২১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০২৩

At the Austin Café...


... you can write about whatever you want.



৩৫টি মন্তব্য:

Clyde বলেছেন...

Clyde's Top 15 Favorite "New" Songs of 2023 - #10 - "Don't Bring Me Down" - Juliana Hatfield - Juliana Hatfield Sings ELO (2023)

Juliana Hatfield has an extensive catalog of albums of her own material, and she has now done albums of cover songs by Olivia Newton-John in 2018, The Police in 2019 and Electric Light Orchestra this year. I'm a big fan of ELO, having seen them more times in concert (3) than any other musical artist, so I was looking forward to hearing the entire album when it came out the week before Thanksgiving. "Don't Bring Me Down" was the first song to be released back in the summer. The challenge she faced was in playing the songs without synthesizers or orchestral strings, and she did a good job of moving those parts of the songs over to the guitar. She played the guitars, keyboards and some of the drums, and sang all of the vocals, farming out only the bass and some of the drum parts. I found the album enjoyable and actually liked her version of "Secret Messages" better than the original.

Juliana Hatfield - Don't Bring Me Down

Bonus Song: "Secret Messages" - Juliana Hatfield - Juliana Hatfield Sings ELO (2023)

Juliana Hatfield - Secret Messages

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Damn: You Dropped A Bomb On Me

Gusty Winds বলেছেন...

Odds are we're fucked.

Scott Patton বলেছেন...

Althouse on Rogan!

Drago বলেছেন...

There sure are alot of Crack Emcee's over at San Francisco State Univ:


They are down for supporting global terror attacks against those evil jooooooooooooos.....

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Viva Frei: The Colorado Kangaroo Court.

Joe Smith বলেছেন...

There are only about 10 people in that town who know how to ride a horse.

Palo Alto East.

No wonder Willie stays stoned.

Too bad...

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

I can see Trump delaying the appeal to the Supreme Court.

gadfly বলেছেন...

Gusty Winds said...
Odds are we're fucked.

Well, not everybody, but Donald Trump for sure.

In Anderson v. Griswold, the landmark 4–3 Colorado Supreme Court case held that Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits Donald Trump from ever serving again as president of the United States. none of the dissents challenged the district court’s factual finding that Trump had engaged in an insurrection. None of the dissents seriously questioned that, under Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment, Trump is barred from office if he did so. Nor could they. The constitutional language is plain as written and smacks of the originalist view supported by conservative justices. So SCOTUS will have to decide whether to be partisan or conservative by taking or refusing to hear this case considering that time is of the essence.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

An American Rabbi's first trip to Israel: "Whoa - wait a minute: this is NOT Oh-Kay,..."

Mutaman বলেছেন...

Clyde said...

"Clyde's Top 15 Favorite "New" Songs of 2023 - #10 - "Don't Bring Me Down" - Juliana Hatfield - Juliana Hatfield Sings ELO (2023)"

I really like ""$1,000 Wedding" which Hatfield recorded with Evan Dando on the compilation, Return of the Grievous Angel: A Tribute to Gram Parsons.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Drago said...

"They are down for supporting global terror attacks against those evil jooooooooooooos....."

Why supporters of Zionism have to lie, and smear others as antisemites, is a mystery. Especially if the Zionist case is so solid. But isn't that the problem, really? That, whenever people look, trying to substantiate Zionist claims, we end-up facing another of their numerous a-land-without-a-people-for-a people-without-a-land-type deceptions?

What's really wild is watching the American right lose their minds, again; unable to hide the fact they ritually morph into these paranoid, glaring, bloodthirsty, Joe McCarthy-type white supremacist hypocrites; as we're entering an election season and the whole world is watching. Think about it:

Just two months ago, the GOP was leading the principled fight for Free Speech and against Cancel Culture. But now, they ARE Cancel Culture, and the Democrats are not missing an opportunity to let everybody know it - while promoting Freedom of Speech themselves.

The right were the people insisting America must face the truth on George Floyd - because the EVIDENCE said so - but now, when it comes to lies told by Zionists, these fools don't care about being principled, or looking principled, or a lack of evidence, or even what the evidence we do find says, one bit.

At this point, I expect someone like Drago to claim "those evil jooooooooooooos" were saying "hands up don't shoot" when they were attacked on Oct 7.

They can't even criticize Joe Biden, since Trump shares the same poisonous outlook - which he's also putting into speech now - so that's going to keep a lot of Democrats from switching parties; because - when choosing a dictator - peasants always choose the one who, at the very least, speaks their language.

They're all shaming themselves - for Zionism - which is just another stupid, malicious, dangerous belief system, if you ask me.

Rt41Rebel বলেছেন...

My brother was visiting last weekend and it was raining and cloudy for most of his visit, which is rare for this time of year here. I took him to the shooting range instead of the beach. On one hand, I was hesitant to expend 200 rounds my of ammo, on the other, I needed the practice. All of my decisions are now made around how our overlords will continue to preserve their power.

Drago বলেছেন...

Seen online:

"BREAKING: The Gaza Ministry of Health has updated their casualty numbers.

So far:
257,492 civilians have been killed.

All of whom are children, women, and the elderly. Some are even elderly children.

No male between 17-50 has been killed.

Definitely none of the deaths are from terrorist rockets falling short, Hamas shooting people trying to flee, or Hamas using human shields.

20,000 cats have been killed, all pregnant.
500 unicorns have been killed, also all pregnant (with twins).

Mickey and Minnie Mouse (Palestinian mice created by the Palestinian Walt Disney) were kidnapped by Zionists."

FYI, I experienced a momentary hesitation as to whether or not to share this as I know there are particular Althouse regulars who will believe this joke is actually real.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

If gadfly is so sure Trump the insurrectionist is going to lose at the Supreme Court let him offer a wager now.

The Colorado decision is so bad, it makes king George III appear benevolent.

The Colorado decision charged, indicted, tried and found Trump guilty with a mere declaration.

Is it possible the majority of Americans don’t realise the egregiousness… if this is allowed to stand, the American experiment is over.

wendybar বলেছেন...

"Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett claimed Thursday that “good conservative” lawmakers are falling victim to “honeypot” schemes and voting in ways to avoid being outed for their deviant behavior.

The “powerful people” entrapping members of Congress are “always either out on the tarmac or in the private room” with the president,

“Why in the world would good conservatives vote for crazy stuff like what we’ve been seeing out of Congress?” Burchett said. "


Humperdink বলেছেন...

Former Pittsburgh Steeler running back Rashard Mendenhall suggested "white NFL analysts quick commenting football because they have never played the game. He went on to further embarrass himself by advocating a white vs. black pro bowl, implying the whites would get destroyed.

Per Mendenhall: "“Can we please replace the Pro Bowl with an All-Black vs. All-White bowl so these cats can stop trying to teach me who’s good at football,” he added. “I’m better than ur goat.”

Interestingly Mendenhall is most famous for fumbling away a Super Bowl in a loss to Packers.

Mendenhall's pro-football career was during the Barack the Magnificent administration. No surprise here as BHO set race relations back decades. The gift that keeps on giving.

typingtalker বলেছেন...

Terrific photographs this morning.
(Recognizing that they were posted yesterday evening, they are this morning for me.)

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Feast Your Eyes Upon George Washington (In High Heels)

And buy my album. Not a bad review yet.

Leland বলেছেন...

I can see Trump delaying the appeal to the Supreme Court.

I do too.

Eva Marie বলেছেন...

Clyde - thank you for these.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Biden in Milwaukee (2:29)

and uh as they say the saying goes where I come you brung me to the dance early on.

Readering বলেছেন...

Remember that guy who was the naked baby on the Nirvana cover who sued claiming he was the victim of child pornography, but saw his case tossed based on statute of limitations? AA posted on the case at the time. Well the Ninth Circuit just revived his case. Every republication of the photo can be a new violation of child porn under the applicable federal statute.

Dave Begley বলেছেন...

Last night the Chairman of OPPD verbally attacked me in an emotional outburst. I had simply pointed out that it is not prudent to spend and borrow $2b on wind and solar in light of all the coal-fired power plants in China and India.

BG বলেছেন...

Yesterday I took the food donations gathered by my church to the local food pantry. This was the first time I had been there during pick-up hours. The parking lot was the fullest I had ever seen it. (Usually I’m just driving by.) Every chair in the reception room was filled and others were standing in line. There were no smiles or joking. These people did not want to be there. I walked up to the receptionist and the first thing she told me was to take a number. I told her I was bringing in donations. Her smile was the first one I saw there. This is small town America.

chuck বলেছেন...

Einstein Moving, "Lets make your next move smart." Einstein should have registered his name as a trademark.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

The case of al-Shifa: Investigating the assault on Gaza’s largest hospital - "The evidence presented by the Israeli government falls short of showing that Hamas had been using the hospital as a command and control center, according to a Washington Post analysis of open-source visuals, satellite imagery and all of the publicly released IDF materials."

FleetUSA বলেছেন...

Is our esteemed Professor emeritus think of moving to the hot climate of Austin, TX....enjoying more tax freedom too?

Big Mike বলেছেন...

@BG, blessings of the season to you!

Big Mike বলেছেন...

If commentator Crack Emcee expects me to feel sympathy towards the Palestinians who did this then he can save his keystrokes. Why he expects us to believe that anti-Zionism isn't just antisemitism dressed up in nicer clothing is beyond me, particularly given the assaults by pro-Palestinian rioters against Jewish college students and Jewish-owned businesses. Oh, I get it! It's the old "some of my best friends are Jewish" excuse from the 1950s, updated for the 21st century. Right.

What can we infer about Crack from his neverending posts? Well, first of all, we can infer that he is one sick MFer. A couple weeks back he was demanding to see videotapes of the young Jewish women being gang-raped and murdered "or it didn't happen." Well, that's a pretty high bar. Here in the United States here are black criminals dumb enough to videotape the rapes and assaults that they commit, but there's damned few of them. Unfortunately for the Palestinians, it has been reported that Hamas did livestream their rapes and murders, so the video data is somewhere out on the dark web. Crack would have to work to find it, and "work" is a four-letter word to him, but I'm certainly not going to go look for it. Despite being in my seventies, I do appreciate looking at pretty women with their clothes mostly off, but snuff films featuring gang rapes and torture are way sicker than anything I want to look at.

More recently Crack has demanded to see pictures of decapitated Israeli babies. As I said, hw is one sick MFer.

Things that are a matter of historical record that Crack chooses not to believe include that the Arabs attacked the Jewish settlers in Israel in 1948 with a stated goal of wiping out every Jew they found -- man, woman, or child. He chooses not to believe that Palestinians were dancing in the streets when the twin towers came down. He chooses to believe that rape and infanticide are not war crimes. So he's ignorant as well as lazy.

mikee বলেছেন...

Althouse, next time you visit Austin, please note that I have an AirBnB here and am willing to offer a famous blogger discount to famous bloggers who rent it.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Big Mike said...

If commentator Big Mike expects me not to notice that he's "moved the goal posts" - from claiming Palestinians killed babies to how sorry he now feels for orphans - then I don't know why he's here. Why he expects me to BELIEVE that Zionism isn't just Naziism dressed up in a fucked-up uniform is beyond me, particularly given the assaults by settlers against Palestinian kids and women. Oh, I get it! It's the old "land without a people" excuse from the 1950s, updated for the 21st century. Right.

What can we infer about Big Mike from his focus on me? Well, first of all, we can infer that he is one sick racist. A couple weeks back I was demanding to see videotapes of the young Jewish women being gang-raped and murdered "or it didn't happen." Well, that's going to be a long wait. Here in the United States Jeffrey Epstein wasn't dumb enough to videotape the rapes and assaults that he committed, and there's LOT of them. Unfortunately for the Zionists, it has NOT been CONFIRMED that Hamas did anything but grab hostages, so the video data of more is just Zionists killing Zionists with helicopter gunships. SO YOU CAN'T SEE IT. Big Mike would have to work to find it, and "work" is a four-letter word to him, so - even though it's on him to provide PROOF of what he BELIEVES - he's certainly not going to go look for it because RESPECT for others, like EVIDENCE, are anathema to such people. Despite being in his seventies, he still likes to BELIEVE shit, and expects others to be just as gullible as he is when he gives his credit card numbers to phone solicitors.

More recently I have demanded to see EVIDENCE of decapitated Israeli babies. As he said, I desperately want to see EVIDENCE NO ONE'S BEEN LYING FOR TWO MONTHS STRAIGHT NOW. Big Mike, like a country preacher, just says BELIEVE.

Lies Zionists told that are a matter of historical record that I choose not to BELIEVE (without evidence) include "a land without a people for a people without a land" -- because that's always been just a straight-up easily-provable lie. Yes, I choose not to BELIEVE what no one's proven because my brain WORKS. Big Mike chooses to believe killing 20,000 innocent people - after stealing their land - is NOT a war crime. So Big Mike's going to Hell.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...


Juliana Hatfield's super-wispy 'Don't Bring Me Down': For anyone who ever thought ELO was too Punk Rock.

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

Shocking new bodycam footage shows ND Republican hurling homophobic slurs and racist remarks at cops as he's stopped for DUI after Christmas party

Who let Big Mike out of his cage?

The Crack Emcee বলেছেন...

The goalposts move again: Anti-Zionism Is Deadlier Than Antisemitism

Remember: these are the same people who, just two months ago, used to claim 'racism' was so overused it was meaningless. They were against cancel culture. They were for free speech. They demanded EVIDENCE of George Floyd's death and "hands up don't shoot."

Now they're just jokes.