November 19, 2023

Sunrise — 7:02.

IMG_4338 2


MadTownGuy said...

15 arrested in Cumberland County [PA] human trafficking sting

"Fifteen men were arrested as part of a human trafficking operation targeting hotels and commercial establishments posting as massage parlors in Cumberland County.

According to the District Attorney’s office, the 15 men arrested in Operation Impact Demand VI are the most in any of the investigations conducted since 2022.

The men arrested were between the ages of 20 and 74 and from communities across the Midstate, as well as two with out-of-state addresses.

Since these operations began in June 2022, 60 individuals have been arrested.

The recent operation was conducted alongside the Hampden Township Police Department and the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office focusing on a Hampden Township hotel.

“We cannot carry out an operation of the scale of Impact Demand without the partnership of departments like the Hampden Township Police and the Sheriff’s Department,” said District Attorney Seán M. McCormack. “Their efforts and professionalism are greatly appreciated.

Even here in the hinterland these things are going on.

Joe Smith said...

I have been doing the NYT Connections puzzle since AA posted the link (a few days?).

I didn't know about it and only did Wordle.

It is waaaay too easy.

I might stop. It's amusing, but not challenging.

The Crack Emcee said...

Gideon Levy: Does unconditional support for Israel endanger Israeli voices?

The Crack Emcee said...

Gideon Levy: Does unconditional support for Israel endanger Israeli voices?

Big Mike said...

Three cheers for the Polish national football (soccer) team. They were playing the Israeli national team, which had requested one minute of silence before the match, in memory of the Israelis murdered on October 7th. Nothing doing says the Union of European Football Associations. So the Polish team cooperated with the Israelis and the two teams staged their own one minute of silence by standing in their starting positions until a full minute had passed. Well done!

Big Mike said...

Three cheers for the Polish national football (soccer) team. They were playing the Israeli national team, which had requested one minute of silence before the match, in memory of the Israelis murdered on October 7th. Nothing doing says the Union of European Football Associations. So the Polish team cooperated with the Israelis and the two teams staged their own one minute of silence by standing in their starting positions until a full minute had passed. Well done!

Dave Begley said...

Saw Vivek for the fourth time tonight. The single most impressive person I’ve ever met.

It’s like hearing Hamilton, Franklin, Jefferson or Lincoln in their prime.

His wife, the doctor, was with him. They met while he was at Yale Law School and she was in medical school. He was still working on the Street while in law school. He told his wife that Big Pharma was doing it all wrong. He was going to start his own company. She said, “Don’t you think you should work for someone else first?”


He raised the money for Roivant Sciences. Brought five drugs to market. Now he’s a billionaire.

And he has a great plan for when he is elected.

One line referenced Trump indirectly. “We need fresh legs. Others have been hit and wounded by the Swamp.”

Drago said...

And as the sun sets on the latest contrived lefty hoax vs Musk, a hoax which was easily, almost effortlessly, debunked and IT Forensically deconstructed within hours, one wonders what the Althouse lefties/LLR-lef buffoons will do with themselves...besides attending their next pro-islamist supremacist rally I mean.

Joe Smith said...

'It’s like hearing Hamilton, Franklin, Jefferson or Lincoln in their prime.'

I don't know, Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds were pretty goddamn good.

Joe Smith said...

'They met while he was at Yale Law School and she was in medical school.'

Can you even imagine how smart their kids are?

hawkeyedjb said...

On this date 160 years ago Abraham Lincoln delivered the greatest presidential oratory in our nation's history. Read it to understand what a great man can say in two minutes, in 278 words. All other presidential speeches, except perhaps Lincoln's second inaugural, fade in comparison.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Via X Twitter: Max Meyer @mualphaxi · 44m

NYT and WAPO are awful. They can't help themselves, and have to mention Trump in their headlines and subtitles about Javier Milei but *not* the 150% inflation in Argentina.

NYT: "Far Right... conspiracy theories"
WAPO: "Trump-like radical"

NPC journalism

TickTock said...

Go Argentina!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Big if True: "The J6 protest at the Capitol was staged… Paid actors were involved."

Maybe that should say SOME of the protest was staged.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Newly released J6 footage shows police firing into a peacefull crowd.

The intent was probably to provoke the crowd.

That's my take on it. For what it's worth.

Drago said...

Dave Begley: "Saw Vivek for the fourth time tonight. The single most impressive person I’ve ever met."

You should get out more.

gadfly said...

Trump goofed about the Pee Tapes showing him being pissed on by Russian hookers, an apt subject for his appearance at a typical rally in Fort Dodge. That was right after he told a similar tale to Jimmy Kimmell.

I'm just "not into golden showers," he quipped.

“They said it was four hookers," he said. "You think that was good that night to go up and tell my wife: 'It’s not true, darlin'. I love you very much. It’s not true.'"

He didn't tell Melania that he was screwing Stormy Daniels in 2006 while Melania was pregnant with Barron. She was angry in 2016 when the news came out about Stormy and the $130,000 bribe.

Eva Marie said...

Joe Smith says:
“I have been doing the NYT Connections puzzle since AA posted the link (a few days?).
It is waaaay too easy.”
Not for me. I can never figure that one out.
I like to do the Wordle puzzle and then let the Wordlebot analyze my choices - this being typical: “.0000001 readers made the same choice you did and unfortunately today it was a bit unlucky.”
8% of the readers choose adieu as their first guess. Wordlebot always chooses slate as it’s first guess.

rehajm said...

Can you even imagine how smart their kids are?

Though a big chunk is inherited intelligence is mean reverting…

wendybar said...

"“I’ve seen a lot of selflessness. I saw somebody who was willing to shake every single person’s hand that came through the line. I’ve never seen that before,” Judd said.

“He was willing to take a picture with every single person, even though his staff was telling him not to. He was willing to do that.” Judd continued.

“He truly cares about this country. He truly cares about the men and women in law enforcement in the military and he’s shown that every single day.” Judd said."

wendybar said...

Vivek Ramaswamy

I wonder what they’d do if a white Republican intentionally mispronounced Donna’s name & then told her to return “home.” 😂

RACISM: Donna Brazil purposefully mispronounces @VivekGRamaswamy name and publicly called on him to return ‘home’ presumably to India (FWIW Vivek was born in America).

wendybar said...

Contrast Trumps Thanksgiving with the border control with this asshole flirting with a 6 year old girl...

wendybar said...

"One piece of the footage shows a team of five early in the morning of J6 erecting a gallows in view of the National Mall at the foot of the Capitol building. This gallows was highlighted in J6 committee proceedings and by the media as a symbol of the “insurrection.” The FBI has managed to identify and arrest over a thousand J6 participants for what was essentially unintentional trespassing, but for some reason has so far failed to identify any of these five."

wendybar said...

"“You can’t give these sh*t leftards an inch!”… Argentina’s president-elect has zero tolerance for woke left…"

wendybar said...

"From false testimony in Chauvin’s trial to police bodycam footage of Floyd’s arrest that was withheld for two months, to the autopsy report that was altered after the FBI got involved, Collin presents a damning forensic record that needs avenging.

In sworn testimony, prosecutors told of the “insane . . . extreme premium pressure” they were under to throw the book at Chauvin and charge the other cops because “the city was burning down.”

Sweasy claims that Baker also told her that day that “there were no medical findings that showed any injury to the vital structures of Mr. Floyd’s neck. There were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.”

Everyone failed Minneapolis and, ultimately, failed America."

The Crack Emcee said...

Omar Suleiman on Israel and Palestine | Lex Fridman Podcast Clips

Eva Marie said...

Vivek is extraordinary. I don’t think he would be prepared for all the false allegations the Democrat Party would throw at him and his family. I’m not even sure the Donald is prepared - but definitely he is prepared more than anyone else. He has colleagues who went through the fires with him. And his supporters are sure he will stand with them. Not that Ramaswamy wouldn’t - he’s just not as battle tested as Trump is.
Trump 2024

gilbar said...

Serious Question: Will Joe Biden be alive next November?

Leland said...

I watched a YouTube commentary video on some TikTokker. The TikTok was a Bay Area resident making fun at his idea of a conservative that doesn't want to travel to San Francisco as if anybody there wanted the conservatives in the first place. That first video was then spliced together with a later video from that TikTok talking about he just watched 15 people walk-up to a person and nearly beat that person to death on the streets. The YouTube commentary was noting it wasn't a conservative that made the TikTok quit laughing, because they aren't in San Francisco.

tcrosse said...

Sometimes the Connections game in the NYT has really obscure categories that few people would ever get. For instance, one category was the names of WNBA teams.

iowan2 said...

Look ad Gadfly. Busy picking backing powder out to a half eaten apple pie.

Gadfly, tells us what YOU THINK you are accomplishing.

Humperdink said...

gadfly, fresh off his assertion that Trump was convicted of rape, throws more chum in the water.

I know one thing in my short time on this planet gadfly, if I was summarily embarrassed, I would lay low for awhile. Is Mutaman your role model?

Rusty said...

How to say you love Trump without saying you love Trump.

Drago said...

Gadfly regresses all the way back to the hoax pee tape.

There is nothing left.

wendybar said...

Take THAT Susan Sarandon. SIT DOWN.

"Where do you think I came to give birth to my baby in safety and security, without shame? West by God Virginia in the United States of America — where we enjoy equal rights as Muslim AmeriCANs, not AmeriCANTs.

This is a “taste” of life for a Muslim family in America. Please don’t minimize the experience of Jewish Americans by sanitizing the hell that it is for Muslims living in Muslim countries and vilifying America for the life — and freedoms — she offers Muslims like my family.

Go, live like a Muslim woman in a Muslim country. You will come back to America and kiss the land beneath your feet."

MadTownGuy said...

‘New Years’ Nightmare’: IRS Targets Gig Workers, Sends 30 Million New Tax Forms

"The agency is charging new taxes on Americans who make a side income of more than $600 from activities like online selling or freelance work.

A new IRS tax on gig workers would result in additional documentation that will create confusion among individual taxpayers as the agency does not have “centralized leadership” to deal with the expansion, according to a watchdog.

Starting this year, a new IRS rule required that third-party payment networks like PayPal, Venmo, Amazon, and Square issue Form 1099-K when a user receives more than $600 in gross sales from goods and services transactions in a single year. Earlier, the threshold of gross sales was over $20,000.


"For example, some of these taxpayers may not know how to calculate profit or loss and may not understand the information reported on the form. This puts them at risk of inaccurately reporting their incomes to IRS or not meeting their tax obligations.”

The IRS calculated that the new rule would result in 44 million Form 1099-Ks being filed in 2024, which is an increase of roughly 30 million. The tax agency “does not have a plan” to analyze these data to support its enforcement and outreach activities. “This limits its understanding of changes in taxpayer burden,” GAO said.


Commenting on the GAO report, the House Ways and Means Committee criticized Democrats for burdening everyday Americans with the new tax rule.

“Thanks to Democrats, more Americans who mow lawns or sell concert tickets and used couches through Venmo or PayPal will have those transactions scrutinized by the IRS starting in January 2024 thanks to a lower reporting threshold for IRS form 1099-K,” said a Nov. 16 press release from the committee.

Mark said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rusty said...

Democrats don't hate this country. They just hate half the people in it.

Original Mike said...

Mark said..."This comment has been removed by the author."
