December 1, 2023

At the Newsom/DeSantis debate: feces thrown.


Leland said...

It was a shit show, eh?

Kevin said...

Shorter Newsom: I know there’s crap on my sidewalks but what are you?

Kevin said...

I would like to note I watched the entire 1 minute video before composing my post.

rehajm said...

Yah…that is just what we’d thought it would be, huh?

Scott Gustafson said...

This could have been a great presidential debate. However, as Issues and insights wrote, "instead, the ballot will likely feature two fatally flawed fossils forwarded by a fractured process."

rehajm said...

Under my leadership we’ve seen the lowest increase in sidewalk human feces this century- Take that Ron!!!

Heartless Aztec said...

Florida's answer to Scott Walker except with a better education - if Harvard undergraduate and Yale Law can still pass with that moniker.
Ron is a non nonsense, stable straight ahead Governor. That the United States should be so lucky.

Big Mike said...

I don”t see how that app DeSantis can possibly work. How can you tell the difference between a pile of human fecal matter and a Democrat? You can’t! So in San Francisco the app has to be overwhelmed with data.

Newsom is wrong about the relevance of the debate. If Trump is assassinated or Biden suffers a stroke or dies, these two men are the ones most likely to be the nominee of their respective parties. Ignore the two Indian-American females. The one I has no chance of appealing to Trump voters, and the other delivers word salads instead of good, meaty, speeches.

But then Newsom is generally wrong about a lot of things.

Mark said...

Two assholes trying to be the biggest asshole on stage.

They both succeeded.

Bob Boyd said...

DeSantis should have remembered the old saying, Don't wrestle a pig. You both get covered with shit, but the pig likes it.

It seems to me this was a mistake on the part of DeSantis. What did he have to gain here? To have himself associated with Sean Hannity in the minds of independents? That's not a win.
What did Newsome have to lose? Nothing. All Newsome had to do was lead DeSantis onto the low road and judging by the clip, that's exactly what he did.

Original Mike said...

"Trying to find migrants to play political games."

The political game the democrats are playing at the border is appalling, with enormous, negative consequences.

Wince said...

Althouse said...
"At the Newsom/DeSantis debate: feces thrown."

Thank you for your wine, California
Thank you for your sweet and bitter fruits
Yes I got the desert in my toenail
And I hid the speed inside my shoe

But come on, come on down...
Come on, honey child, beg you
Come on, come on down, you got it in ya
Got to scrape the shit right off your shoes

The Crack Emcee said...

Gavin called him "a walking hypocrite" but didn't mention his boots?

That man's slipping',....

WK said...

What about China?

What about the Digell-Norwood bill?

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

Ah yes. Gulliver's Travels. I believe my book has bee remaindered down to almost nothing.

michaele said...

In introducing most of the big theme segments, Hannity would put up a graph of statistics (often from a federal source like the census bureau or CDC) that showed how Florida fared in comparison to CA. Obviously, the most damning one is how so many people are leaving CA for states like TX, FL,TN...lower tax burden states with less crime that affects quality of life. Newsom usually ignored the numbers and the question and picked what he wanted to attack DeSantis about. Yes, he smiled a lot when he spoke but I found his slim elegant physique and his use of hands to be like an inflatable tube man found in front of car washes. He seemed to be flailing and wafting about. DeSantis seemed grounded and stable.

wendybar said...

Why not?? Gavin made sure to clean up the streets before the Communist Dictator came, where do you think it went?

Aggie said...

You mean I wasn't even aware of missing it? Bummer.

Howard said...

My first impression is that this is a conversation from the kids table at Thanksgiving meal

re Pete said...

"There’s a man going ’round calling names"

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsum and Trump = on the same team.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Newsum is an asshole.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

DeSantis did so well in Florida - the left are terrified of him.
Hannity is the ultimate Trump humper.

Good luck dragging Trump across the finish line in 2024.

Biden will win again.

Jersey Fled said...

I kept my record clean of not watching a debate since Reagan vs Carter.

But I look forward to reading what you guys think.

Jersey Fled said...

Maybe Newsom hasn’t figured out that those illegal immigrants are every state’s problem. He should check with Hochul. Her phone number is in the book.

retail lawyer said...

Why is Newsom grinning during the poop map exhibit? He must never have ridden a bike through a turd and have had shit thrown up on his clothes.

Newsom needs a "Curb your Bum" campaign.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hannity should invite Trump to debate. someone. you know - to show off Trump's 50 word vocabulary.

Bob Boyd said...

Why give Newsome this national platform? It helps the Biden-burdened Democrats more than anything else. It's Romney-esque.

Howard said...

Rhonda Santis' voice is too high pitched and obnoxious. Combined with his elevator shoes, he'll never crawl out of the Okefenokee swamp.

Gavin Newsome is just getting some name recognition for 2028. He ain't going to challenge Biden because he knows sleepy Joe is a sandbagger kicking ass and taking names. Where is your new MAGA speaker? Just as hamstrung as McCarthy.

AMDG said...

I do not recall if Newsom actually answered a single question.DeSantis answered every question. Newsom could not respond in any meaningful way so he was reduced to attacking simping for Trump and Haley. DeSantis did accuse Newsom of lying when he in fact lied.

A Newsom-Trump debate would be a train wreck. At some point Trump would brag that when he cheats on his wife he doesn’t select barely legal girls or the wives of his friends. Newsom would come with “at least I have friends. Trump would respond “you and your family are stone cold losers”. Newsom would comeback with “the only loser family here is the one that takes my sloppy seconds”.

I cannot comprehend how one could compare DeSantis to Trump and decide that Trump is your guy.

Leland said...

I watched much of the video. Nice of Captain Obvious to note the chances of either winning their primary, which sets the stage that this isn't really a Presidential debate. That makes this then a potentially interesting debate of ideas between two state governors that have different ideas of what a state government should be. It seems that interesting debate did not occur.

Iman said...

Newsom defending the indefensible with his TDS on full display. Watching his oily, facial tics/contortions as he flails his arms was fascinating for a few minutes.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

My expectations for Newsom were low, but he still managed to astound me with his insultingly arrogant unwillingness to engage substantively on any of the questions posed to him. The basic format Hannity used was to put up statistics comparing Florida to California on various metrics. For example, the first slide showed California's population had decreased by X hundreds of thousands while Florida's had grown by Y hundreds of thousands. Then Hannity asked Newsom to explain what accounts for the disparity, certainly both a reasonable and an interesting question. But Newsom wouldn't even address the topic. He didn't openly refuse, he just would not address it, even when Hannity pressed for an answer. This happened again and again throughout the debate until I finally had to mute the tv when Newsom had the floor.

I can see why dem leaders seem so resigned to having Biden on the ticket. Newsom is not the answer. The person the dems really need now, but don't have, is the pre-Me-Too Andrew Cuomo. IOW, someone in the mold of an Obama who may be comparably leftist and comparably dishonest in relation to Newsom, but who at least has the social intelligence to be somewhat nuanced about it.

rcocean said...

Waste of time, even at one minute. Better than the Republican debates though. They should have had Nikki Haley debate newsome, then we could have had a "Who loves Israel, censorship, immigrants, and war more" competition.

rcocean said...

Love how all the fake Republicans here use a newsome-desantis debate as a chance to attack Trump. Yeah, you're Republican alright.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lets see - while Trump did good things - things that made life better for most Americans - he spent most of his time stepping on his dick, walking into every democrat trap. He surrounded himself with back-stabbers and spies. He turned much of it into a silly loyalty game. He started off on the wrong foot by dropping his promise to go after Hillary. Her Illegal Private Server ... was just that - illegal.

Gusty Winds said...

Newsome is a complete snake. A liar. He will someday be the Democrat nominee for President.

Rabel said...

Jesus. What a farce. The adult in the room my ass.

n.n said...


manure's not that bad. I don't even mind the word manure. It's newer, which is good, and a ma in front of it. Ma-Newer. When you consider the other choices, manure is actually pretty refreshing.
- Costanza

Temujin said...

To those who wonder why DeSantis did this, it's because he's battling Trump. And as anyone living in the past 10 years knows, Trump sucks the oxygen out of any room, region, or nation he's wandering in. DeSantis cannot get any press unless it's an insult by Trump that his team hands to the press.
He needed to do this to get some, albeit small, additional national exposure prior to the next Republican Debate next week.

As for Gavin Newsom, I've been watching and wailing about him since his days as Mayor of SF. I knew this guy was being groomed for the White House. Hair and teeth are too perfect. Gettys and other big money investing in him early on. They don't do that for nothing. He's a good talker. He's good looking. But the funny thing is, he's a nightmare as an executive, bringing down San Francisco and then the entire State in a relatively short period of time.

That said, I expected him to be sharp last night, to have the facts, and come prepared to swat off the data on his own performance. He did none of that. He acted as if the very numbers put up on the screen were not seen by any humans. He completely changed their meaning, lied to the camera while smiling broadly, and threw in a couple of low blows from the Trump Campaign for good measure. In other words, he sounded like a politician.

But he also sounded abysmally unprepared to answer real questions with real answers. He did much worse than I expected. And to me now, I see him as Barack Obama light. And that's saying something, given that many people consider Obama an empty suit, nicknamed 'The Lightbringer'. Gavin is less intellectual, less able to debate facts, and less persuasive. He's like a good looking male version of Kamala Harris.

Oh boy. Dems are in a fix.

Louise B said...

How do you know Newsome didn't win? Because the mainstream media isn't crowing about his victory. As Sherlock Holmes said, "It's the dog that didn't bark."

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William50 said...

Two politicians talking shit.

Will wonders never cease?

Drago said...

I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it: "Lets see - while Trump did good things - things that made life better for most Americans - he spent most of his time stepping on his dick, walking into every democrat trap."


It was the traps set by your GOPe heroes and their democratical allies along with their deep state operatives that sabotaged policy.

And now you want to reward those that partnered with the dems to do it.

That jig is up.

Gusty Winds said...

DeSantis did great. I still like the guy, and I'd imagine most MAGA / Trump supporters. He should join the MAGA movement and get the nod in 2028.

If you're on Twitter, the trolls DeSantis' campaign pays to hit Trump non stop are complete assholes. They're actually hurting DeSantis.

Latest: The BLM guy from Rhode Island endorses Trump, and Trump says GREAT! DeSantis bots on Twitter then start criticizing Trump for appreciating the endorsement. If BLM and more black people want to join the populist MAGA movement that's kick ass. Why push them away? That's just stupid.

Yancey Ward said...

I just finished watching the entire debate- Newsome just never answered any question put forth. Hannity wasn't perfect- he tried to debate Newsome too much himself- but he mostly got involved precisely because Newsome dodged every single question or flat out lied.

Essentially nobody watched this thing, so it won't benefit DeSantis at all, but he did win this decisively.

Readering said...

Not bad. Maybe they can repeat next fall when the nominees are unable to schedule any debates.

Bob Boyd said...

I like DeSantis and he'd probably make a great President, but the voters want Trump.
If DeSantis had won the primary I'd have been happy to give him my vote. But like it or not, Trump is the guy. Time to come together.
What is DeSantis holding out for, a prison sentence for Trump? The GOPe to make DeSantis the nominee through some kind of shenanigans? That won't play well. If he goes along with that, his future will be ruined. No one will trust him.
DeSantis needs to start fighting for freedom and democracy, which means supporting the people's choice, even if Trump becoming the nominee is a bitter pill for him. This is bigger than any one guy. If DeSantis personal ambition comes first, then he's just another swamp creature who wants to go to the big swamp.

Mason G said...

"What is DeSantis holding out for, a prison sentence for Trump? The GOPe to make DeSantis the nominee through some kind of shenanigans? That won't play well. If he goes along with that, his future will be ruined. No one will trust him."

My theory, FWIW...

GOPe doesn't care what DeSantis wants. They have told him they want him to derail Trump now and if he doesn't go along, they'll destroy him should he run in 2028.

Bob Boyd said...

@ Mason G re: 4:36PM

Not sure I understand. Are you saying DeSantis is being forced by the party to...what? Make these attacks on Trump even though it hurts his own campaign with the base?
And that if he was left to his own devices he'd be doing...what? Campaigning in a way that would be so attractive to the base that he'd be doing much better against Trump in the polls?

Sorry, I'm not following your theory.

Mason G said...

"Are you saying DeSantis is being forced by the party to...what?"

Oppose Trump. Attempt to draw away his supporters. Keep Trump from getting elected. The Party hates Trump and wants him gone.

"Make these attacks on Trump even though it hurts his own campaign with the base?"

If it hurts his own campaign with the base and yet he keeps it up, he must have a good reason. I told you what I thought that was.

"And that if he was left to his own devices he'd be doing...what?"

I don't know. I would think he'd be smart enough to not crap on the base (MAGA) by ignoring their preference for Trump. He's 45 years old- what possible reason does he have to think that putting off a run for president for four years would hurt him?

"Campaigning in a way that would be so attractive to the base that he'd be doing much better against Trump in the polls?"

He could try. What are the polls saying about that right now?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Mason G said...
Oppose Trump. Attempt to draw away his supporters. Keep Trump from getting elected. The Party hates Trump and wants him gone.

I hate Trump and want him gone. Because he's a loser. Who spent 4 years as President hiring crap people, and letting the Deep State whip him like a rented mule.

Larry Correia, the International Lord of Hate, is on Twitter. he posted this, about why real conservatives who don't like the GOP establishment, and hate teh Democrats, should desperately fear Trump being the GOP nominee:

This later wrote this

He said it all in one place, so I'll just point you there for why you should not be supporting Trump.

It's because he's a loser, and it is his failures that have allowed the Democrats to screw us

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Heartless Aztec said...
Florida's answer to Scott Walker except with
better positions on immigration.

Walker died out when he refused to tell the donors to get f'ed, and go with the voters on immigration (as in, being against illegal invaders).

Also, Walker was, fundamentally, a wimp. Which is why there was no follow on to Act 10. No cleanup of "Election Day voter registration", for example.

I really liked the guy, and was glad he held the line. but DeSantis fights, and doesn't run away or wimp out when the other side throws a hissy fit.

See: Disney

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Drago said...
It was the traps set by your GOPe heroes and their democratical allies along with their deep state operatives that sabotaged policy.

So, we're in agreement that Trump was a fucking incompetent loser who got repeatedly beaten by the Democrats, and by the GOPe.

Now, could you please explain WHY you want to put back in office the guy who's already proved to be a near total failure at getting the polices that YOU want?

Who sabotaged Trump's efforts to get the US out of Afghanistan?
Who appointed Miley?
Who gave Mark Milley a presidential commendation medal for being so awesome?

Trump. And he gave one to Fauci, too.

And now you want to reward those that partnered with the dems to do it.

No, we want DeSantis, who;'s pretty much the diametric opposite of GOPe. AND who's competent, and knows how to appoint good people who will actually push his policies.

Unlike Trump.

Drago said...

Greg: "No, we want DeSantis, who;'s pretty much the diametric opposite of GOPe."

The DeSantis campaign was conceived by, funded by and is directed by the very GOPe types that actively opposed every single Trump policy.

Every. Single. One.

So no, I dont believe the Ryan's and Bush's and Ken Griffin's and Jeff Roe's, are the "diametric opposite of the GOPe".

They ARE the GOPe.

Worse, much much worse, these DC beltway types that took the Cruz and Walker 2016 campaigns over the cliff are the rocket scientists that fully expected the combined dem/GOPe lawfare attack against Trump to take him out and give DeSantis a path to a primary win.

But that hasnt quite worked out yet for you guys yet, has it?

Not that it matters now of course given DeSantis continuing to sink further behind Haley in NH and SC....and where does DeSantis go after getting his clock cleaned in every early state?

Bob Boyd said...

@ Greg re Trump:

Be all that as it may, the voters clearly want Trump, not DeSantis, so we're past that now. They don't see it like you do. Cussing them for it is like cussing the weather. We're all in it together. What are you going to do? Take your ball and go home or stay in the fight?

I think what motivates a lot of Trump loyalists is something like, 'we can't let the bureaucracy or the parties or the technocrats or Wall Street get away with using their power and position for manipulating the system to exclude candidates and elected officials chosen by the voters. We can't give the "elites" (for lack of a better word) a veto over the voters. And we have to make them regret trying or there'll never be an end to it.
In short, Trump loyalists want to shove Trump right up their asses and I can't think of a better man to put in that particular, um...position.
Maybe I'm wrong about their motivation, but it doesn't matter. Whatever the reasons, here we are. You go to war with the army you have and all that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drago - Regarding your blind faith in Trump:

I note you don't go near this one:

stated fact:
"Trump started off on the wrong foot by dropping his promise to go after Hillary. Her Illegal Private Server ... was just that - illegal." Hillary then ate his lunch. Trump's promise to look into her "situation" was dropped. He then said in an interview that the Clinton's are "good people." Wow.
No worries - Trump's loyal fan bois are OK with Trump's lies and broken promises. You can blame those lies on... McCain or... Romney or...Paul Ryan.

Drago said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Drago said...

Bob Boyd (to zgreg): "Be all that as it may, the voters clearly want Trump, not DeSantis, so we're past that now. They don't see it like you do. Cussing them for it is like cussing the weather. We're all in it together. What are you going to do? Take your ball and go home or stay in the fight?"

The GOPe suckups are going to continue to do what they've done for decades: partner with their democratical policy allies to undermine the republican base knowing they can get away with with it because Walking Dead "republicans" like "I stand w Isreal. Leftists, Mullahs, Hamas-Palistinian terrorists can suck it" can be wound up like toys to blame Trump for all party ills, past present and future, which gives the GOPe full freedom to continue screwing over the republican base and the nation...

...and they are.

Just witness what is happening in GA and AZ with the loathsome Raffensberger and crew and Richter and well as Kemp in GA protecting Willis in her assault on Trump.

The DeSantis campaign was launched via all the usual globalist/America Last suspects as a parallel part of the Lawfare attack on Trump with the full expectation the GOPe/dem team would remove Trump from the campaign early.

Its all the same GOPe schmucks involved in that..and then Greg pops in claiming the DeSantis campaign is the "diametrical opposite" of the GOPe!

What a joke.

The players involved put the lie to that immediately.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Drago said...
Greg: "No, we want DeSantis, who;'s pretty much the diametric opposite of GOPe."

The DeSantis campaign was conceived by, funded by and is directed by the very GOPe types that actively opposed every single Trump policy.

1: You keep on attacking this "DeSantis campign" (without actually naming names, or giving proof of your claims), instead of engaging with the reality of what DeSantis has actually done as Governor, bother before and after the most recent election.

Which is par for the course, because you also only talk about what Trump says, rather than judging on what he actually did, and actually "accomplished", for good and for ill.

It's remarkably leftist of you to focus on words instead of deeds. you might want to see about fixing that major flaw in your character

2: Not that it matters now of course given DeSantis continuing to sink further behind Haley in NH and SC....and where does DeSantis go after getting his clock cleaned in every early state?

And what will you do if DeSantis wins IA, or comes within 5 points of Trump there?
if the polls were right, Hillary would have crushed Trump in 2016, and the GOP would have crushed the Dems in 2022

how about, instead of wanking about polls, you engage with actual issues? you know, like Trump's sad history of getting beat like a drum by the Deep State?

Why are you so stuck on a loser?

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Bob Boyd said...
@ Greg re Trump:

Be all that as it may, the voters clearly want Trump, not DeSantis, so we're past that now.

News flash, we haven't had a single vote yet. So we have no frisking clue what the voters want. We'll get our first win in slightly over 6 weeks. Until then, claims to know "what teh voters want" are sheer bullshit.

I think what motivates a lot of Trump loyalists is something like, 'we can't let the bureaucracy or the parties or the technocrats or Wall Street get away with using their power and position

Well, then, if they're intelligent, they will vote for someone who can actually beat those people.

Which isn't Trump.

Because the Drago claim is that all of Trump's failures were caused by the fact that they thoroughly beat Trump at pretty much every opportunity.

I understand wanting to beat those people. I want to beat them, too.

I've stopped valuing Trump because it is obvious that Trump is a loser who will NEVER beat them. And I want to actually win, not sit off wanking in the corner

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Drago said...
Oh, and congratulations on your latest GOPe "win" yesterday in removing Santos without due process and giving Hochul an opportunity to drop another dem into the open seat.

I have no position on teh Santos expulsion, for or against, because I haven't looked into it enough to care.

But you need to stop flashing your ignorance at us, Drago. House members are ONLY replaced via a special election. It's only Senators who get appointed when there's vacancy.

Really, man, get a freaking grip

Drago said...

Interesting theory:

"With Bill Johnson leaving Congress, and speculation that @SpeakerMcCarthy may leave as well, the GOP has perfectly positioned themselves to lose their very slim House majority now that they have expelled @MrSantosNY.

I think @HouseGOP wants Democrats to be in control of the House and Senate so they can impeach Trump again when he wins in 2024."

To the cheers of the you know who...

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