November 1, 2023

"The Cornell University student accused of making violent threats against his Jewish peers is a 21-year-old engineering student..."

"... who suffers from such 'severe depression' that his mother worried he was on the brink of suicide just moments before his arrest. Patrick Dai, a junior at the prestigious university, was arrested by federal authorities Tuesday for allegedly making a string of disturbing online posts over the weekend threatening to kill and rape Jewish students and to 'bring an assault rifle to campus.' Investigators traced the deranged posts to Dai’s IP address at his off-campus apartment, where he allegedly admitted to being the culprit, according to a federal complaint."

It does seem that he wanted to be caught: He was traceable through his IP address. It seems he's thrown his life away, and his parents thought he was going to commit suicide. 


Anthony said...

Guessing it wouldn't be such a sympathetic treatment if he'd been threatening a Favored Group. . . . . .

gilbar said...

i THOUGHT, that you ALL said: Oh! it's JUST A HOAX! I guess that'll be memory holed..
Just Like rcocean saying that Over 900 people were killed by israeli artilery strike on hospital
Just Like y'all saying: "Oh *i* won't look at pix of beheadings.. And THAT means: They DIDN'T Happen

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Glad they caught him. USUALLY - we hear the same old story "FBI was watching - but failed to act..." & now 10 people are dead. (OR SOME SUCH)

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

remember everyone - the real threat is CHARLOTTESVILLE! and... J-6! and and parents who go to school board meetings because they are sick of woke/leftist/sexualization and pron in the school library.

Sleeper cells who entered across an open Crook Biden/Soros southern border?
Right wing/Russian dis-information! Obey the narrative.

Gusty Winds said...

21-year-old Generation Z.

The wide spread depression and mental illness among this generation is staggering, and that's in addition to the autism spike they suffered. They had their entire lives broadcast on social media. We're overly medicated with Ritalin and anti-depressants in their childhood. All promoted by the public schools rather that running them around the block once a day. They were given homework in the first grade.

I'm not excusing the threats. I'm not excusing anything. But if you have Generation Z kids that suffer from mental can look back and understand why.

Tom T. said...

It doesn't surprise me that he's depressed, given that he was about to be arrested for doing something really stupid. My guess is that he is bad at fitting in, heard people around him trashing Jews, and decided to show off in a big way that he could do so too.

rehajm said...

It seems he's thrown his life away

What? People with his skills and talents are in high demand at the moment by countless well funded organizations.

wendybar said...

WAH. Little boy needs to put big boy pants on, and man up. It doesn't excuse his hate.

Big Mike said...

It does seem that he wanted to be caught: He was traceable through his IP address.

An engineering student should know what an IP address is.

It seems he's thrown his life away, and his parents thought he was going to commit suicide.

Well, he doesn’t seem likely to graduate from Cornell with a degree in engineering, that’s for sure. Y’know, I thought that these days top notch universities had resources that students with emotional problems could turn to. Did he not avail himself of available resources? Or are the “resources” mostly bogus?

Howard said...

If this person was truly suicidal then he did not throw his life away, he saved himself. It sounds like The stereotype of a cry for help. Maybe now he's got the attention he needs.

Ron Winkleheimer said...

"He was traceable through his IP address."

Which, as an engineering student at Cornell, he must of known would happen. And how to easily avoid that as well.

Owen said...

"...thrown his life away." Just a "cry for help," right? He wasn't *really* serious, he was just "performing" in what he had been led to believe was a "safe space" in which to express his confused anxiety 'n' stuff.

I'm really struggling to care about this head-case. How much of its (rapidly dwindling) social capital will Cornell devote to his rehabilitation?

cassandra lite said...

"It does seem that he wanted to be caught: He was traceable through his IP address. It seems he's thrown his life away, and his parents thought he was going to commit suicide." -@aa

All seemingly true. The question remaining though is why, when wanting to be caught, he chose Jews, and not Muslims, to threaten.

hombre said...

Cornell will require him to change his major from engineering to something more closely resembling his views and reflecting the antisemitic environment at the U.

wild chicken said...

"People with his skills and talents are in high demand"

Tough major! Rhhardin will tell you women can't handle it, they're too emo and irrational.

Oh wait it's a dude..

Michael K said...

The mass shooter at Virginia Tech was an Asian student. Take these guys seriously.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

"Thrown his life away" yeah right. Nothing will happen to him, and now he'll probably get lots of job offers from universities and the DNC. He's got it made. Hey kid, apply for a job at the New York Times. Can you write crossword puzzles?

Joe Smith said...

'Investigators traced the deranged posts to Dai’s IP address at his off-campus apartment...'

So much for Asians being smart...

Ann Althouse said...

"Which, as an engineering student at Cornell, he must of known would happen. And how to easily avoid that as well."

Yes, that's my point in writing "It does seem that he wanted to be caught: He was traceable through his IP address."

The other alternative — that he didn't know about IP addresses — is very hard to believe.

Ann Althouse said...

"If this person was truly suicidal then he did not throw his life away, he saved himself. It sounds like The stereotype of a cry for help...."

No, he's still thrown his life away. Suicide isn't the only way to throw your life away.

Aggie said...

He chose Jews because they are always and forever the degraded victim, and someone that is suffering from depression or any other frustrating personal malady is looking to punch down. The poor kid is going to be punished for his transgression now, instead of getting constructive help. It's tragic.

Antisemitism though.... it has to be confronted always, even those pathetic joiners with no well-formed beliefs of their own. Waiting to see whether the FBI can follow through and find any actual, organized, focused & virulent haters out there who have also been commenting - and acting out. Are they still capable of conducting their mission fairly? I wonder what Dai's politics are....

RNB said...

Althouse: "No, he's still thrown his life away." No, his life is nowhere near 'thrown away.' He could get a well-paying job in the office of Cong. Rashida Tlaib based solely on performance to date.

Jeff Vader said...

Chinese incel attempting to get laid by kissing up to the crazy ladies

Richard said...

So Dai is the real victim, not the Jews that he threatened to kill. Maybe we should pick more deserving people to feel sorry for.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Tom T. said...

My guess is that he is bad at fitting in, heard people around him trashing Jews, and decided to show off in a big way that he could do so too.

Pro-Palestine protests appears to be the best place on campus to meet women. I mean, look at the photos. Once you filter out the protestors who are visibly Arab looking what you have left is mostly White American college girls.

Spiros Pappas said...

How do you recover from something like that?

Rosalyn C. said...

Aggie said... "someone that is suffering from depression or any other frustrating personal malady is looking to punch down."

I also have noticed there is often a connection between mental illness and rabid anti-semitism.

William said...

He's nobody's idea of an anti-Semite. I can't imagine the hostility comes from any personal grievances with Jews. I'd be inclined to believe his crime was generated more from mental illness than from hate...If I were Jewish, I wouldn't find this comforting. Now they're not just the targets of anti-Semites but also of deranged loose cannons.

loudogblog said...

This is very sad. Chronic Depression is nothing to be trifled with. It destroys so many lives.

n.n said...

We need reasonable gun... academic control.

AZ Bob said...

So you're saying he's crazy.

Howard said...

Blogger Ann Althouse said...
No, he's still thrown his life away. Suicide isn't the only way to throw your life away.

I guess that depends on how you define "is." To me that word ascribes 100% certainty. How you can make an assertion about the future with that degree of certainty? Wait a second isn't it illogical to describe the future using the word is?

In any event, suicide the only way to throw your life away with 100% certainty. We don't know all the facts in this case however, it is possible for him to recover from this situation as opposed to killing himself.

This case reminds me of the recent Lewiston, Maine mass shooter who was letting everyone know that he was mentally ill and no one did anything about it and his cry for help resulted in throwing away his own life and 18 lives of others.

Good thing the crazy fellow from Cornell didn't have a gun fetish.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Richard @ 11:41 - Indeed.
boo hoo - the poor Nazi Jew Hater. What can we do for him? Perhaps set him free and he can follow thru with his threats? after all - he's a poor victim.
Perhaps he can join a southern border crosser terrorist sleeper cell? Perhaps MSNBC can give him a medal?

Because Zionists, and apartheid, and all that other crap.

BUMBLE BEE said...

Card was giving off alarm signals for a while before he cooked off!

rcocean said...

Thank God, for once, the police were proactive and got one of the crazy's BEFORE he went on a mass shooting. How many people could be saved if the Police had acted simiarly in other cases?

Of course, maybe this guy was just crazy. And his threats were just theats. But still, he needed intervention.

rcocean said...

If could be it was a cry for help. Don't know what his Life was like.

Robert Cook said...

"The question remaining though is why, when wanting to be caught, he chose Jews, and not Muslims, to threaten."

He was astute enough to know no one would care if he threatened to kill Muslims.

Robert Cook said...

"No, he's still thrown his life away. Suicide isn't the only way to throw your life away."

Incorrect. Suicide is irrevocable and forever; even if this young man is convicted of a criminal charge, (or if he is remanded to a mental health institution), it is unlikely be a life sentence in either case.

Fred Drinkwater said...

Cornell has a notorious student suicide problem. Search on "Cornell gorges".

I know from experience that their administration's management and support of stressed students is...inadequate and clumsy.

mikee said...

Any engineering student who wasn't even using a VPN deserves pity for his highly disturbed mental status and a lengthy jail sentence for his threats.

Saint Croix said...

Probably on the spectrum and just trying to fit in. Did not realize that all the people spewing this Jew hate are manipulative bastards, and he was the one being manipulated.

The suicide bombers and the Hamas "soldiers" are similar. Indoctrinated, they've allowed themselves to be brain-washed and to do things they know in their heart are horrible and wrong. It's truly Satanic to do this to young, mentally ill people.

We think that anybody in the Ivy League must be "smart." Maybe. But a lot of "education" is simply memorization and regurgitation for the test. People who are really good at that can make very high grades. But they don't have much life experience, or wisdom, and they haven't learned how to think independently or critically.

Bruce Hayden said...

“Tough major! Rhhardin will tell you women can't handle it, they're too emo and irrational.”

Yeh, but half my daughter’s entering class of PhD candidates in Mechanical Engineering were women. And women are a majority in some engineering departments (e.g. Civil and Chemical Engineering). The places where they seem to struggle are EE and CS. I think that it is more disposition than talent - I met my daughter’s mother on a software project, and she was quite good. Also has a BS and two Masters degrees there. I harass said daughter about it, but she has plenty of engineers from both sides of the family.

tommyesq said...

"The question remaining though is why, when wanting to be caught, he chose Jews, and not Muslims, to threaten."

He was astute enough to know no one would care if he threatened to kill Muslims.

WRONG - he knew that threatening to kill Muslims might result in serious physical harm to himself, to social ostracism on campus, and to a legacy of being just another right-wing incel. Threatening Jews is much safer and you will be remembered as a brave martyr.

rehajm said...

I know from experience that their administration's management and support of stressed students is...inadequate and clumsy

Based on the people they took from my high school I suspect there’s a quirk in their student selection/attraction process that creates a subset of the student population with suicidal tendencies. Full disclosure: They selected me and an acquaintance of mine from high school what graduated from Cornell that later committed suicide…

…either that or it’s the weather. See: Ithacate

Yancey Ward said...

And what happens to him now? Can he be prosecuted for anything? Can he be forced to get psychiatric help?

My prediction- he is back on the street next week, if not sooner.

Kevin said...

Calling it an “assault rifle” pretty much proves he doesn’t have one.

JAORE said...

"The poor kid..."

Yeah, no.

Why do people make allowances for this level of hate? A 21 year old, Cornell engineering student... not some innocent babe. Stupid? Sure. I've know LOTS of stupid (outside of math oriented subjects) engineers.

Oh he was depressed? His parents feared for him. Well then all is forgiven. /sarc

Tom T. said...

He's hardly thrown his life away. He'll plead to a misdemeanor, get sentenced to community service, and take an extra year or two to graduate from Cornell. He'll get a job with some lefty or ethnically-based company that doesn't see what he did as any big deal.

Narayanan said...

But a lot of "education" is simply memorization and regurgitation for the test. People who are really good at that can make very high grades. But they don't have much life experience, or wisdom, and they haven't learned how to think independently or critically.
hey that resemble me

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Howard: "It sounds like the stereotype of a cry for help."

Well, it's certainly not the STEREOTYPICAL cry for help. I've never heard of any mentally anguished person taking this particular approach to getting help.

Also, labeling this just a cry for help seems to require decontextualizing it from all the violence currently being fomented on campuses and elsewhere around the globe against Jews. The fact that he chose this moment to make terroristic threats against Jews makes me think it was not a cry for help at all, but the act of a mentally deranged young man who was inspired by all the antisemitic rhetoric all around him to let loose and get in on the act. IMO, he wasn't trying to get noticed AS SOMEONE WHO NEEDED HELP. Perhaps he wanted to get noticed as a particularly badass anti-Semite because he sensed that would give his life some purpose and meaning. But if he was just trying to send the message that he needed mental health treatment, he would have climbed to the top of a building and threatened to jump, taken a non-lethal overdose of sleeping pills, or something like that (which actually ARE stereotypical ways of crying out for help).

I feel sorry for the family.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

"who suffers from such 'severe depression' that his mother worried he was on the brink of suicide just moments before his arrest."

Dogshit. Any guesses on how much of his "depression" is down to the endless hysterics of his Prog parents?

Joe Smith said...

"Well, he doesn’t seem likely to graduate from Cornell with a degree in engineering, that’s for sure."

Harvard is already after this guy as a walk-on Jew hater : )

farmgirl said...

“If this person was truly suicidal then he did not throw his life away, he saved himself. It sounds like The stereotype of a cry for help. Maybe now he's got the attention he needs.“

Howard … Amen!!


Rick67 said...

I have to give credit to Cornell and the FBI for not letting this slide.

Others have wondered about why anti-Semitism as opposed to something else. I wonder if he truly is anti-Semitic or he is deeply troubled and Jews were the target du jour (and yes I recognize they've been the target of the last few millennia). There has been a sudden surge of people around the world expressing hatred of the Jewish people and he joined in with steroids.

Real or hoax or something else - someone rightly noted that the *reactions* to the threats are still revealing.

The threats are bad news and had to be taken seriously. That having been said if he's troubled and/or depressed and this is how he tried to deal with that this is a genuinely tragic situation. His parent are going through hell right now.

boatbuilder said...

It's a very long way--and not a particularly straight line--from being "severely depressed" to threatening to kill innocent people who you don't even know.

Maybe he was just "exhilarated" by what his professors have been saying.

rcocean said...

This man needs pyschiatric help. Not a long prison sentence. Yeah, lets throw people in jail for saying stuff online. That's brilliant!

Yeah, Lets suppport Biden's stalinist DOJ and his FBI Gestapo power to give "long prison sentences" to "threats". Next stop, Gulags and show trials for political wrong think.

Nobody was hurt by these threats. Judas Priest, just when you thought Conservatives and people were getting smart and understood the need for freedom of speech, up pop the short-sighted morons.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Robert Cook,

I see this point has already been made above, but still:

He was astute enough to know no one would care if he threatened to kill Muslims.

Um, no. Threatening to kill Muslims is a lot worse than threatening to kill Jews. The first response in this country to any Muslim atrocity is to protect innocent Muslims. Look at 9/11, if you will. There were a handful of attacks on Muslims in the immediate aftermath (11, IIRC). Those were unwarranted attacks, obviously, but they were also a minuscule fraction of the 9/11 death toll of ca. 3000.

Every time there is a Muslim atrocity, the same tape plays out: Don't hurt innocent Muslims! And the people who say this are entirely right. The innocent ought never be harmed. Unless cynical Hamas officials insist on putting them right on top of legitimate military targets.

The second point to be made is, of course, that if you threaten Jews, you might possibly get locked up, but if you threaten Muslims, you are likely to be killed. Perhaps he wasn't that suicidal.

The other

MadisonMan said...

I'm heartened to read the threat was identified and captured.
Yet I can't help think that many people at Cornell read what he posted and nodded in agreement.

Bunkypotatohead said...

Hamas is probably looking for a few good engineers. He might have a future with them.

Howard said...

Dogma and Pony Show: I disagree about the cry for help not being manifested in violence or threats of violence. Most mass shooters are mentally ill frequently on some cocktail of lizard brain pharma.

I do agree that my point may decontextualize from the influence of antisemitic rhetoric on campuses. That's fair, because many times these mental health violent explosions are triggered by bullying, teasing, etc.

wendybar said...

He IS crazy. He was spouting off Democrat talking points. THAT is crazy in this day and age...It's taking Anti Semitism to open up eyes of this country... What he was saying isn't far off from what he is being taught by leftist professors who hate America.

Tina Trent said...

Asians are statistically overrated not only as mass shooters but as mass shooters with high body counts. So why would anyone here say that he couldn't possibly be a real threat to Jewish students?

The administration at Cornell is several degree worse than at most schools regarding leftist hatreds and enforced DEI. If he is mentally ill, he was certainly being groomed to hate by people who aren't technically mentally ill and are paid with our tax dollars to selectively spread prejudice and virulent resentments.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

He is not just an “engineering student” either. He’s also a grievance studies major. Might that fact have something to do with his mindset?

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