies, the less his chances are. So there's your answer.
"17,000 Civilians killed so far"
Where do you get that number?
It isn't "genocide" rocean. There are hundreds of thousands of Palestinian arabs living in Israel that Israel has no intention of murdering.
You have no idea what that word means.
Good one Meade.
'Hamas threw Fatah off the roof, out the window, to liberate Gaza from the PLO.'
I didn't know Fatah were gay...
“I'm more annoyed they referred to Jill Biden as "Doctor" when she wasn't speaking in a professional setting. We need to stop referencing professional designations when they aren't relevant.”
Her EdD is often called a Summer School doctorate, because those degrees are very often earned by teachers during their summer vacation from working. Take some summer school classes, and write a relatively short, effectively non reproducible, thesis, and bingo, they are now called “Doctor”. In the Bell Curve, it was pointed out that the average IQ of most doctorate degree holders was roughly one standard deviation above the mean. Surprisingly, this was the case for MDs, JDs, (non physics) PhDs, etc. Almost indistinguishable. The one exception was EdD holders, whose IQ was roughly the same as the population mean (100). So, in the Biden family, the only one called “Doctor” is Jill, while her husband and two sons (Beau and, yes, even Hunter) have/had Juris Doctorate degrees.
"Long ago, I worked in an office where the receptionist, informing us that she'd be going to the ladies' room, always used the expression, "I'm stepping out.""
When a receptionist has to leave her desk she usually has to let someone know so they can answer the phone, or let a visitor know she will be back in just a few minutes.
I guess in an office setting "I'm stepping out" is better than "I've got to go pee".
Biden has done more harm to this nation in three years than I could have even imagined. I dread to think what twelve more months will bring much less an additional four years. The pedophiles and drug addicts in Hollywood seem to love him though. That in itself should make one wonder.
"Here Astaire is subverting racist caricature to celebrate the black tradition of tap dance....What was subversive in the 1930s became abrasive or explosive in the 1940s."
NYT in 2011
"Invert. Always invert."
—Charlie Munger
As I have said before, blackface is not simply darkening your face. Blackface is a specific type of exaggerated make up that is designed to ridicule African Americans.
If you want to see what blackface actually looks like, search for the Lincoln's Birthday number from the movie, Holiday Inn. It's really difficult to watch because it's so offensive and totally ruins an, otherwise, great movie.
rcocean said...
"Vandalizes "Jewish Neighborhood".
You mean the Jewish "Ghetto"?
More seriously, how do you - or they - know its a "Jewish neighborhood"? Are non-Jews forbidden from living there? How do you know if a house is "Jewish" or not? Do they have stars of David on them? Is a certain percentage of Jews required to go from a "regular neighborhood to a Jewish one"?"
You've obviously never lived in Hollywood.
I googled "Fred Astaire black face" and found this link:
It states that Fred Astaire appeared in black face in the movie _Swing Time_, but doesn't mention any other instances. Given the tone of the piece, I would think that any other instances would have been mentioned as well.
It’s West Los Angeles, not “Western.”
And more specifically the fundraiser was in Holmby Hills, a Super Wealthy Neighborhood just north of the Los Angeles Country Club.
whatever they accuse you off, is what they are,
"Shuffles out" would be more accurate.
A PhD is a qualification to get a job in a branch of research, blame the Germans for making it a social title of dignity. In Germany the spouse of a PhD demands to be called Frau Doktor or the like. Like being a Dame or Sir in England for selling a lot of records. An attempt at creating a new nobility and profiting by selling the honor to rich businessmen.
Where it matters, in Academia, the PhD is the lowest qualifier, it is a credential that you have been trained in research of some type. It will get you in at assistant prof instead of instructor. The first true respectable title is full prof.
And since we're on the subject of annoying things people say, I've always hated that 'Hey hey, ho ho' thing. Even back when we were originating it in Vietnam War protests...
Seconded with the additional declaration that I despise ALL protest chants, songs, slogans and disruptions. If you can't truly peaceably assemble without disturbing others than find another way to petition your government. You have the right to speech but not to an audience as the old Twitterers used to say.
Joe doesn't explain anything to the American people. Not the goals in Ukraine, nor his ideas of "support for Israel," nor his plan to bring inflation down, nor why the borders have been thrown open to the world's military aged men, nor when and how China would be held accountable for COVID/coverup. He is not campaigning, as noted by Althouse and others, he is simply traveling to facilitate begging for cash, deliciously fungible cash that need never be paid back should he by some deus ex machina suddenly not be running for president after the convention. The only rationale I hear from Democrats is the same as Hillary '16 and Joe '20: he's not Trump. The only events on his official presidential schedule are fundraisers.
What happened to all that energetic barnstorming the spokesmop told us was upcoming? Did it happen and I missed it?
Whitmer, Newsome, Dr. Jill, Harris, Bernie, AOC, the bench for the Democrats is deep with highly qualified, horrible persons able and ready to replace Dementia Joe. Can't wait to see who the Party chooses to win the mail-in ballot harvest in 2024.
When do we, the people, get to see Biden and hear him discuss and defend his policies and his fitness for office?
To quote Insta; "To ask the question is to answer it."
As I have said before, blackface is not simply darkening your face. Blackface is a specific type of exaggerated make up that is designed to ridicule African Americans.
Much like womanface.
So they will know that no one will be covering the phones or greeting people who come in.
"I'll be away from the desk for five minutes."
'A PhD is a qualification to get a job in a branch of research, blame the Germans for making it a social title of dignity.'
Have a good friend with a Stanford PhD in a hard science who spent a year working in Germany.
Everyone there called him 'Herr Doktor.'
I call him that too sometimes (in a Dr. Strangelove accent) and he always laughs...
Among the male attendees, how many rapists at the party?
How many drug addicts (we'll include the ladies here)?
How many pedophiles?
Hollywood residents in the entertainment biz don't have a great track record regarding those sorts of things...
I didn't know Fatah were gay...
Yes, they happily, merrily decked the halls with glitter and gold until Hamas literally threw them out of office.
The evolution of "black face" followed black rock, black holes... whores h/t NAACP, SS BLM, diversity (i.e. color judgment), etc.
Astaire is subverting racist caricature to celebrate the black tradition of tap dance
Lord of the dance.
That said, blacks are, according to the NYT, a color bloc in the diversity, equivalence, and indoctrination (DEI) tradition.
Black face? More like Brown face or Mulatto face. This strikes me as another attempt to be "black positive" like doing the black face and the Lincoln Number in "Holiday Inn". We don't see it that way, because we've advanced so far. (cue Crack)
Astaire and everyone else seems to be dressed in "Porgey and Bess" Customes. IRC, "Easter Parade" made in 48, is acutally set in 1912. Gene Kelly was supposed to be cast but Gene kelly was a moron. He broke his ankle by kicking a door in anger after...wait for it...he lost a volleyball game. Later, he made the brilliant decision to skip "Sound of music" (a pile of shit - per Gene Kelley) to direct Hello Dolly!
Again, what A moron.
Kelly was also married to a communist and was full of "Political opinions" and sneers at those "dumb rightwingers". No doubt if he was alive today, he'd be like Robert DeNiro - on steriods.
As a man and a dancer, I prefer Astaire.
"Seconded with the additional declaration that I despise ALL protest chants, songs, slogans and disruptions."
I love them. And it'd be great if those on the Right, would engage in them. Being "quiet and nice" never gets anything done in politics.
Among the male attendees, how many rapists at the party?
They're not rape-rapists.
Every Muslim country has used force and intimidation to remove Jews (and Christians) from their ancestral homes. The Jews ended up in Israel. Now the same violent sociopaths (or at least their kids) who committed ethnic cleansing are demanding that the Jews leave Israel. I think this is bullsh*t.
"... More than 1,000 people gathered at a nearby park to criticize his approach in Israel and Gaza..."
So they occupied the park?
".... Pro-Palestinian protesters chanting 'Hey hey, ho ho, the occupation has got to go'..."
They should have thought of that before leaving the house.
OTOH, they are in the same state as San Francisco.
rcocean - beg to differ. Most of the J6 protestors were "quiet and nice". And they still got prosecuted, persecuted and tossed into jail. If they'd behaved not so "quiet and nice" then more of them might have gotten shot. The people behind the badge (and their temperament, training and yes politics) always set the tone for any confrontation. I'm old enough to remember Kent State.
Well arafat reputedly swung both ways
rcocean said...
"Black face? More like Brown face or Mulatto face. This strikes me as another attempt to be "black positive" like doing the black face and the Lincoln Number in "Holiday Inn". We don't see it that way, because we've advanced so far. (cue Crack)"
I never saw that "Holiday Inn" clip until today. Where y'all been keeping' that? It's crazy because anybody can tell who the white people are. They're just wearing black make-up, very weirdly. And that bullshit about Lincoln? That was even tougher to swallow. I agree, they thought they were being progressive. I can see it in their faces. Smug. WWII probably had a little to do with it. This country's bizarre.
"That's the myth that everyone knows, but leaves out all the details. Lies of omission are still lies"
You mean like how the Arabs in British Palestine would bribe British Army officers with "the use" of young Arab boys to get more weapons and other advantages in their fights against Israeli villages and kibbutzes prior to Israeli independence? Yes, truly a heroic tail. I mean tale.
How about all the Arabs who sold land to Jews, but then planned to steal it back under the protection of the Arab armies that attacked Israel in 1948? That's some noble stuff right there.
"...Dr. Biden..."
Blech. Could they be any more transparently in the tank?
He broke his ankle by kicking a door in anger after...wait for it...he lost a volleyball game.
Broke it during the game.
Later, he made the brilliant decision to skip "Sound of music" (a pile of shit - per Gene Kelley)
Refresh my memory, how many dance routines were in SoM? And... how about a cite for that "pile of shit"?
Kelly was also married to a communist and was full of "Political opinions" and sneers at those "dumb rightwingers".
Was suspected of being a communist sympathizer. Again, how about a cite for those aspersions?
Joe shot back with his own chant:
Doze Guy Duz Wiz Biz.
"Doze Dude Duz Wiz Biz." Bit since Joe is called "the Big Guy," that seemed more befitting.
No, Gene Kelly didn't break it during the Volleyball game. He broke it kicking the door afterwards. Kelly told MGM he broke it during the game. For obvious reasons.
Read Betsy Blair's book.
Next you' ll be telling me that Blair wasn't really a commie, cause it was all "McCarthyism".
Go read her goddaman book, dummy.
Somehow Prime Video put me on a journey through old black movies of the forties and there was one where five black girls were tap dancing on a bannister that should have won an Oscar, or at least been featured in that video that showed Hollywood clips to that song about “uptown” something or other. I wish I could remember the movie.
On Ukraine
Do we want another Afghanistan pullout? Another bug-out? We support the Ukrainians or we accept a second utterly disastrous retreat led by FJB.
Can the Ukrainians win? At the moment the Russians are conducting human wave attacks which follow on a summer of enormous defensive Russian losses. Now, they have built up their military supply chain and we have not. (Typical DEI. Thanks, Joe.) Moreove,r we are fighting on or at least, supplying, two fronts, Ukraine and Israel, without building up our military supply chain. So th eRussians have artillery shells in plenty and we are rationing Ukraine. BUT Russia cannot sustain the human losses it is suffering. That is why Ukraine can win. Russian can't throw away millions of lives. In the old days, in 1914 Russia had 197 million people, average age 19. Now it has 140 million, average age, 39 it has an enormous border lined with enemies to defend. It has lost 300,000 combat soldiers. Who will protect Siberian oil from China? Russia has, in short, destroyed itself and it is merely moving like a chicken with its head cut off.
But the media call this a Russian counterattack. They urge despair. Really? Since when does the media know anything. What is it but a blindfold against reality?
Reality is this:
If we don't support Ukraine through this time we'll have another Afghanistan/Saigon retreat and what's worse, mark my words, as soon as we force Ukrainian submission it will become plain that Russian was losing but that in our blindness we threw away Ukrainian victory.
This is Valley Forge. Stand by Ukraine.
holdfast said...
"That's the myth that everyone knows, but leaves out all the details. Lies of omission are still lies"
You mean like how the Arabs,...
Fascinating. I speak of Zionists leaving out the details of Zionism - I said nothing to do with Arabs - but you start talking about Arabs. You remind me of Netanyahu, today, hearing the president of the international criminal Court merely met with the leader of the United Nations and just assumed he was guilty and started lashing out at "antisemites." Y'all are so determined to persecute somebody, I think this is how Jesus ended up on that cross.
I meant details like the first Prime Minister of Israel was a terrorist. That kind of thing. Again: nothing to do with Arabs.
I'll say it again. The reason the Zionists and the Leftists win is they never give a Goddamn Inch.
Look at this thread. Every attack on Israel or the Left gets pushback. they NEVER defend. They NEVER admit Israel or the Left did ANYTHING wrong.
Its always attack or counter-attack.
That's why the whole "Gosh, gee whiz, look at the facts, and lets have a conversation, why cant you be reaonable?" NEVER works. EVER. The nice anti-zionists and conservatives keep patting themselves on the back for being "nice" and "reasonable" and "wanting to meet them half-way" and what is the result? The leftists and the Zionists spit in their face.
What it really get down to, is the Left and the Zionists (two different groups who use the same method of interaction) want to win. No matter what. They're willing to fight. They want to dominate. They don't want to be "reasonable". So what is the correct response to that? You tell me.
Joe shot back with his own chant:
I beseech you daughters, and secret service agents, too.
Zelenskyy, Last Year’s Hero in Washington, Comes Hat in Hand as Ukraine War Stalls
As Zelenskyy arrives in Washington this week, the war looks increasingly like a stalemate, ammunition stocks are running dangerously low, and Ukraine’s top commander has contradicted Zelenskyy publicly on the state of the war. Away from the battlefield, attention has shifted to Israel’s war against Hamas, and American support for the Ukrainian resistance has frayed.
If he was looking for Harvey Weinstein he went to the wrong place.
So helpful of Crack to let us know he only knows TikTok talking points, not actual history. Some of us were studying the Middle East while he was still . . . well, doing whatever it is little cracks do to earn spending money, I guess.
But it is fascinating how he thinks that the Israeli Jews have all the agency, and the Arabs have none. Zip. Nada.
Nope, they aren't active participants in the events that have shaped the modern Levant, but rather just passive, helpless victims. Oh sure, there are about 40 explicitly Islamic countries (so, say 20% of the nations in the UN), but they are just helpless passengers, mere twigs on the river of history, which mighty, titanic Israel manipulates everything.
Really, it's just straight up American DEI transplanted, sloppily, to the Eastern Med. The cheap export version of Ibrahim X Khendi.
What makes you think he's in blackface, just that he looks too dark? Or is there something I'm missing? To me, it just looks like a fake tan (Trumpface).
Regardless, Fred Astaire did do blackface. In 1936's Swing Time, there is an extended sequence that is a tribute to Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, entirely in blackface. I can only find pieces of on YouTube, but found the whole of here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5vynk
When I watched it a decade ago, I recall the previous scene ended with Fred receiving good news about his love life and then eagerly diving for the makeup brush and applying a thick first dollop of dark paint.
A great number and remarkable practical effects for the silhouettes in the second half
The German honorific is herr doktor-professor so as to distinguish it from the other kind of doctor. The awkwardness is better than the ambiguity of our tradition.
Note to rc: chants are dumb and primitive. I prefer my political opinions to be deeper than sloganeering and my music more rock and roll. How many protest chants do you actually participate in? Where and for what?
rcocean said...
"Vandalizes "Jewish Neighborhood".
You mean the Jewish "Ghetto"?
More seriously, how do you - or they - know its a "Jewish neighborhood"? Are non-Jews forbidden from living there? How do you know if a house is "Jewish" or not? Do they have stars of David on them? Is a certain percentage of Jews required to go from a "regular neighborhood to a Jewish one"?"
The neighborhood surrounds the Persian Jewish synagogue. Observant Jews don't drive on the Sabbath, so yes, they cluster near their synagogue. (Also makes it easier to find shops that carry kosher food.)
And by the way, the Zionist=progressive hasn't worked for at least a decade. The "progressive" "Jews" have been demonstrating against Israel in various places (funded by Soros-backed organizations) this whole past month and a half. You would love them, rcocean, I'm sure!
So helpful of holdfast to pretend I'm alone in not buying this bullshit. Yesterday, I posted quotes from a former Israeli Defense Minister, Jimmy Carter, Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul, David Cameron, Amnesty International, the United Nations, and more, all being supremely critical of Israel - over decades - but poor holdfast is going to cling to the illusion that it's just me. Apartheid and concentration camps are fine with him, because Israel sold weapons to white South Africa, so it must be good, and if anyone fights back - and especially if they don't have an army, and are not the 10th weapons seller to the world, with U.S. and British racist-era colonial support - that's a fair fight and they deserve to be slaughtered, along with their family and everyone they know. What did good ol' Theodor Herzl say?
"The antisemites WILL BECOME our most loyal friends, the antisemite's nations will become our allies."
That man was a prophet.
Yesterday, Bibi was railing against the idea he's a war criminal, claiming to say so is antisemitic. The world shrugged.
South Africa Wants Netanyahu to be Arrested for War Crimes
Colombia announces war crime charges against Netanyahu
Erdogan calls for Netanyahu to be tried for war crimes
Spanish Minister Says Netanyahu Should Be Brought Before ICC for War Crimes
[Indian] Congress MP says Israeli PM Netanyahu should be "shot and killed without trial" for "war crimes" in Gaza
Former Dutch PM calls Benjamin Netanyahu a ‘war criminal’ who should be tried in The Hague
CONFIRMED: Israel Dropped US MADE White Phosphorous - that's another war crime.
The Nation - Israel Is Losing This War: Despite the violence it has unleashed on Palestinians, Israel is failing to achieve its political goals.
US Defense Secretary: Israel risks 'strategic defeat' in Gaza.
Irish Politician Who Lived In Israel Destroys Israeli Ambassador
Have A Nice Day.
Racists regularly make the claim that other Arab countries "don't want" the Palestinians, usually with the snarled insinuation this is because the Palestinians are worthless. It's just silly.
Every one of those protesters were breaking at least one law. Start arresting these people for blocking traffic, or staging a protest without a permit, or violating whatever permit they got (permits define spaces of legal protest, and counter protesters entering that space can be removed by police and possibly arrested), or vandalism, and we will be able to differentiate between this behavior and freedom of speech.
Until we do this, we're toast.
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