That's Oliver Stone, from a discussion with Bill Maher. Full video and transcript here, at Real Clear Politics. Clip:
November 24, 2023
"I mean, do you know for a fact that [Trump] lost? I'm just curious," said Oliver Stone. "I just don't know all of the facts."
"I'm just asking you, I'm not an expert on the election.... I'm not a political junkie. You are.... Well, I don't know the facts.... I can't take Biden's word for it on anything.... Joe [Biden] got so many got so many votes. You know, that was what was shocking, that he did so well compared to what he was expected to do.... We believed all the East Coast media elite that he was going to fail and boom, yes, they were wrong. We would love to see them being wrong, don't we? The media elite?
They went too far in hating and in dumping on Trump. And people don't like that in America.... People don't like dumping. They did it too much.... I think a lot of people liked him because he got dumped on so, so much...."
Bill Maher does his obedient share of dumping on Trump.
Many of us think Biden lost and they all cheated. That the media industrial complex and Biden's corrupt DOJ and FBI - force everyone to say "Biden won!" or be called "election denier: - is a big clue how sensitive the corrupt left are to their cheating.
Of course the punishment thrown at Trump is all for Hillary - the 2nd most corrupt of all.
Speaking of Biden as useless self-absorbed fake president.. American hostages are still being held by the Hamas-Nazis - and Biden is useless to do anything. All of his lackeys are useless, too. (well - until the obedient media(D) conjure up a headline for spin)
Also - The Squad leftist Hamas-supporting ladies of the Squad should all agree to swap out some of the hostages. They too can become FREEDOM FIGHTERS. Good luck with the Islamic men on meth, gals. But go grrls go.
When people are trying to help but fail, I always think of the scene in "The Birdcage" when they're removing all the gay art in the men's apartment and someone brings in a giant cross. "Don't add. Subtract."
Oliver Stone arguing for anything I believe is like adding a giant cross.
"We believed all the East Coast media elite that he was going to fail and boom, yes, the were wrong. We would love to see them being wrong, don't we? The media elite? They went too far in hating and in dumping on Trump. And people don't like that in America."
From a raw prediction standpoint, beating the "media elite" is like beating a dog at checkers. It's super obvious these people are dumber than a bag of hammers, so let's be honest here.
You have a much higher tolerance for Bill Maher than I do. He's like Jack Benny, on bad drugs, but I don't know if he or I have taken them.
Mind Crime.
Mind Crime.
Guards... seize him.
Ivermectin is not a money maker for drug companies or Fauci.
So the leftist hivemind brown-shirts followed orders and mocked it. Universally.
Same with the FDA - the FDA mocked and ridiculed Ivermectin. "Horse pill" was their go-to hivemind "mock."
If Ollie is questioning the election, I feel forced to surrender all doubts about it.
Joe Biden got so many got so many ‘votes’…
What is a vote? is a conversation the nation should be having but most certainly most certainly won’t. I think next year could be our darkest year…
Yes, he lost. The margin was too big in too many places. But there were definitely shenanigans, Chicago votes, votes lost and found, that generally favored Biden.
For the last three years, we should have been working on reforms to ensure that votes cast equal votes reported, as our hostess has suggested. But we haven't.
A special anti-kudos to the supposedly responsible media, who have treated "election integrity" like wars in the Congo, nothing to worry our pretty little heads about.
"Speaking of Biden as useless self-absorbed fake president.. American hostages are still being held by the Hamas-Nazis - and Biden is useless to do anything."
What miraculous hocus-pocus do think Biden can exert to miraculously extract the American hostages safely from the hands of Hamas? The world is not a tv show or comic book.
Oliver Stone: "I don't know all the facts."
Mahr: "Well I do."
Mahr in a nutshell.
Bill Maher took Ivermectin? I must have missed that before.
I still go to the polling place and cast my vote.
How quaint!
"If Ollie is questioning the election, I feel forced to surrender all doubts about it."
Why? He's only questioning it. He's not making any assertion that he believes it was rigged. That is a prudent position to take. I, for one, have never asserted the 2020 election couldn't have been rigged, only that no substantial evidence has so far been presented, despite all the full-throated assertions that it had been. Where's there's no smoke, there is probably no fire. Therefore, I remain unconvinced the election was rigged.
Trump was canny, and he planted the seeds of doubt prior to the election, stating that he could only lose if the vote was stolen. This was really Trump trying to innoculate himself--his ego--from the humiliation (in his mind) if he did lose the election. It also prepared his constituents to immediately take up his claim of "FAKE," as he knew it would, sowing persistent doubt and creating what has now been three years of severe and seemingly incurable polarization in the nation.
There are many, today, who wish Biden had lost. It is blatantly obvious that we are in no way better off than we were three years ago. One question is: does the "Biden family business" reveal have legs? Beginning to look that way. I find it hard to believe that Biden will actually be the Democratic candidate next fall. Senility has a geometric progression. I am doubtful that Biden will be able to string a sentence together by September. I don't think that Newsom is a viable candidate, Harris certainly isn't. Who else is there?
The problem with 2020 is, as is so often the case in politics, not what's illegal, but what's legal. Ballot harvesting provides an enterprising fixer with an almost untraceable way to manufacture an almost unlimited number of votes.
Proving it is extremely burdensome and the courts made sure nobody got the chance to try.
Reminds me of what someone said about Trump and black voters--if anyone recognizes railroading in the American justice system, it's they.
I'm no fan of either guy, but they are both influencers to many and anything counter to the Narrative should be welcomed by those who don't want a repeat of 2020.
The guy who directed “JFK” is not a political junky?
If Democrats were confident that Biden had won fair and square, they would be encouraging investigations of the election.
Cook - Trust everyone - our expectations are low. biden is no Reagan.
This illustrates how election denialism works for the Left. They shift the focus away from their failed ideas, and make Trump the center of attention. Denialism also sets the table for election denialism coming from them.
tim maguire @ 9:28am,
It's definitely both.
"Cook - Trust everyone - our expectations are low. biden is no Reagan."
I don't know what you mean.
In five key counties scattered across the nation the Republican observers were sent out of the counting area via a subterfuge, following which counting resumed without observers. All Maher has to do is prove that all legal ballots and only legal ballots were counted after they succeeded in getting rid of the people who were there to assure an honest election.
I don’t think he can do it.
“Yes, he lost. The margin was too big in too many places. But there were definitely shenanigans, Chicago votes, votes lost and found, that generally favored Biden.”
Sorry. But the election was lost in 5-6 swing states, the margins were very tight (probably under a half million votes), and the shenanigans were very visible. That’s where they shut down counting at the same time in those big cities, threw out the Republican election judges, started counting again, at those locations, and significant evidence was shown that they carted in carts of ballots, counted them, and recounted others, etc.
I used to think there was no way Trump won, he was crazy, etc. I no longer think that. Mostly due to things that came out in the John Eastman disbarment trial (covered extensively by Rachel Alexander), and the true but little-known fact that there are still new rulings coming out regarding the Dominion voting machines in Georgia. So I'm not so sure anymore.
Let's assume the 2020 election was 100% fair, above board, and there was absolutely no cheating involved. Why on earth did the people controlling the election process go so far out of the way to make it appear the exact opposite?
I agree that we should have been spending the last three years fixing that. Heck we should have been spending the last three DECADES.
I read somewhere the Florida was so embarrassed by the 2000 debacle that they made it impossible to have that happen again. If it takes single day voting, restrictions on absentee voting, and individual paper ballots, well, lets do it!
I recall that some weeks after the 2020 election Althouse published a post where she argued that “for the sake of our democracy” the losing side should accept the results of the election, even if we strongly suspect (or flat out know) that it was stolen. In fairness to her, this was before the phrase “our democracy” became a code word for “all elected officials must be Democrats.”
Right now I argue that the disastrous presidency of Joe Biden makes the case that the losing side should be able to challenge the results. In my adult lifetime I’ve lived through the presidencies of Lyndon Johnson, Jimmy Carter, and now Joe Biden. I’m sure that Carter and Biden join James Buchanan as the three worst of all time, and for his conduct of the the Vietnam War alone he has to rank in the bottom ten, probably in the bottom five.
So, no Madame Professor. For the sake of true democracy “and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity …” then elections must be challengeable, auditable, and trusted.
If I could, I would post a gif of a butter churn in action to respond to Stone.
S-T-O-N-E. Oliver Stone.
@ Robert Cook: Trump created "what has now been three years of severe and seemingly incurable polarization in the nation"? And what do you call the period between 2016 and 2020?
"For the last three years, we should have been working on reforms to ensure that votes cast equal votes reported, as our hostess has suggested. But we haven't."
My general response to those who assert that anyone who questions the integrity of the election is a "denier" is to note that there are roughly 50 Million people (at a minimum) who subscribe to the "conspiracy" that the voting and vote counting processes were and are untrustworthy. A constituency larger than the entire African-American population of the United States.
Whether you believe those people are wrong or not, our political leaders, including Congress and the press, have a responsibility to publicly address this concern. Why has there not been a "Blue-Ribbon Commission" and/or highly-publicized Congressional hearings to either prove that the system is sound, or to address and reform the issues? (It's a rhetorical question).
The general response is either a mumbled "well maybe you have a point" or "why reward the whackos", depending upon how susceptible the person is to reasoned discussion.
Maher claims to know all the facts, but still tries to pass off that bullshit about "60 courts" having thrown out the 2020 election cases.
Of course almost all those threw out the cases based on lack of standing, lack of jurisdiction or the like, and NOT "on the merits"., Bill, you're just as ill-informed and biased as you claim others to be.
The problem with 2020 is, as is so often the case in politics, not what's illegal, but what's legal. Ballot harvesting provides an enterprising fixer with an almost untraceable way to manufacture an almost unlimited number of votes.
That is the whole point of having the Dominion machines. They are not meant to count the votes any faster or more efficiently than the simple optical scanner that tabulated the fill-in-the-bubble paper ballots we used in the 80's and 90's. Indeed, everything about counting the vote has become more lengthy and opaque and unverifiable since they were introduced
The only real purpose of the new voting machines is to keep a running real-time tally of which registered voter has already cast a ballot. Until the polls close on Election Day, this information can be used for legitimate get-out-the-vote efforts. But the real value and purpose is to provide a fine-grained estimate of how many ballots will need to be forged by Democratic Party fixers for the 3 AM ballot dumps, and exactly whose information can be used to forge them in such a way that they will not raise any red flags in the Kabuki performances that pass for recounts these days.
For a long time there have been phantom "voters" who are registered to every vacant lot and burned-out crack house in every swing-state big city controlled by the Democratic Party, sometimes numbering in the hundreds per property. These rotten-borough precincts, populated mostly by 80-IQ wards of the state who have not held gainful employment for the past 4 generations, magically turn out to "vote" at participation rates that shame the prosperous suburbs of Utah and elite professional-class bedroom communities of Massachusetts. In elections past, the number of votes in these precincts sometimes exceeded 100% of registered voters, or even the Census estimates of adult population in those localities. But even this level of fraud was approaching the point of diminishing returns, and not enough to keep the Democrats from losing close elections like Bush v. Gore in 2000.
How much more devious and sustainable it would be, to figure out a way to undetectably forge ballots from actual living voters who had not bothered to cast an actual legitimate vote! That has been the #1 priority of the Democrat fixers and financiers for the past two decades, and surely lies at the heart of the Secretary of State Project funded by George Soros. I also think that CIA and/or FBI involvement is close to a certainty. Now that capability is fully operational, and was used to great effect in 2020 and probably a number of elections before and since.
This fraud is unacceptable. We need major electoral reform, or this government is going to lose the "Mandate of Heaven", especially in the event of debt default, hyperinflation, governmental collapse, and/or civil war.
Oliver Stone — Once a nut, always a nut.
There was no fraud. Lets move on. Hurry.
and the seals clapped
Inversion of the Truth is the Case...
What Michael K Said
The technology employed in 2000 Mules was also used to prosecute Jan 6ers. Yet 2000 Mules was "debunked". If you haven't seen, it you should.
"Why? He's only questioning it. He's not making any assertion that he believes it was rigged. That is a prudent position to take."
Cook, I'm stunned that Blogger has not yet installed a bright red banner on Ann's post asserting 'proof' that Biden won the 2020 election 'fair and square' and that ANY doubts are an indication of 'wrong-think' and a product of conspiracy theories.
wish the left would be honest.
"We democrats got the outcome we wanted - and we do not care if it smelled bad."
We ignore the counting that went on after everyone was sent home. We ignore all the mathematically impossible statistical jumps in Biden's after hours vote totals. We ignore that some states got their vote count done on time - and the states where Biden's needed a win took weeks to "count"!
We ignore the 3AM drop boxes that look mighty suspicious. We ignore the same-day voter registration that cannot be verified - and is given the green light. We ignore that signature verification is open to easy fraud....
no honesty.. They like all that stuff.
How do we know 2020 was fixed? Here's a clue, Pennsylvania Courts refused to look at any and all evidence. The Commie-Pinko lefty media then shouted from the rooftops: "See no evidence!!!!".
Someone's found some behind-the-scenes footage of Alexandria Pelosi that kind of explains her film 'The Insurrectionist Next Door.'
My impression is that elections are mostly in the hands of democrat partisans. The fact that I’ve never seen a study confirming my hunch tells me there’s an almost certainty that my hunch is indeed correct.
If republicans were mostly in charge we would heck sure know all about it.
@Robert Cook: Why? He's only questioning it. He's not making any assertion that he believes it was rigged. That is a prudent position to take. I, for one, have never asserted the 2020 election couldn't have been rigged, only that no substantial evidence has so far been presented, despite all the full-throated assertions that it had been. Where's there's no smoke, there is probably no fire. Therefore, I remain unconvinced the election was rigged.
That's a prudent response, unlike the NYT, which has a macro that spits out "Trumps lies about the election."
IIRC, Trump's campaign filed 88 different lawsuits regarding the election. Of the 88, 86 were dismissed due to ripeness, standing, or mootness. Because they were dismissed, there was never any discovery. Additionally, given the secret ballot, it would be extremely hard to prove many of the charges, or for that matter, do disprove them. Agnosticism is the appropriate stance. (The other two found states guilty of violating their own election laws or constitutions.)
What I have never seen anywhere is a list of the various court cases, the evidence for them, and the evidence against.
Of course, there are other ways to rig an election. For just one instance, by intelligence officials calling Hunter's laptop Russian disinformation. I think it is well within the realm of reason to suspect that had the mass media not acted as an arm of the DNC (providing untold Contributions in Kind), the election's outcome might well have been very different.
When information is lob-sided, ans political news is, absence of critical information can, imho, be inferred to be negative of those manipulating it.
You know what else was missing in the aftermath of 2020. I didn’t come across any election post-morten pundit roundtables.
"Yes, he lost. The margin was too big in too many places."
Bullshit. The election was stolen by the corrupt vermin who run big blue cities in big red states. In most cases, that means blacks stole it from whites. Electoral reparations. In AZ, it was a little more complicated.
Free elections no longer exist in States where Soros paid soldiers run the Secretaries of State and the District Attorneys.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Those are the same criminals that refuse to enforce laws against riots , shop lifting and car jacking. Why would they enforce real vote counts ???
I see a future Oliver Stone screenplay-production in the making….
All Democrats and aligned mediaswine know Trump lost. Silly question, Oliver. /S
The courts, including SCOTUS, made it very clear in 2020 that they are not going to be the ones deciding elections. And rightly so. The 2000 election left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. 2020 was their way of saying "Not our job. You guys figure it out." And they sure aren't going to be the go to guys in '24.
The RNC should have been working hard to correct things, but to my knowledge not much has been done. The Dem party ain't stupid. They know they can't get away with it now.
“@ Robert Cook: Trump created "what has now been three years of severe and seemingly incurable polarization in the nation"? And what do you call the period between 2016 and 2020?”
That’s Cook’s “Lengthy Nap”.
"Right now I argue that the disastrous presidency of Joe Biden...."
Has it been disastrous?
"@ Robert Cook: Trump created 'what has now been three years of severe and seemingly incurable polarization in the nation"? And what do you call the period between 2016 and 2020?'"
Yes, you're right, of course. Trump created incurable polarization in those four years, as well. I was thinking of the persistence of that polarization even three years after the end of his term.
All the reasons for debunking the fraud claims boiled down to conservatives not wanting to rock the boat. Sixty court cases that were never heard because of standing issues. Bill Barr never said there was no fraud only that the fraud was not determinative.
For the political establishment the question came down to what's more destructive to the nation? Biden or the tumult and tarnish of admitting our elections are not fair and honest? Clearly, allowing Biden to take the win was preferable, especially since he has not upset the political establishment, AKA the swamp.
The evidence of fake ballots, etc., the testimony on unfair ballot counting, has been destroyed and there is no way of knowing how determinative the fraud was. That's what Bill Maher should have said. Meanwhile voting rolls have not been cleaned up, vote harvesting and unsecured drop boxes are still a problem. IIRC, Zuckerbucks are still legal. Zuckerbucks 101: How A Media Mogul Took Over The 2020 Election And Why GOP Leaders Must Never Let It Happen Again
I'm deeply disappointed in what happened the last time and worried what will happen if we don't improve our election integrity by 2024.
"Oliver Stone — Once a nut, always a nut."
What makes you think Stone has ever been a nut, much less "always?"
If Trump lost by one or two states, the cheating thing would have more basis. But he lost the "Blue Wall" states he won last time, and two Red States, one of which he lost due to not shutting up about John McCain after he died.
"Joe [Biden] got so many got so many votes."
"Marked ballots" and "votes" are not the same thing. And since some of those marked ballots were counted more than once, Joe didn't get the number of votes reported even if you equate "votes" with "marked ballots". Just about everybody knows this by now- why else do the Democrats fight tooth and nail any effort to audit the counts or make the process more secure? If you're sure Joe won, you shouldn't have any problem responding to inquiries with something other than "Joe won- shut up." Right?
In 2023 you are not allowed to not know something.
Knowing one way or another is how they determine friend from deplorable.
Having worked on various campaigns over forty years, there are always “voting irregularities”. Some are more significant than others, and it takes a cadre of active poll watchers to ensure problems get corrected as quickly as possible. Were there irregularities in the last Presidential election? Sure. Did they make a difference in various states? That’s what’s hard to know.
Robert Cook said...
" I, for one, have never asserted the 2020 election couldn't have been rigged, only that no substantial evidence has so far been presented, ".
The Know Nothings are not real big on "substantial evidence"
Robert Cook said...
" What makes you think Stone has ever been a nut, much less "always?"
Have you ever seen "JFK"?
Also: “He (Truman)was bullied by other boys who called him ‘Four Eyes’ and ‘sissy’ and chased him home after school,” Stone narrates. “When he arrived home, trembling, his mother would comfort him by telling him not to worry because he was meant to be a girl anyway.” This, the series implies, might explain why Truman dropped atomic bombs on Japan — not to end the war but to flex his muscles and intimidate Stalin, as he himself had been intimidated as a boy."
Nuff said.
The Know Nothings are not real big on "substantial evidence"
Yeah. Shutting down five swing states at the same time - sending people home - and then resuming the count only to have Biden miraculously ahead three hours later was our fucking imagination.
Trump was up 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania when they shut it down. I must've imagined that, too.
Dems and suck up media were quick to borrow "The big lie" phrase to very earnestly consider the issue.
"Blogger Robert Cook said...
"Right now I argue that the disastrous presidency of Joe Biden...."
Has it been disastrous?"
Been to the grocery store lately?
Robert Cook said...
"Right now I argue that the disastrous presidency of Joe Biden...."
Has it been disastrous?
11/24/23, 3:03 PM
Absolutely, and if you can't see it YOU are blind.
The Know Nothings are not real big on "substantial evidence"
11/24/23, 7:00 PM
Like Hunters laptop and the Know Nothings who claimed it was Russian Disinformation??
Robert Cook said...
"Right now I argue that the disastrous presidency of Joe Biden...."
Has it been disastrous?"
Federal Debt Increased $2.45 Trillion Since Thanksgiving 2022 — $7,304 For Every Person In US
Daily Caller
Seriously asking, has anyone seen a clear answer to this question regarding the 2020 election: How usual/unusual is the fact that the operation tallying the votes on Election Night were shut down in the four major swing-state, Democrat-controlled cities?
If that's an unusual feature, then it would be an amazing coincidence. But maybe it's more common. I've never seen a clear explanation of this phenomenon.
I live in Philadelphia and have had some experience (not extensive) in monitoring the election process here when I was an assistant district attorney. Calls come flooding in every election day with complaints of all kinds of rule violations going on at the polls---so it's not like humans are above trying to monkey with the process.
"Federal Debt Increased $2.45 Trillion Since Thanksgiving 2022 — $7,304 For Every Person In US"
We're not the end of Biden's term yet, but it seems Trump oversaw US Federal debt growth significantly greater than Biden's (as of Sept. 2023).
"'Has it been disastrous?'
"Absolutely, and if you can't see it YOU are blind."
By what metrics? What, specifically has been disastrous under Biden, especially as compared with Trump?
Afte all his bullshit about the CIA & right wingers killing JFK when it was a commie, he can take a seat.
Of course the election was stolen. I used to be an agnostic about it, but no longer.
Ronna & the GOPe did nothing. Doesn't matter who wins the Republican nomination.
They will steal it again.
"'What makes you think Stone has ever been a nut, much less "always?"'
"Have you ever seen 'JFK?'"
"Also: 'He (Truman)was bullied by other boys who called him "Four Eyes" and "sissy" and chased him home after school,' Stone narrates. 'When he arrived home, trembling, his mother would comfort him by telling him not to worry because he was meant to be a girl anyway.' This, the series implies, might explain why Truman dropped atomic bombs on Japan — not to end the war but to flex his muscles and intimidate Stalin, as he himself had been intimidated as a boy.
"Nuff said."
No, not "nuff said." You say the series,* might be implying that Truman dropped the bombs as overcompensation for having been bullied as a boy. Is this stated or implied explicitly, or are you just drawing that conclusion?
If the the information about Truman's childhood is accurate, it is, at the least, interesting. And, it may also be a clue to his later actions and choices as an adult, not least while the President. We all, after all, are to greater and lesser degrees products of our life experiences, particularly those in our childhoods. I don't have enough information to know whether or not Truman's boyhood traumas influenced his decision to drop the bombs, or even if Stone and Kuznick, (his co-author of the book) mean to say or suggest, categorically, that this drove Truman's decision. Even if this is Stone's belief, one he intended to be communicated to viewers, it is not sufficient to mark Stone as "a nut." It is a conjecture, not even necessarily one meant to explain Truman's motive for dropping the bombs, but just one part of many factors and experiences that made Truman into the man he became, influencing his overall attitudes, temperament, actions and decisions throughout his life.
One can disagree with Stone in some, most, or all of his statements, beliefs, and works, but this, certainly, does not suffice to prove he is a nut.
Stone made Jim Garrison a hero. In reality he was a dangerous conspiracy theorist who abused his power shamelessly.
"By what metrics? What, specifically has been disastrous under Biden, especially as compared with Trump?"
I'm not going to waste my time with a long answer listing everything, just hit the highlights. The southern border is a disaster, crime is out of control (concrete examples are how many Dem politicians have had their cars carjacked and how many inner city drugstores can't even have their products on open shelves), our cities are becoming unlivable (evidenced by cratering commercial property values), inflation, the federal budget deficit, the Afghanistan withdrawal, the deterioration of our power grid, …
The list goes on.
For Robert: Washington DC hits 900 carjackings over one year on Thanksgiving Day
Dear Mr. Cook: The lack of an audit trail for write in votes puts the onus of proof of election integrity on those claiming election integrity, at least among sane people.
"I'm not going to waste my time with a long answer listing everything, just hit the highlights. The southern border is a disaster, crime is out of control (concrete examples are how many Dem politicians have had their cars carjacked and how many inner city drugstores can't even have their products on open shelves), our cities are becoming unlivable (evidenced by cratering commercial property values), inflation, the federal budget deficit, the Afghanistan withdrawal, the deterioration of our power grid, …
"The list goes on."
How bad are each of these things compared to Trump, or measured over the past 20 years? (I'm not going to try to say Biden has been a miracle-worker in improving the state of the nation, but how much of what is going badly now is directly attributable to Biden's actions or policies?) How much of these things are within the power of the President (or, really, the US Congress) to remedy, control or even influence, and to what degree? I would say Trump benefited greatly from the good state of the nation left by Obama's 8 years, during which the country recovered from the financial catastrophe that exploded on Wall Street at the end of Bush's second term. Conversely, Biden has been hindered by the cumulative calamities of the last year of Trump's term in which COVID laid waste throughout the globe, to greater and lesser degree. (I don't blame Trump for COVID's having happened, but he can be blamed for his too slow and not enough efforts to counter it.
Even the best president's efforts to resolve problems and improve conditions can be (and usually are) mitigated or stymied by opposition within government or by unexpected global forces against which he has no or little influence to affect, and even the worst president's mishaps can be counterbalanced by the actions of Congress and by positive global conditions that "raise all boats," as someone once said. (And, good presidents can have positive results on the nation while bad presidents can harm the nation.) In short, no president is a king, emperor or wizard, and national and global conditions are more often than not the unexpected and unstoppable forces that shape the nation and the world, irrespective of the standing president at any time. Serendipity and zemblanity probably have equal or greater influence on our nation and the world at any time as do the actions and decisions of any head of state.
By what metrics? What, specifically has been disastrous under Biden, especially as compared with Trump?
Well, if one is a member of the proletariat, those people so beloved by Marxists, then the open southern border has resulted in wage compression and made them that much more vulnerable to inflation. Some (not me) argue that unlimited migration is good for the economy, however the benefits mostly accrue to the uppermost 1/10 of one percent.
This might be special pleading, however my retirement income comes from three sources: a fixed pension, which has been hammered by inflation; Social Security, and not one of the COLAs applied during the Biden administration has kept up with inflation in food and energy (the prime expenses for retirees); and my IRA income, which has been hammered since Biden took office.
"How bad are each of these things compared to Trump,"
Jim at said...
" Trump was up 700,000 votes in Pennsylvania when they shut it down. I must've imagined that, too."
Daaaa I went to bed and Trump was ahead. When I woke up he was behind. Daaaa, it had to be rigged.
Plus they let Black people vote.
"Trump created incurable polarization in those four years, as well. I was thinking of the persistence of that polarization even three years after the end of his term.
Has it been disastrous?"
Trotsky said it better:
You do not understand this, holy men? We shall explain it to you. The terror of Tsarism was directed against the proletariat. . . . Our Extraordinary Commissions shoot landlords, capitalists, and generals . . . . Do you grasp this—distinction? For us Communists it is quite sufficient.“
See also the Obama/Biden economically good, Bush/Trump bad. The excuses are endless as are the double standards. Of course the Left have double standards. That’s why this game works for them, that’s the whole fucking point; to apply one set of rules to damage their opponents while not applying the same rules to themselves.
Baghdad Bob Cook at his best.
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