Writes Emily Willow, "a board certified psychiatrist, researcher, educator and advocate for psychedelic medicine," in "How psychedelic therapy may help with climate change anxiety/Eco-anxiety and climate grief are unlike other issues in psychiatry because the feelings extend to something greater than ourselves and our personal narrative" (WaPo).
So we've worried our young people into a state of high anxiety and the next stage is to offer them psychedelic drugs.
I'm having a flashback.
I'm hearing ads on the radio in CA that 50% of our children have mental health issues and so we need to increase funding to help them.
How about letting kids be kids instead of trying to make them into adults?
Eco-anxiety is just another part of the CAGW scam.
"I'm having a flashback."
No shit. Next will be the release of "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the [Climate] Bomb"
"Now the rainman gave me two cures
Then he said, “Jump right in”
The one was Texas medicine
The other was just railroad gin
An’ like a fool I mixed them
An’ it strangled up my mind
An’ now people just get uglier
An’ I have no sense of time"
Ms. Willow sounds highly attuned to the most fashionable of middlebrow trends.
seems to work GREAT for pilots TOO!
No other psychiatric issues deal with "feelings extend[ing] to something greater than ourselves and our personal narrative?"
Althouse writes, "I'm having a flashback."
Yep. No matter their chronological age, hippies remain 17 years old -- arrogant, self-righteous, and irreparably credulous of any harebrained excuse to ingest psychotropics. What the fuck are eco-anxiety and climate grief, and what makes them different from garden-variety anxiety and grief, conditions shown to be unaffected or even compounded by LSD seventy years ago? Are West Virginia coal miners made unemployed by stupid decisions made by powerful people victims of eco-anxiety? Somehow, I doubt Mizz Willow has them in mind for her "treatments".
It seems we'll be forced to retread this well-worn path until the last boomer booms his last breath.
This seems like the ideal match to me.
People experiencing "climate grief" are already familiar with psychedelic drugs, they just need journalists to convince insurance companies to pay for it.
Have they tried beer?
It’s interesting that eco- grief is THE thing. I grieve over the splitting up of farms for houses or the swallow of family farms into the glut of the larger ones. The once open meadows overgrown w/brush and the invasion of non-native plants.
Oh, well.
Everything old is new again.
Turn on, tune in, drop out.
The greening of America.
A theory of justice.
To cure climate change anxiety, stop lying about the coming doomsday. Warm client is good, cold climate is bad. Try growing grain if Earth was covered in ice. We're still in an ice age and the climate can still turn colder when the Sun goes quiet. Another sun spot minimum is forecast for the 2030s-2040s.
You know what would really help? Not infecting people with bootless "eco-anxiety" in the first place.
Eco-anxiety and climate grief - they sound like the sad version of the rockin' pneumonia and the boogie woogie flu.
Highlights for the record:
my patient, a young woman in her early 20s approaching college graduation, said that she had been feeling a lack of motivation, but that it felt different from her usual depressive symptoms.
A worrisome climate change report had recently been published, and she felt paralyzed by uncertainty
Many of us are feeling a sense of powerlessness and despair over climate change and its harmful effects... eco-anxiety and climate grief.
Psychedelic therapies may [offer] a reduction of their anxiety symptoms, more acceptance and awareness of their emotions and increased energy and motivation toward environmental activism.
Some of my younger patients are concerned about planning for an uncertain future, including decisions about going to college or whether to have children. Others are feeling heightened anxiety and stress about more profound existential concerns about the fate of the planet and its ecosystems.
Climate mental health covers a broad spectrum... Many people, including some of my patients, feel anxious and powerless from a displaced emphasis on personal responsibility and action
Psychedelic medicine-assisted therapy also can support a patient ... with eco-anxiety and climate grief. In a study published in 2019, people who had a single experience with psychedelics (mostly psilocybin) were more likely to report feeling a relatedness or connection with nature.... a sense of a larger living process can help us remember the preciousness and impermanence of this life and our planet.
In my clinical practice, patients ... have experienced breakthroughs and new insights when working with the intention of navigating eco-anxiety. Many patients said they felt connected to a sense of oceanic oneness
Psychedelic therapies help patients discover and address the root cause of their mental health issue through time-limited, medicine-assisted sessions couched in psychotherapy.
It’s important to note that psychedelic therapies are not for everyone. ... If you’re interested..., check with your doctor to determine if they are an appropriate option... You can use this directory to find a psychedelics-knowledgeable mental health expert or find resources on the Climate Mental Health Network.
[Conclusion: so hire me, take this drug, forget about your own life and start protesting giant corporations. Then you will find happiness in that oceanic oneness with the other depressives.]
So we've worried our young people into a state of high anxiety and the next stage is to offer them psychedelic drugs.
You have to create your market before you can sell your product to it.
So now they can worry about the carbon footprint of their bad trip.
"So we've worried our young people into a state of high anxiety and the next stage is to offer them psychedelic drugs."
Message to all young people suffering "climate anxiety" or some such nonsense: Score some Owsley, drop 250 mics with your friends in the mountains or at the beach, and enjoy the satori of having been a fool. And when you're coming down, listen to Mr. Tambourine Man:
And take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind
Down the foggy ruins of time
Far past the frozen leaves
The haunted frightened trees
Out to the windy beach
Far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow
Yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky
With one hand waving free
Silhouetted by the sea
Circled by the circus sands
With all memory and fate
Driven deep beneath the waves
Let me forget about today until tomorrow
You'll never be the same.
Psychedelic medicine-assisted therapy also can support a patient in exploring the enormous and complex feelings associated with eco-anxiety and climate grief....
Translation: makes the patient susceptible to programming.
You have to create your market before you can sell your product to it.
For some reason, this made me think of contraception. Wasn't it first offered only to married women? Am I misremembering? Certainly I would imagine that until you got the single gals to embrace the zipless f*ck, you were limiting your market significantly.
It seems we'll be forced to retread this well-worn path until the last boomer booms his last breath.
I know a number of younger people. You're underestimating the volume of hallucinogens they use.
Mike of Snoqualmie:
You know what would really help? Not infecting people with bootless "eco-anxiety" in the first place.
tim maguire:
You have to create your market ...
Just like all the other natural drugs, there is no need to "create" a market, only supply it.
This is especially true with pot and 'shrooms as both can be easily grown on your own.
The mental health problems don't have anything to do with global warming exaggeration. Previous generations had much more to worry about like the prospect of a nuclear Holocaust the threats of a population bomb we had rivers on fire in every big city was choking with pollution and violence. Political leaders were being assassinated and wild protests and violent clashes with police were common.
The difference now is people isolate themselves in a virtual world connecting remotely via social media. It's the lack of everyday human contact being part of a team being physically active and being out in nature that is the cause of modern mental malaise.
Carl Jung predicted all of this over 100 years ago.
“[Conclusion: so hire me, take this drug, forget about your own life and start protesting giant corporations. Then you will find happiness in that oceanic oneness with the other depressives.]”
I read something the other day, that underneath the push by the left for wide open borders, was not really a nefarious plot to turn the electorate Blue, but rather to hire more teachers, social workers, etc, who ultimately end up as strong Dem party adherents and supporters. And, here, much the same, as a good friend often reminds me: “follows the money”.
Here, the hard left schools, followed by the hard left colleges and universities, inoculate these kids into eco nonsense panic. And regular psychiatric counseling (no doubt, provided by government funded leftist professionals) isn’t doing the job, so maybe try government funded psychedelics next.
Last I knew, psychedelics were still illegal, except maybe for some long established Native American religious rites. My experience and understanding is that psychedelics are mostly dangerous to those who don’t have their heads screwed on straight. Which covers most of those eco panicking. (As well as AntiFA, much of the trans community, etc). Doesn’t sound very safe to me.
Some people really are too stupid to live. Maybe the Euthanasia Movement is onto something.
Shrinks are desperate because nothing else is working, and shrinkery is our only frame of reference now.
Many patients said they felt connected to a sense of oceanic oneness, reminding them of the meaningful interconnectedness of their lives with others and offering context for their personal narrative....
Did someone actually write that with a perfectly straight face?
Far out, man, far fking out.
Eco-anxiety and climate grief - probably worse than the heartbreak of psoriasis.
Particularly since they only exist in the heads of leftist loons.
Far out, man.
Far out, man
Eco-anxiety should be treated like any other phobia. I suppose the grief-counseling model works too, but it acknowledges the phobia, as if it's reasonable thing to be afraid of, which seems wrong, somehow.
The 7 stages of grief will work: Those of us with some understanding of the natural world plus economics, will be done at stage 1. Denial. Others might, most profitably, skip to step 7. Acceptance.
"Ecoanxiety" and psychedelic drugs seem a natural combination. Keeping you crazy helps with the climate hysteria.
My only bad trip was on weed, but I can't believe psychedelics would be safe for someone already on the edge...I guess I just don't know.
Now opium, tharsy something I could get behind. Screw the "therapy" part.
Let me post a link to a story that is both endlessly entertaining and a metaphor for the times. When listening to what I have labeled The funniest story on the internet below, please regard psychedelics as literal "dynamite for the mind."
I'll give you the moral of the story first. Before you hand over the psychedelics, make sure you KNOW what they are going to be used for, and carefully evaluate the wisdom of that explanation BEFORE you hand over the "dynamite." This is easier to understand on first hearing for those fluent in Texan.
This will take twelve minutes you'll never get back. Keep in mind your opportunity cost.
The funniest story on the internet
Writes Emily Willow, "a board certified psychiatrist, researcher, educator and advocate for psychedelic medicine,"
Aw geeze.
Something tells me this is going to be a tough psychedelic pill for climate obsessed lefties to swallow.
Didn't an airline pilot on these psychedelics just attempt to crash the plane? Was he part of the Climate problem, or the solution?
The Regressives (TM) are indoctrinating our children about climate change. Most Magic Mushroom species grow in sub-tropical areas. If climate change is truly and entirely caused by humans (ignoring the fact that climate change has gone back and forth over our planet’s history long before humans appeared as well as the fact the Sun warms and cools, affecting the Earth’s temperature), then the northern United States and Canada will become hotbeds of ‘shroom farming. Between marijuana growing and ‘shroom farming, everyone can get stoned from their own gardens in North America. I would think this would be a “win-win” situation for Regressives(TM)!
The bowl of candy is children's minds. The trick or treaters are the medical/mental health profession. The people who left the bowl unsupervised are their parents.
Judging by Kai Akker's synopsis of the article it would appear the one thing all the neurotics she treats have in common is the same incompetent shrink. First treatment step for these ignorant snowflakes should be skipping the shrink visits and spending the money thus saved on courses in logic, probability, stochastic modeling and risk assessment. Second thing would be quit reading the Washington Post. Were her "patients" to do those two things they should come to the realization that the whole "climate crisis" is about as rational as is their assuming the responsibility to solve imaginary world problems. Alternatively, they might try taking psychedelics, curling up in a ball and crying. That would also have about the same effect on the climate as anything else they can do.
“board certified”. As long as the board certifies it, it must be OK.
Get ‘em off the “kale n’ grub” diet and things may improve.
“Alright, alright, alright, alright yeah
Chicago Green, talkin' 'bout Red Lebanese
A dirty room and a silver coke spoon
Give me my release, come on
Black Nepalese, it got you weak in your knees
Sneeze some dust that you got buzzed on
You know it's hard to believe
Thirty days in the hole
Thirty days in the hole
Thirty days in the hole
That's what they give you
Thirty days in the hole
Newcastle Brown, I'm tellin' ya, it can sure smack you down
Take a greasy whore and a rollin' dance floor
It's got your head spinnin' round
If you live on the road, well there's a new highway code
You take the urban noise with some dirt with poison
It's gonna lessen your load”
As I've said before, I was at New College in Sarasota when Rick Doblin, Dr. Smiley, Richard Dreyfus and Timothy Leary were "conducting research on psychedelics to allegedly "address trauma.". And have incontinent orgies.
Except for Rick, who is a surprisingly polite person, they were sexually predatory, and the "research" was basically handing out drugs to undergrads and leaving damp three question surveys about whether the experience had improved their lives scattered around the school.
Many young adults either had a meaningless fun time, or ended up in mental institutions, or just disappeared. Some went temporarily blind (they were fucking with the chemical structure of the MDMA). One guy "accidentally" blew his roommate's head off.
For this, Rick went to the Kennedy School of Government. Of course. MAPS, their current organization, is wealthy and taking over a lot of psychology and VA treatment programs.
I don't give a damn if a dying cancer patient wants to experiment with any drug. But such "research" is not real. You can't do a double blind on psychedelics or MDMA. Older patients will likely find the experience disturbing, unless they smoked a lot of pot. Maybe. It's all New Age bullshit. But my point is that the Pentagon and most elite universities are conducting entirely fake "research" not really to help people but to legalize another class of hard drugs. With our tax dollars.
Fuck academia. Salt the bloody earth with it. And good on Governor Desantis for cracking down on New College. These professors work for the taxpayers, and that's one lesson they damn well need to learn.
Howard: what's a good cite for what Jung wrote on this? I'm interested.
WaPo promulgated psychosis and published solution.
"So we've worried our young people into a state of high anxiety …" (emphasis added)
I'd just like to point out that I had no hand in this. Seriously, what the left has done here is appalling and I accept not even a fraction of the blame.
Enormous. Complex. A dietary restriction of WaPo and psychiatric toxins for a healthy state.
`Many patients said they felt connected to a sense of oceanic oneness, reminding them of the meaningful interconnectedness of their lives with others and offering context for their personal narrative....
I get that from eating bacon.
From the quoted material, it sounds like she's dipped into her own supply.
Eco-anxiety and climate grief? Good grief!
I don't think ingesting a hallucinogen will help. It was my experience, while totally not under any influence, to see someone under the influence of a hallucinogen standing at the kitchen sink (insanely) squeezing a dish rag with both hands. When I asked what he was doing, he replied, "I'm strangling this chicken."
This so-called professional should be kept away from any living beings. What have we come to? Not that this person exists because stupidity and ignorance are present throughout history but that someone licensed this woman, that she underwent some sort of analysis during her residency and was still permitted to graduate, and that WaPo sees fit to publish this nonsense. This is the height of stupidity or hucksterism at its best.
Calling Jeff Bezos. Put a stop to this stupidity. It will doom mankind.
Isn't this cultural appropriation from native peoples?
I don't think that's going to be acceptable, no matter how many kids it would help.
“ The bowl of candy is children's minds. The trick or treaters are the medical/mental health profession. The people who left the bowl unsupervised are their parents.”
“Eco-anxiety” and “climate-grief”? What a bunch of mopes! We have created a society with a number of people who apparently are too fragile to live.
They pretend to pay us and we pretend to work. This is a variant. They pretend to be sick and we pretend to cure them.
Take enough LSD and you might believe that climate disaster codswallop.
@ Steve We
That could be a little disturbing, but I've heard worse stories about the antics of intoxicated chicken chokers.
Sounds white people cultish..
"I know a number of younger people. You're underestimating the volume of hallucinogens they use."
I get my microdoses from a 30-year-old who's a real evangelical for them.
I grew up in Pasadena, CA. when cars had no smog controls. We lived in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains, about 2-miles from them. Some days, Hertz-rent-a-mountain would recall the mountains for maintenance and the mountains would be invisible through the smog. The smog was nearly an ever present phenomena, and only days with a Santa Ana wind or after rain would be clear. Now, the skies are mostly clear, but I've also experienced smog that could be cut with a knife.
"Climate grief." Given what is going on in the world and the current state of the evidence, it takes a brainwashed nut to be obsessed with climate change.
So the solution to an insane fear of a complete hoax is to drug the young into the same mental functioning as Joe Biden. What a crazy chaos our rulers have planned out for our grandchildren to live through.
mezzrow, thanks for the YouTube link - not only is it a useful Texas dialog exercise, and not only is it indeed a metaphor for our times, but it was hilarious!
"eco-anxiety and climate grief"
Sung to the tune of "rockin' pneumonia and the boogie-woogie flu".
A friend on Instagram posted from Lincoln Illinois recently photos of a roughly 150 year old complex that had around the turn of the last century been known as the "Lincoln Home for Feeble-Minded Children".
I think we need to reopen places like that. Under the original names, as above.
Feeble-minded children, indeed. JFC.
"How psychedelic therapy may help with climate change anxiety..."
Or you could just stop watching the news. Just sayin'.
Hi Tina, it's just what I remember from a sophomore year psych class. I did a quick Google and found this.
Also Tina: what I like about Jordan Peterson is he's a big follower of Jung, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky. Google his lectures with those names on YouTube. Pure gold
Treating anxiety with meds. This sounds pretty normal now.
I have heard granola enemas are very effective at reducing climate anxiety.
Pass it on.
So we've worried our young people into a state of high anxiety and the next stage is to offer them psychedelic drugs.
Much like 'we elected Obama', I don't consider myself in the green slice of that Venn diagram.
"And have incontinent orgies. [emphasis added]"
Is there any other kind?
I'm getting the munchies. 'Scuse me while I fire up the grill.
Treating anxiety with meds. This sounds pretty normal now.
Sadly true. Treating anxiety with controlled meds and talk therapy such as CBT, on the down swing, to the detriment of patients.
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